
Review Article

Common Diseases in Pediatric Practice

Puneet Anand1, Anuj Dhyani2,*

Senior Resident, Dept. of Paediatrics, ESI Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad

*Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Skin disease is common cause of outdoor visits in pediatric population. In India, and infestations are the most common skin problems. Many of these diseases could be treated by pediatrician itself. Basic knowledge of these conditions, differential diagnosis and management is necessary to avoid delay in treatment and associated complications.

Keywords: Pediatric skin conditions, OPD skin conditions

Introduction Secondary Lesions Skin disease is common cause of outdoor visits in Secondary lesions represent evolutionary changes pediatric population. In India, infections and infestat- that occur later in the course of disease. ions are the most common skin problems1-3. Many of Crust: Dried remains of serum, blood, pus, or exu- these diseases could be treated by pediatrician itself 5. date overlying areas of lost or damaged . Basic knowledge of these conditions, differential Crust is yellow when formed by dried serum, green diagnosis and management is necessary to avoid delay or yellowish - green when formed by purulent in treatment and associated complications. exudate, and dark red or brown when formed by Accurate diagnosis of cutaneous disease requires bloody exudative serum. careful inspection, evaluation, and some knowledge of Scale: Formed by an accumulation of compact des- dermatologic terminology and morphology to develop a quamating layers of stratum corneum as a result of prioritized differential diagnosis.4 Cutaneous lesion abnormal keratinization and exfoliation of cornified could be primary or secondary. keratinocytes. Fissure: Dry or moist, linear, often painful cleavage Primary Lesions in the cutaneous surface that results from marked The term primary refers to the most representa- drying and long-standing , thickening, tive of disease. It might not necessarily be the earliest and loss of elasticity of the integument lesion. Primary lesion could be Erosion: Moist, slightly depressed vesicular or bull- Macule: flat, circumscribed change of skin, of size ous lesions in which part or all of the epidermis <1 cm. has been lost. Because erosions do not extend into is circumscribed, nonvesicular, nonpustular, the underlying or , heali- elevated lesion measuring less than 1 cm diameter. ng occurs without subsequent scar formation. Patch: Flat, circumscribed lesion with color change Excoriation: Traumatized or abraded (usually selfin- that is >1 cm in size. duced) superficial loss of skin caused by scratching, Plaque: Broad, elevated, disk-shaped lesion that rubbing, or scrubbing of the cutaneous surface. occupies an area of >1 cm. : Necrosis of the epidermis and part or all of Nodule: Circumscribed, elevated, usually solid lesi- the dermis and/or the underlying subcutaneous on that measures 0.5 to 2 cm in diameter. It invol- tissue. ves the dermis and may extend into the subcutane- Atrophy: Cutaneous changes that result in depress- ous tissue with its greatest mass below the surface ion of the epidermis, dermis, or both. Epidermal of the skin. atrophy is characterized by thin, almost translucent Wheal: Distinctive type of elevated lesion characte- epidermis, a loss of the normal skin markings, and rized by local, superficial, transient edema. wrinkling when subjected to lateral pressure or pin- Vesicle: Sharply circumscribed, elevated, fluid conta- ching of the affected area. In dermal atrophy the inning lesion that measures ≤1cm in diameter. skin is depressed. Bulla: Larger, circumscribed, elevated, fluid contain- Lichenification: Thickening of the epidermis with ning lesion that measures >1 cm in diameter. associated exaggeration of skin markings which occ- Pustule: Circumscribed elevation <1 cm in diameter urs due to chronic scratching or rubbing of a pruritic containing purulent exudate. lesion. : Circumscribed, elevated lesion >1 cm in Scar: A permanent fibrotic skin change that develo- diameter, often with a deeper component and filled ps after damage to the dermis. with purulent material. International Journal of Medical Pediatrics and Oncology, January-March,2016;2(1): 20-24 20 Puneet Anand et al. Common Skin Diseases in Pediatric Practice

