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European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Vol.3, No.1, pp. 15-42, March 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( CATEGORIES AND GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS Ionescu Andreea The Hyperion University from Bucharest ABSTRACT: This scientific article speaks about generations of computers, PC history, saving data, Von Neumann architecture, input/output peripherals, software instructions, programs, mainframe, minicomputers, microcomputers, supercomputers, libraries and operating systems, computer networks and Internet, introduction to the world of computers, evolution of computer systems, from the literature specialized in computer science. Computers are divided into: mechanical computers-water and gas meters, electromechanical computers-electricity meters, electronic computers (I generation of computers, II generation of computers, III generation of computers, IV generation of computers), optical computers and biological computers. After the highest prevalence, electronic computers are divided into: analogue- electronic computers, digital electronic-computers and hybrid electronic computers. KEYWORDS: Mainframe, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Supercomputers, Computers, Operating Systems; INTRODUCTION This scientific article speaks about: the electronic computer, the computer science, the Information Technology, PC-History, personal computers, Von Neumann Architecture(an electronic computer with four major modeules: Arithmetic-Logic Unit(ALU), Control Unit(CU), Central
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