
A new editionintegrating the social.:stiences and providing a meaningful analysis of the forces which shC:pe our modern society, and a new American Sociological Society edition· of a foremost authority on crime and the criminal

MODERN SOCIETY NEW HORIZONS IN CRIMINOLOGY 2nd Edition 3rd Edition by JOHN BIESANZ, Wayne State Univer­ by HARRY ELMER BARNES, Sociologist sity, and MAVIS BIESANZ and Social Historian, and NEGLEY K. TEETERS, Temple University More than a book, this new Thoroughly scientific in its approach, second edition examines modern society yet compelling in human interest, this from a wide and inclusive point of view. classic in the field of criminology and Insights developed from psychology, corrections makes clear and understand­ history, sociology, economics, and po­ able a subject that has for centuries litical science give clear· and direct been infinitely complex. · answers to such questions as "What forces shape modern society?" "What Like its popular predecessors, this edi­ are the foundations upon which society tion places needed emphasis on training rests?" and "What systems of beliefs in the field of corrections, law enforce­ sustain society"? ment, crime prevention, and criminal-. ogy. New developments in prison programming and in probation ·and The complete revision and up-dating of parole philosophy are thoroughly dis­ this new edition is typified by the ad­ cussed. dition of two entirely new chapters: The Farmer and State and Local.. Gov­ In a lively, informative manner, the ernmimt. Other chapters completely re­ book presents the latest material and , written include: Religion as a Social statistics to shed new light on such con­ Institution; Education,· Laissez Faire, temporary tppics as the' part played by The Mixed Economy, Socialism; and group therapy and counseling in mod~ ~ Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting Prosperity Without Inflation. ern penology, and the extent of crime in the compared to that Topics given thorough coverage include: in other lands. the delicate balance of freedom and Known for years as the standard text in control between individuals, groups, the training of correCtional people, the and nations; the J'!learrlngs and methods volume contains salient facts about THE EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL, CffiCAGO of popular control of government; the crime syndicates, rack~teering enter­ struggle for the maintenance of our prises of the moment, the shadowy con­ civil liberties; the. implications of the nection between politics and the under­ September 2, 3, 4, 5, 1959 shift from rural to urban living. world, and recent reforms in court pro­ cedures. 740 pp. Pub. I959 Text price $7.95 654 pp. Pub. 1959 Text price $7.95

Also meeting in Chicago, Dlinois: To receive approval copies. promptly, write: Box 903 Rural Sociological Society Society for the Study o£ Social Problems PRENTICE-HALL, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY

OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1959 President, KINGSLEY DAVIS, University of California, Berkeley President-Elect, HowARD BECKER, University of Wisconsin Vice-President, HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon Vice-President-Elect, WILBERT E. MooRE, Secretary, DoNALD YoUNG, Russell Sage Foundation Editor, American Sociological Review, CHARLES H. PAGE, Editor, Sociometry, JoHN A. CLAUSEN, National Institute of Mental Health Executive Officer, , Rutgers, The State University

COUNCIL KINGSLEY DAVIS ·~ HowARD BECKER WILBERT E. MOORE CHARLES H. pAGE \ HARRY ALPERT DoNALD YouNG JoHN A. CLAUSEN ., Former Presidents I , University of California, Berkeley; RoBERT K. MERTON, ; RoBIN M. WILLIAMS, JR., Cornell University Elected at Large HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon PRESTON VALIEN, New York State Depart· W. F. CoTTRELL, Miami University ment of Health RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Wash· GEORGE C. HoMANs, ington S. M. LIPSET, University of California, REUBEN HILL, University of Minnesota Berkeley GORDON W. BLACKWELL, University of CHARLES P. LooMIS, Michigan State Uni· North Carolina versity JoHN A. CLAUSEN, National Institute of JoHN W. RILEY, JR., Rutgers, The State Mental Health University Elected from Affiliated Societies LEONARD BROOM, Pacific IRWIN T. SANDERS, Rural MARGARET JARMAN HAGOOD, D.C. RAYMOND F. SLETTO, Ohio Valley REX D. HoPPER, Society for the Study of MARION B. SMITH, Southwestern Social Problems T. LYNN SMITH, Southern WILBERT E. MooRE, Eastern GEORGE B. Vow, Midwest PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman: KINGSLEY DAVIS, University of California, Berkeley Associate Chairman: BEVERLY DuNCAN, University of Chicago HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon ALBERT J. REiss, JR., State Univ. of Iowa OTis DUDLEY DuNCAN, University of Chi· IRENE TAEUBER, Princeton University cago WELLMAN J. WARNED, New York University WILLIAM L. KoLB, Carleton College DoNALD YouNG, Russell Sage Foundation , Harvard University LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEl Co-Chairmen: PHILIP M. HAUSER, University of Chicago, and RAYMOND W. MACK, Northwestern University; SALLY CASSIDY, University of Chicago; ]AMES ALLAN DAVIS, National Opinion Research Center; LiNTON FREEMAN, Northwestern University; ScoTT ··"",.j A. GREER, Northwestern University; JoHN I. KITSUSE, Northwestern University; PETER P. KLASSEN, University of Illinois; RosE HuM LEE, Roosevelt University; MURRAY H. LEIFFER, Garrett Biblical Institute; HANS MAUKSCH, Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital; DONALD Roos, Lake Forest College. Executive Office: American Sociological Society, New York University Washington Square, New York, New York I 4 ' AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROGRAM OUTLINE WEDNESDAY, September 2 PAGE SATURDAY, September 5 3:30-5:30 P.M. PAGE Use of Computers ...... 10 PAGE 10:00 A.M. ...... 10 9 :00-11 :00 A.M. The Family ...... ll Council (all day) ...... 27 Communication and Public Max Lerner's America as a Opinion ...... 20 Proposed Section on Medical Civilization ...... ll Sociology ...... 28 Family Relationships of the Rural Sociology ...... ll Aged ...... •..... 20 Sociological Theory ...... ll History and Sociology ...... 20 2:20P.M. Social Psychology ...... 12 Medical Sociology ...... • . 20 Sociology of the Arts ...... 12 Occupational Sociology . . . . . 21 Section on Social Psychology. 28 8:00P.M. Social Disorganization . . . . • . 21 Social Structure and Per- 4:00P.M. General Session . . . . . • ...... 12 sonality ...... • 21 Proposed Section on Meth· FRIDAY, September 4 odology ...... 28 II :00 A.M.-12 :00 M. 9 :00-II :00 A.M. Business Meeting ...... 22 The Family ...... 13 History and Sociology ...... 13 · THURSDAY, September 3 International Sociology ...... 13 1:30-3:30 P.M. Medical Sociology ...... 13 Economic Change ...... 22 8:30-10:00A.M. Methodology ...... 14 Graduate Training in So- Sociology of Psychiatric Care 14 ciology ...... 22 Registration ...... 6 Social Structure and Person- Industrial Sociology ...... 22 ality ..•...... 14 Methodology ...... • . 23 10:00 A.M.-12:00 M. Political Sociology ...... 23 II :00 A.M.-12 :00 M. Race and Ethnic Relations. . 23 Age Status and Social Struc· Business Meeting ...... 14 Theological Education • . . . . . 24 ture ...... 6 Use of Computers ...... 6 1:30-3:30 P.M. Family Dynamics and Men- Communication and Public 3:30-5:30 P.M. tal Illness ...... 6 Opinion ...... 15 Criminology ...... • . 24 Industrial Sociology 6 Occupational Sociology . . . . . 15 The Family ...... 24 · Kinship and the Family. . . . . 7 Social Disorganization 15 Sociology of Sm11ll Groups . . . 24 Rural Sociology ...... 7 Sociology of Small Groups 16 Sociology of Education ...... 25 SQcial Psychology ...... 7 Sociology of Law ...... 16 Sociology of Organizations. . . 25 Sociology of Organizations ... 16 Sociology of Religion ...... 25 l:30-3:30P.M. Statistical Significance ...... 17 Sociology of Science ...... 26 Community Studies ...... 8 Urban Sociology ...... 17 Economic Development and 3:30-5:30 P.M. Social Change ...... 8 Criminology ...... 17 Medical Sociology ...... 8 Demography ...... 18 · 9 Industrial Sociology ...... 18 Sociological Profession ...... 9 Political Sociology ...... 18 Industrial Sociology 9 Problems of Integration . . . . . 18 Sociology and Education . . . . 10 Social Stratification 19 Urban Sociology ...... 10 Sociological Theory ...... 19 Sociology of Religion ...... 19 8:00P.M. Presidential Session and In­ formal Gathering ...... 19

