THE SACKVILLE EPISODE. LUXURIOUS BRIGANDS. A CIRCUIT RIDER'S TRIALS. EVENING twinkles. AT THK SOUTH POLK. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION sales. Correspondence Between Lord Salisbury Fra Diavolo* Flourishing In The Kind of Work forth* New Preacher WW aftkhVoo* Minister. Typical military circle, the musket is a private TTTK1 Dttn. and the Late British Kmtern Roumella. to Do. ^In^ the North. W. mcuiT, 11 the .1 QEORgk TEBBK.jft&rt W«3> VStfofl! The paper* In the Sackville case were made From the London Telegraph. From Philadelphia Star. jtotssfsji?***¦« Ykeaa the London Daily Inn. public in London last evening. The first is a .which may, happily, be said to A number of young clergymen, all graduates °".>po11 * It appear* to b« probable that Pirfwor Sw- letter from Lord Salisbury to Lord Backfill*, b« all bat defunct in and the Italian of the Methodist Theological Seminary at . mayT, of the Hamburg KiriM Obaervatory, fe^gicariBBRSBRg ^S!dhSte,oS°., Iwrv^ \lk> **i. et »<«i, one of u* land NOH Phelps, in °n ,^e "ve . rentable rein might supposed of Oohuuh^aad at the raquMt r rrttjii form* me that Mr. Bayard's request for your which has lost much of it* former virulence experience in the various fields to which they throwe that until some measure of snooeaa had onSrntrtrS^ZiZSQ the >'Artel | had been tr£mhth'\Lja!lw"2tooff e continuous mist like greater recall is not based upon the letter to Murchi- the kingdom of Hellene* proper, and which, assigned. "M.v 'most amusing ex¬ r mi attended similar adventures in the Axetie Wm O. NA\LoR. i thanks to the maintenance of said one 'wii in The tartar . HF VKT C son, but upon a newspaper interview. I re¬ railway* and perience," young brother, ought to here been valuable regions the most ardent advooeto of such ttts west rt^ht ALLAOHAN.Kccltt*f. | a He forty-sight (^g) h.t (ii iDobM. froot- Atlom;* plied that I wss glad it was not true that the re¬ something approaching a (table government, little village in Iowa where the conference *¦ «ocu»tomod to work at schemes would (hare doubted the wisdom of lofnumbTr^Tt*'» 011 d','Ul/ii® '«*»> "< ordinal was due to the writing of the letter, which is fading even out of Mexico.seems, by all sent me to begin my ministerial work. .sryff-*^ human and treasure to the risk quest Some one eay« that drinking beer may exposing lives ws*wjrfsraK LADIES' GOODS. was made a of confi¬ accounts, to be flourishing in the fullest lux¬ My circuit included three or four little of Antarctic are iiS^ public only by betrayal villages ' tt wil1 aot refre«h the seas. All the best authorities and it was to down uriance in Eastern Roumelia. The energy and as many and I tried to mTmoL . lntf** will do how- that the be encountered DARTU88E, dence, hardlypracticable lay of bandits who school-houses, barkeeper **>>*, agreed difficulties to yrxa avs MME. PAhlhlAN DRKMMAKI the principle that a diplomatic representative and impudence of the gang preach a sermon at each place once every two .ve. in the South are much greater than in the Wine Habit*. la recently captured two Austrian subjects, MM. weeks. In the of dwelt a York advertise. amber neck¬ tlou, Evening Dmsai should be prohibited from even village Edgewood 1 jeweler North, and the hideous storiea which Purchaser's option. $100,1*- Perfect Fit (.laran expressing pri¬ Landler and Binder, at Bellora, and are de¬ good old named Mrs. W an emi¬ laces to in children," thus gained «2»V^otiiLi ..4." events in the lady ickham, prevent croup ex¬ Fltttw Required. vately any opinion upon passing manding no less a sum than 1,300 Turkish grant from the Green Mountains and one of the U*K)n .uperstitio» of aome currency after the return of the last Arctic country to which he is accredited. The lan¬ for their random, arc almost of a nature pillars of the mothers well have sickened the boldest isaSSsS^^'Krcsr^1 of an interview pounds church. I had just been married pedition might guage is different. You mnit to rie with the late M. Edmund About'* de¬ before on of of this sufficientlr to deter them .odfcds Tpu* tlXTRAORDINART be taken as going the circuit, and the next day *nter«»t to the Government generation OEUKUE^ifcfO**,! having intended it for publication. lightfully picturesque, but slightfully imagi¬ after our arrival in Mrs. Wickham nWfcfEi1" the removal of the tax f»n from any assault the stronghold of King Before the need for a recall I was Edgewood . ¦ upon admitting native. narrative of the achievement* of the *ent for my wife and to come to her n"11 "**n ^ of board in Winter in the Mouth. In comparing the diffi¬ bou^l in justice to vou to know what Greek . of the myself Pric« culties of ttSBSMF exactly Klept" Hadji Stavros, '-King house. In the afternoon we went and were Arctic end Antarctic adventure, Sir WOOL lmmm« (In the alleged was. I thto^ity IL-tNltTS, objectionable language Mountains." warmly greeted by the old lady. 