Entertainments on the Calendar Many Festivities Rooms Are Sought On For Visitors to Luncheon at White House; Preholiday Sorority to Mark Visitation Convent Social Schedule III Servicemen Founders' Day Gives Play Friday Phi Delta Gamma alum- The annual Christmas play by the Miss Truman Bridesmaid Pre-Christmas parties are already A campaign to And rooms for Sorority 1 lae, with members of Alpha and class of the beginning to crowd the calendar. relatives and friends visiting serv- sophomore Georgetown Mr*. Harry S. Truman was hostess at luncheon Beta will celebrate found- today, entertaining Gives Talk icemen at Walter Reed and Chapters, Visitation Convent for the Mrs. Martin will entertain on Taylor Hospital benefit 45 The President's wife stood in the Red Room to Vogel ;rs’ day with a banquet and tradi- guests. receive and the Forest Glen convalescent center of the Christ Child at a cocktail for ional at Society wifi be the luncheon was served at one long table in the State room. Wednesday party On Labor Problem will be the candle-lighting ceremony dining inaugurated Saturday by j 1 p.m. Friday at the Highlands. presented at 4 p.m. Friday in the During the time for receiving and throughout the luncheon a section of the chief participants in the wed- Junior Alliance under the auspices! school the Marine Band Orchestra played in the main corridor of the White ding of Miss Virginia Summers and At Club Luncheon of the Montgomery County War, Dr. Helen M. Dyer of the National auditorium, 1500 Thirty-fifth Col. Nathaniel Martin, which will and Housing Services, institute of Health will be guest street N.W. House. The Hospitality take place on December 29. opinion that most labor dis- Her will be "Women When Miss Gloria Chavez, daughter of Senator and Mrs. Dennis Inc, speaker. topic The price of admission will be a Mr. and Mrs. James Hale Stein- putes should be settled in the com- n Science.” The alliance will have an ofAce in gift for a child. The publle is Chavez of New Mexico, becomes the bride of Mr. Jorge E. Tristani, she munities in which they originate man will be hosts at a large dinner Welfare Participating in the program will invited. the honor of the first to have the Montgomery County will have singular being the daughter on January 5. The dinner will be was expressed yesterday by George >e two past national presidents, Mrs. W. Building, 8634 Colesville road, Silver The society will distribute the of the President, MLss Margaret Truman, as an attendant. The prospec- given in the Steinman home which Taylor, secretary of the recent .,eona Fehler Dorsey and Dr. Mar- Spring, which will be open from 1 toys to needy children tive bride has selected Saturday, February 9, for her and in- is one of the show in national Labor-Management Con- \ garet Sebree; Miss throughout nuptials places George- to 5 Virginia O’Neal, before Na- p.m. Monday through Saturday,! the city. Mrs. James S. Ruby to cluded on her busy calendar is a dinner at the White House two town. The house is well over 200 ference, the Woman’s dee president of the alumnae evenings beginning this week end. chairman of the project. has years old and was at one time! dur- tional Democratic Club. chapter; Miss Louise Babcock, before her wedding day. Miss Truman invited the members of the A special effort will be made ing the days of the Tsars, the Rus- This could be he to;' president of Alpha and wedding party to be her guests that evening. done, suggested, accommodate visitors during the \ Chapter, sian Embassy here. through establishment of local or Vliss Clara Hiller, president of Beta 20th A mgn noontime ceremony hi oc. Christmas holidays, but the project Century Club The Misses Louise and Caroline "neighborhood” boards, representing Chapter. Matthew’s Cathedral will unite the will be continued as long as it ‘‘Christmas in a Service Hospital” Steinman will give a cocktail party management and labor, on a volun- isj young couple and the Sulgrave Club! needed, according to present plans. j will be the subject of a talk by Mias on Sunday in honor of Miss Lydia tary basis. Where disputes can’t be will be the scene of the wedding Residents in the Walter Reed and, Memory Club to Hold Caroline