■ B H f f a p p t

^ g | s | | 1 1 c s n opens " ~ n r itosqife!S o r r e l s rhey - Bi3 I I rte 'tu p r is ^

—— - 2 5 ^ ■r, J M rath vear, No. 343 T w inF1 F^lls, Idaho ^ Friday, December9,1983 Reagaan still optinimistic ; I So>vietss break | U W €saporn talks II By REBECCA;A IRVIN United PressilntenaUonal h NATO frees records [ GENEVA, SSwitzerland — The Sovl- from\ arrns talks — A8 it-Klown-aU-nuclear ■ am is— = ^ talks Nvlth thehe United States Thurs- day, breakln{Ing off bargaining on U.S. ^ missiles in Europe that has ^ ...... long-r^e weapons-15- Wf days. after already “ started, tbe changes in the ^ walklrigoutofj global ' Strategic ■8ltuati0D“m ake~it~; ■ ■ p g )f parallel negotiations on necessary " for the Soviet side to review [ medlum-rangege missiles. I* ______Tbe.SovJet.d.-delegaUon-discontinued- all problems which are under_dls- the Strategic: Armst Reduction Talks cu^lopafiheSTARThe^tiatibns. on intercontlniInental nuclear missiles „ “Therefore, no date for the re- > claiming the "global “ strategic sltua- sumption S of the talks has been set.” >^iion;;£baDgfid.id.wiUkUwaniyal^nfiWxn.T.^ . U.S.mlssUeslnIn Western Europe. ^ could not agree with Soviet assertions Moscow broroke off the separate, that tl “ develc^ments outside the scope parallel Intermmeidlate Nuclear Forces ofq1 these nogotlatloos require tbe Sovi- __ talks Nov. 23I aftera the West Germ an pfT pi tntnn tft wlthhftlrt affr>#nwit n n tt ^ B 9 parliament' a'pjJpprovea~ae^oyment of resumptionn date” — referring to the ■ ^ S the new missile NATO deployment of 572 cnitoe ^ ; As thev didd ^ the INF talks, the p , ^ Soviets refuseded to set a date to resume wway in Western Eum ^. | H | START. U.S. officials said they were “not I ^ H Chief U.S.. negotlatlor Edward too »o surprised” by tbe Soviet an­ Rovmey saidI thet United States re- qcnouncement and stressed the Soviets ; gretted the Sov:ovlet decision and h6ped mmerely said they were “ re- ^ ------Moscow-would-Id-soon-agree to resume— gjjexamlfflng’T h afp eatkiri at hTART.------r thetalks. . But in ' Washington, President ■ fl “TheUnltedSiStates is fully prepared R1R» ^ g a n Insisted that the Soviet Union ''•"to'continue'the'ile-regularpattem of the—-didnot dii break^offtbelalksrbut instead------STARTnegotlatlatlons,” he said. ““simply.was,not.prepared s to set a “ These negotlotlatlons are In the in- tlitim e for resumptionof talks.” ------terest-of-both^i^our-natlons-and-of4 ha------— Reaganr«xpresslQg-optimism-that-^i^: entire, wo rl^”’ RownyI said, reading a the th negotiations wt N^‘ The 3S-minuUIlte final session ending leileaving for a t r ^ to lodlanapolia to i ' i H igh COU< u r t START’s cumrrent round was the adaddress an edunlksionim.-- - , "JTT ''shortest since} talks i began June 30, At th» nn'mo that L| '-Ml.'.- i ,Ib e Idaho StvStqweme Court la bolding ooeoo of its . Sbepard, cailef.lef Justk» Charles Dobaldiidaon,.,. Tbe Juttlfes Will cooclude» thl U ^ ...... ' i ^ . he WDtdd support a meetinft between____I'.*; '' ^ 'P eriodic fffBilfnkns lo Twlo F ans.‘niursdnday, the \ , R o b ^ 'B d c e siaiklStiBbn.Blstllne ai b borrowed. Each ^ oareia re He received his biggest^pplauMbl when ne « peratlve,-alter th^SoiSouthern Idaho for each I abuse. I can't . Bell’s reconunendednx four Vperfonrrm^ce goals:” ■ iJ5.,______schools, teachers susuffer verbal end physical al board of directors agreereed to liquidate worth JS y —thismuststop.*’ " ------— — •-RalslnisingooUege entrance scores» d 1loons ^ g et Officlficl^s now are'placing the'niirnum- ■ harge of the shutUe program,. ^ Interest rates of < setting desert sunin after an eight- charj ■ . an immediate drop in lnt< •See PCA on Page Al - hour delay, bringlnSng back sbc men, calleacc flying, beforsometlme. n lH H m ission," Young sol lecked tils instnunents, turned off - A cut In energy demanr plans to build proposal.iOl, but predicted there wouliould “We enjoyed e shuttle’s systems and exclaimed utility td drop its eariler p started acttog up. ; minutes after landing; “Fan- a coal-fired plant, butIt company c of- be argumuments over whether the utillt; T h e m aalfunction of 2 of the 5 every mlnuteof It.” ;flclals believe theyshoulcDuld be allowed should be allowed to recover the cost NASA admlnlstral•ator James Beggs stic!” environmental of a plantmt that never was built, o n - b o aard com puters’s a p p e a r e d auts-the world’s “Well ^ done,” ^ said President ^ to recover the costs of en said the sbc astronau eagan in a statement released by and geological reportsts required i by Ward di sold the request might b t o b e linkedII to th e firing1 of th e largest space crew/ - - “broughtback I as inconsistent with a PU( ------enough-data-to-kee]eep-our-sclentists------eJWhitelfcuse______— federal agencies and tbehe state P ublic viewed a “Our .congratulation to the entire , _ _ ^^innitl

> ' ■ a m , a g e , d p

A^TImea-New*. Twin1 Falla.Fe Idaho. Frklay. Oeceicem berO .K ^

»CA— lii<^ runs tbe national wlll(^ enlar^ Ibe Eastern Idabo PCA to ’ f Briefi f t y — KSoatlnaed trom PaiBB A3 m inistration, wtiii . b e ra; of S bad or vulneratde-to-joesesloans i PC|i 4 y ^ ^ totook cootrol of .the aboubout 2,8s borrowers, bolding more —^ -Salvager cii:ited for^ax-evase i s i b n ------F i | i i \ s v^ew i < U .S.-as big tb u l l y ------nts5,i>i.-out of 1,230 outstanding. Howev-Ko - Sombem Idaho PPCA earlier thto fall thanhan n75 mllUoa in loans: It wiD be mong tbe 15 largest PCAs in the I , Finland (UPI) — Finns st bose-loans make.tq) about.at.a 1third . after an audit distlscovered loan losses- am a i BOISE (UPI) -— An a t ^ salvage operatod to farmers and randiers la 24 I tn nUng i» A PU . Ing about $80 milUoi, a ree eithere but they bad not < TbomasMeck,42.(2, Caldwell, pleaded guUty tfi to dale or have only’ minorn of m em bers’ slstock yet, federal idahclabo counties and in two counties'in ^ false return for 1978r8 ilin whkb be clalined to hav< Ipbjcotmtries threaten peace,i. ffl percent o f ^ “ nls. Hill nirthnHttoaftptH restem Wyoming. M mii«oned the United States S an d 38 ilems, according.to ofOclals. westi f63,835wbeDbeactuatual]ymadefl05,831^|r. j 1 frozen and a-federal HUI HU says that be and other Eastern S B iet Thrinn iq (he firstpoll11 ol' Its Und In “his organizatku wiU servicvice all The stock was fi ' ■n»e Internal Revo Of thle e ttopKsredlt loans and wlll,n11 operating offlcerr was Installed until idahtlaho PCA officers will explain the agaist Heck for 197^1977 throuBb '79, b o B ^ o « ^ indlvididdual dedskHison those hahaving tbe FCA and tbe)e ^x)kane bank de- detaietags^of^ ^ ^ t a t o o w ^ ^ ------—e euBta were-droppei>ped>WedDeiday In lK to a . r staOlng changes. He expecpectsto Idabo PCA boardd decided on Nov. 18 thele MagicN Valley in late January and Heck, owner andd o|operator of B &.T AuafSa]Salvage in # .' a in V ^ ^ i a d ee fofor APU by the TaloustuUdnImus research ^ S « te ley and to voluntarily llqiquidate Its associa- eariyiriy February. squdred to pay tbe bade tS e s I ate tbe Twin Falto, Buriey CaldweU, will be requ esowedon center Goodiniling PCA offices as brancheiches of Uon, provided Uthe Eastern' Idaho The Th< assodatton also to planning to tb e 1978 return In adduldltion to completing otherirte t m s o f ^ the one neutral and d ^ o ccratic r country tbePoc lall informatton to Its stockboldets ice, tax offidab said. . association agreeded. mall tbe eventual sentence bordering theB SovietS< Union but its foreigrign policy an d Thee federal Farm CreditUt Ad- Absorption of ScSouthern Idaho PCA andbid borrowers In tbe near future. many public attiattitudes are shaped by a frienendshlp treaty Police returiirn to U .S. marqiq u e and other dosese tiesti with Moscow, SACRAMENTO. CCalif. (UPI) - H ie California Ca - ‘ Asked whetbeitber there would be a'thirdI world\ war in Oh r u t t l e — Highway Patrol, oaeme of tbe natkm’a mort pnprominent our time, 28 peipercent, largdy women and • OoBtimwi from Page AlLl doubt Thursday. A double computer ' Offlclals Off) said tbey bad not de- motorcycle buyen,, tofs mJapan's ' safd‘'yes" andeKl 64 p e r c e n t^ " . ' le team — tbe astronauts as well failure flve hourss Ibefore the original termlrmlned the cause, but Blaba >. Hariey~ -— Thi»_ siirvpyy .w.\ w imdfirtfllfpn Jiwt hefnifnre the U.S. J S S^-theusands^ea-tbe gound Davidaon. invasion of Grenrenada in October. madeU]i this mission possible." Houston to **waveBofr’ < the'astronauto evldeiddence the Jet firings bad abythlng ' Until 1973, tbe Harleirley-David^ bike was tbe« o c n ly o n e - ••Newew horizons haye been disidiscov- _t^ce._ .- todo.1 ...... — .- everwed by tbeXaiPHP, but that y ear the CHP>«ritctod si Isab el P*eron e returns froo m e x i l e ahd ' old boundaries puspushed ' The unpreced»lint^ landing dday •‘We do ool think It was related to to Japanese pTMiocts.is. he said. “It proves that thethere’s meant the'astronauttuts had to approach thrustruster firings,” be toid Young. On WednMday. HHarley-DaviiSaoa a took a majoajor step MADRID, SpainSpt (UPI) — Former Argegentine Presl- neverr a time wben we shouldId st^1 tbe high desert lanindlng base firom tbe ‘•Just.. t„ iiameoed to be at the same towaid regaining ItsIs ffbrmer positioa by submititiittlngthe_ jdent Isabel.PePeron ended more n tvtwo y ears o t dreamicning.” north, following a path taking t l ^ tlnie.' ursday asd'flew'to Argentntlna-fortbe ...... ne," said Youn^ Indicating ^ still ayppar«it low bid: A:for m new m otohg^J«. CHP '^/-exU e TiJurs Aed safely In Qjlum hla’sI cargocs over the Aleutiann Islaols, SO mUeJ tsnotconvinoxl.^ Kent MlUoQ Mi said Harley-OavidsIdson bid installation ofif itsit first dvIUan govemmeilent since she baywas/as the 17-ton, <1 billion Spactlacelab north of San Frs“ranclsco and over w as ousted byrthe tbl military In 1976. ride of Fresno. . Columbia, which, prevloudy/bad $4,393 per bike and KwKawasaki 14,649. re s e aTdi rd module that to tb e pridi >wn as Ip ^ ss eight days, bais flve ^i2Hail«y4}avldioiu0 DOW bas l4 daya to (frilvillvpf »fl a — Mrs^PenmrSSI..S2,-the widow of dlctatoc.'Ju £^galo-- i h a J M a y miMlfdonwasthelomff ----- yetforashutUe.Iti[t also was <»e Ofthe' bike," MUton said., vwe wm then test it to be sure il Peron, was ln\invited home by Presidentnt-elect Haul nextNov'lovember. ■ect the criUcal operations needed meets our spedflcatk)Ukns. We dim’t o ^ e c t tbeB ccontract Alfonsln, whoo i the candidate cof tbe still- For■ a while, the landing vmivas in smoothest beforer . the electronic gremlins struck. guide tbe winged q>ace glider back ______lo.be«KapdedjjeforeJ» January.”______pow erful P ero•onlst nI p y ty in Ao ^ tinals COct 30 elec- ______o the atmosphere and to-a-safe — tions. ------reungi^ri^trthalW computer- j“[® J died lust as the nose ^^ndiniding. ■gentinafor2 1 c f t o o t s —^ ' aboard tbe ship falli Popular_175''5»pound turtle: d<3 i e s A fo rm e r cabaabaret dancer wbo ruled Arg( Sci iwn. Thefhe delay did oot threaten the ae worid’s flrst woman prec■esident, M rs. . , wheels touched ^ w * NEW YORK (UPI)-I) — Jakipy, tbeCal{V>ag0 4 f • Continued from Page AlL The computer tn>nMibles began early wealthaltb of Information the ship’s four ed a t 11:03 p.m. local time fro:rom M adrid’s _ ^ leshutUe’s big posl- sdenUentlst-astronauts gathered on their . wbo scooted around1 SIStaten Island Zoo on a skat ort on an AeroUneas Argentii There had been n ea r 20-y0-year Thursday when tbe ^ during bis long battlettie with cancer, to dead, o in scores before th ey bejbegan tioning jets in tbee 1nose fired, giving flight,Sht.- " " -'wmsaoeedntndajr.Hijr.4towBfabqaM5.—=— ------>-rlevding beff^""ingig ca- computer was Jate> r e e rs inin tBusiness and engineenng.g. second was lost fort] fllHht ***** • Reqtequrlng all high school gra-have-taken-four—years-irs-o f- iftm e ft PRBCIPITATIOl ’ ' " FWONTiUTAtrSYSTOS * Am FIn jo H i------ates-to - T U l i ^ A T U ib and three years o f ma ------40,30 20 n ' ~ sc ie n ce e ..in social studies. Requi r M \ m ents: iMW n vary widdy, w ith in&ny ma ■ ______- - j d n y ------s ta ta isTSftwinandatlnglusttwo-yei o Teare ------m . I S J^C L O UOY ofmathahand English.

^ 0 I p o ~ V fg f-H ig h ipi0ur«a WteMir ^ A \ ' R*««lvc•Iv« 1 FrM Ulr* of Squirt lT'J'^ O L L E CiCTtdtj i V (^H .ow I ^ withovll ovary lltr* of Papii. ' ■ ' I llira Natlooal Waathar Iwvic* Foraoast to 7 p.m. E^T 12-fiia-o-*3 Papilo ...... ; . * i ” WEEKK______I UPI Waattivr FoiMaai:aaie UPJ, MlcbotobMlc SMr - r*s. or lit*

R ain liH k f l ^ q daay rw in dl^ s to 25 m]iph - i 1^- - -Your- .;Jim - es-N ew s-~ % - - - ^ * OPEfFEN 24 HOURS • SELF-SESVE.... ■atures nrtU : t» r oear T e asoDal.~It= 5 u«t3 ix>lliwiiu«:.l!liaauuni- S » DiESELi^ JA3t£AR.WASH_ V ^ —Garrier-isr-is-Golleoting— ■ after cooll on gimftay — wilh hlgtUtis Moscow to Ooeur d’Aleneoe, wet ^ » ta . MORE THAN JUST A lnlheJOs.aiKt,lnws,ln JhQ taani..^Bs«.,..CMtiird’Alfm toSairtnolnt. ^ m ■ thig wcweel<...^-P le ase_.. | ______I of to to S mpb,' andaoB. floor. Sandpolnt to Boonersrs Ferry, anow It Partly doudy AfuMter» Padflc stom systeni. nMvlngig Tloor. have ycyour cash or fj W itb a allgbt d iaaee Of ra il from Waahlngtoa Oregon and^ 1 State Highway 85-B oisesetoHorseshoe . ^ checkc re r e a d y . | lla, wm reach Idaho today,y> 9end, Icy spots to brokenen snow floor. > tbeiowaot. unngmgran itetotbeatate.------cascndetoWewMeadowsrsirsaowfloor:------" ilw S X ■T Cmhm PraMe, BfSiv.or. Wood Bhrer 'n iealriir abould be sonMwhat warmer,5; “ Interstate <6 - Snow floor. fl Chains ^ Jha withszuwIW levels rising to 5,000 to 6.000 I hankYou | VtOv: » advised for tow rigs. .. nttMtotsaowtoday.wl’.wUhrala below feetlnaoutiMrtbemldatM. - f U.S. U - Lewlstoo to OnDroUno, w et to : tb e 6,000-foot levd. Sboww aiecumulaUoaaa * SUes were wc doudy around the sUte^ broken snow floor. Kooskiata to Loio P ass, ;> ofatoSIoebestDdvlDdtioiiotottniiitiaie. tnmraday.ly. Light snow (ell in tbe aner-^ snowfloor. ezpocted Partly cloudyly with< a sligbt « » o In Dorthemi» Idaho as.« resuit'of a « State Highway U - Boltolae to Idaho I 1^ ctutf>ce o f snow i b m nra n <00 Saturday. weakalrdLr dlsturtwDce HMvlng through the <• H l g t e g b ^ ^ dajffilowlowsBloW. • Coeur Co. d’Alene aod MuUan ot>*>. Clty.boietosnowfloor.OthiUMTwlae.aaow Ight snow, with MuUan reportingo Qoor. abz served ligb' veen Boise and l i s a s a a * Sbowen today lo nortbtrtbem Nevada, fog. redudiKlngvtslbUltytoamlle. * interstate 8 4 - Wet betwei . GtennsFerry.Otherwise.baiMre. >•< w ith tbe no w level lowulnsring to near 8,000 Winds were w light across the stoto f e ^ Decrwsiog abowerttl fWday ni^t, ««»pl tnn Utbe iqver Soalce River Valley. U.S.»-MounUtlnHomeM to FaWleJd, aad variable clouds oo, SabBilaySi wiUi - wbete guslUSts of 10 to .20 mph weree icy spots. Fairfield to Arco,» , snow floor. , ------Arco-toIdaho-FaUs,-lcy.^^ot».to-aocw ------;t- -gutty wtfldtHltftflntbo«ir4)s uid kw 80aT~ I.' • ” towtlotbemld-Xiitotnid^*aOB.Periodiof Aflerooocoon temperatures IhursdayV floor. Idaho FaUs to Mootanana lliw, anow rain o r sdow lo Utab oo» IP«day. with n>^,Mtly In tbe 30s, with MounUinn ; *■ issa " gusty wlads Id tbe valleys.lys. Qitder wUb tr Force . Base iq) to 41 degreess ' U .S .n -T w in FaUs to NeNevada, bare. enrtliOHii I . r a l a o r BMW F rid iy ntgbt a J i ^ s t _30_(Jegree*,_.‘nM_8tato’8s — _. OUiorwlse, snow Ooor.-—— nrt»ow«rfooSatwi«y7Hl^ : reeling was 48 degrees att Stote Highway 75 - Sioeti■shone to Ket- : ^tblow s lDUiBaOiandaoa. in, after a morning low or 12 att chum, bare or wet to brdkea ------EUkRlver.r.------...... - GalenaSummlttoStanl^.sor ^^S^^calleied"tii0M«3*"in “are-rdrec4*t ----- rEtoewhenlere fo the naUoQ 'niursdayrlhe—E------^StateHigirtwyn=Snown< ^dro-Sonmic U fbrtodayaodtaolsbtintbeAiMMaglc.Valley w a rm ^ tetemperature reported was S33 Interstate 88 -.B are to broken bi snow W r ^ - - aadtbrottgboutrdAo.-— • - ...... degree* ata t McAllen, Texas, andTtoo» floor. - ■ Tbe forecast (Oifor tbe M«gt«» -coldestwasi« s 9 below at Alamosa. Colo. Intentate U — Pocatelio> tot Utah and Valley and aouttem Idab Idaho Falls, some Icy spoU.I. Idaho1 Falla UDsettled wealber, with a cbi Idaho:0 road report to Monida Pass, snow floor anu d drifting. U.S.90-Icy spots. Broken Carpet en anow floor Steam” I or Btew In Um valleys aDd ad :anow In the ByUnltedPiIPresslntemaUonol m otmta lia a t tim es Uiroufloust), Tuesday. U.S.9S-C- Oregon tine to New Meadows. between Monlpeller and Wyonomlng.,

KanMtClty 39 1IS .... Pertund,0>a. il7 4« .4« lainoFiii* 34 3 IB .07 N ational LuvaoM a a31 .... St. Louis 3616 2S lO"IJlOfi 4t* 77 .07 m M ■ • • M« Mln Pe S3 .... 9»'*suml»B...,...... 7:57a.m. R e g u lliir i ii 15.50 day Indext ------_ Businesi^ ...... A14-15 Obituarie• i e s ...... B 2 ^ p N ation ...... A 5-7 r Classified-.'.-. . .r. r C 1 2 n 6 — O p i n i o n - ...... A 4 _- _ W \ e s t ...... A 9 - C o m i c s ^ ...... C6 Sports , ...... B3-6 I Friday Special .... ■ I d a h o ...... A ll Scoreboai> a r d ...... B 4 \ World ...... A 8 J / a = ^ l [ > ------Magtc-Valie y ...... Dl— Calendar —D e a r A b b y - r : - ; . v ...-

Circulation JmylloyteXtclre^altodlroetof SuiwcrtpUoaFKMRalM Circulation phones are mumanned between 7 and 10 a.na.m . only. I( you Clly home• dellvcfy:del dttly. tl.lOper week; SialdjDday. 7S« per ' «mbcr (oryour ly and Sunday. II.CD per w«ek. RunUJmo(or-nxit« ri T i i r ^ i ; do not reccive your papeiper by 7 a.m.. call the nun dally. II.TO perw k; Siodty. 7SC perr <•week; daily area: and Sunday.ly. $:*1.70 per wedc. Hail attoerlptlooi imm urtbepald More Clc wer . Jerome-Wendell-Gooding-ng-Hagermon 536-2555 lna

