St Giles and Shipbourne


June 2016


ST GILES Rector of Shipbourne with Plaxtol: Rev. Andrew Procter 811081 The Rectory, The Street, Plaxtol TN15 0QG Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: Viv Packer 810035 Paul Britton 365794

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Secretary: Mary Perry 810797 Children’s Rep: Glynis Coates 811432 Treasurer: Martyn Williams 833751 Choirmaster: John Young 810289 Flowers: Felicity Ward 810525 Bellringing: Bob Taylor 833976

SHIPBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: Sarah Codling 01892 530404 [email protected] Chair: Libby Cohen 07949 591716 Vice Chair: Nick Tyler 811079 Councillors: D Pettengell, V Redman J Sheldrick, K Wallington R Wright


SHIPBOURNE VILLAGE HALL Chairman: Curtis Galbraith 763637 Bookings: Helen Leach 07762 241720

SHIPBOURNE FARMERS’ MARKET Organiser: Bob Taylor 833976

SHIPBOURNE WI President Margaret 810789 Thompson

SHIPBOURNE CRICKET CLUB Secretary: Mark Fenton 811067

PLAXTOL & SHIPBOURNE TENNIS CLUB Membership: Cilla Langdon- 810338 Down

ST GILES’ AND SHIPBOURNE NEWSLETTER Editor: Lindsay Miles 810439 [email protected] Advertising: Tish Gourmelon 07966 035492 Copying: Mary Perry 810797

USEFUL POLICE CONTACT NUMBERS 101 For non-urgent police attendance, passing useful information and 24 hour crime reporting

999 For emergencies 01622 690690 For Maidstone office 07772 226006 Mark Thomas, Police Community Support Officer

HAYWARDS the Butchers, 6 York Parade, Tonbridge Tel 01732 355611 Cheerful and efficient service for all your needs Meat and meat products, a range of sausages, cheeses, eggs, ham and much more Giving a party? HAYWARDS will help you plan your catering and all your requirements (12/16)

TREESERVICES LTD All aspects of private and commercial tree work undertaken by fully trained and well equipped staff

Fully insured Free advice and Estimates Our services include:-

 Hazard Evaluation (Health and safety checks)  Cutting back of trees and branches  Dangerous trees made safe  Crown reduction and thinning  Hedge cutting  Stump removal  Seasoned Logs and wood mulch sold

01732 810933 / 07973 264952 [email protected] Stone Cottage Roughway TN11 9SH (tbc) Rector of Shipbourne with Plaxtol Rev Andrew Procter The Rectory, The Street, Plaxtol TN115 0QG (opposite the Papermaker’s Arms) Tel: 01732 811081 Email: [email protected]

Please contact him with enquiries about baptisms, banns, weddings and funerals. He would appreciate being told if any parishioner is admitted to hospital, if any housebound person wishes to receive Holy Communion at home, or if there is anyone who would welcome a visit. Normally he takes Friday as a day off except if there is an emergency.


EVERY SUNDAY the main morning service at St Giles Shipbourne is at 9.30am EVERY WEEKDAY at 8.00am Morning Prayer will be said at Plaxtol Church and every weekday evening (except Friday) at 4.30pm Evening Prayer will be said at St Giles Shipbourne.

Thursday 2nd 9-11am Farmers’ Market at St Giles Shipbourne SUNDAY 5th 8.00am Holy Communion at Plaxtol Church 9.30am Parish Communion at St Giles Shipbourne 11.00am Family Service followed by short Communion at Plaxtol Church Readings: 1 Kings 17 vv 8-16 Galatians 1 vv 11-end Luke 7 vv 11-17 Monday 6th 7.30pm Shipbourne Village Hall Annual General Meeting Thursday 9th 9-11am Farmers’ Market at St Giles Shipbourne Saturday 11th 9.30am Playchurch at St Giles Shipbourne SUNDAY 12th 8.00am Holy Communion at St Giles, Shipbourne 10.00- Children’s Fun and Games to mark the 12.30pm Queen’s 90th Birthday – Shipbourne (see advert) 10.30am Benefice service to mark the Queen’s 90th Birthday at St Giles, Shipbourne 12.00pm Short Communion at Plaxtol Church 2-6pm Shipbourne Open Gardens with cream teas at Shipbourne Village Hall (see advert) 7pm Right Royal Village Supper, Shipbourne Village Hall Readings: 1 Kings 21 vv 1-21 Galatians 2 vv 15-end Luke 7.36-8.3 Monday 13th 7.30pm Shipbourne Parish Council meeting, Village Hall Thursday 16th 9-11am Farmers’ Market at St Giles Shipbourne