L. Schlater, field director. Langer and Miss Eunice Kennedy, settled "at home,” however, he said reception. Forst Glen areas having rooms; American Red Cross, Walter Reed two of Washington’s most popular he would like to see some machinery Mrs. Stanley Miller will be her! which can be rented for this purpose Yule Party for Aged Hospital, at a meeting of the elviee members of the younger social set. made available to which both par- sister’s matron of honor and her are requested to get in touch with The Christmas for the education section, 30th Century Miss Langer and Miss Kennedy will ties could turn on a voluntary basis. party Aged two Imelda and Stanlee the office by telephoning Shepherd Woman's Club, Thursday. Luncheon will be children, also share honors at a Christmas tea Consideration also should be Home, given annually by Ann, w'ill be the flow'er girls. Be- 1554, Extension 23, during the office die National Mothers’ served at 12:30 p.m. at the YWCA. dance to be given the same day given, he added, to the Gov- Memory Club, other by having hours. sides Miss Truman, the bride's members of will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday. Following the program, member* El Circulo Inter-Ameri- ernment provide additional "fact- have attendants wall be the Misses Jane Alliance officers said they Mrs. Brown will a of the section will cano at the Potomac Boat Club. finding” boards as a "scientific Ray present wrap and label Jean ap- been full co-operation by Lingo, Virginia Summerlin, Miss is the in promised large American flag to the home, Christmas gifts to be contributed to Kennedy daughter of the proach” arbitrating disputes. It head Gross and Betty Jean Keenan and Maj. Gen. Shelley U. Marietta, and movies of American scenes will former Ambassador should be left up to the parties the Potomac Council Camp and Mrs. A. J. Hartnett, the former Miss of Walter Reed Hospital. be shown. Service’s drive for to Great Britain and Mrs. Joseph concerned to decide what facts are Hospital 8,400 Dolores The The organization's work will be Young. bridegroom- P. and Miss is the he There will also be carol singing gifts for service men and women in Kennedy, Langer pertinent, however, suggested. done on a volunteer basis. elect's younger sister, Miss Maria entirely and distribution of to mem- the in and daughter of the Senator from North Mr. Taylor, who addressed a club gifts hospitals Washington Luisa Tristani, has been selected Mrs. Charles Bilisoly, alliance presi- bers of the home. Dakota and Mrs. William Langer. luncheon, told the women there i nearby. Mr. dent, will have charge of the office as junior bridesmaid, and .. The committe of El Circulo Inter- was not as much “deadlock" as ap-! Jorge Guillermo Tristani will be his schedule for members and Mrs. Wil- Americano responsible for planning MRS. WISE. peared on the surface at the recent son's best man. liam H. Hessick will serve as chair- the Christmas fiesta consists of the and The former Miss Lucille Mc- Labor-Management Conference, man of the Rooms Committee. To name a few of the many par- following: Senorita Hilda Vallar- that he thought "some great Millan. daughter of Mrs. Edna prog-! The project was proposed by Mrs. ties scheduled for the popular young ino of Panama, Senoritas Elena and ress" was made through its sessions. Hash, is the bride Mr. H. Charles Morgan, welfare chairman. bride-to-be. there is the small tea! Gabriela Mora of Chile. Senorita of The decision of the conference Robert Wise, son Mr. and at. which Mrs. Robert Daniels will Graciela Sarmiento of Peru and the of “to work through collective bar- John be hostess Friday at 1300 New Misses Steinman and Miss Laureta Mrs. A. Wise of Harris- gaining and to keep Government and Hampshire avenue, two other Braden. burg, Pa. Their marriage took out," was fundamentally sound, he Army, Navy League teas at which Mrs. Walter Ames- in the Com- said. A T I • • I place Fairlington To Lecture bury and Miss Mildred Espinosa si aamonai munity Methodist Church in Emphasizing the importance of Sponsor will be hostesses, entertaining De- The Woman's Army and Navy Arlington. an educational approach to labor cember 27 and 28, respectively. League