V.I. SUBRAMONIAM COMMEMORATION VOLUMES Vol. I: Studies on Dravidian - Crown ¼, pp. xx + 515, Rs. 1,280/- (US$ 110/-) Vol. II: Studies on Indian Languages and Cultures – Crown ¼, pp. xx + 458, Rs. 1,150/- (US$ 105/-) Phonetics and its Application to Different Areas - Demy 1/8, pp. 160, Rs. 200/ - (US$ 15/ -) IJDL Vol. 4 4 No. 2 Vol 40 No. 7 Website www.ijdl.org Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] JULY 2016


th ICDL -2016 & 44 AICDL CONTENTS A BRIEF REPORT ICDL-2016 & 44 th AICDL: A Brief Report 1 th 45 AICDL at University of Delhi 1 The Centre for Applied Linguistics and Remembering Prof. VIS 3 th Translation Studies (CALTS), University of 44 AICDL – The Award Winners 4 Hyderabadjksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk organized dfjk sdfjkdjfk a three-daydfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk International On DLA News 4 dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk Discovery of an Ancient Inscription 4 sdfjksdjlfkConference dfjk sdfjkdjfk on dfjkdfjk Dravidian dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk Linguistics dfjkdjfk - 2016 dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk on Kapalikas th sdfjkdjfk(ICDL-2016) dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk & dfjkjkdjfk 44 dfjkdjfk All India dfjkdkkd dkkdk Conference of Last Date extended 5 dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk Dravidian Linguists (44 th AICDL) at the University Contractual Faculties in Linguistics 5 dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana in in CUK Dr. Gurpartap Singh is no more 5 collaborationjksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk with dfjk sdfjkdjfk the dfjkdfjk Dravidian dfjkdjfk Linguistics Study Linguistics at UCB, USA 5 Associationdfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd (DLA) dkkdk & thedfkdfkdf International jksdfjksdfjlk School sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk and Sri from 5 of Dravidian dfjkdkkdLinguistics dkkdk (ISDL)dfkdfk - Thiruvananthapur am a Historical Perspective df jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk Additions to ISDL Library 6 dfjkjkdjfkand the dfjkdjfk Central dfjkdkkd Institute dkkdk dfkdfkdf of Indian jksdfjksdfjlk Languages sdfjksdjlfk(CIIL) dfjk- Mysore sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk from dfjkdjfk 16 th dfjkjkdjfkto 18 th dfjkdjfk June 2016. New Life-Members 6 d fdkjdkjkjdkfjfkjkfjdkjflk dlkfjdkdf lkdfjkdlfjdfkjdkfljdkfljdfkldjfkldfj ddfjkdlfjdfjkdjdkfjkdfjdfjkdfjjdfkjdfkjdfkdjfkfjdkfjdkfjTH jksdfjksdfjlk 45 sdfjksdjlfk AICDL dfjk sdfjkdjfk AT dfjkdfjk THE dfjkdjfk UNIVERSITY OF DELHI dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjkThe sdfjkdjfk 45 thdfjkdfjk All dfjkdjfk India dfjkjkdjfk Conference dfjkdjfk of Dravidian Linguists will be dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfkhosted dfjkdfjk bydfjkdjfk the dfjkjkdjfk Department dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd ofdkkdk Linguistics, University of Delhi as an dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfkinternational dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk conference dfjkdkkd dkkdk in dfkdfkdf June 2017. Prof. Ramesh Chand Sharma, jksdfjksdfjlkHead, sdfjksdjlfkDepartment dfjk sdfjkdjfk of Linguistics dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk and Co-ordinator, Centre for Advanced dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfkStudy dfjk sdfjkdjfk in Linguistics dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk expressed dfjkdjfk his willingness to host it by his dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk th sdfjkdjfkDepartment dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk and dfjkjkdjfk it wasdfjkdjfk officially dfjkdkkd dkkdk announced at the 44 AICDL held at the dfkdfkdfUniversity jksdfjksdfjlk of sdfjksdjlfk Hyderabad. dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk Adfjk total sdfjkdjfk number dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk of 104 dfjkjkdjfk papers, dfjkdjfk which included three endowment lectures dfjkdkkdand nine dkkdk plenary dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlktalks, were sdfjksdjlfk presented dfjk in the course of these three days. The sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdfsubjects covered in the papers ranged from Linguistic Archaeology to Ethno Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Psycho Linguistics, Historical Linguistics,