SUNDAY 19th 8.00am Holy Communion at Plaxtol Church 9.30am Parish Communion at St Giles Shipbourne 12.00pm Short Communion service at Plaxtol Church 4.00pm Community@4 at Plaxtol Church Readings: 1 Kings 19 vv 1-15 Galatians 3 vv 23-end Luke 8 vv 26-39 Thursday 23rd 9-11am Farmers’ Market at St Giles Shipbourne Saturday 25th 8-9am Bulk Refuse Collection outside Shipbourne Village Hall SUNDAY 26th 8.00am Holy Communion at St Giles Shipbourne 9.30am Family Service at St Giles Shipbourne 11.00am Parish Communion at Plaxtol Church Readings: 2 Kings 2 vv 1-2, 6-14 Galatians 5 vv 1, 13-25 Luke 9 vv 51-end Thursday 30th 9-11am Farmers’ Market at St Giles Shipbourne

PPLLAAYYCCHHUURRCCHH Next meeting: Saturday 11th June 2016 9.30am, St Giles Shipbourne For further information please contact:Mary Perry Tel: 810797

We hope that you will join us at our next joint benefice service ‘Community @ 4’ On Sunday 19th June from 4-5pm at Plaxtol Church  suitable for all ages  worship songs with a band  discussions for different age groups  craft and play time for children Please bring food and drink for our “Bring &Share” refreshments after the service LETTER FROM THE RECTOR

Dear All


The whole country will be celebrating the Queen’s official 90th birthday this month.

Much is planned by way of social events in both our villages. They are detailed elsewhere in this edition and I warmly commend all of them to you.

In the church we are planning a joint service for both our parishes in the benefice on Sunday June 12th at 10:30am in St Giles’ Church Shipbourne. It will last about an hour and all are welcome. It will use the special prayers and other liturgy being provided by the national Church of England. We also hope to use the connections between Shipbourne and the Royal Family as part of our worship that day. All welcome.

You may not know that the Bible Society, the charity HOPE and the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity have produced a commemorative book for the occasion entitled The Servant Queen and the King she Serves. We shall have copies at the service available free of charge. You will be welcome to one.

I am looking at a copy as I write. It is nicely illustrated and covers the most memorable times of her reign. It also about the Queen’s deep personal faith. She has written a foreword for it. In it she says

“I have been – and remain – very grateful to you for your prayers and to God for His steadfast love. I have indeed seen His faithfulness.”

I am sure you will all wish to join me in wishing Her Majesty a very happy national celebration of her birthday and years yet on the throne.



SAVE THE DATE St Giles’ Summer Fete Bank Holiday Monday 29 August 2016

on Shipbourne Common (by kind permission of Fairlawne Estate)

If you are able to help with the planning for this year’s fete or help on the day, please call Lindsay Miles on 01732 810439 or Viv Packer on 01732 810035


FANCY DRESS As in previous years will be a fancy dress competition for children and this year the theme will be “Roald Dahl” to mark the centenary of the author’s birth in September. This will be judged during the Fair and there will be two age groups (6 and under and 7 and over). As always, homemade costumes will earn extra points.

FIRST AIDER – SUMMER FETE If there is anyone in the village who is a qualified first-aider and could offer their services at the summer fete should any first aid be required, please let Lindsay or Viv know 810439/810035.

BBQ VOLUNTEERS We need volunteers to run the BBQ at the Fete – a very popular stall. Please let Lindsay or Viv know if you can help 810439/810035.


Christmas Craft Fair Shipbourne Village Hall Saturday, 19 November 2016


Are you interested in learning to play Bridge?

Would you like a taster session on your doorstep in Shipbourne Village Hall?

I have found a teacher who could tailor classes to suit if there is enough interest. Possibly 2 x 2 hour lessons to get us started followed by sessions to progress.

Please ring me as below and I will formulate a list! Cilla Langdon-Down - 810338

Shipbourne Village Hall Registered Charity No.1074519

Management Committee


The Annual General Meeting of the management committee of the village hall will be held as above. All residents of Shipbourne aged 18 and over are entitled to attend and vote.

At this meeting up to five residents of Shipbourne may be elected to join the appointed Trustees from the using organisations on the Management Committee for the following year.

Nominations may be made at the meeting or to Curtis Galbraith, Secretary of the Committee. All nominations should be proposed and seconded by other Shipbourne residents either in writing or at the meeting.

