SGA Treasurer Candidate: Peyton Mceylea 05
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¦ ¦ * _^__ Katlyn Shagory / Alexandra Humphreys Steven Bogden / Chris Johnson ¦ ^ ¦ -¦—¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦j i.. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i i.i - ¦¦'.. ¦¦¦ > « ¦ - '¦t t"~- _ i i -... »¦¦ ... i u ij . .. ¦ i h— « _ . - ' " '¦ " " r iui»t;u i _i i i i ',- __, > . —t— .i^mumauwmu.—7—n - ¦ ¦ ¦ ,AX. r..:y. .' . • '_ ., Elections are. March 15, with different communities of people. Safety and Security: Colby College is a great school that and Culture." Considering that over speech, which both of us have partici- you know who you are voting for? Throughout her years at Colby, she We are looking into the various has a lot going for it. With an incredi- two-thirds of the student body partic- pated in consistently throughout our Our names will be the only ones on the has been involved in giving back to issues that have arisen on campus ble faculty, top-notch facilities and a ipates in athletics, this is a particular- time here, we feel that SGA has an ballot but our platform gives you more the community of Waterville by par- regarding safety. While there is no beautiful backdrop, Colby is a place ly grave omission. As athletes, we are opportunity to use some of its discre- great reasons to vote for us. Since we ticipating in the Colby • Volunteer immediate solution, we acknowledge that anyone should feel proud to call both , concerned with what are per- tionary funding to promote meaning- are the only candidates running, please Center—CVC and Rotaract. She that fear on. campus is very real. We home—as we both are. We are gen- ceived to be major discrepancies fid dialogue and debate in a variety of let us know if there are any issues or hopes to provide SGA with creative would like to improve the safety envi- uinely devoted to this campus, and it is involving athletes in the room draw creative, interesting and thought pro- concerns you think we should include and new ideas. ronment in residence halls and in because of this that we have undertak- process. Another concern of athletes voking ways. We have experience in or address in our platform. We are very interested in combin- parking lots. We will work with secu- en our campaign for SGA President is the ban on off-season practices, organizing these types of events as First off, Katie is a responsible and ing our diverse experiences at Colby, rity to make students better informed and Vice-President. Our platform— which was implemented unilaterally members of the George E. Murray experienced leader. She is currently and using them to represent the broad about rules and regulations on cam- and our purpose—is before all other by the administration without con- Debate Society. The mark of a healthy the HR in Grossman. In past years, interests of the student body. Through pus, as well as Maine's laws regarding things built to ensure that Colby sulting with students. If elected, we community is one that can hold oppos- Katie served on the Student our experiences abroad we developed drugs and alcohol. College remains a close-knit commu- pledge to use SGA as a megaphone to ing views without deconstructing, and Programming Board—SPB, and on a deeper appreciation for multicultur- nity. If elected, we pledge to do all we voice these and others athletic issues we want to continue to challenge the Presidents' Council—SGA. alism and diversity and hope to bring SGA: can to keep up the spirit of a united directly to President Adams and the students at Colby to be as intellectual While serving on the Healthcare those experiences to SGA. The fol- We will improve accountability on student body and to work tirelessly to Board of Trustees. Neither of us shy and engaged as they can be by looking Advisory Committee, Katie worked lowing are the ideas we have been Presidents' Council by holding Hall bring Colby students closer together. from these types of debates, and are at different topics from different per- hard to keep the Health Center open discussing and plan to implement Presidents more responsible for their There is a proud athletic tradition quite confident that the Board of spectives as much as possible. 