Computational Linguistics etc. Please buy and recommend the publications of DLA and ISDL to others. DLA and ISDL publications are now available at special discount. 1 sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk Website: www.ijdl.org dfkdfkdfDLA News jksdfjksdfjlk Vol. 40 July sdfjksdjlfk 2016 dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf j ksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk 4343 The first day of the conference Prof. G. Umamaheswar Rao in his introduction to the conference (16.6.2016) began with the inaugural session. Dr. K. Rajyarama welcomed the credits Francis Whyte Ellis, a Civil Officer from Fort St. George, Madras Chair and other guests to the session which was chaired by Prof. Mohanty - for conceptualizing the radical notion Dean, School of Humanities, University ‘Dravidian’ which was published in

of Hyderabad. Prof. Podile Apparao, Alexander Duncan Campbell's Telugu Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad Grammar (1816) as a "Note to Introduction". This according to Umamaheswar Rao was the chief guest of the inaugural session. The program began with the should be treated as a turning point in the history of the Indian Sub- lighting of the lamp followed by the continent on two aspects: release of the Souvenir of the conference.

Then the prizes and awards sponsored i. It provided totally an independent by the DLA and ISDL, Thiruvananthapuram and fresh canvas to describe the

were distributed. South Indian languages of India as a distinct linguistic group paving the Prof. K. Rangan - President, DLA, way for a future socio-cultural Shri. R. Balakrishnan IAS - Additional resuscitation. Chief Secretary, Government of Odisha, ii. It also provided a theoretical base Prof. G. Umamaheswar Rao - Coordinator for the division of indigenous voc- of the conference, Prof. G.K. Panikkar, abulary in the descriptions of the Hon. Director, ISDL and Dr. L. Ramamoorthy, languages of India viz., tatsama , CIIL, Mysore participated in the inaugural tadbhava , desya , gramya and anya- session. desya . The Vice Chancellor Prof. Podile The concept of Dravidian had Apparao, in his inaugural address, mentioned the fact that bees and since then become the single most

animals too communicate by means of used and favoured ethnonym in the construction of Modern India. It had language which is quite distinct from continued to nurture a whole lot of the complex human language. He ideas, social groupings, cultural compared the evolution of human centres and political organizations in languages to the evolution of biological . He also stated that the entities like plants and animals and also year 2016 marks the successful felt that the genetic relations between completion of 200 years of research languages are similar to those of in Comparative Dravidian Linguistics, biological sciences. He also attributed involving scores of celebrated linguists the multilingual capabilities of speakers across the continents and opined

to the presence of certain chromosomes. that it is this concept that has modelled He lauded CALTS for its various projects the most significant perception of

and academic outreach. Dravidian India to the outside world. of Latest Publications: V.I. SUBRAMONIAM COMMEMORATION VOLUMES I & II , G.K. Panikkar, B. Ramakrishna Reddy, K. Rangan & B.B. Rajapurohit (Eds.), 2015, HB, Crown ¼: Vol. I: Studies on Dravidian , pp. xx + 515. Rs. 1,280/- (US$ 110/-); Vol. II: Studies on Indian Languages and Cultures , pp. xx + 458. Rs. 1,150/- (US$ 105/-). 2