THE WEATHER IN APRIL The rainfall recorded in April was 28.5 mm. (5.3 in.) compared with an average of 55.2 mm. (1.8 in.) over the last thirty one years. The average maximum temperature was 14.9⁰C, compared with an average of 14⁰C over the last twenty five years and the average minimum temperature was 2⁰C compared with an average of 4.6⁰C over the last eleven years. Donald Forbes

BULK REFUSE SERVICE (4th Saturday of month) Upper Green Road (opposite Village Hall) 8am - 9am on Saturday 25 June 2016 Saturday 23 July 2016

Shipbourne Village Hall Registered Charity No 1074519

The Hall can be hired for £12.50 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours (£50.00). It has an attractive secure garden with a good gate that can be closed. Inside there is wheelchair access through the rear door, a well- appointed kitchen, the main hall and an adjoining side room plus all usual facilities. For Village Hall enquiries and bookings please call 07762 241720 or email [email protected] Further details can be found on the Shipbourne website

The Kentish Rifleman Dunk’s Green, TN11 9RU

A Free House and by far the best pub in Dunk’s Green

16th Century Inn serving a good selection of real ales, wines and home cooked food. For more information (also regarding Bed and Breakfast) visit

Bookings always advisable on 01732 810727 (12/16) SHIPBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL

Annual Parish Meeting The Parish Council held its Annual Parish Meeting on 9 May 2016. Reports were received from the Chair, Responsible Financial Officer, Borough and County Councillors and many local organisations. Thank you to everyone who submitted reports.

This meeting was immediately followed by the Council’s AGM. Libby Cohen was duly elected as Chair with Nick Tyler as Vice Chair. We wish them an enjoyable and constructive year!

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration Sunday 12 June there are various events in celebration of the Queen’s 90th Birthday. There will be open gardens, teas at the village hall, children’s fun and games in the morning and a supper in the evening. Please look out for further information and support these events.

Defibrillator Training Defibrillator training took place in April by Sevenoaks Community First Responders. This was a brilliant opportunity to learn how to use lifesaving apparatus. Everyone had a chance to use the device on Rescue Annie after administering CPR. It was a lively event as apparently The Bee Gees song ‘Staying Alive’ is the perfect tempo for CPR!

The Parish Council would like to thank the First Responders for a very informative evening. Thanks also to The Chaser for hosting.

Speedwatch The Parish Council are still looking for volunteers to help with Speedwatch. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you are interested in volunteering.

Our next Parish Council meeting is 7.30pm 13 June 2016. All public are welcome to attend.

Sarah Codling, Parish Clerk. [email protected] 01892 530404

CALL FOR SITES IN SHIPBOURNE Local Plan outline planning/planning/planning-local-plans

Call for Sites outline planning/planning/call_for_sites

Call for Sites map “

FROM YOUR COUNTY COUNCILLOR Valerie’s column will be back in next month’s Newsletter

Where your health is our only priority

 Complete Private GP Service for all the family  Travel Clinic & Vaccinations e.g. Meningitis B, chicken pox etc

T: 01732 835212 E: [email protected] W: (04/16) FROM TONBRIDGE & MALLING BOROUGH COUNCIL …

NEW MAYOR FOR TONBRIDGE AND MALLING A new Mayor has been elected for Tonbridge and Malling. Cllr Mark Rhodes, who represents Hildenborough ward, succeeded Cllr Owen Baldock at Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council’s Annual Council meeting on Tuesday 17 May 2016.

Mark was born in 1956 and lived in Tonbridge where he attended the Slade School. His family then moved to Hildenborough in 1969 and he attended Ridgeway School in Southborough. After leaving school he undertook a four year apprenticeship with the Ministry of Defence at Fort Halstead Sevenoaks after which he worked there as an electronic engineer. In 2001 after the Ministry of Defence had gone through ‘Next Steps’ he transferred to a new company ‘QinetiQ’ still based at Fort Halstead working on a wide variety of research projects.

In 1987 Mark was elected as a Borough Councillor to represent the Hildenborough ward. He has served on a variety of committees and boards including being Chairman of Audit and Community Safety and in 2011 he held the portfolio of Cabinet Member for Community Safety.

Mark married Julie in 1983. They moved from Southborough to Hildenborough in 1986 where they started a family. They have two children Hannah born in 1988 and Adam born in 1993 and became grandparents in 2014 when Ava was born to Hannah and her husband Rory.

Outside of his interest in local affairs, Mark enjoys photography and is a volunteer Hildenborough flood warden. Occasionally he indulges in sea fishing, which he used to do with his father when he was younger.

As Mayor he will be “Tweeting” about his visits and events across the borough and also using Facebook. Follow him at @TMBCMayor.

Cllr Mark Rhodes says: “As Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, myself and Julie were extremely fortunate to undertake many wonderful visits on behalf of the Mayor, and it served as a good apprenticeship for our forthcoming year, which we are very much looking forward to.”