^ M a r iines fa)rceT)nuze to lift whlite flac9 f t B a r s n a i s ^ BEIRUT, Lebanc^uion (UPI) — Druze alrp.iport q>ent another night confined cot Christian Ph£lialange radto said Pres- HItaly , F ran ce and Britaliilain — vowed I >; Moslem mlliUaaIsheUedU.S.Marines, sbi todi> dailcened bunkers on a Condlindltlon 1 . Ident Reagan’eVs Middle E ast envoy, tlthey would stay on t10 siqjport Studio Al again Thursday, botbo the Marines fired maxlaximum alert. Donald Rumsfesfeld, arrived for a new L ebanese President AminInCiemayel. ( M ' Art fiaiieiT^V v--baclcBo nercelytbetbeaita?kefsmlseda” — TTiThe~ battle came four daysiya“afler -*'erf01t - l 6 "end't]'U ie T a > a h ^ flghtlhg...... Describing the momlirnlng •.battle;- - ' Featoring: Oir&>ll &aintings & Prints^ ----- ‘ : white flag. T te! Druze' O later turned e l^ght i Marines were killed ancand two There was no»immediate ii word of his Marine spokesman MaMaj. Dennis Now'Op«n1 by Qppolntment their guns oa Chrl3ul8tlan east Beirut, wouiounded in assaults foUowlnwing an plan s for tallcs.------Brooks B said tho MarinesS c iinrior ■ Special Rateses on all portrait ■ wotinding at leastIt threeth people. Amemerican air strike on Syrian1 tntroops. However, witvlth the de^jenlng US. "1"heavy and Concentrate•ated" small W M orders takenI beforebe Christm as - - No Marine casualaialties'were reported At mid-evening, Druze artillery art m ilitary involv>lvement, Italy seld 'it arm ai s, m ortar -and rocke:ket-propelled . ^ Phono 326-5887 forfoi more information • | • ; In tbe uMmlng'sB.90-mlnute 9( battle on shelllelled Christian neighborhoodsKlslntbe w anted to sla:lash Its peace-keeplilg grenade 0 fire from an enei•Demy bunker I . ' tbe rod -dirt hilhillls that form the capiiipital for nearly 100 minute:iites and force in Beirutut by half, to the 1,100 «northeast of tbe airport. Marines' northeastast perimeter.| tiue*ree p ec^ e were r ^ r t e d wouvounded, originally comnimltted. The a re a is controlled)d Iby Syrian- -B ut Druze leaderders and Syria vowed Iboe state-runt radio said. ShelllrOllng be- At a NATO0 meeting of foreign backed Moslem Druze: wwho expose to continue tbe repeatedrep assaults on twee/een Druze and Lebanesele arm y m inlsteni in Bnissels, Bi the US. and G em ayel's ChristlaiKkimiiiminated gov- „ American forceses and the 1,200' unitslits also erupted in the Sboufuf rmoun- th ree nations contributing c troops to em ci m ent. ------i-^'Marlne&-dq}loy«d>ixi^around-tbe Bein it ....tainsInssoutbeastolBtiinit------—- -.---^-Tp^c^^lnB -lE-forees-in-bebaiwn------; N e x t Js h u t t l e t1 o r iv a l EB u c k R co g e r s ByALROSSlTERJRJR. MdticCandless, Stewart, mlimission and bring it intoini the cargo bay for UPJ Science EdJtoror comnnm ahder Vance D. Brand, co;co-pUot repairs, ^ bbert e i L. Gibson and Ronaldlaid E. McCandless; andi Stewart on the SPACE CENTERER, Houston (UPI) McNsj«jalr are scheduled to be launilunched upcoming missission will test the 2&-jet . — The space agencjaicy will switch from on ShutUeshi flight 10 Jan. 30. Theyti'ey will m aneuvering units ui for the first time o the exhaustive sciscientific - investiga'' ^>endmd eight days in orbit on thelie imost — nnd rehearse'ttrendezvous maneuvers- .. tions of the ninthh shuttlee flight to a ambitibitious shutUo missloQ.v^^ • —-jjTg^rodlbrtiie,le April flight They also ' ‘ i—J' . J rTrl ti*'***0 B ’ .ttoiidaly OaQJIg tU^TtajrOJfpersonal-flpJw^ifiy p» ------b s ' ^ ing on flight 10 In laUlate January. astioilonauts will launch two comommer- electronics box*Kaboald the satellite, Two spacewalMniMng astronauts will ^lall1 communications' satellitestes and Lunneysaidh«he was confident all the use 'jet propelled backpacksba to cruise rieoloploy and later retrieve a GerGennan ^pm ent wi/ould work for the Gift P, Pj outside the ^ c ee sishuttle Challenger itrument platform. During thetite sec- Jan u a ry test, butbu he acknowledged in ' In a dram atic reheaiwarsal of an attempt of,di spacewalk, McCandlessss will ^ interview thattl; the mission was to rescue a crippleded satelliteI in April, co^diiduct a unique orbital refuelingling test more risky than:inmost. Saving Astronauts Brucelice McCaadless and inChi^allen g er’s open payload bay.lav “There’s an1 addedi degree of risk R obert Stewart willvill fly up to 300 feet b u t I would notot characterize It as a ' aw ay from tbe shuttlutUeCSiallengerand Therbe Jet propelled backpacks,I, acaUed g re a t big step.l>.ln that way because ‘ mayventureoutwitlwitboiitasafetyllne. manninned maneuvering units, are the- even if the mann maneuvering unit ^ "it’saprettyarai — fcey t Weh-an— lin J u piuLleiii, ____ Dfesigpai:r ^ ' Uon of the abUlUeaties that we have," astroironau t**iriU ing sun flown over, andd underi and around the ' said Glynn Lunney,ey, shutU^'program obserlervatory called the Solarr IMax- crew m an wlw mightm be on such a unit mj - m anager a t thele Johnson Space imumlim Mission and to stabilize It se ‘A “A nuclear war of any scopee wwould S enate Caucus; RoomF was sponsored Z Soviet Academy of^Sciences SI said: mi^~eltKer-the-dlsappearanci ^ uice~of— b3rbackBrs-ofaTiinuclear freezer*^------R eagann lifts arm!is-safes barin o n Argeentina WASHINGTON^lWUPD -President weroire murdered. nies. Reagan, reversingig £a ban impo^ by “ArArgentina has made signiflilificant The decision is a sharp reversal of Top-oMhe-stalr the Carter admi^inistratlon, will lift progngress In meeting intematlontionally th e restriction President P Carter Im- restrictions on U.SUS. arms sales to recogiognized principles of human hui posed In 1978 beelecause of widespread A rgentina becauscluse of dramatic rightsIts,". State Departnirtment human rights abubuses. human rights improvements, Im] the spokeskesman Alan Romberg said. 124 Main Ave/enue North . State Do>aiitmentsatsaidlbursday. The admlnistraration and Argentina’s Twin Falls • 733:1506 ' J The Is-toI betx formally lifted-----He[e tsaid Reagan’s certificationon that - - m ilitary------govijvemment -jointly------Saturday, the dayy ArgentinaA. inaugu- ArgenSentlna Is eligible to seek armsmis “is expres^adesinlire to lift the b o n ^ l y _____rates an. electedI cl clvUian. president p yticidarly tlc appropriate’? asi RaulF in Reagan's termrm. But congresslbnal ^ The evenrends ^ y ^ ^ V y e a r s of Alfora[jnBln~l8“'lnangurated~in"BDiBuenos— qpposltlOTTSlDwetfRfthe^fforrandltvas ------m ilitary rule, during•ingwWcb tlwusands—Aires,es. Vice-President <^rgee BushB derailed in 198212 by the junta’s In- of. political dls^dentlents disappeared or will1 representrc Reagan at the cereeremo- vasionof thePalklIkland Islands. CAMIIE M DEEMOAMII P SALE J . KODAM>lAtiC 960 ^ T Icod^ MATIC 980 L ~ INSTANTr CAMERA INSTANNT CAMERA *39”cost ■ *59” COSTT $ 1 0*^°LESS REBATETE ^ M O ° V s s r ..

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1 ■ c ■ WirtamBamE.Htward , William Wl C.OIaktf Publl»t»)ll»t>er ' Advcrttiing A

». T h e m e mibers b er o( the editorial board andar writers of editorials ~ a ree S te p h e n H a r tg c n a n d Wllli.'illiam E. Howard tusiTOieiraiBmBtRjsRKTWEWWiPUffi o r o IN w s A . BBERnKEOfmEOOCRBUNLUM6 'WF. TOUT CABBBaWTO COUSt-' . . Trimn federaltl b u d g e t r in mlilitary a r e a t o 0 t rMEYLOOK LIK.IKE INDMPUAL6 I ( BUT 7M£yEVARe A a £*WPED 1 . ONTWE OUT*}T5IPe» J J EP/CQMPU:«JTEJ?9 AND ARE J We do nt 't« always agree with lcIdaho's junior senator, ------m a p e w rr iVITW PUPfiV xSy : Steve Synuinms, who is developii9ing a reputation as a . ^ PUIABtEsiNsiPEs; If P leading chahallenger to Jesse J-Helms for the mostsr - ^ 7 ^ . • ■ conservativeive member of the Senainaite. ^ — ButnnrtsnjsngirisreposalBtstMiirstBBTgasrardgfliatrwe- re— ' ------L thinl:, are on the right track , p aarticulnly r his thoughts ation must find a wayy Ito dent the poIiUcally th a t the natii ______I .Xy ~ ^----- protectedpriprbgram^inihe^soci^-ia^servicerarea:—; ------We wish,I, however,h that Symmsns would go further andid W TU6Yf?gCA■ A iiE p V r IN wAeMiiSHINQTON.TMEV'RE I same kind of cost-bebenefit analj^is to thel e ■ CABBAGE FW(vrCHKiPS! M l ZAlL£Pip cong ;?E55w£N! j : apply the ss .ny>_------^ ^ ^ t ' niUltaty budiudget, wiiich m any obsbservers think can also ^ 5 ^ undergo >me substantial trimmliilng, partlcularly in its irSii!i^m|pietni«crbiadiidiBgpracedures.------Jess, we like his train ofol reasoning on cutting “ Ijeiiefit^wt>wth in the social-servicrtces area. He identifies»s •. several saciacred cows — Socialial Security, militaryy I f l F a C ' S o ______pensions antand federal w orkersi_ -2 ^ ^ ^ e r e r ^ l ^ y in-J:______creasing costosts are a m ajo r cause eyear-level r ------He-proposn-pointt look to those Sociiicial Security recipient:nts who are “affluent." >r recipients'gradually He thlnlis theth( eligibility age for l e L - C a b b i t £ ± l ______’ should be ineIncrease to reilect tntne, longer inespans ol 1 at-th ^ge Pat< manyAmericiricans...... ------^XheseJdea^as-are.Bssentially-sbisound, on es,.at.leastjn _ theory; Ieavlavlng aside the ■ spe The n for foi that pattern was that homes are lUla ResldenUaltajt elling price. All other kinds of property bidding praciactlces need tight conimtrols. More than one^ pertaining to eariyr aaviaUon for possible permamanent happening. R epp..' Tom Stivers Is lading a menoveln ii3Ses«lon»lIJl rstem needs careful scrcrutlny. But those kinda dl^layatGowenFliField in Boise. • I to repeal tbe SO percent Initialiatlve. have large discciiscounts, by comparison. UtUity ’ weapons ^ ti ' the legislature to isse ss^ p ^ y at historic cost (what of cost^Mntriitror measures appararently areh't withinn Tbefleldlsnameded In honor of First Lleutena: This would meanlan; Paul R. Gowenwhoi0 died tn an air crash near se In taxes on homes In 1984 of:jf30 dldthedamcoslcost in 1925), lessdepreclaUon. synuns’lnterterest. ' - . I. An Increase I 'v rL ...... Industrial bulldljlldlngs get depreciation at 4 percent's “ PSittamaCIty;Panaiiaroa,tnl938:Tomy T* percent, plus the;be amount of any local budget Within the the pi^dent's com- in homes year. Most offthemarketvalueoffarmlandls th< ' he n « t : ^ i w ^ tl L_ i^ d o w remarried and locateat^in Increases, overrli ------^mfsslon^ni^ Tjrili-lssne-its-Teportr-^'• UM Twin Falls area.a. ft^ff5r£s tolocatelieroro r any would probablyy riserl ^ p e ^ f statewide:le exemptfromta1 taxation (65 percent in 198l)r------identifyin^bo'both'socia-servlcra prprograms and military'f inunediate family HavebeenHi fruitless, 2.Slnce otherr kindski ofprcq)erty'enjoy a ^Iscount Cortimerclalprc1 property is assess^ on Inco,me, n o l ____ - spending as3 ttthe two areas responsiisible for the huge gap. Gowen Field, dedlidicated In 194t, was used on assessed v^ue ^ Ingprice.. ThThe 50 percent law gave hbihiu a .. — —— If-we^are-gi)-going;to-cut:peTsonallal-lncome-taxes-byjS— S _ - -.oxtensIvelyduringV1 World WaMtasirtralningtgtjase" (compared to hMt»m«);wew^drSunn^^ . an d today is still useised by the Idaho Air Nationalnal pattern of the 19711970s. There would be a contlniInulng _ given other kinddnds of property. percent, ther«ereby reducing revenuime, there is no way on_ Guard for that purpopose. Anything pertainingItothe to “taxshiff’tobontomes. Residential taxes woultuldrlse Stivers wantsints to resto re the ^ t e m under whldi God’s greenn iearth th a t the deficiicit will shrink unless* history of the neldesg p e d a lly tbe World War IIIlera • muchfasterthantan the rate of total taxes. otherkindsofpiIf property getadlscount, and ______t t e r e ^ a l sIso o large cuts in spehdhiUng. ______would be appreclate< From 1976 to1 196219 total residential propertyrty taxes homeownersi getgel the shaft. The result would be an Symms thirhiiite the cuts shouldI beb in social services;; ' Ifanyj^ der cant1 be or help;! would appreclsd a t e - - In Idaho rose 977 percent,p< J63.4 million.-The—------explosion of resiresIdenUal taxes, sImUar to the late wethinlitheyiey ^ould Include militaItai7 spending as well. them calling 733-1691Sl o r writing me at tho follovlowing combined totali forfo utility, commercial andIfarm fi 1970s and, very■ry llkdy,1 another tax revolt address: S36N. Seve/enth, Payette, ID 83661. property rose $5B million,r or 4.5 percent Resiisidentlal KENR0BI80 PAULC.NUTTINNG taxes rose 12 timem es as much, in total d o ll^s,asthe , ReddeotlalTidTaxInlUaUve m J Payette combined totalI of other taxes. There was manasslve Boise Wearire abler to feedd t h e s iurvivoirsif-thilere-aree no swirvivors — B OSTON-Y es Indeeileed,ladlesand i yourung crops suffer more fromm radiation than Butb^t baek to the cans. Tbe authon)rs do adm it about flrst-srst-strlice scenarios, FEMA Islust'a PQHttamaw ithescriptwas getting— mopJre naature crops: With anyly 1luck the nuclear—there! willwi be a problem with food piprocessing------doo-wop, cht chorus for.a headllnerjike Edward______. Stale, weareofferedaiKa new act In the National Y waru* would take place In Augus^ t rather than anddlst!UstribuUon: "Frankly the poslost-nuclear Teller, Nuclear Fellies. A heart;arty welMme, please, Ellen\ .Junene. Summer stock time, asIS >you know. . attackk picturep Is not so bright in pnirocesslng." But I keepceep remem bering the words of " for"FEMAand‘n>eFar G o o ddm r an . we seem to be missing is a pUplan for more R c ^ rtJlayLifton, a y l tbeYaleprofessorof )ut FNMA’s t>aslc scenario I liners. psychiatrytry \who has written about the “lo^c of When last heard Irom.im. you may recall, landid and the woric force would 1 toT the civil madness"s" iiin ou r nu d ea r thinking:. “Civil Smecgency,ManagemCTt_j n 1 don’t know about the rest o — FEMA-(thePederal£m4 _ | ^ L _ undeJef even the greatest calami ise audience out there, but'l hahave a defense is pipart of the fundamental Illusions . Agency) was hoofing it up oh center stage with attacack....Siifflclent production i ive cribbed about a nudlu d e a r w ar: The illusion of so lv in g , Durcities.lncaseof Ig that these people could have plans for evacuatingour neet survivor needs." Uielrscrscript from “'n>e Day After.”."T hebest ' TheiUusionlion of recovery. It’s massive denial." - niictftflr war. Uielr themem ewngwa8;,?ack,up_^J _ t^farmers and t^y ^r^klalklng food. They "have assesa^'lhe post-nukejJcefooaSirualKn'flnd ------ini offiflingonOje“ ^ « ^ J^:ln;the n film was (hewonderful'ul meeting— — rUf ton's's pf-vlewJs thatof^> nuclear — ■ . . your troubles In your old family buggy and . 1 n part." Che planners are coui :ritIc.''“ Inltsdl!(dvBdef&ise) seems ...... ' are here to tell us that the2 survivorssu are all availillabUUy of migrant labor.-.There T would be »en the bureaucrat and the fararmers. 'theatercritl ■ drive, drlVfe, drive. Ea<^iQ<^ urban dweller was ' > tural an d appropriate thing to do. But nation, and a welcome gonna ( make It If t h ^ areere enough cans to go pientnty of urban migrants hanglnglngaroundto Tnebii bureaucrat, ^>eaklng fromilnstructlons Ir likeanatun assigned a rural destlnat ibly produced by FEMA fantataslsts, tells It increases;ses tbe possibility of nudear war by. wagon.______^______around. help'p with the harvest, they say.ay.Nomorebelp probably ----- FEMA produced H»newwscriptas-a s« briefing— problrblemsrno more IUegals.-Evetltes. The pressure to feeded the survivors time, we’rewe talking dead dirt, right, ten1 pepercent of the nudear can*: upbeat view on survival:al: “ Dig a hole, cover it lai^scale j nuclear war wouvouldn't devastate wUld1 disappear pretty quickly,r, aalong with the FVankimkiy, 1 hate to pan such a slnoficere troupe. create annultlmat^NudearWInter.Inthat-' ull __.with a few doors and thenhra throw three feet bf . Americanj agriculture______surylvivor8.^Uowingan attackck which would Lord kncmows, they win points for Imanaglnation. case, thereTC vwould indeed be enough food for diitoh top.’’ It was Jonesnes wiw tbiaus'thaf \w ’d ' For one thing, they assurejre us that livestock ellmininate half the population,I, FFEMA notes, More totot the point, FEMA and the fafarmers thenumbers s wwould suffer, but consiisumers for (only) part of thithattime.’'No planninging. In an era when we nameB a nuclear_____ £f/eo Goocloodmna writes for The Bostoa - 4 ^ ____ Well, fans. FEMA Istbacl(. bai They’ve taken on ' the t amount of damage Is han[umj to predict since , problblem. missile*'le “The Peaceke^ier'' and tollalk fred y Globe. Feldsiitein ge3t^salei3SSon iln t h e diangen *s of tellling thle i truths . There Isonlyonewoi^rseslnthanto ------— Ofl____ protested. theilhe n ation." He In the Reagan Whitec HiHouse, and “That was befoifore it becameA/s ““All y right, doctor,” said the hardest that is to tell the truth. — I . budget deficit. YoIfourjoblstogiveus righright-hand aide. “Youhaven't goltbe The latest person to dis(discover this Is Economic reasonsnstoshowwhyaSZOO mesm essage, so we're going to have to. Dr. M artin Fcldsteln, the chairman of B n Buchwald M bUllon deficit is gcgood for the pinyp ln y ro u ^ .” the president’s Councillot of Economic economy.” “ I ’m no t going to listen toany more “Howcan I doll) that?” Dr. Fddsteln }f ththis daptrap," Dr. Fddsteln'sald, Advisers. - ,nHu,nllr»w1n..t. _ ------Dr. Feldstein's Job Issto to advise the icxtm 1 _ — , ^d.'.U fthegover president on the futuresofthe of i U ; I I - 1 W * P‘L__ : ' ' ••• - on the public martirtcet and borrow “ “ B I ring in Larry Speakes.” somediie cconomy, regardlessofpcif political race, rlght-hawEujd man, “ I told you he wasn’tr - ^ money to pay its} ddebts. It will send saidMild. . . ideological creed and boolMokkeeplng ate am pplayer.'’ li interest rates sky-y-hlgh,andthe The Tl presldent'spresssecretary' • color. “ Whydi/ do you have to tell the truth I ^ Drivate sector worfon'1 1)0 able to afford __ ;am e In w ith his notepad. • _ ' ; • ‘ What is driving Mr. ReiEleagan’s during ananelectlon^ear?” another to borrow moneyy tto keep the recovery ■"'T5rTy;'*^ffl6wxa5er^ political a d v l ^ theK v,walTls tb a t...... ri^ t* a nand < presfdehtraralde asked v P P P B going. Doesn’t anjmybody here want to ^F'ddstein d c refuses to be a team player. Dr. Feldstclnhosnot bcci)ccn painting him . ■ T* 3 deal with reality?.! ______AM tyy o u rj^ t press briefing we want __ ause ru look like an Idiot if 1 ,'ou go o u t and Hdlculehim Ihfrbnt^f the sam e rosy futux« offtheeconomy th •’Becau ' *]B “We'reonly will-Ullng to deal wllh one that the president Intendsnds to use In his don't,’’DtDr. Feldstelnsaid. "We're h e en tire White Housepress corps.?! } have to face up to a ~ ^ kind of reality," a right-hand man .•(“Oh boy," said Larry. “This Is n^elecUon campaign. going to hi ^ ^ 3 said. “And that'ss gettingG the president — Eastw^anhffHHrvapdiiPdprofessoi ------J 200-billio:iion deficit in 198S thal could p in g to t e fun. Can I mispronounce' re-elected. Now yoyou either shut up lls n am e every time I say II?” was called on tbe carpcto;ctoncc again by destroy' arany hope of a recovery. Tbe | H H about budget deflcflcltsorgetoffthe Ircle. • only wayly tto deal with It Is to raise “ Give tb e wimp the fulf treatm ent" the president’s Inner clrcl ■ team .” . .They m ade him piit hisilsrighthand i taxesandnd cut back on military thojioalde&ald.“Youcanusoeveryjoke I ' on the Federal Budget. spending.' * ■ * "I don't want to ^ t off the team," aboiibout h im In your book. We’re going “Do you swear lo tcUIthe tlx economic “ Dr.Fc:Fiddsteln,” a third right-handnd Dr. Feldstelnsaidld.”lbdlevel’m togto get i^d of Dr. Gloom one way or tbe truth, the wholeeconomienictnth, and aides^d,d ,' ‘you’re not only not a teamim ___ _ ^ ____ serving the presidJdent byjelllng him othe>lher." ___ nothing but Jhe.ocooomlc.tilc.tru^6P___,j?layeii2ffli An » ld 7 ' ______;‘Don!i'back4ipjwuiiu;-Argumentwlth"-dcfieir3rtm-pomicalliwiie?" ------ffiSmurSwuHfiefieooHioinlcTufunfcT' • . helpyouGod?" “ Look,”c,” saldD r.F3dsielh, “heree figures,” the first righi^t-handman “But;ut the president made It a tho country. If bee fgets re-dected and _ ArtBucbwaldwritesiivin Dr.Fe}dsteln8aid,”ldoIdo.'.' aretheflgifigures. I’mnot making any'Of of said. “That'sthecowai-ard'swayout. politicsleal Issue In 190O*and that’ssoneof oi doesn’tre^liewbjkliat lies ahead for Vasblngfonlor Tbe Los Angeles . "Yousee,” saldBeag2uj'^ ’s this up." Do you realize you arelemaklngthe thcrcas[*asonshewon,” Dr. Feldstcliteln him he’ll becomeethelaughlhgstodcof t 77^1nmes Syndicate. 4 Friday. Dscembor9,1983983’ Tlmos-Newa.TwinFaUs.ldahoA^ _ ^ - i v «la t i o n

