Refused to Be Distracted by Such Opposition from His Duty As He Saw It
147 Chapter 5. Barnet and the Politicians. The year 1879 sets out clearly the difficulties faced by a conscientious civil servant, with weighty public and professional responsibilities, being confronted with the demands of politicians. In December 1878 the Farnell Ministry had accepted responsibility for the proposed International Exhibition to be held in Sydney. That decision placed a heavy burden on Barnet who was expected, at short notice, to prepare plans for the principal and a number of minor buildings, arrange contracts and supervise construction. While that task pressed ahead, there were other projects which could not be neglected; for example, there was an urgent and continuing need to provide additional accommodation at the hospitals for the insane as well as to design and construct a number of light houses along the poorly-marked coast of the colony. These long-range tasks could not be abandoned even though the Government had insisted that the Exhibition Building must be given Barnets personal attention and take precedence over other work. He met those demands but not without criticism and denigration of his efforts; for his part he refused to be distracted by such opposition from his duty as he saw it. An examination is now made of Barnets response to those problems. THE AUSTRALASIAN BUILDER AND CONTRACTORS NEWS. JAN. 4. 1890. ELEVATION / 11 11.411111111111110 -i. ..f..• 4iisiiirSe AA! •... 1111101 .glieerlierIL-. --_-...., - -f.. '' itgl',..'1/41' A 1•1 .1J AilliffrrilfitifliiiirphiiI4flif ite4iiirito I l'ii1111 . 4....-.111;-(11.•"■ • 1".4-41 •..4.1% 2.4,11, 1 Alg CrIiii"■■;til ,.. -illeir.-----1i ircii■- , WW0.■7110t......ext,..,,,.71,,,,4 • .•II 03,1,1.,.
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