09:00 Registration of participants

Plenary session 10:00-12:00 Digital transformation and reset of the legislation: scenarios for the development of a civilized taxi market in

12:00-12:30 Coffee-break / Visiting the exposition

Working session Round table 12:30-14:00 Business to business: the best products and Urban transport of the future: innovation against services for the taxi industry habits

14:00-14:45 Lunch

Working session Panel session 14:45-16:15 Control 2.0: Technological control and data Taxi fares: Is there justice and who will establish it? usage in the taxi industry

16:15-16:30 Break

16:30-18:00 Panel discussion "What is a legal taxi?"

AUGUST 9, 2019

09:30 Registration of participants

Plenary session 10:30-12:00 Development trends of the world taxi market

12:00-12:15 Coffee-break

Working session Working session 12:15-13:45 Regional markets: common rules - different Driver: employee, contractor, partner or slave to the solutions system?

13:45-14:15 Lunch

Working session Panel discussion 14:15-15:45 Taxi insurance system transformation: Play by own rules: how to create a competitive advantage challenges and solutions in the modern market

15:45-16:00 Break

Panel session Working session 16:00-17:00 Mobility 4.0: transport as an integrated Finance and taxes: calculations and reporting in the taxi service business

17:00-17:10 Break

17:10-18:00 MEFT Public Council Meeting

18:00-19:00 Closing cocktail *subject to change without notice

AUGUST 8, 2019

Plenary session 10:00 – 12:00 Digital transformation and reset of the legislation: scenarios for the development of a civilized taxi market in Russia

ISSUES FOR  Concepts of the development of taxi market regulation in Russia DISCUSSION:  Digitalization and automation of public administration, control and supervision  Development and implementation of regional targeted programs for the development of taxis  Development of “smart” urban mobility  Development of unmanned and connected road transport

MODERATOR Dmitry Pronin, Deputy Head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development in Moscow

INVITED TO Maxim Akimov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation PARTICIPATE Victor Basargin, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport Lyudmila Bokova, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Council of the Federation on Constitutional Legislation and State Building, Chairman of the Commission of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly for the Development of the Information Society Mikhail Chernikov, Head of the Main Traffic Safety Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General of Police Evgeny Dietrich, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Valery Fadeev, Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Anatoly Golomolzin, Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Levitin, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road and Transport Infrastructure of Moscow Evgeny Moskvichev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction Alexander Morozov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Alexander Ovanesov, Managing Partner, Arthur D. Little in Russia Maxim Protasov, Head of the Russian Quality System Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow Elena Sutormina, Chairman of the Commission for the Development of Public Diplomacy, Humanitarian Cooperation and Preservation of Traditional Values of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Public Council of the MEFT

Working session "Business to business: the best products and services for the taxi 12:30 – 14:00 industry"

ISSUES OF  How will new technologies contribute to optimizing business processes? DISCUSSION  How to stimulate fleet renewal?  Change-over to alternative fuels  What products do software and hardware manufacturers offer for the taxi market?

MODERATOR Sergey Markov, Managing Partner, Eurasia Mobility Group INVITED TO Nikolay Drukman, Sales Director, Spectrum PARTICIPATE Mikhail Komarov, Project Manager ID 20 Hristo Manolov, Sales Manager in Russia, Taxi Butler Alexander Skorodumov, expert of the M2M / IoT team at MTS Yury Fedorov, General Director of Serpukhov Bulk Plant Mikhail Frolov, General Director of Chaika Taxi

13:45 – 15:15 Round table "Urban transport of the future: innovation against habits"

ISSUES OF  New types of transport and their role in the development of urban mobility DISCUSSION  Connected and unmanned vehicles: the future in the city  Expanding the use of alternative fuels  The role of taxi in the development of smart mobility  Sharing as a way to reduce the load on urban transport systems  Key elements of promoting public transport MODERATOR Kirill Zhanaydarov, Skolkovo Foundation's transport infrastructure project manager INVITED TO Gamis el Bouakili, Executive Director TCS and SchipholTaxi, Amsterdam, Netherlands PARTICIPATE Uri Weinstein, Business Development Director for CIS MobilEye Iya Gordeeva, Chairman of the Association for the Development of Electromobile, Unmanned and Connected Transport and Infrastructure Representative, Gazprom gas-engine fuel LLC Representative, Volvo Cars LLC Representative,

15:30 – 17:00 Working session “Control 2.0: Technological control and data usage in the taxi industry”

