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To view more samplers click here · The widest range of Australian, English, · Over 1600 rare Australian and New Zealand Irish, Scottish and European resources books on fully searchable CD-ROM · 11000 products to help with your research · Over 3000 worldwide · A complete range of Genealogy software · Including: Government and Police 5000 data CDs from numerous countries gazettes, Electoral Rolls, Post Office and Specialist Directories, War records, Regional Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter histories etc. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK · Promoting History, Genealogy and Heritage in Australia and New Zealand · A major events resource · regional and major roadshows, seminars, conferences, expos · A major go-to site for resources · free information and content, newsletters and blogs, speaker · Free software download to create biographies, topic details · 50 million Australasian records professional looking personal photo books, · Includes a team of expert speakers, writers, · 1 billion records world wide calendars and more organisations and commercial partners · low subscriptions · FREE content daily and some permanently Australian Handbook 1882 Ref. AU0101-1882 ISBN: 978 1 74222 747 4 This book was kindly loaned to Archive Digital Books Australasia by the University of Queensland Library Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. For more information on advanced searching and other tips for the best search results click here Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognised for searching. The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! This is one of over 1600 products published by Archive Digital Books Australasia and over 3000 internationally from the international Archive CD Books project Click on this box for the full online catalogue FREE download samplers available for most Australian and New Zealand products Archive Digital Books Australasia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available in digital form, and to co-operate with family and local history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to digitise their collections in return for other benefits. Copyright © 2010 Archive Digital Books Australasia All Rights Reserved TETE AUSTRALIAN HANDBOOK (INCORPORATING NEW ZEALAND, FIJI, AND NEW GUINEA) AND SHIPPERS' AND IMPORTERS' DIRECTORY FOR 1882. THIRTEENTH YEAR OF ISSUE. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. CALENDAR OF NOTABLE EVENTS IN AUSTRALIAN AND ENGLISH HISTORY. Mail Calendar, showing the Arrivals and Departures of Australian Mails. British Customs Tariff, Postal Regulations, Stamp Duties, Public Amusements, Chambers of Commel ce, London Bankers, Public Offices, Courts of Law, Membeis of both Houses of Parliament, Mmistiy, Officers of State, and other Information usually found in an Almanac. FULL DETAILS CONCERNING EMIGRATION TO THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES, Including the Current Rate of Wages for all Classes of Artisans and Labourers, and Cost of Provisions and House Rent. linulattono for tattmg up lanb in the Colonies. Telegraphic and Postal Arrangements between Great Britain and Australia. A HISTORY AND DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF AUSTRALASIA. A:ND ALSO OF THE COI ONILS OF NEW SOUTH WALES,1 SOUTH AUSTRALIA, WEST AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA, QUEENSLAND, NEW ZEALAND. ncluding the Discovery, Settlement, Geography, Climate, Products, and Resources and St , tistics of each ; with Governmental, Commeicial, Banking, and other details AN ACCOUNT OF THE COLONY OF FIJI AND NEW GUINEA,. A GAZETTEER OF E PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN AUSTRAL1A AND NEW ZEALAND. DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Of London Shippers to Australia, Importers in Australia, Banks, Anglo-Australian Companies, etc. PUBLISHERS: GORDON_ AND GOTC11 9 ST. BRIDE STREET, LONDON; 85, Collins Street West, Melbourne ; George Street, Sydney; Queen Street, Brisbane. GENERAL INDEX. Dy. refers to the Directory. PAGE PAGE PAS, I Agents—General • • •• 45 Importers in Adelaide .. • Dy. 94 New Zealand Pi obate Duties •• 499 Almanac for 2882 • • Auckland .. • by 234 Excise „ . •• 499 Anglo-Australian Companies • • By. 137 13allarat . by. 72 1 Taxes . Anniversaries • • .. Brisbane . • Noi•th ern Ten y 3,3 to 36, Assessed taxes .. • • • 55 Christ I, inch . .11)).;. .45050 •• Toss iii in 363 Australian Anniversaries • • .. x7 Dunedin . Dy. 126 Otheaal •• 36, FinAuckland Prov.Island, District . •• 479 .. 