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Aboi (circle), 200, 214 agricultural statistics, 29n14, 33n32, administrative statistics, 9, 33n31, 183n32 321n19 area (see area statistics) dependence on, 203, 234, 317–18 crime (see National Crime Records disputed area/territory, 94, 96 Bureau) jhum/shifting cultivation, 73, 98–9, electorate (see electorate/electoral rolls) 182n29, 234, 300 employment/unemployment (see NSSO, 266, 278n30 employment/unemployment reforms, 29n14, 235n2 statistics) supply shocks, 235n2 school enrolment, 129 (see also gross wet cultivation, 73, 94, 98 school enrolment [GSE]) share in employment, 317–18 GDP, 13, 26n1, 28n11, 32n27, 33n32, Ahom, 76–7, 113n28, 113n33 300, 317 American Baptist missionaries, 113n30, ILP, 189n75 115n46, 319n3 MGNREGS, 240n32 Andaman and Nicobar, 45, 123, 256, 274n1, number of villages, 73, 97–8, 112n24, 297 119n80, 140, 255–6 Andhra Pradesh, 15, 22, 29n13 poverty, 273, 280n45 (see also Expert border/border dispute/territorial dispute, Groups on poverty) 68, 70, 110n13 Afghanistan, 6–7 census in, 70, 180n14, 302 Against Corruption and Unabated Taxation electorate, 185n45 (ACAUT), 198, 241n37, 246n76 tribes in, 302 age Angami, 155, 167, 176, 212. See also Rio, N. baptism, 154, 186n52 Baptist Church, 155 heaping, 134–5, 181n18 Catholic Church, 154 profile of population see( population conflict with other Naga tribes, 93, 102, statistics) 205, 209, 244n56 misreporting, 181n18, 205, 243n47–8 delimitation, 217 voting (see voting age) electoral, 216–17, 233–4, 247n83 Agriculture language, 50, 102, 175–6, 178, 226, 310, agricultural land, 203, 234, 302 322n30 agricultural labour, 94–5 Naga Club, 39

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territory/villages, 118n70, 130, 205, 209, border, 58, 60 212, 244n55, 244n56 area statistics, 66, 69, 111n18, 111n20 tribe, 24, 167, 209, 212, 220, 244n55, ‘Bangladeshi’ immigrants, 96–7, 165, 170, 244n56, 247n83 191n85 Anglo-Indians, 52n9 border/border dispute, 57, 66–9, 71, 79, Ao, 155, 167, 176, 212. See also Jamir, S. C. 86–7, 92–99, 106, 112n24, 112n26, Ao Senden, 218 115n48, 117n65, 118n69–70, Christianity, 38, 155 119n77–8, 120n84, 121n95 conflict with other Naga tribes, 209, ‘Bangladeshi’ immigrants, 94, 97 233–4, 238n18 competitive developmentalism (see delimitation, 210, 217–18, 238n18 competitive developmentalism) electoral, 209–10, 218 map, 68–9, 70, 75, 78, 93, 100, 103, language, 49–50, 120, 176, 182n25, 107, 108n2, 110n14, 290 191n90 Naga insurgents, 99 content errors, 182n25, 191n90 interdependence along border, 94, 96, territory/villages, 24, 143, 209, 212, 217– 99, 100, 118n71, 119n82 18, 244n55 role of union government, 95 tribe, 24, 143, 155, 167, 209, 212, 220, villages, 67, 75, 95–9, 112n24, 112n27, 234, 244n55 121n95 Aquqhnaqua (circle), 70, 73, 98–9 census in, 30n20, 39, 52n10, 67, 69, 71–3, area statistics, 9–10, 41, 57, 109n7, 111n17, 75–6, 93, 107, 111n21–2, 112n25, 320n8 124, 132, 139, 146, 157, 301–2, forest, 35n46, 111n20 309–10 mutually inconsistent, 19, 53n11, 62, 66–7 content errors in, 75–6, 163 Nagaland, 41, 62–9 manipulation of, 179n2 Argentina, 5 undercount in, 36n54 Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 109n5, church, 51n4 315–16 colonial, 76–9, 86–7, 315 artificial borders, 87, 106 delimitation in, 18, 192, 232, 305–10 , 15, 22–3, 164, 260, 299, Dimaraji, 90 306, 316–8 election, 93 border/border dispute/territorial dispute, Finance Commission, 296 68, 88–90, 94–5, 110n14, 120n84 folktales, 115n45, 116n54 Census in, 124, 297 ‘Greater Nagaland’, 88–90 delimitation in, 18, 192, 232, 235n5, 305 inner line regulation, 77, 115n48 Frontier Nagaland, 90 language, 50, 163, 166, 177 ‘Greater Nagaland’, 88–90, 94 macroeconomic indicators, 317 macroeconomic indicators, 317 NSSO surveys in, 76, 260–2, 274n1, Naga tribes in, 120n89, 163–4 279n37, 290 NSSO surveys in, 35n48, 260, 280n43 parliament, 95 survey non-coverage, 257 Simon Commission, 38 parliament, 95 territorial dispute (see border dispute) Assam, 15, 22–3, 164, 260, 299, 306, 315–18. tribes in, 24, 90, 301–2, 309–10 See also reserved forests Naga tribes in, 24, 75, 90, 112n24, Aadhaar enrolment, 183n31, 297, 313 120n89, 163, 178, 190n77

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Zeliangrong state, demand for, 89 Cachar (district), 301, 309–10 Assam State Archives (ASA), 41, 76, 79, cartographic anxiety, 62, 78, 103, 121n97 81–82, 94–95, 109n4, 109n10, 114n38 cartographic carelessness, 59, 193 Austria, 27, 28n7, 33n33, 319n4 census. See colonial, censuses and survey practices Backward Tracts, 37n57, 77, 104, 114n38 absence of common national list of STs, Bakarwal (tribe), 301 301 Bangladeshi immigrants in Nagaland, 16, administrative reports on enumeration 25–6, 48, 53n15, 94, 96–7, 117n65, and tabulation, 289 165–6, 169–71, 173, 185n44, 191n85, in Africa, 31n21 197–8, 244n56 communalisation of, 123, 179n2, 323n35 labour, 94, 97, 117n65, 169 comparison with NFHS, SRS, GSE, population growth, 43, 53n16–17, 169–71, electorate and church records, 165–6, 169–71, 173, 238n20 143–56 indigenisation of, 169, 190n83 consistency, internal, 130–43, 190n77 Barman (tribe), 301, 309–10 consistency, external, 130–1, 143–56 Basque Country, 91 consultative meeting on the 2011 Census, Belgium, 33n33 129, 157, 186n51, 189n72, 196–7, Bengal, 22, 77, 100, 123, 179n2–3, 186n55, 245n65 234n1 content errors, 20, 26, 54n20, 75, 112n27, Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations, 1873. 123–4, 126–7, 131, 134, 157, 163, See Inner Line Regulations 169, 174–9, 182n25, 183n31, Bengali (language), 166, 169–70, 177, 190n83 190n82, 191n90, 194–5, 226, Benreu (village), 202, 241n35 237n17, 242n43, 303, 313, 323n35 Bhandari (circle), 119n78, 200, 210, 214 coverage errors, 20, 36n54, 122n108, 123– Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 118n72 6, 131, 156–7, 169, 174, 183n31, , 32n28, 126 194–5, 197, 237n17, 242n43, bias (statistics), 21, 254, 262–73, 275n5, 323n35 321n20 de facto (1941–2021), 25, 238n19 estimate/estimator, 254, 271, 276n13 elections as ethnic censuses, 206 non-coverage (see surveys, non-coverage; and delimitation, 305–13 errors [statistics]) in Europe before and after the world sample/sample selection, 21, 249, 254, wars, 30n17 262–5, 271, 275n5, 280n46, Houselisting and Housing Census, 10 321n20 misinterpretation/misunderstanding of survey statistics, 21, 47, 254, 263, 265–73, census data, 47–51 279n37 overcount/over-enumeration, 14, 36n54, Bihar, 110n14, 311 47–8, 112n27, 123, 126, 137, 140– birth rate, 129, 138–9, 195 1, 143, 173, 183n32–3, 193–5, 217, Bookman, M. Z., 4, 6, 9, 30n17, 35n43, 221, 227, 233, 261, 266–7 122n107, 125, 197, 236n9, 237n14, politicisation of, 31n22 (see also Bookman; 237n17, 246n74 Horowitz) Border Peace Coordination Committees, 95 population projections, 43–7, 108, 127–9, Bose, A., 35n43, 36n54, 193–4, 344, 349 180n7, 184n41, 290, 295, 313, box plots, 74, 126, 211 321n16

