
Integrative and Comparative Integrative and Comparative Biology, pp. 1–10 doi:10.1093/icb/icaa054 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

SYMPOSIUM Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 Understanding the Role of Incentive Salience in Sexual Decision-Making Kathleen S Lynch1,* and Michael J Ryan†

*Department of Biological , Hofstra University, 1000 Hempstead Turnpike, Hempstead, NY 11549, USA; †Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA From the symposium “: the female perspective from an integrative and comparative framework” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology January 3–7, 2020 at Austin, Texas.

1E-mail: [email protected]

Synopsis In the search for understanding female sexual decision-making, progress has been made in uncovering a variety of perceptual biases and most of these concern the animal’s sensory biology and cognitive processes. We are now poised to dig deeper into the female’s decision-making and ask if incentive salience, which plays a role in all types of appetitive behaviors, also influences a female’s “taste for the beautiful.” The incentive salience hypothesis suggests that dopamine assigns value or salience to objects or actions. After value is assigned to all potential actions, an action selection system then chooses among potential options to select the most valuable action. In this view, dopamine stimulates reward-seeking behavior by assigning incentive salience to specific behavioral actions, which in turn, increases pursuit and focus on objects or stimuli that represent the valuable action. Here, we apply this framework to understand why females are compelled to respond maximally to some male courtship signals over others and how this process may reveal a female’s hidden mate preferences. We examine studies of dopamine and the mesolimbic reward system because these may play a role in expanding the female’s perceptual landscape for novelty in male courtship signals and establish- ing novel hidden preferences. We review three avenues of research that may identify signatures of incentive salience in females during sexual decision-making. This review includes studies of dopamine agonist or antagonist administration in females during mate choice or partner preference tests, measures of neural activity in dopaminergic neural circuits during mate choice or partner preference tests, and social regulation of dopamine in females when entering reproductive contexts and/or exposure to mate signals. By applying the incentive salience hypothesis to female reproductive decision- making, it redefines how we see the female’s role in sexual encounters. Females cannot be considered passive during reproductive encounters; rather they are seeking sexual encounters, particularly with males that tap into their perceptual biases and initiate a reward-seeking response. Incentive salience applied to reproductive behavior requires considering females as viewing sexual stimuli as rewarding and initiating action to seek out this reward, all of which indicates females are driving sexual encounters.

Introduction cognitive processes that shape an animals’ predispo- Sensory biases underlie an animals’ predisposition to sition to respond to one signal over another form respond to specific signals and these the perceptual biases of that animal (Ryan and biases guide decision-making in various social con- Cummings 2013). It is important to consider that texts (Jennions and Petrie 1997; Endler and Basolo these perceptual biases are not fixed, but instead 1998; Ryan 1998; ten Cate and Rowe 2007). The the sensory and cognitive processes that form per- definition of sensory biases, however, has recently ceptual biases are plastic, ever-changing processes. expanded as it is now also well-established that var- Dynamic regulation of the neural mechanisms asso- ious cognitive processes also influence an animals’ ciated with perceptual biases allows animals to match responses to signals. The collective sensory and their behavioral responses to social or environmental

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2020. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US. 2 K. S. Lynch and M. J. Ryan stimuli with their internal state. For example, an an- reward-seeking behavior (i.e., wanting). The imal in an extreme state of hunger will process food- “wanting” category is the incentive salience category related sensory cues differently from an animal that in which signals associated with reward are trans- is well-fed. The hungry animal will assign greater formed into highly desirable, attractive targets that value or salience to these cues and respond vigor- command attention and stimulate pursuit (Berridge Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 ously, whereas the well-fed animal may not assign and Robinson 1998; Ikemoto and Panksepp 1999; great value to the same cue and may therefore not Berridge 2007; Salamone et al. 2005). It is important respond at all (Pompilio et al. 2006; Hemingway to consider that “wanting” does not come about et al. 2020). This is due, in part, to neuromodulation without “learning and liking” but dopamine’s role of sensory and cognitive mechanisms that act