'I am so glad comei Semfohmor, W. T., Wyville Thompson ¦ays: «l-*od Trustees, therefore asked Mr. Phelps for a copy of the While the hope must be universal that the *»J?l^p0rt ,from thereabout, ''We can only multi¬ I interview in order to you've come, Brother L , and brought jour thai anticipate disasters, fcoBGKjl^ihtoxg ascertain from yon two captives will be delivered safe and sound wife,' said she. Tve been waitin' ana waitin' ^!f ^Ue8Jkre"°PientifuI plied a hundredfold, should the 8outh pole whether yon had been accuratelv and from the clutches of the Bellova it «**«» ever a TO-MOKKOW. I told him reported, brigands vou don't know how anxiously ever since wtrte8^" become goal of rivalrv among nations." that 1 would then bring the matter cannot be denied that there is a slight touch of brother Jones went which is onto A Georgia woman who had been an invalid For various reasons the lone lsnd under k OO, Aarttoaesrs, before my Mr. that humor in of these away, nigh great W7 Louisiana LAD1IE# Vm&ADcLo?K. nH and a half wide. ] out¬ WIUI ~. » colleagues. Phelps ruffianly three and a for she has health the Southern Cross is more difficult of access Avenue, wu tuiw »l. n\mi" he had not received the text o'f thereplied the|proceeding* months, there "hann't ben years says enjoyed perfect Post-Offlo*. I "PW»: caah valus f interview, law*. aDd that they have contrived to cast a in this house since. I've gome littlepreacher aince the earthquake. Some women do need a than the North. It is much colder there than Opposit«.City BLANKET8, uuahty, in but would take to procure it. It was con¬ new on the domestic of got things the steps light economy brigand to do that I've ben a-savin' till the miuUter shaking up sometimes. in Arctic circle. There seems to be no IMPORTANT AND UTEN8IVK HALF. Or ELE¬ vTl(- CASH sequently understood that until the was life. now Mr. such warm currents as are to in the GANT FUBNITUBEFOR ALMOST EVERY DE¬ A HlWjrPiIeSeSVsV) CUSTOM*** copy come, and you've brought Sister L . Filkenstein, of Newark. N. J., 1. playing be found l"air of FXwant I'auiaak Towela, worth (1 . Pur reoeived there should be no answer to the re¬ has been a PARTMENT OF THE Hol'SEHOLD.BEING THE of Milk ( There hitherto tolerably general Let's get them off"n our hands and then we can * of chess with his cousin in Australia North.such, for instance, as the Labrador LABOEST OFFERING OF GOOD. F.nibr> idered utwta, worth 7.V.. a lialf l«oaen quest for your recall.'* concensus traveler* that the SUBSTAN¬ Kmt liaiuaak Napklna. worth ?5c W*-tuM«f the among modern ait down and have a talk.' which has already lasted five year*. They current, or that round the south coast of Spits¬ TIAL WELL MADE GOODS OFFERED AT AUC¬ above wilt. . in ltoumelia and on the good, long TION FOB THE PAST YEAH. preeeuU ptuv hass of #&. SACKVIUj't *XPLASATIO*. brigand Turko-Greek "I confess I was a little at S, sTANDH, HENRIETTA CASUMkRES. extra wide, double here. I to for skin than a shirt of textile of STOVES, AND A GENERAL ASSORT¬ width, pure all uolora. caah beg express my deep regrets fabric; lie rarely tered with two or three old bedsteads that had dollars. The counterfeit is said to be the finest terprise this kind will, of course, be pushed MENT OF OOOPfLTOO NUMEROUS To MEN¬ wool, value 60c . reduced what has occurred. washes; his idea* touching combs are indis¬ been taken to and about the floor. ever turned cut of an illegal mint in this on during the summer months.duringJanuary, TION. WITHIN OUB SAL>.stiOoM, THURSDAY, On the 30th Lord he and never a pieces spread NOVEMBER EIGHT. AT A. M. HENRIETTA CASHMFKFS, n»«r!y on* y*rd auda Sackville cabled that tinct, he heard of tooth-brush. In the middle of the floor stood Mrs. Wickham, country. February, and the earlv part of March, that TEN half wide, Tfrj finest quality, pars wool, all eolors; had received his passports. On the 31st Mr. As for hi* diet, it is one in which salt fish and with a kettle of water at her side. A man in ha. a watch which is. But even in the height of summer the Aim, caah value $1, reduced to K'to. " big boiling Pennsylvania AT TWELVE O'CLOCK -HARP. A LARGE LOT OF Caah Customers will erleot Phelps informed Lord Salisbury of the same sausages largely predominate over butcher's 'Now. Bister L vou take this here has been in use for more than one hundred of the air in Antarctic is NEW AND oh of tha f blowing fact, and added that Mr. Cleveland that rancid oil , jest temperature regions SECOND-HAND BRUSSELS AND r>re».-nts with a parrhaw of 910 lAm-flf Brt««% including smokes, usually his give 'em a good scalding.' greater menace to the peace and prosperity vegetation. STATIONERT, FIRE¬ luding Hab.te aua Evening lireaeea a ville said: "I have certain information that the tobbacco ha* been the vilest PROOF SAFE. A<> FROM THE ESTABLISH¬ F at. u w. apecaalty 1303 Bussian "mahorka"' '.This, then, was a part of the circuit rider's of the Chinese empire than opium. It has seaweed have been found wherever Northern MENT or JOHN PABET. ESQ, AT AUCTION tl-tif Murchison letter was fictitious and was con¬ and his a rude chibouck of cherry wood. duties in Iowa, but the old already burned up *10.000.000 worth of prop¬ navigators have penetrated, but in the awful On THURSDAY MORNING. COMETHING NKW.IMITATION cocted a well-known Jirm in The Bellovapipe thought I; lady NOYEMBEB EIGHTH, LEATHII by conjunction brigand* seem, however, to have seemed to take it so as a matter of erty, and he wants it banished. solitudes of the South Sir James Boss found 1K88, at TEN O'CLOCK, within uiy action room*, I Wall Pocketa, Mata, ate. prett), dnrahle and r heap. with the national committee at New souls far above such entirely ¦bail sell a uilscaUaueous stock of Oooda. I New Froat Childreu. Herat