101 No. 24. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THB LEGI SLATI VE COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, 7 OOTOBE.R, 1891. 1. The House met, pursuant to adjournment. In the absence of the President, the Chairman of Com· mittees, Mr. Jacob, took the Chair of the H ouse, under the 9th section of the Standing Orders, at half-past Four o'clock, and r ead the following communication received by him this day from the President :- "Dear Mr. J acob, Rose Bay, 'ith October, 1891. " I enclose herewith a note received tbis day from my medical advisers, in whom I need not " say I repose the most complete confidence, and which I beg that you will read to my :friends of "the Council when you assemble to-day. " I have received such uniform kindness from them, and now for so many years, that I "cannot help saying how much I feel even a temporary separation from them. "Yours truly, "JOHN HAY." "Dear Sir John, " Sydney, 7th October, 1891. " We have carefully considered the question of your continuing to carry on your official " work at the Legislative Council, and we are of opinion that for the present you should entirely' " abstain from that or any other duty which would involve you in prolonged physical exertion. " We are, yours faithfully, " CH ARLES K. MACKELLAR, M.B. "The Honorable Sir John Hay, K.C.M.G. "R. SCOT-SKIRVING, M.B." Members present :- The Honorable Archibald Hamilton Jacob, Chairman Presiding. Tho IIonorable William Robert Campbell, The Honorable H enry Nol'II!-an MacLaurin, M.D., The Ilonora.ble Samuel Charles, L L.D., The Honorable Edward Combes, C.M.G., The Honorable Charles Moore, The Honorable George Hem·y Cox, The Honorable Henry Moses, The Honorable J ohn Mildred Creed, M.R.C.S., The Honorable James Norton, LL.D., Tho Honorable J ohn Davies, C.M.G., The Honorable Daniel O'Connor, The Honorable Leopold Fane De Salis, The Honorable Richard Edward O'Connor, The Honorable Alexander Dodds, The Honorable William Hilson Pigott, The Honorable Peter Faucett, The Honorable Charles Edward Pilcher, Q.O., The Honorable Ancb:ew GaiTan, LL.D., The Honorable Alban Joseph Riley, The Honorable William Halliday, The Honorable Charles James Roberts, C.M.G., The Honorable Richard Hill, The Honorable Jeremiah Brice Rundle, 'I'he Honorable James Hoskins, The Honorable George Bowen Simpson, Q.C., Tho Honorable Frederick Thomas Humphery, The Honorable l{obert Burdett Smith, C.M.G., The Honorable Sir Patrick Alfred Jennings, The Honorable John Stewart, K.C.M.G., LL.D., The Honorable William Henry Suttor, Tlw Honorable Henry Edward Kater, The Honorable Harman John Tarrant, F.R.C.S., Tho IIonorn.ble Andrew Taylor Kerr, L.R.C.P., The Honorable Philip Gidley King, The Honorable William Joseph Trickett, The Honorable John Lackey, The Honorable Ebenezer Vickery, The Honorable John Macintosh, The Ilonorable Edmund Webb, The Honorable Charles Kinnaird Mackellar, The Honorable Robert Hoddle Driberg White. 3LB., C.M., 2. P.u•ERS :-:Nir. Suttor laid upon thE) Table the nndermentioned papers :- (1.) By-laws of the Borough of East Kiama, under the Municipalities Act of 1867 and the Nuisances Pre\""ention Act, 1875. (2.) By-laws of the Municipal District of Hamilton. · (:J.) By-law of the Municipal District of Wellington. ( 1.) Twelfth Annual Report of the City of Sydney Improvement Board. (:).) Progress Report of State Forest administration in New South Wales for 1890. Ordered to be _printed. 3. 102 ~NUTES OF TllE PROCEEDT.NGS 3. LAND Co~rPAiVY oF Aus'l'RA.LASIA. R.uLWAY Bu.L :- (1.) Mr. Humphery, as Chairman, brought up tho Second Report from, and laid upon the Table the Minutes of Proceedings of, and Evidence taken before, the Select Committee for whoso considcrn. tiou and report this B'ill was a second time referred on the 3rd Se1'tember ultimo, together with a copy of the Bill as further amended and agreed to in the Committee. Ordered to be printed. (2.) Mr. Hum1Jbery then moved, That tho second reading of this Bill stand au Order of the Day for to-morrow fortnight. Question put and passed. 4. Eunol'EAN Co:mmnciA.L TREATIES :-Mr. Creed, having, pursuant to Notice, asked the Vice-President of the Executive Council,- (!.) \.Vhy >vas not the communication requesting a reply to a despatch previously received, referred to in the answer to section 5 of Mr. Creed's Question No. 3 on the Minutes of 30th September, 1891, together with the despatch to which it calleclnttention, n,ncl the replies thereto, included in the Return of 23rd September to the Address of this House for the production of papers concerning the views of the Colonies in regard to tho expiry of European commercial tren,ties? (2.) Who is responsible for the omission of these papers from that Return? Mr. Sutter replied,-The communication referred to, although being on commercia,! treaties, doe> not