Adi Shankara
Adi Shankara A brief history Raj Vedam, May 12, 2013 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 1 Adi Shankara - Ancestry • Born in Kalady in Kerala, a village on the banks of the Purna river. • Grandfather: Vidhyadhiraja • Father: Shivaguru • Mother: Aryamba or Vishista Devi • Gothram: Atri • Krishna Yajurvedi • Nambudari Brahmana 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 2 Kalady – Location on the map 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 3 Kalady – closer look 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 4 Brief Outline of Travels • At age of 8, left Kerala toward North, met guru Govinda Bhagavatpada on the banks of Narmada. • After studies went to Kashi then to Badrinath. • Met Kumarila in Prayag. Proceeded to Mahismati on Narmada in MP to meet Madana Mishra. • Went with disciples to Maharashtra,Gokarna, and Kollur near Shimoga. • Then began Dig-Vijaya (tour of conquest). Traveled all over India. Went to Kashmir, Nepal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Vidarbha, Karnataka, Saurashtra Girnar, Somnath, Prabhasa, Dwarka. Went up to Kamboja (north of Kashmir?). • Final days, went to Kedarnath-Badrinath 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 5 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 6 Some Works of Adi Shankara • bibliography • Bhashyas (commentaries) on the Upanishads, Bhagavatgita, Mahabharata. • Prakarana Grantha (Thesis) (Vivekachudamani, Upadesa sahasri, Tattva Bodha, etc.) • Stotras on Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Ganesha and Subrahmanya (e.g., Bhaja Govindam, Bhavani Astakam, Dakshinamurthy stotram, etc.) 5/16/2013 Raj Vedam 7 Dating Adi Shankara • Sringeri records: 788CE-820CE • Kanchi Peetam, Govardhana Matha, Dwaraka Pitha: 509-477BCE • Another tradition (astrologer BV Raman) 44BCE-12BCE • 805CE–897CE (Venkiteswara) (92 years) • Controversies exist till today on first two dates.
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