

Leaders of the University of School of Medicine


DATE NAME 1805 " 1808 Philip Syng Physick 1809 John Syng Dorsey 1813 Coxe 1814 Philip Syng Physick 1815 Nathaniel Chapman 1815 Thomas Chalkley James 1816 Caspar Wistar 1817 Nathaniel Chapman

1819-1822 John Redman Coxe 1822-1852 William Edmonds Homer 1852-1856 Joseph Carson 1856-1877 I{obert E. Rogers 1877-1888 Joseph Leidy 1888-1892 James Tyson 1892-1902 1902-1909 Charles Harrison Frazier 1909-1912 Allen J. Smith 1912-1945 William Pepper IH 194~1948 Isaac Starr 1948-1962 John McK. Mitchell 1962-1969 Samuel Gurin 1969-1973 Alfred Gellhorn 1974-1988 Edward Stemmler (acting, 1974-1975) 1988-1989 Arthur K. Asbury (acting) 1989- William N. Kelley

:I Until the turn uf the eighteenth century, the school was a loosely associated group of lecturers with almosl no central administrative organization. Early "deans" rotated in office; they chiefly admiued classes, arranged for examinations, and awarded degrees. 306 Appendix I


Into the 20th century, there was usually only one "professor" 111 a specialty, and he chaired the department. The following lists reRect that professor, then, as professorships expanded in number, the chairman or division chief. The departments or divisions are listed by their current titles, except Hygiene and Public Health, which no longer exists; changes in title are noted. When the University of Pennsylvania opened its doors in 1753, it was called the Academy of . In 1755 it became the College of Philadelphia and in 1779 the University of the State of Pennsylvania. It received its current name in 1791.



1765-1779 William Shippen

1779-1791 William Shippen

1792-1808 William Shippen' 1808-1818 Caspar Wislar 1818-1818 John Syng Dorsey~ 1818-1831 Philip Syng Physick 1831-1853 William Edmonds Horner 1853-1891 Joseph Leidy 1891-1921 George Arthur Piersol 1922-1926 John C. Heisler (Acting) 1926-1947 Eliol Round Clark 1947-1951 William F. Windle 1951-1967 Louis B. Flexner 1967-1976 James M. Sprague 1977- Frank Pepe

, William Shjppen was professor of anatomy, surgery amI midwifery at firs!. In 1805, when Philip Syng Physick was given the chair of surgery, the department name was changed to anatomy and midwifery. In 1810 Thomas Chalkley James was appointed professor of midwifery, and at that time the title of this chair was changed to anatomy.

b John Syng Dorsey assumed the chair of anatomy May, 1818. He, however, died suddenly :"Iovember 10, 1818. Department Heads 307


DATE NAME 1938-1941 Ivan B. Taylor 1941-1942 Philip Gleason 1942-1972 Robert Dunning Dripps' 1972-1987 Harry Wollman 1987-1988 Norig Ellison (acting) 1988- David E. Longnecker a In 1%6 anesthesiology gained departmental slalus. Prior to thaI. it had been a division of surgery. 308 Appendix J

Biochemistry and Biophysics


1769-1781 Benjamin Rush 1783-1789 Benjamin Rusha 1789-1791 James Hutchinson 1789-1791 Caspar Wistar 1792-1793 James Hutchinson!> 1794-1794 Joseph Carson" 1795-1809 James Woodhouse 1809-1818 John Redman Coxe 1818-1847 Robert Hare 1847-1852 James Blyth Rogers 1852-1877 Robert Empie Rogers 1877-1897 Theodore G. Wormley (?) 1897-1910 John Marshalld 1910-1922 Alonzo E. Taylor 1922-1954 D. Wright Wilson 1954-1962 Samuel Gurine 1964-1971 Howard Rasmussen 1971-1975 James Ferguson 1975-1976 Takashi Yonetani (acling)f 1976--1977 Harold Bright (acting) 1977-198:3 David Trentham 1983- Franz Matschinsky

, Whell the College's charter was ahrogated ill 1777, Rush did not take his chair ill chemistry in the University of the Stale of Pennsylvania until 178:-3. For six years there was no professor of chemistry in the University.

b James Hutchinson accepted the chair of chemistr)' in the university in 1789. and since he was drawing classes larger (han Wistar in 1792 when the schools united. he continued in this position. \.' Carson never lectured in chemistry as he died October 24, 1794.

rl In 1908 the name of the department was changed to phvsiological chemistry and toxicology. When the Benjamin Rush chair was established in 1910. John Marshall was given the chair of chemistry and toxicology and hi!:i chair was demoted to second rank. John Marshall vacated the chair ill 1921, and it was discontinued in 1923.

t' Appointed as professor of biological chemistry. { Biophysics wa:s combined wilh biochemistry in 1975, and the deparlmenl name changed to the Department of Biochemistry and Biophvsics. ~ Department Heads 309




1875-1910 Louis A. Duhringh 1910-1921 Milton Bixby Hartzell 1921-1924 Frederick D. Weidman (acting) 1924-1945 John H. Stokes 1945-1965 Donald Pillsbury 1965-1980 Walter B. Shellev 1980-1982 Margaret Gray Wood (acting) 1982- Gerald Lazarus

, Originally the department was named the Department of Diseases of the Skin (1875). The name was changed to Department of Dermatology in 1903 and to the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology in 1923. It was changed back to the Department of Dermatology in 1951.

b In 1875 Louis Duhring became Professor of Diseases of the Skin at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He was elected Professor of Clinical Dermatology of the Skin in the Medical School in 1883.

Human Geneticsa


1965-1971 Rupert E. Billingham" 1971-1972 Willys K. Silvers (acting) 1972-1980 William J. Mellman 1980-1981 Willys K. Silvers (acting) 1981-1988 Roy J. Schmickel 1988- Willys K. Silvers (acting)

a Medical genetics was the departmenes original name~ changed to human genetics in 1973. The Henry Phipps Institute for the Stuoy, Treatment, and Prevention of Tuberculo­ sis was founded in 1903. After tuberculosis was conquered in the 1950s, the institute shifted its interest to other community diseases, and its name was changed to the Henry Phipps Institute for Research in Community Disease. In 1965 that thrust was ended, and the institute's endowment was assigned to the Department of Human Genetics. Directors of the Phipps Institute: 1903-1910 Lawrence Flick 1910-1913 Paul Lewis 1913-1923 Charles]. Hatfield 192:{-19:l2 Eugene L. Opie 1932-1955 Esmond R. Long 1955-1965 Theooore H. Ingalls 310 Appendix I



1765-1779 John Morgana 1783-1789 John Morgana 1780-1784 Thomas Bond b 1789-1791 Benjamin Rush 1789-1791 1792-1797 Adam Kuhne 1805-1813 Benjamin Rush" 1813-1815 1815-1850 Nathanial Chapmane

a John 'IIorgan retained Ihe chair of Ihe theory and practice of physic (medicine) until his dealh in October 17, 1789. He never returned to leaching, however, after he entered the service of the Continental Army in 1775. From the minutes of the Trust­ ees' meeling of March 13, 1789, "Morgan Professor of Theory and Pradice of Physic not being present within the Slate, the Trustees considered him as reinstated and permitted to continue in his office until his return home when he is to be waited upon by the commiltee in like manner as the other professors have been, in order to know whether it be,lies his intention to resume the exercise of his post heretofore." Benja­ min Rush was chosen to fill this chair October 24, 1789.

b When the University of the State of Pennsylvania was formed, Thomas Bond (Ihen 69) filled in and laught the theory and practice of physic (medicine) in addition to his clinical lectures. He never was officially appointed professor.

c Adam Kuhn held only the chair of the theory and practice of physic; Rush held the chair of the institutes of medicine and taught clinical medicine. " The chair of the theory and practice of physic held by Adam Kuhn and Ihe insti­ tutes of medicine held by Rush, both since 1892, were combined in 1805 under Rush, who had been lecturing in these two subjects since Kuhn~s resignation in 1797. , In 18;{S Samuel Jackson took over the chair of the instilutes of medicine. Nathanial Chapman continued in the chair of Ihe theory and practice of physic and clinical medicine. (continued) 1 Department Heads 31]



1850-1860 George Bacon Wood 1860-1864 William Pepper, Sr. 1864-1883 Alfred Stiller 1884-1898 William Pepper, Jr.' 1899-1910 James Tysonh 1910-1911 David Lynn Edsall 1911-1931 Alfred Stengel 1931-1947 O. H. Perry Pepper 1947-1965 Francis C. Wood 1965--1967 James B. Wyngaarden 1968-1977 Arnold S. Reiman 1977- Laurence E. Earley

fIn 1864 Alfred Still" held the chair of the theory and practice of physic (il appears medicine and phY::iie were interchangeable at this time). • "In June 1884 he resigned the chair uf Clinical 'vledicine at the University to which he wa!oi elected in 1876 and on .he same day was elected Professor of the Theory and Practice of Clinical Medicine. By this appointment he succeeded to the chair which his father had vacated at death twenty years before. During the intervening time the chair had bcen filled by the eminent Dr. Alfred Stille, who now at Pepper's appuint­ ment became Professor Emeritus." (F. N. Thorpe, William. Pepper, M.D., LL.D. [Phil­ adelphia: Lippincutt, 1904]. p. 91.)

h Title changed to professor of medicine, June :2, 1903. 312 Appendix 1



1865-1875 Henry Hartshorn 1875-1876 Horace Binnev Hare 1877-1887 Joseph G. Richardson 1887-1891 Samuel C. Dixon 1891-1892 Seneca Egbert 1891-1896 John Shaw Billings 1891-1896 John Shaw Billings 1896-1928 Alexander Crewer Abbott 1929-1932 Seneca F:gbert (acting)