Pictures. t.ift MM- republican primitive garb and such course that the should her with The most magnificent thimble known i. that not the slightest trace of vegetable life, either stationery lea to Gold tarda, York. It was sent from Southern California to viand* as we have preacher help on noo-3t THOMAS DOWLING. Actloneer. Paint, Paint (10c. I, ja|*ueae GoodaTfec. J. simple glnnceu at. her work that I couldn't well refuse. My wife which wa. first seen in Siarn in shape of a the land or in the sea, yet he never came JAY UOLLb, 421 Wth at. n.w. Branch. liUi IVan. prevent suspicion. Mr. Bayard, whom I saw The rogues are perfect Sybarites, and, in a laughingly on the and went to work golden lotus bud and .tudded with diamond, within less than 700 miles of the south BROS, Auctioneers. Id.ooIMb* said that he the incident a put apron pole. to-day. regretted very letter addressed to rich merchant of Tartar- and I took off my coat and cuffs and took hold, to form the name of the young queen to whom The magnetic pole has been approached within HAIR DESTROYED, LEAVING V0 much, but mv disclaimer that it was Bazardiik. demanded that there too. was a was a 150 and it seems that EjCNCANSO*ICK DWELLING HOUSE. No Hl« r STREET trace, by tujr electric needl" prtowaa, endorsed accepted they should It and after we had it bridal from the miles, possible important SUPERFLUOUS by neither or intention to interfere in long job, got gift king. SOUTHWEST. AND ADJOINING SIDE LOT. every prominent Tan my thought be forthwith sent to them six Martini rifles of the bedsteads scalded hod to had made for a scientific results be obtained by cover¬ SALE PEREMPTORY. thia city. physician. years' practice la the domestic of the It was a the thoroughly they plane might On Electrv-al treatment for ladlaaaod i hildrao. policy country. pattern furnished to the Eastern Koume- bo carried upstairs, set and for f50.000*r!nn£?hf0rniamonument for her late but ing that further distance; but even' this is THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER oclO-lm* ."MRS. DR. OAHKIEL. 1321 Q at m.w. but he to'ld me that I lian up, 'corded,' departed, EIGHTH. AT F1VK O'CLOCK, we will aell. in trout u< campaign trap, frankly gendarmes, together with a large supply they were the old-fashioned kind of bedsteads when the lawyers got through fighting over doubtful. tlie premises. LAI l! K had been indiscreet. I expressed ray deep of ball of shoes, as in which the estate was aud mullsKtALdAIHtSTDAlfaBt the incident and assured cartridge, thirty-five pairs ropes did duty instead of springs or the widow doing housework at LOTS 10 AND 11, SQUARE 413. FjtORTHErepaired, order. carriage robaa re- regret for Mr. Bayard many shirts, ornamented with the finest Rus¬ slats." 5-2 a week for the man who the mon¬ Bulbs for Winter Blooming. each lot fronting -4 0-12 feet on F street, and with a BUN R 11 EVANS, me that he bore nie no designed of 124 H-1'J to a oc.VHtn' 1201 Peonaylrania >ra. Davia ill." sian embroidery; thirtv-flve of "But this did not end the on ument. Olive Warner In American Bursl Home. depth feet 25 foot alley. The im¬ Building. On the 31st of October Lord Sackville cabled pairs stockings work, for com¬ provement* rou*iat of a two-atory Brick Dwelling. on* of the best quality, thirty-five cakes of scented ing down stair* the old remarked that the There is no in the fact that the There are many persons who annuiilly make oi the beat locations southwest. Lord Salisbury: '.! must beg to Mr. an of lady significance Mr& Ma J« Hunt, repudiate soap, equal quantity ivory combs, three stove was a little warm yet, but that if I was first play brought out in the late.Lester Wal- preparation for winter flowers by and Terma: One-third c*ah. balance In equsl install¬ Bayard's statement of the reasons for my dis¬ dozen less one of a careful potting ments ill one and two years, note* to bear six per cent ivory cigarette-holders, I could black it without burning my lack s theater under the new management fuchsias other com¬ interest from of 1309 T STREET KORTHWT.ST, missal as an unjust attack upon my integrity." of tobacco and a ' re-potting geranium, and day aide, payabla semi-annually, and large quantity cigarettes, and hands. This was a little too much, and 1 was bears the title of Held by the Enemv," for to be secured by deed of trust, or all ca*h, at option ofI iDTitM attention Lord Salisbury on the same day cabled to Lord neatlv-assorted stock of mon plants, and as often meet with or t aparial to her lam and aaleet atorfc cognac, vermonth, about to rebel, but my wife whispered to me Mr. Palmer was one of Wallack'. wirmest disappoint¬ purchaaer purchaser*. ouveyanciug. A,.. at pur- of In Sackville so place Mr. Herbert, as senior secre¬ bitters, and other creature that we the but chaser'* cost. A de|>o*it of 1100 ou each lot at time of MILIJNEBY, complete all braochea aud at mod¬ cheese, comforts. might as well make a of it. So we friends, ment, plant yielding nothing leaves aule. Term* to bo with in ten erate pncee on the fti of the It is to day ¦ throu!