President Ghani Pays Tribute to Martyr Barakzai
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb E-mail:[email protected] Hamal 05 , 1398 HS Monday, March 25, 2019 Ongoing peace GBP 01 INR 1000 PKR 1000 EUR 01 IRR 1000 AED 01 promising for USD 01 students, as new AFN 75.45 AFN 100.30 AFN 1092 AFN 538 AFN 85.51 AFN 6.5 AFN 20.46 educational year arrives “Current year is the year of development, President Ghani pays peace & democracy,” President Ghani tribute to Martyr Barakzai KABUL: During a funeral further said. and will share the results with ceremony held on Sunday, Pres- The president said when I them. ident Mohammad Ashraf Ghani sympathized with him on his Afterwards, son of Martyr paid tribute to former Wolesi son’s martyrdom, even he con- Barakzai Hazrat Shah Bar- Jirga member Martyr Obaidul- doled me, the statement added. akzai spoke and while thank- lah Barakzai who was martyred Pointing at sacrifices made ing the president said Martyr in a terrorist attack in Kanda- by Martyr Barakzai family, the Barakzai had always made ef- har province, the Presidential president said the deceased fort for system’s revival and his Palace said in a statement. family has made many sacrific- country’s pride and we will con- While praying for his soul, es so far and currently one of tinue his way with all power. President Ghani extended his their sons is serving in nation- Later on, the president ac- heartfelt condolences to the al army ranks. companied Martyr Barakzai’s people of Kandahar, national Wishing paradise to Martyr coffin which was covered by the assembly and all Afghans, add- Barakzai, the president assured country’s flag to its special ing Obaidullah Barakzai was a his family to thoroughly inves- place. strong person, the statement tigate about the terror attack The Kabul Times KABUL: President Moham- out the presidential decree on He added this year will be Afghanistan’s 100th Indepen- mad Ashraf Ghani spoke dur- appointment of Wahid Omar. the year of development, peace dence Day and 1000th anniver- ing introducing ceremony of his Afterwards, the president and democracy. sary of Dari language, cultural senior advisor on public and stra- wished paradise to those mar- ‘As heart of Asia, Afghani- values should be linked to in- tegic relations Wahid Omar, the tyred in terror attacks in Hel- stan should change into moving dependence and development. Presidential Palace said in a mand and Kandahar provinces and connecting heart. We He added villages, districts, statement. and immediate recovery to should not look at foreigners as municipalities and provinces’ The ceremony held in Cha- those injured. strangers but partners and for- representatives will share their har Chenar Palace and attend- Congratulating Wahid eign policy should not be reac- views on peace process during ed by a number of high ranking Omar on assuming office, the tive and sentimental, but stand government officials, media and president wished him success in on cooperation,’ the president Peace Consultative Loya Jirga. civil society representatives, all working aspects, adding the said. Later on, while thanking the according to the statement. law on access to information He stressed that ordinary president Wahid Omar said he At the outset, senior presi- should be formed and applied projects should be supported would not spare any efforts in dential advisor on cultural af- in cooperation and coordination through national budget for two performing his responsibilities. fairs Asadullah Ghazanfar read with all, the statement added. years, adding during marking The Kabul Times President Ghani sympathizes with Sayyaf, Amarkhil’s families Attention to historical monuments among KABUL: President Moham- mad Ashraf Ghani met with Ab- dul Rab Rassoul Sayyaf at his MoIC’s priorities, Minister Safi residence and extended condo- KABUL: During a visit from lences about his brother’s death different sections of historical Qazi Sayed Gharib Hashimi and monuments repairing and pres- prayed for soul of the deceased, ervation directorate, Acting the Presidential Palace said in Minister of Information and a statement. Culture Hasina Safi reviewed Likewise, the president the administration’s functions, went to the house of senior pres- Bakhtar News Agency (BNA) re- idential advisor Zia ul Haq Am- ported on Sunday. arkhil and condoled him the In a meeting held in the de- death of his mother. partment, its director Eng. Ab- The president also went to dul Ahad Abbasi briefed Acting the house of deceased Sebqat- Minister Safi about his entity’s ullah Mujadedi and once again performances and plans, ac- extended his condolences to his cording to the agency. family. The Kabul Times They