The charities that the Mayor has chosen to support during his year of office are Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, a local charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life and Wide Horizons in Wrotham, an outdoor centre for children that provides outdoor activities and adventure learning to young people who may not otherwise have the opportunity to access outside space.

The Deputy Mayor for the coming year is Councillor Roger Dalton, who represents the ward of Burham and Wouldham.

The Comedy of Errors’ at White Rock Inn from 30th June 2016

The Sevenoaks Shakespeare Society is returning to the White Rock Inn for another Open Air production this summer: The Comedy of Errors.

Performances: Thurs–Sat 30th June–2nd July and Wed-Sat 6–9th July at 8.00pm; Sun 10th July matinee at 3.30pm.

Do come – bring chairs/rugs and suitable clothing for an open-air production. Food and drink available at the pub – no picnics there, please. Tickets £12 in advance; £15 on the door (cash or cheque); children and students £5.

Tickets from White Rock Inn (01732 833112) or Stag Sevenoaks (; 01732 450175).

Contact Brenda Mullinger for more information (01732 810688).


I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my friends of Plaxtol and Shipbourne for all their kindness, help and support, especially with offers of lifts and for the many ready prepared and homemade meals during the recent weeks, for their company and regular phone calls.

To you all, thank you very much.

Very best wishes

Sandy SHIPBOURNE SCHOOL NEWS The children are looking forward to their Summer Fete which this year is being held in the school playground on Saturday 9th July. To celebrate the Olympics, the fete has a Brazilian Carnival theme with fancy dress, limbo competitions, carnival mask making, samba music and dancing as well as all the traditional stalls. Do come along and support your local school! Cilla Langdon-Down


Come and join us during the morning of Sunday 12 June 2016 10am-12.30pm on the green by the tennis courts and around Shipbourne Village Hall for a morning of fun and traditional games, followed by sandwich lunch and Queen’s birthday cake.

Competition Time There will be a competition for the best in show homemade decorated crown or tiara (age group categories: 7 & under and 8 & over)

Do come along!

If you are planning to attend, please email [email protected] or call 01732 810439 to ensure we cater for everyone

Shipbourne Garden Safari Shipbourne Open Gardens Sunday 12th June 2.00 – 6.00 pm

A wide variety of gardens open from The Green to Puttenden Manor

Entrance £5.00/adult, under 18’s free

Parking around the village and at

Puttenden Manor

Cream Teas served on the day in the Village Hall 2.00 to 5.30 pm

If you are kindly able to make a cake or some scones for the Garden Safari teas and coffees on Sunday 12 June, please contact Viv Packer on 01732 810035.

Right Royal Village Supper Sunday 12th June 2016, 7pm SOLD OUT


To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, Plaxtol School PSA and The Friends of Plaxtol Church are joining forces to bring you a Royal Rave to remember! Under marquees in Plaxtol School, we are hosting a party night for our very own Plaxtolian Dancing Queens.

Tickets will cost £30 a head which will include a two course meal, a free drink on arrival, a live band, disco and more.

That same evening England will be playing Russia in the Euro 2016 football championships so we will also be streaming the match live for those that can’t bear to miss the footie!

We hope the party will be fantastic fun but it is also designed to help us raise funds to go towards new toilet areas for the School and the installation of toilets in Plaxtol Church. So for those wags amongst you, we are hoping to raise money on the Queen’s 90th birthday for new thrones!

Tickets available from: [email protected] and [email protected]



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SHIPBOURNE FARMERS’ MARKET Following a poor April in terms of attendance, May started with the largest number of visitors we have had at the market (except for Christmas) for 3 years! Why? The weather was excellent, but so it was in April, yet there were many new faces!

Our knive sharpening ‘Ninja Warrior’, Paul is working full stretch at every market. Last month he sharpened a scythe, mower blades, sheep shears as well as secatuers and household items. The biggest problem is simply remembering to bring them along to the market.

After a slow start from the cool spring, growing and producing are now at full stretch. Remember that because you are buying locally and seasonally, pricing is likely to be competitive with the supermarkets and often cheaper so don’t fall for the idea that markets are an expensive luxury

The vagaries of the weather are nowhere more in evidence than with the asparagus crop at this time of year. A cold start meant the season didn’t get going till mid May and picking will be finishing by the end of the month to allow the plants to generate growth for next year. Eat your local asparagus traditionally, steamed and served with melted butter, or brush with olive oil and griddle the spears on the barbecue until tender then scattered with shavings of a sharp hard cheese such as Lord of the Hundreds, or maybe Kentish Bluebell or tart fresh goat’s cheese crumbled over.