Bacteriology/llJicrobiology Hygiene/Public Health

1931-1959 Stuart Mudd 19.32-19:B David Bergey (acting) 1959-1973 Harold Ginsberg 1933-1939 Henry Field Smith 1973-1978 Joseph Gots (acting) (acting) 1978- Neil Nathanson 1939-1944 Arthur Parker Hitchens 1944-1947 Arthur Parker Hitchens (visiting) 1950-1963 John 1'. Hubbard 1963-1968 Johanes Ipsen 1968-1971 William Kissick 1971-1972 Robert Leopold (acting) 1972-1975 RoLert Leopold 1975 Discontinued

i.l Microbiology at Penn traces its origin to a course on hygiene in the short-lived ""auxiliary" school, which started in 1865 and closed in 1898. Hygiene was elevated into a department in 1891 and its name changcd to bacteriology and hygiene in 1896. In 19:11 the name wa::; split. Bal'teriolugy became microbiology in 1959. Hy­ ~ienf' hecame public health and preventiVt~ mcdieinf' in 19:39. then community health in 1968; this oepartmenl was discontinued in 1975. Department Heads .313


DATE NAMJ:: 1875-1901 Horatio C. Wood 1901-1915 Chades K. Mills 1915-19% William G. Spiller 19.36-1937 William Biddle Cadwalader (acting) 1937-1942 William Biddle Cadwalader 1942-1952 George D. Gammon (acting) 1952-1962 George D. Gammon 1960--1962 A. :\'1. Olllsleen (acting) 1962-1963 Gabriel A. Schwartz (acting) 1963-1967 G. Milton Shy 1967-1973 Lewis Roland 1973-1974 Donald Silberberg (acting! 1974--1982 Arthur K. Asbury 1982- Donald Silberberg

.I _~t'lIrol(Jgy was called the Department of Nervous Diseases until 1901.



1922-1937 Charles Harrison Frazier 1937-1957 Francis C. Grant 1957-1968 Robert Groff 1968-1975 Thomas Langfitt 1975-1986 Thomas Langtill am! Frederick Murtagh 1986-1988 Frederick Murtagh (acting) 1988- Eugene Flamm

" :"it'lll"osurgel'y is a divisiun of surgery. but ib head has chairman status. 314 Appendix I

Obstetrics and Gynecology


176S-1808 William Shippen" l 1810-18.34 Thomas Chalkley James ' 1834-183S William Potts Dewees 183S-186.3 Hugh 1. Hodge' 1863-1889 R. A. f. Penrose

Obstetrics Gynecology

1889-1927 Barton Cooke Hirst 1872-1893 William Coodelld 1893-1899 Charles B. Penruse 1899-1927 John G. Clark

Obstetrics and Gynecology

1927-1941 Charles C. Norris"

1927-19.3.5 Edmund B. Piper 1927-1938 Floyd E. Keene 1939-1940 Howard C. Taylor 1941-1950 Franklin Payne 1941-1%0 Carl Bachmm/

1950-1964 Franklin Payne 1964-1988 Luigi Mastroianni, Jr. 1988- Michael 1. Mennuti

a Professor of anatomy, surgery, and midwifery.

h Title chan~ed to professor of midwifp.ry. (' Title ~hanged to professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children.

d Professor of diseases of women and children in the Summer ~'1edical Association until 1874: thereafter a member of the hospital .':'taff. In 1878 he was made clinical professor of gync('ology and, in 1888. professor of gynecology. .. Under the combined specialties, Piper and Keene. though holrlin~ no professor­ ships. were considered assistants to ~olTis.

f Held the senior chair. Department Heads 315


DATE NA:YIE 1870-1874 William F: Norris ielinical leelllrer) 1874--1901 William E Norris" 1902-1924 George E. de Schweinitz 1924-1936 Thomas B. Hollowav 1936-1937 Alexander G. Fewell (acting) 1936-1960 Francis Heed Adler 1960-1977 Harold G. Seheie 1975-1977 William C. Fraver (aeling) 1977-1986 Myron YanofI 1986-1988 Theodore Krupin (acting) 1988- William C. Fraver (acting)

"The- department was called diseases of the t-'ye from its inception in IH74 ulltil 1924.

Orthopaedic Surgery


1899-1911 DeForest Willard 1911-1918 Gwilym Davis 1918-1920 Vacant 1920-1942 A. Bruce Gill 194.')-1958 Paul C. Colonna 1958-1960 David S. Grice 1960-1961 Edgar L. Ralston (acting) 1961-1977 Edgar L. Halston 1977- Carl or Brighton 316 Appendix /

Otorhinolaryngology and Human Communication"


Larmgology and Hhinology/ Diseases of the ear/Otolaryngology Otolaryngrllogy

1870-1902 George C. Strawbridge 190:~-1925 Charles P. Creyson 1902-1925 Burton A. Randall 1925-19:303 George Fetterolf


19:303-1940 George M. Coals 1940-1959 Harry P. Sehenk 1959-1973 Philip Marden

Otorhinolaryngology and Human Communication

1972- James Snow

a The department be~an a~ diseases of the ear and was renamed otolaryngology when it absorbed the department of laryngol()~y and rhinolo?;:" in 1925. In 1972 it was given its current name.

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine"


1875-1889 James Tyson 1889-1899 Juan Guiteras 1899-1903 Simon Flexner 1903-1926 Allen 1. Smith 1927-19:33 Eugene L. Opie 19:n-1948 Edward R. Krumbaar 1948-1954 Balduin Lueke 1954-1967 Dale Coman 1967-1973 Peter Nowell 1973-1978 David T. Rowlands 19BO- Leonard Jarett

a Original Litle was pathological anatomy and histology. TiLle changed to pathology and laboratory medicine in 1980. Department Heads 317



1874-1891 Louis Starr 1890-1891 Hobart A. Hare" 1891-1924 Josepb P. C. Griffith 1924-1939 John C. Gillingsh 1939-196:3 Joseph Stokes, Jr. h 1963-1972 Alfred M. Bongiovanni 1974-1986 Jean A. Cortner 1986-1990 Hiehard B. Johnston, Jr. 1990- Elias Schwartz a Department called the Department of the Diseases of Chilc1ren. It ,vas changed to pediatrics under Gittings. " Joseph Stokes. Jr.. headed the deparlment from 1929 to 19:\0 while Gillings recu\'ered frum an episude of depression.



1768-1789 Adam Kuhn 1782-1789 Adam Kuhn 1789-1791 Samuel Powell Griffiths 1789-1791 James Hutchinson 1789-1796 Samuel Powell Griffiths 1796-1813 Benjamin Smith Barton 1816-1818 John Svng Dorsey 1818-183.5 John Redman Coxe 18.'3.5-1850 George Bacon Wood 18:)0-1876 Joseph Carson 1877-1907 Horatio C. Wood. Sr. 1907-1910 David Linn Edsall 1910-19:~9 Alfred N. Richards 19:19-1959 Carl E Sehmidth 1%9-1981 George B. Koelle 1981- Perry H. MolinofI a The department was ori~inally named materia medica and . then changed to materia medica in 1784. materia medica, pharmacy. and g(~lIcral therapeutics in 1877. and lu its current tillt-~ in 1910. h A. \I. Hicharrls, according to the ('ataloglle~ held the chair until 1945. Corner states that Carl F. Schmidt hecame professor of pharmacology in 19:~9. 318 Appendix I

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation"


1912-1945 Joseph Nylin 1942-1953 George Morris Piersol 195:~-1983 William J. Erdman 1983-1987 Emery Sloner 1987-1988 William 1. Erdman (acting) 1988- Laurence 1. Earley (acting)

.. R. Tail '1cKenzie! the first professor of physicaJ eduealion in America. was ap­ pointed professor of physical therapy and rehabilitation in 1912. In the late 19208 be pbased bimself ouL of this work.

I. Overlapping dales as Piersol was taught the ropes.



1789-1792 Caspar Wistar 1792-1805 Benjamin Rush 1813-1815 Benjamin Smith B8I10n 181~1835 Nathaniel Chapman 183~1863 Samuel Jackson 1863-1878 Francis Gurney Smith 1878-1885 Harrison Allen 1886-1920 Edward Tyson Reichert 1920-1950 H. Cuthbert Hazell 1950-1952 Carl F. Schmidt (acting) 1952-1970 John Brobeck 1970-1990 Robert Forster 1990- Paul DeWeer

11 Orip;inally the institule!':) of medicine. Department Heads 319


DATE NAME 1883-1890 John J. Reese 1893-1901 Charles K. Mills 1901-19:~0 Charles W. Burr 1931-1932 Earl D. Bond (acting) 1932-1953 Edward A. Strecker 1953-1962 Kenneth E. Appel 1962-1973 Albert J. Stunkard 1973-1974 John Paul Brady (acting) 1974-1982 John Paul Brady 1982-1984 Geoq>;e E. Ruff (acting) 1984- Peter Whybrow a The Department of Psychial0: was established in 1912. Prior to that. it \\'as called the Dl:'parlrnent of MenIal Diseases. Heese. professor of medical jurisprudence and toxicology. and :\lills. professor of mental diseases and medical jurisJJrudellce. call be call1:'d forerunners hecause they treaLed alcoholism and drug aodiction. Daniel !\IcCarlhy held a new chair of medical juri!'iprlloenct:' from 1904 until he retired in 19:39; the subject was dropped until a series of ad hoc lectures given by special isIs in medicine. neurology, and pathology were given shape by a local lawyer, Laurence H. Eldridge, who became responsible for the course from 1941 until 1967.

Radiation Oncology"


1977- Robert L. Goodman

a A division of the Department of Hadiology until 1977.



1898-1902 Charles Lester Leonard Instructor in Skiagraphy 1902-1903 Vacant 1904-19:39 Henry K. Pancoast 19:~9-1961 Eugene Pendergrass" 1961-1975 Richard H. Chamberlain 1975- Stanley Ballm

a Until 1939. radiology was a division of the Department of Surgery. 320 Appendix I

Research Medicine"


1910-1920 Richard M. Pearce 1921-1943 J. Harold Austin 1943-1956 William C. Stadie 19.:;6--1960 Colin 1cCIoud 1960-1962 I::ugcnc A. Hildreth (acting) 1960- Rohert A. Austrian

.. Once the john Herr ':fusser Ueparlment of Research :\ledicinc.