S o i l conser < rvaiion- 1 — S Q ^ l of neuy plan ' WASHINGTONi (UPI) - withth each passing year and Agriculture SecretTetary John Block pass!isslng day,” he told a news coconfer* anoounced-a pilotJot *20 mUllon SOU encece to announce several const)nserva- cooservatloo effort>rt Thursday, setting tion>n IInitiatives. ^ ______itional-debate-about------He Bald tb6.p Uot.proJect-woulect for centit prefer the single life arand~5 [lO authority and frownlwning 0 0 marijuana percercent favor living together. use, an apparentt rreversal of some TtK[tie report said 56 perpercent earlier attitudes, aa »new report says. . eaqjitpressed approval of unmainarried 32 per-— ~~The report is basec ults-llvlng-together, while 32 tsed on the resultsof~2?i!f!iitd is a g r^ . ilxty-three-percent-said mily- nic necessity should lead a momother - by National Reseai preschool children to work outoutside Ajnerican CouncilJ Of o Life Insurance ^ ! home and 51 percent believeive that and the Health Insuiisurance association ni*;rict old-fashioned upbringinging and w ■ of America. The» surveyb> examined cipline-are-stlU-the-best-wayvays-to ------' ------atntuHS— towahl' sechlldren.” - lifestyles, financesBS and'health and )nly 24 percent say they'wi•'would icoRte more accepioncd dlrman- ir ------r------m - HIR*' According to tbee survey,si 7S percent -JuanaLna usage, while 70 percentt wouldwi say an equal mmarriage, u^ere not; wwelcome that change, the1 re;report husband and wife!e sharei the work. said.d. i t Reagann angers ri'ights grout.i p s WASHINGT0N~^1'^UPI>—— -Angry--appar)arent-’-double*cros9,-” -‘' s^Id.-.joe-— d -' —— — ------— ------clvil-rightaffwipsat}-eccused President- - Trevijvlno.-congresslohal-lialson forthefor Reagan and Rc^ublubllcan congresslo- Leagiigue of United Latin Amerilerican na] leaders Thursdrsday of ^'doiuble- CltlzeI z ^ . crossing" them by sisneakily trying to 1 ^ stack tbe U.S. CivClvU Rlghla Com- Clvi!lvU rights ^ups and tJtheir mission with Reagan;an appointees. backe:kers on (^pltol Hill are upsetet cover "ITiere’s no questlosUon tbe civil rights effort)rts by Reagan and Housese Re- community fe ^ bibetrayed by tbe publicilicon leader Robert Michel*el of , ' president oftheUnlt

A ctresss would haave s u e d ...a a WASHINGTON (U(UPI) — Actress youngmg gunman, son of -a-wealwealthy . .. Jodie Poster,, who JoJohn Hinckley Jr. Dcnvciver oilman, wU] ever be releaileased tried to Impress byly t shooting Ronald fromn a mental Institution —• eeven Reagan, says she wouvould have “ loved" - thougliigh he maintains he Is not danjlanger- - ...... to sue the presidentialLial assailant but he' ous to:to society. has no access to Ms: family’sfu money.’. “ I don'tC think he'll get out."." she said.I. “It' would ju st cause too much mi In an Interview Inn Sunday’sS issue of controtroversy, and they would havelave to ______Parade, magazine,_W,_MISS_FMt^alSO__f^hnr^a,ngo-the.wt)ole Jaw . regardlng-ng-the...... ■iCTe^in te r said she does hot bellilelleve the troubled jnsanji - J - inityplea'.” H R u l i n g [o r all \ ...... ' / / M m ----- ^—“ GretfirAerflres P 6t'C bm plex“ h o s e i i m '/maf :/L

— m W B Soturday. D« D«c. 10. to A.AA.-4P.M. ^ K M .

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^CHRISTMAS COUFU PO N V Sfer:::^ H; 5 all tuckgd away in fifteen easy- • y o u W( )ages. IRISTM ASD4lO LLA R^'fv p a s ty e could tell y o u m ore,ire, b u t th at w o u ld m M USE THIR TOWARD a n y ' i \ ra ise d ( il it for y o u . So looklok fo r y o u r c o p y . I r P PURCHAHASE. NOW THRU \2-2i♦24. SPEND lJ K E _ i _ \ ______hnpppi isto m e r Services HHia n d b o o k in ------* f/.j CAiH,, -R N O MINIMUM OutpiPER CUSTOMER. ^ future, .then, read it anclI k(k e ep it o n h a n d w e've ( ; refAence. And if)ify o u still h a v e readinj itions, call our toll-fll-free Let's T alk ■--.i=o . Duringig our Open House. R

O pen'8:00 A.M.*

't ------"1 ...... 7 ' - r A-6Tim^ew9.tiI. tw tn F^la. Idaho Frtdav.iv.D ocem ber 9.1083

Nation " “ ■ [ n iu ph risee nationalty ------. ATLAIANTAl u P I ) - Thrw dlf-If. extensive interstitial pneumonia." ferent •' • varieties, of Influemai i ------H o w e v ^ tb e re has beeA no evl- - I striking in widely separateIte deiice of Increased respiratory li­ 3f the natkm were reporteded Iness hi tbe victim’s community, - 0 ^ r t o r W OI ^ invallid, facte charroe 's^of IS tbefederalhealUiagencysaid. Thursdajlay t v the nattenal Centers 5y CATHERINE GEWERTZS Thie ceretiral ppalsy victlrn aald she Mrs. Bouvla, who baslas said abe forDlseaease Control. ------k- -CDC said a community., ■Jolted Press jDieraaUoaaJ wants to die sa t Rlversfile Crenerai prefers p death over life aas s a belpless One of ol tbe hifluenita cases In-tt- outbreak of Influenia caused by H o ^ ltal, whenere she receives pain quadriplegic, q testified Wed'ednesday she volWng{ a 20-year^ld pregnantnt th e A(H3N2) Du virus Ijegan to RIVERSIDE, CaUf. - A\ n. In eariv December, _ “ ABJcediyMrsTBiJuvia»rl»iratCSfiS6yTl ------reports^ •>: hicreased - Influenia-like D In as~ . ' cooonaequences if tbe court apfapproves Mrs. • Bouvla*ia*s estranged busband force f( feeding would violate zastrahis-typeA{H3N2>,- berier wish to die In a county boqtltspltid. testified In tbei Iafternoon session tbat qj une general strain , thatat w as reported from Anchorage and of “personal autmomy.” 58 Betbd,Alaska. ' ...... —D-DrrDooald^FIsbertestifled^ ■plied:' ___■ worid epidemics In 1957-58 thebe fourth day of a bearing thatath 1] ew as by the coiqile*ss*s inability to have a ^ and 196967-^; a secnid strainin -The same flu virus has been aw{w are be could be diargedsed wltb chUd. Richardi Bbuvla also, said his “If she did die, sbe wourouldn’t have A(HlNl)1) related to tbe Russian Hulu activ e to Nashville, Tenn., tbe CDC batlatte ry or vkilatloo of tbe patient's pat wife suffered a miscarriage before anyautomcttiy.*’ ^ virus, aiand a type B strain thatat said, allew be tMnks tbe mis- others as the primary’ nreason sbe - was nott Identified,1( entered a bospi-)1- In MobUe, Ala., but there were no Pushing a patient away from)m a car • carriage and hhtils Inability to father a wantstodle. * . tal witht pneumoniaI and died afterer reports of tocreased Influenza ac- ula S t jnight ruQ.over.tbenicann alsoal b e . child-were .two0 factors that affected___...FIsber contends, tbe .wowoman’s de*_ dellverlniIng a prerzwture child. Tbele Uvltytothatdty. onstrued as a battery.” his wlfe’s.emoUttlonal state and led to dsion d has been Influenced» d by recent p C saletld blood tests sbowed sbe^Wv ■ ■nie CDC s^ d ifw fls tobearty to • M rs. Bouvla, 26, has aaked SuperiorSiq : her death wish He «setbacks in ber life, Inclnriiirting tte ' bad an Inflixaizah Infectton c a u ^)d tell Iftthe nation will be assaulted mliL__]_e"Oui't Jmlge-Juiiii Ilewa to grigrant a ■drowuhig deaUi' Ot IjtH tiiA^*lagB~j ■i»_hyjii'^hr.w. fill vinipg thLq winter or _ • ELIZABEtETHBOUVIA prelrellm lnary Injunctkm thattt wouldi la st year and berSSuitytoftodajob clal d protdems. But be sa she is post morortem sbowed idence of if one wllL prevail. W ann ts to d ie forb>rbld doctors, from force feedingdlngber. ib social woric. nnmentally competrat. Mothhersjuiiggle wco r k , f a imily dilifjerenr l t i y * ByELi&tBRESm•iNER groutH4 > care craters. The dilldrenrenofSl with a child &nbider age 5 wbo were gigcotqt-cajre services Induedude blacks, K S lS ' Santa s Will Be Here ValtedPreaalatemBmatiooal pens arerecared c woiidog full-orir part-time. Tbere were th N^bose youngest chDdilld was at H .women and S a t., D ec. 101 IPkm nWhor* of prft. J 1ft e a s t : 3. ..weU^edu ca ted ^ ^ Brtffa Tou i-lcMi- ln - l ^ o i h - w l l h - P ^ S r i — WASHINOTON-'J—More tban half of HTbe i bureau said Just over9 percentpei scbool children1 nnot In tbe work force ththose working 1 ^ thne. Sonto and hav* Ihclr plelur** | 2 « 1 worUng rootbens« with pre^BdiooI o f tb women care for their children TbeproportloDon of mothers not hi tbe .v.aL.. iek _ difldreiLflirangeJceJor.,child cai«jiwL;,wM«y ie j l ' Woilc. Tbat-figure la down< labor force who0 iwould look for wor* If —Of the 31 percent vbo» 1h av e tbeh* wellboKwel lo r UHafi to Sonto.______' P ailtrf __ side tbe borne anand more mothers sllgbi^aUytem June im , whena It was th ey could find1 cchild care at a reason-Tchlldrra S cared for at tbeirr bomh e, in H would lookior worko rkifsucbcarew et« 10.7{ able cost Is ththree times higher In pepercent of tbe cases thes fsfa th e r took ^ d ie q w r, (be Censuiisus Bureau rqw rted Of tfae 40 percent cared fofor hi families with incncomes under $15,000— cacare of t ^ difldren, 11 p e httrf Tliurttlay. anotlother bome, IB percent wereire kept 38 percent —- than In those with ararx>tber r ^ t i v e caredid fo r tbe ^ ^ 1 gatiii pf <^ d^ b y n it leart $25,000 - 13 chchUdren 5.5 percentsnt hired a ______In a lengthy e»ar ’ noo-relatlves and 18 percencent by incomes of at ' il r MslnAntw* £t»CTwln F«u«7Si7ySOu2 • care pracUbeCtlVtutrbureainepdrted— rolatiatlves:— ------^------^ ------percent.— ------.....JioJioihrelaUve. Nearly ooe-foufourth of tbe B t ^ J ------that 40-percent-of-of-worUng women^— ^TbTbe'rq>ort^based-onji..June- me 4982— —Among-otbcc-r- hlghligbts-oLlbe-^_fai.fathers_vdio_proylded prim■Unary child, E ^ q IKSS arrange for cbDdId care services In . sury«rvey,' said there were 5.0&S.086.000 port: careca were unempioyM1 when\ tbe h I r I ^ " ^ - wroeooeelae’sbomt)me and is percent hi worn>men between tbe ages of 18Band ai 44 -w o rk in g woromen most likely to use susurvey was made.

— One-o[>fl2dfim k e r s r is^-^alGahG - D l i e ^ - — 4 ______AUSTIN, Texass (t(UPD— About ooe -“Dependence “ E means beingg Influ-1 tjottletoaparty,y. lest the iMst not liave j e who drink develepe eniccd, ce ceotroUod or deteiikiinolaed-by— ht^particuiaf^ ll dependency on aonwmethlng — to reiy on orit trusti certain that a reiready supply of alcolMl IE Is the “essence" of aomimethlng other than one’s self,elf,** he Is available,” be:lesald. ^ a a UJnlverslty ^i of Texas saidJd. ‘l U s is tbe effect alcobeohol-is ------“Intheeariys' stages of dependency, 3 IwycaiatryprofeMoiisors^. havhivlQg on tboee vulnerableJo_tbejU>e^^wBoti^^j to concerned with the ^ ------devBivelopmmtofaleobcdlsm;'*----- t-hls-drinking-will-to-— fl ^ Dr.EktgarP.Nac*ace of tbe University WrWrlthig In tbe current Issussue of terfere with hliUs Job,” Nace said, l! . . ol Tb k u Medicdlcal Branch at »Ttti'ttxas Medicine," the Texas MetMedical “ Laler, the conaicem Is Uiat work may J OalveitOQ. u id ppsydMloglcal de- assolaodatlon’s< monthly Jounal,J, INace hiterfere with obtit)talnlngadrlnk.” 3 r ------^’paas^ftEH iiiTom rafwrnwwir-isM “ other— welTtoowa— 2 — — S^^inHtigabdcid coounues'to hiau* ' pressed throug changes{es In b d a v ld r^ c hihgra'Include ^ rnomlng fl ♦Mrilritia atvtDd behavior during - betaa'bavlor and thinking.' - drinking, bingee drlnJdng and brief m - 3 -- eariy years Of recoveovexy. *'H'H e (alcoholic) m ay bring his own amrtesla or black:kouts; I 2 Persornalize(dL Rapis]9t rethinliking surefore the court can ordeirderthe Brown, of Pei•endleton, S.C., Marie I 2 ChrisiJtmas > fled rapM wbo badad eatlng and uslnjg.a„.IBL O m a r[ments don't know wfaiivfaat he’s thinking,__ow t tl — cigarette lighterir to burn a-23-year-old__ m ilSSSinLJiZcduldnU-ad ...... w bo' represents Rosfloscoe'J.'Brown, a" c a sstratlon tr unuiiie drops his a|)peppeal,” wom an lo st aboiwi-biUf of h^Wood ar-yearcldfstberofl-of two. T hennmnann said. “He Said hes dldn*t dl during the ordeieal, court testimony I 4 Only §^ (48‘ea. plusts ta x ) 1 ^ ^ Tbomasoo met witlwith Judged Victor ioiow9w If vraints to dxTip the a n >^.and ^ , hidlcated. P yle Thursday afteiiler Brown told re- saldtid be wants to think about IL” porters be wotad see:seek castration. Tbe Tbe'be attorney sald'be plans to10 nmeet Vaughn and BiBraxton have not de- S Jtidge told tbe attontomey Brown m ust—with-!h-Brown-Saturday-to.dlscuiS' iisg.U>e __ clded-wlwtber-tO'0 accept castration or— % the prison term. dr^ bis a i^ olof tbe castration sltiuution t further. S Santa's elves willvill b e h e r e F riday a n d S atia tu r d a y % . . from ll :00to5:(5:00 to p^fsonallze Chrlstis t m a s Prdseci:utor: K ill 1BiegenwaliJd — ;ForA i3 | o r n a m e n ts for y/our o i children!' . FREEHOLD. N.J.U . (UPI) - Rich- Inn a five-minute sununai[nation, Fun& - p, 2 ard Blegeowald Iss gguilty of an “ouf* Assls:sistant Monmouth Countyy ]Pro- I inexp;|»«ntive 3 ______rageouaty vlJe, bohorrible and In- sec u:utOT t Janies Fagen reminded T'. and should be Ju ryy of Blegenwald's 1958 mmunter u a Holldcioy Pariy .. .5 ffP executed, a prosealecutor told Jurors convl■eowald’s saitence grounlunds for recommending the»death d< I . , 3 3 , ifi»rM»A ...... _ ...... 3 - 1 3 9 3 2 n i ursday.______. ______....aenlej 1 few dot«t op*n ' ' S You beard bow this girl was kl ------I —f ------auBiot ovaliabi*. ' % Tbe 44-yearoId A8buryPark,NJ..Asl four bullets to the bead,” be s m an, wbo served 17 yi [lls was outrageously vile, borrlorrible H 0 124 Main Avenue Norlo rth \ J m / J /% a 1958 m urder and tai I inhumane. What I’m askingngyou H We Welcome Tj*. other killings, was J t Twin Falls • 73 3 -15 0 6 J C y i J / do Is ... bury Mr. Biegenwi V -V IS A -5 . nesday Ior tbe Augu [tethlng Mr. Blegeowald dli S Open Daily 10:00 V M M / / M ^ som et g t o 6 : 0 0 ; ^ I m m i J \ • M a s t e r C a r d - M death of Anna OleOleslewlc*, .18, of 'e .the decency to do for.A I nanvfcwi S ligar M F rid a y ‘til 7; ^ • American Express Olesiesiewlcz. )— ^ — Ttoe-sbt-woman.—V-sUHnan-Jury; ------“ He - got out of-priaoirand-idl igL------Saluf€lay^UI-5;30_ — ^ ------•-ParlsGharge-^ ------^ S — can recoxnmetxtend deathly lethal again,in .'W hile be was. out, he; F T f jiff InJectioQ o r a life prisirison term with no marri

^N o w i ! ^ HAUS s l rShowini

WAIR D S C HlEESE I H ) ' p«'‘e v 'e '^ Will S o \ e f i B i S iA V E Y O>U iSKiiirBllmiW l MONEY!!! -SMALL-GIFT-BO;3XONLY— ------3 Ch««i«t a I Maal log ...... All Froshh Cheese. w/No MEDIUM GIFT BiBOX ONLY Preservativitives • M ode In S S 1 M*el Log . . . ^ 1 2 .• j F JT Idaho. You'o« Cbeose Yhe 2 C j - s > 0 % LARGE GIFT BO:OX ONLY V a r ie ty lll av. lb. C h.«...*2M .otLo,...... ■■■••...... ------O> l rF E N T IR E S'STOCK ,99 “™''- > _____ Men’s SoliilV-llec N ecked Crew Hecl( Swealeaters Reg. $22* 1 0 * * BA!JSKETSMAADE TO OfRDER ALSC0 1 ______^ lad les Cofils - EniEntire S to ck ...... :45% of# F N eed a uunique r gift - Comil e t o t h e M irens-AssU;t. Boys 8 Birls Pants k d TITtvs-50%OH ) f wWards Gift Centeier-for the hord-to^u^o^ersoi^l l — ------