The skin of Newborn full-term infant is normally soft or a combination of these, and may occur anywhere on and smooth. Desquamation of neonatal skin occurs 24 the body, especially the forehead, face, trunk, and to 36 hours after delivery. Desquamation at birth is an extremities, sparing palms and soles may be explained abnormal phenomenon and is indicative of post by the absence of pilosebaceous follicles in these areas. maturity, intrauterine anoxia, or congenital . Cytologic examination of a pustule smear that with Acrocyanosis is bluish discoloration of extremities, Wright or Giemsa staining reveals a predominance of which is due to increased tone of peripheral arterioles, eosinophils.9 leading to vasospasm, secondary dilation, and pooling of blood in the venous plexuses, resulting in cyanotic Seborrheic : Is a common, self-limiting appearance to the involved areas of the skin. condition of the scalp, face, ears, trunk, and Cutis marmorata is reticulated bluish mottling of the intertriginous areas characterized by greasy scaling, skin seen on the trunk and extremities of infants and redness, fissuring, and occasional weeping. It usually young children. This phenomenon, a physiologic presents in infants with a scaly dermatitis of scalp response to chilling with resultant dilation of capillaries termed cradle cap which may spread over face, and small venules, usually disappears as the infant is including the forehead, ears, eyebrows, and nose. Its rewarmed. If mottling does not resolve with warming, predilection for areas of high sebaceous gland density other conditions should be considered, including shock, and the correlation of activity with increased hormonal sepsis and hypothyroidism.8 levels during the first year of life10 and adolescence Sclerema neonatorum is a diffuse, rapidly spreading, suggests a relation to sebum and sebaceous glands. wax-like hardening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue Seborrheic dermatitis of adolescence and adulthood has that occurs in premature or debilitated infants during been attributed to Pityrosporum ovale.11 Management the first few weeks of life. The disorder, usually of seborrheic dermatitis includes topical antifungal associated with a serious underlying condition such as (keteconazole), topical steroid and keratolytic.12 sepsis other , congenital heart disease, respiratory distress, diarrhea, or dehydration. Diaper Dermatitis: Occurs due to combination of Differentiation of the epidermis and its factors, most important of which is prolonged contact appendages, particularly in the premature infant, is with urine and feces, skin maceration, and, in many often incomplete at birth. As a result, a high incidence cases, secondary infection with or Candida of sweat-retention phenomena may be seen in the Albicans.13 Three most common types of diaper newborn. They are characterized by a vesicular eruption dermatitis are chafing dermatitis, irritant contact with subsequent maceration and obstruction of the dermatitis, and diaper . eccrine ducts. crystalline (sudamina), which consists of clear superficial pinpoint vesicles without an Chafing dermatitis: Generally present on areas where inflammatory areola; Miliaria rubra (prickly heat), friction is the most pronounced (inner surfaces of the represents deeper level of sweat gland obstruction and thighs, the genitalia, buttocks, and the abdomen). characterized by small discrete erythematous , Eruption presents as mild redness and scaling and tends vesicles, or papulovesicles. The incidence of miliaria is to wax and wane quickly. This type responds quickly to greatest in first few weeks of life due to relative frequent diaper changes and good hygiene. immaturity of the eccrine ducts, which favors poral closure and sweat retention. Therapy is directed toward Irritant contact diaper dermatitis: Usually involves avoidance of excessive heat and humidity. Use of light- the convex surfaces of the buttocks, the vulva, the weight cotton clothing and cool baths is only treatment perineal area, the lower abdomen, and the proximal required.9 Application of emmoleints must be avoided, thighs, with sparing of the intertriginous creases. The especially in warm, humid climates or in the winter disorder may be attributable to contact with proteolytic when infants are bundled under heavy clothing enzymes in stool and irritant chemicals such as soaps, MILIA: small retention cysts commonly occur on the detergents, and topical preparations. Other significant face of newborns as tiny 1-to2-mm pearly white or factors appear to be excessive heat, moisture, and sweat yellow papules. Particularly prominent on the cheeks, retention associated with the warm local environment nose, chin, and forehead, they may be few or numerous produced by the diaper. and are often grouped. They usually disappear spontaneously during the first 3 to 4 weeks of life and Candidal diaper dermatitis: Presents as a widespread, accordingly require no therapy. beefy-red on buttocks, lower abdomen, and inner aspects of the thighs. Characteristic features Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum include a raised edge, sharp marginalization with Erythema toxicum neonatorum (ETN), is an white scales at the border, and pinpoint pustulovesicular idiopathic, asymptomatic, benign, self-limiting, satellite lesions (the diagnostic hallmark). Infants cutaneous eruption in full-term newborns. Lesions harbor C. Albicans in the lower intestine, and it is from consist of erythematous macules, papules, and pustules, International Journal of Medical Pediatrics and Oncology, January-March,2016;2(1): 20-24 21 Puneet Anand et al. Common Skin Diseases in Pediatric Practice this focus that infected feces present the primary source erythema centered on the hair follicles. Unlike in for candidal diaper eruptions , furuncle is a deep seated infection Seborrheic dermatitis of the diaper area may be involving the hairfollicle and its surrounding soft tissue, recognized by the characteristic salmon-colored, greasy forming a tender nodule or abscess. Children with plaques with a yellowish scale and a predilection for folliculitis and furuncle have no constitutional features. intertriginous areas. Coincident involvement of the Treatment of : For localized superficial scalp, face, neck, and postauricular and flexural areas infections, topical mupirocin or fusidic acid can be helps to establish the diagnosis. used. For multiple lesions and deeper infections, is a common cutaneous disorder systemic antibiotics are recommended for a period of characterized by asymptomatic hypopigmented patches, 7–10 d. antibiotics used are cloxacillin/ dicloxacillin usually on the face, neck, upper trunk, and proximal 50–100 mg/kg/d 4 times a day; cephalexin 25–50 extremities. Individual lesions vary from 1 cm or more mg/kg/d 3–4 times a day; amoxycillin/ clavulinic acid in diameter and may show a fine scale. Effective (40 mg of amoxicillin/ kg/d) 2–3 times a day. Failure to moisturization during drier months may help prevent respond to antibiotic treatment may suggest methicillin recurrence of the pityriasis alba in subsequent summers. resistant organisms, which are treated with Intertrigo is a superficial inflammatory dermatitis that clindamycin, , or trimethoprim/ sulfametho- occurs in areas where the skin is in apposition. As a xazole6,7. result of friction, heat, and moisture, the affected areas SSSS is a term used to describe a blistering skin become intensely erythematous in a well-demarcated disease caused by the epidermolytic (or exfoliative) pattern, macerated, and often secondarily infected by toxin (ET)-producing S. aureus. The pathogenesis of bacteria or Candida, or in adolescents by SSSS relates to the production of ETs, of which there Mongolian spots are flat, deep brown to slate gray or are two serotypes affecting humans, ETA and ETB. The blue-black, often poorly circumscribed, large macular pathogenic mechanisms of ETA and ETB have been lesions generally located over the lumbosacral areas, clearly elucidated, and they have been shown to target buttocks, and occasionally the lower limbs, back, desmoglein-1, a cell–cell adhesion molecule found in flanks, and shoulders of normal infants. Mongolian desmosomes of the superficial epidermis. SSSS spots are present at birth, tend to fade during the first 2 generally begins with localized infection of the to 3 years of life, and only occasionally persist into conjunctivae, nares, perioral region, perineum, or adulthood. umbilicus. Separation of perioral crusts often leaves is a superficial bacterial infection of the behind radial fissures around the mouth, resulting in the skin, which includes , folliculitis, furuncle, characteristic facial appearance of SSSS. Other and several others. infections that may serve as the initial nidus for SSSS Impetigo is the most frequently encountered bacterial include pneumonia, septic arthritis, endocarditis, or skin infection, which is caused by Staphylococcus . Fever, malaise, lethargy, irritability, and aureus and pyogenes6,7. It is common in poor feeding subsequently develop, and the generalized infants and children. It occurs in two clinical forms, the eruption begins. The is characterized by erythema non- or impetigo contagiosa and that progresses to large, superficial fragile that bullous impetigo. Although impetigo contagiosa can rupture easily, leaving behind denuded, desquamating, occur on any body surface, the exposed parts, especially erythematous, and tender skin. The eruption is most face and the extremities are frequently affected. It marked in flexural creases but may involve the entire begins with a 1- to 2-mm erythematous papule or surface area of skin. The Nikolsky sign (progression of pustule that soon develops into thin-roofed vesicle or the cleavage plane induced by gentle pressure on bulla surrounded by a narrow rim of erythema. The the edge of the bulla) is positive. The most helpful vesicle ruptures easily with release of a thin, cloudy, distinguishing feature of TEN is mucosal involvement, yellow fluid that subsequently dries, forming a honey- including of the