apparently come within the moaning of the Add1·ess asking for the papers, and was therefore omitted in the preparation of the Roturn, but there will be no objection to its production if it is re::~>lly requir ecl. 5. FnEE PASSES ON GovERN~ENT RAILWAYS :-Mr. Hoskins h::~>ving, pursuant to Notice, asked. the Vice-President of the Executive Council,- (!.) Arc free passes, entitling the holders thereof to travel free of cost over the railways of New South Wales, granted to the wives and families of Ministers of the Crown and Members of P:.trliament? (2.) How many free passes were issued during the year 1890? ~Ir. Suttor replied,- (!.) It is not a fact t hat free passes are gra,nted entitling the wives and families of Members to travel over the railways of New South \Vales, but an occasional ]Jass is issued for a limited period to the wives of Honorable Members of tl1e other colonies visiting New South \Vales, or to the wives of Honomble Members of New South \Vales. (2.) One hundred and four such passes were issued during 1890. The Co1onial Secretary desires me to add that he has no knowledge of tho names of families of Ministers of the Crown travelling on the rnilw:.~.y s free. G. B.A.r,A.CT,A.VA TRAMWAY Brr.r, OF 1891 :-M1·. Lackey presented a petition from Wyman Brown, praying for leave to introduce a Bill to authorise the construction and maintenance of a Tramway from tbe mines and quarries on mineral lease portion 2, parish Sebastopol, in the Colony of Kcw South Vvales, to a }Joint to be determined on mineral lease portion 10, parish Picton, in the said Colony, connecting with the tramway system of the Broken Hill mines. And Mr. Lackey having produced copies of the Got·ermnent Gazette, the Syd1uy Mo1'n£n,q Herald, and the Silver Age, containing the requisite notice of the intention to apply for such Bill,­ Petition received. 7. RuTLAND Fr,ux TnHIWAY BILL (Fo1·mal Business) :- Mr. Lackey, on behalf of Ur. Day, moved pursuant toNotice,- (1.) That the l~utlancl Flux Tramway Bill be referred for consicler:1tion and report to a Selcd Committee. (2.) 'l'hn.t such Committee consist of the fo1lowing Members, viz. :-Mr. Suttor, Mr. Hoslcins, J\'fr. King, 1\{r. Jacob, Mr. Charles, Mr. Lackey, Mr. Hill, Mr. Dodds, Mr. R. B. Smith, and the Mover. Question put and passed. 8. BROKEN HILL AND DISTRICT WATER SuPPLY .AcT .A:r.rF.NDMENT BILL (Formal Business) :-Mr. Trickett moved, pursuant toN otice, for leM'e to introduce a Bill to extend the time for completing the Broken Hill and District \Yater Supply Company's (Limited) Works, and to amend the "Broken Hill and District Water Supply Act of 1888." Question put n,nd passed. 9. ~IA.JOn - GENEltAL HARDING STEWJI..ll.D :-Mr. Creed moved, pursuant to Notice, That an Address be presented to 1he Governor, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to cause to be laid upon the Table of this House a copy of the ptoposition of the Commandants of the Australian Colonies, made during a meeting in December, 1890, to supersede :i\'Iajor-General Harding Steward as Military Adviser to the Australian Govel'llments in England, and to appoint an Imperial Officer on the active list to that post; together with any communications from those officers to or through tl1e Victorian or other Australian Governments, or fl'Om the Victorian Government to thi~ Government', in relation to this subject, together with ally minutes thereo n, replies, or other documents relating thereto. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. 10. BROKEN HrLL AND DrsTRICT IV..l.TER SurnY Ac'l' Ai\rENDMENT BrLr, :-Mr. Trickett presentt'd this Bill, :mel ha,ving produced a certificate that the sum of Twenty-five Po'unds had been paid to t ho credit of the Consolidated R evenue, Bill, iutituled ".A. B ill to exftmd tlte timefo1· completin.q tlte B1'oken H ·ill and District Water Supply Company's (Limited) Wo1·ks, and to amend tl1t 'B1·ol.:en Hill and Dist1·ict Water Supply Act of 1888,' "- read a firs t time. 11. DEPUTY CrrAIR~IAN OF Co~MITTEEs :- 1\'lr. Suttor (by consent) moved, "·itbout previous Notice, That the Honorable 'William Joseph Trickett do take the Chair of the Committees of tho 'Whole House :for this day only: Question put and passed. 12. 103 OF TH E LEGI SLATIVE COUNCIL. 1!?. Cnow~ LANDS AcT AliiENDMEN'r BILL:- (1.) The time being como for the Free Conference with tho Legislative Assembly on the subject of the Assembly's amendment upon the Council's amendment in clause 3, disagreed to by the Council and insisted on by the Assembly, and the Council's amendment in clause 4, disagreed to by the Assembly and insisted on by the Council, in the Crown Lands Act Amendment Bill,-the Clerk, by direction of the Chairman Presiding, called over the names of the Managers on behalf of the Council.
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