Website: www.ijdl.org

DLA News Vol. 40 July 2016 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

It is in this context that CALTS, DLA & REMEMBERING PROF. VIS

ISDL, and CIIL came together to organize The seventh death anniversary of the national and international events. Prof. V.I. Subramoniam was observed with With this brief note, Prof. G. Umamaheswar veneration on 29 th June 2016 at V.I. Subramoniam Rao set the tone for the conference. Memorial ISDL Complex, Menamkulam. Prof. Rangan, President, DLA in Prof. G.K. Panikkar - Hon. Director, International his Presidential address thanked DLA School of Dravidian Linguistics, Prof. K. Retnamma – President, Dravidian Linguistics Association, members for electing him as President research fellows and office staff of the ISDL for 2015-2016. He delivered a lecture and DLA offered floral tributes at the Smrithi entitled A Typological Comparison of Mandapam . Thereafter, a meeting was held PNG System in Dravidian Tribal Lan- under the Chairmanship of Prof. G.K. Panikkar guages of Tamil Nadu: A Pilot Study . He who was closely associated with Prof. VIS for highlighted the need for such a comparison decades. He spoke at length on the academic and presented an in-depth study of the acumen of the Professor who made invaluable PNG system in Dravidian tribal languages contributions to Linguistics, especially to Dravidian of Tamil Nadu. studies. He was the first Head and Professor of the Department of Linguistics, University of Kerala. After the Presidential address, He pointed out that as a builder of institutions, Prof. G.K. Panikkar portrayed the formation Prof. VIS was unparalleled as is evident from and development of the DLA, ISDL and the associations and institutions like the IJDL from a historical perspective. He Dravidian Linguistics Association, the International also presented the functions of these School of Dravidian Linguistics and the International organizations and their present-day Journal of Dravidian Linguistics . He was also the soul behind the establishment of the Tamil relevance. He appealed to all linguists in India and abroad to do their best to University, Thanjavur and the Dravidian University, strengthen the Dravidian Linguistics Kuppam. Prof. K. Retnamma who was also closely associated with Professor VIS for a long Association and International School of Dravidian Linguistics. period recalled his personal traits like dedication, punctuality and passion for academic research Dr. Ramamoorthy spoke on the for revealing the unknown and unexplored activities of CIIL, Mysore. He reported features of languages. She stated that he was that CIIL is involved in documenting her mentor and also remembered with nearly 570 minor languages which are gratitude how he inspired her to concentrate on the verge of extinction and face the on Linguistics which was then for her a hard nut to crack. Mr. Mano, Research Fellow, recollected threat of endangerment. He also stated that the Bharata Vani project launched his first meeting with Prof. VIS who was then the Vice-Chancellor of Tamil University. by CIIL was involved in digitalizing a Prof. V.I. Subramoniam’s earnest desire to number of Indian languages. provide facilities for further studies on Dravidian [to be continued] culminated in the formation of the Dravidian K. Rajyarama University at Kuppam and he became its

Recent Publications: Studies on Bangla and Dravidian , Syam ala Sasidharan, Sourav Chakraborty & G.K. Panikkar (Eds.), 2014, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 208, Rs. 220/- (US$ 20/-). Tulu: An Intensive Course , M. , 2013, PB, Crown ¼, pp. 12 + 132, Rs. 200/- (US$ 20/-). Bangla Basic Vocabulary , Tapas Kayal & Dhrubajyoti Das, 2014, PB, Demy 1/8, Pp. xvi + 128, Rs. 150/- (US$ 15/-).


Website: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 40 July 2016 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

given on Linguistics -related news items and art icles. Pro-Chancellor. Reminiscing the good old days she spent with the Professor at ISDL, Bindu, the For fulfilling this, active co-operation and Librarian, talked about his amiable qualities. He had involvement are required from the Heads of the Departments of Linguistics, members of the a great vision which prompted youngsters to do faculty and researchers. It can be achieved only research in Linguistics and allied disciplines. He was through their initiatives. Hence, we request all a strict disciplinarian and a guiding spirit for the staff the Heads of the Departments of Linguistics in and researchers of ISDL. At the end, two minutes various universities, faculty members and students, silence was observed. both in India and abroad, to send brief write-ups

on the academic activities such as seminars, ththth 444444 AICDL ––– THE AWARD WINNERS workshops and conferences so that scholars will be benefitted by them. Vacancies of faculty members Prof. Susheela P. Upadhyaya Award in the Departments of Linguistics and the posts of Dhrubajyoti Das Research Fellows may also be sent for publication.