mouth, conjunctivae, trachea, and colored crust, the hallmark of nonbullous impetigo. genital mucosa, which is lacking in SSSS It must be Bullous Impetigo occurs on the face and moist remembered that the majority of blisters in SSSS are intertriginous areas. Clinically, it presents as thin sterile, because they are caused by the hematogenous walled, flaccid, subcorneal blister that ruptures rapidly dissemination of the bacterial toxin and not the bacteria leaving behind an erythematous and moist erosion, itself. Treatment of SSSS is directed at the eradication surrounded by a pathognomonic peripheral remnant of of toxin-producing staphylococci, thus terminating blister roof. Impetigo may also develop on pre-existing toxin production. atopic eczema or lesions (secondary A penicillinase resistant penicillin, first- or second- impetiginization). generation cephalosporin, or clindamycin are all Folliculitis is a superficial of appropriate initial choices, with modification based on the follicular ostia, which involves scalp, buttocks and sensitivity testing. perineum. It presents as asymptomatic, superficial Scabies is a common infestation caused by the mite erythematous papules and pustules with perilesional Sarcoptes scabiei variety hominis. It is transmitted by International Journal of Medical Pediatrics and Oncology, January-March,2016;2(1): 20-24 22 Puneet Anand et al. Common Skin Diseases in Pediatric Practice close direct contact. The earliest symptom of scabies is 400 mg can also be used. Management consists of nocturnal pruritus, which may manifest as extreme educating the parents regarding the benign nature of the irritability in infants. Face, palms and soles are condition. particularly affected in younger children, while waists, or eczema is a chronic relapsing wrists, ankles, interdigital spaces, penis and areola are inflammatory skin disorder. The hallmark of atopic commonly affected in older children. A variety of dermatitis is dry skin (xerosis) and pruritus. It usually primary and secondary lesions such as papules, starts in the first few weeks or months of life. The nodules, burrows and vesiculopustules occur in scabies. clinical phase of atopic dermatitis is divided into 3 Of these, burrows and nodules are the specific lesions. groups, based on the onset and distribution of the Burrows are located just beneath the stratum corneum lesions; infantile; childhood and adult phases18, 19. In the and consist of linear or serpiginous whitish lesions with infantile phase, the dermatitis usually begins on the face a black dot at the end, which represents the location of and then may spread to trunk. The affected infants will female mites. Nodular scabies is characterized by be irritable or scratching due to intense pruritus. It is severely pruritic reddish brown nodules commonly seen characterized by symmetrical erythematous papules, on the trunk, axillae and genitalia. It may persist for vesicles, edema, exudation/oozing and crusting. The several months even after resolution of scabies. extensor aspect of the extremities are affected around 8 Diagnosis is usually clinical. mo of age when they start crawling. Infantile atopic Head lice usually affect children between 3 and 12 year dermatitis usually spares the diaper area and groin. In via direct head to head contact. Itching in scalp is the the childhood phase, the lesions become chronic and primary symptom and there may be redness, papules, lichenified with a predilection for the flexural areas excoriated lesions and secondary bacterial infections. (cubital and popliteal fossae). In the face, peri-oral and Occipital and cervical may be per-orbital areas may also show chronic dermatitis and present. Diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of nits lichenification. Pigmentary changes may be found in or lice in the scalp and hair. Nits are grey white, 1 mm children. Management includes topical emmolients and sized, ovoid eggs which are firmly attached to the hair topical corticosteroids.20 Antihistaminics are often used shaft. Nits can be moved along the hair shaft in contrast for management of pruritis. to scales (dandruff) which are yellowish and irregular in shape and can easily be removed in any direction14. The Exanthematous Diseases treatment of choice is 1 % permethrin cream, which Varicella (): Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) should be applied to mildly damp hair, followed by is a member of the herpesvirus family, and the rinsing after 10 min. A repeat application is usually causative agent of both varicella (chickenpox) and recommended after 1 or 2 week. Oral Ivermectin can be herpes zoster. Once acquired, VZV becomes establish- used in children older than 5 year14,15. Like in scabies ed in sensory ganglia in a latent form with intermittent all household or close contacts should be treated reactivation in a dermatomal distribution, resulting in , the most common dermatophytic herpes zoster. Patients are considered contagious until infection, is usually seen in pre-pubertal girls (3–7 y). at least 5 days after