Institute of Space Propulsion Lampoldshausen
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2017 - 2011 Part 1 Part Report Status Institute of Space Propulsion Lampoldshausen Status Report 2011-2017 Part 1 Institute of Space DLR Campus Site Management Propulsion Lampoldshausen Manager: Klaus Schäfer Director of Institute: Tobias Neff Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlechtriem Representatives IMB Branch Office of Institute Markus Prochazka Cornelia Bugge Departments Safety,Quality, Rocket Propulsion Engineering Test Facilities Propellants Technical Services Prof. Dr. Michael Klaus Schäfer Anja Frank Dr. Helmut Ciezki Michael Dommers Oschwald Head of Department Head of Department Head of Department Head of Department Head of Department Stand: 18.01.2016 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt German Aerospace Center Institute of Space Propulsion Im Langen Grund 74239 Hardthausen Germany Tel.: +49 6298 28-0 Fax: +49 6298 28-190 Cover Image: LOX/CH4test at test bench P3.2. Institute of Space Propulsion Institut für Raumfahrtantriebe Status Report 2011-2017 Status Report 2011-2017 DLR Lampoldshausen – Meeting the Demands of altitude testing is mandatory and represents a major Europe’s Spaceflight Program core competence in Lampoldshausen. All critical components and operating procedures for Space flight provides enormous benefits for scientific the new Vinci upper stage engine will be developed development and everyday life on earth. The fact is, it and tested in Lampoldshausen. In line with the goes unnoticed by most people although space flight German Space Strategy, DLR has defined specific and its fundamental research and services mean that research and development targets ranging from everyone can profit from the achievements of our system analysis of the engines, thrust chambers, modern society. Securing Europe’s access to space is nozzles, combustion, fuel management, ignition - crucial if Europe is to continue to play a leading role in particularly under vacuum conditions, cryo- space exploration and scientific progress. The further technology, all the way to testing, verification and development and operation of the European validation and thus qualification of the rocket engines Launcher Family is therefore vital. on the different test benches under settings The German Space Strategy, published on 1st De- characteristic of those found during launch and space cember 2010, clearly highlights that Lampoldshausen flight. is the pillar which supports Germany’s efforts to The completion of the new Upper Stage Test Facility guarantee access to space with the Ariane launcher will upgrade Lampoldshausen´s test portfolio; not family. Lampoldshausen’s unique high altitude fa- only rocket engines but complete upper stages of cilities ensure that Germany’s obligations within the rockets will then be certified in Lampoldshausen. European Launcher Community, namely systems responsibility for the old and new Ariane upper DLR Lampoldshausen is home to the Institute of stages, will be fulfilled. Space Propulsion and its five key departments: Test Facilities, Engineering, Rocket Propulsion, Propellants In as early as 1959 Lampoldshausen started working and Safety & Quality. very closely with the major French organizations involved in space propulsion and the Ariane pro- In view of the fact that potentially hazardous facilities grams. This teamwork is of fundamental importance are in operation on site, safety management plays a to the success of current and future European key role in the Institute. A safety office, site security launcher development projects. unit, site fire brigade, and medical service ensure the safety and protection of employees, facilities, and the The space company ASL also has a division on the environment alike during research and testing premises. In addition, various other companies and activities. organizations make use of the site’s services and test benches, thus contributing to cooperation on the In recent years, DLR Lampoldshausen has evolved to basis of a close-knit and mutually beneficial alliance. become a modern service provider currently incor- These include the European Space Agency (ESA) and porating all testing phases, i.e. from the provision of the French Space Agency Centre National d’Études et test benches and the operation of engines to the de Recherches Spatiales (CNES). recording and transmission of measurement data to the client. All of Lampoldshausen’s research and development programs directly support European rocket engine The Institute of Space Propulsion is one of a kind with development programs. Lampoldshausen has long its departments of Engineering, Test Operations on the been the main European development and testing one hand and scientific research on the other. It is site for all European liquid fuel rocket engines ranging able to handle the early stages of a development from attitude control engines (> 0,5 N) and apogee project all the way to final qualification, i.e. of a engines (>200 N) to large liquid hydrogen main stage certified rocket engine or stage. DLR Lam- engines (>1300 KN) such as Ariane´s main stage poldshausen can therefore proudly boast it is unique engine - the Vulcain. in that it is the only test site in the world which supplies research results from the early TRL 1 stage of At present and in the near future Lampoldshausen is an engine design through to full certification (TRL 9) dedicated to supporting Europe’s Ariane 6 program of the product. and as such the development of the new upper stage with the 180 kN, re-ignitable engine Vinci. High- It is well known that over the next few decades all launch vehicles will use chemical rocket engines. The Institute of Space Propulsion Preface 4 Status Report 2011-2017 key technology is combustion, and it is generally sources of qualified personnel for the European Space understood in the scientific community that Industry is another important goal of the Institute. regulating and managing exceptionally high power The Technology Transfer Center (TTZ) is a conglom- densities in rocket combustors is of peak importance. erate of various regional business associations which, The governing equations which are used to model the together with DLR Lampoldshausen, helps to improve multiple complex interacting processes in combustion the network of regional companies active in the field chambers are highly non-linear and therefore of science and industrial production. Clearly defined extremely difficult to balance out. While the synergies involving environment, health and safety, application of CFD or Computational Fluid Dynamics combustion, ignition, fuel management, cryo- and other improved modelling techniques used in technology and systems engineering exist and connection with compressor and turbine present opportunities for partnerships within and development paved the way to minimizing expensive outside of the space propulsion industry. The testing, keeping combustion phenomena under “H ORIZON” project has been initiated making use of control is still for the most part based on empirical 2 Lampoldshausen´s hydrogen infrastructure to foster analysis. Up to now only semi-empirical methods technology transfer as regards regenerative energies. have been used to design components like injectors, swirlers or the complete layout of a combustion Over the course of the last six decades, DLR in Lam- chamber. The only possibility to tune the chemical poldshausen has maintained its position amongst the combustion process is still solely by extensive testing forerunners in the European space flight program. in an environment of total quality control. This still Together with its partners in the aerospace industry, holds true for component tests on single injector the European Space Agency, the national agency, top elements as well as complete rocket engines with research organizations and universities world-wide, power head and nozzle. The Institute of Space the team in Lampoldshausen is making a vital Propulsion guarantees the maintenance of an contribution to developing and improving European infrastructure to develop and meet the requirements rocket propulsion systems and ensures the of today’s and tomorrow’s rocket engines. continuous success of European operational launchers. In addition to the unique features required by high altitude testing and cryogenic technology for the The DLR Institute for Space Propulsion in Lampolds- development and qualification of space propulsion hausen draws on competence and experience to systems, DLR Lampoldshausen develops and man- deliver qualified R&D results. ages the application of storable and gel propellants. The Institute for Space Propulsion coordinates the scientific and technical activities of the German Gel Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Schlechtriem Technology Program. Over the last decade the search for rocket fuels (so-called “green propellants”) has been intensified to replace toxic products like German Aerospace Center hydrazine (see REACH). For this reason DLR Director Institute of Space Propulsion Lampoldshausen has added research in this field to its Im Langen Grund list of priorities. Lampoldshausen 74239 Hardthausen The training of space engineers and scientists plays a Germany major role in ensuring reliable, long-term support of European engine development programs. In 2005 DLR Lampoldshausen set up its DLR_School_Lab to address this important factor, a laboratory for young people where promising future generations of researchers conduct experiments under the guidance of experienced scientists and engineers. By implementing the DLR_Campus Lampoldshausen a further asset