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W Ill C a Ir ^ ^ a T^ Flitshek! r i;.- -X" I > 4^ wL AT«ra#ii DaOy qrraktIoB ni» |k« Month of May, «hanca tompomtinn' s?l*h*n« aaornlng. - X-' ■Xf Manek€iier^ 4 Clfy of V{ ItTANCI ( T W ^ P A G e s T YHUI v^)IJviLxit*^. ii4 i t • » CONN;, 1S48 X" fe.M S , "TT- •X-* ■ •*\ ■ ■■- y , attles W^y for *Big Inch* t e -9 «ttPerlude frww X iToOff^sive se Fightii^g Flar^" AgHin. In Don River Valley ;> 24 German Planes ae- G^)Nin, Indicate* Strat- on ution ^ poiied Shot Down^' Defensive W ar- farc-^in \Southw esl^ Fa- Moacow, June Ailied Fortes MMk ingly vlgoroua air battlea were re­ ^ cific , M a 3^ G iyje^ ported .tod*y'f*^»> widely a^tarat- ily tHbiittlnigX Away - To Lim ited and Con ed polnta of the front aa the C At . i^is^R esigtaiioe m an Air, Force and the > So' haps Fipll'Scale ^^tion. plane fleet continued .to figi out On Mi^tefTaneati Ont- in a prelude- to ~a .1943 Ian Con­ Will C air^^at^ pdsts; Commandoa in , CjMil^rrtl,' Australia," lane Decline in Supplie$ Ex­ nive. X P i taiak, 10 __ ioX-(/P) — Prime ^ ^ 8te r p e c t^ Thi* ^Y e1tr^:^milei . diaCIoaed ileit of'^Defenh^ of John Curtin indicated today (Curtailing ConBump- that lared up Eaker Stty$ Big Tiny Prison fsle; that the time is approaching agmii ir - valley, London tion Seeh diily Wjr/. The. ’ and the er Force Will^^ppt^^- ualties Are Mhen the Allies’ strategy of mUd ve heCbme x h defensive w arfare,. in the, metery for downed/ Junkera {mate Strength <>/ , ScCS tarid lllir Allied Headquart^s, North Southwest Pacific may give, Sacramento, Cnii|[,., June Helrtkel planea, it waa report^ British This Summer^ way to a policy of Mmited and —Milk may he the next chmmi ed, with anti-alrCrSft batteriea ;■ ' Africa, June 10 .;— acoring heavily JA the afrqggle. A ir P o.iTbs, steadily w hitting "perhaps full-scale attack up^ Ity to be rationed,. ai-KifederaKaU' As Imminent On-Heela Of German Jlald L ondon, J u n e lO.— (/F^— X' away aX AJf^ resistance M Oie Japaneno. “The 'hoWlng thorlty dlacloaed totey. The nem hf the Don baain aerial The current summer will^nd ! /war'tmpoaeC on ua under clrcum- the Mediterrfinean out The War Food Adminlatration war came on the heela of German the Eighth United, States Air atancSa of great , S m '4'(W FAh the Offlcet of Pi^ce Ad*, ralda bn the .Volkhov front' 00 Italian X^ainlantl Fac* have>'exe(;uwd new Air W- been air obUgatlon under *1^ ministration and the dairy Indue- For(Se in England carrying mllea aoutheaat of Lening;|ad, \ ,injr Grb^ring Threat s ^ ts on bombAcairred Pan-.. atrategyNrhlch haa been rp - tiy are atudying waya of umitlng Adhere'llS ’^rm an planea were 'fe- 'its full 'share of the bomber | :telleria and Sicily Jn conhec*. charged," Curtin declared^rl ^ 1 civilian conaumptlon of milk, «x^ ))o rt^ abot down. From 150 to offensive against 'GerraiSnyJ pecting a decline In auppliea later Of Invasion, on Anni- tion with a scouting the preMure on thli coUtt^ ih to IM 'German planea were declared with niultipie daylight raid.s, be thrown bade on th r eaeitoy. thia year, aald T. O, Stltta,' chief deatroyed In Ruaaiana aald they, versarv' of British Commandos agaliU^ Part of Fonnal^litateinont - of dairy and poultry ta) the WFA. loat a total of 26 planea in the en­ Maj. Gen. Ira C. Eaker, its pediisa; It waa annou^ etf te^y. .Striking in darkneBsTrom tha a " The prlnia mirtwter^a declara- Stltta, In a apeeclCprapnr^ for gagements. commander, disclosed today. London, V June .y^^O—(A)— The U» WM part « a Tonnal atate- delivery before the QaUfomla (The 'German high.