*koat the winter. complied day* from day tary spot, charge legation. only be wondered at that these dandv went at that stove and polished it till you could To such I wish to of nale, otherwise rignt reserved to resell at risk ai.d On November 1 Lord Salisbury communicated brigands did not add a few dozen boxes of see face in After a Meal. recommend a class of plants that can be cost of defaulting purdi.mer. Balance of atock of KID with Minister He referred your it, and then helped the old Sleep always na-d&da GLOVES, ta odd aim. a* Phelps. to the lat- sardines, Paris kid glove*, hand-mirrors, birth¬ clean the TH* BRAIN SHOULD BEST relied on for flowers.the hardy bulbs. Al¬ DLNCAN80N BROS., Au, ta. I half pricea. ae'-'U :im ter's to a of lady up kitchen. By that time WHILE THK STOMACH promise procure copy the obnox¬ day cards, and flasks of eau de to their the sun was and our DIGESTS though hardy they are among the most desira¬ DRESS ious interview made the British minister at Cologne down, hostess kindly per¬ TH* FOOD. NH1ELDH ARF THK BFST MANO- by list. Their attar of rose* they probably pre¬ mitted us to withdraw. Did we to Prom the Westminster Review. ble of plants for window culture. A bulb Is es¬ BALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED LILViifa< 1uiwi by the lirxokl] u ShieldCo_ Brookl*n, K. and added that, no further for stay supper? a and it is AND Y. Sold by all dr>-*ooda houaea lo the Vultad Washington, having pare themselves, the odoriferous manufac¬ Why, bless you, the good soul in her at There i. a sentially bud. only necessary to sup¬ CHANCERYUNIMPROVED LOTS. BEING THE RK.sI leaiavolo," they have resolved to "live blooming of their beautv, fragrance fourteenNOVEMBER,(14>, fifteen aixteeu Hair Dreaaed and Hanra Shingled. an3t-3»* from in one It was not in¬ « congestive but normal the (15), (Itiiand eiifiitc n yours particular. up to it." How She Keeps Her Accounts. sleep, during sleep and ease of culture. The Dutch hyacinths (IS), in William McLean'* Miihdivision in Square north tended to be understood that the letter written The real From the New brain is anemic When a has taken a have flowers of two hundred and "Era Diavolo," whose name was York Graphic. . person largo of all shades of coior, red, Square forty-two <'J42). I»t* f< >ur- Seal Skin Lord Sackville formed no abundant lunch or dinner the stomach teen and fifteen are a Garments. by part of the rea¬ Michele Pezza, was the most of I wonder if the woman will fairly white, blue and rellow. In regard to the rela¬ (14) (15, improved by larm- two- ALL STYLES MADE TO sons for tin for his recall. I did in repulsive coming be able demands a influx of blood wherewith to atory Frame Cottar. No. ISIS Itlioile Ulalid avenue. ORDER request say robbers. He had been a to special tive beauty of hyacinths there is no Lot (IS) ia a FINE Fills OF EVERY remarks that the highway stocking- keep books. I don't believe it. You have its work of no greater eiir^teen impmved by Dw< llintr H< u*e. UESt'RIPTlOB. MUFFB, m.v newspaper interview was knitter in a small way of business in the accomplish digestion; organ can fallacy than that the double are more beautiful No. 145 < Fourteenth atreet northaeHt, and *ub)e<-t to BOAS, TRIMMINGS, he. the reason. am seen your wife her more with the life eatatc of the principal I still without a copy kingdom of , and, making up accounts, haven't easily comply that demand than the than the single varieties. of the double widow. Lot aixu-uu V1'i. in uium- Old ranueuta rvdyed aud altered by the of tne interview. I send to a goiug bankrupt, She sits on a brain when in full is suffused Many pruved. Mr. Bayard copy took naturally to the road. He became the you? down chair and her which, activity, sorts are beautiful, but the colors Also, on the aaine at Miaaea CUNN1NOH of note the lull spreads with a maximum amount of the" vital fluid. exquisitely day, HALF-PAST FOUR AM, your lord»hip"s requesting (fe¬ scourge and terror of the two and bills all over her and she takes a little of the single are richer and the blooms O'CLOCK P. M . aub lot twenty-ae\en o*ita I ladlea' atnl Ot-nte' tnunieuta ot all ainda rleanen Dyed ithuut beinic ni'|>ed I^dlea' Eveuimc liraaaaa they just in my pencil?" pot No. i:tl'>Rliodr Island avennc. on No. a ai«* tive t In oa other half make their Victor the bills on the floor and equipped to continue in full force the battle of blue and are borne t"i(KI. 17 Iowa laity. Tlurty yeara' xiH-nnuue. living. There France, Hugo. There was, in reality, puts goes to her room life. But the child of bright sky of graceful Circle. (200. and on eac h of the other parcels, {100 If moderate. Goods called far .d delivered. *14 i* on 11th street a which nothing more romantic about Fra Diavolo than to get her pencil. She comes superstition, ignorance apikea of aix to twelve blooms each. the term* are not complied with in ten da\ a after tlir A place gets back, picks up declares that sale the be resold on ten IJ.-WtioL GARMl.N'lS. MADE LP ORluFFKO Vs from the swellest there was about our all the bills and the book and intervenes; sleep during digest Tritelea uniflora is a property ma> dayV public a patronage very and Anglo-French highway¬ begins again. tion is admonishes the would-be pretty, graceful plant, notice at the risk and coat of the defaulting purchaser Adywl good oiouruiiig black. »iost exclusive circles of society. The man. Claude Duval, who was au ab¬ "Let me see, it was carry forward *4.25. ^angerous; with grass-like leaves and large star-like white The property will be »old free of taxes to June A_ FISCHER. simply no, to their in¬ :<0,l >14 n Jlace lias no si^n. nothing to give it away as a sconding profligate footman of the Duchess of that was July, August, September.