Try the spears in soups, vegetable gratins or make into a perfect risotto paired with the first tender broad beans (freshly picked little pods can be enjoyed whole) and fresh green peas. I like to stir in a herb butter at the end of cooking once the grains are tender (just whiz butter up in a blender with a handful of mint, parsley, basil and chives). Other veg to look out for are crisp radishes, spring onions, spinach, and of course new potatoes. There are also early cucumbers, runner beans, spinach and courgettes, alongside all kinds of salad leaves now in season. It’s also the ideal time to plant out ‘ready to plant’ herbs and summer bedding plants.

The long days and the warmth also herald the start of the great English soft fruit season with strawberries now appearing as the month progresses – one of the great advantages of local markets is the chance to try some of the finer flavoured varieties, rather than the more robust berries grown to withstand the rigours of the supermarket supply chain that may not have the same flavour. A cool start to the year has meant early strawberries might be slower to appear than last year but they will have benefited from a slower growing period for flavour. Ditto the finest local cherries (Kentish cherries are justifiably world famous), gooseberries and early raspberries. A favourite way to serve raspberries, cherries and strawberries is to crush them slightly, sprinkle with a little Kentish cherry brandy or Italian vin santo and sugar then leave to macerate for an hour. Serve spooned over vanilla ice cream.

Spring lamb is now at its very finest now and a boned-out shoulder or leg is perfect on the barbecue or simply roasted and served with baby new potatoes and minted broad beans and peas. Look out for salt marsh lamb this month – perfect with buttered samphire. On the fish front it’s really has to be mackerel – bought silvery fresh from the market and cooked the same day to enjoy at its very best. Try it the traditional way for the month – grilled and served with a tart gooseberry sauce. Also good this month are lobster, plaice, sardines and clams.

If your visit to the market coincides with a sunny weekend, plan the perfect picnic. Fill your basket with locally made cheeses, pates, maybe a raised pie or Scotch egg. Then just add a loaf of artisan bread baked that day, some chutney or relish, a bag of cherries and maybe a punnet of strawberries and you are all set. A bottle or two of a local beer or chilled white wine and you have the makings of a feast….

Written by Mary Gwynn Mary’s books available at the market include - 100 years of WI recipes; The Busy Mum’s Cook Book

JULY NEWSLETTER Please send any articles and adverts for the July newsletter by 17 June 2016. Please note any articles received after this date will be held over to the next issue as the Newsletter has a tight deadline for printing. Please email articles to [email protected] or call 01732 810439.


GREEN SUMMER RISOTTO Risottos are my idea of the perfect comfort food and so convenient as there is always the makings of one in the cupboard or veg drawer. I make risottos in all the colours of the rainbow, just by following the basic method and adding a vegetable. Pumpkin, aubergine and courgette are all favourites but this one is a particular favourite

Prepare: 15 mins/Cook: 25 mins/Serves 4 – 6

 450g prepared seasonal vegetables (such as small courgettes, podded peas, green beans, broad beans and asparagus tips)  2 tbsp olive oil  2 shallots, finely chopped  2 cloves garlic, finely chopped  350g arborio risotto rice  about 1.5 litres simmering vegetable stock from a cube  100ml dry white wine  50g butter  50g fresh mixed herbs, such as flat-leaf parsley, basil, chives, tarragon, dill or chervil, finely chopped  50g freshly grated Parmesan  salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Cook the vegetables in simmering water for 2 – 3 minutes until almost tender then drain and plunge into iced water to cool. Drain thoroughly and set aside. Heat the oil in a heavy- based saucepan. Add the shallot and garlic and cook for about 3 minutes until softened. Add the rice and stir to coat in the oil.

2. Add a ladleful of stock and the white wine and simmer over a medium-low heat until the liquid is absorbed, stirring constantly. Continue adding stock, a few tablespoons at a time, stirring frequently, until all the stock is absorbed and the rice is tender and creamy but still with a slight bite. This should take about 20 minutes

3. While the rice is cooking, place the butter in a blender or food processor with the herbs and seasoning and process until well blended together. When the rice is tender, add the 4. reserved vegetables and cook for another minute or two to heat through. Stir in the herb butter and Parmesan cheese and adjust the seasoning. Serve immediately.

Taken from The Busy Mum’s Vegetarian Cookbook by Mary Gwynn

SHIPBOURNE WI Our meeting on 11th May began with our Annual General Meeting. The serving President and Officers were re-elected as was the Committee. We voted on the Resolutions chosen by all the WIs nationally and our votes will now go forward to the National Federation of WI's Annual Meeting in Brighton next month. The formalities over, we then enjoyed our ordinary monthly meeting where our speaker was Gordon Wright giving us a very revealing presentation on the intriguing information you can find when you research family history but he also demonstrated just how much time and effort is required to do this.