DATE NAME 1765-180.5 William Shippen" 1805-1818 Philip Syng Physick 1819-1855 William Gihson 18SS-18il Henry Hollingsworth Smith lohn Rhea Barton Profes­ 1871-1877 D. Hayes Agnewh sors ofSurgery 1877-1900 John Ashurst 1900-1910 J. William White 1910-1918 Edward B. Martin 1918-1922 John B. Deaver 1922-1936 Charles Harrison Frazier 1936-1945 Eldridge L. Eliason 1945-1959 I. S. Ravdin 1959-1972 Jonalhan E. Rhoads 1972-197S William T. Fitts 197.5-1978 Leonard D. Miller (acling) 1978-198.'1 Leonard D. Miller 1981-1983 Brouke Roberts (acting)" 198:~- Clvde E. Barker

" Shippen served as professor of anatomy. Sllr~er~:. and midwifery.

h Title <:hanp;ed to John Rhea BartOli Professor uf Surgery Nuvember 6. 1877. First endowed chair of surgery. " Rrookt> Hohel'ls was given the tille ··vice chairman and a~lin~ chajrman:' \-tiller remainf"d the official chairman and Professor uf Sllr~ery durin~ this period alihou~h he was on leave. Appendix I 321


DATE 'lAME 1886-1889 J. William White 1891-1900 Edwanl B. Mm1in 190:3-1923 Thumas R. Neilson 192:3-194.'> Alexander Randall 194.5-1964 Boland Hughs 1964-1980 John J. Murphy 1980- Alan Wein

a \uL a delJUrtmenl but a divi~ion of surgery. yet. accordinp; to David RiesmuIL ··~onH...'\\'hal sanctified ... by lhe distinction uf the men \\'hu taught it:' (Corner. Twu CClllllrie.~ vf /Hedicine, p. 274.) Originally called genito-urinary surger:'. the division became urology lInd(~r Murphy. APPENDIX 11 BUILDINGS OF THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

BGILDING DATE COMMENT William Shippen's Father's Shed 175'( William Shippen leclured on at Fourth above High Sl. anal., surg. and midwifery here 1762

The Aeademv Building and 1740 John Morgan gave first lectures Charity School on the Iheory and practice of medicine here

Surgeon's Hall 1778') Not known when this building was built or first used

Medical Hall adjacent to Presi­ 1807 Benjamin Latrobe, architect dent's Honse

Medical Hall of 1807 renovaled 1817 William Strickland, architeel

Medical Hall rebuilt in 1829 1829 William Strickland, architect

Medical Hall (now Logan Hall) 1874 T. W. Richards, architect in West Philadelphia

Hare Building 1878 T. W. Richards, architect

Fire in Medical Hall 1888

Department of Hygiene 1892 Wing added in 1899

Wistar Institute 1894 George W. and D. Hewett, archilecls

Medical LaboralOlies (renamed 1904 Cope and Siewardson, architects the John Morgan Building in 1987)

Henry Phipps Inslitute 1913 Original buildings were houses downtown

(continued) 324 Appendix 1/

BUILDING DATE COMMENT Anatomy-Chemistry Building 1929 Stewardson and Page, architects

A. N. Richards Building 1960 Louis Kahn, architect

Robert Wood Johnson Pavilion 1969 Alexander Ewing, architect

Medical Education Building 1980 Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, and Cunningham, architects

Clinical Research Building 1989 Payette Associates (interior) and Venturi, Ranch, and Seoll Brown (exterior), architects APPENDIX III BUILDINGS OF THE HOSPITAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PE SYLVANIAa

BULDING DATE COMMENT Hospital of the University of 1874 Building begun 1872, T. W. Pennsylvania Richards, architect, drawinl'; instructor, University of Penn­ svlvania

Peter Hahn Ward 1880

Henry Gibson Wing 188.3 Facilities for chronic diseases; Wilson Brothers, architects

Macbine shop for orthopaedics 1883

Men's clinic moved to Gibson 1886

Nurses' residence 1886 Gift of Mrs. Richard D. Wood

Mortuary building and chapel J890 Gift of Mrs. Charles C. Harrison

Nurses' residence addition 1891

Agnew Wing 1894 Cope and Stewardson, architects

William Pepper, Sr., Laboratory 1895 of Cinical Medicine

D. Haves Agnew Pavilion 1897

Addition to nurses' residence 1898

Student Ward 1899 Two fireplaces included

(continued) " Thanks to Nadine Landis. 326 Appendix III

BUILUING DATE COMMF::'IT J. Dundas Lippincott operatin/!; 1899 room

Ei/!;ht private rooms adjacent to 1899 This must have been con- 1. Dundas Lippincott operating structed when the amphitheater room was divided horizontally

New nurses' residence (old 1899 renovated)

Children's surgical ward 1899

Medical ward for children 1900 J. Crozier Griffiths and Mrs. Longstreth, benefactors

Neurology amphitheater 1900

Isolation building 1905

Laundry 1905

Medical amphitheater removed 1908

Medical clinic building 1909 Contained clinics, medical lec- ture room, lab for urine and blood analysis

New maternity building 1916

Men's delmatolo/!;y clinic 1922

1. William White Surgical 1912 Be/!;un in 1912 Pavilion

George Seckel' Peppel' Ward 1922 Ward for treatment of metabolic and kidney disurders, diet kitchen, air-conditioned room

First air-conditioner! room (adja­ 1922 Built bv Simon Leopold and his cent to Pepper Ward I brother to treat asthma patients

Gynecolo/!;ical Ward (Clark unitl 1922 moved to first Aoor of Dulles

Laundry enlarged 1923

Laboratory for occupational 1925 Sabin Colton and Cornelia therapy Sellars, benefactors

(continued) Buildings of the Hospital 327

BUILDI G DATE COMME T Medical Clinic Building moved 1926 Room made for huilding the and Pepper Laboratory demol­ Maloney Building ished

Martin :\1aloney Memorial Clinic 1929

Physical therapy moved to 1929 Maloney, fifth floor

Dental c1inie moved to Maloney 1929

Pharmacv moved to basement of 1930 Maloney

Diet kitchen moved to Dundas 1930 Lippincott area

General and neurosurgery ward 1931

Dundas Lippincott operating 1931 room moved to White Building

Corner Cupboard Restaurant 19:n

New gymnasium 1932

George Cox Institute 1932 To study and treat diabetes

Central dressing room first floor 19.34 Agnew Pavilion

Orthopaedic Hospital for Ner­ 1938 vous and Bone Diseases ab­ sorbed

Agnew Pavilion fire 1939 Agnew private floor and two wards

Eisenlohr private floor J941 Atop the Agnew-Dulles Building

Agnew-Dulles wing rehuilt 1941

Neurology moved to neurology 1942 Old maternitv building building

Bridge to connect Maloney to 1945 Led from Maloney fourth private neurology Aoor to Maloney cubicles

(continued) 328 Appendix II!

BUILDING DATE COMMENT Beauty parlur and chapel, third 1948 Ruur Dulles

Interns' qualters un '"lung" cor- 1949 ridor

Hospital lihrary 1949 1949 to 19.50, library for pa­ tients' books on "long" corridor

Medical Alumni Hall, library, 1952 admitting room, eafeteria

Nurses' infirmary moved to ortho- 195:3 paedic ward

Thomas S. Gates Building 19.54

Chapel moved downstairs under 19.54 surgical amphitheater

Diagnostic clinic upened 1954

Dental clinic opened in Gates 1956 Previously located on second Roor, Maloney

'" Long" corridor reopened for 19.57 Ceased to be interns' quarters patients

Donner radiology building 19.58

Annex for nurses lorn down 19.58

Piersol building 1959

Urology and children's ortho­ 19.59 paedic wards demolished

Nurses' residence moved to En­ 1960 glish Huuse

Maloney cubicles renovated to 1960 Maloney roomettes

Clinical research Ruor 1961

1. S. Ravdin Pavilion 1962

Central dispatch established 1964 First patient transport

(continued) Buildings of the Hospital 329

BUILDING DATE COMMENT 1st Psvchiatric Ward at H. U.P.. 1965 tenth fluur Gates

Isulatiun area, firth floor 1966 Maloney

Maloney Lobby destroyed for 1966 Department of Medicine

Anesthesia Floor added above 1967 Eisenluhr

Eye Ward 1968

MIC in White Building 1968

SICU in White Building 1968

Centrex Building 1969

Emergency Roum renovated 1969

Cigarette machines removed 1969 from H.U.P.

Children's ward closed 1971 Children's Huspital of Philadel­ phia moves from downtown to south of H.U.P.