Mrs. S.M. Katre MMemorialemorial Prize The newsletter functions as a platform for young Ojaswee Bhalla linguists to reveal their innovative ideas and

discoveries and thus we publish small articles Dr. Hermann Gundert Endowment Award also. Hence, once again we request all Heads of A. Parimalagantham & A. Boologarambai the Departments of Linguistics to cooperate with Award for the Best Paper in the Conference us by passing on to us relevant information so as

Soumya P.N. to publish them in the DLA News . It is beneficial

Shri. C. Achutha Menon Prize not only to students and researchers but also to the concerned departments. The newsletter will Y. Viswanatha Naidu then be more academically oriented and be a

valuable monthly publication from which an overall ON DLA NEWS picture can be obtained about the academic events relating to Linguistics in India and abroad. The wholehearted cooperation of all concerned is We are extremely happy to inform you that the DLA News , a monthly published by the Dravidian solicited in this regard. Linguistics Association, has reasonably wide circulation both in India and abroad. Every month we post DISCOVERY OF AN ANCIENT INSCRIPTION OOONON KAPALIKAS about 1400 copies of it in India and also send it to 800 persons through e-mail. Besides, many access it An inscription that sheds light on the presence of Kapalikas in South India, particularly through our website www.ijdl.org . It is customary for us to publish write-ups on academic activities, in Karnataka, has been discovered in Raichur research findings and such other news related to district by a professor of Kannada University,

Linguistics, languages and cultures. Many queries Hampi. They were a mysterious cult who might have practiced human sacrifice and immolation. are received regarding the news we publish in the Based on the nature of the script which is in newsletter even from foreign countries. ancient Kannada, it is presumed to be of mid- The Managing Committee of the Dravidian 1000 A..D. Prof. Kalaveer Manvachar, Head, Department Linguistics Association at its meeting held at Centre of Epigraphy said that the finding is significant as

for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, there is no other information about Kapalikas in

University of Hyderabad on 17 th June 2016 opined any literature except . that in the DLA News , more emphasis needs to be religious images would empower women and Courtesy : The Hindu 27.6.2016 given given more on Linguistics -related news items create a more balanced and humane society. The Recent Publications: The Morphosyntax of the Dravidian Languages , P.S. Subrahmanyam, 2013, HB, Demy 1/8, pp. xxx + 687, Rs. 1,000/- (US$ 100/-). A Survey of Smriti Literature , N.P. Unni, 2013, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 8 + 164, Rs. 200/- (US$ 20/-).


Website: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 40 July 2016 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] district by a prof essor of Kannada University, STUDY LINGUISTICS AT UCB, USA Hampi.LAST They were DATE a mysterious EXTENDED cult who might Information about the undergraduate and have practiced human sacrifice and immolation. graduate degree programmes of the Department of Based on theThe nature last of the date script for which applying is in ancie fornt Linguistics, University of California – Berkeley and Kannada,the post it is ofpresumed Junior toand be Seniorfrom mid-1000 Research A.D. admission requirements can be found at http: Prof.Fellows Kalaveer in Manvachar, the International Head, Department School of of //linguistics.berkeley.edu/applying-graduate-program . EpigraphyDravidian said Linguistics, that the finding Thiruvananthapuram is significant as ththth thereis extended is no other to information 252525 July about2016 Kapalikas. in any literature except Sanskrit. RAMESWARAM AND

CONTRACTUAL FACULTIES IN from LINGUISTICS IN CUK A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE (Continued from the last issue) The Central University of Karnataka has called for two contractual faculties in Linguistics. For details, Pancha Ishwaram Locations in Sri Lanka please visit the website http://www.cuk.ac.in/ . One pillar from the great pagoda still stands Basavaraja Kodagunti on top of Swami Rock, which is also called ‘Lover’s Leap’ or ‘’s Cleft’. The significance of this DR. GURPARTAP SINGH IS NO MORE DR. GURPARTAP SINGH IS NO MORE temple is that it is dedicated to Ravana. The temple Dr. Gurpartap Singh , Professor at has a 10-headed image and there is also a statue of Ravana, facing the land, worshipping . A huge Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar and a life- statue of Shiva is also there in a sitting posture, as member of the Dravidian Linguistics Association nd Ravana was a worshipper and a great devotee of passed away on 22 June 2016. He had just Shiva. returned to his native place on 20 th June after th The Tanavaram temple complex is in Matara, attending the 44 All India Conference of near Galle, and was designed in Kerala and built in

