
املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط املجلد الثامن عرش العدد األول

Survey of disorders in newborns: clinical observation in an Egyptian medical centre nursery A.A. El-Moneim 1 and R.E. El-Dawela 2

مسح لالضطرابات اجللدية لدى الولدان: مالحظة رسيرية يف حضانة يف مركز طبي يف مرص عبري أمحد عبد املنعم، رهيام عز الدولة الرشقاوي اخلالصة:مل َ ْت َظ االضطرابات اجللدية لدى الولدان بدراسات جيدة يف مرص. وقد هدفت الباحثتان إىل دراسة أنامط التغريات اجللدية يف عينة من ِ الولدان املرصيني، وهي دراسة وصفية استباقية أترابية شملت ستة مئة وليد يف َّحضانة يف مستشفى جامعة سوهاج، َّوتضمنت الفحص اجللدي خالل األيام اخلمسة األوىل بعد الوالدة. وقد تم كشف االضطرابات اجللدية لدى 240 ًوليدا )40%( ولوحظت الومحات لدى 100 وليد )%16.7(، ومعظمها من النمط ذي اخلاليا امليالنية )لطخات منغولية لدى 11.7%مع ومحات والدية ذات ميالنية اخلاليا لدى 2.7%(. كام ُك ِش َف ْت العداوى الفطرية اجللدية، ومنها داء َّ اتاملبيض الفموية، وعدوى الفطريات يف مناطق احلفاظات أو َالـم َذح الناجم عن عدوى َّاملبيضات يف األرفاغ )أصل الفخذ(، وذلك لدى 13.3%، ُوكشفت بعض العداوى اجلرثومية يف 1.3%من الولدان. وتشري املقارنات مع الدراسات األخرى يف أرجاء العامل إىل معدل مرتفع للعدوى بالفطريات مع معدل منخفض للومحات الوالدية يف دراستنا للولدان، وتويص الباحثتان بإجراء تقييم روتيني جلدي للولدان، ّوالسياميف ضوء املعدالت املرتفعة للعدوى اجللدية بالفطريات.

ABSTRACT The frequency of neonatal skin disorders has not been well studied in Egypt. Our aim was to address patterns of dermatological changes in a sample of Egyptian newborns. In a descriptive prospective cohort study 600 newborns in Sohag University hospital nursery were dermatologically examined within the first 5 days of birth. Skin disorders were detected in 240 neonates (40.0%). Birthmarks were found in 100 neonates (16.7%), mainly melanocytic type (mongolian spots in 11.7% and congenital melanocytic naevi in 2.7%). Fungal skin , including oral moniliasis, fungal in the napkin area or candidal intertrigo, were detected in 13.3% and bacterial infections in 1.3% of neonates. Comparisons with other studies worldwide indicated a higher rate of fungal infections and lower rate of birthmarks in our study. Routine neonatal dermatological evaluation is recommended, especially in view of the high rate of fungal skin infections.

Étude sur les affections cutanées des nouveau-nés : observations cliniques dans un service pédiatrique égyptien

RÉSUMÉ La fréquence des affections cutanées chez les nouveau-nés n’a pas été étudiée de manière approfondie en Égypte. Notre objectif était d’effectuer une étude des altérations dermatologiques au sein d’un échantillon de nouveau-nés égyptiens. Dans une étude prospective descriptive d’une cohorte réalisée au service pédiatrique du centre hospitalier universitaire de Sohag, un examen dermatologique a été conduit sur 600 nouveau-nés au cours de leurs cinq premiers jours. Des affections cutanées ont été dépistées chez 240 d’entre eux (soit 40,0 % de l’échantillon). Des naevi ont été observés chez 100 nouveau-nés (16,7 %), principalement de type mélanocytaire (taches mongoliques pour 11,7 % d’entre eux et nævi mélanocytaires congénitaux pour 2,7 %). Des dermatomycoses, notamment une candidose buccale, une infection fongique du siège ou un intertrigo à Candida, ont été détectées chez 13,3 % des nouveau-nés, et 1,3 % présentaient des infections bactériennes. Par rapport à d’autres études dans le monde, le taux de dermatomycoses est élevé dans notre étude, alors que le taux de naevi est faible. Une évaluation dermatologique systématique est recommandée chez les nouveau-nés, compte tenu du taux élevé de dermatomycoses.