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and Scheduled Tribes, 301–4 Chokri/Chakru (language/community), 50, undercount/ under-enumeration, 30n17, 157, 175–6, 178, 226, 310 32n28, 36n54, 54n22, 75, 122n108, Chumukedima (circle), 74, 102 125–6, 156, 174, 187n61, 194–5, Churachandpur (district), 307–8 301, 309–11, 322n25 Christians, 132, 154, 166 See also manipulation of statistics; Church Nagaland, maps of; National associations, 151 Sample Surveys; Assam; Jammu Baptists/Baptist Church, 38, 52n4, 92, and Kashmir; Maharashtra; 113n36, 117n63, 120n87, 151, Nagaland; Afghanistan; China; 153–6, 174, 183n31, 185n48, 202, Ethiopia; Germany; Lebanon; 241n35 ; Nigeria; Northern Catholic Churches, 113n36, 127, 151, Ireland; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; Saudi 153–154, 183n31 Arabia; United States; Yugoslavia and census, 186n51, 247n81, 285 Census Act, 18, 28n9, 51, 323n39 consultative meeting on the 2011 Census, Census Rules, 33n34 129 Central Statistics Office, 22, 321n16 content errors in census, 174, 190n82 Chakhesang (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 conversion, 116n56, 186n52 CPO, 26, 160, 162, 183n32, 189n76, membership records, 20, 151–6, 173, 191n84, 193, 199, 202, 238n20 186n52, 202, 233, 248n81 CPO & Anr. vs. SoN & Ors. 2010, 37n57, persecution in Myanmar, 41, 86, 203 41 Circles (administrative unit), 24, 97–8, CPO & Ors. vs. UoI & Ors. 2006, 105, 239n26 129,161, 180n10, 189n72, 199, Assam, 75–6, 97 (see also border/border 217–18, 220, 237n15, 238n20, 285 dispute, Assam) content errors in census, 302–4 Assam-Nagaland disputed territory (see church, 154–5 disputed area/territory) delimitation, 217–18 demand for districts (see district demand) disputes with other Naga tribes, 118n70 Nagaland, 24, 41, 63, 65, 68, 70, 73–4, 78, insurgents and census, 36n52 85–6, 97–8, 125, 213–14, 217–20, language, 175–6, 302–3, 310 263 Naga Club, 39 Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016, 115n44 territory, 24, 212 coal, 94–5, 99–100, 107, 118n70 tribe, 167, 302–3 Collection of Statistics Rules, 291 villages, 242n45 Colonial Chandel (district), 88, 182n29, 305–8 agriculture, 78 Chang (tribe), 24, 118n70, 155, 167, 176, borders, 19–20, 62, 76–79, 87, 101, 104, 212, 217 106–7, 113n31, 113n37–8, 114n41, Changlang (district), 88, 164 163, 315 Chasie, Charles 37n61, 38, 87–88, 91 map-making, 62, 76–79 Chhattisgarh, 18, 110n13–14, 111n16, 192, censuses and survey practices, 7, 28n9, 274, 305, 311–12 31n23, 51n2, 179n1, 180n6, 276n9, China, 5, 7, 29n15, 78, 110n12, 119n81, 287, 297 236n9, 242n43, 252, 323n32 classifications, 37n56–7, 38, 101, 104, Chirr (tribe), 76, 168, 176 113n34, 322n26

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ethnonyms, 102 Art. 243/243M/243P, 122n103, 235n3 inner lines. 77, 109n5, 113n37–8 (see also Art. 246, 18 Inner Line Regulations) Art. 342, 301 state, 51n2, 87, 101, 117n63 Art. 366, 301 Committee for Evolving a Composite Art. 370, 258 Development Index of States, 45, Art. 371A, 104–5, 109n5, 156, 241n40 321n14 First Schedule, 116n61 Committee on Amendments to Criminal Union subject, 18 Law, 315 correlation Committee on Optimum Sample Sizes for between demand for new district and North Eastern States, 45, 249 over-reporting, 224, 227 Committee to Review the Armed Forces between distance variables and over- (Special Powers) Act 1958, 315 reporting, 224, 229 competition between ethnic diversity and fertility, ethnic, 18, 194, 197–8, 200, 204–5, 235n4, 188n64 242n43, 288 between fatalities and non-coverage, 259, centre-state, 121n99 264–5 hills-plains, 208–16, 305, 311 between literacy and voting rate, 229 inter-district, 199, 204–5, 221, 243n51, spatial, 222–3 323n40 counter-mapping, 20, 89, 100–5, 122n104 inter-religious, 123, 179n2, 323n35 court, 98–9, 103, 183n31, 204 inter-state, 97, 99, 121n99, 192 customary, 240n30 inter-tribal, 16, 43, 198–9, 204–5, 221–2, high, 129, 217–18, 231, 237n15, 307 243n51, 300, 323n40 supreme, 69, 71, 119n74, 121n95, 231, inter-village, 52n8, 201, 242n42, 243n51 323n34 scalar, 62, 96, 104–6 statistical, 6–7, 11, 20, 28n9, 121n99, 222, customary laws, 105, 111n17, 203, 319n2, 227, 234n1, 287 323n38 intra-hills, 216–20 (see also joint action Czechoslovakia, 30n17, 33n33 committee) data deficit, 10–11, 16, 18–19, 248, 274n1, intra-tribe, 240n33 (see also inter-village 288–9, 296–304, 299, 303, 313–14, competition) 319, 322n31 intra-village, 240n33 census (see census) tribes and others, 309–12 civilisational backwardness, 26n3, 286–7, competitive developmentalism, 62, 96–8, 108, 119n81, 239n26 319n4 Congress, Indian National, 157, 234n1, 251 democracy and development deficits, Pradesh Congress Committee, relationship with, 10–11, 21, 307 314–5, 319 Constitution delays in data release (see delays [data amendments, 95, 104, 122n103, 192–3, release]) 205, 209, 235n2 India, in, 298–9, 304 Art. 1, 115n52 metadata (see metadata) Art. 2, 104 sample surveys (see surveys) Art. 3, 104 Scheduled Tribes, 300–3

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statistical reforms, 19, 289, 313–4, 319 constituencies of, 60, 165, 190n80, 205, See also area statistics; errors (statistics); 208, 210–12, 215, 219, 232, falsification of economic statistics; 245n59, 247n80, 247n83 statistics; survey statistics; delimitation, 208, 210, 213, 216–17, unemployment statistics 227–8, 233, 245n60 DCO disputed area/territory, 69, 75–6, 94, Assam, 112n25 112n24 Nagaland, 31n22, 112n25, 129, 181n18, in colonial period, 79, 102 182n30, 183n31, 200, 323n39 indigenous Naga tribes, 24, 76, 119n79, death rate, 133, 136, 138–9, 144, 158–9, 162, 170, 178, 189n71, 190n80, 190n83, 173, 181n20–1, 187n61, 195, 221, 198, 200, 202, 212, 208–10, 216, 319n4 233, 244n55–6, 245n64 delays (data release), 6–7, 30n19, 32n26, 193, indigenous non-Naga tribes, 24, 39, 198, 276n10, 313–14, 320n6 209, 212, 240n29, 247n83 industrial hub, 94, 96, 244n54 delimitation of constituencies, 4, 6, 16, 18, infrastructure, 96, 198, 200, 244n54 21, 28n9, 41, 43, 105, 129, 192–3, 197, inner line regulations, 79, 115n48, 209 199–201, 205–6, 208–11, 213–18, Kachari origins, 102 220, 224–5, 227–9, 231–3, 235n2–6, locus of faultlines, 209 238n18, 238n22, 243n48, 245n60, maps, 70 245n63, 289, 305–13 non-indigenous Naga tribes, 3, 117n67, federal redistribution, 30n17, 34n38, 188n63, 190n83, 209 121n99, 296 (see also federal non-tribal communities, 15, 24–5, 39, redistribution) 103, 165–6, 168–9, 174, 190n83, insurgents and, 36n52 199, 204, 208–9, 216, 233 (see Delimitation Act, 231, 305, 312 also Bangladeshi immigrants in Delimitation Commission, 193, 199, 208, Nagaland, Muslims) 217, 231, 245n60, 309–12, 323n37 part of Dimaraji, 90 democracy deficit, 11, 14, 19, 21, 33n35, 289, plains, 94, 209 314–16 population, 172, 216, 263 demographic engineering, 30n17, 188n64, population density, 74 237n17, 246n7 rice bowl of Nagaland, 96 developing countries, 4–7, 18, 28n11, 29n13, transport hub, 244n54 34n39, 36n51, 37n57, 51, 181n18, 197, town, 76, 79, 200–1, 205, 209–10, 233, 243n47, 287, 296, 319n4, 323n32 244n54 development deficit, 10–11, 14, 19, 21, 220, villages, 97–8, 119n78, 141, 182n28, 262 233, 247n82, 287, 319, 321n20 Dimaraji (proposed Dimasa state), 90 Dhansiripar (circle), 68, 74 Dimasa, 90, 309–10 Dimapur (district), 60–1, 66, 74, 97, 172, disadvantaged, 25, 78 208–17, 219 areas, districts/regions, 206, 265 (see also area of, 66 backward tracts) circles of, 68, 70, 73–4, 98 tribes, 201, 234, 263 competition between Nagas over, 118n70, discrepancy, in estimates of, 121n92, 205, 208–17, 233, 244n56 population age profile, 133–6

