APPENDIX I DEPARTMENT HEADS Leaders of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine DEANS DATE NAME 1805 Benjamin Rush" 1808 Philip Syng Physick 1809 John Syng Dorsey 1813 John Redman Coxe 1814 Philip Syng Physick 1815 Nathaniel Chapman 1815 Thomas Chalkley James 1816 Caspar Wistar 1817 Nathaniel Chapman 1819-1822 John Redman Coxe 1822-1852 William Edmonds Homer 1852-1856 Joseph Carson 1856-1877 I{obert E. Rogers 1877-1888 Joseph Leidy 1888-1892 James Tyson 1892-1902 John Marshall 1902-1909 Charles Harrison Frazier 1909-1912 Allen J. Smith 1912-1945 William Pepper IH 194~1948 Isaac Starr 1948-1962 John McK. Mitchell 1962-1969 Samuel Gurin 1969-1973 Alfred Gellhorn 1974-1988 Edward Stemmler (acting, 1974-1975) 1988-1989 Arthur K. Asbury (acting) 1989- William N. Kelley :I Until the turn uf the eighteenth century, the school was a loosely associated group of lecturers with almosl no central administrative organization. Early "deans" rotated in office; they chiefly admiued classes, arranged for examinations, and awarded degrees. 306 Appendix I HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS Into the 20th century, there was usually only one "professor" 111 a specialty, and he chaired the department. The following lists reRect that professor, then, as professorships expanded in number, the chairman or division chief. The departments or divisions are listed by their current titles, except Hygiene and Public Health, which no longer exists; changes in title are noted. When the University of Pennsylvania opened its doors in 1753, it was called the Academy of Philadelphia. In 1755 it became the College of Philadelphia and in 1779 the University of the State of Pennsylvania. It received its current name in 1791. Anatomy DATE NAME 1765-1779 William Shippen 1779-1791 William Shippen 1792-1808 William Shippen' 1808-1818 Caspar Wislar 1818-1818 John Syng Dorsey~ 1818-1831 Philip Syng Physick 1831-1853 William Edmonds Horner 1853-1891 Joseph Leidy 1891-1921 George Arthur Piersol 1922-1926 John C. Heisler (Acting) 1926-1947 Eliol Round Clark 1947-1951 William F. Windle 1951-1967 Louis B. Flexner 1967-1976 James M. Sprague 1977- Frank Pepe , William Shjppen was professor of anatomy, surgery amI midwifery at firs!. In 1805, when Philip Syng Physick was given the chair of surgery, the department name was changed to anatomy and midwifery. In 1810 Thomas Chalkley James was appointed professor of midwifery, and at that time the title of this chair was changed to anatomy. b John Syng Dorsey assumed the chair of anatomy May, 1818. He, however, died suddenly :"Iovember 10, 1818. Department Heads 307 Anesthesiology DATE NAME 1938-1941 Ivan B. Taylor 1941-1942 Philip Gleason 1942-1972 Robert Dunning Dripps' 1972-1987 Harry Wollman 1987-1988 Norig Ellison (acting) 1988- David E. Longnecker a In 1%6 anesthesiology gained departmental slalus. Prior to thaI. it had been a division of surgery. 308 Appendix J Biochemistry and Biophysics DATE NAM[ 1769-1781 Benjamin Rush 1783-1789 Benjamin Rusha 1789-1791 James Hutchinson 1789-1791 Caspar Wistar 1792-1793 James Hutchinson!> 1794-1794 Joseph Carson" 1795-1809 James Woodhouse 1809-1818 John Redman Coxe 1818-1847 Robert Hare 1847-1852 James Blyth Rogers 1852-1877 Robert Empie Rogers 1877-1897 Theodore G. Wormley (?) 1897-1910 John Marshalld 1910-1922 Alonzo E. Taylor 1922-1954 D. Wright Wilson 1954-1962 Samuel Gurine 1964-1971 Howard Rasmussen 1971-1975 James Ferguson 1975-1976 Takashi Yonetani (acling)f 1976--1977 Harold Bright (acting) 1977-198:3 David Trentham 1983- Franz Matschinsky , Whell the College's charter was ahrogated ill 1777, Rush did not take his chair ill chemistry in the University of the Stale of Pennsylvania until 178:-3. For six years there was no professor of chemistry in the University. b James Hutchinson accepted the chair of chemistr)' in the university in 1789. and since he was drawing classes larger (han Wistar in 1792 when the schools united. he continued in this position. \.' Carson never lectured in chemistry as he died October 24, 1794. rl In 1908 the name of the department was changed to phvsiological chemistry and toxicology. When the Benjamin Rush chair was established in 1910. John Marshall was given the chair of chemistry and toxicology and hi!:i chair was demoted to second rank. John Marshall vacated the chair ill 1921, and it was discontinued in 1923. t' Appointed as professor of biological chemistry. { Biophysics wa:s combined wilh biochemistry in 1975, and the deparlmenl name changed to the Department of Biochemistry and Biophvsics. ~ Department Heads 309 I Dermatologya DATE NAME 1875-1910 Louis A. Duhringh 1910-1921 Milton Bixby Hartzell 1921-1924 Frederick D. Weidman (acting) 1924-1945 John H. Stokes 1945-1965 Donald Pillsbury 1965-1980 Walter B. Shellev 1980-1982 Margaret Gray Wood (acting) 1982- Gerald Lazarus , Originally the department was named the Department of Diseases of