Our June lunch will be at the Papermakers in Plaxtol on 18th June and we look forward to that.

The next Committee Meeting will be on 1st June but our General Meeting on 8th June will be our Birthday Party so there will be no speaker. We are hoping for a lovely day.

Sue Streeter

Plaxtol WI invite you to our ‘AS GOOD AS NEW SALE’

Come and explore racks of clothes, shoes, accessories and jewellery that are “as good as new”. Lunch and refreshments served all afternoon come and say hello and grab a bargain!

Plaxtol Memorial Hall Saturday the 4th of June 12pm – 4pm.



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Proud member of (10/16) THE GARDEN SHED At last, the planting of those hardy plants can begin; the hanging baskets can be hung up and the containers of the more tender shrubs (ie oranges and lemons) can be placed outside; this applies to those tender vegetable plants as well. Always start by planting the sturdiest varieties first, because even at the beginning of June the temperature at night can drop close to freezing. It is advisable to have some ‘Agrifleece’ handy to throw over the plants – just in case!

Some of the later flowering plants, like Michaelmas daisies, Rudbeckia, the larger Sedums and even roses can make the area they are growing in look a little bleak and colourless. This can be changed by under-planting with quick flowering annuals. This will not only brighten the border but also keep weeds in check. By the time the annuals have finished flowering the major plants will have filled out or even be in flower. A careful choice of the colour scheme used in under-planting can enhance the overall effect of the prime plants. Some suggestions of suitable annuals are the annual alyssum, lobelia and violas. Roses can be under-planted with forget- me-nots, wallflowers and sweet williams.

This under planting idea can also be extended to shrub borders and areas in the garden that are shaded and difficult to deal with and keep weed free. A ground covering of the evergreen geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum) which has beautifully scented leaves, ladies mantle (Alchemila mollis), the lesser periwinkle (Vinca major) both the green and variegated forms and even the variegated dead nettle (Lamium galeobdolon or L. maculatum ), both of these can become a bit over enthusiastic, but they are preferable to weeds and the work they involve. This under-planting, in its turn, can be further under-planted with spring bulbs. None of these plants has deep or spreading root systems, so they can easily be removed if alternative planting requires the space.

If the kitchen garden soil is in really good condition, under-planting can also be used among some of the vegetables (or inter-planting, which is planting between the rows). Try a quick crop of lettuce between the brassicas, or squashes among the sweet corn! Until next time

Tessa Forbes

Open Garden at Belmont Throwley ME13 0HH Raising funds for KHoCA (Kent Caring Association)

Includes walled garden,pinetum,wooded areas, formal lawns and wonderful kitchen garden designed by Arabella Lennox-Boyd Gardens and 2 course lunch with glass of wine £25 Gardens and full afternoon tea £15

For further information, please contact Janet Playle 01732 810562 or [email protected]


SHIPBOURNE CRICKET CLUB BETWEEN THE WARS At the end of the 19th century Edward Cazalet (1828– 1883) was president of Shipbourne Cricket Club and played for the village team. In his turn, his son William Marshall Cazalet (1865-1932) - described as ‘a useful middle order batsman’ - became President. In 1846 ‘Cricketing Field’ was situated behind the byway known as Woodcocks Way which cuts through from the bottom of Claygate Lane to Reeds Lane.

However, by the 20th century it had moved. Aubrey Beach (1922 - 2007) recorded, “My earliest memory of the Shipbourne C.C. goes back to the early and mid-1900’s. They then played in the field in Reeds lane. Where the barn and bungalow stand now”.

The cricket pitch was then re-sited to the top of the Green but at the start of WW1 cricket was suspended as most of the young men had gone to fight. Instead the pitch was surrounded with barbed wire and a gun emplacement and huts positioned there. George Whay (b.1896) was posted to use the gun in the event of Zeppelins and any German air planes in the skies above.

The gun emplacement was still in place after the war had ended meaning that village cricket could not be resumed. Churchill was asked in Parliament – he was a friend of Victor Cazalet who had fought in WW1 and played cricket for Shipbourne - when the gun would be removed so the locals could use the pitch again. This speeded up its removal but afterwards George Whay stayed in Shipbourne, married Dorothy Tapp and brought up a family in Wightwicks Cottages.

With the pitch restored cricket matches were resumed as an important social and sporting part of village life. On the 15th June 1923 ‘Shipbourne Cricketers played Godden Green at Godden Green’. In the team was Arthur Sargent (b.1903) and his brother Guy Sargent (b.1906). Philip Cooksey was also in the team; both he and his brother had joined up as soon as WW1 started and fortunately returned.