collec- in “liking” sexual stimuli is less substantive when tively to define the external stimuli that should be compared with the evidence supporting the hedonic assigned meaning or incentive salience. This has been effects of opioids during sexual encounters (Paredes termed the incentive salience hypothesis and it has 2014). gained much attention in studies of drug seeking and Distinguishing between each of the three possible addictive behavior (Berridge and Robinson 1998; dopaminergic roles is complex, but the timing of Berridge 2007; Smith et al. 2011). But how can we dopamine release relative to the reward-motivated apply it to understand sexual decision-making, par- action is key to identifying which role dopamine is ticularly with respect to females? playing. Ikemoto and Panksepp (1999) describes in- The incentive salience hypothesis suggests that do- centive salience as a dopaminergic regulation of ap- pamine is needed to assign value or salience to petitive behaviors but not consummatory behaviors objects or actions. Once values are assigned to all (Ikemoto and Panksepp 1999). For example, in- options for a potential behavioral response via the creased dopaminergic activity immediately prior to actions of dopamine, the values are then available for reward-motivated behavior, not during, indicates an action selection system that chooses the most that dopamine’s role is to stimulate reward-seeking valuable action (McClure et al. 2003). Thus, it is behavior rather than mediating hedonic aspects of thought that dopamine does not simply mediate that behavior. Studies in rodents demonstrate that the hedonic effect of a reward but rather it stimu- increased dopaminergic activity occurs just prior to lates reward-seeking behavior by assigning incentive reward-motivated action (Montague et al. 1996; salience to specific behavioral actions. Once incentive Schultz 1998). Moreover, dopamine antagonism salience is assigned to a specific action, an animal does not alter affective reactions to rewards, indicat- should increase pursuit of an object that represents ing hedonic responses to a reward-motivated action that action and work hard to obtain it. Berridge and remain intact (Ikemoto and Panksepp 1999). Studies Robinson (1998) describes dopamine as assigning of dopamine receptor antagonism indicate dopamine incentive salience to a behavioral action by trans- does not alter hedonic aspects of a reward but in- forming the neural representation of the stimulus stead inhibits the initiation of any action needed to or action into an object of attraction that the animal obtain the reward (Salamone et al. 1997; Berridge will pursue with singular focus. Here, we apply the and Robinson 1998; Ikemoto and Panksepp 1999; incentive salience hypothesis described by psycholo- Salamone and Correa 2002). These studies suggest gists to our question of decision-making in sexual that internal valuation of a reward remains unaltered contexts. We apply this framework to understand by this blockade, but the capacity to act on that female sexual decision-making and particularly to valuation is altered as the animals’ capacity to act understand why females are compelled to respond becomes inhibited (Ikemoto and Panksepp 1999). maximally to some male signals over others and Thus, dopamine release should occur in anticipation how this process may reveal a female’s hidden of desirable rewards and initiates vigorous reward- mate preferences. seeking behavior when the stimulus is presented. An additional key point in understanding dopa- mine’s role in mediating reward-motivated actions is Applying incentive salience to sexual that the animal must be in a heightened state of decision-making motivation. For instance, in the example used above, Dopamine may act in three ways to influence behav- odors associated with food rewards may be “liked” ior. It may act as a mechanism that stamps in asso- by an animal but will not be transformed into ciative relationships (i.e., learning); it may mediate “want” until the animal is hungry (Berridge 2007). hedonic aspects of an action (i.e., liking); it may This further suggests that the timing of dopamine is motivate the pursuit of a reward, which leads to key to transforming an animal’s behavioral response. Incentive salience and mate choice 3

Dopamine activity must occur during a heightened tests; and (3) social regulation of dopamine in state of sexual motivational for the animal to assign females when entering reproductive contexts and/or incentive salience to an object or action, and then to exposure to mate signals. Together, these studies respond as if it is a highly desirable, attractive target may identify signatures of incentive salience in that is commanding attention and stimulating females during their decision-making process in mat- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 pursuit. ing contexts. Here, we examine the possibility that incentive The reward system in the brain and the specific salience plays a role in sexual decision-making, par- actions of dopamine within the reward system have ticularly in females that are assessing potential mates. been demonstrated to be involved in both consum- In females, heightened sexual motivation is achieved matory and appetitive aspects of reproduction and mostly via the actions of estrogens. Elevated circu- reproductive decision-making in a variety of female lating estrogen enhances motivation to mate, which vertebrates (Meisel et al. 1993; Mermelstein and sets the stage for dopamine to act within mesolimbic Becker 1995; Pfaus et al. 1995; Becker et al. 2001; reward centers (and other areas with social decision- Aragona et al. 2003; Fisher et al. 2005; Pawlisch and making brain regions; O’Connell and Hofmann Riters 2010; Alger et al. 2011; Forlano et al. 2017). 