(SANICH) CHINOOK JARGON TEXT 1 Dell Hymes University of Virginia
1 THOMAS PAUL'S 'SAMETL': VERSE ANALYSI S OF A (SANICH) CHINOOK JARGON TEXT 1 Dell Hymes University of Virginia I Questions as to the origin, development, and role of pidgin and creole languages include questions as to the patterning of discourse in them, Some such languages have b~n found to show regularity of patterning of the sort called 'measured verse', discoveroo first in a number of American Indian languages, especially of the North Pacific ~oast (Judith Berman (Kwagut), John Dunn (Tsimshian), myself (Alsea, Beila Coola, Chinookan, Kalapuya, Takelma), Virginia Hymes (Sahaptin), and Dale Kinkade (Chehalis». (For general discussion, ct. Hymes 1981, 1985b, 1987, ms). I have come upon such patterning in two languages of the PaCifiC, Hawaiian Pidgin English (a short text published by Derek Bickerton), and Kriol, a language of Australia (see Hymes 1988). The growing evidence of such patterning in distant and unrelated languages (Finnish, New Testament • rJ:j~.. Greek, West African French, Appalachian English, as well as American Indian languages such as Lakota, Ojibwe, Tonkawa, Zuni), together with the restricted set of alternative choices of patterning so far found, suggests something inherent and universal. I am Willing to believe that the impulse to such form may be inherent, a universal concomitant, or better, dimension of language. The restricted set of alternatives might suggest an innate modular baSiS, analogous to Chomsky's current approach, for the particulars as well as the dimension. A functional explanation, however, is also possible. If patterning is to infuse discourse with organization relationships, style woven fine, pairs and triads are the smallest alternative groupings.
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