^.-Abnimand Elakerrtold n press . conference Monday night, the Command third annivipraaryf of .Italy’s e»^ tested the defenses, of Lampedusa,' tiii «* Jl** Dairy Council, aald offictala comnmntque aaid heavy derman ..Water shoots skyward as workmen blast^'the .rock'bed of the thitt the Anierican hehvy bomber BMOunga'at Sytaey June had concluded that^ the govern­ bombera made.*^ "ctmeentrated" -force, had doubled \in size since trance Into^JlM war fbund her tiny Italian.'prison Isle 80 .miles ai-CoURlaa 'MacArthur. AlUed ment muat eurtgir conaumptlon of ; Delaware river at New Hope, Pa., to msUe' way for the “Big Inch’® aouth of the invasion .stepping ^ ouglaa .................... attack' laat night on ah important X ll pipeline destined to-carry oil-fyopi the southwest oil fields to the March and would approxintate the Mediterranean island outposts un.* " dei'ki-chief. in thia th,ear fluid milk or Cut down on., the Soviet armament-plant at Ynro- ft.A.F.’s bom'ber strength by the stone of Pantelleria, and retired / I eds.tern seaboard. This Is the second of four blasting -operatipns der heavy, prolonged assault io- with light casualties aft ter of war. ' ^ manufacture of auch. producta aa slaylr 160 miles northeast ot Mbs- efid..of the-summer. day iiritb' aectlona of ,tbe- London The two conferred twice during butter, ..^heeae, evaporated .and ,ooW on the Volga., rt^et^ leaving which were necesaaey..to lay the line '.under the river. , . ^ ptettag'their miasion, Atbea \ . Doubled Since March Press asserting an Allied;.landing tert-. communique said.- the day—which Curtin deacrlbed Area burning over An extensive ' Reporting -that the A-A.F.ij)oaalbly was lmmineqjt,''aa Pan- an a i'good day” the * vlew- <Ooatinned dti Pago Two) area. in Britain increased from 15 4o, iellaria.Ahd .the Itaiiari inataland Soont Coast of • at of AuatraUa. Ah announce- (The communique, bfoadcaat by ' (A Elritiah Nayai at of tRo meeting'^ made today per cent fiionUily and haa doubled Itself facing a growing threat of the German radio a;^ recorded by since March, the general' said ‘,'the lnvaalon,x '• iaeued yesterday' , In 'Parliament aald MacArthur ai^ The Associated praaa'i alab said Miners Face Fines size of the present force AlU be' Unofficial , observers and' tha light aurfaice 'force Curuhvaurveyed the ouUpdf fu tile (hat the Naai Mr out a co^'recoitaaiaunee of the Southweatem Pacific campaign In GestapoGrip :doubled between now and 'Octo- press'-here held that the failure 16 Russian lahding boats on the ' ’* of Pantelleria island to capitulate ialand SiindayX night.. London the UghX ofgeneral _ atrategy east coast of theJSea ot Atov yes­ " agreed^Jiponxat-Waahlngton re- lie aald the American Flying after being called upon yra^rday sources, althov>gh unable to recon­ 0 » G e ^ terday and—that light German FqrtresaeA and 'Liberators would to surrender, might be the ai^al cile the tlm ^ difference, yiere ii|* Nayal. forces Sahk two Russian