William George Heskett (b.1887) fought in WW1 and played in the 1923 team with his cousin Percy Heskett (b.1902); his brothers Charlie and Fred had both been killed in WW1 and are commemorated on the war memorial in St Giles church. William Allcorn (b.1890), the grandson of Mr Allcorn who built the church, also played for Shipbourne.

In the team on 17th August of that year when ‘Shipbourne Cricketers played Tonbridge Trade at Shipbourne’ were also: H.A.Brown; Peter Cazalet; B.Crouch; W.Windebank; R.Thorpe; Christopher Hills; William Warnett; Alwen; Bryson; Bradbury and Fagg.

A photograph of 1929 shows the Shipbourne Cricket Club members at that time: Back Row: Christopher Hills; C.H.Knott; Brian Humphrey (b.1911); D.Chalkin. Front Row: Philip Wakeman (b.1910); W.Staley; John Fielder, nephew to the famous cricketer, Arthur Fielder; Fred.Wakeman (b.1905) and H.Jenner. Both Wakemans and their brothers went on to fight in WW2.

Cricket on the Green thrived until WW2 when the pitch was ploughed up under the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign, in a bid to grow vegetables and corn – a resounding failure on such poor stony soil just as locals had predicted. “After the war it was re-laid but owing to the nature of the soil, it was never going to be able to complete the season,“ continued Aubrey. “The late Mr. P. Cazalet (1907- 1973), the President (of the Cricket Club), who was very interested in the club, spoke to the late Joe Hills who was Captain and said if he could see anywhere on the Estate suitable to form a new ground to let him know”.

Joe Hills, the Cazalet’s Gallops Man, was a talented cricketer of County standard as well as Shipbourne CC Captain after the war. Arthur Heskett, who was born in Shipbourne in 1916, worked at the Fairlawne Poultry Farm along with his brother Herbert, played for Shipbourne CC along with his cousins and went on to serve as a paratrooper in WW2. It was one of the disused wooden chicken sheds at the nearby Churchgate Farm where he worked that was dragged down the hill to the new site at Fatting Pen Field to become the cricket pavilion.

“Shipbourne did go through one season winning every match which prompted the President (Peter Cazalet) to donate trophies to be given each year for the best batting and (the best) bowling performance,” wrote Aubrey. Walter Ashby, a gardener who had played in the team of 1923, eventually became Umpire and remained so for many years. Aubrey Beach described him thus: “His idea of acting impartially was to ensure he gave approximately the same number of batsmen out on each side, which in retrospect was probably about right.” Shipbourne cricketers were a fighting bunch but perhaps Walter summarised what cricket should be all about – that the rules of fair play do apply in love and war after all.

Libby Cohen

If you are interested in playing or supporting Shipbourne Cricket Club please contact the Secretary, Mark Fenton, 01732 811067. There are league matches every Saturday at the Shipbourne ground and occasional matches on Sundays such as Sunday 12th June. For other information see

ART IN SHIPBOURNE Painter Aggy Boshoff will be opening her studio full of paintings with South East Open Studios on the following days:

Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 June; Friday 10, Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 June; and Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 June.

Please come and see Aggy’s paintings and have a chat with the artist.

The studio at Meadow Place, Upper Green Road, TN11 9PG, is open from 10 am to 8 pm.

A percentage of the proceeds made on the weekend of 10 to 12 June will go to the Shipbourne Village Hall Fund.

For further details see and .


Shipbourne Classifieds –Contact Details:

Tish Gourmelon Tel: 07966 035492 / Email: [email protected]

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All revenue raised from Shipbourne Classifieds goes towards the printing costs of the Newsletter.

Disclaimer: Please note that the St Giles and Shipbourne Newsletter cannot be held responsible for the quality of the goods or services advertised in the Newsletter.

