Arctic Ocean Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea): Evolution, Composition, and Distribution 373 V

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Arctic Ocean Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea): Evolution, Composition, and Distribution 373 V THE ARCTIC SEAS CI imatology, Oceanography, Geology, and Biology Edited by Yvonne Herman IOm51 VAN NOSTRAND REINHOLD COMPANY ~ -----New York This work relates to Department of the Navy Grant NOOOI4-85- G-0252 issued by the Office of Naval Research. The United States Government has a royalty-free license throughout the world in all copyrightable material contained herein. Copyright © 1989 by Van Nostrand Reinhold Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1989 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 88-33800 ISBN-13 :978-1-4612-8022-4 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4613-0677-1 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4613-0677-1 All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems-without written permission of the publisher. Designed by Beehive Production Services Van Nostrand Reinhold 115 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10003 Van Nostrand Reinhold (International) Limited 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4P 4EE, England Van Nostrand Reinhold 480 La Trobe Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia Nelson Canada 1120 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario MIK 5G4, Canada 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The Arctic Seas. Includes index. 1. Oceanography-Arctic Ocean. 2. Geology-ArctiC Ocean. 1. Herman, Yvonne. GC401.A76 1989 551.46'8 88-33800 ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-8022-4 For Anyu Contents Preface / vii Contributors / ix 1. The Present Climate of the Arctic Ocean and Possible Past and Future States 1 R. G. Barry 2. Arctic Ice-Ocean Dynamics 47 W. D. Hibler III 3. Chemical Oceanography of the Arctic Ocean 93 L. Anderson and D. Dyrssen 4. Polar Marine Ecosystem Evolution 115 M. J. Dunbar 5. Arctic Sea-Ice Biota 123 R. A. Horner 6. Primary Production, Chlorophyll, Light, and Nutrients Beneath the Arctic Sea Ice 147 O. G. N. Andersen 7. Arctic Ocean Phytoplankton 193 B. R. Heimdal 8. Foraminifera and Pteropoda Beneath the Arctic Sea Ice: New Distributions 223 Y. Herman and O. G. N. Andersen 9. Ecology of Arctic Ocean Cryopelagic Fauna 235 I. A. Mel'nikov 10. Evolution of Arctic Ecosystems During the Neogene Period 257 A. N. Golikov and o. A. Scarlato 11. Distributional Patterns of Echinoderms in the Eurasian Sector of the Arctic Ocean 281 N. A. Anisimova 12. Marine Bivalvia of the Arctic Ocean 303 V. V. Fedyakov and A. D. Naumov 13. Arctic Ocean Gastropod Prosobranchs 325 A. N. Golikov 14. Arctic Ocean Bryozoa 341 V. I. Gontar and N. V. Denisenko 15. Arctic Ocean Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea): Evolution, Composition, and Distribution 373 V. V. Petryashov v vi Contents 16. Hydrozoa of the Eurasian Arctic Seas 397 S. D. Stepanjants 17. Arctic Ocean Cumacea 431 S. V. Vassilenko 18. Quarternary Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy: The Eastern Arctic Ocean Record 445 C. Card 19. Arctic Ocean Radiolarians 461 S. B. Kruglikova 20. Diatoms in Arctic Shallow Seas Sediments 481 E. I. Polyakova 21. Ecology of Recent Foraminifera on the Canadian Continental Shelf of the Arctic Ocean 497 C. Vilks 22. Thorium and Uranium Isotopes in Arctic Sediments 571 B. L. K. Somayajulu, P. Sharma, and Y. Herman 23. Late Neogene Arctic Paleoceanography: Micropaleontology, Stable Isotopes, and Chronology 581 Y. Herman, f. K. Osmond, and B. L. K. Somayajulu 24. Sediment Composition and Sedimentary Processes in the Arctic Ocean 657 D. A. Darby, A. S. Naidu, T. C. Mowatt, and C. A. Jones 25. Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Paleoceanography of the Barents Sea 721 V. S. Zarkhidze and Yu. C. Samoilovich 26. The Last Glaciation of Eurasia 729 A. A. Velitchko, L. L. Isayeva, D. B. Oreshkin, and M. A. Faustova 27. Geological and Paleoclimatic Evolution of the Arctic During Late Cenozoic Time 759 I. D. Danilov 28. Organic Geochemistry of Barents Sea Sediments 761 A. N. Belyaeva, A. 1. Daniushevskaya, and E. A. Romankevich 29. Physiography and Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean Seafloor 797 J. R. Weber 30. Tectonic History of the Arctic Region from the Ordovician Through the Cretaceous 829 L. P. Zonenshain and L. M. Napatov Index / 863 15: Arctic Ocean Mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea): Evolution, Composition, and Distribution V. v. Petryashov INTRODUCTION ment of present-day water circulation in the Northern Hemisphere. Forty species of mysids belonging to 20 genera, 2 families, and 1 suborder have been described from the Arctic Ocean. PREVIOUS STUDIES These species belong to 5 biogeographic groups. There is a decline in the number Studies of the Arctic Ocean Mysidacea (re­ of species northward and eastward of the stricted to the area north of the Wyville­ adjacent