1Department of Paediatrics; 2Department of , Venereology and Andrology, Sohag Faculty of Medicine; University of Sohag, Sohag, Egypt (Correspondence to A.A. El-Moneim: [email protected]). Received: 03/11/09; accepted: 10/12/09

49 EMHJ • Vol. 18 No.1 • 2012 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Introduction around 2 million inhabitants living in comparison was made between low Sohag province. The nursery capac- birth weight (LBW) (< 2500 g) and Neonatal skin provides physical protec- ity is 33 places. Outborn admissions normal birth weight (NBW) (≥ 2500 tion and assists in fluid balance, immu- represent about 75% of admissions to g) neonates. nosurveillance and thermoregulation, the nursery. Ethical considerations thus playing a vital role in the newborn’s A total of 600 newborns in Sohag transition from an aqueous to an air- University hospital nursery during June Approval of Sohag Faculty of Medicine dominant environment. A large number 2008 to May 2009 were examined for research ethics committee was sought of changes from transient physiological skin problems. Consecutively admitted before the start of the study. Written ap- to grossly pathological lesions are seen newborns over the period of the study proval from the parents of each neonate in the skin of a neonate [1]. The major- were recruited if they were admitted in was taken before the start of the clinical ity of the disorders in the newborn are the first 5 days of life. During the study examination. physiological, transient and self-limited period 708 newborns were admitted. and require no therapy [2]. Worried Of these 108 were excluded, due to age Statistical analysis parents often seek medical advice from at admission above 5 days (n = 66), una- Data management and computations their child’s physician regarding skin vailability of the dermatologist before of descriptive statistics and prevalence lesions. Thus, a working knowledge of reaching 5 days of age (n = 31) or death were performed using SPSS for Win- both normal and abnormal cutaneous before the dermatologist examination dows, version 10. The chi-squared test lesions of the neonate is required to (n = 11). was used to determine the significance determine which skin lesions require of the association between the variables. early intervention. Data collection Also, odds ratios (OR) at 95% confi- Several studies have documented Each neonate was examined daily for dence interval (CI) were calculated to differences in dermatological findings 5 days after birth by the same exam- determine the strength of association. in neonates of various racial groups. iner (R.E. El-D.) who was a consultant There were no missing data. For example, the incidence of dermal dermatologist. Using the International melanosis is more common in black, statistical classification of diseases and re- native American, Asian and Hispanic lated health problems, version 10 (ICD Results populations [3]. Another study showed 10) [5], all dermatological findings were a higher prevalence of birthmarks in the noted, including transient benign le- Of 600 newborns, 240 (40.0%) had 1 Jewish than in the Arab Israeli popula- sions, pustular and vesicular infections, or more skin disorder at birth or that ap- tion [4]. birthmarks (vascular and pigmented le- peared during the first 5 days after birth. sions), common congenital abnormali- In this study in Sohag city in Egypt Description of skin disorders we recorded skin disorders in neonates ties, blistering disorders and other skin Birthmarks represented 100 (16.7%) during the first 5 days after birth. Our conditions. Fungal skin infections were of the skin manifestations in the stud- aim was to prospectively study the rate confirmed by Wood light examination. ied neonates. Pigmented naevi were of skin disorders in a large group of Sex, birth weight and age in hours at the the most common, with mongolian Egyptian newborns, and their relation time of first examination were recorded. spots in 11.7% of neonates, followed by to sex, birth weight, sociodemographic The examiner was blind to the sociode- congenital melanocytic naevi (2.7%). factors and maternal pathophysiologi- mographic, maternal or neonatal factors Vascular naevi included naevus simplex cal variables. We also aimed to compare related to each neonate before or during the findings with other studies from the clinical examination. (1.3%) and naevus flammeus (1.0%) literature among different racial and Relevant history was recorded, espe- (Table 1). ethnic groups. cially age of the mother, occupational, Infections were the next most com- income and educational status, and ru- mon type of skin disorder. Fungal skin ral or urban background of the parents. infections were the most frequently Methods Parity of the mother, history of abortion, observed pathological non-naevus skin maternal illness or maternal smoking disorder; 80 (13.3%) of the examined Sample and setting (passive and active) during pregnancy neonates had either oral moniliasis, This was descriptive prospective cohort and the mode of delivery were noted. fungal infection in the napkin area or study design in the neonatal unit at So- The relationship between the fre- candidal intertrigo. Fungal infection was hag University hospital in Upper Egypt. quency of lesions and various maternal more frequent in NBW (7.8%) This is a tertiary referral unit that serves and neonatal variables was studied. A than in LBW infants (5.5%) (Table 2).