Ravdin Courtvard Building 1973

Clinical engineering department 1977

Silverstein Pavilion 1978

Dental clinic, Silverstein 1978

Men's and women's medical 1983 wards demolished

Surgical amphitheater became 1983 Agnew-Grice Ledure RouIll

David Devon I\1Rl Center 1984

Founders Pavilion 1987 INDEX

..I System of,lrwlomy f\Yislad. 19-20 un (Oalll'c'r of 1111' UINUS. 101-: lir~1 president. AbllCllt. :\It'xllnder C. llH60-19]Sl. 121-26 :>9: fOUlldil1~ of. '1'()-11: presidenls. Ti AI,bllll, ";illiarn U~Jf'r ('·Pe.te") d902-19,t~)_ American Philosophind Stl('il'l~", .~2. t.JH 216-19 American PhysiuluJ!i(,al :-'w,jt'ty. 186 Af>adt'IllY of ~i1ttlral S(·jen('f>s. 121. 127 Amf'rican TubenoulolOis A:.smoiilliotl, 101. )<)1- At:adeJll~- of Philadt'lphia. 6 95. 19H Academy of SI:it'IH't'" 1I11:'e(in~ 10 Ofl!unizf' the anaphylactic de-alh I~uinf'a pi~s). 112 American Medic'al .\~slt(·iulil)n_ ·1U anatomical amphithf'alers. 3:l a('el~1 CoA. 293 ..malomical If'gislulion. 6H Af·hilJes tendon. repair of. 19 arwtolllil'<.ll :"o('hoolso 3tJ-40. 116. See a/so Phil- <{('Lilt' contagious diseases. l7B adt'lphia SdlOol of Analomy: Cheval, Allallls. John tJ 767-184HI. 33 Analomy (!f tlJl' RUL 1.:{O aort>llal virilizjll~ hyperplasia. 279 IIIIGlot1l.l",11 Sy.'ilt'tn (~r lY-20 adrenlilt't'IOIllY for hi?:h blood pressure. 296--98 Anderson. Thomas F. (1911- ). 2;{7-J9, Adrian, E. D.. 2.~O. 2:3:2 299: )JlJa~t" stlldit'~. 2;{&-:~9 Aesculapius. :,larr Hf. :-i. 205 ane!;lhesiolo/!isIS (al th~ Cllivt·-I~ily h,,~pitall. A~assiz. LOllis 11807-18871.91 2h7 A~new, D. Hay,,, (I81H-1892i, :12 ..~7. 76. allf,~theti('!;, nonexpl\)sivc. 26B 79. 116--18: 8natomi(:al 1"dUk'l. ;-W--10: ap­ I.lllimal: c'an'. 148: lig.atures. lise of. 49: moli')Il, pointed John Rhea Rarlun Pmft'~~l)r. 117: 82 ('xplains blood elollinp: and bUilt"' llt'a1inr:. anlt'rl0r :-pinal o('elusiono 106 117: operalion for webbed fin~... r'S. 117: ~lIr­ I.Intivivis('diunist I("~ishllioll. lW; "Aqwments ~i('ul in:-trullll'llts de\'clopC'"d by. I J7: UlOt' uf fHr and ,-\/!:u i11:-,1 Ih,- U~(' of Animals for Ex­ t't"I:o. 10 dt'

    !' balles, 116 perimental ion:' loStJ,: lrial. 1SU TlIP ilK/ieII,' Clinic,' (Eakin::; paintingl. xv, 117­ Ardler. John (17 f11-1RlOL 1.1 IR. UR :1rchir'.Ii"ir tltUllomie, 189 A~new Pu\-ilivn. 116 Anned Forces \·le(lil"al \1 U:'it'llIll. 1.;R Allell. Harris,," il811-18971. h8. &3. '11-92: Army .\'1cdi('al Corps. 2:;2 mouth discasf's. 92 Anny-\a\y footballj!ame. 2. 118 .\lIell. JOllathan M.. 116 Arst'llohenzol ISalvarsanl. lH0-81 .'1.11<-11. William M. 11901- t.218 11I"lf'ri"ll IHllwture. LiS Alumni Society (187]). 77 arlt'r~ forceps (A,gne\·... j I)1 Arnt'l'j('l.lIl Argonauts. 60 arthritiso 2R.l-81 Am...rietln BoaHl of Dt'rmatolol!~. 158 arlifil'ial anus, loloslIn' of. 17 Amerit:f1Jl }uuma/ ofMedi("(l/ SciellCl','i. 58. 177 arlilicial respiration. 201 ,1rnninlll jOllrfw/ /~r Ph_niulog); 23 aseptic: sur~er;.'. 11.~ American Medic"al Assul·jaliHIl, 76: l'ummittee Ashtoll. William. DB 332 jndex

    Adm ql' J)t>rrrUllolof!.Y. R9 IlHl·r1'1i.la\'l~. lInlllUl11l (16h8-17:{81. :·t 19 Aub. Juseph C11190-19iJI. no BUIli::;. 212 Allxiliu~ ~d1001 of .\lcdir"ine. 68-70 Bowie. -"laurif'e i l. pUIlf'tlll'e of. 18,'{ Ayer Clilli("al I.ilhllralur~ n)t·nl1s~·I\·ania Hospi­ Ho~'e. :\Iartin. ,")H 'all. 9,; Brady. lIoss O. (1923- 1. 292 brain physiolo/:!:y. 27'2 hac"helur of IllNIiI"ine. l:i Brink. Frunk. Jr. (1910- I. '2;H. 'l..i7 Rudllllafl. Curl 11897- t.290-91 Brobt>(·k. Juhn. '2'21. iUS EhwuniHll 1'>(·it'IH't". 11 1'!,(jUlint' st·n:-itiZi.lliun of phtllll~rnphi(' 111ll fl"lI. Eri,' C .. C190·1-19i91. 296 fl .... nk. Oell" \'\'. (1B9i-19i51. 195. 229-32 1)(.I11islu(·ardio~raph. 195-96 llrown. IInhe.' ll. 1l908-197i1. ];;:\. 253 llalllill~. [refit-rick J. C11191-191l1. IlJ6 Bryall. James. 169 llarJ. Salllllellli12-1lJ21l. lJ. I:J Buchanan. John M. (1917- ). 2')'2-93 llarnwell. John (IlJ9'>-- I. 125 blilldlf' of His. :216 Harth. Elizabeth. 220 Lundle of Kent. 216 Barlun. Hl'lljamin ~lIlilh \l7()o-UH.')). 1R-19. Burkl·ll. D"lInis. 'l.H2: Burkt.. tt";.;, I~ mphurll". !)

    tlln". I L,)-16: Ilt'ad ballda~t"', 11:); 0pt"ration llu~h. VHIllll;'Var (1890- I. 2:J1. 261 for ank~·It)si:,. 116: proft'ssorship. 78. 100. 1];; Barton. ::iarah Riltenhou~e. ,g. 115 caduceus. :L 204---D5 Barton. William P. C.. 115 Cae!\Nean section. extnlfWriltllWal allllnlill·h. Ihsic S{'iencl' Corrdatiun C()ur~t'. 17'2 49 Balson. O~<:ar V. (IB94-1979. 2it··JI(); (·!'illlial Caldwell. Charlt·:-> {1772-]R;):~J. Jo. ,")9 H.'ins. 24&: liJ!atiori of jllf!:ulrtit':"J t,f t't'II:o.. 294: loidilis. 24;'): \'t·rIeIJri.11 n·ill:·'. 21;) Illt'dl<.mism of :->prt>ad. 29"1 I.11111l (}87]~]9;HI. 150-5L nin·1l. \Yilliillli (17;).).-lKH). 32 I.;J Jllcwk. JH:o't>l'h, I;) t·llIore. \"fillialll S. (19'l.()- I. 297-9~ CHI'SOIl. Joseph 11808-]876), L 90 I3lod.lf'~ Hnspilal. 89 CH:"t". -'lii;~. 220 Board of (;uanlian!'- of lhe Poor of Ihe Cil~' of Casli~dione's JIi.~lory qj'Jledici1ie. 177 Philadelphia. :,ll tells. morpholo~y of living. 2-1-:~ Bockus. Henry (.1891-10821. li'l. ccrt.'lJral (.'irculation. 270 Index 333

    Chambers. Leslie A. 0905- I. 237. 2:~8. COlllmt'. Julill:- 11911-19H11. 172-7.1. 216. 268 26.')-..66: ff'spintlory researcb. 265-267 Chambers. Rober' (18ilO-l%71. lS;j. 200 ('nn~eflilal ht'arl diseul'e. 2S5 Chambers. Stanley. 159 containers. individual sealable. 247 Chance. Brithlll tl91~- l. 2:tJ. 2:36-:ri. convalescent serum for prewntioll of measles. 291-96: spt>('lrophotullwtn. 29;),-96 246 Chapman. Nallwniel t 17RO-IB5:31. :N. 58-60: Looper. David Alex3nfler 11897-1<)701. 17:> SWl.lim·s Punul·ea. S9-60: pand by Mc­ Cooper. Da"id Young IIlt192'1--- 1.267 Kenzie. 201 corl!ulnmy. 108 Chappel. Charle, (1903-19791. 279-281 Corielle. Lt> ..... is fl911- ). 279 Charity Hospital fDiap:nostic Hospitall. 170 CnnH'liu:o;. Ru"eI1. 58 cheatinv, scandal. l:-m Comer, (;eor~e W. 11889-1981I. l. 218. 219 chemical apparatus of Robert Harle'. 3H corpora. a/hit'anila, 102 chemical c1assifiC'ation of animals (Rt;>iC'lwrl). corpll.~ lllieum, 102 92 Correa de Serra. Abbe Jose t1750-182;3J. 20 chemii;lry laboratury. llc(licul ILtll. ;},') cortisone. local adminislration for arthritis. dlenJotiterapy. 2. 177 283-84 Cben. K. K.• 191-93 Cowell. Oavid r!-J 7SPI. l~ Clwvat (Chovetl. Ahraham 11701--17901. ana­ Cox. Geor~e So- Institutl'. 219-21. 219. 278 tomi<:ul ('ulle('tion of. 39 Coxe. jobn Redman 11773-18611. 21-22. 2:1: Chiari. Hans. 102 \·uc(·inutiufl. 21; 2.1 (:hildbed fe\'er (puerperal scpsisL manage-Im'lll Criek. rnul('i~ (19]6- ). 2.19 of. 80-82 (rookle's lulle. 97-98 Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 277. 281 Cullen. William i1710-17901, 7. 11 Chinese drugs. 191-92 cholera sludit's. SO Dale. Henr" Hale 0875-19681. 185 Cbun·b. john 11771-18061. 36 Darwin's theory of lhe ol'if!in of spet'ies. 92 C1ll1rehilL F.clwanl (1895-]9771. 251 Da,ies. Pbilip W.. 2.~4, 237 Clark, Elint R. 11881-19631. 224. 21·'J-44 Davis, j. Stage 11872-19161. 49 Clark. john Gwdrieh (1867-19271. 46. 102- Dca"",. john 81air (18.';.'>-1931 I. ]0ll-l19. 119- 05; radical cancer operation (Wertheim's op· 21: rt'll'il('lor. ]21; . 19:1-9·1- house:' 160: John H. Siokes. 159-62: Fred­ Cohen. Seymour S. (1917- I. 279. ;l()9- erick D. Weidman. 157-59 301 detoxification of dru~s. IH:-J (·olilis. experimental. 146 Dia~nosti(' H(J~pilal. 170 Colle~e of Physicians of Philadelphia. 16 Diasone synthesis. 182 Collip. james B. 11892-19651. 186 Dick. Elisha Cullen, 59 colorimeter. rapid responding for kim'li(' stud- n~w:IJltr.~e (Mor~an): 11-1:2 ies, 295 Dispensar) for Skin Discases. 89 Coman. Dale /-lex (1901:>- ). 29:3-91. 299: dissolution of lymphatic lissue by muslard f!ilS. Coman reporl. ~o 1--02 177 "combinalioll f·hHlnher,'· let :-ollHly li\'in~ lissues divinyl ether. 2j6 IE. Clark). 2'\11 Dixon. Samuel G. 08.';1-19181. 68. 121 ('omrnittf't' fill medit'al resean:h, 261 ojerassi. CarL 249 t'fJmpre.s~ion (·hamuer. 263 D'IA. 2:~7-.~8 334 Index