See pages 27 and 28 for full schedule of meetings of Council, Committees, Editorial Boards, Sections, and Officers of Affiliated Societies. See the hack pages of the Program for Index of Program Participants. The facilities of the Illinois State Employment Service will be used at the meetings. Interested persons should report to Employment Headquarters immediately after registering. 6 mURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1959-(Continued) 7

RoLF MEYERSOHN, University of Chicago THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 "Work Routines and Routine Leisure"

8:30-10:00 A.M. REGISTRATION-Passagio Loms H. 0RZACK, University of Wisconsin "Work as a 'Central Life Interest' of Professionals" 10:00 A.M.-12 M. AGE STATUS AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE-Parkview Room Loms A. FERMAN, HAROLD L SHEPPARD, and SEYMOUR FABER, University of Michigan-Wayne State University, Institute of Labor and Industrial Chairman, GLENN V. FuGmTT, University of Wisconsin Relations "Social Psychological and Situational Factors in the Morale of Unem­ KENNETH M. OLSEN and BERNICE L. NEUGARTEN, University of Chicago ployed Industrial Workers" "Social Class and Age-Graded Behavior in Adulthood: An Empirical Study" JoHN B. KNox, University of Tennessee NoRMAN B. RYDER, University of Wisconsin "Integration of Work Force in an Argentine Factory" "The Cohort as a Concept in the Theory of Social Change" CHARLES V. WILLIE, State University of New York Medical School in Syracuse SOCIOLOGICAL AND ANmROPOLOGICAL STUDY OF KINSHIP AND "Age Status and Residential Stratification" THE FAMILY (joint session with the American Anthropological Asso­ ciation)-Balmoral Room ELIHU KATZ, University of Chicago, and ABRAHAM ZLoczowER, Hebrew Uni· versity Chairman, DAVID M. SCHNEIDER, University of California, Berkeley "Contextual Influences on the Structure of Friendship Relations: A Report on Second-Generation Yemenites and Europeans in an Panel Discussion: ELAINE M. CuMMING, New York State Department of Mental Israeli Town" Hygiene Discussion: JosEPH A. KARL, Washington University KASPAR NAEGELE, University of British Columbia LLoYD A. FALLERS, University of California, Berkeley USE OF COMPUTERS IN THE SIMULATION OF SOCIAL PROCESSES­ Berwyn Room MARION J. LEVY, JR., Princeton University Chairman, RoBERT L. HAMBLIN, Washington University FRED EGGAN, University of Chicago BERNARD P. CoHEN, University of California "Simulation of an Experiment in Conformity" RURAL SOCIOLOGY: CHANGING COMMUNITY AND ASSOCIATIONAI­ PATTERNS (joint session with the Rural Sociological Society)-South JAMES S. COLEMAN, Johns Hopkins University Terrace "The Simulation of Processes in Social Controversy" Chairman, HAROLD F. KAUFMAN, Mississippi State University WILLIAM McPHEE, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University "The Simulation of a Voting Public" JOHN C. BELCHER, University of Georgia "Changing Ecological Patterns" FAMILY DYNAMICS AND MENTAL ILLNESS-Ballroom WILLIS A. SuTTON, JR., University of Kentucky Chairman, PAUL WALLIN, Stanford University "Elements of Community Action" GEORGE K. ToKUHATA, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins CHRISTOPHER SowER, Michigan State University University "External Organizations and the Locality" "Social Change in Japan: The Family and Mental Illness" Discussion: WILFRID C. BAILEY, Mississippi State University WILLIAM McCoRD, JoAN McCoRD, and JoN GuoEMAN, Stanford University GEORGE A. HILLERY, JR., University of Florida "Family Structure, Dependency Conflict, and Alcoholism" RoBERT W. JANES, University of Illinois JEROME LAULICHT, Berkshire Industrial Farm RAYMOND PAYNE, University of Georgia "Anomie, Socialization and Aggression" IRWIN T. SANDERS, Harvard University JoHN A. CLAUSEN, National Institute of Mental Health "Husband-Wife Relationships Prior to Hospitalization for Mental Ill­ SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY-East Lounge ness" Chairman, DAVID J. BoRDUA, University of Michigan INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY: WORK AND LEISURE-West Lounge HAROLD MENDELSOHN, Psychological Corporation Chairman, WILBERT E. MooRE, Princeton University "Social Status, Life Cycle, V aloes and Decisions" HAROLD L. WILENSKY, University of Michigan ARNOLD E. HOROWITZ, University of Michigan "Labor and Leisure in the Urban Community" "Concept Formation and Communication Patterns Among the Navaho" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1959-(Continued) 9 8 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1959-(Continued)

E. GARTLY JAco, Cleveland Psychiatric Institute and Western Reserve Uni­ S. KIRsON WEINBERG, Roosevelt University versity "Differentiated and Undifferentiated Closest Friendships Among Ado­ "Some Potential Contributions of Medical Sociology to Sociological lescents of the Same Sex" Theory" JERRY S. CLOYD, Iowa State College HERBERT MENZEL, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University "Functional Differentiation in Informal Group Structure" "Innovation, Integration, and Marginality: Facts and Problems from a Survey of Physicians" FRED B. SILBERSTEIN, West Virginia University and MELVIN SEEMAN, Univer­ sity of California, Los Angeles Discussion: To be announced. "Social Mobility and Prejudice" SOCIAL STRATIFICATION-West Lounge DAVID C. GLAss, 0RvrLu; G. BRIM, JR., and DAVID E: LAVIN, Russell Sage Foundation Chairman, AuGUST B. HoLLINGSHEAD, Yale University "The Relative Value of Four Hypotheses from Formal Decision Theory in Predicting Child-Rearing Decisions" SAXON GRAHAM, MoRTON LEVIN, and ABRAHAM LILIENFELD, Roswell Park Memorial Institute "The Socio-Economic Distribution of Cancer of Various Sites, Buffalo, 1:30-3:30 P.M. New York, 1948-1952" COMMUNITY STUDIES-Parkview Room LLOYD RoGLER, University of Puerto Rico, and AuGUST B. HoLLINGSHEAD, Yale University Chairman, ALBERT J. REiss, JR., State University of Iowa "Class Position and Coherence in Communication" HAROLD W. PFAUTZ, Brown University, and RoBERT W. HYDE, Butler Health RICHARD L. SIMPSON, University of North Carolina, and IDA HARPER SIMPSON, Center Duke University "The Ecology of Alcohol in the Local Community" "Some Factors Related to the Prestige of Occupations: An Exploratory Study with Implications for Theory and Research" PETER CoLLISON, Oxford University "Local Community Associations in an English " MoRTON B. KrNG, JR., Southern Methodist University "Socio-Economic Status and Sociometric Choice" ARNOLD S. FELDMAN and CHARLES TILLY, University of Delaware "The Interaction of Social and Physical Space" PROBLEMS IN THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL Discussion: WAYLAND J. HAYES, Vanderbilt University PROFESSION-South Terrace Chairman, EDGAR F. BoRGATTA, Russell Sage Foundation DEVELOPING THEORY CONCERNING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CHANGE-Balmoral Room . CHARLES E. HuTCHINSON, Air Force Office of Scientific Research "Factors in the Location of a National Headquarters of Social Science Chairman, W. FRED CoTTRELL, Miami University Organizations" MERVYN L. CADWALLADER, San Jose State College ELBRIDGE SIBLEY, Social Science Research Council "General Systems Theory and the Analysis of Social Change" "The Objectives of Sociological Training" HARRY C. DILLINGHAM and JoHN HARP, Iowa State College LAWRENCE K. NoRTHWOOD, New York School of Social Work "Societal Characteristics That Generate Co-operatives and Transform "Organizational Limitations on the Role of the Researcher" Them" SIMON MARCSON, Rutgers University INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY: INDUSTRIALIZATION AND THE MEANING "Social Change and Social Structure in Transitional Societies" OF WORK-Michigan Room CHARLES E. WooDHOUsE and DAVJD S. McLELLAN, University of California at Chairman, RoBERT DuBIN, University of Oregon Riverside HERBERT BLUMER, University of California, Berkeley "Social Controls in American Foreign Aid: Dilemmas of a Tutelary "Early Industrialization and the Laboring Class" l Role" JosEPH A. KARL, Washington University Discussion: JoHN UsEEM, Michigan State University [· "Three Types of Mexican Industrial Workers" li RicHARD D. LAMBERT, University of Pennsylvania MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY-Ballroom "Vertical Reference Groups Among Factory Workers in India" Chairman, EvERETT C. HUGHES, University of Chicago JIRI KoLAJA, University of Kentucky EvERETT C. HuGHES, University of Chicago "Workers' Participation in the Management of a Polish Textile Fac­ Title to he announced tory" 10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1959-(Continued) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1959-(Continued) 11

SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION-East Lounge THE FAMILY: SOME RACIAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ETHNIC Chairman, MARTIN A. TRoW, University of California, Berkeley CONSIDERATIONS-Ballroom JoHN JoHNSTONE, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ...._ Chairman, WILLIAM M. KEPHART, University of Pennsylvania "High School Social Structure and Its Consequences for the Student" JOHN T. BLuE, }R., Virginia State College and SIDNEY M. GREENFIELD, Purdue PHILLIPS CuTRIGHT, University of Chicago University , "Students' Choice of College" "The Sociological Preconditions of the Matrifocal Family ]AN HA.JnA, Johns Hopkins University DAVID M. HEER, United States Bureau of the Census "Social Origins and Intellectual Orientations of American Graduate "The Marital Status of Second Generation Americans" Students" Lucy ]EN HuANG, Boston University Junior College JoE L. SPAETH, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago "New Problems of Communist Chinese Working Wives" "Value Preferences and Career Choices of Graduate Students" LEE G. BuRCHINAL and LoREN CHANCELLOR, Iowa State University and Iowa PETER H. Rossi and ELIAS SMITH, University of Chicago State Department of Health . . • , "Some Persistent Themes in Research in the Sociology of Education" "Ages of Brides, Occupations of Grooms and Cross-Rehg:tous Marriages

URBAN SOCIOLOGY: A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE-Berwyn Room THE SOCIOLOGIST AND MAX LERNER'S AMERICA AS A CIYILlZATION Chairman, GiDEON SJOBERG, University of Texas (joint session with the American Studies Association)-Bahnoral Room LEO F. SCHNORE, University of Wisconsin Chairman, W. REX CRAWFORD, University of Pennsylvania " and Economic Development" DENNIS H. WRONG, Brown University LAWRENCE KRAnER, American University "American Society in Comparative Perspective" "Current Trends in Chinese Urbanism" MAURICE R. STEIN, Brandeis University BERT F. HosELITZ, University of Chicago "Urbanization in India" "American Sociology and the Study of American Civilization" E. DIGBY BALTZELL, University of Pennsylvania 3:30-5:30 P.M. "American Civilization from Tocqueville's Moral Sociology to Lerner's USE OF COMPUTERS IN THE SIMULATION OF SOCIAL PROCESSES­ Objective Social Science" Parkview Room W. REX CRAWFORD, University of Pennsylvania Chairman, BERNARD CoHEN, Stanford University "The Patient on the Operating Table" AusTIN C. HoGGATT and FREDERICK E. BALDERSTON, University of California, Berkeley RURAL SOCIOLOGY: THE DISCIPLINE AS AN APPLIED FIELD "Continuity of Relationships Among Organizations Imbedded in a (joint session with the Rural Sociological Society)-Michigan Room Communication Network: Assimilation Study" Chairman, CHARLES E. LIVELY, University of Missouri DAVID G. HAYS, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California "Automatic Language-Data Processing in Sociological Research" M. E. JoHN, Pennsylvania State University "The Role of the Rural Sociologist in an Industrial Society, with Par- Other paper to he announced ticular Reference to Agriculture"

DEMOGRAPHY: EXPLORATIONS IN THEORY AND ANALYSIS-East CARL C. TAYLOR, Washington, D. C. Lounge "The Role of the Rural Sociologist in the Underdeveloped Countries" Chairman, RUDOLF HEBERLE, Louisiana State University Discussion: HAROLD F. KAUFMAN, Mississippi State University CHARLES E. LIVELY, University of Missouri RoBERT GuTMAN, Rutgers University M. E. JoHN, Pennsylvania State University "Some Unresolved Questions in Population Theory" CARL C. TAYLOR, Washington, D. C. Discussion: WALFRID J. JoKINEN, Louisiana State University GEORGE A. HILLERY, JR., University of Florida SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY-Berwyn Room "Felt Population Pressure in India: Methods of Identification" Chairman, LEWis A. CosER, Brandeis University THOMAS P. MoNAHAN, Municipal Court of Philadelphia JoHN T. GuLLAHORN and JEANNE E. GULLAHORN, Michigan State University "Premarital Pregnancy in Population Groups" "A Model for Role Conflict Analysis" THOMAS 0. WILKINSON, University of Massachusetts "The Structure of Metropolitan Areas in Japan" JAMES M. BEsHERS, Purdue University "Decision Models and Sociological Theory" 13 12 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1959-(Continued)