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household headcount, 138, 140–3 double counting, 180n11, 182n29, 202, 204– population headcount, 131, 133–6, 141, 5, 229, 242n43–4, 243n46, 322n27 143, 150, 183n31, 183n33, 187n61, 205, 221 Eastern Naga, 42, 49, 86, 90, 101, 171 disputed area/territory, Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organization, 25, administration, 70–2, 93 41–2, 90, 101, 121n91 agriculture, 95–6, 98, 119n77 effective number of communities, 222–4, 230, Assam-Nagaland, 59–61, 63–5, 71–5, 246n69 112n26 Election Commission of India, 127, 145, 147, cartographic anxiety, 62 149–50, 170, 184n83, 185n45, 200–1, competitive developmentalism, 96–8 207, 210–11, 215, 218–19, 246n71, census in, 70, 72–6, 93, 107–8, 108n2, 290 111n22, 111n22, 112n23–5, electoral rolls, 184n43 112n27, 163 arena for status contests, 52n8 elections, 57, 93, 95–6 conflation between census and, 42, 200–2, encroachment, 94 236n11, 243n48 foothills road, 118n71 errors, 202, 246n76 illegal immigrants, 169 indigenous inhabitant, 24 infrastructure, 93, 96, 99, 108n2, 119n76, internal consistency, 145 120n84 illegal immigrants, 170, 185n44, 238n20 insurgents, 117n65 manipulation, 181n23, 245n62, 306–7 maps, 57, 61, 63–5, 67–8, 70, 93, 103, multiple enrolment, 202 108n1–2, 111n19, 112n24–5, Nagaland, 145, 147–50 119n76, 119n78, 121n95 revision, 184n42, 185n45, 189n72, 232, Naga tribes, 75–6, 111n19, 119n79, 163, 242n44, 246n71, 245n62, 306–7 178, 233, 240n29 electorate, 185n46 NSSO, 262 assembly and parliamentary, 145, 147–9, population density, 73–4, 107–8 151–2, 184n43, 185n45, 206 reserved forests, 119n77 and census population, 150–2, 223–5, 230 villages, 73–4, 96–8, 111n22, 112n24–5, separate electorates, 179n2, 234n1 119n78, 182n27, 190n80, 262 size, 148, 150, 152, 184n43, 210–11, 215, distribution (statistics) of, 219 Assembly seats (see delimitation of See also delimitation of constituencies; constituencies) Jammu and Kashmir; Kiphire; consumer expenditure/MPCE, 28n11, ; Longleng; Mokokchung; 279n36–7, 269–70, 273, 280n42. Mon; Peren; Phek; Tuensang; electorate, 210–20, 232 Wokha and Zunheboto population growth in Nagaland, 74, 125, employment. See also unemployment population growth across Indian states, and administrative units, 201 126 as an incentive to misreport statistics, voting rates, 206–7, 219 181n18, 240n32 district demand, 41, 119n75, 200, 223–4, migration, and, 48, 203, 301 227, 230, 239n26–7, 243n49, 244n56, public, 11, 203, 239n23, 314 246n72 statistics, 7–8, 28n11, 317 (see also Doda (district), 264 unemployment statistics)

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ENPO. See Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ demographic engineering, 188n64, 195 Organisation (ENPO) estimates, reliability of, 47, 184n36, errors (statistics), 182n29, 185n45, 190n82, 280n41 191n90, 227, 231, 234, 236n8, 249, politicisation of, 191n86, 195, 236n10 252–3, 275n3, 276n6, 276n12, 296, Finance Commission, 34n39, 46, 236n8, 300–1, 303, 309, 323n35 275n2, 294–6 frame, 252–4 foothills impact of, 291, 293, 313 Assam-Nagaland border dispute, 93–4, 99 maps, 19, 59, 70, 103, 107, 122n108, 234, colonial border, 79, 86 288, 290, 294, 313–16, 318 (see also illegal immigrants, 53n17, 117n65 Nagaland, maps of) illegal villages, 117n65 non-coverage and non-response, 20, 23, map, 58 36n54, 122n108, 123–4, 125–6, pre-colonial boundary, 76 131, 156–7, 169, 174, 183n31, resources, 87 194–5, 197, 237n17, 242n43, road, 96, 118n71 252–4, 278n33, 309, 322 Framework Agreement, 40 in population estimates (see manipulation France, 28n7, 320n9, 321n19 of census; population statistics) Frontier Nagaland, 42, 90 population projection, 127–9 sources of, 4–5 Garo (tribe), 24, 167–8, 212, 310 transmission of, 291, 293–4 General Population Tables, 112n23–5, See also area; census; colonial; policy; 187n57, 188n66, 289 poverty; Scheduled Tribes/ST; Geospatial Information Regulation Bill, survey 2016, 121n94 ethnic conversion, 88–9, 116n56, 118n70 Germany, 5, 30n17 ethnic fractionalisation index, 222–3, 230 Ghana, 7, 31n23, 297 ethno-geographic periphery, 11, 14, 17–19, Ghaspani (circle), 60, 68, 102, 208, 210–11, 21–3, 45, 107, 248, 250, 273, 288, 290, 232, 247n83 297, 305, 315 Ghathashi (circle), 68, 214 Excluded Areas, 37n57, 77, 104, 114n38 Goa, 100, 121n99, 127, 185n45, 271, 274n1, Expert Groups on population projections, 280n47 46, 129 Göderle, W., 9, 27n3, 28n7, 33n33, 101, 113, Expert Groups on poverty 116n60, 319n4, 349 Lakdawala, 269, 279n37–8 Golaghat (district), 69–70, 72, 75–6, 88, 97–8, Rangarajan, 269–72, 279n37 111n18, 111n22, 112n24, 112n27, Tendulkar, 269–73, 279n37–9 119n80, 262 extortion, 203, 241n38, 268 Gond (tribe), 301, 310 ‘Greater Nagaland’, 62, 88–9 falsification of economic statistics, 5 area statistics, 88 federal redistribution, 108, 194, 236n8, cartographic anxiety, 103 275n2, 294–6, 300, 314 ethnic conversion, 88–9, 116n56 conflicts over, 11, 30n17, 121n99, 125, competing statehood demands, 90 34n38, 125, 236n8, 294, 296 contest over units of measurement, 91 fertility counter-mapping, 101 conflict/ethnic diversity, 127, 159, 188n64, intra-Naga conflicts, 89–90, 104, 121n91, 195, 198, 236n9–10 159, 197, 234

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maps, 89, 91 federal redistribution, 293–6 neighbouring states, 88, 90, 120n89, map-making in, 62 (see also Nagaland, 190n78, 307 maps of) origin, 88, 116n53, 120n86 macroeconomic indicators, 317 religious conversion, 116n56 NSSO surveys, 7–8 territory, 88, 116n55 poverty, 269–73, 274n1, 276n6, 279n38 Greece, 5, 31n22 special category states, 318 gross school enrolment (GSE), 54n18, 144–7, states and union territories, 15 151, 184n38, 184n40 voting rates, 148 welfare schemes, 275n2 Hailakandi (district), 301, 309–10 India Human Development Survey (IHDS), Halba/Halbi (tribe), 126, 302–3, 322n29 280n47 Hazarika, Sanjoy, 16, 22, 25, 37n61, 43–4, Indira Awas Yojna, 275n2 88, 111n18, 114n38, 115n50, 118n70, inner line permits, 19, 25, 36n52, 113n36, 120n86, 129–30, 169, 186n54, 187n59, 189n75, 209 191n85, 195, 198–9, 208, 238n21, Inner Line Regulations, 77, 79, 113n36, 315, 317 115n48 Herfindahl index, 246n69 insurgency, 26, 37n61, 40, 187n59, 259, High Level Committee on Socio-economic, 315–16 Health and Educational Status of ceasefire, 40, 92, 157, 197 Tribal Communities Report (Xaxa census, 36n52, 157–60, 187n60–2, Committee), 45 188n68, 245n65 Horowitz, Donald L., 3, 6–7, 26, 35n43, counter-insurgency, 315 37n57, 77, 127, 170, 192, 194, 197, data deficit, 300 199, 237n14 deaths due to/fatalities, 158–9, 187n61–2, , 18, 123, 179n4, 297, 317 Hindu, 22, 101, 166, 179n2, 183n31, 312 258–9, 264–5 households, 138–43 demographic concerns, 52n5 in Chief Ministers’ speeches, 53n12 disputed territory, 97, 99, 117n65, 237n13 disputed area/territory, 73–4 economy, 11 ghost, 140–1, 143 extortion (see extortion) omission, 180n14 ethnic conversion, 88–9, 116n56 over-reporting, 129, 141–3, 173, 182n30, factions, 90 183n32, 201–2, 240n32 irredentism, 88 (see also irredentism) NSSO, 47, 248, 263 maps, 22, 89, 105, 117n62, 288 size, 141–3, 182n30, 232, 241n34–5 Myanmar, 79, 191n88, 262 villages, 73–4, 241n34–5, 242n45, 245n62 Nagamese, 50 IMF, 5 nominal activism, 22, 117n62 India NSSO surveys, 249, 256, 258–9, 264–5, 288 decadal population growth rates, 124 perceived relation with state government, data deficit, 299 92–3, 99 delimitation, 231, 305–6 politicisation of numbers, 41, 52n7 democracy deficit, 316 redistribution of population, 87, 130 employment, 31n25, 251, 317 religious conversion, 116n56 ethno-geographic periphery, 22–3 remote regions, 262–5, 271, 277n23