will a talk by Mrs. —H. A. Thom Photo. problems, he declared that good sponsor Debutantes Theodore Wedel on Re- Cocktail parties which will honor labor relations can never be “Community bride and bride- The Misses Michells and Patricia sponsibility to the Returning Serv- the prospective achieved merely by passing a law. Miss will make their formal Recent iceman” at 4 p.m. tomorrow at the groom are to be given by Betty Pynchon Weddings The speaker was introduced by Soldiers. Sailors and Marines’ Jean Keenan December 22, and bows in Washington during the William H. Davis, former director Club, Miss Christmas Are Announced 1015 L street N.W. The Is Miss Jane Lingo January 26. holidays when they join of economic stabilization, whose program their Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. under of the Bu- Jean Grass and Mrs. A. J. Hart- mother, Mrs. Whelen. wife of Maguire wife is president of the club. Both auspices Speakers' nett have invited for show- Comdr. John Whelen. U. S N. of Auburn, N. Y., have announced reau of the American Red Cross. guests MRS. SHARPLESS. R., Mr. Taylor and Mr. Davis formerly the of their Miss The lecture will be followed an ers December 31 and January 5, from their studies Rt Smith College. marriagp daughter. served as by The bride of Mr. Norman E. chairman of the War respectively; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mrs. Whelen is living in George- Cloe Marie Maguire, to Mr. Richard Labor Board. inspection of the club, which is son Mr. Howard dp Rachat will be hosts at a dinner| Sharpless, of town and plans to join Comdr. T. Birmingham, U. S. M. S.. son of sponsored by the league. Tea will } February 2. Mrs. Stanley Miller will i N. Sharpless, she is the former Whelen in Lima where he Is Naval Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Birming- be served in the canteen. Rev. The the Christmas Mood give a luncheon for her sister and I Miss Edith Lillian Garner, Attache of the United States Em- ham of this city. The Francis Pen Women’s League following league officers will Fr7ot'ietores receive and the bridal attendants February 6.! daughter of Mrs. Leola Phil- bassy, after the Misses Pynchon re- Murphy officiated at the ceremony assist during the after- and Miss Summerlin will October 13 in St. Catholic Plan ‘Library noon: Mrs. Smith Our collection of Virginia lips Garner. Their marriage turn to college early in the new Mary's Days’ Hempstone. islp'rJ imported Figurines be hostess at a buffet Church. A series of president; Mrs. Robert P. Patterson. supper Feb-J took place in the Pctworth year. Mrs. Whelen will be accom- "library days,” when offers a varied choice for Gifts; or to ruary 8. completing the list of en- her the Pen Women's will be Mrs. Alexander A. Vandegrift, Mrs Methodist Church. panied by youngest daughter, Library White Derby odd to the charm of your own home. tertainments planned so far for the little Miss Alixe Porter Whelen. Miss Marjorie Annabel Embrey. open at the studio. 1851 Columbia Russell Willson and Mrs. George —Hessler Photo. fat bridal of Mr. and Mrs. Charles road be Doriot. vice presidents; Mrs. Mont- right) couple. The Misses Whelen also will be daughter N.W.. will inaugurated Exclusive S. of Bethesda, became the afternoon gomery Higgins, treasurer; Mrs. C1350 subjects of famous de- As the holiday season approaches presented in Philadelphia, home of Embrey Thursday by the District Oliver L. assistant treas- $100 pr the regular Monday night dinner Wives Comdr. Whelen. their mother giving bride October 14 of Mr. George Han- branch. League of American Pen Spaulding, signers; attractively priced. surer: Mrs. John E. Hull, dances at the Sulgrave Club gain in Officials’ a dinner party for them at the Bar- sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Soren P. Women. Mrs. H. L. Strickler. li- secretary, Hansen of Mass. The Rev. and Mrs Robert Lavender, assistant popularity. Among those who en- clay. The dinner will precede the Quincy. brarian. will be in charge and mem- Luncheon Guests secretary. tertained at last evening's dinner dance which Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joseph E. Williams officiated at the bers will be given