The Street Railway Journal
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b THE Street Railway Journal. • INDEX TO VOLUME XXII. July to December, 1903. McGraw Publishing Co., 114 Liberty Street, New York. 80953 INDEX TO VOLUME XXII. (Abbreviations ' Illustrated, c Correspondence.) A Offic'ers. £rid 'EJeciitiv'e Commitee <..!.'*... *284 Brakes, Air: in Detroit 929, 1034 .. 541 Discussion at Williamsport 811 cSa~ratoga "Convention, Excursion's' r Acceleration: on High-Speed Railways — Exhibitors, .. .404/ *542 New Christensen Sales Agents 46 — v { [Armstrong] 27 S- c — Proceedings? c" I . c cx-l--- i 448,486 Storage, St. Louis 1073 *122 t Test .'.« c ComnseEtc or..'..: L',., r i 409, 4(U Electric (Price, Darling) *587 65 Union Traction Company, Indiana.... ' *981 < Programme ,'.£1.2, '239 —Emergency, Motors as [Gough] r c also Speeds.) c (See e .<. — *18 . < Track, e c Cq.fiyiF.ents on v .c'. t'. c 279 —Emergency used in San Francisco. Accident: Boston & Worcester Railway In- c S'dggosf'ions .<\fe . .. c ." 609 Momentum 399 vestigation 215 Vice-President's 'Address .'»(-..« 449 Pneumatic Slipper (Estler Brothers) . .*173, 24a Brooklyn Elevated 958 Ammeter, Graphical Recording *808 ——Test of the Steiner Distance 395 Responsibility of Barents... 220 to Children, Anniston, Ala., Convertible Cars for *269 Braking: Emergency Stops 905, 1016 Claims, from Burning Trolley Wire, Appleyard Syndicate: Double-Track Curves [Johnson] c807, cl016 Kansas City 44 for Single-Track Roads M88 [Richards] c951 Department Methods in Brooklyn System of Interurban Railways *146 Bridgeport Strike 109, 220 ; *654 [Folds] Armatures (see Motors, Electric). Brighton, England, Trucks at 1004 Maintenance and Champerty in Personal Atlanta, Ga., Semi-Convertible Cars *923 Brillium as Fijel 900 Injury Cases [Brennan] 525 Atlantic City, Destructive Hurricane in *699 British Institution of Civil Engineers, Meet- Open-Car Dangers 1044 & Suburban Railway, Cars for 861 ing of 43 Paris Underground, Details of *TT2 Auburn & Syracuse Electric Railway *636 British Westinghouse Company, Trafford Physical Examination from the Physi- Auckland, N. Z., Electric Railway System of *606 Park Works 5ai) cian's Standpoint [Moorehead] 743 Sunday Operation of Cars in 949 Brooklyn Bridge: Loops 929 Comments on 720 Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Railway, News- Moving Platform proposed for Connec- 744 Reports [Dibbs] paper Train 929 tions 676, 959 Comments on 720 Repair Shops of 457, *576 New Traffic Plan tried 716 Responsibility for c457 Train Cables on 805 Terminal Station Plans, of Directors 575 Automobiles, Registration of 249 45, 66, 276, 593, 753, 790, 958 (See also Employees.) Automotoneer Tests, Madison, Wis 1021 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. .Annual Report *500 Accountants' Association, New President Comments on 1007 of 591 Officers and Executive Committee *285 Axles (see Wheels). Claim Department Methods [Folds] *654 Saratoga Convention, President's Ad- Contemplated Improvements 1005 dress 452 B Elevated Railroad Accident 958 Proceedings 452, 503 Badger, J. S., Biography 1S8 Employees', Electrical Course for 825 Programme 208, 280, 287 Baker, Alfred, New Appointment of 406 Fenders (Eclipse) 1003 Report of Secretary and Treasurer 454 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, New Electric Merit System adopted for 753 Work of [Calderwood] 658 Locomotives for *262 New Cars for 1039 Census Statistics and Standard Form of Baltimore, Repair Shop Practice in [Adams]. *465 New Club House, Opening of 73, *169 [Steuart] 526 — United States Mail Cars in T23 New Transfer Scheme 1002 Accounting: on Camden & Suburban Rail- Battle Creek, Mich.: Michigan & Indiana Power Station at Fifty-Second Street, way *1052 Traction Company, System of 867 damaged by Fire 673 *610 Denver System of Reports Bearings, Spiral (St. Louis Car Company). 173 Street Railway Outing 593 Freight and Express Accounts [Fullerton] *459 Beeler, J. A., Biographical Sketch 793 Brussels Tramway Company, New Power Sta- York Queens County Railway, New & Beetem, J. R., Biographical SketcTi 960 tion 187, *640 Report Blanks *257 Berlin, Fenders in [Fox] *236 Buffalo: Cars, Semi-Convertible, for *860 Standard Form of Report; adopted at Berlin-Zossen High-Speed Tests, Comments Cars, Trailer, for *893 Portland 221 on 635, 669, 716, 721, 795, 822, 1051 Buffalo, Dunkirk & Western Railway Exten- Report of Committee on 456 Review of *949 sion 1102 —Standard System of, in Great Britain.... 144 Birkenhead Corporation Tramways, Annual Progress on 738 [Dalrymple] 17S Report of 869 —Standard Interurban Track Construction. *S0o \dvertising for Traffic: (see Traffic, Adver- Birmingham Railway Light & Power Com- tising for.) pany, Traffic and Improvements on 977 Africa: Long, Narrow-Gage Railway for Block Signals: Despatchers Duties, and c Southwestern 59S Signals [Hart] 707 Cable Bracket Frame for Feeder Conduits Air Brake (see Brakes, Air). on Double-Track Roads [Hart] 1064 (Gest) *70 Air Compressor for Repair Shops, Automatic Contract for New York Interborough Cable Railway changed to Electric Railway Starter for St. Louis Transit Company. 