Computation of Sensitivity Measures Jack
COMPUTATION OF SENSITIVITY MEASURES By JACK HAMMOND PRIDGEN /I Eachelor of Science Southe:rn Methodist University Dalle.s, Texas 196.3 Master of Science Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 1965 Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May, 1970 T~0\~ I c\~c_:, 3) ? q '-\ •'\c.. ,;. ti ~,,/' ,'j· ,l :-3"' I" / ,fl' }. :,!',/. ../ (.~·~ COMPUTATION OF SENSITIVITY MEASURES'"<, .. The~is Approved: ,;{; ~L,<JZ of: (?nn:,,,,;~. ~ t41<7M1"/ d~ T . ? ..,._....,...._ _.._D_e"'"an...._o_f_....,t"""h""'e"""G..:;:r~a"'"'a""'u-a-t-e-C-o-l-l-e-g"""e----Q, £4:1<4-- ..... ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr. A. M. Breipohl and Dr. c. M. Bacon who served as thesis advisers for their interest, assistance, ~riticism, and encouragement during the course of this study. The time and effort expended by the other members of my graduate committee, Professors H. T. Fristoe, R. L. Cummins, and Jeanne L. Agnew, is also appreciated. Dr. W. A. Blackwell and Dr. L0 L. Grigsby assisted early in the study before leaving Oklahoma State University. Dr. J.M. Walden also graciously supplied his computer program listing and trial problems. I am very grateful for the financial assistance which I haver~ ceived during my graduate studies. Sandia Corporation has provided partial su~port for tqe research perfonned here, and the Departm~nt of Health, Education, and Welfare provided a three-year graduate fellowship. In addition, I offer my thanks to Miss Velda Davis (with the capa ble assistance of her colleague, Mrs.
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