opportunity to in St. John's read or The program has been dance were Mr. Tilghman Bunch. The Sulgrave Club was the setting B. Smith will give for their ceremony Episcopal borrow copies of books arranged Church. written other for members of the league and other Miss Emily French Myers and Miss for an informal debutante nieces, Miss Ann Onolidge by members. pre-holiday party wives of and t| Anne Mitchell. On the latter's din- Smith, daughter of Capt. JoefTrey S. At, 8 p.m. Thursday the genealogy Army. Navy Marine today, when Mrs. Alan Philip officers in who are in- ner wrere Mr. and Mrs. Smith. U. S. N. R.. and Mrs. Smith, The marriage of Miss Irene Sol- workshop group will meet with Miss Washington I Lawrence! terested in the work. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ripley! Cusick, II. entertained at a lunch- formerly of Washington, and Miss tars. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Roberta Wakefield, chairman, super- I of New Mr. eon in to Harry Sollars, to Mr. Milton N. Cole- vising an exhibit of charts made York and John McVickar compliment Mrs. J. How- Sidney Howell Smith, daughter of by * man. son of Mrs. Rose Coleman, members who have of New York and Washington. ard McGrath, wife of the newly- Mr. and Mrs. J. Story Smith of been able to DAR Museum Group took October 14 in Beth to that I Mrs. New'bold Walmsley. wife of Philadelphia. place progress stage in their appointed solicitor general. Christ- Sholom Rabbi research. ♦he first secretary of the United! Miss Patricia Pynchon was grad- Synagogue, Henry To Hear Dr. Bassler mas greens and gay-colored flowers from the Segal officiating. The award of for best or States Embassy in Paris, was the uated Madeira School in prizes Dr R S. Bassler. head curator of a original feature articles written I honoree on the dinner given by Mr., were used to decorate the dining June, and number of her class- by the National Museum, will address mates there will be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Fiscel have members of the feature Bunch. Mrs. Walmsley, who re- among the group wiil the Museum Committee. DAR. at for at dinner and announced the marriage of their be held at. 8 p.m. tomorrow in the cently arrived in this country, will clubhouse the festive occasion. guests the dance In 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Miss Norma M. to studio. Mrs Chapter remain in Washington, her former, Mrs. Tom C. Clark, wife of the Philadelphia. daughter, Fiscel, Marie Main, chairman, House. Mr. Frederick Charles Johnston, will be in home, until the middle of February. Attorney General: Mrs. Robert E. charge. Miss Katherine Thoms, former wife of the U. S. C. G. R.. son of Mr and Mrs. The next event of the District She has taken an apartment at Hannegan, Postmaster Miss Wade to Wed and au- The newspaper correspondent Wardman Park Hotel. Mr. Walms- General, and Mrs. Leslie L. Biffle. William F. Johnston. ceremony branch will be the annual New Year The of Miss Zourie Mar- thor. will present Scotch songs. She wedding took place October 17 in St. Martin's reception and tea in honor of mem- ley is at present in where wife of the secretary of the Senate, will be at ihe garet Wade, daughter of Mr. Eugene the Rev. Louis F. Milten- bers accompanied piano by he is the United Nations were included in the list of Church, admitted during the past year. attending guests Wade of Buck Lodge. Md.. to Mr. Dr Wr. H. O McGehee. who will invited to meet Mrs. McGrath, berger officiating. Conference. Joseph W. Light, jr., will take place have charge of the program. —~ whose husband formerly was Gov- e Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock Miss Fox to ernor of Rhode Island. Speak in Our Lady of Lourdes rectory. Engagement Mis* to Wedding Anniversary The other guests were Mrs Kathryn Fox. chief of coun- Tuesday Club Hold George Mr. Light is the son of Mr. and B. Tribble, Mrs. Howard H. A nnouncements selling. United State* Employment To Be Celebrated Good, Mrs. Light, who reside in Chat- Mrs. Alva J. Service, will be the Y ule omorrow Spriggs, Mrs. Barge Mr. and Mrs. Lester Chilton of principal PartyT P. tanooga. at the Mr. and Mrs. John Mann will Hartz, Mrs. Mrs. speaker third and final meet- The Tuesday Club will hold a Kathryn Fuqua. New York announce, the en- City ing in a series of celebrate their 57th wedding an- George Clarke, Mrs. George Clarke, job conferences Christmas party at 8 p.m. today- 1 gagement of their daughter, Miss sponsored for at a jr.; Mrs. William F. O'Donnell, Mis. employed girls by the in the home of Mrs. George W niversary tomorrow evening Doris Barbara Chilton, to Mr. Bal- YWCA. Duncan I. Hasell, Mrs. Harry Dun- Evans. 