Laboratory Bsalamos,New Mexico 87545
LA-UR--86-1643 DE86 011252 TITLE A CWPACT REAC’iOR/ORC POWER SOURCE AUTHORISI Karl L. Meier, Walter L. Kirchner, and Gordon J. Wlllcutt, Q-12 SUBM1 TEE TO To be prcsmtd nt the 21st Intcrnocicty Energy Convcrsiun l?ngLnmr tng Con rcrmcc (IECEC), in San Diego, C..l~forn1il, in Au~uMt 25-?9, 1986. II,, ;. , 1,1 : 1. ,: . , , ,....,, d .,, !1 :. I i,, 1,,, I \ J ‘hr. ‘ . 1.1! ‘:1.111% ,m . .. ., ,1.. ,. .,,. .!. , ,,,, #,, . ,: n,.,., ., , 11111: ., ‘. ,,. 1“ ,,l. ;.”’,,.:.. .! 11.1 ., ., .,, ., ..,, l,. -,. .,1 1, :’, . ,, ..,,.,,.. ...A!.1,1 l!,l, , ,.” . ...!, 1 . - ,. ,1. :, ., ,,. ,,, I.. l,,,: r.. ,, :.,1. ,.,.,, k. ,:, ,,, 1,. :,,, t v ,’. .,, .. ,1,’, ., s,, 1, ., .,,,:, ,1. ,.,,, ” ., .. ,.,. .,1 , . .,111 —— n LosAlamos Nationa!Laboratory AhlmlmbsAlamos,New Mexico 87545 UISll{ll,NJllON (X’ I HIS DWUMENT IS UNUMIUUJ A COW’ACT REACTOR/ORC PONER SOURCE technology. A long mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) results from redundant components and a design with few moving parts. Figure 1 is a three-dimensional Karl L. Meier, Walter L. Kirchner, and cutaway view of the CNPS showing the vessel, reactor Gordon J. Uillcutt core, reflector~, control rod:, heat pipes, and Los Alamos National Laboratory vaporizers. Reactor Design and Analysis Group (Q-12) The reactor combines a number of inherent safety. Los Alamos, NM 87545 features (1*). mized by the use‘affguadsA9.9% enrichedConsider?\gsf;:;. m’;;; coated partic’1 fuel retains virtually all the fis- ABSTRACT sion products generated throughout the 20-yr life of the reactor. Transier,teffects are mitigated by the A compact power source that combines an organic large graphite mass of the core. A strong negative Rankine Cycle (ORC) electric generator with a temperature coef~icient of reactivity is the salient nuclear reactor heat source is being designed and inherent safety feature, limiting peak reactor tem- f~bricated.
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