HHu'rrv! Limited Timen e O n l y ' ' Exduc[dudlns l*vl ttotlct and Currvnt»R< Sel* lt»m MTARDS^ C H E E S I( r w A u s Bluo Lok«iI BBlvd. N., Twin F ati« « OOvorlarfd v Shopping « • — C o m e r o f AAomirtgsig sid e and Addison Ac(cross From Smiths , C*nt■ n fr. Burloy • O p « n til 9.Sot.tn69. . J E/ . . . \y Priffny, n /><;-9rTihftf volvlived In the arrest of Ms. Beb S ii^ .<<“ «< Uie th UId d given back' to his v * » .9'f i ^ S ea. ' # ^ ■ Ibeen beaten (or daysda< aod was uncon- durlJring a Nov. 6 incident. mother, police: said,i d e^ lte objec- ^ !sclouB when Mato mcrther y d her “ The child's body w as covereie r ^ with tions from childI protectionp advocates. K ;bo}Wend took himlim to Touro Inflrma*' brulimites from head to toe andthcnhe'Silia r"^nl^7l5,rTMule) retumerflfie 5 E O T E A O * — f — ungster death,” Cannatelellasald...... ,111 Mini;,, i D o ctoring t •e \ Expert.t: Limit mecedical studer^ n ts ' ^ % M ost Storeres Open Late- p ^ jL N ightsiTTli■ il l|i ChViRtina*i w i n I • ^ • i NEW .YORK (UP:UPI) - Limiting the ServIrvlces, which predicted a surpurplusof ' ’ ' r l . 'num ber of medicalcal students, schools <^ttakento— ...... -J ^doctor glut in thele UnitedI States and chan,ange the situation,” be said.L ' ■ ■ '" J ;iead to better healUiilth care at less cost, “The “Tl major issue Is that tbeyBy tadd to ; 'a hospital executiveIve said 'niursday. analready al inflated pool of physllysiclans J | K 3 r Z}f. ^am es F. GleiSlenn, new president who.to. bear (be ulUmate re^onsiblity n s M , j a . [ .■of Mount Slnaf MedMedical < ^ te r, also fores* e:q>endi ture of health careidoUars. doi .• ^ iprdposed stUfer Unlicensing for ^ d u - “‘I 11 believe we that we can planpla for .a m v MRISTIn A A S ^ >Vant to practice inntbeUnltedStates. tt costrt'mrou^'a'raUonlng i ^ ’*memedical i ws*' * Glenn, fonneriyly dean of Emory educiiicatlon, by controlling (he nui irtJSshfioUnj&Manta..., pfstustudents, tlw num l»r otschooliS S S jp g g jnade the unusual3l attack t during his them! number of q>^alists.” H Dm R ■ . BMP.nt i V o w i i I I H S ' ;loauguration addrestress, citing the na- GleSlenn.has m ade his views kao\cnownlo - .tlon’s health care:« 1bill is over $300 deansms of the 12 medical schoolssinNew in IbOUonayear. Yorkrk Stale, th e Commlssloneoner of ^ " 2 - f o r•-1 - P rice o n 2J> - W a y Giftt-P riced S tereteo System a ■ t The audience' IncIncluded public of- Healtalth and the Board o(-R^ •ficials and t ^ offlclficials in the health wtildiIch licenses phyisicians, ^ at __SpeakeLSysf s te IH —I— :—Oarlaett Icare. Industry andand from medical them,jn.to develop a rational pollc;Illcy. fo e...... 1. to r n ------Nova-’-4by Realealistic schools nationwide.e. contnitrolling phj^lclan educationion and IB Iil ' cited a iseI960 rqx)it by the there!reby help’ to . contain healtliolthcarc |H |I .Departm ent of Hea[Jealth and Human costs.its. ; i l f » |p ^ ' ^Sseen l ■H a l rsnsjjbjectecud^crhm ripu e ® T CHICAGO (UPi:fPI) - Views of faUlblilble In his decisions w h l^^ < ' nH m i^kloctors as ih f^lbble le iiiay cause them involvolve matters of life and dMih;”'d« " Mn|i| t'.stre8s and contributbute to high rates of theyy ssaid in a Journal of the Ametnerican ’ U||||l . •Tdrug abuse,-anxiet)(ety, depression and Medicdical Association commentao*ary. iMUl t eventually ^‘bumomout," physicians “SuSuch esteem has helped to creicreates . ' IM I I !5 H * said Thuraday. ______mystiistique that, while reassuriniring to ' r a i l 3 9 « Slereo-Radio--*-2-SpeedBed R ecord Changer------•• An Im porunt "cbaracler cb trait of patierienlsrcan lead togreat pressuissureon ------: H | l Reg. 79.95 Eat • doctors must be ththe abUlty to deal eachrh new generationof ph^lclanjIans." SBIm Cassette Deck • le'-Hlgl■Ilgh Speakers ■; with In^^ectloiin —- one’s own and Docloctbrs aro confronted with1 illnessHi Genuine WalnutIt Veneer\ ■ ^ u-Steven-Dubovsky—and.d/<»x7*/2"/2-: #40-4031 cover, headpdphonejack. #13-1216 beyond reproach1 aand virtually l>i- edge.e. l i 6-Band Pori>rtab1e I Portablele 5" * Color RadioCutut„40?i' TV/Videleo„Monitor-^^ « r PatrolmanJan.! , PortaVision'' by Realistic -----w ------^ SW-60 bv Real1ealis.lLc______- S a v < * 5 c I 0 S B S 4 0 9 9 5 K g 95 2 9 S A S L dW A S m R»9* ■ 6-188 M Hz S hortw ave • VHI ‘ (i^ir27PERJ 349.95 VHF^F-Alr/HI • UHF • FM • 5 9 9J-95 [■iMlMONTHIn Give a world of entertainm er jn es po- Gift priced! TiTunes VHF/UHF and doub /e ^Alyr ^ Reg- 99-a p m lice. aircraft, weather station: All-band a s a m onitorr Ifor com puter or p o rtab le' 1 fine>tuning.-1 Dial light pushbiilent and information! Tuneration. Ja c k s for audjdio and video in/o'ut. AC/bi y . r— #12-:^ 7 7 9 Bailotloaeiira' 3ns. railway an d m o re. All­ operation. #1(fis-ioe P button. AC/batteiV operati / ^ ■ Boy tMi Ruiler ft - j — ...... • Miiinta.aicoiui, Iv • Kodiii tntil] tlidu lo yoa 1 1 Save MO on Pu U W I M 5i-t■80“'Microy . ^ r- . - = > >ulse-Pia1ing"I ^ s ;; ColorC(Computer \ 11 ET-1!Mini-Plione \ MC-10 by RRadio Shack ' _ r-120 by Radio Shack . ” il J 5 j _ C u ^ l i ^ a v i r 9 5 ~ | l B lie easlSy---v: l i l i c 1 i - 7 9 tyriSA seen __ ^ Reg. It” 9 ° ° ______B f ewrlte^Style a ^ Keyboard , ______p i a g w t W S av e 3 3 %> onc a really “smart" preseijsenti Program s in ~ y w iairtor ^ BASIC o r withwi our ready-to-run casses s e tte software. Vivid ^ l i / Reg. 29.95 colors, sourijnd effects. 4K internal mei I H E " Hs memory. Attaches eas- __ ily to an y col» l0 r TV. #26-3011 Cossanaa fdcofderr*e extfa .. - Jl Hangs Up on Any >ursliides Gift of —ga Fiat-Surfi|co------r " FIM/AMii Headphone Ra num ber < ier wilh hi/lbgab! Auto-Redial of last for privacjr called, electronic ringer: „ , 2 8 ' ! White. /](5/offIt‘ switch, m ute button •/• Off ^ sveloi>ped Id HewMfcatping * de /acy. FCC registered. € incomp#43-501. Brown, #43-502 KOEiDAK toad Emergencyimpaliblo wi_in cetiam honnnn n.Os. • . “Rc ? = " 1 7 ! CE:B Radio Systerc y ” I TRC-411 by 2 4 .9 5 i n i 5fn R e a listic * .Pro<)cessing pnooocr;: nv Perfect gift foifor active m usic Kodak lovers! Earcu:ushions seal out M aillilers S a v e noise, s e a l jnn music. #12-186 ___ Next timei e vouV e-Q ot a roll of KODAKK( Slide Film ^ 2 0 ^ 3lar-Powered_ ____: to developOp. w h y .not d o ' it th e eeasy a way? Just drop ,D Calculator • itinaK ODDAK C Processing Mailtjiler. add postage, . EC-S2-<502 by Radio Shack and dropp iiil in th e m ailb o x . Youru r fin is h e d s lid e s 0 9 5 1 - will be delilelivered to you beforee y) o u k n o w it. P ic k 1 “ 7 ! R eg. 99.95 u p s o m e5 rrma'ilers today. 1 ^ 9 So§|s| 0°/o0ff • S eats t Up In Secpn^^ • Brilrlrtgs Help In Minutes ^ H i s i i f l l I w l i 0 7 7 a Give/e road securlly in a comp ____ Prioiorily switch for insiant acc ' Give th e lat€ /er needs batter- W lannel 9 . With m agnet-mo(Tipact stow-away package m ies, ev en rur ______’ Chai iccess to Emergency itest in calculators— n evjy e r.memory, square^ ...... - cket power plug, vinyl stor root and penuns on indoor light! 4-key n BEM l IDS- nount antenna, lighter srcent keys. #65-689 m m m m m m m m m 251> 1 Main Avenuije West ~ [ W Check Your the Radio /h aek Stoi jslY ou r I ------J . . A DIVISII SIOM or TANDY ConPORATION ______'______oreM or Dealer NearestINQ STORES AND DEALERS I ’ ■ _____ ir Phorfe Book fo r thi PniCES APPLY ATJARTICIPATINQ : :iN

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■ V :

i A-8Tlmea44i9w®, TwJirwlh Falis. Idaho Frklay..'per9.1KQ pi /o rtd ~ z z r l ^ 'EChald.ds oil price, “-|fsfaie>iis^att€emptircoblocki P t O iescapee s e eeks tightter accord ACALLCOTT oon the London accord;” Yamani' BylVIVANZVEfflllNA rangements madide for the use of tbe made ma as a result of Tuesdaj »gc Jnhn-nf^tpmat told reportera alter a tlm o ^ - UaJtaIted Press Intemaikaal U.N. flag in tbe tb evacuatkm from attack att on a bus in Jerusalem flAMtnn 'niursday nigbt, referring Itipou of PLO3 remnants loyal to four fou civilians were killed Switzerland-^ OPEC t!to OPEC's March dedsloo to lower JNITED NATIONS - IsraelI soughtsc Arafat ______1 )Uiers oth wounded and for wh reached agreement prices p by m8e to Uie Pales- “In “ light of Uils horrendou Delegateses said tbe l3«aUoo Gharazi G abo told reporters Uiat Lebanlanese port of Tripoli, p rep^'epared Une LlberattonI Organization's re- perleipetrated by Arafat’s tem cartel wouldIld bold the line oa exist- current a prices and production lliuU'sday ra to tioatd’four Greek-sk-shlps -quest last week forfo U.N. safe conduct is s Inconceivalile l tiiat the Uni and productton levels at would w be maintained. senttct to evacuate tbem., . - ____ ^>ecUled- it was.is.to '‘facilitate.Uie' Hotions,'.wiilch is ostenslUy dedi he flrat three months of *‘We ^pcept Uie-spirit of Uie ■ Israi^ ll' anibassadof Y^lklaI 'B Blum resolution of a situaUon- s wlildi has he the preservation of tmraan iuelife and the 1864 and tiniiien review ttie pact in London Li agreemttxt," Gbarazi s ^ told1 theth General Assemblv durinirin g Its fliKwrtv tttkL maminv Innocent lives and enh‘nhancementof peace, shoulduld provide _iigbtof4«ri< ;------Y A S S E H A\u H A F A 'i------HiaaiiIdle Eiast debaie was asking S created great deststrucUon.” Uiebe terrorists wiUi aniy a ns I3 l s tw ^ o r - But Uie accord&< on. maintaining contests cc Uie «29 price and wants It S eieks ex it fron:o m T rip o li Perezez de Cuellar to all -ar- Blum said the !1 Israeli decision w ^ fadaclllUes whatsoever,” Blumm sald.i Uieprlceancmd production levels set to be returned to Uie previous ------^------lasfTnardfiiT8Uinaii-B|seinhe-pro=—-$ $3 3 4 ™ r re l level:------^ ------blem of ensiisurlng th at each OPEC Minlstera agreed'to me^ for a ountiy stricUy adheres third th day of talks Friday to discuss Germnan leaOlder chlargedjfor corrruptioj n long-term strategy and tile^^ ' Ministerss agreed ; to establish a poinUnent ^ of a new secretary ^ - BONN, West Geraermany (UPI) — tryingng to arrange a tax waiver fortbefoi be notified by »coi u rt officials within Lanambsdorff. Tbe moUon1 'will-.be. comxnitteeI toI discuss Individual eral. ^ EcopomlcB ' M in>^Iter Count Otto FUck(‘k company, a targe West Genierman the next two days.B. foorm n a ljy d ^ te d Friday. t-- - t— ^ production. quotas -under.-tlie------charged—'RHffsday— conglo ------Tbe minlster-tanas saiQ ne wupdoc "Because m tho nding^QiilatlazUairDemo= ------overamslllDUDffUDtrwayfftirenforcB— : ^ U T b rib d y In a *175H7S mHUon pay-off The'be“ “« )u rts~ now “ must " dodedde' decide his future'*e”iBitll'iie~Bxamlnes crairats havera maJority;-tbereireisIitU e- conqdianceTB. ~ -Venezuela were cnmpetlng for tbe - - scandal, making binim tbei Hrst cabinet whetbtther there Is sufficient evidencenceto the charges. Kohlhi, under heavy pre- cfaajbance It wiil pass. However,er, a noisy OPEC decIecided to sidestep Uie post wbldi has tieen vacant since m inister In West GetGerman hlstoiy to Cry LLambsdorff. Meanwhile. there U ssure from oniosltdUoncrlUcs, has said andnd acrimonious debate is expiixpected. tboroy issuele pf_rea^gning oiqiut last June. face prosecution. havee been1 Increasing calls forfor his bewUlstaiid^Lambsdorff unUl.Uie Tlie Tl n ic k sauidal d a t^ fromfro 1975, ‘ ^ t a s wnonong Its members. Iraq, OU • industry analysts watching- “ After Parilanlament lifted resigngnatkm from CSiancellor Hd:fidmut court Issues ) an Indictment, wUch whe'ben Uie company sold its 292 9 ;percent lran,.Venenguela aod Uie United from fn Uie sidelines at Uie heavily . liBintedorfrs lunlty, Bonn Pn> K^Al'sJ's Cabinet. ' talrA mnnthats. shaitiare bf tbC) Daimler-Bentenz auto Arab Emlratates had detnanded the guarded gu Intercontinental Hotel siscutor Johannes WlWilhelm formaUy InI ai short s t a le m ^ . Wllhelhelm ’s T h e oppositiona Social Democrats comompaiv for 1717 million. UodInder West right to prodiiduce more oU under Uie said sa: OPECjvould gain mUe from a - charged tbe 56-yearearold aristocrat' office!e the » bad introduced mototion In Parliam ent Genlennan law, tiie company owedou *175 current celllnling. _ . shnple sir freezing of lls price and . ------wlth-acceptlng-«--|5(•fW.OOO-bribe-for— been-fti-fi]ed.-Lambsdorff-wiil-foimrmally— Thursday-urglng-ig-Kohl -to-dlamlss—inlll — ------^------“ W e-h av'c e complete agreem ent. "production pn celling..' r i V A f O> blame!>s Russiaans for airms breeakdowir n ieLookO fThe'80'i BRUSSELS, Belglidglum (UPI) —. o t tbebe Special. Crasultatlve Groi^oup on time on the basisis of a concrete and Inteitermedlate Nudear Forcerees talks 1*^ 77?6 o 's _ eleased-a-detailed —disam ------NATO Tlnipsday-relei irmament;—which—released!d-the— equitable-arms-cocontrol "agreement^' *NovFovr«-ln-protest-to-ti>e-NANATO-de— ------~Fasl7loirrHalr,------account of. tbe dlsconcontinued talks on report)r t hesaid. loyment. niursday, tbee Soviets i nuclear forces____!jAU.MIJhfl.fi],ementa. for an figultiuitflhlfi Tbe 48^iflge ___M a k a u p j y p s ______blam ing a stubbornI SovietSo demand for and vverifiable agreement wereere in for a two-day nmeeUng of NATO redukhKtkSoFlmfrran^^ lear arms, tho breakdown In pefloBgoUatloQS. p la ce e 'when tbe Soviets dlscontinitinued foreign ministers,s, wbo gatiiered lo a alsoiso hi Geneva. UstonIfo, Fl ^ "D ie United Stateses aod1 Its allies are th e tall Tipsgach ^ v talks, and they will remain on tiie tojvsecret s e s ^jn n to review East- 'OOfficials f said Uie' i ^ r t■a ’s r e l e ^ kcJay AI V V ^ prepared to have negoBgotiatlons resume negotiiitiatlng table, ” Burt said, West relatkms andId the sltuaUon In tlie indieidlcated pessimism about; anai early i2;OSOn3nZ-i03. any time,” said RlchiIchard Burt, assis* “ De{deployments are beginning...... b u t Middle East, amonjmg otiier matters. resuisumpUon of tbe INF talks,JCS. which MogicValKalley Radio ~ taut secretaiyof statetata-and-cbalrman—tbeycs"canbehalted or reversed at-an y -— -TbeSovlet-Unloiion-walked outof-the— untilitil no w liave iieen kept confidifldentlal:------

iMnled 8^-Marilyn Mms-,_.A. —Mumaij w - e r r a f ^ ylaek-of^radarMd & m e d f% i r - e r a s hh ..L MADRID, Spain' (U(UPI) — Human ^ li^ hisWs agency for Wednesday'ss flefl iy Weeping relative/es and friends of the - caUiaUiolic archblshlp A n ^il Soqula | erro r, blinding (og andand tlie absence of crashch at Barajas airport, 93 people vrtw pellerished atioard the readlad a telegram of condolencmce from . ground , radar controlol Icaused (he col- Thete official investigation intolto the Iberia Boeing 727’ anda Uie DC-9 of Uie Popt John Paul n and preat **★ *****» *'*'* « UsioD atv< explosionn cof two Spanish causesies of tbe crash — Madrid’a'a isec- Spanish domesticlc carrier Aviaco somim ber homily. Jets,iclUlng93pe(^eoie on the runway of ond majormi air disaster in 10 daytay s — mourned tbeir dealead in a memorial Immediately im after the ..service, s< * . , Madrid’s' airport, authorities ai said couldd takei months to complete,e . but service at the alipoiwrtdu^iel. moujoumers headed for an1 1 aliport i HOWDY f 'nrarsday. aviatiotion offlclals, air traffic: ccon- Nine govemmenlat ministers Joined hangingar wiiere tlielr relaQves’ charredcl m t The Spanldi alrllmline pilots' union troUeners and pilots said a ground1 rairad ar about 500 people, mimany sobbing, in Uie bodl cr»dlt ond-^ ------TTOiOHTCiOCTiDW ‘ ' I * 7 * ^ w« do oll.ih* work. Juii tond u* Ih* W est German Jewlslwish leader riUd GaltoshisM told tbe Hanover Neue P clng In: Office Forthrfles. I « ' ncm«i ond oddr«(««« and w«'ll * TbuAday be is coocemehied yoohg W est^'sse newqiaper ne in an Intenicrv iew .. : l \ \ \ \ I. ¥ . Buiin«i»GI Groups, Convontions. I * I k»h1p a 15 Ib. gift pock ol hand * G erm ans are IncreasliBslnglyturning to Kuehnemen, 28, Is a former a n Wl J III f / '/ J ----- •BANQUETSETS • BUFFETS • DINNERS • PRIV>[IVATE-t *• -V -1 ------Nazlsm-because tbeyBy lacki Va dem o^lleuteminant seekina to revive3 theI • ‘-U4\ PARTIES •• WWEDDINGS • CHURCH DINNi Boklng PototM * onywK«r« In tha * cratic consciousness.’*I.” brown-sn-shirted sterm troopers of3f thet ^ • RODEOS-F•FAMILY REUNIONS. I ; I d a h o ® \ Heinz GalinsU, chaihalrm an of West 1030s. ' HOC For Only J I . . B erlin’s Jewish comnmmunity, 'said a He said a tlie memberahlp ofIt thet I I GROUP TOO LARGE k - F< t>an the govenunentnt Imi p o ^ Wed* organlz;ilzation, which is overuiielmh - S ' * n ^ g - 1 -ORTOOSMALL I « nesday on tbe Nattonaonal Socialist Ac- ly younung, shows young GermansIS aree Uon Fiont,'a neo-Nazizl movement,n was a s vulniilnerable to antisem itismI aand ' I « ' * IS “ : WE PR<>ROVIDE ALL OR ANYIY I * ^ overdue. racismm as1 tbeir parents. But he denilenied . 151b. c m Pack * p a rT k OFTHEFESTiVITIES■SI* ! “l lie activities recescently of Michael th eweak ea economy was the reasonya forI I « Send ChccIick. M .O.. M.C. o r VISA-In•Include No. A exp. dot* to: » Kuebnen and his, Natjifational'Socialist therevl'svlval of interest In Nazism. 33t24i-l143 »N.LIN(:OLN, JEROME r MJl U U I E R B C(OLD INC S u s p e c t - h a d p o w) i d e r - b u m s - t I P.O.Box 533M Rup.rt, Idoho 8335089: (200) 436-6396 * * * * * * « « «: « * « W* * * »'"*’» *' *' * *”*r **#*»*» ‘ MANILA, PhlUpplM}ines (UPI) - fireda a gun before he was killedJd byI T ests Indicate tbe allegl e ^ assassin of soldiersirsAug.21. (^podtioa leader BetBenigno'Aquino . fired a gun before beae 'was killed by . ^ also said gunpowder bMims u r soldiers, a forensic cbeChemistPhomw testified tMtirtari remainin for 72 hours on a person wl a gun and she could not poi ------^l^^iO idaM a^ say^wfaellierllje nitrates we: tlooal Bureau of Invest d by a ^ fired on ^ug. 21 or< — ...... flwhexhbiM In v ^ W{atory tc p ^ 't h a t she conducted paraff■affln tests on Govenem m ent Investigators st Rolando Galman at a military Galman,an, 33, an alleged communist h I ______m orgue and discoveredBd nitratet specks m an, was w gunned down momen'lents ^ HKaS/ I L^ E V P g embeddedlnlilsiiands.a. afte r be b< shot Aquino, PreslcSdfdent £ f r ^ S L She said the nitrates,es, which make Ferdinarland Marcos' chief politicoUcal ■ iq> gunpowder, indicatedted that Galman rival. I SIHRINJK « :

’ wVINTER 4^WIIfHEEL 0 - F I T m DRIVIIfE HEADQUiJARTERS I Jeep Cherokkee Jeep CJ-77 I ^ ?5 — W! Jeep Wagoncle e r H 4 ^ ' Jee«p GrancfWagigoneer Jeep Pickuiu p —Jeep-StramblHer ------Toyota Pickucup w eekencin d in the To,oyota Tercel W/Vagon / / Pant shop3 & A ttic To'oyota Larici Cnruiser AMCC Eagle Station>n Wagon 12424 Main Avenue North rwin Falls *733-1506 W • VISA ■• ■ ' ® s F S t o p esn n Daily 10:00 to 6:00; • MasterrC'arO^. Ci NOBODVIY OFFERS MOREIE THAN... IFridays "til 7 : GO; • American:a n Express • SSaturdays 'til 5 :3 0 • Paris Cha.C h a r g e ______WILb L S - ^ — -MOTOR.CCX>M R4NY— o^rlBi'.Bigg'esLb^aUs-You H ^ L m a s h o s h o n e ^ST. WEST. "TWIN FALLS - f c

