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Pointe : & 96 Pointe ~ws "'111< l I 'J~H _____sl'n ln~ thl' Ii\'{' ~;!:()~...t' POllllt'_"._il.ll __d_I__Ir_lr,.!.p_(\_r_'_V_o_o_d_s ------ G.P. Farms' new Cadet Scott Michael Somerset Gladuated from parking ticket Gras!>!:' Pomte North High ~choolll1 L001 earnrd a 4 0 OPA system targets la"t "eme!>ter dt The Citadel dnd \\ III at- tend boot camp at the :\~anne Corp, repeat offenders Offi(er C\mdldate '-,(hool 111 Qu,mt 1(0 Va By Bonme Caprara fine~ The nl'l\ pal kIng vllJlol- I Hl' h tlw "on of Ehzdbeth dnd J Staff Wnler '-, ot t SOmpl,('t of thr \Vood<" Drl\ el <.,III GI0<."e POInte tlOll<"Ilm'<" drp ll"ted ,I, • FlI"t tillough thud 110 F,lfln, \1 III find the II hltl' (oIld<., \pft on thl'lI \~lIld- IdllOI" dUllllg d (dlend,\! WEEK AHEAD "hw\d<" .II e ndt p,1!klllg tltk- \eolr $10 el-. but m"tpdd llotICt:'~ of • FOUlth \ IOldtlOlI dUllng a calendal ,Cdr '),20 PI t h\ h 1H I t \ h h III p,lrkmg tIckl,t lh,]nge~ Thursday, June 5 Bcgmlllng ,J ulj 1. the • F.tth \ IOlatlOl1 dunng d A special opening auction preview of Life strides Fdrm~ \ull 1II1ph.',nt'nt a calendar, ear $ 30 three Grosse POinte estates will be held (omputel-bd<.,ed pdl kmg • ~Ixth \ lOfatlOn dunng ,I Co-chairperson for the Relay for Life Cindy Siterlet lead the way to tram 6 to 8 30 P m at DuMouchelle Art htket ", "tt'1l! A hdnd-held tdlend,ll \ (oil 'l;40 kick off the fifth annual Relay for Life in Blossom Heath Park. Some Galleries 409 East Jefferson In lomputpr \\ III ~tOle datd on • Sl'\ enth 101 11101e I \ wid I DetrOit 53 teams spent about 12 hours on Friday. May 30. in the park before eolch p,lrkmg hchet I!>~ucd tlOn dunng d (alend,\! ,ear The preview features live musIc and disbanding after rain storms struck the area. They came back Satur- Thp ne\\ ,v"tem \\ III dlso '\>50 CUISine from Detroit s premier restau- day morning to complete the walk to raise money for the American all!)\'. the Fdrm~ to tl atk In <1ddltlOn the nc\\ fine fil'lts including the Whitney, Tom's Cancer Society. Members were walking in memory or honor of loved Iepedt offen del , "tructurc has a late fel' Oyster Bar the Roostertail Opus One ones and others were survivors themselves. 'Repeat offender, an' "thl'dul(' Deep Purple Cafe and Hlrt's Cheeses Below. walking in front Katie Parfitt. Kate Briske and Renee ('<.,tlellalh problen1dtlc • TItkcb p,lld !>IXto 14 Tickets are $75 and benefit Thomas and Robin Hartnett. in back, walked in memory of Briske's ,JrClUnd Gro,~r POinte South C<lll'ndar da" 'lftel t hp delte Ch Idren S Hospital of Michigan Tickets mother, who died of cancer two years ago. They began their fund rais- High School ,wd the HIll • I~~ued dddltlOnal $5 :lr€ available at the door or through ing during Grosse Pointe South's 75th anniversary celebration. With <.,aldtraffi( control officer Lt • Tlcket~ paid 1'5 to 20 Children s Hospital at (313) 966-2024 face painting, a moon walk and garnes, the team of 17 raised more Bllan Bllm<.,kl da, Eo flOm the date Issul'd or Jfard@dmc org than $1,000 for the Relay for Life. In IP,ptm"e to thl' rrpp,lt addItIOnal $1 '5 • offendpr problem the IH'\~ • Tlcheb paId 21 to ')6 The Grosse POinte North and South <.,\"tl'm \\Ill allol\ thp Fdrm, da"., flom the d'lte J<.,<.,ued Jazz bands kick off the season for the to Impo"r p!>calatmg parklllg additlolldl $2'5 Bon Secours Cottage Health SeNlces MUSICon the Plaza series at the corner fFH{ Tl\l J.~~I29J r \ r f "'. ~ 111lpH:-rllCnU II I I" .... lIUpl \,1 14l)~J n l,. r , ' fh::ndcl1 11-.,,,",""II ..001 nWllh r\ ......~\ n ,I, ,1 "'-': ... f ~I I ,1 <: , ' of Kercheval and St Clair at 7 p m I, ~lU(:M.ll"tlnw.ftM;r;lll..n ..\/'It .... c .t~ 'u:jh ~ I .nv' .. ~ ' The concert sponsored In part by the . Grosse POinte News IS free For more Information call (313) 886-7474 or VISit •• \ I! I ...~\.'" 11R I. \ I" \ JI Ir \.l www thevillagegp com ',h"' " Saturday, June 7 '<h The ASSistance League to the II; , \ Northeast GUidance Center holds ItS '\1 OllHR\.ll '\1~1"""'1)l,(,1'( l' I pf1-' I \. , '~lrxJ ""Iff ",,n.. ,llU (1\ K "~1\1 t IPlll'~ \ t q I \ " 20th Annual Art on the POinte and Parrots in Paradise Party at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House Art on the POinte a creative arts and ""ID'A'l'tlm':fl"[~'lI(AL['O""RtH''lrR(''''1 \..,.