050910 05-09-10 12.41 Sida 1 “But poets are the worst. Their work is hopelessly unphotogenic. Someone sits at a table or lies on a sofa while staring motionless at a wall or ceiling. Once in a while this person writes down seven lines only to cross out one of them fifteen minutes later, and then another hour passes, during which nothing happens… Who could stand to watch this kind of thing?” Wislawa Szymborska, The Noble lecture 050910 05-09-10 12.41 Sida 2 050910 05-09-10 12.41 Sida 3 Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators Under the auspices of UNESCO 050910 05-09-10 12.41 Sida 4 © Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, BCWT. Författare: Peter Curman, Johan Öberg, Hanne Ørstavik, Eva Runefelt, Kjell Westö. Översättare: Rod Bradbury, Linda Schenck, Robert Ferguson. Formgivning: Carina Ivarsson Grafisk Form. Satt med Caslon Book. Tryck: Snabba Tryck Visby 2005. ISBN 91-973119-3-6 Sponsored by: Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, BCWT (Östersjöns Författar- och Översättarcentrum, ÖFÖC) Uddens gränd 3 S-621 56 Visby, Sweden
[email protected] www.bcwt.org 050910 05-09-10 12.41 Sida 5 Contents Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators 9 Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 A haven for meetings, creation and free thought ....................................................... 12 Projects 1994–2003 .......................................................................................................................................................