V ‘ Fridoy, bMomt>er9.10(I.19S3 ' Tjme»-New9. Twin FaUa. Idaho A-0 - w DIAL INTERN/lATIONAL 1 .’■'An IDAHO Comm cp o n y ______^ ______i r S l b rr m h i t s e g o n ^ ■ f^lDAROPeoplo p le _____ By DAVID SMODOTHEIRS cr of]Df Indiana got aU last winter. about what hasas happened already as and IDAHO Busins in e s s e s " United Press Intaitemathoal Three 'i walloping storms sincenceDec. 1 this season appppeani to be shaping up 214SA lbtoh, Burloy,^ ID.II 83318 a n than last year, tvben. 2 . aro blamed for 39 deaths acnicToss the- more severe ti 1.800-448-023!2 3 2 , Winds beat tbe front range of tbe cm» untry. record Sierrara Nevada snowpack central Rockieses with 60-m^ force W\ ln^ weather still had a bile in triggered avalailnrM>h«Mt flnrt fl< w tln g • • ‘niursday and fireifw»<»T ing***^ -thelie north. Tbe wind Chiu factortorwas31 BruceCox,aia ranger for tbe Tolyaba COMPARITMIm m m r a t h a n yr v w H i R n Ice dosed somele highways1] In Oregon, belselow zero at MUes Clly, Moot,o t , winds National Forest!st, said It was itnpossi- Snows, some off themtli heavy, fell from weirVere docked at 60 n ^ atit CCasper, ble to predict,4. \rtien a m ajor slide the wratern mouiHMintains- to the Great Wyyyo., up to 4 in ^ e s of snowwwcame wouldoccuronoaideMountahf“butI r . EVENING NIGHT I ------dOMlownlnltfontainrHnfBelnctea _ _j_JEE8ILffla p.m. ■■ S-p.m^p.m^■w . , 11 P m. B O tn. * ______Much of thB- e -1 rest Of the- natiOD, Ind nservation Service said Adlanapdls and Ckdumbus, OhlOhio.. The Soil Ctma ------Buii»yor-Ri - ...... battered by eariyiriy December storms S tin. ■ li?* mln. Sioux FaUs, S.D., was thee nnation’s the water coolntent in the mountain ~ : .orVlc«V«ri 10®^ i that took at; leastast 39 lives, fell under colield est town with 6 below. snowpack wasI muchr higher than last *• Anywh*r*I theq>ellofawlntrnttycaim. Travelers’ T warnings were StiUstil iq> in year at this Unime. The lev d of Lake r . In Idaho 25'mi)n l . . m ln . Tbe snows off DecemberE and Nov* Ort>regon, across tbe RoddesI atand into Tahoe was 6 in m l^ ” a downstream. »•••••••••••••••••••• and debris weree poisedpt on top of Slide spcpokesman for the National: W timtme." _____ problem to me.e. I’m ju st bdding my. >w4haiHrier*eeeetlen— -ir-In Nevada,-many were , w —Boonrd - J consiiiders I ^ W P P By MARTIN HEElEIERWALD I UiUtedPr^Iql^.teraatkmal______- H f l SEATTLE —- Tbe1 mothballing of 8 1 Washington PublubUc Power Supply H System projectt No.^ 3 substantially - I k H Jncreases the riskIsk of tetminatkm, the ■ dilef exectitlve of ]Pu^tSdi^Powtf ' '■ -frtlghtCorwainecned,'nrarsdayr“ ------■ John W. ElUfl;UIs told a special ■ three-member fcfedera] arbitration. H board an extendedtod construction delay ■ at the Satsop. WaWash., project would ■ ------<^>eartbe-pofisiblllt•lllty-of-havlng-to-wla^— ■ another reilcensinjsing tuttle in a region H __ ___thaUasjMltffigeSaiil^_SSPQnfiQlL9.(___■ nuclear plants. CiPPSt jR Hjn waen?ent as Its share of the— ■

’’Tta Puget Po™ower executive dted H ...... - - the esqteriences of his utility In being — ■ ...... - foroed-tv strongIg (opposition to drop ■ I*- plans tobuUdtwiflwln.nudear.plaots in. GO Washington andI thetlx cancellation of a ■ & r mm Joint venture wiMith Portland General ■ Electric to buildd ia plant at Pebble ■ ^OU/l. Springs, Ore. Hee said& funds qient In ■ ing to wtn licenses on ■ You a re cordially, inv.invited to Jensen Jewelen3rs $7S0,000.0a DIAMOflOND AND 14K ^ A N D9 001*0 ( STOCK WILL BEEON SALE AT 25% OFFFF THESE TWO DAYS ONLY. ; planning and tiylng 3ce o r jevkrelry you 'y e-b eer thoseprojects hadttd to be paid by utility ■ GOLD SHOWING ANDAh SALE two days onl]nly, December 8 and 9 atj Jensens In ' 'YouJ w will'find thal unique piec >een looking for. We will have ns to fit every bU d^. PPlui lus, welcome trade-ins ot ratepayers. D ow ntow n Tvifin F allsills and in the Blue Lakes: Mall.\ For these two days]ys only, we are prices;es and instarit credit lermj we "Under the consonstructlon delay, a H offering 25% OFF ALL A DIAMdND JEWELR.R Y A N D 5 0 % O FF ALI^LL 14K G O L b y o uIf r oold jewelry.. ' ...... ttori fnf thww nppo. . .CHAINS InoUr store..Le._SDeciaLsoleciions are> tbeing-.fiown'tn-toryou rto"adm to ire"ln’ Sll "W heWhether yo.u’ co m e lo ta k e a d v a n ta g e of Vhis b irgrgain a i sale offer or just for the ’ —i----- v^iaium. is .createc 5lry e v e r sh o w n In Idaho, w e ’ll nents to' see thatt nno nuclear plant Is ■ ]ewelry calegorjes. THISTl; SPECIAL STOCK PPL U S A L L O U R REGUL/1ILAR DIAMOND p le aisureot s u se^ng the largest>t collectlorvof fine Jewelry ------completed,v-hesaldlald.------■ - ___ Jo o k: Tor6r.waM!tQ.seelng.you.DeCijcem be^^nd^aJaoi^^torel ■- ...... ■■ . - ______,------.. EUis testified1 :before a three- H member board fit “ Distna Judge ..!■ clde by Dec. 23 iif f :BonnevJUe Power H ' Administration waiwas right or wrong ■ ■ I last summer whenen It forced the pro- ■ jM t intomothballBIs forfl three yeaisf------H- His testimony con»mpIetedthecaseof ■ ^ DIAMONDTHpEE!lEESOMES "1 imaie' Eioumlo Oismona eoMaiig i R3A Boautllul hohoart snapo ring for ^ stor-owned utilities H 17^ . D'C)II0"K'• W0 loecial laoy H^nty imotoiiivB c the four Investoi ^ 1 Sjvp *100 00 mof» yo. SALE hor toaluros 5 sparinrkllng dlomonfls, bj» k ua, • which together owniwn 30 percent of the . H Rtg^ltt.OO ^ ^ R«B.- $ c / Satsop plant. Twovo or three days of ■ ,...*299°° %Carala t ...... » 8 9 9 ° » : S699.85 * O d ..■.■■:«99°° g is : - rebuttal testimony'3y will complete the H 5^1 hearing next week. Ellis said his firm fhi bas q)ent $116 H milUoa so far on itsIts j5 percent share of H the plant. . Hesaiditwasbeyileyond belief thal the B - 10( R 3 2 H 1 4 KKl. gold ladies' BPA could not Impcnpose a modest rate H Quai Increase to gainI tl;the more than ll_ H fa n c y rin g shimmers : with ------bllllonneeaed-to-co)'complete'tbethrafr 2 7 fiery d ia mm o n d s. fourths finished proJwned utlliUes ■ ^ S P E C IA L IMIPORTEO PC SELECTION y.. i fUed milt seeking ano [ M f ^ ^ m order reqolring ^ 0 % 0 OFF!-ft; ; RANQINQ FROf l O M : o 3 c t : ------^ ■:------resumption of workork on WPPSS 3, ■ ______T 0 4 g U N ^ p . which was put In HMtlMthbaUs last spring ■ Gold ...... S wiien WPPSS was} uiunable to borrow H IP.ECIALS P v ;,.::// funds to finish It. imwasfrozeqoutof I .SHOW!V SPECIAL I the bond maricet afteLfter it defaulted on ■ ; 1/5 c tT.DIAMOND; |!ij C.2S bllUon in bondsds 1issued to finance J ( * 3 /'I abandoned WPPSS3 p!plants 4 and 5 at H j / V' Sm • / - Satsop and Hanford.j,Wash. V B- I via''*'***® :25»® . I , causes ■ mmmmmmtmmmrn- ^ - Dress a • ID 16' C>o>nand\ / l l It' Cur«n*n \ / ntrmgooi^Ow

teacherrfiring I I ^1.9987__\_S599a EUGENE, .Ore.. (UPI) - The I I \ '>> is « N.-f Eugene sdiool boardrd Ihas suspended a ■ | N g — ^ tcacher for wearingg a turt)an to work, • ■ E as required by ber rellreligion. ■ The board votedid frO Wednesday ■ [ ' ' nlgbt to KaK arta Kaur, also ■ [ known as Janet 0looper, ^ bflsfd on k I' state law foii>IddInging teadwrs- from H | ( n s f a l d t i wearing religioust dress In the M __| f f l i Sassroom. — ^ - - 1 > . Ms. Kaur, a memtimber of the Sikh H \ faith, sold .she m ust s t' wear ber u4ilte ■ 1 r ■ A f.i f •1 turbw to symBUize) beber commitment ■ ' She said later shete 1is conunitted to her students, '‘butt II'm more com* - : . rwtted to my rdlglon.on. Tbe board Just— SS dJd what they hadI to do. I bear .no PwIT p ^ « SesSs animosity toward thenjem."


a rTWrrFallsrldaho:— FrldayriyrDocombor9r1983------

P f T T ^ V | E ^ l i e l i i gi i l l t e i

T f i I . Bh EljhIIi 'iiUiiS

K .^ y S " " C h o c k IIndlvidudI Inercr c h a n t s . . a c l s f ofo r s ^ l a l p u r cl h i i a s e s ------^ &•rextertiied heun B r r ^ ' •■ •■■ ViJ;-; -"

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I i f i - . - ■ u&liilgBOt

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3 5 M e^ i r c h a nt s t o h u « h o o9 se th «a t s p e ccial . y •■ e i f t t hh a t t h e» ; y w i l lI r e m e ii n k e r |y o u b yf a l l y ee a r !

...... •: ~ • ^ T K e )W e rc ------“ — — — — •~Hickor]r Farm• s ------«^i•-Lerner-Shops— •v» A etno Financee ______?>* • '. D epartm ent S iM r . A 's D r y Cloaners le i ' ' •' B •■ O s c o D r u g • «Jensen Jew elee r s •• jS n a c k s • T h e C l o s e t j ■ • ■ • W oolworth •I• K inney Shoes •> T • h e G o ld M i n es - . • Video W est -*-Tlie-M ai»lacin.n ------t•JKitS-Cam J etas.:, , ' • • •______^• Third DImensloiow Cuts •‘ IFoods a t th e Fai'a i r ______. ' K T 7 -*~ Houao R estaurf r a n t • •• 3Zales , r •• M i uiicland •• B. I D alton Books • tlT oM baeltir.I . •• !M aurice's •• Christian < Booksk s -I> Pets & P lants D epartm ent SIS t o r e •• JM aurice's Menn 's •• IL i ttl e R e d H e nI •> iA bbey C arpet ------•'A nn's'H ailm arlr k ------^------— - ^ -r \ B lu e L a k e s :O pi lI t l c n l — - ...... =&. :lnterlors~' "I '0 . k Sai n t c s ':'s H o iurs: um ii Wed.I. & Thurs.B. Noon-5 PiMvI Irl Fri.d& Sat.~1 r:hft.M.-8 P.> . M . i) I Sun.. Noon-5 PP.M. > f Childrenn are invited too come and lijK v i s l t w i tith i S anta. PhotO!os will be takenn Bv on requcle s t^ $ a .5 Q e a . oor i 3 for $6.

O i f t C e H■ tifiirafes .. . A Bluo Lakes Malall S Shopping Contor Cil^ift Corllflcato makot a porfoct Christmmos gifti Gift Cortlficatoitos con bo purchaiod a t th o Morc Dopept. Storo at tho Custoitom or Sorvlco Offlco iocotod noxt to ththo Mon's Deportmont.— RlR o d e m m a b lv .a t a n y •fo•* r« tbrottgbevt tho C*nt«I to n mn V ^

\ ; ; . |Ppoo£cop;i ly '■ « ...... Friday. Deeembor9.,1 IM « 3 Tlmes^ewe.TwInFaJIs.JdahoA-'ll ^ d a h o ~ - .... ' ■ . ■— r f ------iPirmrdiscMnmspfem m r c ta i s ir = ^ BOISE. (UPI) — - An Insurance rtnitrOm agali^ Palmer and .seseveral dqMity, was gainiiUng experience about . j ootnpaoy tor Adala. County asked a otberier officials, but county ofC the area’s ierralnirf that cCTild benefit 1 federal Judgellnffstffsdaytor^leveltof saldtId tb e action has not been filed.ed. - thecounty r a i^ claims fOed TbiIb e crash occurred wfaOe Pali>aim^s The InsuranceM company alao ac> against Sberlf " cChuck t Palmer in son.tt, M ike Palm er, was pUotlnj cused the count;aty of failing to.coo- coooectloo y ltb ai planepi craab involv- ^planeitw rtitring an elk-hunting triO:‘Pi, — perate-In -lts-ljInvestlgatku-ot the., Inghlssoo. rb e Insurahm cotopany sale incident and ofr makingr public state- U A Firere Insurance Co, tripp cconstituted an unlawful use < ments without Itstspermlsslon. •______SaaffllilB B ^i’i! kqbV' * _____ dnx^be-'fDiced-to— alrcrTTUll. tttiCORll|]gU)lbtiBUllr~ cs a federal Judge to cover ^ d an i^5B « claims stemming lb.Ib e firm alw said the cou™ t v ’s “W*® itory-judgment-rellev^ „ from tbe October wr«ckwr of the.(>s8na pollcllcy s p i l e s It will not cove^^-Issue^adeclarate pintv Is ing the Insurancece company of re ^ n - 182 alndane. teglstjlstered to tbe Ada eldedlents that occur wben the pla • recovery of attorney (>>uzity Aerial Sherlie rltrs Inc., a volun* beln£Ing rented or leased, as wai the slbUity and for i teergroiv. se on the elk*buntl^ trlp^ .tbetbe suit ^ees. Paraen^ JanieiaoT HiatpS"dfiBa“ S SId. ' The st^fnamica e: as defendM ts Ada' - from lajurles stentAmming from Ib e ' TbiIbe-sheriff has defended bislls son’s County, tbe Ada A County Aerial' crash 20 miles soutbcitbeastofCbalUs. use.e. of tbe pl^,-althoughh Mike Sheriffs Inc.. Mike and Chuck - Tbe federal court!Irt suit says his wife, Palmilmer' was not a member■ 6i6f the Palmer, Irene Hultgrenh and Cessna Irene, hnn told tbe»tngirran/«n tn POmpBTiy Serla Floiance Corp.,., lienholder on the . - sbe plans to lodge'ge a <500,000 dollar.- Thwaste cleanup. - know willUmatch. f obtained show tbeB HHoor of tbe silo is ■‘The "T potential: for that being bei a The newly revealed n Air Force ----- alx-lncbesthlck— -D ^ r f u n d site Is p r ^ t , ” Audiuidersen drawings w ere ftfound in vaults owned Shoppingling for the ri ^ t . Favorites like ou r awarward-winningchcescs, , ^ feet thick asoflidaUaisbeU ^de^i^ Supe by J-U-B F.nglnJneers, a Boise firm Christmasas ggift can be a prob* jQh P Beef Stick* Summie er r Sausage, candy, jams *' He said be isI. . ttrying to obtain He said be met with Gov.IV. John hired by-Owyheeee County to study the lem. YouI wewonder about color.(3^^^ > and more. addlUbnal informatkatfawi jte thipin* niay - EJ6hn— Is neneeded~-for. better:mflriftgftriM ------An~Trtiihn~gnpiipreitfelCourtl^lsion______11 ___^ taste, iln'iusjustlhe-pricelBny^ffl'fl ' Evans asked - IdIdabo legislators Idabiabo's w ater resources. last year uphdd!ld Idabo Power Co.’s range you'reratlng-budgeUcontantalnedl-besald.------

ANA TO M Y O F AAWAftMSHIRT.,.. V • BOISE (UPI) -- IdaboId Agriculture signedled a written apology drafteetted b y Just wanted this clearedup.”cli Dq;>aitment Directoctor Max Hanson Roryy Jones, a Boise attorney,}y._who (._During_a_nev';[^.conference last ...FLANNELOUTU T E F ^'' apologlied Thursdajiday for saying an represresented legislative audit maiinanag- month, Hanson blasted i leglslaUve auditor wbo helpedied draft a report erCmuckLindeen. h t auelits tbat listedd past faUlngs In his ones called the letter a retract-action, agency’s eratloiions. crlUcal of tbe agency»cy “ g u ales booze” Jom • .... FULLY OUil)UiLTED INNER . . and. “entrapped”” an lnq;>ectloo sayln{ing he bad threatened to sue He also chargee;ed Lindeen “ guzzles isbn late last week tf he did not booze” and trickeiced a state bean and supervisor dimng' tlthe program re^ Hansb « : ■ ■ view. . tak es bback tbe remaiics about LIndervlsor a In. Twin Department la'lawyer . Andre “ WeWe’re not going to suee him Falls into enterlirlng a bar during. ' . . . Bu'-3 U T T 0N C U FFS AND ^ r. “We worklngbours. L’Heureux said HaiH a n ^ . agreed to (now),w )/’ Jones said Thursday. ‘ FRONT sS^KBSBliH 2 ...... Lo n g ’tail .. iBMBaBIWMJm -3 SBO k / ------T-his-warmrm Jlanneishtrt - n aio cfe by RemmImington was $24 s^anBaH^HaM- : NOW-

' j IN THEHE BLUE LAKES MAIL OPEN HOUR!JRSrSon. t1:00o.m.-«:00lOp.m. ' ■5 ' ANATOMY■ 016f^ A WARM JACKET ... ______Mon, t h r u : I friomSant ru Sot. 10:00 a.m.*9:00 p.i).m ------% 1 1 _ _ FLIP UP COL:OLLAR 5 ON te V GROOUP SAUfSMEN’SS SAMPLLES FULLY OUI3UILTED LINING , Z IP FRC:r' o n t t . (ONE ORI TWT O OF EACH STYrvLE) ^ CHILDRErENS'-JUNIORS;-MISSSSY BUTUTTON CUFFS ' i

• MITTENS • GLOVES ' . Ddeepsi/ash. k f PiPOCKEIS • B • SCARVES ,«CAFS ^jgsSW • SETS Choose from 3 Style Tplaids e S k I in the buffalo jacke:ket. Was $40. I FUN FUR HATS aflgsr? DRESS HATS ' X a , . Novy*!$ 2 6 9 9 m f i o m t is ------■ I ' 2 LARGE SELECTIOlO M - f OF COLORS • STYLYLES - i SIZES ^ iC

ALLSO; Assorted plaidd flannelfl shirts of 1pO% preshrunk cottortton • •

■ Was$f2’ ' NOW *7®® : r THE I t / "^^■~ORIGIN/J A L ------J ^ R IC EE _____ ■ _ II-' WWW 5SSZZZS t BLUE LAKESSMALL I

V. li-- ■ -. X- ' A^2Tlme»^6w8,Twri■win Falle, IcJaho Friday. Doc[>ocember9,1983 a ...... _ _ ^

a S k I. f i S t ;a t t 1 \ J - i _ | 3 j p e l C la i s . . .

jp P Mack-grDecta k ^ 6 F o o t m spotiitei ipruce Tree B a - Easy to assemble ^IHBE t z m ^ DOOJ>r Bell ITI igers ,Flickering ) 11 LeatheMi'•look sleigh i j Black & Deiecker door besell ringer. IFlame / x I -r DUStbUS —I^ad—^"5=E« e l i ------Light“-^ -■

1 9 9 ■ ■ j—>9 p m 9 ------? 2 4 pray #* 9 9 I I I ilitter ® S190 H I l l l l B B e n t w o oJ d d 15" z. S p ray fo r coat Racl e k lastic wreal 'decorating Assorted styles 1 3 9 '9s .u 5 503 0 U 5 9 PLU W h i t e 5 2 0 0 Q p O u l n t e l J L 9 9 | R e d ' jjf Disp;posabie ^ H I J j M ^ v o t i v e s ■ wa^cH es ^ T F d r fOO , Pill iH ii. \ ? rr—7-pfc—r------12 osco O u i n t e l ibble Light! lumbo Adne V^Oirart:fczwdtches Bows sIve E 9 9 2 FO P- Tapes SMck PLU I ^ H on 9 E 9 9 Hand — i j - ' 1 “ ! « P i

‘ing-o-canei cure candy canes. 2V4 ol . E E ^ 5 P O R ^ 2 - o u airt n Enamel ^ DOIWOIS 1 ______^ T ea a i K e t t l e l i H l Cjv/^UMK V . Steel tea kettle wtthtth enamel finish, wooden ____ knob and h a n d le. PeiPerfect for vour morning o rte fl'd e c o ra tiv e c o io rs-to ------7 9 < tea’or coFfeerAssort ____ .'..choose frojTi,i8483!83.'^,^___ ...... B 9 9 a v PLU O^CO^ 25 i p e c i aa l - ^ tdoor Light I se t S electiiio n o f CIOo se -O u t ■ waa T o y s w hlile S u p p3lies l Last ■ . PLU 9 % c A 5 1 Frosty I Fiok Refill 1 1 K i t c h en Cutlery I Set b. box

stainless steel serrateiIted Osco Reg. S22 88 k l blades, inciudesa 3" p ■■79 knife, 5%" bonlna knii a ” chef/cook knife. if'"8V ^ fS 99: PLU sheer knife a n d a 7^4" ‘’Ut- I Pi_j ■ I 5 1 5 0 Cher knife. 5070 r | S t e a kk Knife I se t '— 6T3ic?CG3erorLancer“r ------Osco Reg S 1T 5 9 ------brand knives with 6" semi'fuii tang, stainles: ' steel serrated blades.k' W 99 /8 4 9 9 ______f - &"o . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BiueiaKeesBivd.No. A diEffective: f l g De

;• /- I ^ m ITC V"AIJJ3 i BS,, O U R Tr R A D I Tn o N F f f i i H » m P rie e * I f m ------■H*ctlv« th ru ------S v n d ay#D*c. y , 1lth« » i r 5 l = l Q iK intHM lie s UmiffAd »e ' ****** **"»n H o n d f . > ^ 4 S S \ - a S - - ■Jj " ^ / / A | J g R L > J » > !5 ^ j r a J I

* 9 * Am * r

ALL*M E N 'S JA CKKETS . ' ' ■’II »\ll / j r , - % — Chooso from-oui*-Jr larg o -so lo c --i u\ r 2 35 tion of rrmon's [ockots. Many " 'isiii^i^iu ■ y g HIRSI VTHE >H WOOD IA IConvorts your 1/4” or 3/ o lo c - trie drill inlo o woodI 1 1 nblMtBINAATION ~ M EN 'S 4 o d ------'SIlW T A BBLE I FLANNEIE t PA JA M A SS ---- ^ T H E © BTION------BIFTCOLLEC1 f - - = t T = BY^MI ^ 1 i « 9 T lE N N E N ----- nm»«. 49.99' RIG.:s. 8.99 IS 4>oz. Skin Brac'or Aftoitor S h o v o y o sto r blond. Full olosticcw < o U i. , ^ 3z. Spood Stick Ooodorara n t. Gift Aewminodotot youiour circular saw , routoror or Cotton and polyo: IO Includos < ...... ' ■ i I BW aww^TST^l^ :: --■-Slzo«S-XL.:_____ ^ & 2.5-oz. » REO. 4.89 Boxod. w k a D e D l m F \ ~ | E I S i I.__ - I ^ ^ LOUVEREIED ^0 . 7'/«" B la c k BiDeokBr\ ^ • n m CAR CIRCULA TY ^ 0 ^ 118-PCa E * R A M P S UTILITRILL ^ ^ SOCKITAND p ^ SAW ’A" DRI ^ TOPLSBT. ^ ^ 1 5 ” > « « - g RiG. i«.99 1 . 2 5 ® ^ . l O s12 4 ^ ^ MO.aa.99 - - ...... i ______Ont-ac^ h»ovy__ duty REC.35;99- i drill for ilaht ^ M y u*r f l . . . coniirucllon. . Aceommo ...... ouwl u>ii»iufnuipu --■---REOr14.9

“ M EN 'S— PRBSTO * S P A R K ^ ^ 2-PK . 5®^^-STORA6B ■LBCTRIC g PLUG M BRIEFS ORCANIZ -S H O E ...... - .. I CLEANER S p o l i s h e r t; # 3 * T - ^ 3 D u w n i .. ^ 1 f t S 8 6 * * RiO. 5.99 » f 3 ; I ■I0.2A.99 ^ I CUent ony p lu g In mln n iani worrying m1nut«». Man-f Fruit of' ththo Loom D B A W IR ^around tleei ! Motorised bruih potliho*. and v, I Cennvct* to *ony 13 *3 voH "Craot toohf" briiriafi. Hip Portabio convoniai bufftlnonoeaiyoperatlon. bcti«ry. Briaff orH i'R Iia. handta. Wrap.aro frame.