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self-styled government, 36n52, 102, and numbers game, 198 116n58 and place names, 101–2, 117n62, 120n89 sex ratio, 187n56 political economy, 92, 106 territory, 92 (see also ‘Greater Nagaland’ role of Nagaland government, 20, 61, 93, and irredentism) 103, 108, 288 interconnectedness of statistics/maps, 12, 16, role of union government, 95 19, 107–8, 234, 291–6 and scalar competition, 104–5 administrative and electoral borders, 70 Italy, 28n7, 319n4 area, forest area, population and population projections and federal Jadonang, 116n53 transfers, 295 Jalukie, 68, 97, 118n70, 175 census and administrative statistics, Jamir, A., 121n96, 129, 195, 199 240n32 Jamir, C. A., 199, 206, 209, 236n8 census and data on linguistic minorities, Jamir, S. C. 50 2001 Census, 157 census and NSSO surveys, 10, 261–2, age data and old age benefits, 181n18 278n33, 290 demographic invasion, 53n16, 86 census and per capita income, 267 extortion, 241n38 census and population density, 293 formation of Dimapur, 244n56 census and population projections, 129 inner lines, 113n37 domino effect, 70 Kargil War and census, 158 erratic sub-components of headcount, languages, 37n58 302–4 population, 44 external and internal borders, 70 population growth rate, 180n11 maps and area, 69 illegal immigrants and, 48, 53n16, 165 maps and census, 9–10, 33n33, 71–6, delimitation and, 199 122n108 Jammu and Kashmir, 15, 22–3, 258, 260, 299, maps and forest area, 70–2 306, 312, 315–18, 300 maps and NSSO surveys, 76, 249 Aadhar enrolment, 297, 313 maps and population density, 73–4 census, 17, 30n20, 36n54, 48, 110n12, NSSO surveys and Human Development 124, 132, 139, 142, 146, 157, 193, Index, 51 237n14, 242n43, 297, 321n12 NSSO surveys and poverty rate, 269–73 transmission and magnification of errors, child sex ratio, 312–13 293 delimitation, 18, 192, 312–13 urbanisation, 52n10, 140, 183n33, 235n4 election, 315 irredentism, 103, 117n62, 288 electorate, 184n43 and area statistics, 88 Finance Commission, 296 and competitive developmentalism, 108 macroeconomic indicators, 278n31, 317 counter-mapping, 101, 103 manipulation of household size, 182n30 ‘Greater Nagaland’ (see ‘Greater metadata, 289 Nagaland’) National Population Register, 297 intra-Naga conflicts, 89, 244n57 NSSO surveys, 35n48, 250, 253, 256, and neighbouring states, 90, 94, 100 258–62, 264–9, 274, 277n22–3, and non-indigenous Nagas, 88 278n35–6, 321n18

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poverty line, 269, 271, 273, 297 census, 158 tribes of, 301–2 delimitation, 160, 188n70, 214, 217, 220 Jasokie, J. B., 112n27, 118n71, 119n77, 165, district demand, 200, 239n26, 246n72 171 electorate, 206, 219 Jessami (village), 94 international immigration to, 171 Jharkhand, 18, 110n14, 192, 238n19, 280n43, tribes of, 24, 212 305, 310–12, 323n36 population, 208 Greater Jharkhand, 62, 100 Kohima (district), 66, 172, 212–3, 219 joint action committee (on 2001 Census), 1971 district, 66, 97, 170, 172 160, 188n70, 189n72, 218, 220 area, 66, 68 Jorhat (district), 69, 88 capital (of Nagaland), 96, 130, 198 census, 124, 160, 180n12, 186n55 Kachari (tribe), 24, 39, 90, 102–3, 167–8, 198, delimitation, 213 212, 240n29, 309 district demand, 41, 119n75, 200, 239n26, Karbi (tribe), 24, 90, 118n68, 167–8, 212, 244n56 240n29, 309, 310 electorate, 219 Kargil grouping, 130 district, 253, 260, 277n26 population, 172, 208 war, 158, 278n29 territory, 38, 109n10 Karimganj (district), 301, 309–10 tribes of, 24, 170, 188n63, 212, 221 Karnataka villages, 97 border dispute, 68, 100 Konyak (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 electorate, 185n45 census, 171 tribal population, 302 church, 155 misuse of welfare schemes, 29n13 delimitation, 217, 220 Kenya, 182n30 district demand, 200 Kevichusa, Chalie 117n65, 118n70, 165, Konyak Union, 102 244n56 language, 50, 176 Khezha language/community, 175–6 religion, 174, 190n82 Khezhakeno village, 41, 94, 98, 118n70 territory, 24,79, 113n28, 114n41, 212 Khiamniungan (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 villages, 99, 109n10 census, 158 Kuhoboto (circle), 60, 70, 73 church, 155 Kuki (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 district demand, 41, 200 church, 151, 153, 155 international immigration, 203 language, 50, 310 Khiamniungan Students’ Union (KSU), Naga Club, 39 102 Naga-Kuki conflict, 164, 190n79, 198, Khiamniungan Tribal Council (KTC), 305, 307 41–2, 86, 121n91, 171, 203 population, 167 language, 25, 54n23, 102, 176 territory, 24, 90, 212 population, 167 Kukiland, 90, 307 territory, 24–5, 79, 212 Kuthur (village), 242n45 Khonoma (village), 202, 241n34 Kiphire (district), 66, 212–13, 219 Ladakh, 15, 35n48, 258, 264, 277n26, area, 66 278n29, 302, 312

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landlocked states, 22, 315 delimitation, 160, 214, 217, 220 languages, 23 district demand, 200, 239n26, 243n49, Basque, 236n9 246n72 census, 6, 30n18, 123, 175–9, 179n4, electorate, 219, 232 189n71, 297, 302–3, 309–10 tribes of, 24, 212 conflation of language and dialect, 25, voting rate, 206 37n58 Lotha (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 English, 52n3 census, 141, 208 misinterpretation of language data, 49–50 church, 155 Nagaland, 16–17, 25, 140, 175–9, 182n25, delimitation, 160, 217, 220, 238n18, 204, 226, 228 245n65 National Commission for Religious and in Dimapur, 209, 244n55 Linguistic Minorities, 50 district demand, 200 standardisation, 25, 37n60, 115n46 language, 50, 102, 176 See also content errors; Angami; Lotha Students Union, 237n13 Ao; Chokri/Chakru; Chang; Naga Club, 39 Garo; Kachari; Karbi/Mikir; territory, 24, 212 Kuki; Chakhesang; Khezha; villages, 99 Khiamniungan; Konyak; Lotha; Madhya Pradesh, 110n13–14, 301 Nagamese; Phom; PLSI; Pochury; Maharashtra, Rengma; Sangtam; Sumi/Sema; border dispute, 68, 100, 110n13 Yimchunger; Tangkhul; Tikhir; poverty line, 274n1 Zeliang tribal population, 126, 236n12, 302–3 Lebanon, 6 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Nagaland Legislative Assembly Employment Guarantee Scheme resolutions, 88 (MGNREGS), 240n32 Leh (district), 110n12, 253, 260, 277n26 Makware (tribe), 168, 176, 226 Liangmai (tribe), 116n58, 175 Malawi, 29n14 life cycle of statistics, 13, 35n44, 45, 49–50, manipulation of statistics 128–9, 217–18, 237n15, 250, 292, altruistic, 193–4 291–6, 307–8, 321n16 communal vs individual benefits, 239n27 afterlives of statistics/use of superseded competitive, 6–7, 11, 20, 28n9, 222, statistics 234n1, 287 area, 67–8, 110n11 civilisational backwardness, 286–7 census, 39 defensive, 193–4, 224–5, 230 use of historical statistics, 121n99, 236n8 enumerators/officials, 195 Linguistic Survey of India (LSI), 27n4 epicentres in Nagaland, 43 literacy, 5, 25, 129, 144–6, 184n39, 201, 216, episodic, 204 220, 223, 229–30, 263 ethnic conflict, elections and numbers Lok Sabha, 95, 104, 119n75, 148, 199, 209, games (see Horowitz) 236n8, 238n22, 312 explanations of abnormal population Longleng (district), 66, 212–13, 219 growth area, 53n11, 66 ad hoc, census, 184n34, 188n69, 208 political transitions, 156–7 circles, 98, 109n10 insurgency, 157–9

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growing reach of census, 159–61 See also Maharashtra; Nigeria; Sudan; budgetary constraints, 161–2 Yugoslavia demographic, 131–44 Manipur, 15, 22–3, 164, 260, 299, 306, political economic, 12–13, 31n23, 51, 316–18 195, 197–8, 199–206, 208–20, border dispute with Nagaland, 93–4, 98, 222, 225–9, 232–3 108n2, 117n64, 118n69–70 political geographic, 162–74 census, 17, 36n49, 51n2, 112n25, 164–5, incentives 182n29, 186n54, 190n78–9, affirmative action, 174, 203, 242n43 238n21, 289, 297, 320n8, 323n33 bureaucratic self-interest, 184n38, 195 circles, 97–8 demand for new administrative units, colonial borders, 113n31 200–1, 224, 230, 239n26 delimitation, 18, 192, 232, 305–8 delimitation, 243n48, 301–2, 305–13 demand for Zeliangrong state, 90 elections, 33n29, 42, 193–4, 200–2, fertility, 47 224–5, 230, 236n11, 243n48 ‘Greater Nagaland’, 88–90, 101, 116n57, ethnic competition, 197–8, 206–20 120n89 federal transfers, 236n8, 243n47 infant mortality, 280n47 headcount-linked schemes, 29n13 Kukiland/Kuki homeland, 90 old age benefits/pension, 181n18 macroeconomic indicators, 317 land scarcity, 302 out-migration, 164, 305 public education and employment, NSSO in, 35n48, 257–8, 260, 262, 264, 144, 242n43 290, 297 rationing, 126 tribes of, 24, 89–90, 116n53–4, 117n67, underdevelopment, 140, 202–3, 220, 120n89, 158–9, 188n63, 209, 234, 228–9, 232 244n57, 322n30 intentional, 5, 242n44 villages, 97 law, 107, 323n39 Mao (tribe), 93, 120n89, 234, 244n57, 305, 307 motives, 193, 235n7, 242n44 maps. See also cartographic anxiety; colonial, as a moral lapse, 285–7 borders; ‘Greater Nagaland’; patterns of, 220–30 irredentism; map-making; Survey of in ethno-geographic periphery, 297–8 India political economy of, 198–206, 222–9, administrative blocks, circles/divisions, 61, 314–5 63, 65, 71, 83–5 pre-emptive, 193–4, 224, 230 Ahom-Naga boundary, 76 prospective, 193–4, 224, 227, 230 Assam State Archives (ASA), 109n4, public resources, 198–206 113n31 in remote areas, 228–9 borders, 57–8, 70, 79, 93–4, 107, 109n10, routine, 204–5 size of community and over-reporting, 110n14, 111n17, 118n70 226, 228 cartographic irredentism, 95, 104 trends, 229–33 census anomalies, 71–6 on tribes, 300–3 confusion along margins, 68, 70, 77, in villages, 201–6 110n12, 111n17 voting as proxy of interest in public counter-mapping (see counter-mapping) resources, 206, 222–5, 230, 244n53 deferred mapmaking, 24, 69, 118n70