94 Railway (U. S. & S.) 599 in St. Lcuis *978 for Stations, Discussion at Williamsport. 811 on Interurban Roads 961 Calais, France, Street Railways in 925 (Westinghouse) 382 Systems 634 California, Decision on Franchise Taxation Albany: New Cars for *621 American Automatic *667 in 109 & Hudson Railway, Third-Rail System of. 316 (Pneumatic) *1095 (See also Los Angeles, San Francisco.) United Traction Company, System of.. *296 on Tamaqua & Lansford Single-Track Cambridge, Ohio, Combination Cars *923 Allgemeine Electricitats Gesellschaft, Annual Road *378 Camden, Gloucester & Woodbury, Closed Report of 1034 Three-Wire Treble-Guard (Marks) .. 104 Cars , *1094 Alternators (Dick, Kerr & Company) *987 Uni *394 Camden & Suburban Railway Company: American Blower Company's New Office (See also Despatching.) Methods of Handling Employees on.. *1010 Building 139 Boiler Tube Cleaner (Weinland) *70 Operating Records and Storeroom Ac- America and Great Britain, Tramway Condi- Bolton, Eng., New Type of Car for *645 counting *1052 tions compared [Spencer] 177 Boosters, Discussion at Williamsport 781 Repair-Shop Practice *1080 American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Boosting to 1700 volts in St. Louis 41 System of *964 Meeting of 676 Boston: East Boston Tunnel, Accident in... 44 Ventilating Motors on *124 Philadelphia Branch Meeting 928 Progress of 44 Canal: Electric Haulage Experiments on American Railways Company, Annual Report Route of 75 Erie *891 of 630 Elevated Railway Company: Annual Re- Electric Haulage on Miami & Erie Canal 827 American Railway Mechanical and Electrical port 1040 [Ricker] *830 Association: Executive Committee Legal Department for Employees 603 Cape Town: Camp Bay Railway Company, Meeting 1031 Reduction of Noise on Ill Report of 760 Comments on 1009 New Car Regulations in 711 Car Cleaning, Discussion at Williamsport 814 Membership 432 West End Railway Company's Annual Car Construction: Care and Maintenance of New President *500 Report 1004 Car Bodies [Baker] 458 Officers and Executive Committee *286 Boston & Worcester Railway, Accident In- Comments on 411 Saratoga Convention, President's Address 431 vestigation 215 Discussion of 432 —- Proceedings 431, 491, 501 Opening of 74 Design of Covert Convertible Car *700 American Street Railway Association: New Brake-Shoes: Discussion on 1101 c—Framing of 30-ft. 8-in. Semi-Convertible President .*. *5Q0 Non-Chilled (St, Louis) ,„ *1033 (Brill) *954. ) INDEX. iii Hygienic, in St. Louis 583 -—-Paden City, W. Va. (Convertible) *810 —& Southwestern Traction Company, Lim- Improvements in Interurban Cars, Mil- Peru (Semi-Convertible) *588 ited Service on 860 waukee *42G, 570 Pittsburg (Closed) *1067 rvew Officers 599 Sleeping Car, Plans of (Holland) *240 Philadelphia (Semi-Convertible) */l Storing Cars in the Open 1072 Platform Support for Four-Motor Equip- Portland, Maine (Semi-Convertible) *779 Three-Cent Fares in.. 139, 590, 715, 901, 928, 1040 ments [Patterson] c*806 Rockford, 111. (Combination) *991 1101 Reinforced Sills cl02 -—Seattle (Combination) *±Uj Touring Cars in 697 Steel Channel Bottom for City Cars (St. Sleeping 145, *240 Traffic Conditions, Conference on 1002 Louis) *70 Springfield, 111. (Convertible) *9H2 Plans 1071 Trailers 962 St. Louis (Closed) 893 Transfers, Abuse of J39 Use of Scrim on Panels 80 (Observation) *227 Coal Hauling on Denver & Northwestern Wiring, Underwriters' Recommendations. 1066 — (Private) *780 Railway *164 Car Hoists used in St. Louis Repair Shops. *875 Standard in Fourteen Cities *<i47 Coin-Counting Machine (National) 621 Car Houses: Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Rail- Tamaqua (Open) *700 Colorado Electric Light, Power & Railway way *576 Toledo (Closed) *1066 Association, Meeting of 275, 899 Cleveland, destroyed by Fire 929, *953 (Semi-Convertible) *39 Colorado Springs & Cripple 'Creek District Colorado Springs & Interurban Railway. *6d0 Vincennes, Ind. (Convertible) *43U Railway Operation of Electric Cars.... *117 for Eight Cars, Worcester & Holden Rail- Waterloo, la. (Convertible) *3S Colorado Springs & Interurban Railway; way *581 Card Index in Electric Railway Work 203 Special Track Work *803 Lansingburg, N. Y., Plan of *l9S Census Report: Central Electric Light and System of *64B Newark, Ohio *lo2 Power Stations '. 1003 Columbus, Ga., Water Power Development at. 275 New York & Queens County Railway, ——Street Railway Industry 63 Columbus, Ohio: Buckeye Lake & Newark Woodside, L. I '. *253 Chance, G. W., Biographical Sketch *141 Traction Company, System of *146 Sault Ste Marie *6 Change Carrier (Etter) *41 Combination