ERNEST VAN DEN HAAG, New York University and New School for Social FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Research "Education as a Secular Religion" 9:00-11:00 A.M. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: REPORTS ON PROGRAMS OF RESEARCH-West THE FAMILY: PANEL DISCUSSION ON THE CONTINUING IMPLICA­ Lounge TIONS OF THE KINSEY STUDIES-Ballroom DAviD J. BoRDUA,University of Michigan Chairman, Chairman, WILLIAM M. KEPHART, University of Pennsylvania JOHN JAMES, Portland State College \ "An Experimental Study of Rehabilitation of Mental Hospital Patients" WARDELL B. PoMEROY, Institute for Sex Research "Development, Status and Future Plans of the Sex Institute" RicHARD M. CYERT and }AMES G. MARCH, Carnegie Institute of Technology "Researeh on a Behavioral Theory of the Firm" WINSTON W. EHRMANN, University of Florida "The Relation of Other Sex Studies to the Kinsey Findings" RoNALD LIPPITT, University of Michigan "Programmatic Continuity in Exploring the Structure of Children's GERALD R. LESLIE, Purdue University Groups" "Some Implications of the Kinsey Findings for the General Family Field" JEROME K. MYERS, Yale University "Family and Class Dynamics in Mental Illness PAUL H. GEBHARD, Institute for Sex Research "Some Potential Areas of Sex Research for Sociologists" SOCIOLOGY OF THE ARTS-South Terrace !: Chairman, IsRAEL GERVER, Brooklyn College HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY-Parkview Room Literature and Mass Culture Chairman, RoBERT A. NISBET, University of Cailfornia; Riverside r ALBERT SALOMON, The New School for Social Research LELAND H. JENKs, Wellesley College I: "Lukacz' Contributions to a Sociology of Literature" "Some Early Phases of the Management Movement" IsRAEL GERVER, Brooklyn College, and JosEPH BENSMAN, William Esty & Com· WILLIAM PETERSEN, University of California, Berkeley "The Demographic Transition in the " "S:::i'e Aspects of the Sociology of Romanticism" BERNARD RosENBERG, College of the City of New York INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY-Michigan Room "An Approach to the Problem of Mass Culture" I Chairman, MARION J. LEVY, JR., Princeton University Discw;sion: LEo LoWENTHAL, University of California, Berkeley 1: SEYMOUR LEVENTMAN, Pennsylvania State University KARL DEUTSCH, Yale University "Some Problems of International Communication Among Scientists" The Visual Arts and Society WILLIAM J. GooDE, Columbia University GERALDINE PELLES, Columbia University "The Rule of Legitimacy: An International Comparison" 1: "Style in Art and Society" FRANCIS X. SuTToN, Ford Foundation l, RUDOLPH E. MoRRIS, Marquette University "Planning and Rationality in Underdeveloped Countries" "Rembrandt: Social Correlates of Transitional Artistic Perception" RuTH UsEEM and JoHN UsEEM, Michigan State University Discussion: CHESTER ALEXANDER, Westminster College "Americans in Cross-Cultural Relations-The Case of India" 8:00P.M. ATTITUDES AND ACTION IN MEDICINE-Berwyn Room GENERAL SESSION: Analysis of the Sociological Profession-Ballroom Chairman, to be announced Chairman, DoNALD YouNG, Russell Sage Foundation JACOB J, FELDMAN, University of Chicago Panel discussion: HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon "Attitudes Toward Physicians" HowARD BECKER, University of Wisconsin THEODORE CAPLOW, University of Minnesota EDWARD A. SucHMAN, SYLVIA GILLIAM, Department of Health JoHN A. CLAUSEN, National Institute of Mental Health "The Seeking of Medical Care" Discussion based on a paper prepared by Talcott Parsons for this Session and SYDNEY S. SPIVACK and JERALD T. HAGE, Bureau of Applied Social Research, published for prior reading by members of the Society as "Some Problems Columbia University Confronting Sociology as a Profession," American Sociological Review, August, "Religions Influences Upon Contraceptive Advice Given by Physicians" 1959. Discussion: To be announced. Discussion from the floor will be especially invited. 14 FRIDAY, SEPEMBER 4, 1959-(Continued) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1959-(Continued) 15

METHODOLOGY-South Terrace 1:30-3:30 P.M. Chairman, HERBERT H. HYMAN, Columbia University COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC OPINION-Berwyn Room CHRISTEN T. JoNASSEN, The Ohio State University Chairman, MELVIN L. DEFLEUR, Indiana University "A Test of Some Aspects of Rural-Urban Theory by Factor Analysis" ScoTT A. GREER, and JERROLD L. WERTHEIMER, Northwestern University RAFAEL E. GILL, Audits and Surveys, Inc., and DAVID CAPLOVITZ, Bureau of "The Social Structure and Political Communication Process of Sub­ Applied Social Research, Columbia University urbia" "History of a Questionnaire" ]AMES W. SWINEHART, and JACK M. McLEOD, Survey Research Center, Uni- LESLIE KISH, University of Michigan versity of Michigan "Components of Variance of Population Characteristics" "News About Science: Channels, Audiences and Effects" KURT W. BAcK, Duke University, and JosEPH MAYONE STYcos, Cornell Univer· J. GoRDON SHAW, University of New Hampshire sity "Space Allocation in New England Daily Newspapers" "Response Error or Respondent Measure?" RoBERT SoKOL, Tufts University "The Televisiun Behavior and Attitudes of lnfluentials" THE SOCIOLOGY OF PSYCHIATRIC CARE AND TREATMENT-West DoNALD AusTER, St. Lawrence University Lounge "The Role of Business and Labor-Sponsored Films in Education: A Chairman, EDMUND H. VOLKART, Stanford University Study in Mass Persuasion" CHARLES KADUSHIN, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University "Factors in the Choice of a Psychiatric Clinic" OCCUPATIONAL SOCIOLOGY: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THEORY AND METHOD-Sooth Terrace WILLIAM R. RosENGREN and Lois E. ERICKSON, Emma Pendleton Bradley Hos- pital, Riverside, R.I. Chairman, NATALIE RoGOFF, Columbia University "Social Class Influences Upon a Disturbance Syndrome in Children" ATHENA THEODORE, Simmons College RoBERT H. HARDT, Syracuse University "The Marginal Professional: The Role of the Volunteer in the Mental "Social Factors and Mental Hospitalization Prognosis: A Study in Hospital" Prediction" ]AMES D. CoWHIG and SHERIDAN T. MAITLAND, United States Department of Agriculture OzzrE G. SIMMONS and HowARD E. FREEMAN, Harvard University "Some Sociological Aspects of Labor Force Measurement" "Deviance and the Post-Hospital Performance of Mental Patients" ! JoEL B. MoNTAGUE, JR., Washington State University (' "Socialization of the Professions" SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND PERSONALITY-East Lounge L ARTHUR L. STINCHCOMBE, Johns Hopkins University {,' Chairman, ORVILLE G. BRIM, JR., Russell Sage Foundation "Some Social Supports of ,Professional Attitudes Among Construction Workers" RoBERT A. DENTLER, University of Chicago "Morton Prince's Studies in Personality: Some Implications for Re­ RIVKA BAR-JosEF, and ERLING ScHILD, Hebrew University I' search in Socialization and Self'' "Role Deviations in Bureaucratic Occupations: An Approach Derived from Expectancy-Theory" JoHN KosA, Cornell University, LEo D. RACHIELE and CYRIL 0. ScHOMMER, 1: Le Moyne College Discussion: HARVEY L. SMITH, University of North Carolina "The Self-image of Socially Mobile College Students" Other to be announced. MANFORD H. KuHN, State University of Iowa "Self-Attitude Changes in Relation to Critical Experiences" SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION AND DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: ALCOHOLISM AND SUICIDE-Ballroom HowARD W. PoLsKY, Hawthorne Cedar Knolls School "Cottage Parents: A Case Study of Accommodation" Chairman, AusTIN L. PoRTERFIELD, Texas Christian University RICHARD MAISEL, New York City RALPH G. CoNNER, University of Illinois "Social Status and Self Conception Among Recruits in Basic Training" "Self-Concepts of Alcoholics" LEE N. RoBINS, Washington University "The Adult Drinking Behavior of Problem Children" 11:00 A.M.-12:00 M. WILLIAM R. LARSON, and ERNEST G. PALOLA, University of Washington BUSINESS MEETING-Ballroom "Some Underlying Communalities of Alcoholism and Suicide" 17 16 FRIDAY, SEPEMBER 4, 1959-(Continued) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1959-(Continued)

MILTON A. MAXWELL, State College of Washington AMITAI ETUONI, Columhia University "Alcoholism in Industry and the Problem of Measuring Deviancy" "A Case for the Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations" MARVIN E. WOLFGANG, University of Pennsylvania "Suicide by Means of Victim-Precipitated Homicide" STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE IN SOCIAL RESEARCH-West Lounge Chairman, PETER H. Rossi, University of Chicago SOCIOLOGY OF SMALL GROUPS-Michigan Room SANTO F. CAMMILLERI, Stanford University Chairman, 0MAR KHAYYAM MooRE, Yale University "Problems of Inductive Inference in Sociology" NoRMAN W. BELL, McLean Hospital, Waverly, Massachusetts }AMES A. DAVIS, University of Chicago "Preliminary Observations on Social Interaction on Chronic Schizo­ "Statistical Significance, Structural Effects, and Small Groups" phrenic Ward" HANAN C. SELVIN, University of California, Berkeley A. PAUL HARE, Harvard University "Statistical Significance and Sociological Theory" "A Comparison of Psychiatric and Rehabilitation Wards in a General Hospital" Discussion: LESLIE KrsH, University of Michigan RICHARD J. HILL, University of California, Los Angeles SIMON DINITZ, MARK LEFTON, JoN SIMPSON, RALPH M. PATTERSON, and BEN­ JAMIN PASAMANICK, Ohio State University "Correlates and Consequences of Patient Interaction aiid Isolation in a Mental Hospital" URBAN SOCIOLOGY-East Lounge