______— Ml ■

...... 2-TON RETRACICTABLE 1 HYPRAtllULIC J A C K REEL L ieOHT (f a ao«p< i s ® l _ L ______L. _ RIG. 22.99 t ^C. SOCKET g V J 99 RIG. 72.99 . S Rusg.d. d.ir(.l,l. ^ ,? 1 5"-15" liltin g r a n g *^ . S > 1 5 B raa i providai een> MalrleSiia. !' ' J 4 y c o tl* n . voniant ilo ro g a. f y 9 9 REG. 9.99 'l/4 " L 3 /4 “. S.A.E.Ma

DAZEYDIlELUXE 4-FT .SHHOPLITE FOOT SA^kVER , A N IC S / >9 RIO. 25.99 99 REG. 22.89 ^ MECHA•ER / I Soothing h*al and vibra 3RTABLE / ^ ***®-»'9.99 M W H O R S E S H O E I M P O I COVERS / 'ey. m t - - r S I T . INTER- / V IS E L r ^ '' ■ n si f If m ■ ^ ■ REO. 1.C ^E h bS I * I3*» Loco'on, fits all I4> 1 9 ” ^ = = = S ^ IZ - RIO.-19.99--- -— stooring'whooU. Culuth* ------C. 65.99 ' Official >ix* o n d wa ionod com fort In ■ i M 4

— f trbtiDAi HOURS; M on.a.-Sat. 9i30 a . m . - . noon 'tll;6 p.m . h w r t K f mnmnemmncv' u - 9 p.m . ■ Suw .n □ ■ ■;— I umfMTiM auunra! — -~~ «1A»Y mhtx TO lOT ATlBli—S >1 ~ ; it w i n F aEllis a t 7rosmu 3 8 B lv dL . ISL t e L a k e I HnKMirMMIUMfKMI . * I" . ' " •

FairaTldaho Friday. DM om torO. 1083 ¥bv . A-l4TI(ne9-Nowfl Twin Fall Inte»rest-i Foreciast s(ends marlket inlto skid IBy FRANK W. SLUSSER - - ston«needed large federal budget^ deficits may - On Uiehe ttrading floor, American Tdepbone & . UF/Busfnes9 Writ^ advdvances 1,024-612 amongg the -2,017 Issues caustuse problems for the econoilomy In 19&5 — Telegraplraph was the most active NYSE-llsted 1_____ tns AVERAGE------‘ 'nHi>H«f d p n i TTjgr afterter the presidential election. - nff Vf ttt M Va on 6.28 mlllkin shares. -..... - rao INOUSTHtALttALS « NEW YORK (UPI) -- AfterA meandering BBig Board totaled 96,530,00,000 shares, down “Tl“The market Is very lean onA Ideas, long on AT&T \rtien-Issued stock foUowed, otr% to Is- - I „ e o - ...... "r much of the day while trade•aders adjusted their frorom the 105,670.000 traded WiWednesday. taxX sselling -and ending tbe yek«ar with some V4onS.68i>.68 mlllton shares. -portfoUosr-a-nervous-atock ^ ^ e biggest disappolntmement was the sh arp uncercertainty about the worid slitftuatlon,” said pa„AmAmerican Worid AiriVays was thini, off " 1 2 ^ '■------Ui t 3 I ■ II i_ 1Thursday in late selling spasparked by a predic- fallJl In the bond market.” saidaid Edward NIcoskI Alan,an Ackerman of Hertzfeld & Sl : Among tbe oUier airlines. Eastern, *' Ift" I T I rt p ttion of higher Interest rates.BS. . of IPiper, Jaffray & Hopwocvood, Minneapolis. "1"I think there Is real concS ' o v e r u i e readied a labor pact wIUi unions, added B lu e ^ p stocks, whid)h hhave been center "YcIfou are not going to havtave a rising stock Mlddliddle- East and the U.S, hih ay tag -a long : ^ ,to 6^ ^ ': UAL Inc. % to 35 %, and SouUiwest r 1240 h t u stage for months, were hitt byb> profit taking. So mararket when Interest ratesi arear movlna un. ’' invoh/olvement In trying to settleHe the crisis in % ^ 34 M %. Northwest, whose November ■ High-gh_^_ma!i5l I ® banon,” Ackerman said. ■U, 1266.91 ■ I - -..w " ere retails, alumbium andmd housing industry_____FederalF i funds rates, watduched for Intilcatlons rose 0.5 percent, lost % to 46 %...... " P 2 2 0 P 3M_____ 1261.89I' t ~ ^issues. of' Federa! I Reserve creditt policy,p rose afte r Ikimposlto volumejof NYSE IsIssueslistodon l |o o ^ sclhilng a bit the previous I U.S. exchanges and over thehe counter at 4 Intematmatlonal Harvester fell 1 % to 11 %. . The Dow Jones IndustrialMai average, which IS two days. Bonds _ _n. Jtotaled 116,474,600 shares: cicompaired with Harvesterster said weakness In its French unit | | - ' . | l l l i l ' I ■ rose r 4.47 Wednesday, sUddo*ledll,89tSi281.8a. Itcred cven.thou^ the Fed^ed pumped m oney, fjiVM: wreck Its refinancing plans and force to the tumklngsystom. ,845,900 Wednesday, could wrC' It m ade a feeble c h a ^ WediIfgllM^ ^ w a n l l l s fhe American S to ^ Exchanjnge index shed the compa _4iE B InlJIIII I I Firat-Boston^eoonomleUAll■AlbeFt-WojniloweF— 9 to 222.20 and tbe price-of mJ slm rt; nai flv«------ftmong i The Dow Jones transpcisportatlon average saidlid the robust economy is pushingpu the nation « cents.Its. Dedines topped advavances 367-209 lost % to53,to.£ American Express I Mi to 32 %. , u 10 18 21I 23 28 28 30 2 5 7 9 eased ® 0,84 to 608.28 but theJ DcDow utility average towjward an overheated conditiiUtlon that will push . amonilong Uie 802 Issues traded. Ve-a bo(H)1'f0^tb^AmerIcan-TeleIrfl0^e fo )nc Jt ^ * h ' yMTicfB-by-tbo-newJy-ipun-off-1 b -B ell__ Isjvalloblej^piepr^eiiting bUllons of idolldollars, in ’ • . NTelegrajd] Co.. a fedeederai Judge nded tbe neulewly operating comDanles.les. Tbey will be able to cho revenues each yeaiear. .'vdlve^ed telephone comompanles may designate ATjlIT&T ' thelT'long^llstaoce carriercai after competing comimpa- ‘‘The court recojcognizes, of course^ th at thisthis ruling ------r t r f a c'as tbe longKlistance) carrierca for customers whox)'do < ° le s ' connections to local1 lines are Improvedcd to ^ sutistantantlal assistance to AT&T.”-.” (Greene U w wyorkers y 4'Dot pick their own separatesej; service, lilce MCIZl or e q u ^ those of AT&T. said, “ That Is a result that cannot 'inltli O.V. avoided wlthoufixi'^orbitant costs to th e publici™,'’ ByJEFPmIARDY . wlwlUiln two weeks. Hembers'of.tb& SPRINT. The seven regionallal IBell operating companies Igcompa- UBltedPnfS^laUtBsUoasJ AiAir U n e Pilots Association apd; dnes-'' under court order to " . However. Gteeroeiw said the local operating < ‘ , ..I inSTDl^ct Judge;e Haroldt Greene said Wedne to provide equal access to' nles should tell 'customers’cii about tb e ir optic .-^..111,..lllgbt attendim ts unkm ^dso m u^; ,^«««4 day..jaistoip"tlff~nBr'T?wdaiBnate~tBe their .comp^TIng long-dlstan;tance companies between S< MIAMI--— Unkm officials sakl approve ^ the proposal, but Brjvn 19S6. long distance servlirvlce. - Mlong-dlBtance carriersrs beginningI In September■;984 ;9 1.1984, andSept. 1.19« le has adopted tf ve ry reas ibey„wlU;aak.Bast^U-.sa”p|<1 tiM* ’ c.routedtoAT&T._ . ■ ____ ’“Judge Greene : easonabl^ — ^wlU Have Uieir trafflc.ro After equal accessa Is available in a specific area,ar approach,” AT&T&T- ^kramaSnpfckiml■ -V-W aper nq>loyMa-t(Hiovest—18—-iAMp«^[»ifla,“ja .“------r.-“ '■ Jhelr p^to save tbe j A T ^ Is to be splitqilit up Jan.-l,-w lth-22 local- ioc CUStomera_wfto_do_io_noL_ designate—which—lo-long— sald.-i^It-savos-a-Ja-lot-of-unnecessary-expen je n se -i^ _____ — Eastem~AlriIneS'OfflclalB,-rVti^ ------:^<^nraUng-companlesbe-beingreorganlzed-intff-sevi ically— avoids-tt-lot-ofcustfltstomerconfuslonr*;' ------m ust-alao pkayrthe piopoBalrftBd^------reglooal companies.. AT&TAl will no longer be Inn thetl assigned to AT^., bu but will be able to switchch to Greene issuedd Ihis ruling on a request no com m ent ITnirsday. . M ocal telqdioDe ServiceIce business,I but will be allowi3wed whichever companyf thithey subsyiuently may choo lecompany. oose. ^Am eritech. the hoholding company for therm Ii S — 31ie.p]an-«al^fOT-^r«nqik>ya^------^•for thft «">♦ recnt Inaiana. MKhTg^' Ohl6~an'd'WlscbhisIri o ope p e r a t i n g ------ChaHes'-"B3ryi^"W ^dffirTfr— municatlons markets.s. of all tdephbne iustonitomers will not have designai ------EastOT’rbrD rai^^di^’lntwiia- “ ] lated companies. a pool ol*Ej^teni grefeiTed tlonal Aseodtd a tk u of Machinists, f,I — ------rsald-toe-lAlAM'"took*-tbe*-lead-in— “ • 'uie enwloyees >ould own moi^ working outut tb e Joint proposal |j|^ ays of around4hfrdock tIian 2S percent of all tbe cbl».- ^^First interst1 tate hasIS new ]Burley1/ o f f i c e -pany-s..voU^-8tock.and.;8taiKll^ ik lending grotq> bas have ||f ' a p ro m of 1 9 to $26 mltUoD:^. By SARAH MURPHYY “Theie ‘custom ers deserve a grejgreat • to look out the dooi■or and see the old terstjrstato building: CNB. throurough Uie . year.'Bryansald.- I Tlmes-News corre^poKloixfeaf deal ofIf tbeti credit for our succe^JieiJiere building — "wheree we had spent so procc to revoke Eastem's ocess of a merger, eve :lli» o f creditlessth e i'i.".r','.<=£n»peopoflab^d:a]Bbpttti^>; ------In Burlerley. JTheir faith Inus has maCwade- much time”- — bolnilhg-tom-down-ond— becaicame -First In terstate Bt li BURLEY — The PlFirst Interstate tbls buibuilding possible," says Ma )ml5~:i^3pan. df prof- employee |p» rq)resentaUves~~;r luUoiis.” Bryant(^da ' tbe t also provides more convraierfjjent. She says manyy of the bank’s The[Tie stotement, “ I ’m rightcht back •' long-range sol tbe work fo n e so tbey pani work W attributes tbe expansloislon primarily to Mai. It a employees began working in the when rence. r*-‘TUs is nc^a abi uragement of tbe parking,i g , s h e a d ^ . ______ere I started.” h as been the support and encoura ...... Cassia-National -Bai:ank that-was-tben- freququently these p ast few day:.y s rs a y s - K bank’s customers.------B u t^^ e says that It^m s strang located on the sitetc of the new In- Mai. vdilcle to provide $360 shouldsho not be prohibitive becatise' iJ- ______- mIUtoniai9646 4 / '- ..- ...... - - .—•.-.:.em]^pl(^yees-also received-w age- - -rr:L__I -r :::::^rya»sak]-ld Eastern's 11,SOaZAM:;::^eref^-totaling 24 percent-slnefr.- r - : lla c QCCi — • members wUvill vote on the.plan ApiApril...... / at ” - 0hrysliler—— — ^ ‘ DETROIT (UPD— ChChrysler Corp. •—j- - - ...... L to lacocca — wbo by.became a folk '’'hero in bis quest tq save sa\ his once- . doomed company agregreed Thursday b«to a multl-mllllon dollarar tstock deal to ' ^ TC luiBtay with tbe automakerker for at least •> : years. iiiessBei The deal, wblch couldd bibe worth J16.8 jriiiH nn In commoo sharelares and stock A i S S a mb t o ’s lo se s OM>wn c o n tro l ~7 ~TOtlons If lacocca stayss on longer than'' Bhree years, was craftedrted by outside “ LOS ANC«IGELES (UPD — A badirinkruptcy Judge has ruled that • m em bers qi tbe Chryal(yaler board .of cash-strapp)ped Sambo’s Restaurantsts IrInc, m ust yield control of Uie #:idlrectors. chain t o aco^rt-appointed a trustee becatecause it was unable to secure a y, -The board cited the "ne<'need to sustain ■ - $12 millioniloan. ll Q u e e r 's momentum,I,' IrInduding de' H A . / ■ Judge Callalvin Ashland Wednesdayf gTMtedgr. a motion by .the firm’s - ~ jvelopment-^of-new-and:md-innovative cu _M______credltorsLcgommUtee to appoint afl_ trustee.,ti for_the_Carplnteria. ipiw lucts for the 1990s”'a as s the reason -;1 Calif.-basedid company, which has beencn coperating under (3iapter 11 of 'e io r tbe deal. tbebankrupiptcy laws for two years. • B fhle o foffgr.at-the------;— 5tee-is . expccted~ta~be~nOTne[imed~sooh"by‘ U;SrSgnkniptcy B x ) ^ ’s meeting in New/York. Yc W rWQ TrusteeTairim es liilchslacdt and will havihave the authority to fire Sambo S There have been rumoimors over the W kuS executivessand a make significant operatiiratlngchanges. - - • __ several years ttot I jMacocca, S9j______• • Ashland’s’s decision came four dayslays after he had approved a — SnlgbMea^Chrysler to) rurun f6rpuBH c= ' ------proposcd-ed t>eneflts decscreosed to 388,000 duringg tl;Uie week ended Nov. 26. Uie g lac o cca with Vice Chaimdrman Gerald LaborDeparartm ent reported Thursday.»y- Greenwold and Executivelye Vice Presl- I V H I Acting AsAssistant Labor Secretaiyiry Royal Delltager said Uie dent5 Harold Sperlich aiand Bennett • " - r ^ ' - seasonally aiadjusted total was a decreasiease of 47.000 from Uie previous ——BI(hvcUrled-to^«peculatlard's compensation and an benefits ■ ■ seasonally aiadjusted 2.721,000, down 144,00144, from the prior week, the commlttcc,' said the! agreement D eparm entstsaid. should remove any - doidoubt about ’"^'CaL. lacocca’s future plans. "We are absolutely dcllikilghtcd,” de A n titiiru^st enforce]:er q u its G randpre said. “Our agreep t ^ c n t vllth WASHINGIGTON (UPI)--W lIliamBaxBaxter, the Reagan admlnistra- ' Leo should remove any doidoiibt that he lII1l*->t ' tion’s chieft aantitrust enforcer who speaipeorheaded the breakup of the plans to stay with Chiyslcjrsler; His Im- L u Vl U S l o s t American Taitment source. ChlcasoSun-TJoics and t>ecn exemptex from court scrutiny.^ railroad' would move• tot the merged Southerlem Padflc would need subjubstan- ThcsultaIt argues that a merger wouldId holding company andd give up their tialcapiapital in the future, tay-fecs I ^ C H IC A y -^The^nlonIon Pacific and weaken SoiSouthern Pacific and reduce:e railroad positions: Remmaining officers • Theb e new parent com pany' is not N o rthir o p m u st p a >ads have filed competitionion along lines where Santata .of the railroad would1 beI eligible for— obliged-&d-to-tak6-control-of.Soutl 7uthflm LOS ANGEE L E S (UPI) — NorthropI C^oi(^rp. mUst pay $31.5 million in sa lt against Santa Fe Industries Ind and F c and ^ Soi u th e m Pacific now com-1- stock options in.the no'low parent, and Pacificic Railroad if th e ICCYallf’alls to * _ feestoMlddltiie Eastern financier Adnanan KKhashoggl. ulio Is accused of tho Southem Paclflc.Co.,X seeking lo peter - - thusHvould have a dinIrect Interest in -approve)vd its consolidation - \^th;ith; the helping the: 1 contractor win defenseI contracts co with Saudi Arabia the succcss of Santo FeJ'e. the principal -SanUIF^ Ft Railroad. bery, on arbltraUon pand basruled.bas “T enjoin their proposed 1 u-ges Include: th ro u ^ bribe grounds that it Is anti-com[L S I ”" “ I ^ com petitor of Southernn Pacific.1 Unionon Pacific said m orale among an: Khashoggl^ fUed documents In federalral (court Wednesday asking the I Fe and Southern Pacific middlele rmanagers will decllnc andmd rail court to enfoiforce tbe ruling. At Uie samilame time. Northrop asked the ' The suit was filed 'agaiigainst bolding a re now vvigorous competitors forr • luthem Pacific ^uldw have no ,acuitieslies and service will detorioniorato. Judge to overtu tu m tbe award. —compnnlcs.of.Santn.Fe.aDi-and 5oulhem—traffic beCwiCween tbe Midwest nnd thee access to funds of th(he new parenj _ Th<»:..s^ 5 t asked_for..a. tempoiiporaiy^,. ______Khashoggl-^_..was_Nortbrop:fl..Mlddlele EEastern ag«mt In 1970 and , Pacific-railroads In a numaneuver to West and Southwest,So and if combined.I. beyond a niiliibnI cash c conifibu- "' restrainlining order and 'a- prdlm ir contractor win a ^.4 7 billion,tion, 10-year series of contracts Id divert substantial trafficc tion already made by mlnary helped the co push to the.couris an issiKaki that would they would by the currcnt jnjunctk:tlon against thte consummamaUon with Uie Saudxli (jovemment. otherwise come under Jurt.[urisdlctlofTdr from Unionin Pacific.I parent company. Becaiause It paid out of the mergermi bf the companies. ■ ■’* . Friday. pecem berS, t963I Tlm oa^ew a. Twin F ^ ls. Idaho A-1S