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disputed area/territory between Assam 190n80, 197–9, 209, 234, 236n10, and Nagaland, 59, 63, 64, 65, 67–9 309 electoral constituencies, 58–60, 68–9 to Nagaland, intra-national, 77, 138, errors, 57, 67–71, 108n1 162–5, 175, 181n17 explanations of error out of districts of Nagaland, 49, 202, 220, cartographic carelessness, 59 241n41, 245n62, 245n64 political economic, 62, 92–6, 106 out of Nagaland, 48, 138, 140–1, 144, political geographic, 87–92, 104–6 162–3, 169, 181n17, 181n24, evolution of Naga Hills district/Nagaland, 182n25, 189n74 80–5 out of other states, 311 formation of new villages and metadata, 274, 289–91, 320n7–10 administrative circles, 96–100 Mikir. See Karbi index, 64 , 15, 22–3, 35n48, 49, 100, 120n84, metadata, 290 120n89, 130–1, 164, 185n45, 235n5, multiplicity, 19, 57, 69–71, 103, 108, 108n1 257, 260, 271, 280n43, 299, 306, mutually inconsistent, 16, 57, 69–71 316–18 Nagaland State Archives (NSA), 109n4, Greater Mizoram, 100 113n31 Mokokchung (district), 66, 172, 212–13, political map, 59 218–19 polling stations, 60 1971 district, 66, 97, 170, 172, 208 scalar differentiation of territory, 104–6 area, 66, 68, 109n10 suffocation and dismemberment across census, 124, 130, 141, 143, 160, 180n12, administrative units, 87–90 183n31, 186n55 as units of measurement, 91–2 circles, 70, 97 Medziphema (circle), 68, 74, 102 church, 49 , 15, 18, 22–4, 68, 110n14, 120n84, delimitation, 208, 213, 217–18, 238n18, 120n89, 164, 183n31, 192, 235n5, 260, 243n49 290, 299, 305–6, 313, 316–18 disputed area/territory, 119n78 Meiteis, 90, 305 electorate, 210–11, 219, 232 The Memorandum on the Naga Hills to the industry, 94 Simon Commission (1929), 38, 52n4, ‘Other Nagas’, 141, 143 87, 116n53 population, 172, 208 Merangmen (circle), 70 tribes of, 24, 170, 212 Migration, 115n44, 162. See also Manipur Mon (district), 66, 172, 212–13, 219 to Dimapur, 208, 212, 216, 234, 245n64 area, 66, 109n10 and double counting, 204 census, 156, 160, 220 as an explanation for population growth, circles, 68 48, 162, 189n76, 199, 238n10 delimitation, 213–14, 217, 245n61 out of Myanmar, 171 disputed area/territory, 119n78 to Nagaland, international, 25 district demand, 200, 239n26–7 illegal/unaccounted/undocumented, 16, electorate, 219, 232 25–6, 43, 48, 53n15–17, 86, 94, international immigration, 171 96–7, 113n37, 115n48, 117n65, population, 172 165–6, 169–71, 173, 185n44, tribes of, 24, 170, 212

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Montevideo Convention on Rights and colonial census, 101, 130 Duties of States, 1933, 27n6 colonial maps, 80–2, 109n4, 113n33–4 monthly per capita consumer expenditure demand for statehood/independence, 41 (MPCE), 21, 249–50, 263, 265, 273–4, elections, 148 278n30, 280n42, 280n44, 294 evolution, 40, 80, 51n1, 52n4, 67, 78–82, of Jammu and Kashmir, 265–9, 274, 95, 116n61 of Nagaland, 265–9, 274, 279n36, 280n44 grouping, 130 of India, 265–6 insurgency, 187n57 non-coverage, impact of, 262–3, 265–71, population, 38–9 268–9, 271, 273, 279n36 Naga Hills-Tuensang Area (NHTA), 40–1, poverty, estimation of, 269–71, 279n37 51n1, 67, 80, 109n10, 116n61, 130, 148 (see also poverty line; poverty ratio) Naga Hills-Tuensang Area Act 1957, 116n61 truncated distribution of, 270, 279n36 Naga Hoho, 42, 89–90, 149, 286 ratio of state’s MPCE to India’s MPCE, Naga National Council (NNC), 39, 40, 88 265–71, 269, 278n33, 278n35 Naga People’s Front, 92, 157 relationship between per capita income Naga Students’ Federation, 92, 190n81, (PCI) and, 265–7 323n38 Moran’s I, 223, 225 Eastern Naga Students’ Federation, 101 Muslims, 48, 52n9, 53n15, 86, 115n44, Nagaland, 15, 23–4, 40, 46, 58, 66, 80–5, 97, 119n77, 165–6, 169–70, 174, 179n2, 124–6, 128, 132, 139, 142, 147–8, 183n31, 190n82–3, 191n85, 198, 150, 162, 164, 166–7, 172, 176, 206–8, 234n1, 236n10, 264, 312–13 210–12, 215–16, 231, 259–60, 266–7, Muslim League, 179n2, 234n1 272, 293, 296, 299, 306, 314–18. See Myanmar, 22 also Assam, border/border dispute Boundary Agreement (with India), 67 and interdependence along border; census, 6, 160–1, 173 competitive developmentalism; district colonial borders, 78–9, 87, 114n39, demand; irredentism, role of Nagaland 114n41–2 government; ‘Greater Nagaland’; FGN census, 36n52 migration; statehood demand ‘Greater Nagaland’, 88, 101–2, 105, area statistics, 41, 53n11, 62–3, 66–7 108n2, 120n86, 122n104 assembly constituencies, 58 Indo-Myanmar border, 85–6, 93–4, cartographic predicament, 20 109n9, 118n69 cadastral survey, 111n17 manipulation of economic statistics, 5 census and projected population Nagas, 16, 19, 24, 41, 43, 86, 114n43, estimates, 46, 127–9 116n54–5, 122n101, 122n104, 171, economic interdependence with Assam, 173, 191n87 75–6, 97 Naga insurgency, 88, 191n88 electorate, 145, 148, 150, 152, 210–1, 215, Naga Hills Baptist Church Council 219 (NHBCC), 92, 117n63 estimates of fertility, 47–8 Naga Hills district funding from union government, 294–6, area, 109n7 317 church, 38 (see also American Baptist geographical distribution of tribes in, 24, missionaries; NHBCC) 212 colonial administration, 78–9, 87, 114n38 geography, 14–15, 164

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indigenous tribes, 15–16, 24, 212 internal conflicts, 89–90, 102–3, 118n70 infant mortality rate (IMR), 280n47 tribes, 167 (see also Angami; Ao; major events in, 40, 80, 231 Chang; Garo; Kachari; Karbi/ maps of, 58–61, 63–5, 71–2, 81–5, 164 Mikir; Kuki; Chakhesang; misinterpretation/misunderstanding of Khiamniungan; Konyak; Lotha; census data, 47–51 Mao; Phom; Pochury; Rengma; models of voting in, 240n33 Rongmei; Sangtam; Sumi/Sema; non-indigenous residents of (see Dimapur Yimchunger; Tangkhul; Tikhir; [district], non-tribal communities Zeliang) and non-indigenous Naga tribes) See also church; languages; ‘Greater NSSO surveys in, 255–7 Nagaland’; irredentism; Naga per capita income (PCI) of, 266–7, 273 political problem population growth statistics (see National Commission for Religious and population statistics) Linguistic Minorities, 50 poverty estimates of, 272, 279n37, National Crime Records Bureau, 121n99 280n43, 280n45 National Data Sharing and Accessibility proximity to Assam in Nagaland, 257, Policy, 291, 320n7 262–3, 280n47 National Family Health Survey (NFHS), proximity to Myanmar in Nagaland, 203, 26n1, 139, 143–4, 220, 261–3 data quality, 275n4, 280n41, 280n46–7 recognised tribes of, 24, 212 disruption of, 31n25, 251, 276n10, surveys conducted in, 47, 255–7, 280n47 277n23, 278n29 use of statistics in policy-making, 43–6 estimates of vital rates, 47, 139 voting rates, 145, 148, 152, 207, 219 comparison with SRS, 143–4, 184n36, Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), 280n47 92, 102, 117n63, 151, 153–4, 182n29, National Policy on Official Statistics, 37n55 183n31, 185n48, 186n52 National Population Register (NPR), 297, Nagaland for Christ, 92, 101, 120n87 299 Nagas for Christ, 92, 120n87 National Sample Survey Office (NSSO/NSS) Nagaland People’s Council (NPC), 157 surveys, 19, 21, 29n12, 32n27, 35n48, Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC), 41, 116n59, 47, 248–52, 254–7, 275n4, 276n6–8, 188n63, 245n65 276n14, 277n17, 280n43, 288, 290, Nagamese, 49–50, 177, 191n91 297–8, 321n18 Nagamese Baptist Churches Association, annual round, 255, 260–1 153 comparability, inter-temporal, 32n27, 258, . See languages 265–6, 273–4, 276n6, 321n18 Naga nationalism, 39, 87, 104 consumption distribution, 265–73 (see also Naga political problem, 38–42, 87–90, monthly per capita expenditure 122n106 [MPCE]) Nagas, 24, 38–9, 86–8, 91–2, 101–12, 116n55, controversies/political interference, 7–8, 120n87, 122n106, 153, 155, 162, 28n11, 32n27, 250–1, 266, 275n4, 166–7, 176–7, 208–20 276n6–7, 278n30 geographical distribution, 24, 163–5, 171, in states 173, 212 Arunachal Pradesh, 257, 260 identity, 86–8, 101–12, 116n55, 120n89 Assam, 260–2