MARVIN B. SussMAN and WILUAM B. WEIL, M.D., Western Reserve University Chairman, GIDEON SJOBERG, University of Texas "An Experimental Study on the Effects of Group Interaction Upon the Behavior of Diabetic Children" BERNARD LAZERWITZ, University of Michigan EDWIN B. HUTCHINS and FRED FIEDLER, University of Illinois "Metropolitan Community Residential Belts between 1950 and 1956" "Quasi-therapeutic Relations in Small Groups" BENNETT M. BERGER, University of California, Berkeley "The Myth of Suburbia" SOCIOLOGY OF LAW-Balmoral Room EuGENE LITWAK, University of Michigan Chairman, F. }AMES DAVIS, Hamline University "Reference Group Theory, Bureaucratic Careers and Neighborhood Primary Group Cohesion" RoBERT B. YEGGE, University of Denver "The Litigious Man" RICHARD DEWEY, University of New Hampshire ARNOLD M. RosE, University of Minnesota "The Rural-Urban Continuum: Real But Relatively Unimportant" "The Legal Status of Voluntary Associations in Italy" JosEPH S. RoucEK, University of Bridgeport "The Sociological Aspects of Soviet Legality" 3:30-5:30 P.M. JEROME H. SKOLNICK, Yale University CRIMINOLOGY-Ballroom "Articulated Values of Elite Law Students" RICHARD D. ScHWARTZ, Yale University Chairman, GEORGE B. Vow, University of Minnesota "The Effectiveness of Legal Sanctions" FRANK E. HARTUNG, Wayne State University Discussion: HAROLD W. SAUNDERS, State University of Iowa "Differential Association as a Theory: Relation to Sociological and ERWIN 0. SMIGEL, New York University Social Psychological Theory"

}AMES F. SHORT, JR., Washington State University SOCIOLOGY OF ORGANIZATION-Parkview Room "Differential Association as a Hypothesis: Problems of Empirical Testing" Chairman, HowARD M. VoLLMER, Stanford Research Institute OscAR GRUSKY, University of California, Los Angeles HENRY D. McKAY, Institute for Juvenile Research "Administrative Succession in Formal Organizations" "Differential Association and Crime Prevention: Problems of Utiliza­ tion" DoNALD B. TRow, Yale University "Membership Turnover and Team Performance" DANIEL GLASER, University of Illinois "Differential Association and Criminological Prediction: Problems of CHARLES B. PERROW, University of Michigan Measurement" "Organizational Prestige: The Case of a General Hospital" 18 FRIDAY, SEPEMBER 4, 1959-(Continued)_ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1959-(Continned) 19

DEMOGRAPHY: STUDIES IN METHOD AND DATA-Balmoral Room CHESTER L. HuNT, Western Michigan University and CHARLES D. WHATLEY, Chairman, A. J. JAFFE, Columbia University University of Oklahoma "Negro-White Perceptions of Identical Situations" CHARLES B. NAM, United States Bureau of the Census "Demographic Factors in School Enrollment trends, 1951 to 1958" DIETRICH C. REITZES, George Williams College "Race Relations in Urban Society" JAMES W. BRACKETT and SAMUEL BAUM, United States Bureau of the Census "A Comparison of East and West German Statistics on Interzonal JAMES W. VANDER ZANDEN, Duke University Migration" "Southern White Resistance to Integration" RicHARD F. ToMAssoN, Scripps Foundation SOCIAL STRATIFICATION-Berwyn Room "Bias in Estimates of the United States Nonwhite Population as Indi­ cated by Trends in Death Rates" Chairman, AuGUST B. HoLLINGSHEAD, Yale University MoRRIS B. ULLMAN, United States Bureau of the Census ALAN C. KERCKHOFF, Duke University • , "The of Mainland China" "Subjective Mobility: An Exploratory Study of the Feehng of Success ABRAHAM L. RosENBLUM, University of Southern California INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY: THE ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT OF WORK "Social Class Affiliation and Ethnic Prejudices" -Parkview Room THOMAS E. LAsswELL, Grinell College Chairman, GEORGE C. RoMANS, Harvard University "Orientations Toward Social Classes" STANLEY H. UDY, JR., Yale University "Bureaucracy and Rationality in Weber's Organization Theory: An R. P. CuzzoRT and HoWARD BAUMGARTEL, The University of Kansas Empirical Study" "Induced Social Mobility" WILLIAM A. FAUNCE, Michigan State University "Occupational Involvement and the Selective Testing of Self-Esteem" SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY-West Lounge LUKE M. SMITH, Alfred University, and IRVING A. FowLER, University of Buffalo Chairman, LEWIS A. CosER, Brandeis University "Plant Relocation and Worker Immobility: The Social Structure of an Economic Decision" PHILIP SELZNICK and GERTRUDE JAEGER SELZNICK, University of California, Berkeley WILLIAM H. FoRM and WARREN L. SAUER, Michigan State University "The Idea of a Social System" "Organized Labor's Image of Community Power Structure" ALVIN W. GouLDNER, Washington University BERNARD GoLDSTEIN and HoWARD BoGARD, Rutgers University "Starting Mechanisms and Sociological Theory" "The AFL-CIO Code of Ethical Practices as Viewed by Local Union Activists" GIDEON SJOBERG, The University of Texas "Contradictory Functional Requirements and Social Systems" POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY: COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE-South Terrace SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION: RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE IN MODERN Chairman, RoBERT E. LANE, Yale University SOCIETY-Michigan Room RoBERT A. DAHL, Yale University Chairman, GERHARD E. LENSKI, University of Michigan "The Structure of Power in New Haven" CHARLES Y. GLOCK, University of California, Berkeley PETER H. Rossi and ELIAS SMITH, University of Chicago "Differential, Commitment to Religion: Some Sources and Conse­ "A Theory of Community Structure" quences" RoBERT E. AGGER, University of Oregon, DANIEL GoLDRICH, Michigan State University, and BERT SwANSON, Hunter College GuY E. SwANSON, University of Michigan "A Comparative Study of Political Influence in Oregon and North Caro­ "The Interpretation of Religious Experience in Theories of Social lina" Organization" PATRICIA D. JENKINS, University of Chicago Discussion: CHARLES Y. GLOCK and GuY E. SwANSON "South West and North West Hyde Park: A Comparative Analysis of Citizen Participation in Urban Renewal" 8:00P.M. Discussion: SAMUEL A. STOUFFER, Harvard University PRESIDENTIAL SESSION-Ballroom PROBLEMS OF INTEGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES-East Lounge (joint session with the Society for the Study of Social Problems) Chairman, RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Washington Chairman, BuTLER A. JoNES, Ohio Wesleyan University KINGSLEY DAVIS, University of California, Berkeley "The Myth of Functional Analysis in Sociology and Anthropology" ALLEN D. GRIMSHAW, Indiana University "Relationships Among Prejudice, Discrimination, Social Tension and Social Violence: Some Preliminary Remarks" INFORMAL GATHERING-East Lounge and West Lounge SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959-(Continued) 21 20 ELIOT- L. FREIDSON, The City College of New York and Montefiore Hospital "Client and Colleague Control in Medical Practice" SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 RoBERT NEAL WILSoN, Harvard University "The Physician's Changing Role in the Hospital" 9:00-ll:OO A.M. Discussion: To he announced COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC OPINION-Berwyn Room OCCUPATIONAL SOCIOLOGY: CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE­ Chairman, MELVIN L. DEFLEUR, Indiana University Balmoral Room ELIHU KATz and MARTIN L. LEVIN, University of Chicago Chairman, EDWARD GRoss, Washington State University "Traditions of Research on the Diffusion of Innovation" HARRY W. MARTIN and FRED E. KATz, University of North Carolina EvERETT M. RoGERS, Ohio State University "The Professional School as a Molder of Motivations" "The Role of the Agricultural Innovator in Technological Change" J. EuGENE HAAS, Ohio State University, MARTIN J. TAVES, University of Min· RoY E. CARTER, JR., University of Minnesota nesota, and DAVID M. SHAW, Duke University "Effects of Racial-Identification Practices Upon the Interpretation "Influence Patterns in Vocational Choice" of New Stories" LAWRENCE PoDELL, City College of New York WALTER GJEBER, University of California, Berkeley "Occupational and Familial Role Expectations" "The Role of Communicators of News of Civil Rights and Liberties: W AHREN E. }AMES, Rutgers University A Gatekeeper Study" "Differences Among Occupational Prestige Strata in Acceptance of WILLIAM R. CATTON, JR., University of Washington Occupations as Professions" "Changing Cognitive Structure as a Basis for the 'Sleeper Effect' " GEORGE L. MADDOX, Millsaps College "Occupational Goals: A Study of the Expectations of Selected Pre- FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS OF THE AGED-Ballroom Ministerial and Pre-Medical Undergraduates" DAN C. LoRTIE, Harvard University Chairman, GLENN V. FuGUITT, University of Wisconsin "Institutional and Entrepreneurial Careers in Law and Medicine" WAYNE E. THOMPSON, Cornell University Discussion: BERNARD KARSH, University of Illinois "Retirement and Family Relationships" WILLIAM KoRNHAUSER, University of California, Berkeley AARON LIPMAN, University of Miami "Marital Roles of the Retired Aged" SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION AND DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: CONCEPTS AND METHODS OF STUDY-Michigan Room RoBERT GUY BROWN, Duke University Chairman, AusTIN L. PoRTERFIELD, Texas Christian University "Family Structure and Social Isolation of Older Persons" AusTIN L. PoRTERFIELD, Texas Christian University and FLOYD A. PoLLOCK, EuGENE FRIEDMAN, University of Wisconsin Stephen F. Austin College "Changing Family Status of the Aged" "Concepts and Methods of Study of Social Disorganization and Deviant Behavior in 1959, with Emphasis upon Papers not Scheduled for Discussion: ERNEST W. BURGESS, University of Chicago Delivery" CHARLES E. BowERMAN, University of North Carolina GWYNN NETTLER, Community Council of Houston and Harris County, Texas "'Good Men,' 'Bad Men,' and the Perception of Reality" HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY-Parkview Room MisRA S. ZAKS, Northwestern University Medical School, and RICHARD H. Chairman, R. A. NisBET, University of California, Riverside WALTERS, University of Toronto "The Development and Validation of an Aggres~ion Scale with Appli- BRYCE RYAN, University of Miami cation to Normal and Pathological Behavior" "Social Values and Social Change in Ceylon" JAcK Gmos, University of Texas "The Need for Analytical Typologies in Criminology" FRANZ ADLER, University of California, Los Angeles "The Basic Difficulty in Historical Sociology" JEROME HIMELHOCH, Brandeis University "Social Problems as Culture Personality Systems" INTERACTION IN THE MEDICAL SYSTEM-West Lounge SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND PERSONALITY-East Lounge Chairman, to be announced Chairman, ORVILLE G. BRIM, }R., Russell Sage Foundation FRED DAVIS, Jewish Family Service, New York, and Russell Sage Foundation EVELYN MAcDouGALL, Washington State University " 'Uncertainty' as a Stratagem in the Communication of Medical "Values and Anomie" Prognoses" 22 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959-(Continued) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959-(Continued) 23