onset of the rash or until all More than 90% of the infections are caused by existing lesions are dry and crusted. Primary varicella Trichophyton tonsurans16, 17. T. Capitis (grey patch) begins with a prodrome of fever, chills, malaise, presents with single or multiple patches of alopecia headache, arthralgia, and myalgia. After 24 to 48 hours, with inflammatory signs of papules, pustules, crusting the earliest skin lesions become evident, initially as red and scaling. Hair in these patches are easily pluckable. macules or papules that progresses rapidly to a Black dot T capitis is characterized by patches of vesicular phase. The fully developed lesion has been alopecia with tiny black dots within them. The black described as “dewdrop on a rose petal” Varicella dots represent the broken ends of endothrix infected (T lesions present initially on the scalp, face, or trunk and violaceum) hair shaft. Kerion, the severe inflammatory then spread to the extremities. Older lesions crust over, type, shows alopecia with boggy swelling and pustules and new lesions continue to develop, resulting in the or exudation. pathognomonic finding of lesions in various stages is a common which being present at the same time. The lesions of varicella occurs in older children and young adolescents and is heal with hypopigmentation and scarring, especially at caused by Malassezia furfur. It is frequently seen in sites of the initial lesions routine use of antiviral agents tropical countries with high humidity. It presents as for varicella in otherwise-healthy children is not numerous hypopigmented scaly macules on the upper recommended. chest, back and proximal upper extremities. Potassium Oral antiviral therapy should be considered, hydroxide test from the skin scraping demonstrates however, for healthy individuals who are at risk for short non-branching hyphae and yeast cells. The moderate or severe disease, such as those over 12 years treatment options available includes topical selenium of age (especially unvaccinated), those with chronic sulfide 2.5% lotion, imidazoles, ciclopirox olamine and skin or lung disorders, and those receiving sulfur preparations. Oral or fluconazole corticosteroids (short, intermittent, or aerosolized International Journal of Medical Pediatrics and Oncology, January-March,2016;2(1): 20-24 23 Puneet Anand et al. Common Skin Diseases in Pediatric Practice courses). When used in the treatment of varicella in 7. Hay RJ. Scabies and pyodermas–diagnosis and treatment. otherwise healthy patients, antiviral therapy should be Dermatol Ther. 2009;22:466–74. started within 24 hours of the appearance of the rash. 8. Gleason CA, Devaskar SU. avery’s disease of newborn.9th edition. Elsevier publications. is caused by a single-stranded ribonucleic acid 9. Zuniga R, Nguyen T. 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Diaper dermatitis and advances disseminated to multiple lymphoid tissues and other in diaper technology. Curr Opin Pediatric 2000; 12(4):342–6. organs, including the skin, liver, and gastrointestinal 14. Diamantis SA, Morrell DS, Burkhart CN. Pediatric tract. Measles immunity includes cell-mediated, infestations. Pediatr Ann. 2009;38:326–32. humoral, and mucosal responses. Measles antibodies 15. Currie BJ, McCarthy JS. Permethrin and ivermectin for are responsible for protection from future infection or scabies. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:717–25. reinfection. Measles classically presents with fever and 16. Pomeranz AJ, Sabnis SS. Tinea capitis: Epidemiology, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis. The pathognomonic diagnosis and management. Paediatr Drugs. 2002;4:779– 83. enanthem, Koplik spots, usually occurs during this 17. Kelly BP. Superficial fungal infections. Pediat Rev. prodromal period and presents with punctuate, gray- 2012;33:e22–37. white to erythematous papules distributed on the buccal 18. Eichenfield LF, Ellis CN, Mancini AJ, Paller AS, mucosa. It begins on the face especially the forehead, Simpson EL. Atopic dermatitis: Epidemiology and hairline, and behind the ears, and spreads downward pathogenesis update. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2012;31:S3–5. onto the trunk and extremities. The lesions are 19. Krafchik BR. Atopic dermatitis. In: Schachner LA, erythematous to purple-red macules and papules that Hansen RC, eds. Pediatric . New York: may become confluent and fade in the same order as Mosby Elsewier; 2011. pp. 851–6. their appearance, leaving behind coppery macules and 20. Blume-Peytavi U, Metz M. Atopic dermatitis in children: desquamation. Management of pruritus. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. To conclude, these few diseases make up most of 2012;26:S2–8. outdoor visits to pediatrician. Knowledge of these few pediatric skin condition can reduce unnecessary referrals and associated anxiety

Conflict of Interest: None Source of Support: Nil

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International Journal of Medical Pediatrics and Oncology, January-March,2016;2(1): 20-24 24