$10.15. sleepers struggle against perilous flowera shading to a delicate blue at the Ihss, except aa to *ub lot eighteen 11H) in aquare north IMM G at. «. pawnbroker's but snch it is. notwith¬ Portsmouth, but in the of French That's it." She tries to down The clination, and. though telling them that after center. of aquare two hundred and forty-two (242), the taxes shop, early days put $10.15. dinner sit assure, of the on which are paid by the life tenant. standing its handsome entrance and liveried romanticism every incident anil every person¬ pencil is a little bit of a stub and it won't make they may awhile, them The white narcissus is one of the most popu¬ All conveyancing at the cost of the rmrchaner a adage: "After walk a mile." PIANOS AND ORGANS. door-tender, who ushers the visitors or patrons age that could be perverted to picturesque use mark; she puts the bills all down again and supper lar flowera grown. The small, cup-shaped WILLIAM H. BOBERT8, Trustee, Into an furnished were seized and a table The millions of its victims continue, there¬ flowera are borne in clusters are Omrliinati. Ohio. I ft DAVIS' PIANOS SI PF.RB elegantly drawing-room, eagerly upon by the novelists and goes gets knife and begins whit¬ the strife to and deliciously DUNCANSON BROS, IN TONE: decorated with rare bric-a-brac and choice the playwrights. They turned to and tling at the pencil. She does not where fore, which it condemns them and fragrant, The double Roman narcissus is of .Auctioneer*. HALLETperfei-t iu workmanahlp. elnnot In atylea. low la Spain, the begin ignore the suggestion offered to them bv the pj-dAda price. Flue atork pre paraUTi to trie Holidays now opsa paintings. The woman who keeps it. for the especially Italy; and. while fabri¬ last cut was made; she simply tries to the same nature, except that the flowers are at 811 Wtli St. u.w. H L. St MNER. Ageui aaT-^m is a woman, is dressed cated a the lower animals, who have always practiced the The sorts are W. 8TICKNEY, Auctioneer. proprietor in the latest wholly unhistorical Lucrezia Borgia as scrape wood away at the point of lessons of sound double. colored also valuable for (!JE0. ?trie, and receives her customer as if a the hero of a Alexander Dumas manu¬ the lead and she a little bit it physiology by always sleeping winter blooming. in color from guest. tragedy, gets of after whenever are They vary TRU8TEK8" SALE OF SPLENDID Y1LLA LOTS IN Sanders &, Statman, It is not until after the nsual exchange of morn¬ factured an equally unveracious Fra Diavolo as clear. Then she sits down and takes all feeding they allowed to do pure white to bright orange. W HITNEY CLOSE. I 934 F St N. W. up so. Hence the human brain and the human of a ing salutations that she asks: the hero of a novel. the bills and the book and begins all over The Jonquil is a species of narcissus, easily By virtue certain deed of trust, bearing date on We conduct the Piano and Omn bnaineas In all tta . What can do ma The stomach of such victims contend with each the seventeenth day of February. A. D. 1SS7, and duly brain Lea. We offer our flap line of I for dame this morning?" readv-witted Scribe at once availed him¬ again. "Let me see, $10.15!" And she grown and always a favorite for its ve'l- recorded in Liber No. 1240. folio et Pianos and Ornia self of puts other the The bright 1. seq. of thel by the lieat makera at very reasonable pnoaa aua on Then raadame displays a set of jewelry, dia¬ the latter amusing but delusive creation, the pencil to her mouth and makes a 1; she re¬ during digestive process. brain, low flowers, which are very fragrant and borne land record* of the District of Columbia, ana at the the most favorable tenua. strives to work and of the aecured »e monds. perhaps, or bric-a-brac, on which she and. with the collaboration of the composer. peats the operation and makes an 0, and so on impelled by superstition, in abundance. requeat party thereby, will aell at We rent Piauoa, id City or Country, for any length wishes a demands blood to work while the stom¬ public auction, in front of the premises, on W EDNES- of tiuie dealrvd. take Iuatrumeuta loan. Sometimes a note is given at Auber. he produced the always charming comic till she gets $10.15 down. "Bless me, that's with, The Anemone is one of the most beautiful DAY, the FOOBTEENTH DAY of NOVEMBER. A.D. Old in i«t payment tne rate of 15 or 20 of "Fra the ach, stimulated by it. contents, strives to carry and for New Onea, rent Plan5), in B H Warder's subdivi¬ FISCHER PIANOS, care but little, as it is generally understood of social harm was done by the can't write holding the book in her hand. She well. The brain is enfeebled by and borne profusely. sion of a tract of laud called Whitney close, as recorded ESTEY PIANOS. highly pictures¬ denied its natural rest the in County Plat No. ft. folios n the premise* 834 F street northwest, The "duplicate-gift" woman who calls at the and expensively attired in plum-colored»velvet. She gently rubs her head with the stub of pen¬ Hotel Clerk. tivation. The great variety of colors, their in- sold, or all cash at purchaser's optiou. One hundred 13 N. Charles at. Baltimore. Md. handsome "brown