Dravidian Linguists at CALTS, Hyderabad. He Pallava style. The central shrine is dedicated to was regularly attending the DLA conferences . The other shrines include the ones for for the past several years along with his Guru, , Murugan, Kannagi and Shiva. This shrine is Prof. Bhupinder Singh Khaira, a retired Professor venerated as the southernmost of the five Ishwaram -s. of Linguistics, Punjabi University, Patiala. Our The principal deity was known as Chandra Moul deepest condolences to his bereaved family. Eswaram i.e., “Lord Shiva wearing the moon”, and was popularly called Tondeeswaram.

Munneswaram temple has been in existence COMMENTS ON V.I. SUBRAMONIAM from 1000 CE. This temple complex dedicated to COMMEMORATION VOLUMES Shiva is a collection of five temples, including a “My paper appears to be completely free of typos, including Buddhist temple. All these are located in Puttalam

tytytypographicallyty pographically challenging data from Avar, some citacitationstions district in Munneswaram village on the West Coast. It is said that Lord Rama worshipped Shiva here after in French and references in Cyrillic to Russian publications. Congratulations!” his victorious war against Ravana, King of Sri Lanka. Peter Edwin Hook The place is also a centre for the cult. The blending of and Buddhism in Sri Lanka “Very much appreciable. The two volumes are compiled in an The blending of Hinduism and Buddhism in Sri Lanka academic manner and the research articles aarere valuablevaluable for According to Insight Guides Sri Lanka , the scholars.” “Buddha himself cannot be properly worshipped in Subathini Ramesh Buddhism; he is regarded as an enlightened a

Recent Publications: The Contribution of Melputt ūr N ārāya Ga Bha  atiri to Sanskrit Literature with Special Reference to

Vy ākara Ga, P. Visalakshy, 2013, Crown ¼, pp. 428, Rs. 900/- (US$ 81/-). A Contrastive Analysis of the Phonological

Systems of Bengali and Malayalam Studies on Bangla from a , Dhrubajyoti Das, 2014, pp. xii + 140, Rs. 220/- (US$ 20/-). Broader Perspective , G.K. Panikkar, Syamala Sasidharan & Sourav Chakraborty (Eds.), 2015, pp. 216. Rs. 230/- (US$ 23/-). 5

Registration No. KL/TV(N)/116/2015-2017 Date of Publication 15.7.2016 V.I. Subramoniam Memorial ISDL Complex St. Xavier’s College P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695 586

Tel. 0471-2704953, 2704951, 2704282 Price Rs. 5/- Fax 0471-2704953 x RNI 29572 Web site: www.ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 40 July 2016 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

man, not as a deity. But every temple has certain objects 2. R. Sugumari Rajam (Membership No. 1261/2016 ) of worship to remind the devotee of the Dharma” and EF (4A) 306, Gardens, Pattom, Thiruvanan- goes on to say “The best known devalas are those at thapuram, Kerala Katargama and at Kandy: the most popular deities are 3. Ramesh Chandra Pradhani (Membership No. 1262/2016 ) Vishnu, Katargama, and Natha” and “Vishnu is Asst. Professor of English, P.S.Degree College, Deogaon regarded as the protector of Buddhist religion in the District, Balangir – 767 029, Odisha island of Sri Lanka” and “He is traditionally considered 4. D. Srikanth KumarDLA News Endowment (Membership Fund No. 1263/2016 ) to have visited earth in 10 different incarnations – 05.08.15SPPEL, Dr. Central Naduvattom Institute Gopalakrishnan of Indian Languages, Rs. 20.00 Manas a-