ISSUES OF  Maintaining electronic registers and databases DISCUSSION  Data exchange between business and government  Interdepartmental cooperation in the field of data integration and the development of electronic checks  Key areas of telematics and video surveillance  Digitalization of medical and technical inspection

MODERATOR Anton Zhuravlev, President of the Association «Digital Era of Transport»

INVITED TO Ekaterina Gerastovskaya, Head of GR-projects, Yandex.Taxi PARTICIPATE Alexander Evsin, Deputy Head of the Center for the Organization of Road Traffic Alexey Yezhov, Deputy Head of the Supervision Department of the Main Directorate for Road Safety, Ministry of Internal Affairs Petr Zhigulev, Deputy Head of Smart Mobility Boris Ionov, Director of the Department of Interaction with the Participants of the Electronic Passport Systems, Electronic Passport JSC Sergey Chertischev, Head of the Department for Control, Supervision and Permitting Activities of the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Sverdlovsk Region Yury Shabanov, Executive Secretary of the Public Council of the Party Project of the "People's Control" Maxim Shusharin, head of Maxim taxi service

15:30 – 17:00 Panel session "Taxi fares: Is there justice and who will establish it?"

ISSUES OF  Does the market need to increase the cost of transportation? DISCUSSION  Who should regulate tariffs?  What should the aggregator commission be?  The formula for calculating the tariff - is it possible?  What does the price for a passenger depend on?

MODERATOR Norayr Bludyan, Chairman of the Board, Director of "TAMA" INVITED TO Gregor Beiner, Representative of the Group PARTICIPATE Dmitry Yegorov, Executive Director of Call to Visit Elena Zaeva, Head of the Communications and Information Technologies Regulation Directorate, FAS Russia Ilya Zotov, Chairman of the All-Russian Association of Passengers Damir Kurmaev, General Director, Taxi "Rhythm" Steven McNamara, General Secretary of Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, London, UK Representative, Gett taxi

17:10 – 18:30 Panel discussion "What is a legal taxi?"

ISSUES OF  Legal car or legal driver? DISCUSSION  Reporting or security?  Strict requirements or voluntary standards?  Control or prevention?  Taxi or ridesharing?

INVITED TO Gregor Beiner, Representative, Group PARTICIPATE Matthew Daus, President, International Association of Transport Regulators Bogdan Konoshenko, Head of the Taxi Guild of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mikhail Frolov, Director of the Association of Taxi Operators and Dispatch Services of the Ulyanovsk Region Yaroslav Scherbinin, Chairman of the Interregional Trade Union of Public Transport «Taxi Driver»

August 9, 2019

10:30 – 12:00 Plenary session "Development trends of the world taxi market "

ISSUES OF  Development of government mechanisms DISCUSSION  Specifics of doing business in different countries  World best practices in the development and support of the taxi market  How does the role of taxis change in the structure of public transport?

MODERATOR Alexander Polyakov, director of the MosTransProject, chairman of the Assembly of the Eurasian Section of UITP INVITED TO Gregor Beiner, Representative, Group PARTICIPATE Matthew Daus, President, International Association of Transport Regulators Jared Lutkowski , CIO, Dial 7 Car & Limousine Service Steven McNamara, General Secretary Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, London, UK Alexander Ovanesov, Managing Partner, Arthur D. Little in Russia Wim Faber, Managing Director, Taxi Intell-Mobility Intell, Belgium Yusup Khasiyev, Head of UITP Offices in Moscow and Astana Andres Harjo, Head of the Tallinn Transport Department, Estonia Nan Chen, DiDi International Vice President

12:15 – 13:45 Working session "Regional markets: common rules - different solutions"

ISSUES OF  Regional regulations in the field of taxi and law enforcement practice DISCUSSION  Development of regional control and information systems  Development and implementation of regional taxi development programs  Interdepartmental interaction practices MODERATOR Dina Goryacheva, director of ANO "MEFT"

INVITED TO Alexey Gherzhik, Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region PARTICIPATE Oleg Drozhzhin, Head of the Department of Public Highways and Transport of the Belgorod Region Alexander Kirevin, Director of the Sector Development Department, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Maxim Podovinnikov, Deputy Minister of Transport and Highways of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Dmitry Pronin, Deputy Head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development in Moscow Alexey Smaglyuk, Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Management of Krasnodar Region Denis Usanov, Head of the Department for the Organization of Passenger Transportation, Committee on Transport of St. Petersburg

12:15 – 13:45 Working session "Driver: employee, contractor, partner or slave to the system?"