front" house after a with gilt sugar-loaf buttons to his his cil and thinks out $11 more she out and From the New York Press. tenae and beautiful make dollars den. >*it at the time of aale. All conveyancing ocl-3m 121" Maui at.. Riciauoud. Va. f ishion&ble just lower limbs jacket, paid The brilliancy, shading and recording at purchaser's oost. Terma ol aale to wedding, is known to the neigh¬ swathed with criss-cross thongs, $1.15 more she got from you. American hotel clerk has been bitterly them universal favorites. All the single varie¬ be complied with in ten flay*. bors. who see her and acouical W W W OO RRR ~ descend from a carriage or wearing hat profusely ornamented assailed during the week by an ties are good for house culture. GEO. E. EMMONS,) OOQ H H .8S«8 I ironrhe, as a caller, but she makes with ribbons. The Paradoxes of Englishman The j Trustees. WWWW OO R R CO H H" 2 only quite Science. writing for the with more Iris (Fleur de Lis) are an elegant clasa of _oc29-eodta C^B^PEARSoN, W W W W O O RRR O HEH h living in buying up the Thi* ideal brigand was From Blackwood's Magazine. papers bitterneM bulba. Iris Feraica should WW WW OOBROOH BShu duplicate gifts. Every scrupulously polite to than "No one ever flowering be selected SALE OF VALUABLE noRSES, H die knows that the wedding gifts of a season ladies, and would bow over and The water which drowns ns, a fluent stream, honesty. appreciate, him," for winter blooming. The flowera are very RECEIVERS'CATTLE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. AND AIL W W OO S B cco H H "hb" nn in and that most salute the reverentially a THE MUSIC STORE. M25 7TH ST. N.W. grooves, brides, on look¬ taper fingers from which he gently can be walked upon as ice. The bullet, which down-town com- handsome, in colors white, blue and purple, EUBRiTUBE AND EOUIPMENT OF THE Agents for the unrivaled SOHMER and the aupertm ing ov.-r their lind a rem oved the diamond and ^r,.itile»,f0reig?^uy?rJ>ft' "until he travels in and LOWEB CEDAR POINT EXCURSION RESORT. HALLETT AND Cl'MhTON Pianos possessions, large propor¬ rings, only under when fired from a musket carries will Fnronn S very fragrant freely produced. By virtue of an order of the Circuit Court of Baltl-1 Instruments foe tion of their gifts The bride who extreme of would this death, .turope. Halfw8% a dozen wide-awake Cnionodoxa sometimes more in rent and sold on installments. We offer the duplicated. pressure necessity ortho¬ be hartnlegs if to good, Lucilliae, called Glory city, pa**ed the case of Peter Dill v* The In¬ baivains in the city. >*1 :t erty beloniriug to said Trauaporta- same and in hotel in tiou Company, consisting in part of five horses, twelve Alao for Tsaee" Planus and Burdett Organs. One of the popular brides of last season found It is probable, to say the that elements, exactly the same pro¬ big Europe who can be depended upon son* or the methods thkt explox to taxx cows, two oxen, oue bull, least, fully as the with which we to attend to thirty hqgs, farming imple¬ her "00 wedding presents 15 silver- 90 per cent of the whole of the portions, gas light our the minor details of every-d^y IN THX UNWABT TBAVZLU. ments, hay, fodder, and about seventy barrel* of corn, ael6-flm 407 10th al 1 latcd candlesticks. 3 bronze busts of Shake¬ body people streets. The tea which we daily drink, with life as our clerks can here. If von Wit together with all the furniture and equipment of aanl speud all that of this 1)0 benefit From the New York Herald. resort, comprising one Miller Safe, two lawn mowers, speare. 1 etchings of Millet's 10 nearly they earn; per and pleasure, produces palpitations, 70Ur room have kitchen outfit and steam K.nabe eAngelus," cent a nervous to *011 In the tricka that signalize moat all trades tableooinplete, abouttwo hun¬ UN Pianos, stiver i11 mirrors. 3 engravings of one pic- portion may, by setting aside a moderate tremblings, and even paralysis, if taken see* the0® pcr; u you w»l> dred chairs, numerous table* and benches, a large EQUALED IN TONF.. TOUOL WORKMANSHIF t re. ti 1. of their in excess; the to Mk for .u-f the "Japa" are no means without their little quantity of china and glassware, bedsteads, mirrors, AND DURABILITY knives, 23 pickle and olive forks, part small earnings, become the own¬ yet peculiar organic agent called .P8* .*?r m»«l, you must go and by attention of is ' water coolers, stoves, fcc., kc , about three hundred Rpedal iiurchasera invited to oar 1" us. !t boxes. 8 ers of a house, or a theine, to which ten owes its be see the if devices, and when it comes down to an "New ArUsti. KU lea." j«wel bon-bon boxes and become depositors in sav¬ taken bv itself qualities, may mailing clerk; your, luggage ne^ds right bathing suits, twenty-seven boats, twenty-one pain of flnisbed in deatgns of ' ' r imb knives. What did she do with ings bank, or insure their lives in a moderate (as theine, not as tea) without attending to you have to seek out the hlad appearance of ingenuous ''innocence," these oyster rakes, kc., kc. HIGHEST DECORATIVE>RT. t .< in/ i lie Of any effect. and the Teruis cash. SECOND HAND PIANOS. A fln/aaaortment of exehange Women came to her aid way. the remaining 10 per cent, a save appreciable manager of the hotel hna nr> artful Orientals can enact the in a prouilnaut rnakea at all PIANOS am! t ».k most of to part The water which will our porter, role manner EDWABD HAMMOND. Receiver. pncee FOR RENT. the duplicates off her hands. enough protect themselTe* against want in allay burning thirst the o'r wtriabou't.