50 املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط املجلد الثامن عرش العدد األول

Table 1 Types of skin disorders found in a sample of Egyptian neonates (n = 600) (90.0% and 62.5% respectively) (Table Skin disorder No. % 2), but neither was related to maternal Pigmented birthmarks age or to maternal smoking. Among Mongolian spots 70 11.7 developmental skin defects congenital Congenital melanocytic naevi 16 2.7 fossae were the most common (4.3%), Vascular birthmarks followed by accessory tragi (3.5%). Naevus simplex (salmon patches) 8 1.3 Among the other types of skin changes, bronze baby syndrome and epider- Naevus flammeus (portwine patches) 6 1.0 molysis bullosa were found in 2.7% and Infections 2.0% respectively of our sample. Fungal 80 13.3 Bacterial 8 1.3 Characteristics of neonates Eczema with skin disorders Contact allergic 24 4.0 Our analysis showed no major differ- Perianal dermatitis (non-infected) 4 0.7 ences in the rate of skin disorders be- Infantile (cradle cap) 24 4.0 tween the sexes: 121 cases were in males Transient non-infective skin diseases (50.4%) and 119 in females (49.6%). rubra (prickly heat) 10 1.7 Skin disorders were found in 151 new- toxicum 8 1.3 borns (62.9%) of multigravida mothers Miliaria pustulosa 7 1.2 and 89 (37.1%) of primigravida moth- Physiological skin changes ers. More than half of mothers (129, Desquamation 80 13.3 53.8%) were in the age group 21–25 Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa (lanugo hair)/ years, 57 (23.8%) were aged ≤ 20 years hirsuitism 74 12.4 old and 54 (22.5%) were aged 26–40 Cutis marmorata 32 5.3 years. Milia 18 3.0 Analysis of the characteristics of Developmental skin defects neonates with infectious skin lesions Congenital fossae (skin dimples) 26 4.3 versus those with non-infectious skin Accessory tragus (skin tags) 21 3.5 lesion are summarized in Table 3. A sig- Other nificant positive association was found Bronze discolouration (after phototherapy) 16 2.7 between infectious skin changes and 12 2.0 normal birth weight of the newborns, Disseminated intravascular coagulation 9 1.5 with low birth weight infants less likely to have skin disorders (OR = 0.3, 95% Thrombophlebitis 7 1.2 CI: 0.2–0.5, P < 0.001). Fungal infec- Purpura fulminans 4 0.7 tions were more frequent in NBW neo- Collodion baby 3 0.5 nates (58.8%) while bacterial infections 1 0.2 were more frequent in LBW (62.5%) (Table 2). No significant association was found between maternal smoking Bacterial infections were found in 1.3% of neonates, cutis marmorata in 5.3% and infectious skin changes in neonates. of neonates and were more common and milia in 3.0%. Among eczematous Mothers living in rural areas were more in LBW (0.8%) than in NBW (0.5%) skin changes had a likely to have newborns with infectious (Table 2). frequency of 4.0% (65% of them were skin lesions (OR = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.6–4.2, Among skin disorders classified as from non-smoker mothers). Contact P < 0.001); 87.5% of neonates with bac- physiological, desquamation was seen dermatitis was more common in LBW terial infections and 66.2% of neonates in 13.3% of neonates and congenital hy- neonates (79.2%) (Table 2). with fungal infections were resident in pertrichosis lanuginosa in 11.7% (57.1% In the category of transient non- rural areas. of them were delivered by normal vagi- infective skin diseases 1.7% of neonates Analysis of the characteristics of nal delivery and 80% of them were from had miliaria rubra and 1.3% erythema neonates with and without birthmarks non-smoking mothers). Infantile sebor- toxicum neonatorum. Both of these are summarized in Table 4. Birthmarks rhoeic dermatitis was found in 4.0% were common in NBW neonates were significantly more common in