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Jammu and Kashmir, 249–50, 258–9, sampling frame/flawed sampling 260–2, 264, 265–9, 271–3, frame, 76, 107, 249–50, 260–2, 277n22–3, 277n26, 278n29, 263–5, 277n17, 290 278n35, 321n18 in Nagaland, 255–7, 262–5, 290 Manipur, 257, 260, 262, 264 state sample, 258 Nagaland, 47, 249–50, 255–7, 259–65, survey schedule, 26n1, 275n4 265–73, 276n16, 277n17, survey statistics, 51, 248–9, 263, 265– 278n35, 290 73, 275n4, 279n36, 321n18 Punjab, 277n21 National Socialist Council of Nagaland Tripura, 257, 259–60, 263–4 (NSCN), 39, 88, 120n86 non-coverage, 30n12, 47, 188n67, 249–51, National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak 255–7, 259–5, 273–4, 276n8, Muivah (NSCN-IM) 277n21–4, 277n26, 278n29, 297–8. census, 36n52 frame and sample non-coverage, 253, counter-mapping, 89, 122n104 258, 261–5, 271 factions, 90 insurgency/insurgency-related ‘Greater Nagaland’, 88, 92 fatalities, 258–9, 264, 274 opposition within Nagaland, 90 non-coverage bias, measurement, 254– scale jumping, 105 5, 259–60, 277n20, 277n24, Tangkhuls, 89, 244n57 280n44 UNPO, 105, 122n104 poverty line, 271–2, 274, 276n6, 288, Zeliangrong state demand, 116n58 293 National Statistical Commission, 32n26, poverty ratio, 271–4, 288, 293 35n43, 249 survey statistics, 265–9, 274, 278n33, natural growth rate (NGR), 139, 144, 221 278n35, 279n36, 280n44, 293 Nigeria See also surveys, non-coverage age heaping, 181n18 NSS regions, 255, 258, 276n15 agricultural statistics, 29n14 organisational setup/politics, 29n12, delays in census, 7 35n48, 275n4, 276n7 errors in census, 125 PLFS (see PLFS) age, 181n18, 243n48 quinquennial/thick round, 251, 255, engaging communities, 321n12 260–1, 265–6, 269, 272, 276n14, household size, 182n30 278n30 recounting, 238n21 reliability, 28n11, 32n27, 47, 249, 265, sex ratio, 187n56 273–4, 275n4, 276n6, 280n43 national shame, 287 reference period, 266, 276, 279n38 ethnic conversion, 116n56 representativeness, 249, 258, 265, 273–4, politicisation of census, 6, 28n9 279n37 census data as political weapons, 6, sampling design, 35n48, 47, 249–50, 256– 31n22 7, 260–3, 263, 277n17, 277n18, redistribution, 34n38, 125, 243n47 279n37 Nihokhu (circle), 74, 98, 111n22 biased samples, 249–50, 262–5 Nine Point Agreement, 40, 88 central sample, 255, 258, 260, 263 Niuland (circle), 70, 73–4, 96, 99 sample size, 21, 249, 254, 257, 260, Noklak (circle/district), 263, 297, 321n18 borders, 24, 69, 118n70

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census and insurgency, 158, 160 partition refugees from, 323n35 delimitation, 214 post-colonial borders, 100 district demand, 200 redistribution, 34n38, 235n4, 243n47 Myanmarese immigrants, 171, 203 Patiala and East Punjab States Union tribes, 24 (PEPSU), 123, 179n4, 297 villages, 242n45 patronage-democracy, 239n24 North Cachar (district), 38, 88, 118n68 Peoples’ Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI), North-East India, 15, 22–3, 105, 124, 164, 27n4, 50, 54n23, 191n91, 322n30 299–300, 306, 314–19, 321n15. See Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), also Committee on Optimum Sample 32n26, 276n14, 313 Sizes per capita income (PCI), 5, 25, 43, 265–8, 273, 278n31, 294 Aadhaar, 297 Peren (district), 66, 212–13, 219 bureaucracy and demands for territorial area, 66 changes in, 119n75 delimitation, 160, 214, 220 exclusion from academic studies, 14, electorate, 219 321n20, 321n22 tribes, 24, 188n63, 209, 212 obstruction to fieldwork, 34n37 map, 68 Kargil War, 158 Sumi-Zeliang conflict, 118n70 migration, 162, 191n87 villages, 202 NPR, 297 petroleum, 94, 100, 105, 107 NSSO survey, 257, 260, 297 Phek (district), 66, 172, 212–13, 218–19 PES, 124, 131, 243n46 2001 Census, 188n69 poverty, 274n1, 279n37, 279n39, 280n43 area, 66 sample surveys, inadequate coverage in, 47 census and insurgency, 36n52, 160–1 North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, delimitation, 199, 208, 210, 213, 217–8, 1971, 110n14 243n49 North Eastern Frontier Agency (NEFA), electorate, 219 40–1, 51n1, 67, 297 maps, 102 Northern Ireland, 237n14 ‘Other Nagas’, 170 population, 172 Odisha, 68, 70, 100, 111n16, 323n37 population growth, 140, 199, 245n62 Omission tribes, 24, 200, 212 census, 123, 131, 161, 180n14 Khezhakeno, 41 NSS, 253 villages, 41, 102, 140, 245n62 ‘Other Nagas’, 24, 141, 143, 168–70, 175, Phesao, Vamuzo, 44 226, 303 1991 Census, 157 Overcount. See also census, overcount dependence on village authorities for headcount, 161 Pakistan double counting, 180n11, 188n66 census, 6, 110n12, 235n4, 243n47 manipulation of age, 181n18 falsification of economic statistics, 5 population growth, 180n11 census maps of Jammu and Kashmir, quality of government statistics, 43 110n12 Phizo, A. Z., 39, 52n5 Kargil War, 158, 278n29 Phom (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212

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church, 155 discrepancy adjusted, 133–5, 221 delimitation, 160, 217, 220 double counting adjusted, 204 district demand, 200, 243n49 migration adjusted, 204 high growth rate questioned, 242n45 PES adjusted, 131 language, 176 reference date adjusted, 124 manipulation of headcount, 243n49 politicisation of (see census, politicisation population, 167, 217 of ) territory, 24, 212 rural population, 52n10, 75, 133–5, 140, villages, 242n45 183n32, 262 Planning Commission, 8, 32n26–7, 251, school enrolment (see gross school 274n1, 294–5, 321n13 enrolment [GSE]) Pochury (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 sex ratios, 135, 145, 169, 184n42 church, 155 urban population, 52n10, 133–5, 140, language, 175–6 183n33 population, 167 vital statistics (see NFHS, estimates of separation from Chakhesang, 303 vital rates; SRS) territory, 24, 212, 200 Porter, T., 4, 26n2–3, 27n5, 28n7–8, 319n4, Poilwa (village), 241n35 320n9 population density, 73–4, 140, 300 Post-Enumeration Check (PEC), 131, errors in, 43, 113n34, 290, 320n8 235n6, 236n11 Dimapur, 73–4 Post-Enumeration Survey (PES), 128, 131, overestimation, 16, 73–4, 294, 180n9, 193, 243n46, 297 population statistics, poverty line, 7, 16, 21, 249, 269–73, 276n6, age profile see( age) 279n37–9, 280n42, 288 Church membership statistics, 151, 153–6 data deficiency, 274n1, content errors (see census) poverty rate/ratio, 31n21, 31n25, 144, 249, crude birth rate/birth rate, 129, 138–9 252, 272, 275n2, 278n30, 279n37–8, discrepancy in (see discrepancy, in 280n42, 280n44 estimates of) data deficiency, 274n1, 279n37, electorate (see electorate/electoral rolls) in India, 7, 265, 269–270, 276n6, 279n37 female, 133–8 in Jammu and Kashmir, 271, 273 fertility (see fertility) in Nagaland, 16, 21, 248, 271, 273, households (see households) 280n43, 280n45, 288 male, 133–8 rural, 248, 265–73, 274n1, 275n2, 280n43, migration (see migration) 288 natural growth/natural growth rate, 131, urban, 265–73, 274n1, 279n38, 280n43 133–6, 139, 144 price indices, 269–71, 276n6, 279n39 population headcount (see census) Consumer Price Index (CPI), 270–1 population growth, 124–6, 139, 152, 166, based on NSSO, 270–1, 274 172, 308 price relatives, 269–71 population growth, adjusted price level (and inflation), 251, 280n40, 293 ad hoc adjustments, 186n54 data quality, 31n21, 31n25 adjusted for notification of towns, 133, Argentina, 5 135–6, 140 China, 252 adjusted for ‘Other Nagas’, 141, 143 projection error, 46, 127–9