W. R. DILL, T. L. HILTON, and W. R. REITMAN, Carnegie Institute of Technology "The Role of the Individual in Promoting His Own Career: A Report CHARLES H. CoATES, University of Maryland on Aspirants for Managerial Jobs in Industry" "Business, Industry, and the Military Establishment: Pattern• of Similarity in Executive Roles" EDGAR F. BoRGATTA, Russell Sage Foundation and JoNATHAN E. RoBBIN, New HARRISON C. WHITE, Carnegie Institute of Technology York University "Research and Development as a Pattern of Industrial Management: "Role Specifications and Personality" Uncertainty, Conformity, and Institutionalization" GARY M. MARANELL, University of Arkansas RICHARD S. HALPERN, J. Walter Thompson Co. "The Elements of Role-Taking: Conceptualization and Empirical "The Impact of Employee Unionization on Supervisory Attitudes" Study" HowARD M. VoLLMER, Stanford Research Institute, and PATRICK J. McGILLIVRAY, CLARK E. VINCENT, State University of Iowa University of California, Berkllley "Implications of Changes in Male-Female Role Expectations for Inter­ "Personnel Offices and the Institutionalization of Employee Rights" preting Masculinity-Femininity Scores" CHANNING M. BRIGGS, San Francisco YMCA FREDERICK W. KoENIG, Southern Methodist University "A Deeision-Making Model for Viewing Superior-Subordinate Rela­ "Clarity of Role Perceptions and Personal Satisfaction" tionships" METHODOLOGY-Parkview Room 11 :00 A.M.-12 :00 M. Chairman, HERBERT H. HYMAN, Columbia University BUSINESS MEETING-Ballroom THOMAS J. BANTA, Columbia University "An Empirical Study of a New Attitude Scaling Technique" I :30-3:30 P.M. SIDNEY M. PECK, Milwaukee·Downer College THE EFFECT OF ECONOMIC CHANGE ON OPINIONS AND ON THE "Group Discussion Interview" COMMUNITY-West Lounge MATILDA WHITE RILEY and MARY E. MoORE, Rutgers University Chairman, W. FRED CoTTRELL, Miami University "Role Identification in Dyad Analysis" FRANCIS R. ALLEN, Florida State University POliTICAL SOCIOLOGY: FOREIGN AND ETHNIC POliTICAL STYLES­ "Nuclear Industries and Economic Development: A Study of Opinions" East Lounge J. KENNETH MoRLAND, Randolph·Macon Woman's College Chairman, RoBERT E. LANE, Yale University "Stability and Change Among Mill-Village Families" DANIEL KuBAT, University of Wisconsin DoNALD R. SouTH and VERNON J. PARENTON, Louisiana State University "Patterns of Political Leadership in a Communist State: , "Citronelle-Then and Now: A Study of Social Change" 1946-1958" FRANK W. YouNG and RuTH C. YouNG, San Diego State College MICHAEL PARENTI, Yale University Institute for Mental Health "The Politics of Americanization: Three Generations of Italian­ "Two Determinants of Community Reaction to Industrialization in, Americans" Rural Mexico" LuCIAN W. PYE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Discussion: To be announced "Burmese' Political Styles" JoHN C. LEGGETT and DAVID STREET, University of Michigan GRADUATE TRAINING IN SOCIOLOGY-Berwyn Room "Conflict Responses: Detroit Negroes Face Unemployment"

Chairman, RAYMOND V. BoWERs, University of Georgia SPECIAL STUDIES OF RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS-Ballroom F. JAMES DAVIS, Hamline University Chairman, T. ScoTT MIYAKAWA, Boston University "Course Preparation Desired by Graduate Departments of Sociology" LEONARD BROOM, University of Texas HARRY SHARP, University of Michigan "The Australian Aborigines: A Powerless Minority" "Use of Detroit Area Study for Graduate Training" JoHN B. EDLEFSEN and KHALIDA SHAH, Washington State University, and NoRMAN G. HAWKINS, University of Texas Medical Branch MoHSIN ·F AROOQI, University of the Punjab, Pakistan "Graduate Training for Health Research" "Makranis, the Negroes of West Pakistan" FRANK F. LEE, University of California, Riverside INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY: THE MANAGEMENT OF MEN-Michigan Room "Racial Patterns in a British City: An Institutional Approach" IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, Columbia University Chairman, JAMES G. MARCH, Carnegie Institute of Technology "Ethnicity and Natiqnal lntefl'aticm !I! West Afric~" 24 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959-(Continued) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959-(Continued) 25