BAKING AND CAKES How about a bespoke, unique-to-you cake or sweet? If you're tired of the half-baked flavours available in shops, then design your own! It's easy, just email or call Meg so we can get to know you a bit. Whether you want an occasion cake based on your favourite movie or candy bar, or a delicious pud for Sunday lunch, Little Leo Cakery can help with one of a kind confection perfection. Please get in touch via my website ( or call me for a chat on 07734659175 (03/16) LOCAL MUSIC LESSONS: Experienced and enthusiastic violin, piano and music theory teacher now teaching lessons in Shipbourne. Beginners as well as advanced students. Excellent exam results track record. Contact: 01732 810984 or 077898 33740 (05/16) FREE DELIVERY OF PRESCRIPTIONS - Thompson’s Chemist on Riding Lane, Hildenborough offer free delivery of prescriptions in Shipbourne and the surrounding area. Once your doctor has sent us the prescription, we take care of the rest. Call 833433 for details. DOMESTIC GODDESS is a family run business offering cleaning, ironing and housekeeping support. We provide a professional, experienced, reliable and fully insured service and are committed to delivering the highest standard of work. We’d be happy to hear from you on 07746 488449 or see our website (04/16) LOCAL BABYSITTER; My name is Alice Tyler. I am 15 years old and live in Shipbourne on the green. I am available to do babysitting and am free most weekends and also some weekdays. I am responsible and experienced with young children and very happy to cook, play games and read stories. If interested please call: 07521832952 or 01732811079 BABYSITTER - Shipbourne resident, 19 year old babysitter with own transport. Experienced, confident, responsible and good with children. References available. Available during university holidays. I also have a 16 year old sister who is also available for babysitting. Please phone Amy Wadsworth on 07514819430 DOG GROOMING KENT - Sue Angliss your local pet groomer based in Plaxtol both Salon Details Certified and City & Guilds qualified. Find me on FB or Please call 01732 811023 (01/17) HAIR BY SHARON - Mobile hairdresser, for prices or to make an appointment please call 01732 773043 (05/16) TONBRIDGE OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC AT PEAK FITNESS GYM. Osteopathy for all ages and all problems. / 01732 369928 £10 discount off 1st appointment when you mention this newsletter! BROADBAND: 07504 170 951 [email protected] Broadband optimisation. Wired Ethernet extensions & more. (03/17) MULTI-SKILLED TRADESPERSON, SHIPBOURNE BASED, with over 30 years’ experience. References available. Animal Enclosures, Carpentry, Disabled Adaptations, Fencing, Floor Laying, Plumbing, Tiling, Tree Surgery, no job too small, Free estimates. Please contact Martin on 01732 821397 or 07851105739 Email: [email protected] (12/16) SALLY OSBORNE – ELECTRICIAN: NAPIT Part P approved. All domestic electrical work undertaken. To arrange a free quote please contact me on 07710 443079 or email [email protected] (12/16) DAVID ROWE Plumbing & Heating, a reliable engineer for all your domestic requirements including: boiler installation, servicing and repairs, full heating systems, radiators, hot water cylinders, power-flushing, gas fires, gas cookers, bathrooms. Please contact David, 07715266311 or email [email protected] (03/17) KINDLING: Split softwood quality kindling sticks, neatly cut and bagged in large green or orange nets. These barn stored seasoned sticks are ideal for lighting woodburners, log fires or barbeques. £5 each or 3 nets for £12. C.O.D. Free delivery in Shipbourne. Ring Cilla on 810338 YEW TREE & GARDEN SERVICES provide a complete solution to all your gardening needs, whether a full tidy of your garden or regular maintenance throughout the year, help with planning and planting or a professional Tree Surgery service to enhance the look of any trees within your garden. Please visit us at or call Simon on 07515 633672. NPTC Qualified & Public Liability insured. (12/16) GARDENING SERVICES: RHS Certificate. Hadlow College Trained. Established 1993. Weeding, mowing, edging, pruning and planting. Please call Charles Zoephel on 07762 069675 (05/16) LOCAL WASP NEST TREATMENT: Fast, efficient, reliable. Andy Wasp 07833 558773 PRIVATE TUTOR – Supported study available with a qualified and experienced local village based tutor. GCSE prep and revision available, A level and dissertation support. History, English, Ancient History, Classical Civilizations, Media Studies. Please ring to discuss your requirements. 01732 810053 or 07999826289 (01/17) VEHICLE REPAIRS and maintenance. Local mechanic with 30 years experience. No job too large or too small on any make of vehicle, lawn mowers etc I have a fully- equipped van so can offer a mobile service. Call Fred on 07714749754 (12/16) NEED ASSISTANCE with your tax return? Worried about tax? Let me help. Friendly and personal assistance from a specialist. Call John Foster-Powell FCCA on 01732 810661 or 07914 855035 to arrange a meeting to suit you. Free initial consultation. (tbc) NEW FOREST, Holiday Cottage, near Lymington, sleeps eight, fenced garden, WiFi, view details at or call 07711 054103 (05/16) B AND B holiday accommodation in self-contained oast house in the heart of Shipbourne village. Visit For further details phone 01732 811256 or e-mail [email protected] FLORIDA: 4 miles from Disney Parks. Beautiful newly-furnished town house in gated community with clubhouse and pool. Sleeps 6. Available Christmas and New Year, Easter and throughout the summer. Phone John Boyd on 07831 401111 nor 01732 810750 2 STURDY BUNK BEDS AND LARGE DROP-SIDED COT, all with mattresses, on offer in return for contribution to choir funds. Call John Young on 01732 810289 (06/16)