Closs i n g pI r i c e!>S— ^ MiMarkets “ h m irofiK" njpi) ~ ■ ai« uB - H “Tiaa Surw i!«- aS*Ti t73M-bOW* U MtlMI fM . l i f s \ ss- ss™" “ “• 5 " S 'g it: 5 l« S ? • nSidirjSnm. I im iii- iw a B B m u -i "S« ■ S3?? ■ ■ J ' ^ . . 1 1 JOUEr,lU.(UPt|-l>aaiocJc . - il^:» i : I l l # s 1=^ ■ H lii P — •Prev ■' Cloee Catiia ^ 35: aalaa (nautticieni (o aaiauiah a markat =-L « W - ISs ,'f g fc'!. ■ a a fVnnmnritty . Close ( Hltfj - Lovow P.M. tr,^ S85S-. >4 'iSS , May.Malnes 6.50 6.50 . 6.44.44 6.50 piiia I1S&4C0 SI iSlB) po — H swul '3 iilM - 3sKaad 44,25.2S&J&IM, .iSi K."?, j;MSi,srsv‘a4J.0W3,78. K .'S ’ i ia«an tnH -iw uamyn jo F eb . Uve cattle •61225 64.50 '64.07.075 64.175 .. ra sm* u h h sm i.t< Apr. Uve cattle <65.45 65.70 65.40.40 65.45 KANSAS . OTY. Mo. lUPtI - U««aiock ■ f i 6 n H n nv»- tt uMui uo C a t^ ’'' 9.600; tnding modaralaly acttva, 5 ’I "s riff; ^ ■”S 1'IS'SSS.. Mar. feeder cattle •67.82 68J» 67.55.55 67.625 feeder . aioara ana laedar .heller tnot?r , ” = 5 g s !-5 S 48.575 49.55 48.8S.85 49.20 liS _ Etnurt 104 ■1 11 !Si5 ■ s ^ rI .**5 H : 8 ^ ?.5 ,',a S5;5 Fteb.Uvebogs •'!w- iiLm ISte----- — )}• - a - : ...... ' - M ar. wtieat SJSiVi 3.58. 3.53^a\4 ' . 3.55^4 a s i S f ’. VS J}:' J S ::: ' SX IS Ju l. com 3.32MI 3.35V^ 3.33 ' a a a ;i if- —J.n----- i!-iiVlK=tit----- ^—----- MarrsUver------— 1M8----- ^ 0 ;2 8 ------9fM.66tt7- t 9-.08 maa< grSS^l^SSTS 6 ’,S ,5,S Jun. gold 4423.40 422.00 406.0G.00 407.30 ">ii. hii’Br i I 67.» 67.80 66.60.60 66.65 j>i«. * ' SSS? IS Mar. oqpper . . < n i i a psH . r NDCfp iJa M a r . s u ^ 9.22 9.39 9.11.11 9.12 a43.29; s u.b. M taw acaltared lota 31M» ahS ^ " " * .....;iv S “ J - 1 1 M ar. soytieaiB 7.97y<- 0.O6V4 ...... 7.83.83...... 7.84ii------■ ^ Ju n . Treasury BiUs 90.27 ...... 90.23 , .. 90.H.14 90.15 TS sr * Ir -s f0 7 IS UM'^ K SUMhM mo«5 Quotatlitatktts lh>m Sinclair and Co.I...... ahor s s s r , I:I9 2OT mt*. Ik N U ^ 1.875 .■ .‘?.S llSi! a ? , a12S ijo . 17 S : I | l i ______1 "^>el Tnd piS;. *lKl» , 1 '!'S 5!« ' QOtio«-t«5 Esa 'I '*’’“>iar=S -|g \i ATT wl ..Hf74p4p lft* -» OAF . » . '~ijni08i1IU*-U iJ Hynai wl_^^ J S S5, « ,;^ - g . 1 " S 'g s : ; li r i “',vs B S H H L i g i ■■SI!!! . 1 5 - r i — lUi. ■mmm ■ - , i S :S » S !'i'S i t II K -5 . ii u Q uotatkns from. NASD) at ap> WestemUolon» 36.375 . . , 10 774 l i s t - H OUn ij:r S’ : J| ’|a..i i ^ oxim ately 2 p.m. . All-■ .blbids In- UtabPower . 23.875 fuiuch»;g5.'iiig?»'ra^»«gabdj!s - itr” liW - ^ f« quotatloiis Albertson ------:— ^---- 36J75-----^ AuO*t » - ’IM - IJO 15 iw a»*T^ tenlcrdealertjtdsrlntenleatenioo Atco IJO 9 «n : . 2 ” ?4 S h . u < *I onot a Indude. retail markup,up, mark- IdahoPwr.Oo. 33.125 t e AmH ^ UrMi ‘ S ■ )sn i w i i '1.M 101W HH. U dowtiwn o r commisskHL Tbese Dart-Kraft 67.50- Kb Pk CI I.bT'' a i ^ S g R -* % Bid . I , I# M Sl»* U UAt ^ »Ht» Moor)oreFin.Gp. 23.2S . 23.75 F la . Coast Bk. 18.25 - - 18.50 pMd CWI. - HMO i m - i . “ ■] » ,1» ’» gjjT %. UM^ S ’ a .‘ sH |4 i f y - 1 -| ns.sr'* interterm n Gas 17.125 17.50 M aytag 51.875 a s ng. F ib er ‘ 26.25. 26.75 BanyWrlgbt 31.75 Hgr . a11 m Sl u -t H P.: p«SS:madiuma^M3. **“' giUj! IgiS, *S a ,!i!=5 SS m uo AA* >* I RcACUl IW 'e lit il * H * in whita wtiaai 9.00. Urlay , ffiliadmix grain and oata 9.W. and corn 6.23. 160 iijii j M la (S' ’s r>Ml pttCM ara s>*an dauy by^Rangan-:gan’a. Other__ - iI i i i t g1 pricea aro an avarapa ot a***r*j*rai Maow ^ N T O T O R l^ ^ -^ 17 V 74K- H S87S SS‘ . ^ jil*E5 & ?SSSwSn*iife white whaal «a* quoiad at 9.z llMsS * H "I —P tlH i 77U-st zS^M 1 nuiA111 Homo and PIK com al «, l i I ' 1 1 ;ia*t* M Jtipuoi 1.7a I ■ ll . .11M M I •by^R.'S I S.12 S.22 igesW 'i'- %nVm HH ... M tm t 1 »'I’I Irv g • 1 if I27H .. JoyMlg 1.« I » ip"'. Q tuS .. i? ii-n u * -w ----- NEW----- Yonx"'«" ...... (ITPI) • • •-• • QIanI • -Yin -ia ai- BOtt-W Foooiring u» ni»on lot MIKIM Gull CM 4ICAOO (UPI) - WTwat waa Mpr»ar; e< JSS,?.". I S ' ssi'S"!,!"^ ^ t* U K*nPU 2.UI ' ';' 7sassi!! SST. on m« Amdoun H«Ua> 1 ...M wuiendcloaa.i f f . Yearp cSHw liS Ji a s z s HKK* ,:!5 '.,iim |ij“ 5 Ictnibw , a. 1«3 HSotl*' IJ ,w'0.0» NEW YORK (UPt)I -— OomaalU augar No. 12 tai tj ' l r a s &•<•> Net HutkrOI ott'l V?*fM?p 2 W, .ml MyMVn. o?t.f4Wtol2U W luiuraa eloaad Thurada•day « poinu lowar ts I point _ sBm , rpSli: !B. ii" P-£(Mt)U4lCnp. KnpOa '“ I ilM s H “-;2 i l l ns «D ^U* U Acloo ICk I Sh- w **i!cb 1*II (aiO uMtt- H AOOOaOiI 74 is.Tn5!s'M .'xa'faa« M i s s i s S iI ”i f ‘ "Ik f t r i | 5 5 | £ . . S' g,v.K ';..T a “;.a.'!; s s - J-ilJ X i g i M! ,VS 1® -a yonti gs™ :: :S "5 ^ ii* ': • - relSSiVwds:!ISS'£!fri” s!ap*pO%®00^“M' w l ^ g j o s 'i'n s“:ir« ™ ( . « «. com^.arci™ .1 ^ " “ " ..“a l ...... — 0 0 !^*IS S|» I ’’”s i"*'“ S' 'i i " lis p 9 Iha SoMot' u S i 22 22 H o M ------. -AME)( BONO 8ALE8------■ "«K .Sn=»ri?*a,';; ' Diaa; No. 3 yallow com. up lo II h 305 3061) 30S 3Q9M 266U TU 2Un- 2SSW 7S7 298 » e u 2S6U w rt'S 'ii.M 'a •“I m m m m -OMaflM d fuluroa closod 1.4S0 lo . Dm m. Am '!“ •cSSU'S.ir^!uKWitffpSlS:: „.fS pdmory produears MailctnU 40«.00 J07.M "'"ST™— B Mp«ie«nla rentracia, May i n n>. oroauear W78.C0;- tacaTliluaBi,"o'2}S.V9S?rriii2?Sd ■ ■ ; • ™ ffiissi."”" ,YSE ^ J3!r-^ m ■ : S S “ fiM®WI?oV-> ' ------»7,#M 17,Strgco cR?moo "upfl^oM ilii s r . cioJS, ,.4i"!i S ■ Tranapon ffiS ffi" II aerap — Piiiaburer> 40p«icant()mtil Quolat raproMHt iho mid-pdce beiwarlc*iM »iMr prosucta of tIO J . . , M ( 3 S N A K i a u V'■ H R A U C T IO N ______M " 1 “ <»« Every Soturda]irday IQ AJM. 0 1 ^ ^ s;:f i i l s ■ iw.00i(.17) _ 10 11-ia • 10 1J-1 j555522^/^ Sotw rday, D«c»«CM ib«r 10 ! NftW ___ YCfk _ c . » . S CoatellofTwlTwin Fella Antique* tK ltch«ni»«n Esulpment 1 Tra«iurv_ . - *"5ni»„ — ® ^ j'»»9I^V OltK D*IVI» ~ilh *0C« »lo*o»» 1 '■ emoniMS to soPTWAaii r..i.CeiiciM. r».i» 34 roM. KIVaOAtOi KvIp'u'xJ k*itl •otvrday, D»c>«€«mber 10 . C' Elko'a PennyWfWla* li Ontg is?“ L * Auction In TwinTwIi Falla AdvertUententle n t Dec. I ' ' Wall Auction'tlo n e ert i® , . V II ISS CMICAQO lUPI], —. Following ara K?o *1S95>5. " •“ . . NEW YORK YI (UPI) - Tho 18 mo: Slock E»ch»ftga: • «lock« in New 'Yock sT&k Slo< “ '‘''55SS,11 : s s a , s compoBlla tiMing al 4 p.n los Nti Nollolhlng Down $42.32 Per MonAonlh. S m i c i a y , D a cw e m b e r 11 W S'^SfT’' SYear 51 AtlB'AAPR orSODl)Diyi Weal A ddlaonMtoll eir Twin FoIU s r Ss" m 30U 29 79 —1 ______,5 AT&TT Co S M?bSo U h' ^ Interest Free. No Down.1. ■ (Formerly W ett Addlaorllaon Fleo Market) I I : i - ___diflilm oaO HKt f AAucllon Is -S oSunomTi" stum i !i 7h!400 ISH * 1 4 ISU. 18H ... UUr>MwlH*W«««H»IM14»|ll|«|«HW m — ...... ]S S Euon Coi - °M 3 T 0 n ”* (UPI). - rriday,D«CME w M r l * -s.ssE': AU AWCUlTWAlSOFntm U.S. Bankruptcy Court.Cou Jerom e , ■ » “ ft Jnnsn ua.600 40W — I ml Dm . 14 I , May t (0 g \l « " P ^ E s ,2V, 1 ?".nrwr^'tt S4H S3 53W-1, □1----- SPEOAUrfBCO- S'S Ooll Allan„ .r .. ■ Si:!S S5 : ! MoaleratOabomoAn* Aucllonoera I ifvo»ir nj,«oo 11H -: n s ” Ifr t - ' o T I™ .,.., •..>»:» m. - j 1 Js JS Jsis COIraMPUTER_COHCms.lHC. c. \ Lynwood Shopping t.»nt»r S o f v r < i a y , D*c<• e m b e r 1 7 § ■ I ^,?,vs,vss--^- , ‘ ■ J l ^o&uck §2;loo -.Sh ~ . i ' 630 Biu« Lokaa' North - Evon Cuthfl*7»oahon#r M-9171 or Toll Ff** •00.43J.*13JM32 A dverllaemen ent t IOoc. IS 1 ■ IS ;; v i! '"iA lao P ocat«lle and Roxburg Moaler«tOabom«>'no Auctloneera I b:» :» Maikal Valwe Val< * * * ^ 22J.20 \ -O.Bi-0.69 Fiaha B 1 Nov ^ » • B.77 .73 A« sn CnaiCnaneo • —Ott-OUS Hodgwn Ho 2 IU U 44-H

•i. I ' h-^A-ie-Tlm«M4«W8.-TwIirwin FallflHdaho Friday. Dw3ecamberO.-iOS3______^

lETSl l ^ o m e I m m H l c e n t e i ^ » Crochotoi OMJ »FUfi "Clirisima S ILLC ^ " \ r ~ WNIStHl O M I ^ Reg. 5.93 -iiCEiITER tiA AIfERir W o w ill b o o p o n fio n o x t 2 Soturdays ^.r ....iH i E R If t t a KRIS'LTIMUIiS g ^—TintH-9P;M:H

a ------^ — B iiscjjue-Angels s ( — ------s i a w ^ Fros>stc)d U S tickin ii g ■il Purowhiih iio G lmis s |y X - m a a '■ ondboaul□ u tifu l V o n y o u rr , ■ ■- ,• Can3 . • Assort W l j > S ^ ■ ...... c r f o b l o3 tto o p . -■ ■ s c o rie s a s 1 Set of two ^ , c h o o s o .....f a J g ll ■ fro m .* “ Assorted st]ityrofoam Do It yaursolf. Eosy to m ako Christmas docoratlr a ti o n s . 9 9»• ' R e g . 1 .2 9 t o 3 .4 9 R e g . MBS . R e g|.. 3 : .9 8

i | JM L „ z z y | j 9 l9 — ------7^------r: ~ I I a - .

■ : I

Poinsettia ...... 3 ” ; ...... '.RO!l a g . $ 5 . 7 9 $ 1 » 7f CHRIS¥TMASCAI • 6" HHangingi Plantsts • 2 0 C o u n t • 6"UJpright i Plants Bring tho color of Christmcfm o s -----^ Reg. *3.49 9 into your homo. L — 4■4'^pot Sizo.'""'"'“ ' • MiVlTH A LXTHETrR lM M INNGS. . .

, ™ S i C h risis tm a s P a n d a B e a r ^ J p u o in s e t t i a __ ! -jChgistmas_I ------R ib b oO i l ------T re e S ta n dd T h ( 's < 't iiK' pjnddsp j are perlvcl for yoio u r tree* Btf.iiitiiitifiil fjolted poiiiM 'lti.iss l< (o b n n - i llic J-i«'.ivy duty st.iiid for tin* i.irijt'sl irt'i'. Ensy !i"x 100(1.fl. rihbun. S lick s lo ilsulf w.wlii'n or foslen lot ycyour Christm .is gifts. A ssssorti'd color)'r iIII C hrislniiis inl't i vuiirir Ilioinc, 6" ;i(.i • to .isM'inbii'. nioistfnc'd.d. T■ ri’C' iriniM iid cr«i(l rihl>i) s iy lc s ov.iilabitiblu. Liniiit’d to slock on h ijn d . si/i>.

. 6 € R e 3 „ 8 9 ------—^ 3 - / 4 t:97~—6v8S^^ ^ li5T8769 ' ~ “ “

G5 IF T 1 D E '

In d o oir r B ulb , S y lv a u iaI __ F o rcinn i g K its ; S p o t-G rao L ig h t i B a k e r's IRacks J[HH| • B lack A perfcct gift: foifor Ihe indoor gardener. Comt}n>cs com plete with Hi lites th e b eau ty oc f y o u r , pot and growinc.ring medium. Blooms L plants. M ounts r e a d all w inter long.g. Add/ color lo , ceiling o r shelf,f f ix T u n . ( r - - ^ long, cold d a y s of< winter. Choose with bulb included.. UI /L ' .v v \ from Hyacinthsihs and Papenwhitcs. \ — approved. 75 watt,. fl « 1 9 0 7 5 J • Reg. 39.95

i S Reg. 3.4-1 8 3 R e g - 1 8^ .9 9 2.S 16.3 ' '[ j » ii| hH [E lR lw irp 3 2

I Live ,. M idget I i T ree Preservci f U m \ D ip — _ Garlancnd n B ulb T e st. t e r ^ >) I Di-cor^le Wllhh n.rulur.il u.irLind TrvUicul ...... •SI iiir<|.i.-l ..I/., liullis. Wllh ihi- fr.>grArxrAiKi' ol iIm.' holidiyN i l taa trocs or airland, also m r* m ll-«’s.>''''<>lt lr.>ns>>( dip.-' Conimuou» rolls up lo 100 ll in Icrvjih l ^ ^ l l im I imii n>'i - . j tu(l<‘rll t I (ur yuur docoraliaraiiny iictd» C h ristm a s * Limilcd 10 stock on K J And Hollv I n n a ' S . ■■>9Pcr Ft. r Reg. .99 M I 3ft/l • W Li„i,2 n i f r e e •« L im it 1 ' ® I ' ^ IwmmcsccufON i/»«41->4l* L.iwr»l2/IM0 I ^ wrTHTHTMISCOUPON C«ii.jh« l/Mol I- L.f J -1.__ Prcserwd cul Chn.imiia-«iu«t/a)oll' Liprt*!^ ■ ■ mjy be ukd lor hoUy di{ i j m m m K i - i 'i i - r

•EN TILL 9:00 PIPMONSATUHR D A Y S FO R AY O U R SH O P1 P 1 • . 9 9 C a V ’ ENIENCE. 734-7:r 3 0 0 ~ ^ Prices offoctivo th ■■ADTU MON.-FRFRI. NST ADVtRTlSED HEHCHANDISE POL:’OUCY »thru Doc. 15, 1983 B L U E L A K MIS BOULEVARD MN O R T H SAT. 9 - 9 -0^1»r ftfm Inwnnon h Io h*v« rM«d Mtm. •• d«acnb«d ia lh« .d, )n Modi « ,a.W* lot purtti.M du« 10 .ny unl«n««n c “ ■ ------^ T W m P AA I i.tS ,-iP A H O 8 3> 3 3 0 1 — , -SUN.------9.;30-6^;".j uniwuTlI, 'PING CONVEI

cKk .~1 nn r^r >h«l.*l II •'> id.«n»«d ll* in r.qulM. to l*l.l VOv PUxh.M Ih< lli ,. - . 3.... ' ...... ------T

Friday, Decembor9.'1983 bor Tlmos-Novirs.-Twln Falls. Idaiho '

■ O b itu aaries/Hospitals r B2 — J— — \cViall€ ; - p 3 ^ 5 _ ------^------lagi ------■■-Sports- WM gy - B

l E ^\offii c i a l s i s k e p >ticalI aboiU t s a llary h[ l i k e s ^ BvANNBTTBCA]CARY would 9 ^ t additionsonal money to school dls* that the Legislature hasIS noti aH>n^tia(ed the A AUUon^eWSVfTi^riler And Gilbert says tbat evenon If the S34 million "It’s It’s like shooting at a moving target.-'' - tricts th at develop a plflnp to pronx^e teacher money yet. ----- appropriationapi for Increasedd tteachers’ salaries GUbertxsrt say s. WhUe Idaho Is achieving p ^ ty :. excellence. R ep. Kitty Gurasey.^ R-Bolse, sdys she Is i ^_=—6rea_IdaIXL.EducaU Is approved, Idaho wiU be doingd less that Ita with1 national m wages for 1983. ttie nation will'______nMnn Hoiiga Spoaker Tomom-SUversrlM^vbhPalls;-^ are can-find tbe money— Birasnays:------have“t w more years in wiiich to ralse- ______Association QffldaIdals are somewiMt nervous iiblic Education Reform to fund the recommendatj< p rolQlng ftti LtteDSL______S...Salaries-would he. .raised»d to Ihft nntlnnnl salarioiiriesjhesays.______; $e55ea~sa$oi$rrufidiHgTBe5i Legislature has"worked-- “ I think it can be done,le,” says Gumsey, the aveaverage, but Idaho Is com de by a legislative committee )mpetlng for go-~ . - [ with the nationaljiaverage. g ------Association-regional-dJ-dlrector-for-the-Magic—<-of-provlding-more-monej ley-for-publlc-schools— ^prb| , which was ouUined Wedne proposal, 60 percent of.lhele raise would be port thethe le^aU ve committee’s plan, indud- Tbe proposal, w Ines-. VaUey, said Thm^dayoy thatI tie agrees that the withdut \ taking a doser« r look a t v ^ th e r gra{ranted next year, with/thee other 40 percent |ng a pi day evening over^ .a Boise television statloUon, funding increase Is ove a provision for tying salary increases to 9verdue, but be points out current < allocations are bel« lng spent wisely. con»mlng the year after. , . •SeelEAooPagoBJ - — Jdailey- ~ pool I returns 'f; ]