24/7 and hopes to have a stronger next year: positions by having routine evalua- at Colby, as well as many recent trustees would be sympathetic to We have all been inspired by the voice in the upcoming year on this tions and taking them seriously. We achievements—none greater than these viewpoints if they were allowed recent effort of over 1, 100 students to issue. Through Katie's various posi- Health Center: would like to make Presidents' those of the Women's Crew team. to hear them. join together in support of Lydia and tions on campus she has gained valu- Keeping the Health Center open Council more accessible to the student Yet, for all the success stories, Colby We would oversee an expansion of Alden, the Women's Health Practitioner able experiences working with the without compromising any of the cur- body by having an online forum that athletes find themselves under attack SGA's role in bringing speakers to and Alcohol Counselor. Yet, the issue Deans and feels confident rcpresent- rent services is one of the most has polls on the agenda for the week from an administration that is both Colby and in organizing forums for never should have come to "over- ing her pecrs. , . 77 important issues to us. We will do and having a comment section. unsympathetic and at times seeming- discussion of particular topical issues. whelming student dissent." Like the ban Alex Humphreys, on the other everything in our power to make sure Concerns and issues will be brought ly hostile toward sports at Colby, For In light of the success of recent events on off-season practices, the administra- hand, has had very different experi- that the Health Center remains open forth by a strong student voice to the example, in the Strategic Plan that like Andrew Sullivan 's presentation tion attempted to enact a policy that ences at Colby. Being abroad in nnd provides full service. Wc also administration. can be accessed off the Colby web on gay marriage, which Steve more impacted student's lives without even Salamanca as a Fcb-Frcsh and at CBB support the " counseling services and page, there is no mention of athletics than anyone at Colby was responsible bothering to consult with the students. Cnpe Town this pnst fall, she has will encourage people to sock out in the section entitled "Strategic for, and student-led forums on issues acquired the experience of working their advice. Continued on Page 2 Initiatives: Enriching Student Life ranging from the war in Iraq to hate Continued on Page 2 4 INSIDE SGA Treasurer Candidate: Peyton McEylea 05 Friends, classmates, teammates—I enmpus, I feel as though wc are not write seeking your support in my bid to be moving swiftly chough. The incorpo- your SGA Treasurer next year. I approach ration of outside consultants lost fall to my senior year at Colby nnd remember analyze internal security measures is fondly tlie spenkcrs, games, debates, nnd an invaluable decision, but it should dances that have immeasurably shaped not delay sensible, sometimes obvious ' y ¦ ' PAGE'4 . 7' PAGE 5 Y PAGE S my experience beyond the classroom, I changes that can be ndvocntcd nnd now ask you to charge mo with the cre- funded by SGA immediately. Such ation of similar experiences next yenr for changes in my mind include placing Class Rep Candidates Gay Marriage ourselves and a new incoming class. security, cameras in enmpus parking j Platforms for students running Students debate pros nnd cons The job bf SGA Treasurer can be lots and increasing the number of as class ropresentatives. pace 3 of gay marriage. pams i» ' defined simply enough ns the duty to lights both there nnd on (ho dark walk oversee the allocation of senrce across the field from the nthletic cen- Dialogue Housing "The Passloti of Christ" resources between many competing ter. As SGA Treasurer, I will introduce motions thnt immediate- Trustee Working Group dis- Stern reviews the controversial interests within the College. While the and prioritize the job itself ly make the College safer. ; cusses academic dorms, pace 4 movie. paob ' definition mny bo simple, o is not. It demnnds experience, lender- Around enmpus I hoar n lot of peo- ship nnd commitment. As I look at tho ple saying, "remember when Colby dispersion of SGA resources nnd wns fun?" Colby wns not only more directives around campus I see four fun bnck when I wns n first-year, but mm vm : '/ ' $mummwm.ww\w*W *»mwmmmim *MmmnMamvwmmvmmmmmmv ^ w—iiih miw i mM t mmammm nrens in which SGA can piny n lnrgcr safer ns well. 1 remember those week- ^ ' /Editorial..i..............., .5 , Wine Rnvim,...,,,,.., • rolo—safety, socinl life, discourse and ends when n Colby ID nnd n smile got the reception of prodigious spenkcrs you a black X on your hnnd, n Solo : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' throughout tho yenr, cup nnd n safe night on enmpus. So 7 ' ' ¦ '[ ¦ ¦ ¦ '. !' ; ' ¦ ' .¦ • ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' '¦ ¦' :¦}' ¦' v ' ' ¦ Y' ;. ( ly, 7, YY. , . ' ,, ; ,. Y77 7 While I applaud the security changes implemented throughout ¦ Continued on Pngo 2 The Colby Echo SHAGORY/HUMPHREYS: Electionplatforms BOGDEN : Platf orms Candidates for 5921 Mayflower Hill __ Waterville, ME 04901 C^ceY6 7?> Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 where all Colby students can buy and Residence Hal! KAITUN McCAFFERTY, EDITOR IN CHIEF Abroad Orientation: sell books to one another online. This is troubling to us.