also shared a series of problems in regard with lack of Calling attention to the try’s historical monuments, the equipment and facilities, finan- country’s historical monu- department should prepare a cial and budget and attention to ments among her ministry’s comprehensive plan in respect Protection of entities, civil values govt. recruit professional individuals priorities, Acting Minister Safi with historical monuments so in the department’s provincial said the related department to present that to the govern- priority in peace talks, VP Danesh posts. should arrange its plans and ment’s leadership for process- They also asked for free pro- surveys based on its financial ing. She also assured about her KABUL: Deputy US ambas- freedom of speech and human He added, representing the over the last eighteen years its curement process to accelerate resources to achieve effective ministry’s attention to address sador to Kabul Ms. Karen Deck- rights are the main demands of people of Afghanistan, the gov- main priority. the working affairs, BNA add- results. She stressed that to ap- the department’s problems. er on Sunday met with Second Afghans, adding a general con- ernment is decisive to restore Ms. Karen clarified that ed. propriately address the coun- The Kabul Times Vice President Sarwar Danesh, sensus has already been formed lasting peace as it calls safe- achievements made over the last during which she briefed him in this regard. guarding achievements made years are the results of sacrific- about recent peace talks es made by the people of Afghan- Germany extends forces progress held between the US istan and international part- and Taliban representatives, ners in war on terror and peo- Bakhtar News Agency (BNA) ple’s concerns are understand- reported. mission in Afghanistan able in this respect. During the meeting, both Likewise, VP Danesh stated sides stressed on transparency KABUL: Germany has ex- istan welcome and support the ghanistan. that the people and government in peace negotiations, deliver- tended its forces mission in Af- extension of that country’s forc- of Afghanistan as well as inter- Germany is among Afghan- ing precise information to all ghanistan by 2020, Chief Exec- es mission, the statement add- istan’s strategic alliances where stakeholders, particularly civil national partners agreed on utive Office (CEO) said in a ed. has played key role in support- entities and Afghan people, BNA achieving sustainable peace, statement on Sunday. According to the statement, ing Afghan armed forces and re- added. stressing that peace process Appreciating Germany’s as- Germany forces have played im- VP Danesh stressed that should be led by the people and sistances and cooperation over perative role in training and ad- construction of the infrastruc- protection of civil entities, po- government of Afghanistan. the last eighteen years, the gov- vising of the Afghan security tures, the statement concludes. litical system, constitution, The Kabul Times ernment and people of Afghan- forces under RS mission in Af- The Kabul Times ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Monday, March 25, 2019 US stresses on common efforts towards peace in Afghanistan THE KABUL TIMES As efforts are underway in “The United States, China, ghans, the region, and the world, that role of regional countries national, regional and interna- and Russia agreed to continue they further underscored that is key for maintaining peace and tional levels for bringing peace further discussions. The exact any peace agreement should stability in Afghanistan, but in Afghanistan, US is stressing date and venue for the next uphold the rights of all Afghans, saying no peace talks will be on common efforts of regional meeting will be decided through in particular those of women, effective unless direct peace and world countries towards diplomatic channels. The par- minorities, and children, and talks between Afghanistan gov- peace and sovereignty of Af- ties will continue to seek com- assure Afghan soil is not used ernment and the Taliban group ghanistan. mon efforts and coordination on by international terrorist begin. Representatives of US, Chi- the Afghan peace process,” the groups or individuals against “Taliban should engage na, and Russia in a meeting statement said. any country,” the statement with direct peace negotiations have underscored their respect Furthermore, in a separate added. with Afghanistan government as for the sovereignty, indepen- statement the US State Depart- Meanwhile, Russia’s special holding talks with others won’t dence, and territorial integrity ment said Ambassador Kha- envoy for Afghanistan has also bring peace to the country,”