    Dohan. F: C.. 220 FitzHll~h. Thoma, 11891--196.'11. 17.'>.212 Donaldson. Hen!"" (18,')7-19:13'). 127-29 Fla('ks. Jot'L 29:~ Dorsey. John Svn~ 117:J8.-18181.19. 59-60 Fleming, Sir Alt'xander (1831-195;')1.261 Dougherty. T. F.. 177 Ft'rguson. L. Krater. 25J Drinker. Cecil K. 11887-19061. 183 Flexner, Abraham (1866--1959J. report on med­ Dripps. Robert D. 11911-197:11. 265-6B ical education for the Carne~ie Foundation. dual-wave spectrophotometer. 236 137. 167 ductle~s glands. 146; and diabetes, 22U Flexner, Simon (1863-1946). 94--95.125.142, duel. last pistol in America. 2 154 Duffield. Samuel (17:>2-18111. 1:3 Flick. Jobn. 252 Dllhrin~. Louis (1815-191:11. 89-90, l.SI. IS8. Flick. Lawrence 11856-19:,81. 1:'1J--J.'l1 178: Alla.~· (!! Dermatology, 89: ··Duhring\.; flies. lransrlliut'rs of disease. ,')·1 disease:' 89: laboratory, 162: will. 1.')( Florey. Boward (1898- I. 181 Dumke. Paul 119]]- 1.270 Flosdod. Earl. 216--'17 dusty lungs. 101 Forbes. William S. IW:1l-19051. 68 forceps for arresting hemorrha,e:e IPhysick \. 46 Eakins. Tbomas 11811--19161. 117-18. 138 Forster. Robert E .. II. (1919- 1.268 Eck\ fistula. 146 Fotbergill. John 11712-17801. 4-7 Edsall. David L~,tln (1869-191;')1. 138~12. Fowler. Ward. B6. 268 175. 18.> Fox Chase Callen Cenler. 2:~9 Ehrenstein. ylaximiJil:Jn (1899- 1.2,1].2/19 Franklin. Benjamin, .5----6 Einhorn's tube. 217 Frazit'r. Charles Harrison (187o-19:~61. 107­ Eldridge Reeves Johnson Foundation for \led­ 10. 1.19--1·2, 255: conflict with William ieal Physics. See Johnson Foundation for Spiller. 107; eonlotom!' for intractable pain, Medical Physics 107--03: gasserian ~an~lion. 107: imp0l1ance electromyograph. 230 of research. 110, 1.S0: thyroid, 108-09 electron microscope. 238 Freeman. .\lorman. 153 electron-tube potentiometer. 155 freeze-drying process, 24--7 Eliason. Eldrid~e L 11879-1%01. 20,2-56 Friedman. l\laurice. 248 Elmer. Jonathan (1715-1817), 1.1 frog tumors (carcinoma). 199 Elsom. Katherine O'Shea. 216 Frost. E. H.• 98 Enders, John, 278. 279 fungi thai cause diseast'_. catalo~ut' of. 1.')8 endocrine disease. 108 Fullerton. Humphrey. 1:3 endocrinolo/Z."!·, pediatric. 279 entrance examinations. 79 G.l. Bill alld lhe Graduate Sehool of .\Iedicine. Ephedra vufgari.~ hehiticus, 193 171 epidermal hyperplasia. 159 galvanic generation of electricity. 56 Episcopal Hospital, LH Gambel. Clarence. 281 Epstein-Rarr virus. 282---8:-3 Garfield. James A.. Agnew's patient. 117 Erb. William 11907-19B71. 107.25:1 Garretson. Janws Edmund. 40 Erdman. William J. 11921-19891.20" gas, embolic disease, 26:') ether. early use of, 50 gassnian ganglion resection. 107 Evans. Gerald 11900-- I. 220 gastric digestion, chemislr~' of. 22 evolution. 52 !!astric lavage fPhysif'kl, '1R extraocular movement. 106 gastIic pouches. 116 gastrointestinal intubation, 217 Farris, Edmund J.. 130 Gates. Thomas S. 1187:l-19·181. 222 Fels. SamueL 176 Gay-Lussac. Joseph Louis (1778-1850J. 21 Fick principlt' for Itleasuring blond flow. 270 Gelason. Philip. 267 Fitt,. William 1. 11915--19801. 297 gelleration potential. 232-2.13 Index 335

    geology and minerolo~y. 68 Hafkenshiel, Josepll (1916- ). 297 Gerhard, W'illiam ',,"ood (lR09-]8(2). 60--6L Hales. Stephen 11667-17611. 200 77: distinguishes t~-phoid fronl lyphus. 60 Hare lJuildin~. 146 Gerslley. Margaret. 220 Hare. Horace Binney f'?-1879). 68 Geyer, Samuel. 148 lIare. Robert 11781-18581. 2:3. 55-58: '"deHa­ Gibbon. Jobn Heysham 11903-19731. 1.5:L grator." 57: oxygen-hydrogen blO\vpipe, S7; 201. 2·19-2.52: heart-lung machine. 251­ second-class faculty member. 5.)-56 252 Harnwell. Gaylord P.. 301 Gibson. Henry. 7:-! Harrison. Charles Custis l181'l-1929l. L~8- Gibson Pavilion, 7:3 :N. 111. 167 Gibson. William (l788-1868L ~O. Stl-SS Harrison. Emily l\k\'li('hael (l-19021. ].');~ Gilman. Alfred 0908- ), 177 Harrison. George Leib (1B36..-19351. will. ISO Gleusun. Philip. 267 Harrison Department of Surgical Research .. Glenn. Elizabeth. 2S,1- 150-53 glomerula fluid analvsis. 18,~6 Hartline. lIaldan KefferI19O'J-19831. 2.32-34 Goddard. Dayid R. 11908-19851. 207 Hartshorn. Henry. 63 Goddard, John. S8 Hartzell. Milton Bixby 1185!1-19271. 140. 157- Goddard. Pmd Be(,k (1811-1866l. .'>7<)8: bro­ .58: microphotography. ISS mint' st"llsitizilll! method for photol!nlphy. 57­ Hant'y. W'illiam (L)78-](>S7). 200 .58 Hutai. Shinkishi 11376-'?). 127 Gohn. AnIon. ]:33: Cohn's complex (tubercu- Haugaanl. Ella (1922- I and ~t'ils Hau- losis). l:t1 ~aard (1920- I. 156 Goldber~er. Joseph 11874--19291. 179 Hayden. Ferdinand V.. 68 Goldschmidt. SamueL 254 Hayes. Isaac. 41 gonadotrophin, purificatioll of. 290 Heacock. Edward. 205 Goodell. William (1829-IH941. 76.80-82: gy­ heart-lung machine. 251 necologieal instrunwllls invt'tlted by. 81 heart sounds. study of mechanism of produc- Goodman. Louis. 177 tion. 211-1;') Goodspeed. Artllur \V. (1860-19,1:1), 97-100. Heilbrunn. Lewis V. (1392-1959). 207 101 hemuglobin (T~-stals. 92 gorget to enter hladdt'r (Physi('k). ·1.6 hemopholus influenza, 198 Graduate Hospital. 122. 178-79.247 Henderson. Yandell (]873-19i HI .. 195 Graduate School of \-leoicine, waves of pros- Henle. (;ertrude (1912-19371 and W'erner perity and disappointment. 17]-73 Henle (l92o-1937L 278. 281-33: "interfn­ Graham. Clarence. 233 ence phenomenon:' 281 Graham, James D.. 247 Henry. Joseph (1797-1878). 56. 58 Granit. Ragnar n900- l. 2:i2 heputitis. investigation of. 200 Grant, Francis (1891-1967). 107 Hershey-Chase experiment. 239 grave robbing. ShipfWtl 'll'cused. IB Hf'ymans. J()~eph, 19:-!. 2;,)() gray rat (Epimys non'egi(115). ]28 hi~h-altitlld(> chamber. 26.1 Great ,\\-'indmill Stred Anatomical Schoo!. :N Hill. A. V. (190'1-19111. 219-20. 2:,0 Green, Eunice Chase (1895-1975). 1:10 IIi,. Wilhelm 11831-19011. IOJ Greenman. -"lilton Jay. 127 "history rounds." 1, 2 Griffiths. John Q. 11904--19771.296 Hillarf tube. 97 Griffiths. Samuel Powell (1759-18261. IH Hodf.!e. Hu~h Lellox (} 796-1873). 70 Cros<~ Clinic. The (Eakins). 117-18 Hodgkin's disease. 101 Gross, Samuel David (1805-1831-1.10. 117. Hoeber. Rudolph U. A. 11873-'1. 207. 269 177 Hollander. Joseph L. 11910-- I. 28:3~1: Guiteras. JUUI1 (1R,)2~192S). 9tl. 96. 125 climate chamber to study arthritis .. 281 Curin, Samuel (190;)- l. 290-9.1 Holmes .. Oliver '\\-'endell (1809-139'1,1. 60. 81 336 Index

