Legislature of New South Wales
LEGISLATURE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. GOVERNOR: His Exoellency the Right Hono1·able LORD AUGUSTUS "'WILLIAM FREDERICK SPENCER LOFTUS, Knight Grand Cross of the ~Afost Honorable· Order of tlie Bath, a ~Afember of He1· Majesty's ltfost Honomble Privy Council, Governor and Commander-in Chief. of the Colony of New South Wales ana its Dependencies. THE MINISTRY : Premier and Colonial Secretary ........................ THE HoN. Srn HENRY _PARKES, K.C.M,G. Vice-President of the Executive Council, Minis-( t~r of Public Instruction? and Repr!lsen~a- THE HON. 8IR JOHN RoBEBTSO~, K.C.M.G•. t~ve o~ . the Government m the Legislative Council ................................................ · . Colonial Treasurer ..................................... THE HoN. JAMES WATSON. Attorney General.......................................... THE HoN. ROBERT lVnmo~r. Secretary for Lands .................... ... : .............. THE HON. JAMES HOSKINS, Secretary for Public Vi1 orks ........................... THE HoN. JoHN LACKEY. Mi1~ister of Justice....................................... THE Ho:-<. FRANCIS BATHURST SuTTOR:- Postmaster Generai" ................................... , ... THE HoN. SAUL SAMUEL, C.M.G. Secretary for Mines ...................................... THE HoN. EZEKIEL ALEXANDER BAKER. • l\fEl\'IBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL: (9m PARLIAMENT-SR» SESSION.) 1. Bell, The Honorable Archibald. 24. Lord, The Honorable George W'illiam. To 2. Blaxland, The Honorable John. 11 May, 1880-deceased. 3. Busby, The Honorable William. 25. Macarthur, The Honorable Sir '\Villiam 4. Byrnes, The Honorable 'William. Knight. - 5. Campbell, The Honorable John. 26. Macleay, The.Honorable William. 6. Campbell, The Honorable Alexander. 27. Marks, The Honorable John. 7. Campbell, The Honorable Charles.' 28. Moore, The Honorable Henry. 8. Chisholm, The Honorable James. 29. Norton, The Honorable James. 9. Cox, The Honorable George_ Henry. 30. Oakes, The Honorable George. 10.
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