~ .... Hilt 11- family fun fair, features 100 artists, r"IPIL"~')lO.otUll;"\Ult""L(."'D"'ilDA."Ul,('" t \" ~ I PAID .tnll:'M II:!) TO TWf"'T"I '[1 l ,. ,,"'0," [I", <; f , \ [r ,~~ t U t'lil[H41 jJ t It + food, live entertainment, and a chll- ~ , .J drE'n'c: lent It benefits children's sum- mer programs of the Northeast 1 GUidance Center and ALNEGC pro- Jects and programs Hours are from 10 a m to 5 p m Saturday and Sunday Admission IS $3 Relay for Lif-g The Parrots In ParadIse Party starts at 6 30 P m Tickets are $60 For more InformatIOn, calf (313) 884- Celebration of life 8691 Monday, June 9 Electlc.nSfor two seats on the Grosse couldn't be dalllpened POinte Board of Education Will be held By Ann L. Fouty bel for d fir<.,thmp team. Motyk' <aid from 7 a m to 8 p m News EdItor Compmed of IB:\1 E'rnplo}eesU ~ <ind the NatIOnal Honor Society of Tl ov The Grosse Pomte Farms City A SIX hour mterml!>SlOn due to ram f!lgh team nwmber" came ~p WIth ~ Council holds a regular meeting at 7 30 dunng the fifth annual Relay For LifE' ;\If'W Orle,ms Mardi Grd" theme. com- P m followed by a work session to diS- didn't hamper the end res'ults The p~ete With pla~tll.- bead necklace Cuss mayoral selection prelimmary total of $160,000 has Nearly even one \\ alkmg had gold, been Issued after the 24-hour walk to purple or gTPen neckldu'<" or a <.,trand benefit the Amencan Cancer Fund I Tuesday, June 10 of fake pearl<., bought dt that camp . G~osse Pointe Farms public safety officers aren't The money raised IS up from last Tile Grosse POinte Senior Men's site ~sswng more tickets through the month of June but, year's net funds by $14,000 from last Club meels at the Grosse POinte War Speakmg of fdke pearl~ the Mr Instead, are warning drivers that parking ticket year's net total Memorial at 11 a m Relay contest where nH'n dre~~E'd up fines wili be going up beginning July 1. 'We took a SIX hour mterml!>slOn," Kathleen Barkley, a Vice preSident of like \\omen, ral~ed $'3,000 m 15 mm- saId Am) Motyka, Amencan Cancer General Molars Will diSCUSSthe tOPiCof utes, Motyka said as well as addll1CT SocIety S commumty development global human resources another element of fun b dIrector "We'rE' very grateful and For more Information calf (313) 881- On d "enou, note, the cancer :'UT- pleased 5592 vlvor<., and their carl' gIver~ were hon- • "I thmk that dunng the peak times ored, though the ceremony', format we had about 1,500 people despIte the The Grosse Pomte Board of had to be chang"d due to weather ram Pf'ople were stlll out there walk- Michael Allor Education meets In the Wlckmg Library The ,urvl\or, wore thClr vellow nb- mg m the ram Spnnkling dIdn't keep of Grosse POinte South High School at bans and walked the track while the Age: 41 anyone m It dIdn't hamper partiCIpa- 8 p m 2.'591 whIte bags of IUmlndrJes WE're tIOn or the fun level" Family: Father. DIck, bemg set out Set m St Clair Shores' Blossom brothers Jeff and Rick The paper bags \\ ere drenched but Heath Park, 53 Relay for Life teams "Ister" Cmdy Beth and theIr, mE'anmg remall1ed, Motyka took up reSIdency to walk. ral'>e DebbIe, and fianceE", '>dld . The meanll1gful part I'; makmg mone} and celebrate hfe on May 30 Sh('ITY GIllespie them You '>ee how much lo\e goe, and 31 Teams such as Angels Among Into them" . Occupation: Owner of Opinion 6A U~, the Life Saver" the 1.11 Great For St ClaIr Shore" reC:ldent ~ and DetrOIt Custom Lakers and Throw Me a Cure, Mr Harper Woods 16-17A fnend;; Carol PH'rO\\ Ich dnd Kelly Framlllg With hIS brought m tents, chaIrs and gamE'S to Obituaries Lennox the Relay for LIfe eVl'nt was brother ,Jeff 19A raise even more money The money speCIal for thpm Both had oepn dldg- BUSiness ,.20A raIsed dunng the weekend was added Quote: "PE'ople come here no<.,ed \\ Ith hrea<.,t cancer 111 2002 Schools to donatlOn, each team accumulated b('c8u,e they know 23-25A Lennox had d ma<.,tertomy and It has dunng the pa.,t two to thrf'e months what the, 're gomg to Autos been four weeks ,!nce hi'l reconstruc- . 26A through mdlVldual fundralsmg get We do hIgh quallt) tive surgE'ry Both l>ald Cdncer doe,; Seniors event, work at a rea~onable 68 not run m theIr fdmille, dnd are A first-bme team Throw Me a cost" Entertainment 9,118 strong advocate., of reh'Ular mammo- ClassIfIed ads , ..6e Cure, Mr, delivered $13,000, whIch IS See story, page 4A an amazmg num- St"e RELAY, pagp 3A Complete~~I*Und8CapIq De_Ig" & Construction liE OUR AD IN YOUR HOME 586-774-0090 - ------- ---- --- -- - 4 , _..1.- ...............
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