Vi ABSTRAK Christin Natalia Fotografi Perancangan Fotografi Konseptual

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Vi ABSTRAK Christin Natalia Fotografi Perancangan Fotografi Konseptual ABSTRAK Christin Natalia Fotografi Perancangan Fotografi Konseptual dengan Tema 20 Kupu-kupu Langka Indonesia Keindahan kupu-kupu langka Indonesia sangatlah terancam dan mengahadapi masalah serius. Kini kupu-kupu tersebut terancam punah karena ulah tangan-tangan tak bertanggung jawab. Mereka merusak habitat kupu-kupu tersebut dengan pembakaran hutan, dan perluasan lahan areal pemukiman yang mengakibatkan tergusurnya habitat dan makanan mereka. Ironisnya Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki kupu-kupu terbanyak kedua setelah Brasil tetapi masyarakat Indonesia sendiri sangat sedikit yang mengetahui akan keberadaan kupu-kupu langka tersebut. Hingga saat ini belum ada yang menerapkan corak dari 20 kupu-kupu langka itu diharapkan dengan Proyek fotografi ini sebagai upaya untuk mengenalkan kupu-kupu tersebut kepada masyarakat akan keindahan corak dan sebagai langka awal penerapan corak kupu-kupu langka Indonesia serta dengan perancangan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat untuk ikut andil dalam menjaga kelestarian hewan langka ini. Kata kunci: Fotografi, Konseptual, 20 kupu langka ABSTRACT Christin Natalia Photography The Making of Conceptual Photography with 20 Rare Indonesian Butterflies as the Theme The beauty of a rare butterfly Indonesia is threatened and facing a serious problem. Now the butterflies are threatened with extinction caused by the hands of irresponsible. They are destroying the butterfly habitat by burning the forest, and the expansion of settlement areas resulting in displacement of habitat and their food. Ironically, Indonesia is a country that has the second largest butterfly after Brazil, but the people of Indonesia very little is known of the existence of these rare butterflies. Until now no one has to apply patterns of 20 rare butterfly photography is expected to project this as an attempt to introduce these butterfly shades to the public for their beauty and as a rare early implementation of a rare butterfly pattern Indonesia as well as the design is expected to increase public awareness to contribute in preserving these rare animals. Keywords: Photography, Conceptual, 20 Rare Butterflies vi Universitas Kristen Petra DAFTAR ISI HALAMAN JUDUL ................................................................................... i HALAMAN PENGESAHAN ....................................................................... ii KATA PENGANTAR .............................................................................. iii UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH .......................................................................... iv LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH ....................... v ABSTRAK .......................................................................................... vi DAFTAR ISI .......................................................................................... vii DAFTAR GAMBAR .................................................................................... x DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ................................................................................. xv 1. PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah ............................................................. 1 1.2. Rumusan Masalah ...................................................................... 4 1.3. Batasan Masalah ......................................................................... 4 1.4. Tujuan Perancangan ................................................................... 4 1.5. Manfaat Perancangan.................................................................. 4 1.5.1. Bagi Masyarakat .................................................................... 4 1.5.2. Bagi Desainer ........................................................................ 5 1.5.3. Bagi Mahasiswa ..................................................................... 5 1.5.4. Bagi Universitas Kristen Petra................................................ 5 1.5.5. Bagi Dunia Fotografi ............................................................. 5 1.6. Definisi Operasional ................................................................... 5 1.7. Metodologi Perancangan ............................................................ 6 1.7.1. Data yang Dibutuhkan ......................................................... 6 Data Premier ............................................................ 7 Data Sekunder .......................................................... 7 1.8. Konsep Perancangan................................................................... 7 1.9. Metode Pemotretan ..................................................................... 8 1.10. Sistematikan Perancangan .......................................................... 10 2.IDENTIFIKASI DAN ANALISIS DATA 2.1. Landasan Teori ............................................................................ 11 2.1.1. Fotografi................................................................................ 11 Sejarah Fotografi ....................................................... 11 Alat dan Perlengkapan Fotografi ............................... 14 vii Universitas Kristen Petra Teknik Fotografi ....................................................... 18 Fokus ....................................................................... 22 Exposure .................................................................. 22 Pencahayaan ............................................................. 22 2.1.2. Fashion Konseptual ............................................................... 25 2.1.3. Kupu-Kupu ........................................................................... 26 2.1.4. Kupu-Kupu Langka................................................................ 28 2.2. Data Visual ................................................................................... 55 2.3. Analisa Data ................................................................................. 62 2.4. Kesimpulan Analisa Data .............................................................. 62 3.KONSEP PERANCANGAN 3.1. Konsep Kreatif .............................................................................. 63 3.1.1. Tujuan Kreatif ....................................................................... 63 3.1.2. Strategi Kreatif ...................................................................... 63 What to Say .............................................................. 63 How to Say ............................................................... 63 3.1.3. Program Pemotretan .............................................................. 65 Planning dan Time Table .......................................... 65 a. Time and Table .................................................. 66 b. Sesi Pemotretan 1 .............................................. 66 c. Analisis Pemotretan 1 ........................................ 71 d. Sesi Pemotretan 2 .............................................. 71 e. Analisis Pemotretan 2 ........................................ 75 f. Sesi Pemotretan 3 .............................................. 76 g. Analisis Pemotretan3 ......................................... 83 h. Sesi Pemotretan 4 .............................................. 85 i. Analisis Pemotretan 4 ........................................ 91 j. Sesi Pemotretan 5 .............................................. 92 k. Analisis Pemotretan 5 ........................................ 98 l. Sesi Pemotretan 6 .............................................. 99 m. Analisis Pemotretan 6 ........................................ 104 3.1.4. Proses Editing ........................................................................ 105 3.1.5. Analisa Hasil Editing ............................................................. 105 3.2. Konsep dan Perancangan Materi Pendukung ................................. 106 3.3. Biaya Media.................................................................................. 110 4. HASIL AKHIR KARYA PEMOTRETAN 4.1. Foto-Foto Pilihan Final ................................................................. 111 4.1.1. Cethosia myrina .................................................................... 111 4.1.2. Ornithoptera priamus ............................................................ 112 4.1.3. Troides Miranda .................................................................... 113 4.1.4. Troides Amphrysus ................................................................. 114 4.1.5. Trogonoptera brookiana ........................................................ 115 4.1.6. Troides Plato ......................................................................... 116 4.1.7. Ornithoptera tithonus ............................................................. 117 4.1.8. Troides hypolitus ................................................................... 118 4.1.9. Troides Helena....................................................................... 119 viii Universitas Kristen Petra 4.1.10. Ornithoptera rothschildi .................................................... 120 4.1.11. Troides riedeli ................................................................... 121 4.1.12. Troides Andromache ......................................................... 122 4.1.13. Ornithoptera chimaera ...................................................... 123 4.1.14. Ornithoptera Paradisea ..................................................... 124 4.1.15. Troides vandepolli ............................................................
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