    hook\\"orm. 5,1 James. Thomas Chalkle~ 11706----18;351. 22. 36. Hopkinson. !\-lar~ (1005-1986),249-52; heart­ 39. 59 lung machine. 250 Jeffers. \\:illiarn. 296 Horner. "iilliam E. (179j-185,~·H ..~,j. '19-51. Jefferson. Thomas. 21 .')8.61. 127: anatumical dis(,o\'l>ri,>s, :)}: t'X­ Jefferson :\ledical Collf'ge. :17. KsarPHn s('('­ ](>8 tioll. 19: patllO]ol!Y disl'mprit':-i. ;')0: 1t'IlS()\ Jenner. Edward (17,19-1112:11. 17B tarsi IIlww]t'. -19: Z-plast~. ;')0 Jt'nnings. W'illiam ~. (1860-19,1S1. 97-09 horst', foot position ""hilt' running. 82-8:3 John 'Iorgan Building. 119. 1·1:') horseshoe nal>. 2:B Juhn "l()r~an S(JI·iety. 1:"38 Horvath. Stew·n. 283 John Rhea Darton Proft's~or of Sllrp:er~. See. liar- Hor.·,:itz. Orville (1909- ). 19,~. 23,~ tnn. Juhn Rhea H013pital of the Lnivf'rsity of Pennsylvania. 70- Johns Hopkins Hospital. HH. 12:~. 1;~7 76. 81. 88. 119. as. J-1K 2(6. 225: first Johns. Richard 1. (1925- l. 267 wave of additions. 7.1-76; nwdit'al fa('ldl~ vs. Johnson Foundation for \'ledical Physics. 229~

    clinit',.;. 71-7;~ ~9. 26H-69. 291-96 HOllssay. Rt'rnard (1887-1971), 221 John~on, Eldridgt' Hf't:'vt's. 229 HUI!t'l'. FnHl('is Kt'Il\uck (177:)-18;');)). 20-1 jofllison, Julian (1906-1987f. 109. IS:-3. 2;;:-3. HUllter. Jol1l1 11728-179:~). 7. H. ,16 2.~;) Hunter. \\'illiam (l729-17Ti). I. H. :39 Joyner. Claudt' (192:)- I. 270 Hutchinson. James H. 08:34-1889). 2:~ Hygiene. School of. 12:1-27: Abbott and. 124- Keen, \\:illiam Williams (1837-19:-32). 4067 26: Billings. John Shaw. 123-26: fund-rais­ Kelley. Howard A. I1H58-191:11. 102 ing for. 123-24: wavering support from trll~t­ Ken\. A. F. Stanb 1186:3-'1. 216 t>f'S. 126-27 Kem. Richard (1891-19821. 212 Hyo,w'yamus /Yiw'r. 18 Ket~, St'ylllour {19]:l- 1.172.270-72 King. Ht'len Dean (lH69-19;"1SL 127 Killlwrsly. EI)t'Ilt'zt'r. 1.1 IB:Vt. 252 Kirby. Charles K.. 2()9 industrial hazards. 101 Kirb" L R. (186.5-19:1.51. US infectious diseasf's. 123 Kitasato Institute of Infectious Di~eases. 95 infectious mononuclcmiis. 283 Kite. Anna S,. 205 influenza pandt>mi(·. 193 Klaer. Fred H. (1878-191:».212 influt>nza vuc('irw (Austrian'), 281 Koch. Robert (184:3-19101. 132. 133 ill~talltar\(,()lIs photop;raph~. :)3 Kolrnn. John (1896-1962). 179 lnstituttc' for EnvinHlIIwntal :\ledicine. 26:3 Koop. C. EveJ"(·tt (1916-- I. 279 Institute for lht> Study of Venereal Diseases. Koprowsky. Hilary (1916- ). 1:10 160 Krumhhactr. Edward nt'11 0882-19661, 176- insulin aclion. 156-57 78. 19;'). 212: precLJr~or dis('(Jver~ 10 dw­ isolette. developmellt of. 270-BO rnothf'rapelltic agents. 177: inn-'Ills llaJnes. Itzkowitz. Harold. 297 177 lves Herbert. 20;"1 Kuhn, Adam t1711-lm 71. 1:1-11. 28. 29. ~6. he,. Robert 11881-19741. 20.5 39,45

    Jackson. David ('~ -1801). 13 lahor. artificial induelion of. 22 Jackson. James (1777-1K68f. 60 LallOratory' for Dt'rmat(ll(lp:it'al RI·s(·an·h. ]62 Jacksoll. SilllllWI (1737-1372), SB: pilIwl by Laboratory of H~-~iene. ]1,6 .\kKenzie. 20,1 Lackman. David (1911- 1.2:33 Ja<'obs. :vre,kel il881-19701. 200. 205-07. lactic acid formation. 219 2SS Lamhertsell. Christian J. (1917- I. 26;)- Index :3.37

    65: InstilLlIt' fur [nvironnwnlal \'ll·di(·jlll'. \1alaney. "lartin. 212 20;; \lalone\" Clinie. I~'I. 211-J:l. 229 Landis. EIl~ene M. 11901-19871. 2QO-D2. 2.01; malonyl CoA. 29.'\ php.;iulo~y of hlnl)(ll'iITlllalion. 200-{)1 Malphigi. \\arcello 11628-16941. 200 Lankanau Surl!i('al Clinil·, 121 Illilnikin for pra('tic-e of intravenous injedions. Larrey. Dominiflue J~all (176()-18-12)..)1 162 Latrobe. Benjamin Helll'~' () 761-1820"1. .);~ \1ara~lianu, Eduardo {18;l9-1 r)10). 1:-\2 Lavoisier. Antoine Laurent. 21 'Jar-shall. John (17;;;,)-lH;-t"'iL Chit'f Justice of Lawrence. James Valentine O·Brion. 39 the l nikd Slutl·S. 11.0. 1:18 Lawrence. John. Li Marshall. John (lB.')."'i--192;)), dt'an of tilt, 1II~·d­ Leu. Henrv C. 1182;;-19091. 123-24. 126 ical school. 78, 1.19 Lehr. Her",lun B. 11923-19791. 198 Martin. Edward U. 1180;9-19:181. 108. 119; Lei,h-, jose"l, (182:>-18911..,)1-~4. (,7. 91. jnkstand with uullet hole. 119 117: diseown- Trirhinu .'il'irali.~. 51: !'iP(·(·tl~ mask for artificial respiration. 267 latel'> on oriJ!in of life. ~2-."'i:{: Ilwdallinlll hy materia medica. 2. ];1 ~l(' Kenzie. 201 matemity ward. 7:3 Leonard. Charles Lester 11861-191:11. lQO-Dl Maur~. Fnull"is Fontaine IlB4()-'-1B7tJJ. H9 Lt'"opold. Charles. and Simon S. u.oplIld Maxwell. james Clerk 11 8:11-1 B791. 1.0 UH92-1957L first air-conditioned room in a \1,·Allislc,. Ruherl \1. 11922- ),179 hospital, 186--H7 [\1cCarth). Oanit'l J. IIH71-19SRJ. 117 Levis. Ri"ha...1 j. 1l827-111901. 411 McClilll<"'k. janws (1809-1881). 39 Lewis. Paul A. IHl79-19291. 132 McCollum. Hobert. 2fn Lewis, Sir Thoml.l~ (1881-191:')1, 2L~ McKe",ie. R. Tail 1!867-19.18L 202-00: li~ht sensitivity. <:0101' vision. 2:32 sculpture, 201-05: cacluceus. 204 Lilly. john c.. 2:1.'i-37 .\ldlichael. \lurtun 11807-1879). 71 Lindauer. Au~u" (!906-1972L 29&-97. 298 Mt:di('ul Hull. of various elates. :i:3. 138 Linneaus, Carolus (1707-17781. 11­ /I1"rli.r:fl{ luquirit>.,· (Inti (Jlm>rl'llt;ofl.~ UpOIl 1Ji.~- lithotomy. 46 emes l?{ the Jlilld (Rush). ] 7 Lidngood. Clarence tl91 J- I. 161 medi(:al jtlriSpnHIf'fl(·t'. 6:) Li\ in~ston. A. E. (JHH:i-'!1. IH1 :\'ledico-Chirurp;ical Collel!e. 198 Lombard (of Gt'Ilt'\ al. 60 \leldrurn. Andre"- ,,_ (lH7&-19:H). 155 Lortl!. Crawfurd. 201 .\lendcL Lafavette 11872-19351. 97 Lon~. Cyril Nnrlll

    Lucke. Ualduill 11889-1%11. 198-2(~1. 2~1; menopause, (· ..IIlSt' of early. 10:~ Lucke careinoma. 199 Me,er. Adolf IIB66-19:i01. 128 Ludlow. John Livingston (lB19-1BHBl. JH microchemical !e('hlliques, lR6 Ludwig. George D., 268--69 rnicrochemislr~'. 9:~: uf poisons, 93 Lukens. Franc-is D. \V I IH~J9-197H). 219. 211. micromanipulator. 200 278.297 microsc:ope observation chambers to study li\'­ Luria. Salntltll"t' 11912- ). 23H in~ cells. 244 Lusk. Graham. 97 \Iiller. T. Crier ilB&>-19BII. 17L 19:{. 21L lyophilizer, 217 216-19: relid of illll'stiniJl uhslnlt"tiuns. 217-19 \ttiller. William. 28;) :\1<1 hllan~. 192 .\>lilll"r-Abbolt tuht'. 218---19 Mackt::ll7.ie. Culin. 7 \1illikan. Glenn. 23&-37 Macleod. Colin \1.. 1:>7 Mills. Charles K. (l881-19:HI. 105 Makepeace. A. W.. 218 MilehelL john McKay. 172 338 Index