2011) to assign salience to specific male courtship While many of these studies do not explore the com- signals. Against a physiological background of ele- bined roles of estradiol and dopamine on female vated estrogens, dopamine surges may act on specific reproductive decision-making, it is the case that neural targets to stimulate the female’s pursuit of these tests are done in reproductively active females incentive signals. These neural targets are the same that are already showing some interest in male sig- targets that collectively define the females’ perceptual nals. Thus, presumably these female subjects already biases as they belong to sensory and cognitive pro- possess the necessary elevated estrogen levels prior to cesses. Moreover, there is functional overlap between starting these . For instance, in repro- estrogen and dopamine during reproduction ductive female European starlings (Sternus vulgaris), (Pasqualini et al. 1995; Kabelik et al. 2011) and sig- stimulation of dopamine receptors using peripheral nificant overlap in the neural targets of these neuro- injections of a non-selective dopamine reuptake in- modulators as estrogen receptors reside on hibitor (GBR-12909; an indirect dopamine receptor dopaminergic cells within the mesolimbic reward agonist) initiated female responses to a song stimu- system, which sets up cross-talk between these neu- lus that would normally not be attractive. In this romodulators (Maney et al. 2001; LeBlanc et al. case, dopamine eliminated selective female responses 2007). Thus, it is possible that as elevated estradiol to male song so much so that it induced female heightens a females’ interest in sex, dopamine is re- responses to heterospecific songs (Pawlisch and leased in neural reward centers to facilitate defining Riters 2010). These results suggest that dopamine signals with incentive versus signals without incen- transforms a previously unattractive stimulus into tive. Simultaneously, both neuromodulators may tar- one that initiates approach from the female. In ad- get sensory regions and modify how the female dition, in a preliminary study of female tungara frogs hears, sees, or smells sexual signals thereby increasing (Physalaemus [¼Engystomops] pustulosus), dopamine the likelihood she will detect the signal when it is might also play a role in mate choice decisions. In present and possibly enhance her ability to notice this case, a non-selective dopamine agonist (apomor- differences between signals. phine) was administered to reproductively active females just prior to exposure to a synthetic non- conspecific mating call known to be unattractive Looking for evidence of incentive from a previous study (Ryan et al. 2003; Ryan salience in reproductive decisions et al., unpublished data). Treated females now found We examine three avenues of research to understand these calls attractive. While it is unclear whether do- the action of dopamine in female mate choice and to pamine stimulates response to these mate signals via search for signatures of incentive salience in females a “learning, liking, or wanting” mechanism, these during sexual decisions. Avenues of research that studies suggest that dopamine might play a role in may reveal potential for incentive salience during expanding the females’ “preference landscape.” sexual decision-making include studies of (1) dopa- It is important to note, however, that there are mine agonist or antagonist administration in females two families of dopamine receptors: D1-like, which during mate choice or partner preference tests; (2) includes D1 and D5 receptors, and D2-like, which measures of neural activity in dopaminergic neural includes D2, D3, and D4 receptors (Neve et al. circuits during mate choice or partner preference 2004). Apomorphine binds D1-like receptors but it 4 K. S. Lynch and M. J. Ryan binds D2-like receptors with a much greater affinity areas of the brain were measured, there was variation (Missale et al. 1998). Thus, studies are needed to among subjects and sexual orientation; heterosexual isolate which receptor type mediates changes in se- women and homosexual men both showed enhanced lectivity and whether dopamine is modifying mate activation of the reward circuit when they viewed preference via “learning or wanting” mechanisms. men’s faces, while homosexual women and hetero- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 For instance, D2-like receptors are thought to be sexual men showed enhanced activation of the same involved in salience assignment or “wanting” during circuit when they viewed women’s faces (Kranz and partner preference tests in prairie