51 EMHJ • Vol. 18 No.1 • 2012 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Table 2 Frequency of skin disorders in normal birth weight and low birth weight reported to be 49.7% while in those of neonates Jewish origin the incidence was 50.3% Skin lesion Neonatal birth weight [4]. In India the incidence of birthmarks Normal Low was found to be 69% [7]. No. % No. % Melanocytic (pigmented) birth- Pigmented birthmarks marks were more frequent than vascular Mongolian spots 69 98.6 1 1.4 ones in our study and the most com- Congenital melanocytic naevi 7 43.8 9 56.2 mon pigmented birthmarks were mon- Vascular birthmarks golian spots in 70 neonates, a frequency Naevous simplex (salmon patches) 3 37.5 5 62.5 of 11.7%. The rate of mongolian spots Naevous flammeus (portwine was higher in NBW neonates. Congeni- patches) 5 83.3 1 16.7 tal melanocytic naevi were the second Infections most common pigmented birthmarks Bacterial 3 37.5 5 62.5 with a frequency of 2.7% and their in- Fungal 47 58.8 33 41.2 cidence was higher in LBW neonates. Eczema Vascular birthmarks were less common; Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis naevus simplex (salmon patches) and (cradle cap) 17 70.8 7 29.2 naevus flammeus (portwine patches) Contact allergic dermatitis 5 20.8 19 79.2 were found in 1.3% and 1.0% of neo- Transient non-infective skin diseases nates respectively. Naevus flammeus Miliaria rubra 9 90.0 1 10.0 were common in NBW neonates while Erythema toxicum neonatorum 5 62.5 3 37.5 naevus simplex were common in LBW Physiological changes neonates. No haemangiomas were re- Desquamation 53 66.2 27 33.8 corded in our study. Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa Vascular birthmarks such as naevus (lanugo hair) 41 55.4 33 44.6 flammeus and haemangiomas were the Cutis marmorata 4 12.5 28 87.5 most common birthmarks in German Milia 13 72.2 5 27.8 neonates with a frequency of 37.2% Other [8]. Pigmented birthmarks were also Bronze discolouration 16 100.0 0 0.0 the most frequent skin manifestation Epidermolysis bullosa 4 33.3 8 66.7 in Iranian neonates with a frequency of mongolian blue spots of 71.3%, while salmon patches were less frequent (26.2%) and haemangiomas were the full-term infants with normal birth and from other serious cutaneous least frequent (1.3%) [6]. In Taiwan, weight compared with low birth weight disorders. Several studies report that mongolian blue spots were the most infants (OR = 0.1, 95% CI: 0.07–0.24, P skin changes in neonates are common common birthmarks with a frequency [1,3,4]. For example, the frequency of < 0.001). Mongolian spots and naeveus of 61.6%, followed by salmon patches cutaneous lesions in German neonates fllammeus were more frequent in NBW 27.8%. Haemangiomas and congenital was 59.7% and in Indian neonates was neonates. Congenital melanocytic naevi were found in only 0.2% and 0.6% naevi and naeveus simplex were more 94.8% [6,7]. In our study 40.0% of the of neonates respectively [9]. Similarly, common in LBW (Table 2). Sex did examined neonates had one or more mongolian spots and salmon patches not increase the risk for birthmarks (P skin disorder (excluding jaundice, were the most common birthmarks in = 0.5) but living in a rural area increased cyanosis, and scalp haema- Chinese neonates with a frequency of the risk of birthmarks in newborns (OR toma). 86.3% and 22.6% respectively, while = 2.5, 95% CI: 1.5–3.9, P < 0.001). The rate of birthmarks in our study portwine patch, salmon patches and was only 16.7%. Other studies reported congenital naevi were the least frequent higher rate of birthmarks in neonates. [10]. In Arab and Jewish infants of Asian Discussion In the Islamic Republic of Iran the inci- or African ancestry, melanocytic brown dence of birthmarks varied from 26.2% lesions (mongolian spots and congeni- A critical step in neonatal examination is to 71.3% [6]. In Israeli neonates of Arab tal naevi) were more common, while differentiating normal skin phenomena origin the incidence of birthmarks was congenital naevi were found only in

52 املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط املجلد الثامن عرش العدد األول

Table 3 Comparison of characteristics in neonates with infectious skin lesions versus non-infectious lesions Characteristic Infectious skin lesion OR (95% CI) P-value Yes No (n = 88) (n = 384) No. % No. % Neonatal birth weight Low 38 43.2 280 72.9 – Normal 50 56.8 104 2 7. 1 0.3 (0.2–0.5) < 0.001 Maternal smoking Yes 40 45.5 305 79.4 – No 48 54.5 79 20.6 0.2 (0.1–0.4) < 0.001 Maternal residency Rural 60 68.2 174 45.3 – Urban 28 31.8 210 54.7 2.6 (1.6–4.2) < 0.001

OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.

Jewish infants of European ancestry [4]. [1,2,5–7]. Interestingly, it was more than females and among term babies. Our results suggest that the prevalence common in neonates with NBW than The incidence of skin desquamation of birthmarks in Egyptian neonates is in LBW neonates. Besides, fungal skin in other studies varied from 7.2% to similar to its prevalence reported by oth- infection was related to residence in a 83% [11,12]. These variations may be ers in non-white infants (Arabs, Asians rural area (in 63% of fungal-infected attributed to the fact that the babies in and Africans). neonates the mother resided in a rural other studies were followed up for more Fungal skin infection was the most area), but it had no relationship to ma- than 5 days. frequently observed pathologic non- ternal antibiotic therapy before delivery Congenital hypertrichosis lanugi- naevous neonatal skin disorder in our (in 68.4% of fungal-infected neonates nosa (lanugo hair) was seen in 70 cases study; 80 (13.3%) of the examined the mother did not receive antibiotics (11.7%), a finding that is comparable to neonates had either oral moniliasis, before delivery). the incidence in other studies [8,9,11]. fungal infection in the napkin area or Physiological skin changes were also Predictably, a high percentage of them candidal intertrigo. The incidence of among the more frequent skin manifes- were preterm (59%) infants. Lanugo fungal skin infection in our study was tations in our studied neonates, with hair was also common in normal vaginal greater than that observed in other skin desquamation the most common deliveries and was not related to mater- studies where it ranged from 2% to 7% (13.3%). It was more common in males nal smoking.