ISSUES OF  How to provide a driver with decent working conditions? DISCUSSION  Will labor relationship help to improve the situation in the industry?  Self-employed: new way or new problem?  Side-job driving: pros and cons  How to get a driver interested in maintaining the level of service quality? INVITED TO Vladimir Lomakin, Chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union of Automobile Transport and PARTICIPATE Road Workers Vadim Melnikov, Director of the Expert Center «Movement without Danger» Mikhail Frolov, Director of the Association of Taxi Operators and Dispatch Services of the Ulyanovsk Region Maxim Shusharin, Director of Maxim Taxi Service Yaroslav Sherbinin, Chairman of the Interregional Trade Union of Public Transport Workers «Taxi Driver» Representatives of Yandex.Taxi, City-mobil, Gett Taxi

14:15 – 15:45 Working session "Taxi insurance system transformation: challenges and solutions"

ISSUES OF  How to improve mutual understanding between taxi and insurance companies? DISCUSSION  What will the OSAGO reform bring?  Passenger insurance: problems and prospects  What are the prospects for introducing smart insurance for the taxi market?  Do voluntary types of insurance need to be developed? MODERATOR Roman Lipovoy, Chairman of the Insurance Committee of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

INVITED TO Sergey Babich, Head of the Property Insurance Regulatory Department of the Insurance PARTICIPATE Regulatory Office of the Insurance Department of the Bank of Russia Evgeny Gorshechnikov, General Director of Neos Insurance Svetlana Gusar, Vice President of the National Union of Liability Insurers Timur Kuzyaev, Executive Director of the Smart Driving Laboratory Alexander Rybalchenko, Head of the passenger transportation insurance department of Department of insurance of transport operators, Ingosstrakh Evgeny Ufimtsev, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Motor Insurers

Panel discussion "Play by own rules: how to create a competitive advantage in the 14:15 – 15:45 modern market"

ISSUES OF  What is important for the client in addition to the cost of the trip? DISCUSSION  Does it make sense to develop your brand in the era of global platforms?  How to create a clear brand image in the mind of the consumer?  High quality niche service. Is it unique advantage?  Can only a passenger make a profit for a taxi company?

INVITED TO Evgeny Markov, Managing Partner, Eurasia Mobility Group PARTICIPATE Vadim Melnikov, Director of the Expert Center «Movement without Danger» Mati Saar, Chairman of the Board, Tulika Takso, Estonia Dmitry Shapochkin, General Director, Ocean Taxi Alexander Chekarev, Head of Government Relations Department at Bolt Technology in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

16:00 – 17:00 Panel session "Mobility 4.0: transport as an integrated service"

ISSUES OF DISCUSSION  What is the role of the state and the market in the development of integrated mobility?  Is it possible to integrate urban transport into a single service?  What are the key promising technologies in this field?  What is the role of taxi in the development of the concept "mobility as a service"?  MaaS in Russia: the future has already come?

MODERATOR Maria Rozhenko, Associate Professor of the Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism

INVITED TO Alexander Evsin, Deputy Head of the Center for the Organization of Road Traffic PARTICIPATE Dmitry Yegorov, Executive director of Call to Visit Stefan Muller, Head of Maas Global Taxi Grigory Parfenov, Member of the Association of Transportation Engineers Alexander Polyakov, Director of the MosTransProject, chairman of the Assembly of the Eurasian Section of UITP Representative, Citymobil

16:00 – 17:00 Working session "Finance and taxes: calculations and reporting in the taxi business"

ISSUES OF  Online payment in taxi: how will it work? DISCUSSION  Tools for financial optimization of autoparks  Calculations with drivers: how to do it right?  What costs can and cannot be avoided?  Financial Flow Accounting Systems

MODERATOR Victor Soloviev, Chairman of the Board, Petersburg Taxi

INVITED TO Marina Antipova, Deputy Head of the Department of Transport Automation Systems, PARTICIPATE Shtrikh-M Andrei Belov, General Director,Taxi 5000000 Sergey Kichagin, Representative, BIFIT Nadezhda Fukalova, General Director, Flit Navigator INVITED TO Banks, leasing and credit organizations, software and hardware manufacturers, Consulting PARTICIPATE companies, taxi companies and taxi services, industry associations

17:10 – 18:00 MEFT Public Council Meeting

18:00 – 19:00 Closing Cocktail