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public goods, 11, 34n36, 198, 200, 205, 300 Inner Line Regulations, 113n37 Pughoboto (circle), 68, 200, 214 irredentism, 88, 93, 117n66, 120n89 Punch (district), 264 on Lothas, 220 Punjab, 36n54, 52n9, 123, 179n2–3, 234n1, manipulation of census, 16, 157, 186n54, 236n8, 264, 271, 275n1, 277n21, 297, 195, 199 315 migration, 182n25 MGNREGS, 240n32 Rajouri (district), 264 new districts, 43 Rajya Sabha/Upper House, 95, 199, 209, open international border, 79 238n22, 300 population growth, 43, 48, 136, 165 Rao, C. R. 27n6, 36n51 scarcity of land for public purpose, Rao, Narasimha, 105, 189n73 240n29 regressions, 151–2, 222, 224, 226, 230, VDB household grant, 232, 240n32 246n68, 246n73–4, 254, 279n36 Rongmei (tribe), 116n53, 116n58–9, 174, religion. See Church 188n63, 190n78, 209, 234, 244n57 Removal of Area Restrictions (Amendment) Rural. See village/villages Act of 1976, 302 economy, 28n11, 220 Rengma (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 households, 139–43, 183n32, 240n32 in Assam, 90, 163 MPCE (see monthly per capita church, 155 expenditure) delimitation, 238n18 migration, 181n24, 202, 238n20 discrimination against, 42 NSSO surveys, exclusion of, 255–61 (see district demand, 41–2, 98, 102, 121n91, also NSSO surveys; non-coverage; 200, 226 survey non-coverage) language, 163, 176, 310 NSSO surveys samples (see NSSO maps, 70, 102 surveys; non-coverage; NSSO Naga Club, 39 surveys, sampling design) population, 168 population/discrepancy in, 52n10, 75, Sumi-Rengma conflict, 111n19, 240n29 133–5, 139, 140–3, 182n29, territory, 24, 70,111n19, 212 183n32, 238n20, 265, 290 Rengma Hoho, 41–2, 98, 121n91 population in the USA, underestimation Rengma Selo Zi (Rengma Youth of, 235n4 Organisation), 42, 102 poverty rates, 248, 269–73, 274n1, 275n2, reserved forests, 67, 70, 72, 111n22, 112n26, 280n43 117n65, 119n77, 296 rural local bodies, 122n103, 235n3 Rio, Neiphiu, 285 2011 Census, 196, 285–6, 319n1 Sadri (language), 177 area statistics, 53n11, 88 Sample Registration System (SRS), 143–4, delimitation, 16, 43, 199 280n47 Dimapur, 208, 244n54 vital statistics, comparability with census districts demand, 119n75, 200, 246n72 and NFHS, 143–4, 184n35–6 forest cover statistics, 35n46 vital statistics, Nagaland and India, 139 ‘Greater Nagaland’, 88 vital statistics, reliability of, 280n47 immigration, 26, 41, 43, 48, 53n16, 86, sample surveys. See IHDS; NFHS; NSSO; 165, 191n84 PLFS; SECC

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in India’s periphery, 47, 297–8 Sikhs, 52n9, 166 political interference, 249–52, 276n7, 276n9 (see also NFHS, disruption delimitation, 192, 235n5, 305 of; NSSO surveys, controversies) electorate, 185n45 sampling frame, 10, 21, 76, 107, 122n108, macroeconomic indicators, 317 277n25, 278n33 (see also NSSO model state, 319n1 surveys, sampling design) not part of the North East, 22 Sangtam (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 NSSO survey, 260 church, 155 part of India’s periphery, 23, 300 colonial period, 109n110 population projection errors, 127 delimitation, 160, 217, 220 poverty line, 271 district demand, 200 poverty ratio, 274n1 language, 176 Simon Commission, 38, 52n4, 87, 116n53. population, 168 See also Naga Club. territory, 24, 212 Singh, V. P., 205 Sarupathar (circle), 75, 112n24 Sivasagar (district), 69, 88. See also Sibsagar Saudi Arabia, 32n28, 237n16 Sixteen Point Agreement, 88, 117n65, 156 scale jumping, 20, 41, 62, 96, 105–6 Delhi Agreement, 93, 121n93 Scheduled Areas, 302 Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC), Scheduled Caste, 301 183n31, 313 Scheduled Tribes, 23–4, 132, 301 Survey of India, 25, 67–70, 93, 110n13–14, Barak Valley, 310 111n16, 114n39, 290–1, 297 errors in census data on, 301–4, 322n24, South Africa, 32n28, 125 323n36 Special Category States (SCS), 18, 294–5, delimitation, 192, 305–12 314–15, 317–19, 321n15 Halba/Halbi, 303 misinterpretation of data on, 45, 48, 50 Sri Lanka, 6 Nagaland, 167 Srinivasan, T. N., 12, 33n30, 34n41, 36n51, See Angami; Ao; Chang; Garo; Kachari; 53n13, 275n4 Karbi/Mikir; Kuki; Chakhesang; statehood demand Khiamniungan; Konyak; Lotha; ‘Frontier Nagland,’ 42, 90 Mao; Phom; Pochury; Rengma; Zeliangrong, 90, 116n57 Rongmei; Sangtam; Sumi/Sema; Statistical Capacity Indicator (SCI), 18 Yimchunger; Tangkhul; Tikhir; statistical carelessness, 193 Zeliang statistical incomprehension, 193 Sema. See Sumi statistics (discipline), 26n3, 27n6, 31n22. See Sema, Hokishe, 37n58, 44, 94, 113n37, 165, also bias; errors; survey 322n23 Indian statisticians, 36n51 Senapati (district), 88, 120n89, 164, 186n54, statistics (data/facts), 21–2, 27n6, 37n55. See 257, 260, 264, 289–90, 305–8 also administrative statistics; census; Shillong Accord, 88 delays ; interconnectedness; life cycle; Shukla Commission, 120n84 population statistics; sample surveys; Shurhozelie, Liezietsu, 238n21 data deficit, statistical reforms Sibsagar (district), 79. See also Sivasagar errors, 4–5, 9 (see also errors [statistics])

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manipulation of, 5–6 (see also errors (see also errors [statistics]) manipulation of statistics) errors of non-observation, 252 policymaking, 1–2, 26n2, 27n5 non-sampling error, 14, 249, 252, as public goods, 11, 34n36, 205, 300 275n3, 276n12 quality, 28n10, 35n43 (see also data deficit; observational error, 252 errors in statistics) sampling errors, 249, 252–3, 275n3, relationship between state and, 3–4, 27n5, 276n12 29n16, 121n99 sampling frame, due to, 253–4 as social artefacts, 13 total survey error, 275n3 transmission of errors, 291, 293 forest, 35n46, 67, 109n8, 111n20 South Sudan, 28n9 geological, 30n20, 67 Sudan, 29n13, 126 miscellaneous surveys in Nagaland, Sumi (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 183n32 (2004, Health and Family in Assam, 163 Welfare Department), 129 (2005, church, 155 North East Council), 232 (2009, content error in language data, ORGI and IIPS), 277n19 (2018, in Nagaland, 54n20, 177–9, 182n25, State Council of Educational 226 Research and Training) in Assam, 75, 112n27 non-coverage, 21, 249, 252 delimitation, 210, 217–18 frame, 252–3, 256–7, 264–5, 276n8 Dimapur, 102, 209–10, 212, 216, 233, in NSSO surveys (see NSSO surveys, 244n55 non-coverage; NSSO surveys, disputed area/territory, 75, 102, 112n24, in states) 178 sample, 252–3,264–5, 277n21, district demand, 200 survey statistics, impact on (see NSSO endonym, 25, 102 surveys, survey statistics) indigenisation of outsiders (see Sumia) total, 253, 255 language, 176 non-response, 249, 252–3, 276n13, migration, 178, 190n80, 245n64 320n11 Naga Club, 39 representative sample, 18 (see also NSSO ‘Other Nagas’, 141 surveys, representativeness) population, 168 statistics, 21, 33n31, 265–9) Sumi–Angami conflict, 205, 209, 244n56 bias in, 21, 249, 252–4, 262–5, 271, 288 Sumi–Rengma conflict, 111n19, 240n29 non-coverage, impact of (see NSSO Sumi–Tangkhul conflict, 209 surveys, non-coverage) Sumi–Zeliang conflict, 118n70 NSSO surveys, of, (see NSSO surveys, Sumi Hoho, 112n24, 118n70, 178, 218 survey statistics) territory, 24, 109n10, 212 Suryanarayana, M. H., 28n11, 51, 275n4, villages, 112n24, 119n79, 189n71 276n6, 278n30, 279n37 Western Sumi Hoho, 112n24, 178 Sumia, 169, 190n82–3 Tamenglong (district), 88, 164, 308 Surveys. See also sample surveys Tamil Nadu, 185n45, 274n1 cadastral, 111n17 Tangkhul (tribe) delays (see sample surveys, political competition with other tribes, 89, 159, interference; delays) 234, 244n57

