Israel's 70 Years the Glass Is Half Full

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Israel's 70 Years the Glass Is Half Full P.B.B. ÖSTERREICHISCHE POST AG PZ 08Z037896 P AUSGABE 1 | 2018 ILLUSTRIERTE NEUE WELT JUDENGASSE 1A/25, 1010 WIEN EINZELPREIS € 4,50 Titelbild von Dorit Feldman: Phoenix aus der Serie Geophilosophie, 2014 Das Konzept der „Geophiloso- phie“ – das Zusammensehen eines Ortes oder Territoriums mit seiner existenzreflektieren- den Geschichte und Bedeutung drückt sich in der Figur aus, (ein Selbstporträt), die in die Tiefe des Schattens – Schichten von Was- ser und Sand – taucht, um das Unterbewusstsein des Ortes zu durchfluten. Der Schatten und die ausgebreiteten Fächer verweisen auf den mythologische Phoenix, der sich zyklisch aus dem Sand regenerierend, und, auf den „Flü- geln der Geschichte“ gleitend, die Unendlichkeit symbolisiert. AUS DEM INHALT POLITIK Putin taktiert geschickt SEITE 3 ÖSTERREICH 80 Jahre nach dem Anschluss SEITE 4 ISLAM Frauen für Demokratie SEITE 8 EUROPA ISRAEL’S 70 YEARS EU-Gelder für Antisemiten SEITE 11 FILM Hans-Moser-Film THE GLASS IS HALF FULL vom Flohmarkt SEITE21 INTERVIEW n its 70th birthday, Israel continues to military officials were found guilty of criminally in office, he is responsible for a sad record: Nowhere Barbara Staudinger struggle with immense domestic and fo- abusing their position of power – at the expense in the OECD is poverty proportionally as high as über die Neugestaltung reign policy problems. Seventy years after of their environment or the public. Most of them in Israel. A total of 1.8 million Israelis, including der Auschwitz-Birkenau OIsrael was founded to give hope to Jews around – including Netanyahu – are not even ashamed of 842,300 children – 22 percent of the population Ausstellung the world, pessimists are thriving. To find reasons that. Instead, they brazenly attack Israel’s justice, in and 31.2 percent of all children - lived below the SEITE22 for concern or croaks is not difficult. It starts with line with their maxim „divide et impera!“: At the poverty line in 2016. Most of them come from the FILM Israel’s geography. After 40 years of traveling, why elections, the prime minister did not even shy away ultra-Orthodox or Muslim Arab sectors. 50 Min. Berlinale did Moses have to lead his people on the Exodus from blatant lies, by inciting his voters to rush to the It is the poorest sections of the population that 2018 SEITE24 precisely into this country? To a stretch of land polls, alleging that the „left“ bussed Arabs en masse are growing fastest. This could be an existential where there is more sand than fresh water? A coun- to the polling stations to remove him from office. problem for Israel: if these two segments fail to in- LITERATUR try that is surrounded by Islamists and collapsing No longer Israeli Arab citizens alone are being vi- tegrate into society, Israel collectively will become Die eigenen und states, which are primarily exporting oil, terror, lified collectively. Human rights organizations are impoverished. As if all that was not enough to die Lügen der refugees and radical ideologies? Not to mention branded as „leftist extremists“ or even as „traitors“. think about, the old Palestinian problem not only Anderen enemy neighbors, like Iran, which invests billions Journalists are publicly attacked; even judges, civil remains unresolved, it festers like a putrid wound. SEITE 20 of dollars every year to destroy the Jewish state, servants, police and even the President are no lon- The peace process is dead. The peace in the West even though it has no conflicts of interest with Is- ger immune to the self-righteous zeal of the ruling Bank is superficial. An end to the era of Palesti- rael? Doomsayers do not need to look further. They right-wing camp. This official behavior is accompa- nian President Mahmoud Abbas is clearly foresee- only have to follow domestic political events. Ben- nied by a series of legislative initiatives that raise le- able. With marauding ruling structures in place, it jamin Netanyahu could soon become the second gitimate doubts about the government‘s understan- is very likely that his non-violent strategy of close Prime Minister in Israel‘s history to be forced to ding of democracy. There are additional indications security cooperation with Israel will be replaced by Besuchen Sie unsere resign for corruption and move from his residence that Netanyahu is using illegal practices to restrict chaos and terror. At the same time, the Gaza Strip is neu gestaltete Hompage mit to a prison cell. This would not even be an isola- the media landscape and free reporting in his favor. facing total, economic, political, social and, above aktuellen Terminen und ted case: in recent years, a president, a chief rabbi, All this weakens civil society. Not that Netanyahu all, ecological collapse. The only response that Is- interessanten Artikeln several ministers, and high-ranking officials and strengthened it in other ways. After almost ten years rael‘s government has so far