Legislative Council
101 No. 24. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THB LEGI SLATI VE COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, 7 OOTOBE.R, 1891. 1. The House met, pursuant to adjournment. In the absence of the President, the Chairman of Com· mittees, Mr. Jacob, took the Chair of the H ouse, under the 9th section of the Standing Orders, at half-past Four o'clock, and r ead the following communication received by him this day from the President :- "Dear Mr. J acob, Rose Bay, 'ith October, 1891. " I enclose herewith a note received tbis day from my medical advisers, in whom I need not " say I repose the most complete confidence, and which I beg that you will read to my :friends of "the Council when you assemble to-day. " I have received such uniform kindness from them, and now for so many years, that I "cannot help saying how much I feel even a temporary separation from them. "Yours truly, "JOHN HAY." "Dear Sir John, " Sydney, 7th October, 1891. " We have carefully considered the question of your continuing to carry on your official " work at the Legislative Council, and we are of opinion that for the present you should entirely' " abstain from that or any other duty which would involve you in prolonged physical exertion. " We are, yours faithfully, " CH ARLES K. MACKELLAR, M.B. "The Honorable Sir John Hay, K.C.M.G. "R. SCOT-SKIRVING, M.B." Members present :- The Honorable Archibald Hamilton Jacob, Chairman Presiding. Tho IIonorable William Robert Campbell, The Honorable H enry Nol'II!-an MacLaurin, M.D., The Ilonora.ble Samuel Charles, L L.D., The Honorable Edward Combes, C.M.G., The
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