voles. In studies of Ishai 2006). These results indicate the reward system reproductive female prairie voles, blockage of dopa- exhibits mate preference-based rather than gender- mine receptors with non-selective antagonist (halo- based responses. peridol) abolishes mating-induced partner preference There are numerous brain regions involved in formation. Low dose infusion of a non-selective do- decision-making across various social contexts, in- pamine agonist (apomorphine) induces significant cluding sexual decision-making (O’Connell and partner preference for familiar mates, whereas high Hofmann 2011). Some studies explore these regions dose infusions of apomorphine do not (Aragona via functional connectivity maps. For example, et al. 2003). Further testing of the effects of activity-dependent immediate early gene (IEG) ex- receptor-specific dopaminergic drugs revealed that pression in female plainfin midshipman fish brain region-specific activation of D2-like receptors (Porichthys notatus) identified neural networks asso- induced partner preferences in the absence of mat- ciated with responsiveness to acoustic cues during ing, whereas brain region-specific activation of D1- mate localization. Comparison of functional connec- like receptors failed to induce partner preferences. tivity maps in unmotivated and motivated females Moreover, when a cocktail of D1 and D2 agonists revealed an important role for dopaminergic neurons were co-infused, the addition of the D1 agonist al- in various hypothalamic regions, including the pre- tered previous results by preventing partner prefer- optic area, the ventral thalamus, and the dorsomedial ences that were induced by D2-like activation telencephalon, a region homologous to the latero- (Aragona et al. 2003). Thus, it is important to dis- basal amygdala (Forlano et al. 2017). Other IEG tinguish between the various receptor types to iden- studies show that female white-throated sparrows tify the mechanism by which dopamine acts to (Zonotrichia albicollis) and tungara frogs exhibit a stimulate pursuit of objects, actions, or stimuli that correlation between neural activity in the mesolimbic have been previously assigned value and therefore, reward system after exposure to conspecific mate incentive salience. signals (Chakraborty et al. 2010; Hoke et al. 2010; Studies examining differential brain region Maney 2013). Finally, in female prairie voles, phar- responses during mate choice can also provide in- macological activation of dopamine receptors within sight into the role of dopamine in sexual decision- the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is sufficient to facili- making and possibly incentive salience. Examining tate female choice of familiar partners. More specif- levels of neural activity within dopaminergic cir- ically, activation of D2-like receptors within the NAc cuitry or other measures of dopamine action such shell, but not the NAc core, induced partner prefer- as dopamine synthesis, release, or quantifying dopa- ences in female prairie voles (Aragona et al. 2003; mine metabolites have been applied to various stud- Aragona and Wang 2009). Together, these studies ies of mate choice/preference in nearly every major describe a clear role for dopaminergic and reward vertebrate group, including humans (Meisel et al. circuitry in sexual decision-making even though it 1993; Mermelstein and Becker 1995; Pfaus et al. is not yet clear if dopamine is facilitating these 1995; Becker et al. 2001; Aragona et al. 2003; behaviors through a “learning, liking, or wanting” Fisher et al. 2005; Kranz and Ishai 2006; Sockman mechanism. Moreover, it would be interesting to de- and Salvante 2008; Chakraborty et al. 2010; Hoke termine whether dopamine’s mechanism of action et al. 2010; Alger et al. 2011; Matragrano et al. during sexual decision-making is conserved across 2012; Maney 2013; Forlano et al. 2017). For example, these different taxonomic examples or whether do- in humans, presentation of a picture of one’s partner pamine plays a unique role in partner preference increases activation of dopaminergic circuitry (Fisher formation and/or mate choice decision-making et al. 2005). Also, in a related study, homosexual and across vertebrates. heterosexual men and women rated the attractive- The final avenue to search for signatures of incen- ness of faces and fMRI showed similar amounts of tive salience in females during sexual decision- activation in areas of the brain involved in face rec- making is to ask whether dopamine is regulated by ognition among the four groups. But when reward exposure to sexual stimuli, particularly within the Incentive salience and mate choice 5 sensory and cognitive brain regions that form the et al. 1995). The timing in which the initial dopa- females’ perceptual biases. That is, can dopaminergic mine surge occurs in these studies provides compel- reward circuitry be socially regulated by male mate ling evidence that dopamine is involved in appetitive signals in females within sexual contexts? These stud- aspects of sexual behavior and may be released upon ies may be particularly interesting to understand the encounter with stimuli that have been assigned in- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 role of incentive salience in sexual decision-making centive salience. Moreover, these studies suggest that because in these cases, dopamine is released in re- female responses to male sexual signals may be con- sponse to the signal rather than during consumma- sidered a reward-motivated response, indicating that tion of sexual behavior. Thus, dopamine activity incentive salience and other processes that influence occurs during an anticipatory phase or an appetitive other appetitive behaviors such as food- and drug- phase and may therefore initiate reward-seeking, seeking may also be applied to female sexual deci- which in this case would be a sexual encounter. sion-making. For example, receiving courtship displays likely indu- There is converging evidence for incentive salience ces dopamine synthesis in reward circuitry, specifi- in female sexual decision-making from studies of cally the VTA in female zebra finches, which exhibit dopamine and dopamine receptor manipulation, dense tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (TH-ir) neural activity in dopaminergic circuits, dopamine in NAc when housed with a male compared with a release and , and dopamine-containing female (Alger et al. 2011). There is also a positive cellular responses to sexual or courtship stimuli. correlation between TH-ir in the ventral medial hy- These studies indicate that dopamine targets both pothalamus (VMH) and the ventral tegmental area the sensory and cognitive brain regions comprising (VTA) and the amount of courtship a female re- the females’ perceptual biases. The actions of both ceived from her partner (Alger et al. 2011). While dopamine and opioids (Ventura-Aquino et al. 2018) elevated TH-ir within reward circuitry does not re- within brain regions that encode perceptual biases in spond with increased IEG expression to simple play- sexual contexts may facilitate how females define back of songs (Svec et al. 2009; Lynch et al. 2012) which courtship signals are meaningful and initiate other regions containing TH do respond during sim- pursuit of the meaningful signals. ple song playback experiments, particularly the locus coeruleus; a region that is predominately noradren- Connecting incentive motivation and ergic in (Lynch et al. 2012). However, elec- trophysiological studies of neural responses in incentive salience in female sexual mesolimbic reward centers of females or in vivo behavior microdialysis of these regions in songbirds during There has been much work done on the role of do- song exposure may provide more insight as IEG pro- pamine in incentive motivation in female rodents, tein expression in areas such as NAc and VTA is not albeit not as much as has been done in males. especially robust (Lynch et al. 2012). In rodents, Studies that focus on dopamine’s role in female sex- paced-mating (i.e., female control of the timing of ual behavior in rodents produce contradictory results male mounts, intromission, and ejaculation) is asso- with no easy interpretation regarding the effects of ciated with higher dopamine in reward-related brain dopamine on female sexual behavior. These studies regions compared with non-paced mating are confounded by the fact that the same type of (Mermelstein and Becker 1995; Becker et al. 2001). dopamine treatment administered at the same dose However, two of these studies also demonstrate that can have strikingly different effects on female sexual the release of dopamine in striatal or mesolimbic behavior depending on the hormonal environment regions occurs in anticipation of sexual encounters of the female (A˚ gmo 1999). In addition, dopamine (Meisel et al. 1993; Pfaus et al. 1995). Using in vivo treatments affect motor activity, which makes it dif- microdialysis, it was reported that a rapid surge in ficult to distinguish between true dopamine- ventral striatal dopamine in females shortly after ex- dependent modifications in motivation versus posure to the male, which gradually declined over changes in ambulatory behavior or other motor pat- the next 45 min but remained significantly above terns. However, some key points do emerge from baseline while exposure to the male continued these collective studies. First, as mentioned above, (Meisel et al. 1993). Likewise, in another microdial- incentive salience is steeped within sexual motivation ysis study, it was also reported that dopamine signif- and appears to be an emergent property of motiva- icantly increased in females within the NAc after tion. Second, while there are no systematic studies exposure to sexually active males that they could that distinguish between the effects of dopamine in see and smell but could not interact with (Pfaus mediating “learning, liking, and wanting” with 6 K. S. Lynch and M. J. Ryan respect to female sexual behavior, results demon- heighten the female’s sexual motivation via hor- strate that dopamine has strikingly different effects mones before studying the effects of dopamine fall on sexual motivation in female rodents depending into the category of understanding incentive salience on the hormonal environment. As hormone- as it is applied to other appetitive behaviors such as dependent sexual motivation