Preface Introduction
Notes Preface 1. Luisa Pretolani's video, Things I Take, which deals with Indian women im migrants, speaks to the experience of emigration in ways that transcend the specific experience of a single ethnic group. The issues the women who appear in this video address relate to the significance of and repercussions on one's sense of self of the separation from one's homeland. 2. See Gilbert and Gubar's feminist classic The Madwoman in the Attic (1979), in which they ofTer adefinition of anxiety of authorship, which they jux tapose to the more masculine "anxiety of influence" (50), the title subject of Harold Bloom's study. 3. I began to study Italian American literature and minority literatures not in graduate school, but in the years following my graduation, in the early 1990s. 4. My first actual encounter with Italian American literature actually oc curred in 1983, at a conference on Italian American Studies of the AISNA (ItalianAssociation ofNorthAmerican Studies).The conference was orga nized by my then professor of American Literature at the University of Catania, Maria Vittoria D'Amico. I was one of a handful of undergraduate students involved in the organization of the conference. There, I met sev eral American professors, includingJohn Paul Russo, who would later ofTer me a teaching assistantship at the University of Miami. 5. Giunta, "The Quest forTrue Love: Nancy Savoca's Domestic Film Comedy." 6. In 1987, DeSalvo had also published-in England-Casting Off, an outra geous novel about Italian American women and adultery. 7. Oddly enough, much like other women and minority writers who, once they started looking, found literary sisters and ancestors, I, too, would later discover two other writers in my family, Giuseppe Minasola and Laura Emanuelita Minasola.
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