provided A Page 2 2 AUSGABE 1 | 2018 ISRAEL F Page 1 to these worrying trends were invest- wing economy. This even allowed him to increase left-liberal circles on the old continent. And even in ments to reinforce settlement construction, sever- social assistance and reduce the number of poor the Arab world, various developments converged to ely damaging relations with its traditional allies in pensioners. a critical point that led Arab regimes to treat Israel no Europe. All of this may spoil the wine of those who Instead of the army, which continues to serve longer as an enemy but as an important ally. Relations want to toast on Israel‘s 70th birthday. Nonetheless, mainly secular Jewish Israelis, the free market eco- with Egypt and Jordan have never been closer than And even in the Arab in Israel, optimist glasses are at least half full. In nomy is now becoming the melting pot of Israeli so- they are today, and the balance of interests with other world, various develop- addition to these negative trends, there are many ciety. 70 years later, after the state had to defend its Sunni leaders has never been greater. Notwithstan- ments converged to a positive developments. Israel‘s economy is surpri- survival in a bloody war, that‘s a refreshing touch of ding all legitimate criticism, it should come as no sur- singly stable. Unemployment has hit a record low normalcy. In addition, Israel continues to expand its prise that Israelis are on average more content with critical point that led as the government integrates previously excluded technological edge over the Arab world. Israel enjoys their lives than citizens of other OECD countries. Arab regimes to treat sectors of society into the labor market. More and not only an internal but also a foreign policy expan- By the way, this is not only true for Jews: A whop- more ultra-Orthodox men and Arab women are sion, despite all its problems. The Palestinian conflict ping 62 percent of Arab citizens in Israel say that life Israel no longer as an now working. The differences between the so-cal- may remain unresolved for years to come. This does there is good and that is why they do not want to enemy but as an import- led Misrahim (Jews whose parents immigrated not seem to harm the diplomatic reputation of the leave the country under any circumstances. On its from Arab states and who hitherto belonged to country though. Netanyahu has succeeded in revi- 70th birthday, the country shows no sign of staidness. ant ally. the underclass) and the elite of Ashkenazim are ving old alliances with African countries and closing It is as young, energetic, contentious, contradictory diminishing. The poors’ standard of life is rising new ones in Asia, especially the budding superpo- and perky as ever. For one thing is certain: Despite steadily, because Israeli household incomes have wer India. In spite of their anti-Semitic past, some all the dangers and challenges, Israel has never been generally increased at least by ten percent since believe that the rise of right-wing populist, Islamo- so safe, stable, prosperous and future – oriented as it 2012. Benjamin Netanyahu can rightfully boast of phobic movements in Europe is a potential counter- is today. n a steadily declining budget deficit and a fast-gro- weight to the traditionally Israeli-hostile attitude of Gil Yaron The participants explored different topics that provisions were brought last week into a labora- could be of interest for a future Mars mission, such tory, in order to analyze their contents. It turned as satellite communications, the psychological ef- out that they contained central components to fects of isolation, radiation measurements and se- produce explosive devices and the kind of am- arch for signs indicating life on the ground. Guy munitions that were often used for Israel’s shelling Ron, Professor of Nuclear Research at the Hebrew from the Gaza Strip. The laboratory was established University of Jerusalem and project leader, admit- only a few months ago by the border authority, the ted that the project was not only serving research, General Security Service (SHABAK) and the Isra- but also aimed to inspire the public and to perhaps eli Police and operated jointly, in order to prevent L Mars in the Negev attract students. n such smuggling attempts and to quickly examine suspicious substances, so that permitted goods A team of six Israeli scientists has completed a L Explosives in medical could be released shortly. The US Special Envoy four-day trip to Mars - or at least to the Negev supplies for the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, wrote about desert, where a Mars simulation was held. The the find on Twitter: „Hamas should improve the experiment, which took place near the village of Israel has thwarted an attempt to smuggle ex- lives of those it allegedly rules, instead it decides Mitzpe Ramon was part of the project D-Mars and plosive Components into the Gaza Strip at the Ke- to increase violence and misery.
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