changes, so does the food or drug seeking. Moreover, studies that focus Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 influence of dopamine on incentive salience. The on dopamine surges or administration just prior to connection between incentive motivation and incen- the female’s approach/contact of suitable mates are tive salience has been drawn by Ventura-Aquino identifying if dopamine plays a role in stimulating et al. (2018) in which these authors describe the roles pursuit of a rewarding stimulus while in a height- of dopamine in stimulating “wanting” and opioids in ened sexually motivated state. Each of these various stimulating “liking.” Here, we discuss the importance types of studies have been performed and each tell us of considering studies of sexual decision-making in something different about how dopamine regulates the light of the incentive salience hypothesis to un- the different components contained within the in- derstand how the brain transforms “learned or liked” centive salience hypothesis (learn, like, and want). sexual signals into signals that are “wanted.” The purpose of this discussion is not to provide an To begin this discussion, it is useful to divide fe- exhaustive review of the manner in which dopamine male sexual behavior into two components: (1) de- modifies female sexual behavior as there are excellent tection, approach, and contact of suitable mates and reviews already on this subject (A˚ gmo 1999; Paredes (2) copulation or everything that happens after con- and A˚ gmo 2004). Instead, the purpose of this dis- tact is made in the case of animals in which no cussion is to point out the parallels between the two intromission occurs. This discussion focuses solely bodies of literature (i.e., incentive motivation and on the former category as these behaviors are con- incentive salience) and to suggest that systematic tained within the sexual decision-making stage. The investigations into how the brain transforms role of dopamine in regulating approach/contact “learned or liked” sexual signals into “want” via (i.e., appetitive) behaviors in females can be consid- the actions of dopamine against a backdrop of a ered as falling into “learning, liking, or wanting.” For controlled internal (i.e., hormone) environment are example, those studies that examine dopamine’s role needed. in facilitating sexually experienced versus inexperi- enced female responses to males or male courtship stimuli would fall into the “learning or liking” cate- How incentive salience may reveal gory (Kohlert and Meisel 1999). Those studies that hidden mate preferences focus on the role of dopamine in reinforcing or re- In many animal species in the wild, males advertise warding sexual behavior in sexually experienced and their sexual wares to females, who in turn choose the inexperienced females can also be considered as fo- male they find most attractive. In some cases, males cusing on “learning or liking” sexual stimuli. Many advertise their prowess as parents or the abundance of these studies utilize condition place preference of resources they control yet in other cases, female paradigms or compare female paced mating with mate choice is motivated by the females’ aesthetics, non-paced mating (Paredes and Alonso 1997; her “taste for the beautiful” (Darwin 1871; Ryan Paredes and Vazquez 1999; Martınez and Paredes 2018), rather than their utilitarian needs. It is the 2001; Guarraci and Clark 2003; Ellingsen and females’ perceptual biases that define her attraction A˚ gmo 2004). Finally, studies that explicitly control to a specific athletic display, a spectacular color, or a the female’s sexual motivation via manipulation of complex odor or sound. As described by Darwin her hormonal environment prior to dopamine treat- (1871), these biases appeal to the females’ sexual ment are tapping into the last category; “wanting.” aesthetic (Richards 2017). These perceptual biases “Wanting” is described by Berridge and Robinson can exist for many reasons. For example, fish have (1998) as only occurring during heightened motiva- heightened sensitivity to colors of their main food tional state. For example, as discussed above, foods items, which in turn, causes males to evolve those that we “like” are not “wanted” unless we feel hun- same colors into their sexual displays (Rodd et al. ger. An analogous phenomenon is observed in appe- 2002; Garcia and Ramirez 2005; Cummings 2007). titive sexual behavior as females that have recently Frogs have two separate hearing organs for commu- mated spend less time near sexual incentives, indi- nication and in some species the male’s courtship cating a lack of motivation or interest in mating- call will stimulate only one of those hearing organs, related stimuli (A˚ gmo et al. 2004) likely as a conse- but if males evolve an acoustic component that stim- quence of sexual satiety. Studies that attempt to first ulates the additional hearing , the call becomes Incentive salience and mate choice 7 more attractive to females (Ryan et al. 1990; for survivorship. This emphasis on the female’s evo- Wilczynski et al. 2001). When sexual traits evolve lutionary power cost him substantial support among in this manner, it indicates males