752 Rock Creek Church road at their home on Glebe four D. Goldman, son of Mr. and Miss Pox reception can. Mrs. Walter Mrs. will have as her subject. Mrs. W. C Hancock and Mrs. E. P I road. Mr. and Mrs. Mann -were Gallagher. Mrs. Hymen Goldman of this city. Gerald "Do I Stay in Washington. D. C.?" Polliard will be Reilly, Mrs Owen McKevitt. The will take in Feb- co-hostesses. married in the Clay Street Meth- wedding place The to be Mrs. Tomas Cajigas, Mrs. Sinclair meeting, held at 7:30 p.m The club this year has contrib- odist Church in Richmond. Va. They ; ruary and the couple plan to reside Smith and Mrs. Charles H. Mc- tomorrow, will follow a supper of uted toward the Christmas cheer have resided in Arlington for 31 in this city. the Enernev, mother of the hostess. employed girls at 6:15 p.m. of servicemen at St Elizabeth's Hos- years, having lived in Washington A Christmas sale will be held by pital and to the Home for Incur- to this. came to Mrs Samuel Wllliaip Phillips of previously They the All-States Club Thursday in the ables. Host announces the the Capital 46 years ago when Mr. Official Arlington engage- lobby of the YWCA, Seventeenth was from Richmond to ment of her daughter, Miss Alice. Mann sent At Luncheon and K streets N.W. Zonta to be superintendent of the District Rachel Phillips, to Capt. John W. Club Hear of Columbia Paper Manufacturing Assistant Secretary of State Nairn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Co. Mrs. Mann formerly wras Miss Spruille Braden entertained at B. Nairn of Spring Valley. Out-Grown Shop Christmas Program luncheon Miss was from Lessie B. Tiller of that city. Mr. yesterday at Blair-Lee Phillips graduated The Out-Grown Shop of the A Christmas music program, Mann tvas born in a log cabin in House in honor of Dr. Pedro Cue, Wheaton College. Capt. Nairn was Junior League will be closed Friday under the direction of Mrs. Louise owner and from the Wharton School Dodge County, Tex., the son of the publisher of the Cuban graduated and Saturday and will open again Stambaugh. w-ill be the feature of of of late Mr. and Mrs. Streschley Mann. daily newspaper El Mundo. Business. University Pennsyl- Monday in new rooms at the league’s the Zonta Club luncheon at 1 pm. He will celebrate his 81st birthday The guests included the Charge vania. He returned recently from headquarters. Mrs. David Porter tomorrow at the YWCA. overseas three anniversary in February. d'Affaiies of . Dr. Jose Baron; after and one-half Guest is manager of the shop and Each member is requested to the director of of service. Mrs. J. Robert Mossburg, only the American Re- years Mrs. J. Holmes Daly is assistant bring a toy marked for a boy or girl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mann, public Affairs of the State Depart- The wedding will take place in the manager Mrs. Wade Bruton is for disti bution through the Wash- will assist her parents at the party ment. Mr. Ellis C. Briggs; special as- near future chairman of volunteers. ington Giuneil of Church Women. 1 tomorrow. There will be music, sistants to Mr. Braden, James H. and and Gustavo Duran; the recitations games. Wright Children s 1. chief and assistant chief of the Theater Division of Caribbean and Central The Christmas presentation of British Admiral Feted American Affairs of the State De- the Children's Theater will be Admiral Sir James Somerville, re- lta rtment, Mr. William P. Cochran "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp" tiring head of the British Admiral- and Mr. Willard Barber: Mr. Thom- which will be given at the National ty delegation, who will leave for as Blake, assistant to the special as- Theater December 27. England next week, was the honor sistant to