152 FremantleAustralian Banks . • • Dy. 155 .. Dy. sob Obituary . •• 567 Debentures .. • • Dy. /61 Lawler .. Dy ic,6 Offices, of House of Commons •• 3. Australasian Colonies .. • • 94 to 213 Geelong .. Dy. 7o Pees, • 34 Hawke'sMinistries .. • • 561 Pay . rso Otago Prov. Dist. • 407 Hindmaish .. .. toe Orient Co.'s Fleet . 514 Bank of England • 49 Hobart .. Dy. 121 Banks & Banking Companies .. 16o I pse ich..Dy. .. 116 Parcels to Australia.. • 548 Banks m Adelaide • 331 Lam), e-toiDy I523 Pacific Mail ('o.'s Fleet • 55' „ Melbourne .. •• 234 Mai vl oro' .. Dy. 116 Passages by Mail Steamers . •• 554 „ New Zealand .. •• 491 Meltiouine . • • Do. 44 Passenger Ships and 43teamers . .. 236 „ Queensland .. •- 404 North Adelaide • • too P 0. S N Co.'s Fleet . •• 553 „ Sydney .. 139 Norwood ro6 Pilotage Rates, Melbourne 245 „ Tasmania . •• 447 Perth . .. • • Da. 1o8 Population of Great Br,t'un • 5, West Australia .. 376 Port August 1 • • /V. 1o6 Pos al Regulations, Belt .11 . • 57 • Birmingham Shippers .. Dy 36 Poi t Adelaide .. 166 Prince of Wales's Household . Boston Shippers . Dy. 42 Rockhampton Pnibat ,,. Duties, Melbourne • 245 British Customs Tariff • 54 Sandhurst . Public Amusements, Lund°, 54 British India Steam Cos. Fleet . - 554 PP Sy dney .. DDDYY. y. 8.177104 „ blelliourae 244 British and Foreign Ambass-sloss • 44 Timarn 156 „ Hol.days . .. IS British Ships of War . • 141 Tooe oombaDy. s2o „ Offices . • t Was-wick . coo AN ellington Dy. 146 Queen in(' Royal Family . Cab Fares in London •• 52 Imp. tei s n 'ol Prodi.ce . 1,7 34 Queensland, Colony of . Canterbury Prov. Dist. • 485 Income Tax . .. .. .. 55 „ Government. I iss'sCentral Criminal Court ance .. •• 43 COS. in N. S W. .. .. 14o „ Official Dt part ments 4 Chambers of Agriculture .. • • 49 New Zealand .. 491 Parliament „ Commerce . 48 „ „ Queensland . 404 „ Incenses . •• 4 „ Adelaide 333 ,. „ s. Austialus .. 331 „ Melbourne .. 736 „ „ Tasmania . 447 Rates of Brokerage . .. z- New Zealand • • 491 Victoria . 235 „ Csitimissam, N S W 1_, „ Tasmania 448 W. Australia .. 376 S Au,tr , ii . •,3i Chamber of Manufact., S. A. • • • 333 Postage to Australia . 5- Chief Officers of State .. • • .. 34 Jewish Calendar .. .. .. 17 Redditch Shippers . • Dy 4- Clubs in Adelaide Remittances to Austiaba • 54' „ Brisbane • 405 Land Regulations, Canterbury District 89 „ Hobart .. • • • • 417 „ Auckland . 85 Seasons .. .. .. „ Melbourne .. .. 236 „ Marlborough 89 Sheffield Shippers . .. • • 44 „ Sydney - • • • 141 „ Nelson.. 88 Ship Brokers, Australian .. • 1)y. 154 „ Tasmania • • 448 79 S. Australia, Colony of .. • 312 '10 325 Commercial Stamp Duties • • 55 „ New Zealand .. 86 „ Gos eminent.. -.320 „ Charges, Bnsbaue • • 405 „ (Ileartbierngo Territory Official Departments. .. -;30 „ „ Melbourne 244 . 89 „ Steamship Companies Adelaide .. • 334 „ Queensland . 83 „ Licenses .. .. 3^5 I N. Zealand 501) „ South Australia . 81 „ Shipping Charge, • • 3 5 Commission Rates, Adelaide „ Southland .. 9. Steam Naysgation Cos. in N. S W. •• 14. Comrs. for Affidavit, &c. •• Dy. 157 „ Taranaki . 8 8 Stamp Duties, British .. •• 55 Consuls in Adelaide „ Tasmania • 83 „ N S. Wales .. •• .43 „ Brisbane •• • • 404 „ Victoria 79 „ Victoria .. .. .. 245 „ London „ Wellington &Hawke'sBay 88 ,, Tasmania .. •• 451 „ Melbourne .. 236 „ 117e,t tsstiaha 84 „ Queensland .. •• 4,5 „ New Zealand .. • • • 491 „Westland . • 9 0 „ New Zealand • 498 „ Sydney .. .. • • • • 141 Law Terms . Stativics of Australian Colome-, .. 112 Leading Clubs in London .. •• • 51 „ U Kingdom.. .. 59 TarTillral • 4 47 77 Licensee . • • 55 Succession of Gm entors .. .. 559 Consuls of Foreign States London:: 344 Lloyd's Register . •• • 48 Summary of Es eats . 56; Corporation of London .. •• 59 Lloyd's Committee •• • 48 Courts of Law • • 42 London Banks and Bankers 46 Taranaki Prov. Dist. .. 481 Session • • • • • •• 43 London Shippers DY• 5 to 34 Tasmania, Colony of.. • • • 432 to 44; County Courts •• 43 „ G overnment .. • • • • 445 Crown Agents .. •• 45 Mail Calendar .. 21 to 32 „ Official Departments
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