THE SOCIOLOGIST IN THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION-Balmoral Room SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION-West Lounge Chairman, SAMUEL W. BLIZZARD, Princeton Theological Seminary Chairman, MARTIN A. TRow, University of California, Berkeley Panel Discussion BuRTON R. CLARK, University of California, Berkeley Discussion: RocKWELL C. SMITH, Garrett Biblical Institute "How Colleges Handle Student Failures" CARL H. HERTZ, Hanna Divinity School RosE K. GoLDSEN, MoRRIS RosENBERG, RoBIN M. WILLIAMS, JR., Cornell Uni- WILLIAM L. KoLB, Carleton College versity, and EDWARD A. SucHMAN, Department of Health, New York City 3:30-5:30 P.M. "Educational Values of College Students" CRIMINOLOGY-Ballroom NoRMAN MILLER, School of Public Works, University of North Carolina "Academic Climate and Student Values" Chairman, RoBERT E. CLARK, Pennsylvania State University NATALIE RoGOFF, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University JACKSON ToBY, Rutgers University "College, Careers and Social Contexts" "Status Loss as a Factor in the Selection of Delinquent Friends" REECE McGEE, The University of Texas NoRMAN S. HAYNER, University of Washington "The Functional Necessity for Institutional 'Inbreeding' " "Patterns in Prisoner Backgrounds: Characteristics of Five Offender Types" CLARENCE ScHRAG, University of Washington SOCIOLOGY OF ORGANIZATIONS-Berwyn Room "Preliminary Criminal Typology" Chairman, PHILIP SELZNICK, University of California, Berkeley STANTON WHEELER, Harvard University "Aspects of Socialization in Correctional Communities" RoBERT DuBIN, University of Oregon "Power and Function" MICHAEL HAKEEM, University of Wisconsin "Brain Waves, Drugs, and Delinquency" WILLIAM A. KoRNHAUSER, University of California, Berkeley "Professional Independence and the Large Organization" THE FAMILY: MATE SELECTION AND MARITAL ADJUSTMENT-Michi­ SoL LEVINE, PAUL E. WHITE and CAROL L. PIERSON, Harvard School of gan Room Public Health Chairman, WILLIAM M. KEPHART, University of Pennsylvania "Interaction Among Organizations" , JANE PHILIPS and DoROTHY WILLNER, Bureau of Applied Lours A. FERMAN, Wayne State University; VrcTOR GELINEAU and ALVIN D. Social Research, Columbia University ZALINGER, Boston University "Patterns of Communication in Working-Class Marriages" "Church Organization and Unofficial Agencies" ERNEST R. MoWRER, Northwestern University WILLIAM M. EvAN and MoRRIS ZELDITCH, JR., Columbia University "Sequential and Class Variables of the Suburban Family" "An Experimental Study of Bureaucratic Authority" CHARLES W. HoBART, University of Redlands "Attitude Changes During Courtship and Marriage" SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION: STUDIES OF PROTESTANTISM AND F. IVAN NYE, Washington State University CATHOLICISM-Parkview Room "Employment Status and Maternal Adjustment t~ Children" Chairman, GERHARD E. LENSKI, University of Michigan JAcK BuERKLE and THEODORE ANDERSON, Yale University, and RoBIN BADGLEY University of Saskatchewan ' RAYMOND J. MURPHY, University of California, Los Angeles "Altruism and Marital Adjustment" "Authoritarianism and Religious Affiliation" SOCIOLOGY OF SMALL GROUPS-East Lounge HARVEY J. LocKE and SISTER SARAH MARGARET, University of Southern Cali­ fornia Chairman, 0MAR KHAYYAM MooRE, Yale University "Changes in Personality Traits and Values of Nuns from Postulancy GEORGE PsATHAs, and SHELDON STRYKER, Indiana University Into Professed Life" "An Experimental Study of Power Coalitions in Triads" DAVID H. FossELMAN and WILLIAM THoMAs Lru, University of Portland JEANNE WATSON, University of Chicago and DAVID RrESMAN, Harvard University "Social Mobility of Catholic College Students in the Northwest" "Emotional Themes in Sociability" NEIL J. WELLER, West Virginia University STUART C. Donn, and MARILYN McCURTAIN, Public Opinion Laboratory, Uni- "A Comparative Study of Vertical Mobility Among Catholics and versity of W asbington Protestants" "Logistic Diffusion in Randomly Overlapped Cliques" RoBERT FREED BALES and ARTHUR S. CoucH, Harvard University DAVID 0. MoBERG, Bethel College, St. Paul "The Value Profile-A Factor Analytic Study of Value Statements" "Religion and Society in the Netherlands and America" 20 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959-(Continued) SPECIAL MEETINGS 27

SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE-Balmoral Room COUNCIL MEETINGS Chairman, FRANCIS X. SuiTON, the Ford Foundation COUNCIL, 1959-Lincoln Room KARL B. HILL, Harvard University "The Social and Individual Needs Met by Science" September 2, 10:00 A.M.-Meeting 12:00 M. -Informal Luncheon Meeting NoRMAN KAPLAN, Cornell University 1:15 P.M.-Meeting "Research Atmospheres in Two Different Institutional Contexts" September 3, 4:30 P.M.-Meeting 10:00 P.M.-Informal Gathering (refreshments available)­ HAROLD GARFINKEL, University of California, Los Angeles East Lounge "Reasonable Rules of Procedure and 'Reasonable' Findings in Scientific Inquiry September 4, 4:30 P.M.-Meeting (tentative) Other papers to be announced COUNCIL, 1960---Lincoln Room September 5, 4:30 P.M.-Meeting (tentative)