have evolved traits his colleagues in Victorian England such as Alfred that exploit hidden preferences in the females (Ryan Wallace (Richards 2017; Ryan Forthcoming 2020). and Cummings 2013). These preferences are not But when discussion of human mating systems arose, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icb/icaa054/5849935 by University of Texas at Austin user on 07 August 2020 expressed prior to the of the attractive trait Darwin reverted to the common Victorian mores and only appear when a male trait evolves to trigger and assigned women much less of a role in the expression of the female’s hidden preference. decision-making. Even when female mate choice This idea is similar to Darwin’s notion that female was promoted by Trivers (1972) and generally ac- animals have inherent aesthetic preferences and that cepted throughout the field of sexual selection, there over evolutionary time males evolve traits that best still managed to be a male-centric aspect of this line match these preferences (Darwin 1871). This idea of work. Much of the research assumed that males has received substantial traction recently in both possess traits that indicate their genetic quality and it the scientific and the general literature is incumbent on females to evolve preferences for (Rosenthal 2017; Ryan 2018) but it is still mostly these superior male traits (Hamilton and Zuk 1982; not well understood how the females’ perceptual Zahavi and Zahavi 1997). But in the last couple of biases contribute to hidden preferences and how it decades there has been an enhanced emphasis on can be modulated in such a manner as to uncover females and their perceptual and cognitive biases preferences for traits she doesn’t experience on a which may arise in the context of mate choice as day-to-day basis. well as other domains that might ultimately affect As noted above, the dopamine reward system has mate choice. When this is the case, it is the males been implicated in mating decisions in a variety of that are scrambling, in an evolutionary sense, to animals. For the most part these studies investigate evolve traits that will match the female’s biases, decisions made by females about extant male court- such that the trait will complement her taste for ship signals. But might dopamine also play a role in the beautiful (Rosenthal 2017; Ryan 2018). hidden female preferences? We do know in humans, In the search for an understanding of a female’s and model used to infer , “taste for the beautiful,” progress has been made in that this reward system has been implicated in the uncovering various perceptual biases and most of use of drugs (Volkow et al. 2011), pornography these concern the animal’s sensory biology and cog- (Hilton 2013), overeating (Stice et al. 2010), gam- nitive processes. We are now poised to dig deeper bling (Comings et al. 1996), and even general novelty into the female’s decision-making and ask if incen- seeking behavior in non-human primates (i.e., mon- tive salience does indeed play a role in all types of keys; Costa et al. 2014). It should be noted that be- appetitive behaviors, including sex-, food-, and drug- cause the reward system is involved in behavior that seeking. This redefines how we see the female’s role might be addictive it does not by itself indicate that in sexual encounters. Females are not passive during the reward system is the cause of addiction (e.g., see reproductive encounters; rather they are seeking out Nutt et al. 2015). In most of these examples, the sexual encounters, particularly with males that tap reward system can be thought of as expanding the into their perceptual biases and initiate a reward- landscape of human preferences for stimuli, either in seeking response. This implies females should be quality or in quantity, that might not have been proceptive actors in all sexual encounters rather common in our distant evolutionary past. Might do- than receptive to male stimuli. In short, incentive pamine play a similar role in expanding the female’s salience applied to reproductive behavior requires perceptual landscape for novel stimuli in male court- that we consider females as viewing sexual stimuli ship signals? Might the reward system play a role in as rewarding and initiating action to seek out this establishing novel hidden preferences? reward, all of which indicates females are driving sexual encounters. Incentive salience redefines how we view the female’s perspective during Future directions; applying incentive reproduction salience to non-model systems to un- Darwin’s view of sexual selection and female mate derstand hidden female preferences choice (1871) put females in the driver seat as it was Systematic investigations into “learning, liking, and their “taste for the beautiful” that drove males in wanting” are needed in both animals that are model many species to evolve traits that were maladaptive systems and non-model animal systems studied 8 K. S. Lynch and M. J. Ryan under natural or semi-natural conditions (for review Comings DE, Rosenthal RJ, Lesieur HR, Rugle LJ, Muhleman see Ventura-Aquino et al. 2018). Moreover, by pair- D, Chiu C, Dietz G, Gade R. 1996. 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