Atlantic boreal waters (from 27 to Thomson Ridge, the southern coast of the 4 or 3 species) and a slight increase in the Baffin Bay, the eastern part of the Hudson area of mixing of Arctic and Pacific waters Strait, and the Bering Strait) commenced (up to 5 species). Atlantic boreal and am­ in the first half of the nineteenth century. phiboreal species are predominant in the Ross (1835) mentioned Praunus (= Mysis) Norwegian Sea, the southwestern part of flexuosus in his work on marine inverte­ the Barents Sea, and the Greenland Sea; brates collected during his second voyage Pacific boreal species dominate in the to the Arctic regions. Further studies of Chukchi Sea off the Alaskan coast, and bo­ mysids from this area were carried out in real-Arctic and Arctic species dominate in the second half of the nineteenth century other areas of the Arctic Ocean. Species by Walker (1862), Jarzynsky (1870), Sars that belong to different biogeographic (1870), and Miers (1877). These investiga­ groups occur in specific water masses. The tions dealing with mysids collected mainly distributional patterns of the recent mysid in the Norwegian, Barents, and White seas fauna were established at the onset of the were followed by a study of Mysidacea off Postglacial transgression with the develop- the northwestern and northern coast of Alaska (Murdoch, 1885a,b). Simultane­ Note: This chapter has been reviewed, edited, and re­ ously intensive studies of mysids from written by the Editor, Yvonne Herman. the Norwegian, Greenland, and Barents 373 374 V V Pe~yashov seas as well as from the Baffin Bay com­ DISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERNS menced (Sars, 1885, 1886; Hansen, 1888, 1908; Aurivillius, 1896; Vanhoffen, 1897; Our results and literature data indicate Birula, 1897; Stebbing, 1900; Ohlin, 1901; that 40 species of mysids inhabit the Arctic Gerstaecker and Ortmann, 1901; Ort­ Ocean; they belong to 1 suborder, 2 famil­ mann, 1901). ies, and 20 genera. The number of species The results allowed Zimmer (1904, 1909) inhabiting the Arctic Ocean constitute 5 to draw the first conclusions concerning percent of the world fauna. the Arctic Mysidacea based on his study of Changes in species composition in dif­ 32 species from the Arctic Ocean within ferent sectors of the Arctic Ocean were the geographical limits mentioned above. analyzed. The degree of similarity of fau­ Studies by Linko (1907, 1908) off the north­ nas in these areas was determined using ern Russian coast and by Stephensen the Chekanovsky-S0rensen index (S0- (1912, 1913, 1918, 1933, 1938) in the rensen, 1948): seas surrounding Greenland were subse­ quently published. Investigations by Paul­ 2' C' 100% IC5 = ----­ son (1909), Kramp (1913), Bjorck (1916), D1 + D2 Schmitt (1919), Madsen (1936), Bertelsen (1937), Saemundsen (1937), and Dunbar and the degree of similarity of faunas was (1940) dealing with mysids or coastal determined using the Jaccard index (Jac­ plankton containing Mysidacea from Ice­ card, 1901): land, Greenland, and the North American coast should also be mentioned. During C·100% the last decades the Arctic Ocean mysids IJ = ----- D1 + D2 - C were studied by Holmquist (1949, 1958, 1959, 1963, 1982), Rusanova (1962, 1963, For the degree of inclusion of fauna of one 1971), and Kulikov (1980). In addition to area into the fauna of another region the the study of Arctic species, the investiga­ index of Shimkevich (Simpson, 1943) was tion of this group in other regions was un­ used: derway (Czerniavsky, 1887; Holt and Tat­ tersall, 1905; Illig, 1930; Tattersall, 1951; C'100% Mauchline, 1980; Mauchline and Murano, 15z5 = D· 1977). However, to date the study of the mm Central Arctic Basin mysids has been inad­ For these three equations, C is the number equate. of species in common, D1 and D2 are the numbers of species in the areas compared, and Dmin is the minimum number of spe­ MATERIAL AND METHODS cies in the areas compared (Dmin :5 Dm.x). The results of our calculations are given The results presented in this chapter are in Table 15-1. The data obtained indicate based on our studies of Mysidacea from a rapid decline in the number of species the collection of the Zoological Institute of northward and eastward from the adjacent the USSR Academy of Sciences (710 sam­ Atlantic boreal waters (from 27 to 4 to 3 ples containing 5,500 specimens were ana­ species) and a slight increase in the area of lyzed). Most of these samples were col­ mixing of Arctic and Pacific waters (up to lected with a Sigsbee dredge and a few 5 species). The mysids of the Norwegian were collected with a Djedy net. and southern regions of the Barents Sea Arctic Ocean Mysids 375 are of boreal character and differ from their II. Atlantic boreal species counterparts in other regions. The fauna of this area has close affinities with faunas of 1. Upper sublittoral ubiquitous boreal spe­ the coast of eastern Greenland and the cies: Neomysis integer, Praunus flexuosus, southern Baffin Bay (as far as 75°NL); P.
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