    \litcheiL S. Weir i1H29-191'11. 67. 79. 93. 96. 0I1hopaedic surgery. 145 141: specialized hospitals. 67 Osborne. 'Villiam. 46 )lonod. Jacques (1910-19761. 21)9 Osler. Georgiana. 217 .\'Ionroe. Alexander (sl'cundusf (1717-18131. 7. Osle<-. William 118·19-19191. 60. 87--89. 91 . 18 HR 17~ Montgomery, Hugh (] 9(H- I. 201. 2:l~. osmoti,' prt'ssllre t'xperinwnb, 2.19 2~1 otologist, 21:1 morbid anatomy. 70 uutpatient dq>artmt'nL Hospital of the Univer­ "lon"house. Gt"'orJ!t' H. (1829-19081. 67 sity of Pt'tHlsylvania. 211 M(Jr~n mOLlth·to-mouth artificial respiration. 267 blowpipe (Han"). 2 ",\'lrs. O"FJaherty.'" eo oxygenalor Owart-iling Hli.whirw). 2:J2 Mudd. Sluar' (189;i-197~1. 238. 216-17. 2m, freeze-drying process. 216....-1,7 pH measurements. IS.S mumps vat'cine. 278 Paget, Sir James (1811--18991. 54 "lusser. John Herr (188:3-19171. 1,'):1. ISS Pancoast. Henry K. (187.S-19:NI, 10l: tumors. mustard gas. 177 !OI ;\Iuvbrid~e. Eadweard i18:l0-19041. 82--34. Pancoast. Joseph. 50 92: medical faculty join him, 81 Pasteur Institute (Paris). 299 mycological preparat.ions. 158 patent ductus arteriosus. 286 Pathological lVlusPllm IPPllnsyh'ania llospitall. 'ieefe. John R.. 216 9 ~eiL John. 76 patholo~y. 91~97. 1,10: Pepple'''' Laburatory. 80 neurology. lOS: clinics, 81 Pearce. Richard M. (1871-1930). };,)1-;,);). 176 neuropathology laboratory. ]09 pediatric surgery. 279 neurotropic virw>t's. 281 Pemberton. James (172:1-18091. 7 ~ew York Slale .\'ledical Society, 40 Pendergrass, Eugene (1895-19801. 101 "icholson. Jessie i1903-19871. 284 penicillin: lreatment. of syphilis. 160; in oiL )Iiederman. James. 283 182: production of, 261-262

    nitrous oxide to measure cerebral hlood nO\...'. Penniman. Josiah. 222 270-72 Pennock. Caspar ,VistaI' (1801-1886),60. 77 )IopH'hi, Hideyo (1876-1928). 95-96 PPllnsvlnmia Dental Colle~('. 10 norpro,gefilerone (1 O-norprogeslerone). 2/19 Pennsyhania Ca..zelte (Franklinl, :i. 12 'iorris. Charb C. 0878---19611. 101 ~. l:~, 60, 9,S ~orris, George V/. ilB08~lB751. 60 Penrose. R. A. E 0827-19081. 76. 80 )Inrris, \\'illiam F.. 76 Pepper Laboratory. 80. 100. l();), 111. 15:j I\'orth American (newspaper). 71 Pepper. Oliver Hazzard Perry (1884-1962). 11 NuttalL Thomas. 20 Pepper. \Villiam. Sr.. 80. 171 Nylin. Josef B. 118H-19451. 205 Pepper. William. Jr. i181.3-18981. 77-79. 126-27. l:~;~. 1:~9: fuunding of lniv/:'rsity O'Brien. Helen. 155 hospitaL 70-7.1 ubstetrical forcepfi. 187: It",g 110111(-'1':-'. 187 Peppt'r. \\:lillialll III (lB7rl-19'17). 1.'')9.26,1 obstetricians, 80-82 Perr~-. Roberl lof Glasgow). 60 Ogden. Bertha and Henrietta, 11,g---50 "pest hotJs(--'"' (dermatology I. 160 Opie. Eugene L. (1873--19711.95. I:J2-:n Peter Bent Brigham HospitaL 185 orchectomy for prostatic hypertrophy. 118 phage, biochemistry of. 299-300: connection origin of life. 52 to host. 239: separation of D~A from, 2;~9 Index 339

    pharmacology. 2 Pupin. }lichael 118.08-19:151, 98 Pharmacy, Philadelphia Colle~c of. 21 purified protein derivative (PPDI. 133 Philadelphia Alm~hou~e. :-16. 60. 70; rt'~idellts purine molecule (origin of atoms I. 292 resi~n. :-17 Philc.ult'lphia Di~pf'nsary. IB Quinn. Dorothy, 220 Philadt'lphia Dj~se('tin!,! Rooms. :N Philadt>lphia Gt>Ilt'ral Hospital. 89. 106. 116- Radio Corporation of Anwrica. 2.18 18. 172. 17.0 radiuisolopt's as 1llt'lallOli(' tra('t"rs. 291 Philadelphia School of Anatomy. 39. 116. 170 radiology. 101 Philadelphia Sehool of Operative Sur~ery. 116 radium to Irf:'al tllerillt-" carcinoma. HH Philosophical Hall. :-12 Raiziss. (;eor~e 118M-19151. 179. 1B2 Phipps Institute. 130--34; hrst sites Ulba\Ory. Rashkind. William J. 11922- I. 28·1-286 131-:-12; Lawrence Flick. 130--,~2: Paul rat: albino, 128: breeding (W'istar Institutel. Lev\I'is. 132; Esmond Long. l:B-J1: ElIgt'rlt' In Opie. 132-:1:1; Henry Phipps. 1:-10; .\lazyek Ravdin. Isidore S. 11894-19721.80.108. 15G­ Ravenel. 132 .cd, 2;')2, 251·-2;')7, 267; cx!Jnt on Iht· liver. physical Illt'dieillt' and relJa!lilitalioli. 20;') 25,1; 20Lh Gt'lwral Hospital, 2.')5-56 physical thenlpy (department), 212 Ravt'nt-:L Mazyck Porcher (1861-19-161- l;l2 Physick. Philip S~-I\~ (1763-18371. ,1;').---1-9; ab­ Rawson. A. R.. 195 sorbable sLitures. -18; dosed an artifical anus, reaction kinetics. 295 17: new bougies. 46 Read. Charles. 191 physiology: chair. 19. general course. 207 Red Cross Base Hospital :\10. 20. 150 Piersol. George Arthur (18056-192·1).21·;-1 Redman. John 11722-IB081. 6. 14 Piersol. George I\lorris (1880-1966l, 205 Reese. John 1.. 68 Pillsburv. Donald M. (1902-19BOl. 162 Reichert. Edward Tyson UB55-19:-11l. 84. 92­ Pincus. Gregory 1190:-3-19(7). 217 9~. 196; chemical proof of Darwin's Lheor~ Pipt'!", Edmund R. (1881-19:-111. 187-88 of evolution. 92~9:1; snak~ vellom. 93 Plant. (hear 11875-19.~91. 181 Rt"id, John. 270 plastic surgery, 198 Reis. Emil (1865-?1, 1(H pneumoconiosis. 101 Reivich, Martin. 272 poisons. microchemistry of. 9:~ research medicine, }',)3-57 poliomyelitis. research on, 95 respiratory pigments. oxidation reduction. 236 Polyclinic College for Graduates in JIedicine. respiratory control. hydrogen ion concentration. 179 265 Polyclinic Hospital. 105 Retrospectroscope (Com mel, 267 potassium. isolation of. 21 Review ofScient{fic Instruments, 237 Potts, Jonathan. 1~ Reyes syndrome. 281 Polls. Sir Pt'r('ival (1711-1788), 7 Rhoads, Jonathan E. (1907- ), ];).1. 2S7. precordial eleclrocaniiogralll, 215 279 "preliminary course." 70 Rhodes, Edward. 70 Preston Retreat. 80-81. 82 Ri('hard~, Alfred :"rewtoll (1876-1966'1. 110, Prevost. Harriet C. 1181-19121. 153-54 191. 199. 249. 261; how the kidney makes Priestlev. Joseph 11833-19041. 20 urine. 18:3--86: microtechniques dewloped, Pritchett. Henry (1857-19391. 167-168 186: World War II effort. 261--{'3 "Problems of the Professional Guinea Pi~." 217 Richards. T. \'il.. 73 prostatic obstru('tion. treatment of. 46 Richards·i\Iiller report, 170-71. 222-24 public health. 68, 123 Richardson. Joseph G.• 6S pulmonary ar1t'r~ silldit:'s (Gibbon). 2;')0 Ri('kf'tts. Howard Taylor (1811-1910). 1·10 pulmonary diffusion {'apacity. 268 rickettsia. stru('\urt' of. 2:i8 pulmonary embolism. LJl Rie~lllaJl. David 11867-19,1-01. 17.')-76 340 Index