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insurgency, 158 evolution, 40, 51n1, 69, 109n10, 116n61, language, 187n58, 310 148, 156, 159, 231, 239n27 (see also population, 307 NHTA) Sumi–Tangkhul conflict, 209 insurgency, 41, 160 territory, 116n54 maps, 114n39 tea tribes, 309 manipulation of census, 220 Tenning (circle), 145 ‘Other Nagas’, 143, 170 Tenyidie. See Angami language population, 172, 208 Therie, K., 44, 183n31, 204, 238n21, 246n76, population growth rate, 188n65 321n15 tribes, 24, 212, 220 Thoubal (district), 116n54 villages, 97, 242n45 Tikhir (tribe) voting rates, 206, 220 assimilation, 174, 302 Tunjoy (village), 118n70 church, 185n48 government statistics and identity, 50 Ukhrul (district), 88, 164, 305, 307–8 language, 50, 54n23, 76, 175–6, 226 undercount/under-enumeration (see census, insurgency and identity, 102 undercount) population, 168, 204 unemployment, 45, 48, 181n18, 201, Tirap (district), 88, 164 251, 255, 276n14, 317–8 (see also Tobu (circle), 68, 200, 214 employment) tribal headquarter, 200, 240n28 unemployment statistics/statistics, reliability tribal languages. See languages of, 7, 8, 28n11, 31n23, 31n25, 32n26, tribes. See Scheduled Tribes 33n32, 251, 255, 276n14 (see also triple deficit, mutually constitutive, 10–12, 21, employment statistics) 108, 234, 319, 322n31 Ghana, 31n23, 297, 300 Tripura, 15, 22–3, 164, 260, 299, 306, 316–18 India, content error in census, 191n90 census, 130, 159, 296–303 delimitation, 235n5, 305 sample surveys, 47, 139, 249, 255–61, insurgency, 259 277n19, 300 macroeconomic indicators, 317 maps, 109n9, 113n34, 114n39 NSSO surveys, 35n48, 257–9, 260, 263–4, USA, 30n17, 31n23 290, 297 United Nations, 28n9, 105, 124 Tseminyu (circle) United States of America (USA), 4, 13, 26n3, constituency, 68, 214 30n17–18, 31n23, 235n4, 276n10, 287 district demand, 41–2, 98, 119n75, 200 statistical controversies in, 30n17–18, maps, 68, 70, 111n19 122n108, 125–6, 235n4, 287 Tsogin (circle), 41, 70, 98, 214 United States Agency for International Tuensang (district), 66, 172, 212–13, 219 Development (USAID), 276n10 1971 district, 66, 97, 170, 172, 206–8 Unrepresented Nations and Peoples area, 66–8 Organization (UNPO), 105, 122n104 census, 111n15, 124, 159–60, 180n12, 220 urban, 134, 142 delimitation, 188n70, 213–14, 217, 220 area statistics, 111n17 district demand, 200, 239n26 discrepancy in census, 133–4, 140–1, 302 Eastern Nagaland, 101 double counting (see double counting) electorate, 220 economy, 209

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General Population Tables, 289 Andhra Pradesh-Maharashtra, 110n13, in-migration, 140 Assamese, 67, 95–7, 98–9, 112n24–5, major towns, 205, 244n54 112n27, 119n80, 310 manipulation of census, 216, 223, 228–30 authorities MPCE, 265–9, 278n35 elections, 181n23, 243n51 NSSO surveys, 255–8, 290 excommunication, 203 onset of urbanisation, 201 role in birth registration, 247n81 population density, 73 role in past censuses, 161 poverty rates, 269–73, 280n43 manipulation of statistics, 140, reservation of seats for women in local 202–4, 236n8, 238n21, 241n36, bodies, 105 242n45 urbanisation, distance from Assam/ disputed area/territory, Andhra Pradesh–Maharashtra, Myanmar and, 262 110n13 urbanisation, stagnation of, 140, 183n33, Assam–Nagaland, 67, 69–75, 95–9, 235n4 111n22, 112n23–25, 112n27, urbanisation, statistics on, 52n10 117n65, 118n70, 119n78, Urban Frame Surveys (UFS), 261, 277n26 182n27, 262 urban local bodies, 105, 235n3, 315 Manipur–Nagaland, 118n70 Urla, J., 3–4, 9, 13, 27n4, 50, 62, 91, 101, Odisha, 100 120n88, 236n9 ghost, 182n26, 311, Uttar Pradesh, 15, 17, 110n14, 185n45 grouping of, 87, 130 classification of Scheduled Castes and Manipur, 97–8, 118n70, 182n29, 306–7 Tribes, 126, 301–2 Nagaland, 67–75, 79, 87, 95–100, delimitation, 301–2, 323n34 112n24–5, 118n70, 119n78–9, 129, underreporting of tribes, 126 138, 140–1, 160–1, 163, 182n28– , 15, 18, 23, 110n14, 306, 311–2, 30, 183n31, 199–206, 236n8, 255– 318 7, 262–4, 271–4, 277n17, 277n19, delimitation, 192, 305, 311–2 280n44, 280n46, 290, 306–7 ghost villages (see villages, ghost) exclusion from surveys, 277n19 (see macroeconomic indicators, 317 also villages; NSSO sampling frame) valley bias in survey sample, 280n46 (see Barak, 310, 315 also villages; NSSO sampling Brahmaputra, 76, 91, 116n54, 315 frame) Imphal, 116n54, 182n29, 190n78, 305 NSSO sampling frame, 249, 255–8, Kashmir/Jhelam, 36n49, 117n62, 188n67, 260–64, 271, 277n17, 290, 258, 262, 312 Nagaland, exclusion from, 255–8, Vamuzo, See Phesao, Vamuzo 262–4, 271 VDB. See Village Development Board Tripura, exclusion from, 257 Village Development Board (VDB), 202, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 232, 240n32, 247n81 exclusion from, 256 village/villages, 87, 97, 122n103, 235n3, Jammu and Kashmir, 258, 261, 271, 201–6 277n22

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disputed area/territory, 262 Western South , 105 Phek, 36n52, 41, 102, 245n62 Wokha (district), 66, 172, 212–13, 219–20 politics, 52n8, 99, 102, 104, 112n25, area statistics, 66 118n70, 138, 140, 160, 181n23, assembly seats 210, 217, 238n18, 243n49 182n29, 183n31, 202–6, 217, 232, delimitation, 210, 214, 217–8, 220 242n45, 243n51, 247n48, 306–7, demands for administrative units, 200, population over-reporting, 129, 138, 140, 214, 239n26 160–1, 182n29–30, 199, 201–5, electorate, 211, 213, 218–220 229, 230, 232, 236n8, 238n21, errors in language data, 177–8 241n35–6, 242n45, 243n48, population growth, 141, 172, 199, 245n64, 243n51, 245n62 208, 219–20 distant villages, in, 223–4, 228–30 conflicts over, 160–1, 166, 199–200, structure, 52n8, 87, 105, 140, 200, 202–6, 217 240n33, 241n36, 241n39, 241n41– territorial transfers, 68, 97, 109n10 2, 242n45, 319n2 ‘Other Nagas’ population, 141, 170 transfer across districts, 68, 109n10 villages, 97–8, 182n28 in the disputed area/territory, 119n78 Vizol, 44 voting rates, 207, 219 voters, 145, 150, 184n43, 185n45–6, 225, Woolf, S., 12, 27n5–6, 28n7, 29n16, 33n33, 236n11 37n57, 319n4, 321n19 bogus/ghost, 203, 241n37, 243n48, World Bank, 5, 18, 29n15, 31n21, 33n30 246n76 disparity between hill districts, 211, Yimchunger (tribe), 24–5, 155, 175–6, 212 245n58 Assam’s census, in, 76 disputed area/territory, of, 121n95 Baptist Church, 155 ghost, 203 conflict with other Naga tribes, 50, 76, growth, 152, 206 118n70, 167–8, 175–6, 188n70, mobilisation of, 181n23, 238n21, 239n24, 204, 217, 220 240n33 demands for administrative units, 200 Nagaland, 145, 147, 150, 152, 181n23, headcount, discrepancies in, 217, 220, 208 242n45 over-reporting of population, and, 225 language, 50, 54n23, 76, 175–6, 226 ratio to population, 150 territory/villages, 24, 79, 188n70, 200, 212 service, 185n46 tribe, 24, 155, 167–8, 204, 212 sex ratios, 145 Yongyah/Yongnyah (village), 204, 242n45 voter turnout/voting rate, 148–9, 197, 206 Yugoslavia, 29n13, 126, 236n12, 242n43 Nagaland, 206–7, 219, 232 literacy, relationship with, 229 Zeliang (tribe), 155, 167, 176, 212 over-reporting of population, relationship Baptist Church, 155 with, 222, 224–5, 230, 232 conflict with other Naga tribes, 118n70, voting age, change in, 147, 150–2, 185n45, 175, 303 205–6 language, 175–6, 226 territory/villages, 24, 155, 200, 212 West Bengal, 22, 179n3, 186n55 tribe, 24, 155, 167–8, 175

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Zeliangrong state, 90, 116n58 electorate, 190n80, 211, 213, 218–9 Zeme (tribe), 116n58, 163, 175 errors in language data, 177–8 Zunheboto (district), 66, 172, 212–3, 218–9 population growth, 172, 245n64 area statistics, 66 conflicts over, 183n31 delimitation, 214, 217–8 territorial transfers, 68, 109n10 demands for administrative units, 200, ‘Other Nagas’ population, 141, 170 214, 239n26 voting rates, 207, 219

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