continue thelf precision raiding In 'for landing parties to storm the clined to ,/taelleve the two an- . ; and IhSnUiimt iWQMvelt. sqppty vesscla off the Caucasus Chirtln aald Ih hlA atttem ent he daylight with /relatively amall in­ ttay rock in tlje aeS,. halfway ba- nounceraenta referred to a alngla « W t. It aaid the. land front waa ampbUfioua operation.) I did not beUeve “theX fie»y <*an ter quiet.) , / Irkes Asserts Ten,ns of '^lVf vnar nTaavtatAwa dividual ■ forces>raiher than adopt­ twefen, Tunisia and Sicily:' ■ , ' ing lllie British njass raiding tech-” “O.fflclar News of Landing Ex­ lyra field guns and a number, of BOW Invade thla'CountiylX In aup- The Inte^ty of the/Ruaslan Contracu Fill Be En- U ghten mgcbine-guna w ere'said to Have , Of thla betfef/ he clted^e «■ nlque'by night or-day. ,r ' pected This Morning” was the defSna^’waa te.<itifled to by Ger- ,\ Eiake^a dlsdosure fOHowed a headline in tddayls Daily Express staged, the Commando patrol now available to the Oh^ervers Sf* "Crach^Gp man^-^ota capti.red^ring a raid forced Against Par- Southweatf Pacific and “the statemmit. from a reliable source over -a survey of the. Pantellerlik Monday night. The landing party la ■oti KutrtcUune 2 when^ the Rua- tie^ants in ' Strike; herA that ' a unit of Flying Fort- attuation. ■ / returned -flOL. eatabUahed b; Unlikely * Unt il sians aaid, 162 Naai crah wefe Statea Navy,by reasea had Aeen asslgned.to undfr- . « ItellectloB a< Brtier shore, all oT which escaped dapr-'' to Military O^Apse shot down. ^ . take night bombing experimenU Jta dedalVn vicfOrlaa at Mldwpy la- German Filer Quoted .Washington; June Tha hfa^lne waa reaction .xge- ' ■ • /'• '■ ~ ~ and lA tw Solomona lalanda.” from Britain with t^e R. A» F. of wtdespraad belief tha^mport- Allied Alv Forcea bleated Pantal-,.-- " Is Nt^and. Pravda, tha Communist party —Secretary Ickes ‘ said today Fightor rnroealarowhig ■ antt. operations were lfl||gmdlng if leria yeaterday foXtb* I3th Not Ino^iM iro n Jtalda newapaper,. quoted a CRraan flier that miners not actually under WX^although cMsIve day,’ and a yoXro MROtuxca- Whlla rtc& rj^ tha BatUe of nahi^ Rleliard Hhgefman as say­ who patHiicipated Senate BankinrfGonimit- Meanwhile, Eaker aald;- Ameri­ Stockhqlihi^June' lO.— Helh- can flghter and medium s bombejr there Was no officlt^'word to bear ment said American beaiiy bomb­ the ^ ral JBea and the return of ing: ‘Ttw-a yea|>imd a half 1 took in the June 1-7 walkout from, , ^ w ers ranged agrtaa the Mediterran­ rtch^Hl^mlM’ApoUce are tighten­ government --.onerated operated nitspits ! tep Recalls Previously forcea in Englandalao ara growing out-the belief. XvaGiam Jimpertal’ forcea frorp p art ih Mg^^rattles over France A. special AlHra communique ean to atteck..alf fields at two likewlea helped to avert ing thel^grlp on, Germany be-v and Kiglud, but I never 'Saw would be fined in accordance Approved L e g i s i a - rapidly and will be ready to play points on jSicily.Qerbini and Ca- the Oahgar o#“hn Invaalon of Aua- cauae pf aggglM morale, rellabl’e anytfati^ like the air fight over a full pfT^, In supporting Allied said'“the demknd for surrender with their-contracts,^: whicli troops In ah Invahlph of Europe.
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