^ that would even that of a WM A WM KN AHE, A OO., c '>:r>e their augments it when so A completely eclipse HAMMOND, Attorney, Of tin y were disposed of at a sacrifice later years, and a very small may congealed into snow; that lfeCS£rat &T°' m other word8> 80 Maine * n2-eots 207 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. myl 817 Market Hpaoa . the become part it is stated heads to th prohibitionist. young bride worried for weeks for ricb, and then need not work unless by explorers of the Arctic regions m^nv management of the big Of the little devicea use to take in fear Mi tr impaction would leak choose. that the natives "prefer the utmost p they the DOWLINO, Auctiooeer. out. but what they of enduring g°t«ls that a man 5 ordinary stranger, of their overbearing polite¬ rpHOMAS THE conld she do? She could not litter her extremity thirgt rather than attempt to re¬ bew dered ont nUfr,°l?ean ness in all business CHANCERY* SALE OF IMPROVED REAL ESTATK TRADES. up Grates on move it snow." transactions and their al¬ rooms With duplicates. I think it would bo a Open Second Floors. by eating Yet if the snow be most childlike innocence in all mat¬ IN WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN, D. C. one From the Xew York Sun. melted it becomes drinkable apparently CONS1STING OF A THREE-STORY PRESsED- S'hhI idee, when is sending out invita¬ water. Neverthe¬ ters of barter and trade I will not BRICK NO. 710 TENTH tions for a fashionable in less. although, if melted before the speak. DWELLING. STREET wedding, to add to Experts house building have suggested month it entering I will simply speak of two classes that the NORTHWEST. A LARGE THREE-STORY e ich » . t one is assuages thirst like other when PRESSED BRICK DWELLING. desired to present, or else to that grates in second stories are less safe water, first meets with on Yokoha¬ WITH STABLE, c . with usually melted in the mouth it has the effect. foreigner striking NO. l:!2H THIRTY-FOURTH STREET NORTH- cw..y gifts by saying "Gifts not de¬ than those below, as opposite ma or any other These are the W EST. (CORN'EB O STREET ) A sired." I am sure either method the narrower joists give To render this paradox more we have Japanese port. THREE-STORY would save little room striking, boatmen and the men who the ''jinrick¬ FRAME DW LLLING. NO. «2J» TENTB STBEET 6fiid any amount of annoyance to both giver and for the boxing of the hearth. It is only to remember that ice, which melts more shaws." pull NORTHWEST. A SMALL BRICK DWELLING. mm! kwui if 16,600 friacs. also urgr d that slowly in the is efficient in NO. 2044 THIRTY-FIFTH STREET NORTH- ¦ receiver. grate* be examined carefully mouth, very allaying On landing at Yokohama the steamer anchors WK8T. AND A TWO-STORY FRAME DWELL¬ to determine whether the back of the flue i* thirst NO. 614 TW£NTY-FIRST I»icd for Her of The Beat about a mile from shore, and most of the trav¬ ING, STREET NORTH- Barber. simply 4-ineh wall, which i* always danger¬ Klid®- of Wife to and from the is done in boats that OUfNA-LAROCHE ous at The Dread of Death. From the eling ship Mis* Ada 3iay Thompson, a girl sixteen the back of a grate in a frame house. Britimom New,. are worked years Thi* can be Sir has written to Do intellectual something gondolas. These crowd Al HYI00EA.TIHQ TOKO. o?«l. living in South Des Moines, Iowa, shot determined by measuring the dis¬ Lyon Playfair Junius Henri women make the beat part- around the ateamer in swarms, the boatmen of¬ CONTAIMINO tance the breast extends out from the and Brown the letter in to (he °r k< rself in the kitchen of her house on as wall, following regard ^ "U no* fering in very fair English to take you to shore parents' sometimes the breast runs through flnsh latter's in the Forum for f tumeT°a beauty and back She was to a with paper October or the thlt deepest and Jean for aix cents. I am now apeaking of PERUVIAN 8undny night. attached barber, the face of the wall in the next the » i passion;" BARK, IRON, b .t room, "Dread of Death:" Paul Richter declared that he passengers who only stop at Yokohama en route her parents objected to her acceptance of calculation is to be made wo'uld not lead a some accordingly. "Dear sir: I have read on woman into the for other port. I engaged one of theae his attentions. He called Sundav evening and your article death matrimonial nooae whom it who aeemed to PURE CATALAN WINE. before h told was She Had Lots of Fun. rith much interest. This has often would not boatmen, understand English Far tha PKETKXTION aW CCU «T aving her he af>out to cease subject delight to bear him read^the learned very well, after my arrival at Yokohama hi* attentions to her. She seemed much From the Youths' Companion. occupied my mind, and 1 have been led to the reviews of Gottineen or th* l shortly very same conclusions. Bome few montha ago, agreeing to him aix affected and said as they parted: ,-I A little girl spent the afternoon at her Having represented a large cents pay these will be the last words expect grand¬ medical constituency (the of Edin- for the round trip. On my return I hand¬ yon will ever near mother'*. for