Die Gesellschaft in Der Kritik Der Deutschen Literatur Stuttgart
HANS WAGENER, ED. of thousands of copies in the Germany of Zeitkritische Romane des 20. the 1920ies), we see how "tame," imprac tical, and hopelessly "weltfremd" those Jahrhunderts: Die Gesellschaft in der German novelists were. Many seem to have Kritik der deutschen Literatur had no contact with the masses what Stuttgart: Reclam, 1975. Pp. 392. ever; they wrote their books without giving a thought to the intellectual (or even stylistic) level of the people who—they In his preface, Wagener says that, in thought—should be influenced by their the case of most authors, it would not be works. Frank, Fallada, and Anna Seghers wise to differentiate between "Zeitkritik" could—potentially—be understood by the on the one hand and "Gesellschaftskritik" masses; all others had little chance of on the other. The epoch covered in reaching a large readership. Kästner began Wagener's book is subdivided into the fol to produce popular literature only when it lowing periods: 1. The Society of the was too late. "Kaiserreich," 2. The Weimar Republic, 3. The Third Reich, 4. The Immediate Things changed after 1945. There is no Postwar Period, 5. The Affluent Society doubt about the popularity and integrity since about 1965. Sixteen authors are of Frisch, Walser, Böll, and Grass; they considered: Heinrich Mann, Alfred Dublin, are, in every respect, more sensitive and Leonhard Frank, Hermann Broch, Hans much more influential than their prewar Fallada, Erich Kästner, Hermann Kesten, colleagues; no wonder, they seem to survive Anna Seghers, Ernst Glaeser, Stefan the concerted attacks launched against Andres, Wolfgang Koeppen, Max Frisch, them from the political right.
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