the Secretary of State for Tickets for "Aladdin,” as well as guests at two farewell parties yes- press relations: Mr. Eugene Meyer. for the remaining three plays in the terday. First he was entertained at Mr. Herbert F. Corn. Mr. Edward series, are available now at the luncheon at the Carlton Hotel by Tomlinson. Mr. Walter Lippmann office of the Children's Museum of at 3516 Connecticut the French Naval Attache, Admiral and Mr. Blair Moody. MRS. HYDE. Washington, Fenard. chief of the avenue. They can be ordered by Raymond Formerly Miss Mary Ann French Naval Mission, and Mme. mail or telephone. The office is Marriage Announced of Mr. and Fenard. In the late afternoon he Long, daughter open Tuesdays through Fridays, 12 Announcement is made of the Mrs. Herman C. she is was feted by Capt. Barry Stevens, Long, to 5 o'clock. marriage of Miss Zelda Roberta chief of the British naval informa- the bride of Mr. Arthur Cun- Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tion at. the British Embassy, and ningham Hyde, son of Mr. Charles T. Newman, to Mr. John j Dance Canceled Mrs. Stevens. Earl McSherry Hyde and the L. Boccina. The ceremony took Because of the sudden death late Mrs. Hyde. Their mar- place September 18 in the Lutheran Saturday of Mrs. Edward Goring took in the First j In the News Church of the Reformation, the riage place Bliss, her aunt, Miss Minnie E. Rev. Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder offi- Presbyterian Church. Hawke has canceled her Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Graves will; —Underwood Photo. dance set for 3. entertain at dinner this evening in ciating. holiday January j the ballroom of the Sulgrave Club, when their guests, numbering 38. will be seated in the large ballroom. Val-a-pak Wardrobe Comdr. Edward Graham Kintner travel convenience has been relieved from active duty * and, with Mrs. Kintner. will make E his home in Baltimore. Temporarily they are staying in their apartment v^V in the Westchester until they find J Tax Incl. living quarters in Baltimore. Mrs. Kintner formerly was Miss Harriett Whitford, daughter of Mrs. George ANGEL VAL-A-PAK for modern travel con- J. Whitford, who lives at the r day Dresden. venience. Made of hose-duck canvas, Mrs. James Emlen Jones motored DOLL leather reinforced and featuring dust- Va., with her to Keswick, yesterday i proof zippered compartment that carries daughter-in-law, Mrs. James Emlen Jones, jr„ to spend the remainder several suits and a quantity of accessories of the week. Mrs. Jones, jr„ wife of in separate pockets. Packs Lt. Jones, U. S. N„ now in the Pa- Sg.98 hanging up— cific, was in Washington over Sun- folds .up to handy carrying size. Color, day. a "Bit O' is Burma Brown. Mrs. Jones will go on to Virginia &V Truly Heaven" Beach to spend Christmas with her this enchanting angel doll Mr. pf^ son-in-law and daughter, and with its sweet cherub face, Second Floor * Mrs. Richard Redwood Richardson, l|p" Luggage, elfin and halo of stars jr., and their daughter, Miss Mar- wings f gerie Richardson. and flowers. Pink rayon and cotton fleece body. Cotton Mr. and Mrs, William H. Jarvis stuffed round arm and To suit any personality or please any whim were hosts at a cocktail party Sat- leg, urday, entertaining for members of downy covering on head and of the imagination, whether for the home the cast of “Outward Bound," to be back of wings. Pressed or office, these sparkling, dear crystal book presented Thursday, Friday and cloth face. ends will make a gift that expresses thought- Saturday evenings at Wardman Park Theater. fulness and Individuality. A—Prancing Among the guests were Mr. and Horses. |—Goose Girl, designed after the Mrs. Jerome K. Mr. and Barnard, famous Hummel figures Mrs. Thomas Creightbn. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Menon, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Hutcheson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gatewood, Mr. J. Vesugar, head of F St. N.W. 1225 IIS PMittyhrgitia Avenue N.W. , the Indian Supply Mission, and Mr. A. R. Palit. director of the Indian District 3949 Supply Mission. cJ Gift from Becbers Means JHore

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