seventeen University ed him a Mexican dollar and demanded the fcie speak." The shooting followed soon after. burg) years as a member of par¬ When she came home her mother asked, liament, I naturally came in contact with the change, but he had forgotten his English since ''Have you been a moat eminent the E. R, Children's on the good girl, dear?" medical men of England. I have leaving ahip. Rights Sidewalk. "Not so very." answered the truthfol little put the question to most of 'Did in "No savvy," said he. POTGI^i0avA^ufortibejl A bright little of four and a half one, Ft* had them, you, svt said a girl yean "but, oh. lota of fun." your extensive practice, ever know a patient whom therefjusrexists that*%£«£best Tf'n "Here," I, "I gave vou dollar, and you .as out on the sidewalk, in with her who was afraid to die?' With two owe me 94 cents change. Itwaa no nae: no Brooklyn, The Story of * Diamond exceptions amount of brother, who was six. He left her for a few' Necklace. they answered, 'No.' One of these in so that one can argument could convince the Jap, Foolish Mem exceptions them, |Poor,4 From the Pall M»U Oaaette. was Sir enjoy the lnxiirv 3 or make him underatand what I minutes and she started to go alone across the Benjamin Brodie, who said he had seen looking up to the other and wanted, and, The Birmingham magistrate* were one case. The other was Sir cJa singular enough, no other could act as ."ceet at the when an ice yesterday Robert Christi- nately the pleasure of leading ud Jap crossing, wagon ran called to on a son, who also had seen one a interpreter. This, I learned, vat an old trick over and killed her. Her father sued the ice upon adjudicate curious case. A case, that of in the path of B^t oth^* of theira. for London in Wale* was young girl of bad character who had a sudden of havedevelopment^ company damages and got a verdict. The lady staying some time accident. genius thought dUTerenUr £*1 ,nb"mtn Another trick was to lose an oar overboard Company carried the case to the Court since robbed of a diamond Ject. It is an of nJ ^ of Ap¬ necklace of the "I have known three friends who were that "a oft-q^ted wyfnf and charge $1 to over after it. My peals. where its lawyers claimed that it was value of £190. She par¬ man in general is bettel lump expe¬ recently received an tially devoured by wild beasts under he has a plewdl^! rience in this, as in other matters, was similar . P"«t to allow a little appar¬ good dinner on the t*h)» to that of child to go into the anonymous letter, in which the writer said ently hopeless circumstances of escape. The wtfe talks Greek." every other "stranger" on the ship. street or on to the sidewalk that, in sore she first was Bacin. h^ « migrate Have the rteht I or ll without some being need, took the necklace, Livingstone, the great African trav¬ wife and was accustomed to hs». yon I am gold mine? Here'* a quarter." Office. He was seized in a but get ber^JSSS* Stt matter between them. As soon as (Up town an hour "What'* solitary would one in a thotuand loee " my A Breach or I'aonis* 8rrr..Miss later.) that? Carry ce by a tiger, which held him behind to a 'rickshaw'' man saw that I "knew the Susie B. thi* state by 1ft,000? I've §50 that he firmly sleep get glimpse of the I wss not further ropes* leech, daughter of Lemuel Leach, of Campbell, won't. Put got say* C- shoulders with one paw, aiyi then deliber¬ the pundit molested. I git my right (as*., has brought suit, claiming np, gentlemen, or shot np. Money devoured the whole of his arm, beginning ifinav'aJka, wfcTCSSJW i after that also, as I got it Sad TIKE I HOUR'S ADVICE. 910,000 dam- talks!".Chicago Ttibw*. atelyat the ,ve them the oorreetasa4ant in the Milia»«aMMah«tMri «fs. against Henry H. Litchfield, of Boston and end and ending at the shoulder. He was first ptaoe. IkMkrfta sad for breach of of positive that he had no sensation of and played the "oar overboard* act Plymouth, promise marriage. Things do not always follow as a matter of fear, with me the HJAarMa. jjj^ka tr. Litchfield is forty years of age, is m the course. Asian who stakes thinks that he felt a little pain when the fangs aeoood time, but he didn't get his al estate business in and has pons is not a pundit; went his bat is certain that he .L as I simply showed him a revolver, as I had jt Boston, consid¬ neither Is one who plays in a band a bandit. through hand, MuStowpa^CjlttiiMb erable property. PUUtmrq felt none during the munching of his arm. told todo by one of the initiated. He CKronick^TtJtgraph. "I was led to the same ftin't Oi got the oar very when he sew the There were racks conclusions is your¬ ould-lookia* in it?".Ttxcu Hiffoxm quick weapon Chinamen should be in their and thumb-screws in the self when I attended the as a medical If *wt The boatmen, as a rale, are powerful fellows, encouraged days of old. In this era the flan¬ hospital T°j» to get cold facta out of a woman I' sir e to leam base ball. It teaches them to nel shirt is all that enlightened student, and I thought yon might like some contradict her and make her mad. It Wo.MrsACMEBIacking Make home runa..Baitkmon remains..Merchant Trat- confirmation of the views American. fiber. described ia your in- the truth every time, but wually 1ft in't ooan- ."SV teresting article in the Upmrn." plimentary to yoa..Fabnoutk LooaL i give in at 1