    Robbins. Frederick C. 27B hospitals. 167-70; reorg-anizt'd administra­ Roberts. John B.. liO tion. 222: Richards-Miller report. 222-2~ Robin~tte. F.dward 8.. 2H Schwann, Herman (191.::'- 'I, 269-70 Rohinette Foundation. 211 S('ii'ntifw Rl'sean:h, llnilt"d Stales Office of. Ruhinson. Geurge (lg78-19·~l. l:m 2,11. 261 Rock. John (lH90-19'!I. 211 Seiberl. Flort'nce, Lt) Rockefeller Foundation. 126 Semmelwf'iss. Ip:naz 11818-18651. B2 Rockefeller Institute. 182 serum, preservation of. 216 rocket motors. precursor. ,')7 seton, for treating fractures. /18-1-9 Roentgen. \Vilhelm Konrad (18-1;)-192:1). 99 Shattuck. (;eorge c. llB45-1923), 60 roentgenology. 101 Shattuck. Lemuel. 60 Rogers. Rohert E. (1813-1 m-Hl, 67, 78 Shigella flexneri. 94 Ruse. Edward (189H-198TI. 212 Shippen. V/illiam (l T~6-18081. 6-9. 12, 11" ROSt"lIlOlHI. Georgf', 297 1,-) Rosenthal, Otto (1898-1980). 137.252-5:1 Silliman. Bt'lljamin (1779-]86,1l, ,-)5 Roughton, E J. W. (1899-19721. 155 sill/!Ie-fiber Herve impulses. measurement of. Rush. Benjamin (111'>-18131. 14-18.29.36. 2:10 :39. 16: improves an insane ward. 17: ps~­ smallpux vaccine. 21 cholag)' of the mind. 17: bloodldting, ]8 Smith. Allen John (lB63-19261. 9&-91, J.10. Rush. William. 19 142. 158 Smith. I-:dgar rahs (1854--I92BI. 21. ,)8. 111. Saint Ceorge\,; Hospital, 16 mer~ers prupo~ed and made, 167-170 Saint Joseph's Hospital. 38. ,')1. 71 Smith, Henry Hollin~!:'>worth (181;)-----1890), ]8, Sakami. W.'arwick rl916- I. 292 61-62: treatnwnts for nOlil/nitetl fra{'tures, Salvarsan. IBO: litigation. 178 61 Saubourad. Raymond. }.')8 Smith. William III2I-18o:ll. I:J Saven. Juhn 11914-- 1.235 snake venom studies. 93 Schamberg. Jay Frank 118(()-19:111. IIB-H2: Sokoloff. Louis 1192]- l. 272 Arsenobenzol. ::;ynthesis of Salvan;an. 179­ Sonne• .Tohn. 293 82: Dermatological Research Laboratories, Spaltzholz. Werner. 10;) 179-1H2; S('harnlwrg's diloWaSt' Ipro~n'ssi\"i' spectrophotometer. dual wa\'elength. 29S

    pigmentm"y· dermatusis), 178 Spiller. \\,.'ilJialll G. (186;1-19,10), 10,-)--08: COI1- Schlumlwrgt"r, Hans. 200 f1ict wilh C. H. Frazit'r, 107; ('ordotom~- for Schmidt. Carl F, 1189:3-19881. 181. 191-9:J. intnU'tablt~ pain. 107--08: vascular o{TIl/sion 265-66, 270; ephedrine brought to the of the brain stem, ]06 United States, 193 spinal anesthesia. 268 Schnabel. Truman G.. Jr.. 195 spinal cord, loeation of pain tracts in. ]17 School of ;\lcdicine. appropriate education for spinal headaches. 268 teachers in. 2:i: basic sciences \'s. practical spinal trauma. ISO medicine. 68-70: buildings early in the 20th spontaneous I!eneratioll. ,-)2 century. 115--46; dwaling scandal, 138-;-39; "spring course:' 70 clinical k1.whing..1,')-::33: curricular rpforrn. Stadie. William c.. 15'-)--S7: bufferinf!; capaeit~ 76-78: division during tilt' Revoilitioll. 29­ of hemoglobin, ],')S: insulin action. 157: ox­ :32; early huildings. :32-.13; David Edsall. y/!en loxicit)', 156: poh--'Iltiomett'r. IS;'): ~ta­ 139-42: entrance examinations. 79; f'xami­ die-Riggs tissue slicer. ]56 nations behind a screen. 35: first courses. Sianle). Wendel ~L 11904--19(1). 236 12; first degrees, L~: tirst plan. 7: four-year starch crystals, 92 (:ourse. 78-79: Frazier's contentious reforms, Starr. Isaac (]895-]9B91. ] 9;~-96; ballistocar­ ]39--42: medical faculty vs. clinical faculty. diugraph. 194--96 76; flIt-'rg-ers with lo('al medical sch()()I~ and Stelwagen. Henry. 15B Index 341

    StengeL Alfn>d 118(,8-19:191. j,JU-1 L 175, tuberculosis drugs \ethambutoliL isoniazid. ri- 210, 222. 229; Malonev Clini". 211-212 fampiin. streptomycin). 133 Stevens. L1o\"d. 2S:l 20th Gerlf'ral Hospital, 2:):), 267 Stille, Alfred (181:1-19001, (,0, 76. 77. 87 typhoid, 60. 77 Stokes. John Hinchman {lgg;}-1961l. 159-61; typhus, 60 circus. 161 Tysoli. Jarrlt's (18-11-19191. 70. H7. 125. 1010 Stokes. Joseph (1896--19721. 216. 277-79 Stokes. 1. Lane. 252 ultrasound. 269 Stokes-\IcCloud gauges. 2.'17 Lnclergraduatf' ;Vlt'dical Asslwiatiotl. In1---DS Slrawbridgl'. George. 76 urethral obstruction and catllt'1t'rs, 1.6 streptomycin (Iuben'ulo,;is). L-ti urology. :2 Strickland. W'illiarn. ;B. oS5 uterine canet'T. 10:-3 Struthers. Francis. 269 sulfa drugs. synthesis. 182; sulfapyrazt'Ilt'. 178: sulfathiozolaline. 178 vaccination, 21 Summer l\'1edical Association. 70 \'accines. development of. 1:-30 superior sulc:.us tumors (Pancoast) 101 vacuum systems. 247 I.et'.uwl'llhot~k. Surgeon's HalL 20. 32: "elaboratory." 19 \'Un Antony (16:-32-1723). 200 surgical research. 11·6-;,);) Vandam, Leroy (1911- L 268 Sutni"k, A. (1928- 't. 297. 29H Va,'s, Han'v'l. 1190:>-198:11,97,25·1 Swaim's Panacf'u. ,=)9-60 n>nereal disease (syphilis), 160 Sweet. 1. Edwin (1876-1957), 113. 116--1;')0: vertehral veins. 2,1,1-16 Victor Talkin~ .\-lachine Company, 229 research conlributiul1s, 11'(}'-18: vi, is(-'c1ioll­ is! attack and triaL 11.8-;')0 viral-produced carcinoma. 199 Virchow, Rudolf il821-19021. IOH syphilis. experimental. 182 virology'. 281 vision, mechanism uf. 233: physiology. 2:32 vo('al melllbraw-'. ;')1 Target. John D. IIH6H-!I, J:lH Taylor, Alonzo. E. IlH71-19751. 110 von Bergman. Ernst (18:16-1907). 108 Taylur, han 8., 267 mil Furth, Olto, 97 nm Hebra. Ferdinand Hans (1816--1880). 89 telegraph, 21 tempemturt' ('ontrol studies, 196-97 von Humboldt. Friedrich Heinrich Alexander tensor tarsi muscle (Horner). 4-9 (1769-1859\, 20 TheliaI'd. Louis Jacques (1777-1857'1, 21 TheoreiL Hugo (l903-19H21. 295 Walker, Arthur (lH96--1955), 1H4 thymine formation, cell death from inhibition Warburg respirometry. 252 of, 300 Ward K, 105 thyroid service, 108 \Vaterhouse. Benjamin, 21 tuberculosis, studies to prevent. L~O \Vats0I1. James (1928- I. 2:-39 tic douloureux. 107 'Watson. Thomas].. 2:)2 Tilton, James (l71'i--1822), 1:1 \X/ay. _"Jicholas U?-179:1 or 1797). L1 Topping. ~orman (1908- ), 172 Wearn, Joseph (189:1- I. IH5 toxicology. 93 weather and arthritis. 287 Treatise on Pathological Anatomy, 50, 51 ~"'eidman. Frederick D. 0881-1956). 157: Treatise on Special and General Anatomy, 51 studies or xanthoma. 159 Trichina spirahs. discovery in breakfast ham. \Veidner. J~ A. B.. 179 54 Weinstein. Gt'orw' L. (1908-1988), 247-48 Trichoph:rlOfI inlerdigitale. 159 'Welch. \Villiarn Henry (18S0-19:~,1l. g eL 12,1,- trustees. 12, 22 26 tuberculin, purification of. 1:33 welding. gas and electric origin. ;')7 342 Index

    Wertheim. Ernst. operation for ult'rillt' ('anl't~r. Woo,!. Franei. Clark 11901- I. 215-16 101 ","00<1. Gellt:ntl Leonard (l86~1927J. 222 Whipple. Allen 0 .. 2C,6 Wood. Geor~e n. 11797-111791. 68. 76 Whipple. George H. 11878-19761. 1'10 Woo<1. Horatio C (1841-1920"1. 68. 79. 8ll. 90­ Whilaker. W. c.. 220 91: A Treatise on Therapeutics. 91 while hloud ('t'·lls. I'atholo~~- of, 177 Wood. Mrs. Richard D., 7:l White Ha .... en Sanitorium. 130. l:~l Woodhouse. James (1770-18091. 20-21. 23. Whik. C. Y.. l:n 5.:1: experimental chemi~t. 2(~21 White. J. William (1850-1916). 79. 100. 118­ Wormley. Theodore G. 11826-18971. n-94: 119. 1:;8-:39. 202. 253: last pistol duel in f'arly toxicol(j~i~t. 93: mic"oi:Ulalylical teeh­ America. 118: ol"ehef'lomy. IIH-19: use of Ilique~. 9:~: wife did plates for his textbook, X-rays. lJH 91 Willimns. Horac(>. 216 \Vyall. Genrl!c R,. 299 Wilson. Da.id ""right 11889-196:;). 2119-9:, Winegrad. Allwrl. 219 X-rays. 97-101: bum". 100: first, 98: to treat Wistar Inslitule 127-~O: albino rat. ]27-30: HlXlJ!kin's disease. 101: to see anatomy. 100. collection. 127: Henry Donaldson. 127-29: 245 Hilary Koprowsky. 130 ""'isla!". Caspar 076]-1818). 19-20: first yellow fever. 17. 2:3. 96 American textbook on anatomy. j9-20; Wis­ Young. John Richardson 11782-18011. 22; food tar parties, :W digestion. 22 \\,'istar. [SHUt' 1.. 127 wislt-'ria. 20 Wolff-Parkinson·'Whik s)'ndrumt"', 216 Z-plasty. 19 Wolferth. Charles C. (1887-196:;1, 212-16. Zenker. Albert. 54 2%-98 Zirkle. Ra~ mond E.. 2::H Women's ,MediC'sl CoUege. 40. 167 Zinld. Harold. 298