LIAISON COMMITTEE ON SOCIOLOGY AND EDUCATION, WILBUR BROOKOVER, · Chairman September 4, 3:30 P.M.-Illinois Room 1960 COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES, W. FRED CoTTRELL, Chairman September 3, 9:00 A.M.-lllinois Room SELECTION COMMITTEE ON MAciVER AWARD, HARRY ALPERT, Chairman September 3, 1:30 P.M.-American Room 1960 COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS, , Chairman September 4, 9:00 A.M.-Lincoln Room MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE AND REPRESENTATIVES, HAROLD PFAUTz, Chairman September 5, 12:00 M. -Special Luncheon Meeting-Lincoln Room COMMITTEE ON TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS, ELBRIDGE SIBLEY, Chairman September 3, 10:00 A.M.-lllinois Room COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH, THEODORE CAPLOW and HANAN SELVIN, Co-Chairmtln September 3, 1:30 P.M.-Lincoln Room COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS, DoNALD YouNG, Chairman September 5,_ 9:00 A.M.-lllinois Room COMMITTEE ON MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE STATISTICS, DANIEL 0. PRICE, Chairman September 3, 3:30 P.M.-American Room COMMITTEE TO ADMINISTER ASIA FOUNDATION GRANT, KiNGSLEY DAvis, Chairman September 4, 9:00 A.M.-lllinois Room COMMITTEE ON THE PROFESSION Discussion Leader, Guy E. SWANSON Panel Discussion of Implications of Legislation that Certifies Psychologists. Open Meeting. All interested members of the Society invited. September 3, 9:00 A.M.-Michigan Room 28 SPECIA:L MEETINGS-(Continued) DIRECTORY of EXHIBITORS SPECIAL EXHIBIT-I.B.M. EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING American Book Company EXHIBITORS OF LUNCHEON FOR BOARD OF AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW Appleton - Century - Crofts, MISCELLANEOUS VOLUMES: September 3, 12:00 M. -Illinois Room Academy of Organizational Inc. Science Association of American Uni­ Administrative Science Quarterly SECTION MEETINGS versity Presses Howard Allen, Inc., Publishers American Physical Therapy Assn. SECTION ON SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Basic Books, Inc. Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Paper by LEONARD S. COTTRELL, JR., Chairman Columbia University Press B'rith Business Meeting ' Thomas Y. Crowell Company Antioch Press September 2, 2:30 P.M.-West Lounge Ballantine Books, Inc. PROPOSED SECTION ON MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY (tentative title) The Falcon's Wing Press Beacon Press SAMUEL W. BLooM, temporary Chairman The Free Press Brown University Press Bureau of Business Research, Ohio Business Meeting Harcourt, Brace & Company September 2, 10:00 A.M.-East Lounge State University Harper & Brothers Disaster Research Group, National PROPOSED SECTION ON METHODOLOGY Academy of Sciences Business Meeting Henry Holt & Comp~ny, Inc. The Foundation for Research in September 2, 4:00 P.M.-East Lounge Houghton Mifflin Com'pany Human Behavior W. H. Freeman & Company Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Funk & Wagnalls Company AFFILIATED SOCIETIES J. B. Lippincott Company Gradgram Grove Press, Inc. PRESIDENT'S LUNCHEON FOR OFFICERS OF AFFILIATED SOCIETIES The Macmillan Company September 4, 12:00 M. -Illinois Room Human Relations Area Files McGraw-Hill Book Company International Publishers Company New American Library of John Knox Press OTHER MEETINGS World Literature, Inc. Loyola University Press University of Miami Press ALPHA KAPPA DELTA BREAKFAST The Leo Potishman Founda- William Morrow & Company, Inc. Annual Business Meeting tion September 4, 8:00 A.M. National Conference on Social Prentice-Hall, Inc. Welfare I.B.M. DEMONSTRATION University of Notre Dame Press September 4, 4:15 P.M. Random House Oxford University Press, Inc. The Pacific Sociological Review LUNCHEON FOR AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY Rinehart & Company, Inc. September 4, 12:00 M. The Ronald Press Company Psychiatry, A Quarterly Journal Psychoanalysis and the Psychoana- Row, Peterson & Company lytic Review D. Van Nostrand Company, Rural Sociology Watch bulletin board for further meeting announcements. Inc. Russell Sage Foundation Porter Sargent, Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Social Forces NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL WELFARE

the only national forum for the total social welfare community INDEX OF PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS

Publications of the Annual Forum Adler, Franz ...... 20 Coates, Charles H...... 23 Agger, Robert E...... 18 Cohen, Bernard P ...... 6, 10 Social Welfare Forum-Official Proceedings, comprising the most complete Alexander, Chester ...... 12 Coleman, James S ...... 6 record of social welfare since 1874. Sent free to regular members. Allen, Francis R ...... 22 Collison, Peter ...... 8 Alpert, Harry ...... 3, 12, 27 Committee Meetings ...... 27 Casework Papers selected from papers presented at Anderson, Theodore ...... 24 Connor, Ralph G...... 15 Social Work with Groups the forum in the specialities. Auster, Donald ...... 15 Coser, Lewis A...... ll, 19 Community Organization Cottrell, W. Fred ...... 3, 8, 22, 27 Back, Kurt ...... 14 Couch, Arthur S...... 24 Badgley, Robin ...... 24 Council Meetings ...... 27 Conference Bulletin-published quarterly for all members. Bailey, Wilfrid C...... 7 Cowhig, James D...... 15 Balderston, Frederick E...... 10 Crawford, W. Rex ...... ll Yearly list of "Significant Books in Social Welfare"-compiled from outstanding Bales, Robert Freed ...... 24 Cumming, Elaine M...... 7 books published during preceding year. Offered to regular members at discount. Baltzell, E. Digby ...... ll Cutright, Phillips ...... 10 Banta, Thomas J ...... 23 Cuzzort, R. P ...... 19 Bar-Josef, Rivka ...... 15 Cyert, Richard ...... 12 Enrich your professional career by becoming a member. Baum, Samuel ...... 18 Baumgartel, Howard ...... 19 Dahl, Robert A...... 18 87th Annual Forum Atlantic City June 5-10, 1960 Becker, Howard ...... 3, 12 Davis, F. James ...... 16, 22 Belcher, John C...... 7 Davis, Fred ...... 20 National Conference on Social Welfare, 22 West Gay St., Columbus, Ohio Bell, Norman W ...... 16 Davis, James A ...... 3, l7 Bensman, Joseph ...... 12 Davis, Kingsley ...... 3, 19 Berger, Bennett M...... 17 De Fleur, Melvin L...... 15, 20 Beshers, James M...... ll Dentler, Robert A...... 14 Blackwell, Gordon W ...... 3 Deutsch, Karl ...... 13 Blizzard, Samuel W ...... 24 Dewey, Richard ...... 17 Blue, John T ...... ll Dill, William R...... 22 acta Blumer, Herbert ...... 3 Dillingham, Harry C...... 8 Bogard, Howard ...... 18 Dinitz, Simon ...... 16 Bordua David J ...... 7, 12 Dodd, Stuart C...... 24 sociologica Borgatta, Edgard F ...... 9, 22 Dubin, Robert ...... 9, 2.5 Scandinavian Review of Sociology Bowerman, Charles E ...... 20 .Duncan, Beverly ...... 3 Skandinavische Zeitschrift filr Soziologie Bowers, Raymond V...... 22 Duncan, Otis Dudley ...... 3 Revue Scandinave de Sociologic Bracket, James W ...... 18 Briggs, Channing M...... 23 Edlefsen, John B ...... 23 CONTENTS Brim, Orville G., Jr...... 8, 14, 21 Eggan, Fred ...... 7 Vol. 4· Fasc. 1: Brookover, Wilbur ...... 27 Ehrmann, Winston W ...... 13 Joachim J.srael: Measurement of Cross-Pressures in Groups by the Unfolding Broom, Leonard ...... 3, 23 Erickson, Lois E...... H Technique Brown, Robert Guy ...... 20 Etzioni, Amitai ...... 17 Gem·g Karlsson: Party Differentiating Political Opinions in Male Swedish Youth Buerkle, Jack ...... 24 Evan, William M...... 25 Stein Rokkan: Electoral Activity, Party Membership and Organizational Influ- Burchinal, Lee G...... ll ence: An Initial Analysis of Data from the Norwegian Election Studies 1957 Burgess, Ernest W ...... 20 Faber, Seymour ...... 7 R. Helanko: The Yard Group in the Socialization of Turku Girls Fallers, Lloyd A ...... 7 Book Announcements Cadwallader, Mervyn L...... 8 Faris, Robert E. L...... 3, 19 In coming issues: Camilleri, Santo F...... 17 Farooqi, Mohsin ...... 23 Torben Agersnap and Erik Johnsen: Decision Game. A New Tool for Group Caplovitz, David ...... 14 Faunce, William A...... 18 Experiments Caplow, Theodore ...... 12, 27 Feldman, Arnold S...... 8 Bo Anderson and C. 0. Melen: Lazarsfeld's Two-Step Hypothesis: Swedish Data Carter, Roy E...... 20 Feldman, Jacob J ...... 13 Vilhelm Aubert and Harrison White: Sleep: A Sociological Interpretation Cassidy, Sally ...... 3 Ferman, Louis A ...... 7, 25 Thomas Mathiesen: Aspects of Social Stratification in a Changing Community Catton, William R., Jr...... 20 Fiedler, Fred ...... 16 Chancellor, Loren ...... ll ACTA SOCIOLOGICA is published quarterly in English, German or French. Form, William H ...... 18 Clark, Burton R ...... 25 Fosselman, David H...... 25 Write for free sample copy to Acta Sociologica, 10, Jul. Thomsens Plads, Clark, Robert E...... i ...... 24 Copenhagen V, Denmark. Subscriptions are by one volume only. Orders Fowler, Irving A...... 18 Clausen, John A...... 3, 6, 12 Freeman, Howard E...... 14 should be made to Ejnar Munksgaard, 6, N~