THE STORY of PARMA CASE STUDY #7 a Vivid Example of a Transition from Traditional Waste Management to Zero Waste in Only 5 Years
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THE STORY OF PARMA CASE STUDY #7 A vivid example of a transition from traditional waste management to Zero Waste in only 5 years. The key for their success: political will, involvement of civil society and a strategy focused on minimising residual waste. Case study 1 FIRST STEPS Parma is a city located in Northern Italy, in their position on the incinerator, expressing “We lost the battle to stop the region of Emilia Romagna. Well known whether or not they thought it needed to be the incinerator, but we for their food and quality of life, the region built. certainly won the war by is, however, Italy’s top waste producer, with succeding to transform 636 kg of waste per capita in 2014. This is NEW GOVERNMENT FOR the system” roughly 150 kg above the Italian average, and PARMA 160 kg above the EU average. The region re- cycles 58.2% of its municipal waste (MSW), The elections removed the pro- incineration meaning that 274 kg per capita are still sent mayor and brought a new one that was com- to disposal, to be landfilled or incinerated, mitted to stopping the incinerator and mak- while the European average is 259 kg. For- ing a Zero Waste city out of Parma. As a proof tunately, the situation is changing and Parma of the willingness to integrate civil society is leading the transition towards Zero Waste in the new model of waste management for in the region. Parma, Gabriele Folli, former activist of GCR, was appointed as local councillor for Envi- The city of Parma, with 190,284 inhabitants, ronment. was not in a better situation than the rest of the region: separate collection had stagnated Despite their commitment, construction around 45% for years and waste generation work on the incinerator was already highly was significantly high. This led the Province advanced and the expensive cost of com- and the Region to propose the construction pensation included in the contract made it of an incineration plant with a capacity of impossible for the city to prevent the project. 180,000 tonnes of MSW per year to be built Aldo Caffagnini, from GCR, summarised it by in Parma in 2013. saying that “we lost the battle to stop the con- struction of the incinerator, but we certainly SOCIAL MOBILISATION won the war by succeeding to transform the system and proving incineration is not need- The proposal to build an incinerator raised ed if a zero waste strategy is implemented”. concerns with the population of Parma, mostly those from the local Zero Waste group Once in office, the city government started to GCR; Gestione Corretta Rifiuti e Risorse design a zero waste strategy for Parma. This (Proper Waste and Resources Management). was elaborated through a process of public On top of raising awareness of the problems meetings and consultations with citizens associated with the incinerator that was go- that served to gather input to design a better ing to be built in Parma, GCR actively called system. Among these meetings, the council for alternatives and for the adoption of a zero organised some specifically addressed to waste strategy for the city. non-Italian speaking communities. Thanks to social mobilisation, the need for a FIRST STEPS new model of waste management became a central element of the local council elections In November 2012, Parma separately col- in 2012. A turning point came when GCR or- lected 48.2% of its MSW, mostly through ganised several electoral debates where the roadside containers. Door-to-door collec- electoral candidates where confronted on tion was barely used and bio-waste wasn’t their model of waste management for the collected in most of the city. The costs of city. They were, therefore, obliged to clarify disposal were very high, while the revenues Case study 2 from recycling were very low. Although sep- aging and residual waste) at kerbside. arate collection results were slightly bet- The introduction of door-to- door collection ter than the Italian average, the collection came along with the separation of glass system had a lot of room for improvement. and light packaging (i.e. plastics & metals, a Similar to other cities, Parma started its zero model that is widespread in Italy to ensure waste strategy by improving the separate col- operational and economic optimisation of lection of waste, through door-to-door collec- the system) into two different collections. tion and the separate collection of bio-waste. In these first steps, the council man- The city started the shift in the historical aged to get Iren, the waste opera- centre, with the aim of progressively intro- tor company, engaged in transform- ducing it to the whole city. Although it is un- ing the model of collection of Parma. usual to start with the city centre, the need Although Iren, the waste management com- to introduce bio-waste collection was used pany, owns the incinerator and has been as a leverage to rethink the whole system dealing with MSW of Parma since before of collection. A year and a half later, all dis- the shift, the political initiative to go towards tricts were collecting four waste streams zero waste managed to engage local em- (bio-waste, paper and cardboard, light ployees of Iren and motivated to improve the packaging and residual waste) at kerbside. system. This contrasts with other provincial One year and a half later, all the districts capitals managed by Iren, where, without were collecting four waste streams (bio- political will, results have remained wanting. waste, paper and cardboard, light pack- SEPARATE COLLECTION Case study 3 As of 2014, inhabitants of Parma have had square meters of the household, and a vari- their waste collected door-to-door. The able part that essentially depends on resid- collection system is, however, modulated ual waste generation (accounted in terms of according to the population density of the number of set-outs) and home composting. neighbourhood, with bio-waste and resid- ual waste being collected more often in the The fixed part already covers a minimum city centre than in residential areas. In the number of collections of residual waste per outskirts, buckets tend to be substituted by household, which is intended to cover the larger 120l wheeled bins for biowaste, while fixed costs of managing the system and con- in the city centre the collection of residual currently to prevent dumping and littering. waste is done in 50l bags. Additional removals are charged (€0.7 per bag, €1.4 per bucket and €4.2 per wheeled The second main difference is that, in the bin). In terms of positive incentives, house- city centre, collection takes place during holds get a 12% reduction in their fee if they the night, while in residential areas waste is do home composting. Households making collected in the morning. Garden waste and use of nappies are not charged for the extra glass are collected in roadside containers. removals. Garden waste was already collected this way in low-density areas, while glass started to After the introduction of this system, the col- be collected in road containers separately lection of residual waste has dropped and at from light packaging with the introduction of every collection, only 25% of inhabitants take kerbside collection. The previous multi- ma- out their bin to be emptied. terial collection of glass alongside plastics and metals was causing quite a few issues, in terms of higher confusion (hence more im- FLEXIBLE SYSTEM purities), post- collection separation (which incurred costs instead of revenues) and high- The council has introduced two main ele- er costs for transportation. ments of flexibility to door-to-door collection, the eco-stations and the eco-wagon. These Of course, any change in collection systems complement the door-to-door collection has some challenges and the procedures system so as to better adapt to the specific need some time to be optimised. In Parma needs of the citizens. the operators of the separate collection and an environmental brigade make sure the col- lections are performed properly. Soon after ECO-STATIONS the introduction of the new system, the prob- lems that arose with the change –such the The eco-station is a small kiosk with eight type of bag to be used and the time of col- windows (four on each side) where recycla- Flyer with the route and timetables of lection- have been significantly reduced. Yet bles and residual waste can be left 24/7 so the eco-wagon there is still some control from the company that those needing to take out their waste at and the operators who, at the same time, a different time to the collection can do so. provide feedback to citizens. The system is computerised and can only be accessed to with a user card. The recyclables are collected free of charge, whilst residual PAY-AS-YOU-THROW waste is subjected to the 0.7€ per 40l, the same as doorstep collection and that is au- Another fundamental change more recently tomatically added to the annual fee. Inside brought to the system is the introduction of the kiosk, there are 8 wheeled bins that are a pay-as-you- throw (PAYT) scheme, under collected daily. which the waste fee of every household de- pends on the waste they generate. At the beginning of early 2016, there were four eco- stations located on the outskirts of The fee for every household is composed of Parma, and four more are to be installed by two main elements: a fixed part based on the end of 2016. An Eco-station. ©GSA Igiene the number of household members and the Case study 4 ECO-WAGON The Eco-wagon operates in the historic cen- 2011 to 72% in 2015.