the Skin (1875). The name was changed to Department of Dermatology in 1903 and to the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology in 1923. It was changed back to the Department of Dermatology in 1951. b In 1875 Louis Duhring became Professor of Diseases of the Skin at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He was elected Professor of Clinical Dermatology of the Skin in the Medical School in 1883. Human Geneticsa DATE NAME 1965-1971 Rupert E. Billingham" 1971-1972 Willys K. Silvers (acting) 1972-1980 William J. Mellman 1980-1981 Willys K. Silvers (acting) 1981-1988 Roy J. Schmickel 1988- Willys K. Silvers (acting) a Medical genetics was the departmenes original name~ changed to human genetics in 1973. The Henry Phipps Institute for the Stuoy, Treatment, and Prevention of Tuberculo­ sis was founded in 1903. After tuberculosis was conquered in the 1950s, the institute shifted its interest to other community diseases, and its name was changed to the Henry Phipps Institute for Research in Community Disease. In 1965 that thrust was ended, and the institute's endowment was assigned to the Department of Human Genetics. Directors of the Phipps Institute: 1903-1910 Lawrence Flick 1910-1913 Paul Lewis 1913-1923 Charles]. Hatfield 192:{-19:l2 Eugene L. Opie 1932-1955 Esmond R. Long 1955-1965 Theooore H. Ingalls 310 Appendix I Medicine DATE NAME 1765-1779 John Morgana 1783-1789 John Morgana 1780-1784 Thomas Bond b 1789-1791 Benjamin Rush 1789-1791 Adam Kuhn 1792-1797 Adam Kuhne 1805-1813 Benjamin Rush" 1813-1815 Benjamin Smith Barton 1815-1850 Nathanial Chapmane a John 'IIorgan retained Ihe chair of Ihe theory and practice of physic (medicine) until his dealh in October 17, 1789. He never returned to leaching, however, after he entered the service of the Continental Army in 1775. From the minutes of the Trust­ ees' meeling of March 13, 1789, "Morgan Professor of Theory and Pradice of Physic not being present within the Slate, the Trustees considered him as reinstated and permitted to continue in his office until his return home when he is to be waited upon by the commiltee in like manner as the other professors have been, in order to know whether it be,lies his intention to resume the exercise of his post heretofore." Benja­ min Rush was chosen to fill this chair October 24, 1789. b When the University of the State of Pennsylvania was formed, Thomas Bond (Ihen 69) filled in and laught the theory and practice of physic (medicine) in addition to his clinical lectures. He never was officially appointed professor. c Adam Kuhn held only the chair of the theory and practice of physic; Rush held the chair of the institutes of medicine and taught clinical medicine. " The chair of the theory and practice of physic held by Adam Kuhn and Ihe insti­ tutes of medicine held by Rush, both since 1892, were combined in 1805 under Rush, who had been lecturing in these two subjects since Kuhn~s resignation in 1797. , In 18;{S Samuel Jackson took over the chair of the instilutes of medicine. Nathanial Chapman continued in the chair of Ihe theory and practice of physic and clinical medicine. (continued) 1 Department Heads 31] Medicine DATE NAME 1850-1860 George Bacon Wood 1860-1864 William Pepper, Sr. 1864-1883 Alfred Stiller 1884-1898 William Pepper, Jr.' 1899-1910 James Tysonh 1910-1911 David Lynn Edsall 1911-1931 Alfred Stengel 1931-1947 O. H. Perry Pepper 1947-1965 Francis C. Wood 1965--1967 James B. Wyngaarden 1968-1977 Arnold S. Reiman 1977- Laurence E. Earley fIn 1864 Alfred Still" held the chair of the theory and practice of physic (il appears medicine and phY::iie were interchangeable at this time). • "In June 1884 he resigned the chair uf Clinical 'vledicine at the University to which he wa!oi elected in 1876 and on .he same day was elected Professor of the Theory and Practice of Clinical Medicine. By this appointment he succeeded to the chair which his father had vacated at death twenty years before. During the intervening time the chair had bcen filled by the eminent Dr. Alfred Stille, who now at Pepper's appuint­ ment became Professor Emeritus." (F. N. Thorpe, William. Pepper, M.D., LL.D. [Phil­ adelphia: Lippincutt, 1904]. p. 91.) h Title changed to professor of medicine, June :2, 1903. 312 Appendix 1 Microbiology" DATE NAME 1865-1875 Henry Hartshorn 1875-1876 Horace Binnev Hare 1877-1887 Joseph G. Richardson 1887-1891 Samuel C. Dixon 1891-1892 Seneca Egbert 1891-1896 John Shaw Billings 1891-1896 John Shaw Billings 1896-1928 Alexander Crewer Abbott 1929-1932 Seneca F:gbert (acting) Bacteriology/llJicrobiology Hygiene/Public Health 1931-1959 Stuart Mudd 19.32-19:B David Bergey (acting) 1959-1973 Harold Ginsberg 1933-1939 Henry Field Smith 1973-1978 Joseph Gots (acting) (acting) 1978- Neil Nathanson 1939-1944 Arthur Parker Hitchens 1944-1947 Arthur Parker Hitchens (visiting) 1950-1963 John 1'.
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