gangotri,TOTAL Hansur ASRoad, OF MysoreLAST MONTH – 570 006, Rs. Karnataka 1,88,036.00 among them – as the prince Rama, hero of the classic 5. Dr. Biswajit Das (Membership No. 1264/2016 ) epic, the Gautama Buddha, who is said to CURRENT TOTAL Rs. 1,88,056.00 have corrupted the demons, and as ever-popular J.B. Road, Kolongpar, Amolapatty, Nagaon, Assam – 782 001 Krishna, the central figure of the Bhagavad-Gita scripture”. 6. Dr. Sampath Kumar (Membership No. 1265/2016 ) th rd [To be continued] G6, “Matrushree”, 24 Main, B Block, 3 Stage, Vijayanagar, Mysore – 570 030 K.V.S. Krishna 7. Dr. Govinda Chandra Penthoi (Membership No. 1266/2016 ) “Vanibhavan”, Chhayapath Lane, Nayagarh District, Odisha – ADDITIONS TO ISDL LIBRARY 752 069

(Continued from the last issue) 8. Sonal Kulkarni Joshi (Membership No. 1267/2016 )

Donated by Prof. M. Dakshinamurthy B6, Poorva Apartment, Plots 30 & 31, Chintamani Nagar, Sahakarnagar-2, Pune – 411 009, Maharashtra 31. Ilanthai S. Ramasamy, 2007, Alexander Graham Bell, 9. C. Bhargavi (Membership No. 1268/2016 ) Prodigy . 2-101/A, Cherlopalli, Thirupathi, Chittoor District – 517 505, 32. Marudhan, 2007, Lenin, Prodigy . Andhra Pradesh 33. Chokkan, N., 2007, Bill Gates, Prodigy . 10. J. Mayuri Dilip (Membership No. 1269/2016 ) 34. Muthukumar, R., 2007, Vivekananda, Prodigy . Ph.D. Scholar - Linguistics, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT-Madras, Adayar, Chennai – 600 036, 35. Sally Wehmeier, 2000, Oxford Advanced Learners Tamil Nadu Dictionary , Oxford University Press. 11. Praveen Gatla (Membership No. 1270/2016 )

36. Sivadas, P.K., 1998, Malayalam English Malayalam Asst. Professor, Department of Linguistics, Abhinav Bhavan,

Reverse Dictionary , Pen Books. Faculty of Arts, Banaras Hindu University, , Uttar Pradesh, India 37. Ramalingam Pillai, T., 2002, English English Malayalam Dictionary , D.C.Contribution Books. to DLA NEWS ENDOWMENT FUND Contribution to 38. Mardrus, J.C., 1987, The Arabian Nights , Projapati. 01.01.16 Dr. Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan Rs. 50.00 Prof. V.I. Subramoniam Endowment Fund 39. Dakshinamurthy, M., Malayalam Malayalam English TOTAL AS OF LAST MONTH Rs. 1,88,056.00 16.06.16 Sri. R. Balakrishnan Rs. 3,000.00 Dictionary Prof. V. Prakasam Rs. 3,000.00 CURRENT. Meridian TOTAL Books. Rs. 1,88,106.00 40. Dakshinamurthy, M., 1989, Common Errors in English , TOTAL AS OF LAST MONTH Rs. 4,44,146.00 CURRENT TOTAL Rs. 4,50,146.00 Meridian Books. (including FD)

NEW ENROLMENT FOR LIFE-MEMBERSHIP DLA News Endowment Fund (June 2016) 05.07.16 Dr. B.B. Rajapurohit Rs. 3,000.00

1. Dr. K. Suryanarayana (Membership No. 1260/2016 ) TOTAL AS OF LAST MONTH Rs. 1,88,156.00 Professor, Department of Research & Publications, R.S. Vidhya- CURRENT TOTAL Rs. 1, 91 ,156.00 peetha, Thirupat hi, Andhra Pradesh

Printed, published and edited by Naduvattom Gopala krishnan, Secretary, DLA on behalf of the Dravidian Linguistics Association. Assistant Editor K.N. Geethakumari (ISDL). Pageset by Harikumar Basi (ISDL). Printed at Solar Offset Printers Private Limited, Manvila, Thiruvananthapuram. Published at International School of Dravidian Linguistics, V.I. Subramoniam Memorial ISDL Complex, St. Xavier’s College P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695 586, Kerala, India. 6