Registered Office Address: Mindtree Limited Global Village, RVCE Post, Mysore Road, Bengaluru – 560059, Karnataka, India. Corporate identity Number (CIN): L72200KA1999PLC025564 E-mail :
[email protected] Ref: MT/STAT/CS/20-21/111 August 5, 2020 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Dalal Street, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai 400 001. Mumbai 400 051. Dear Sirs, Subject: Press Release - Mindtree Appoints Venu Lambu as President of Global Markets This is to inform you that, the Company proposes to make a press release on the following topic: “Mindtree Appoints Venu Lambu as President of Global Markets” A copy of the press release to be distributed to the media is enclosed herewith. Please take the above intimation on records. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, for Mindtree Limited Vedavalli S Company Secretary Encl: as above _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mindtree Limited Global Village T + 91 80 6706 4000 RVCE Post, Mysore Road F +91 80 6706 4100 Bengaluru – 560059 W Mindtree Appoints Venu Lambu as President of Global Markets Veteran technology services executive will focus on accelerating revenue growth Warren (NJ) and Bangalore (India) – August 05, 2020 – Mindtree, the leading digital transformation and technology services company, today announced the appointment of Venu Lambu as President of Global Markets, a role strategically oriented towards accelerating Mindtree’s revenue growth. Based in London, Venu will be responsible for formulating strategic direction and business development for Mindtree businesses across all industry segments. “Venu has the ideal combination of leadership acumen, energy, and experience to help drive our aggressive plans to further scale the business,” said Debashis Chatterjee, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Mindtree.