Table 4 Comparison of characteristics in neonates with birthmarks (pigmented and vascular) versus non-birthmark skin lesions Characteristic Birthmarks OR (95% CI) P-value Yes No (n = 100) (n = 498) No. % No. % Neonatal birth weight Low 16 16.0 290 58.2 – Normal 84 84.0 208 41.8 0.1 (0.07–0.24) < 0.001 Sex Male 54 54.0 287 57.6 – Female 46 46.0 211 42.4 0.9 (0.6–1.3) 0.5 Maternal residency Rural 70 70.0 243 48.8 – Urban 30 30.0 255 51.2 2.5 (1.5–3.9) < 0.001

OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.

53 EMHJ • Vol. 18 No.1 • 2012 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis (cra- Developmental skin defects were the most common non-birthmark skin dle cap) was seen in 24 cases (4.0%) in common in our study. Congenital fos- change in non-white Asian neonates our study. In Germany it was 8.2 % [8], sae (skin dimples) was the most com- but was the least frequent in European in Italy 10.7% [11] and in Taiwan it was mon with a frequency of 4.3%, followed (German) neonates [6,8]. Our results 6.1% [9]. This low incidence, as com- by accessory tragi (skin tags) with a fre- support these racial variations as the pared with other studies, may be due to quency of 3.5%. This incidence is differ- frequencies of birthmarks, transient small sample size in our study [8,9,11]. ent from other studies where there was a skin lesions, and developmental de- Its incidence was low in LBW neonates. lower incidence of skin tragi (1.3%) [8] fects reported in our Egyptian neo- Cutis marmorata was seen in 32 and higher incidence of hirsutism [7]. nates were lower than those reported cases (5.3%) in our study and most of Transient non-infective skin dis- in other studies. the cases were of LBW. This incidence eases were uncommon in our study. was comparable to that reported in The most frequent was miliaria rubra other studies [6,9,13]. with a frequency of 1.7%, followed by Conclusions Milia was seen in 18 neonates erythema toxicum neonatorum with Skin changes in this sample of Egyptian (3.0%) in this study. It was common a frequency of 1.3%. These showed no neonates differ from the results of stud- in term babies and had no relation to relation to maternal factors but they ies in other races, with a higher rate of maternal factors. This rate was lower were common in full term neonates and fungal infection and lower rate of birth- than reported in India (8.3%) [13], the in neonates with birth weight > 2500 marks. Most skin lesions in the newborn Islamic Republic of Iran (6.2%) [6] and g. This incidence was lower than other are innocent and transient and need to Taiwan (4.5%) [9]. studies where the incidence of erythema be differentiated from more serious skin toxicum neonatorum varied between Eczematous skin eruption was com- conditions in order to avoid unneces- 11.1% and 33.7% and miliaria rubra be- mon in our study, with a frequency of sary therapy to neonates and to reassure tween 1.3% and 20.6% [7,8,11]. These contact dermatitis of 4.0%. This was parents about the good prognosis of variations in incidence may be related more common in LBW neonates and these skin manifestations. was related to maternal passive smoking. to racial differences as these disorders Bronze baby syndrome and epi- are common in Asian races but not in dermolysis bullosa were also relatively Caucasian or Arab races [2]. Acknowledgements common in our sample with a frequen- Previous studies found racial vari- cy of 2.7% and 2.0% respectively. This ations in skin changes in newborns. This work was presented as a poster in incidence was comparable to that re- Salmon patches and mongolian spots the 50th meeting of the European So- ported in other studies [12,14,15]. In were the most common birthmarks in ciety of Paediatric Research on 9–12 our study all bronze baby syndrome non-white Asian and Arab neonates October 2009 in Hamburg, Germany cases had birth weight > 2500 g while while congenital naevi were common and was published as an abstract in most epidermolysis bullosa cases were in white and European neonates [6,8– Acta Paediatrica, 2009, 98(Suppl. in LBW neonates. 10]. Similarly, erythema toxicum was 460):69.


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