Agreement reached ~ |

-ByDAVELEWIS .....- - ...... — i Times-News writer , • -

Bwlmming pool might go down the d rain , it has been put back a t tbe spot . w h ere lls backers wanted to tMiUd it. - \ Bob Rosso, a member of tbe county , ' recreaUon district board,'^d tlils j week lhat the district tias learn t It w lll not UTreqiilred to obtain title (o la n d - adjacent to Wood R iver Higir School — by Jan. 1 in order to i»ep-a g ra n t thatwUI assure the pool is buUt Ml W.1>\WM11IT Ju stic:e e! S tep h en B Istlin e listIstens intently a s law yeiyers Lloyd Webb of Twivin Falls, above, and T he Idaho Parks and RecreaGBn ] iStanford Owen of Salia lt L a k e C ity p re s e n teled i ttie ir s id e s D epartm ent has decided the tlUe r6- qulrem ent Is nol necessary for tte d is tric t lo receive a $131,000 grant fro m the federal Land and WaKr o u r t h ConservaUon'Fund for (be $300,000 I Suiprenne Gc lears5 f i s h -- k i l l ss u i t pool, Rosso says. •; ByPATMARCA:CANTONIO ' Fish Breederss {alleges thal a parasite-le- the dangerous natur However, Uie district wlU tiave to u re of the chemical andi . Owen repllM tbat ttiee Iinstructions may not begin'conslrucUon on the site, north of ■, ■ Ttojes-Wews writniter coDtroUIng chemicmlcal It purchased fromm would have support)rted the dalm of Fish : 1 havebeenextetttive.lKitli^tlwy adeqimte. ttieh ig h fff hool I by. tlie !»nd o tt^ y e a c _____ t-. - - - v. “ Rangen io'Januaryryl979 1 killed the catfish: FishBh 'Breeders, he said.----- ■ F l^ .B re e d m “ w w ggi re ^ y and w a n ia too TW IN FA ULS ^ — The re ^ n s lb illty for tbe Breeders took Rstnsangen to_court seeking morere ___ p.ut.Rangenls, laivye o r lose the grant. • - ; " yer.StanfordOwen ofSalt_it_much'lii Isstnictlons..’-'^’>hesal±-:-l-^.-. ■ **rm-exdtedbecause-lMtbe'tilgb='-'------y’prxWbltIng-testin;ftlmony-about otherfish-kills-Is— full-of-the->'human-el'eIement;"~Owanirguedr~ ----- 'Rie'five SupremeCourtirtjusllces, who asked " ' 1Therefore, it had tiuTied td a site on ' asking the h l ^tl courto to order another Irlarial be that allegedly were« c a u ^ by thectiemlcal. . ’‘MIsuselakescareoft>fthewholesltusUon.” questions c throughout thebe hearing, took Uie municipal' r park pn^ierty In (Jt»e held In its lawsullsuit against Rangen Inc., aa BuhlE - The k i l l s - report*ortedly among trout al otherir -Webb also arguedI thatU the Judge's Instruc* case c under advisement,t. They WiU Issue' a r - company. D eerfield subdivision, on the east side Magic Valley hatcbecberles — would bave shownTl tionstothejury werelni Inadequate. rrui Ing later, from BoIm . ofHaU^,asanaltematlve.0 J T h e Hailey City CouncU m et m r . special session last month a iu approved Uie new loratlonl Howiover, ! A mid if COImnty mlustguil a r a n t e3 e in d iggentfuinds sev I e ral homeowners In (he Deerflelil • ' , a n d adjacent HlawaUia s u b d lv ls l^ - ^ ByPATMARCAN^ANTONIO — no m attw jA liat shapesht the county’s Indigenti Jlodgesoughthelplndisdistrict court. f-—— debttb^thelTTequest»ts,'Byw6ter saifl."“ fi care of tbelr n eeds ^ if it fa c ^ ^ o rrtage ^ secutor, wtio Is handlLidling the case. Ilie money lunds runout, he Uld. ' B u t while on a trip to Boise. Coii^ ' • • offy^. y ' was ^ d directly to theirthe jAarmaclats. However, Johnson aaruged r thal Harris and The county Is obligateeiiSBd,'in^'=^=Hecreatlon-r-Departmenl--T;planner. - Times-News eorre^)QaMod&it tain. BBut uHtli'thS,'the crty“ili'not i ' forthesUwt. thciIC streets,” the mayor ^ d .I. pa^*to^^l^ice or repair sections of R R< euel SmlU) says Uie construction ■ obligat4'ated to do any work on a stnstreet, A fter discussion,n. Councilman Doug HiHe also noted that all n»ldenlenlstiave ttie deterioralated municipal water requlroment re will be met if tbe district BLISS - City offldiIdals In Bliss a re accordlrdlng to dty officials, Andrews describebed the stiwl as rece«elved letters from the dtyIty asking, system , hekiidJd. tiegins be site preparaUon by tearidg undecided ^««etber afla llvfrblock street At the th Bliss Clly Council meetlng eet "basically a privaI'ale driveway.” Ho thenem not to park their cars on streets • Butler repoported thal seven major dow do n two buUdlogs, removing a fence should be plowed by tlM city tills W e dnesday. i^ Mayor RoUaod Zolllnilinger recommended thatat coundl consult Its tha at t need to be plowed: water leaks ooccurred In the Bliss an ar d digging a utility trench.' winter. said thethi street should be plowed,d, I but attorney for advioIce on how to serve water systemm In November. He Cooiidge ' says everyone Involved th e cityity should avoid assum ing llabilabm- the residents witbobout tielnj llaNe tor In I " other business at the mcctl. speculated thee leaks were daused by deserv dc es Credit for being flexible ^ lYie street^ Hess Lane, La is Ipcated tyforttirthestreet. IhelrstreeL • Zollinger r ^ r t e d that GovGov. John, the Oct. 28 eartirthquake because some doing do what Uiey could to get Ute pool • w ithin the city, butt It has not been. “We’'re’ve got to do something,”’ Z< ZoU- 7 . Evaj.rans will decide this monthilh \^lcb oftbepipeJoinUntswerc pulled apart. .t>ackU>lhehl(^8choolslte. -t>a • accepted by the city:lly os a street inger•said. st "Wecan’t leave themn (I(the In related acttoiton, ZoUlnger com- aho cities will receiveJ f . CouncU apppproved a liquor license f t>ecause the base andid surfaces are not r o d eents n t of Hess Lane) stranded.i ” mended, dty stqienfrint^wlf>nt Eddie conummunlty-devdopnient granrants. If request for the Tlie district’s latest problems began (te Y * ^ aiid wihe and w hen ll was learned ttml tbe t i l ^ “uptograde." H esusuggested thal the couocU seis e ta Butler for doing aI goodg Job of keeping BlissIss does not receive the grantan tittias t>cer licenses for fi tkm’l Ask, a new A fter a street has beenbe< accepted, it nominalnal fee for residents of tbe stnstreet . the other streets plo-lowed. re S avepthis paper; in HoUey, hdd an opUon to tNiy the aid kids Schoa> t) that tbelie citizens of Twin Falls WiUSl TWINFALLS-I- Roads and schools. ,Hiow o evcr, Idaho Stale PoIIi*oIIce of-; Snake R iver were w reporting record ,Chuck Grubb, a principal In Uie land : p ers^an d m etal--cans o that are -makeajt as extra effort to deposit old w ere Open IhursdayB y a c i:^ the Magic ficenerd were warning thot niglilight a n d ' depttisofsnow, development firm; was wiUing to give coUedadattbeKIwiUwanls Qub bins n e \v w;upers ] and c ^ so tbat ourS . Valley for the first Utime tills week. earlyrly morning travders shothould ie Ala time whehen ski resorts normally th e lan d to tho district, tMit for tax arouod Twin Fallslls in November dooauoiion can be a lot larger/' be M ajor highwayss around the area prepj2parcd for patches of bladlack ice, are hoping forr addlUonal snow, boUi reasons, hc would oot do so unUI . ao d December also generally were:« back to bare and -w here r e moisture from meltinging snow P o m e r^ e andd Magici Mountain have M arch 1,1984. 'iacarseatsVpngraE I klwanls oiBWKwiaer Uns are^feV dry. or bare andd wet conditions: remnalnsontberoads. a I had to close alat least a day or two . 'T h e dlsUlct Uien Uiougbt It was . U m ’ program,-wtwhich provides located!d at Albertson’s, (be Blue□Q However, Idaho 75> northr of Shoshone because of tooI ITmuch snow. go ligh way district crews wereremostly n ...... g oing lo lose the site and turned to (tie restrUntoffMattfortor Infants, Is n m " ' LBkes-Sr Shopptag-tJentorSmltb’s'' «»Hii haif a anow sn flbbrand Ice, " Ig city fo r help, a'rcqucst that lead to ttie by Uie Centralrai Medical Sod- . Food KlngfKlj both Twto'FalU Circle- . - and tb m is snow ona 75 over Galena ^ theLhe.dean-up stages Ihursda;s^yand i^merello nonow has 97 inches .ofr ^ o rted no known snow-bound a D eerfield site...... - f . ' eW AuxUiaiy andd Uagic 1 Vall^ K stonores, Waremart aod tbetie ' SummitandlntoStaianiey. id areas, snow on the top)p of Its nms — a depth ]R osso says Uie high-sctiool d te 'Is ReglonalMemcalCetCenter. LynwoocDOd Shopping Center, usuaUy reacheded In late January or {^c ^ And parts' of U.2;.S. 20 that were ^ Ideal tiecause pool-users can use tbe Lance Gow, U>ejeW 1 wanls Q ub Alumlinlnum can bins are Ioca(ed loads to all. ski and snowniwmobilo Febniary. tUgh-schooltU{ paridng lot, aod tbe pool g totflld abrdonF^»iJtl -AUwwt8Qn^s=aDd>4b»-4wo-«he|>^ closed .Wedne«lay_I'. w e r e _ r ^ n e d _ aa al90.are<^rwili beof)Mpeoby-T-rrMaglc-tMount ntaln is -reporting 78 - cai “ ■ Thursday, "fllthoughjh icy spots«^ - t h e ^ c a n b e Incorporated Into tbe sdioot’r — tlort8 pco- Skik i areas on the south sidele of< the year. ' • ' ■ ■ g gri raiiis. I — .

- '"TteTfmaa^dw^TwiTwiii'Falla'. lOahb ‘ 'Friday,.ciecem D berS, 1983 ManI r o b b eid to gc2t a t t e nition - I n t l M le vaitcey— ^ o o l ------Paul Heiuiliig,trfUie-IntermountalnHospltallnBoiie,--- oft - ^ be yotmg man. FamUy ~ “W atcrleakclolo s e s B liss Sehoi ^^Tb^rib‘'' saidtld b e h ad com m itted tb e crlmrimes for be hest for tbe • WiU present a semlismlnar called “EpldemlcI Kids, Drugs e r a ttetentlon. i “I don’t feel I’m a crinTimlnal; support couldl come( through letters, BUSS - The BltoI SSchool was dosed Wednes — and-Alcohol” to0 alaU-Twln. Falls - students above^.Uie ...... * T j uy s : »KWg«n>';-----'**“ the Ju^e said, - because of a severe witCT secood grade. case beard Monday, ' TWIN FALLS — - Dennis Major of Public Pu defender MUce Powen/ers BUg- ■ In another < According to d erk Ani\n lta Standai, one section of will concentrate 00 iharljuana aod Twin Falls told a JudgeJuc this w eek th a t gestttonwood facility. Instead of)f p:prison. P o ^teU o pleacaded Innocent to sex- flowing Uito the libraryy aand office in a steady strei Uacuss tbe medical dfects of drugs like • ng a 7-year^ld-glrl on afihnstrlpanddlaci ' iu e ■ 23-yeapolff*"ia*~A&i6r-^Md^ becacause ofM ^or'aprlor cleann record,re unlly molesting “like a low faucet runninging." the-lung8,-the-memory_and-Uie re-. . guilty on Mondayay to the Aug. 10 “Itt Will do D ennis som e good,” g S ept.ilU iT w ta:in Falls. Water also leaked throurough the e ^ t wall iiito the IoI6w^—marijuana-on-the- robb^ of tbe 7-117-1 storo a t 1445 Powiwerssald. f ; —levclof tboscbod . she sali ____j}^ucUve_^tem.m. • ‘ • AddlsoaAve.inTwljM n F alls, w here h e DDennis e Voorbees, tbe deputyity Twin Powers requin^Kted Uiat K essi^ A repair crew sbovdectied tbe remaining snow offff Uie The effects 'ofof p e ^ p r e s ^ V popular "mtisi'' placed a tire IronI ocon the counter and Pallstils County prosecutor, andid JudgeJ bond be lowerecie d from 110,000, o r t b a t. —roof - Wednesday and It a tem porary roofing seal ababove advertising and. movles-on-dnig.usageme also wm De . ■'.• (temarKled money.y. Earlier, be had Danlim lel Meefal agreed. A t tb e ^^ofhis < he be releasesied o n ' h is own r e - tb e library and office. considered. Bdmlttfld rnhhingag—tbe.;JuttTBy.!g ___te r3njLCottoinMDod»_MaJ(j£wi m JHdUJie __ mgnlTnnrr, stn hA hnd no prior _----- “It-wUl-need-to-havilavo-a-better—patch-Job-n ------PareDtsTnirhavt grocery store in TwTwin Falls'on Sq)t. rettirMmed to court to determinene If: his record. Meehl: tookt the matter under summcr,"StandaI said; ...... Monday a t 7:30 p.m.Jm^in theO^^^JunlorHighScboo?” ■ y '- 111 Nflltlwr Involved tha HSftola.,. beJia' time or ,:advlaement-untTitll -he receives n io re _ th«. fHni wUl be a slide pres-._ ;__ _;i: gua. p roJbatlon. b i Information abiibout the suspect’s fi- , extra holiday . entatlon to explainOn tot< parents Uie kinds of drugs being MMiOor a bad requested be tie; sentsc to nances. Students get ey . used am ong studenUlents and their effects. How to IdenUft- M ^or bas beenJ sentencedse to ^ )en d tb ei «s ta te prison a t B oise fo r Uie four . Meehl did ordrder Uiat K essler find a RUPERT - StudentsIs 1in Uie Minlco School Disti drug usage and findInd hdI; p also wUl be d ls c u s s e d _ _ ' four months at.tbeDe North1 Idaho Cor- montJinths, so ,that be. would be> ableab to private attomeney to represent him will have an extra day of)f CChristmas vacation this yea I prt»erty he owns ap- Tbe MUildoka school boboard has approved adding^ 1 - Hlgb-school studerjdents wUI partidpate In the seminar rectlonallnsUtutlonionatCottonwbodfor visitsit with bis parents —.somethliUiUig he because some ( ilor-hl^ students are scheduled for . s a idd he I could not do at Oittonvonwood. parently makesMhUnlndlgibleforthe Monday after New Year'sir's Day to Christmas vacatilUon. on Monday. Junior- ,:J)Oth crimes. jrade-school students wUl hear Uw - In his statement•nt (o court, Ma}or B ut,t, Meehl; decided that NICI;i would« services of tbe publicpl defender. The extra day will be mimade t^i on the Monday afafter Tuesday, and grad Easter, April 23, whlcb pnpreviously had b e ^ designaluted .presentation on Wed;Wednesday. asaboliday. Two-caiar aceideniIt sends giriri to hospilital Theboai^ made Uie decllecision a t Its m atin g this wee rs new spaper se rie s Also at the meeting,^ ]it was announe^ that I lEA honors I ------.1. .TWIN FftlTS :— An-l&^*eeiM>M------Sgt^im.MildonroUb9.Twli>4 g t ' ‘ I TWlN~f*AM:fl— ’ : -Twin Falls ^ was i Homa Avenue when hele pulled In fronLof a anrnHffTgreRTtBTnBeFw as treated for Inju- PoJlc«Ice Department, said . H negotiators from Uie teateachers association, to be(legin has awarded Tbe TinTimes-News a certificate of appreda- - ■ries following a ite r, 18, of Tw in P alls, wswas a ' car driven 'soutljth on Ash Street by ' ! I trafflct accident Pfiste tftiim fL R o mn a n s, 19, o f R oute 2, Twin1 Falls.F Palls. From Oct. 16 to Oc series of artldes lhatUiat examined ttie quality of educaUon iv" ■ ______INursing home: tto h o ld party In ttie Magic Valley.By. ' ' ■ . The series'analy«ilyzed student test scores, dlsdpUne, WENDELLA CbrtstnIstmas p arty \vlll be hdd at t dass offerings andedid educational pdldes In area schools, .•OootlDuedtraiikamPageBl cbl8<»KMi, says she is m ore apprdienbensive be held accounttitable for education, IM a^ c Valley Manor nuinursing home In WendeU < Falls, Kimberly, Wood River and . • ut tbe committee’s propc 30to4:S0p.m. - * using the Twin Fal 'iiobp^nnaode, OUbiUbertsays. 'oposal. and Just a. few wlwho are Idmtlfied as £Sunday, Dec. 18, from 3:301 i w D letrii^ schools asIS e:exampIesrConuhunlty leaders'and " - • package numay have to be Beglnjin n in g I n - 1965, th e sU te...would wi superlative willI be rew arded,’’ he Santa Claus will bee on1 hand, along with 11 given a chance to comment m tbe /ide an undeslgnated amounount of says. ' e anddrlnk. educators were give r MDported to deal wltlwith public percq>- provld entertainment and food and eiducatlonal s y s^ t^ In ttie valley, and Idaho’s ' 'tloDsai^gainDecessassaxy revenue," be moneyley to sdwol districts to pron Themerlti>ayi^ p n n o sa l also seefns - The public is'lnvlted to) abattend. Excellence in EducaicaUon ti report was printed. 'Mys. “I think tbe pulpubUC'-manyof teacheA cts ayordlng to preyto WugJy unpopular with Uteadien -v ^ do not ...... Managing editorr StejtfienSU Hartgen and fonner educa-- — ibem,a^yN^-tbMitntf hffV r- belong to therT Tdaho Education ^ »y (the teadmrs) HuUutdUsbn says sbe fears A rea law m akerers t o talk tion reporter Harrietriet Guthertz were qieclflcally com- „• dead wood, and tbey * IJe AMoclaUon. Bbo Education Association for having . BeedtobeUckedlntt^itbebdilod.Ithink evalualuations. based oa ciuallty TW INFA U S - T h e.T5^EaUfl_Chamber.ot.Cor Tv lom- mended by the Idabo •‘Oafaafaerrooeous.^i:-■ _ _ l e a d ajarshlp-abllltlee, n -wouldTca i6 chool math teacher------55merce wUl hddlts anniiSlual puhllc-lnformatlon sessiis]on “ Ihe energy aod comiMmmltment require to' prepare and' ‘ ...... siveness among teachers. ) < ays tbe proposal will with ^ area stato leglslatorars n ^ w e e k . present Uie series." ~ := r* ? A provision for y ii hard to Implement" Bon)e.< do feel tbere would be pr^< The meeting wUl takeI placepi at noon next Ihursda ^WKkedjwUjvbeobe,,,r. .-,r«DecH5,'>«tm»Tarf€}ubi-7 >,'784-PaIls-Ave.-ln Twin Fall s'1984firefighters'— sn good and poor teacberalnIn Uw was in the defenseise Industiy, he says, -execuUve dhector Mike DoiDolton says. “1^^-BLM-necds 1 ----- >.^tbe-refOrm-wllL.bavkav«JlitlIe.ljeiieIie„S!2S« .-but-lt's not a concncept that translates— — mch____SHOSHONE - .TheThe.Bureau.of.Land.Management’s. . *-'! accept as part of a pla ict,” Hutcblsoa said Thuraday — *nie public Is Invited to attend. the luncheon, whic Ibert alao objects to tbe H ied 'reUloeducaUon. -WlU feature short comment]ents from each Twin Falls-anirea Shoshone Districtt wlwill be hiring approxlmatdy 60 ^ ' 'teacben that tbe Leg ask firefighters for the3 upcomingtip June through September , -ing to support educatk e of the merit-pay pnqwsal. ^“h ie differencee l1 s who Is funding U. hlaw m ^ r and an opportunlunity for Uiose attending to as Vhat does m erit p a y sa y ? I[he h e Uls In private ^ u s t rry, a they Just have to______a fire season. — ATwlnTaUrtead»d»THDdlbrlE:A'8~oreau( Breol answerTo tbemsela v S T W e aro p u H I c ~ Ihe luncheon>n l!Is $5. Those wishing to atteo^ Persons Interestedit^~ 'lh '"a^ y in g for one of these ■state vice presidentent, Connie Hut-, the claJassToom teachers. 'H iey willyill.all property."______m ust re n te r by caUlng thethe cham ber office at T33-3974.74. posltons should pickck upu an application from any BLM ------01ll«aM8UOffllEltlOItTffTHB'BBency prior to Jan. 15.------— ;______S ch ool distriGtht has openings Tobedlglbleforenir emplojrment. applicants m ust be at TWIN FALLS - T lie jrwTwin Palls.SchoolDistrlctJ leastlSattheJIme^1 of appointment and physically able • - p O b iituaric l PS jjr ■ topdfdnntliBwflc. lolooking for a Chapter One Oi -and mlgrant-educatlo ^ ------F orjaore InformntiaaUon.call 886-.22001______— --HeberLorenzti z o W e lc h ------— H alll i t i ^ P a r k e ------;------Bom-Nov.-21rl900.-:),-ln Orvet,-SiD.rhe------diiwtorrand-lt-expfiets-todl rto'begln"Iooldng~for'a‘iw ^ , married Violet Johnaolaon on June 8, 1B39, ' aatbletlcdlrectorsoon, t saysS^ Siqierintendent Gary PlUerer. - . - HBYBURN-— H«betoberLoremo-.Welcfa.------TWniVIN FALLS'--HaU C.'Parke.TB, inSUckney.S.D. ' : 88, of HQiwro. died die Wedneaday. at Tw lnFa FaUa. died early Ih u n d ay inccnb Chapter One Is a f ^deraUy r funded program for fo N e w B L M c:hief h i to be honored : In XM3. Uiey movedd to1 Gooding, wtiere disadvantaged students. - ; - C uda Memorial Ko«]O^pltal. a t tbele 1Twin Falla OInIc aad Hospital, . he worked for UieUnkMJon Paclflc Railroad BURLEY • - Tbete BureauE of Land Management's ' r ' BoniJuly 14.188S,B, LloLogan.Ulab.be Boraira O ct i; 1907, In HaUey. hee hihad • u ,^ reUringln 1967. Prances LaCrolx, the: presentp Chapter One an married SmhW elcbIcb Ioo June 8,1918, In Uvedlnllnmileyforeeyears. mlgrant-educaUon director,tor, will leave Uie district ™01 Burley District wUlHI hold1 a ceremony to m ark tbe ® membere r of Uie Gooding ^ ^ appointment of JohnUl DavisD as the new district manag- _____Ibe Salt Lake City tentemple of tbe Churcb H enI married Rula Lee. aad U>eyJ®” Ut Naxareoe Church. Dec. 21 to move to Saltalt Lake City. Her Job re ■tterday Saints. were i \ ofJMUtOulftcfUtta > dhrorced. Ite married Evei; Surviving are: a aon, sponsIbUiUes also have ind^duded the district’s dasse: - - ‘nwy. Uved In tbe) LoganLc area, and be Tlwmnas ^ InEUco. Nev., oo Dec. 21,1947. m, (3iris Marquardt ^ itwmbehddotI(la.i0 a.m. next Wednesday, Dec. 14. I . "'m , of CaldweU; Uiree dadaughters. Darlene fOifor chUdren who speak lltUeUe English.I ■ 1 was a secdoo foremaiman for tbe railroad. R e) badbi Uved In Twin FaUs since 19fl cas, and Mary Lou p-t The ceremony, whicwhich will take place a t the BLM . .. ijtfeTi be atirfind Itben went Into tbe . movinglog here from Florida, wtiere heL hih«H King of Uibkln; Texai Plller says he will acceptept applications from curreni * PoweU and RuUi M. Acha, boUi of enemployees and from teachwners outside the district. - office a t 200 S. Oakleakley Highway in Burley, wUl be • •> .:•! . v-.: pilntiagbutlMM. livedIfornlneyean. foi ju foUowedbyanopenbouib o t^. D Of World War I and Mr. I , Gooding; a brother. ESrnest n Marquardt of The ' position of athletic dindirector will need to be fUled 11 He WU a vetaran of Parfce was the manager c( Ke 2).' Tbepubllclslnvitedtted to attend. aAutoforasyears. Missoula. Mont.. andi two( slstei^ Dora Duke rh Wiseman Is appointtinted O’Leary Junior H l^ - ' waaaettvelntbeMonsormoaCburcb. chum A andFrleda,bo(hofSout H r. bad Uved:n d In Heybum for (be H eseI served la tbe CtvU AU: Patrol durli wUiDakou. ScSchool principal at the De<;. D« 13 b o ari meeting *3 as F or more hiforraaUorlUonfCaU 678-5514. ■; ____• last levBral yeara. tbeWorV o rid W v U ^ __ ^ _ He was preceded In deaUibyhlswlielnck _ ^ocpected, thesiqie^tendwt« ts a y s ._ Survivliig are: a naoaTDeunood o Wdid)----- He) wwas a member of tbe ^isbopie ^ ~ i80ti anda daughter.— P lU u sa>« fhe'pcsitlohn willw be c^ieh to dnployees*3 Correction.... ------^ — of—Hfl*uni;— a _^daugbter. d i ^-Ebada..Cburcfa■dioftheAscensJon.______l _The.fuoeral wm.bei hddt Monday a( 2 wlwithin the district, and heie alsoi m ay open It to oUier of oe. Wash.; a brother, Survlirvlvlngare: hiswUeofTwlnPaUs; a p.m. at Demaray's Gooooding Chapd, wlUi ededucators. In Ute meantime,ne, he says he is consideringJ J JEROME —DoroUiylUiy Hughes, a worUiy grand matron — -■ ^ OelbMt-W«lcb.ot.Ba-Bancroft, .Idaho;-a.-aon,.JjXany-Eatto-of-ldaho-FaUi;- t»;-a— the-Rev.-Davld • McGsCSarrah-olfldaUngi- clichangesinibcresponsibUitleiUesofthrathletKnilrector—12— In-the Eastern Stat orgiorganlzaUon.wmmakeher.ofttdal_ tTitw #Vywl»lOfLogaa; nf 1 six grand- daugbtebter, Oeri Klmaey of Sonora, Calif. ------vlait>_thf>^emme_E iU:0faDacfalW^‘--~‘~T - evening, instead oftf Saturday,S as was reported In .. He was preceded Iolo deathI by his wife, grandcti[Ichildrett. , Friends may caU atit ((lie funeral home Twin Falls planIS s drug sem inar Thursday’s Tlmes-New]fews. ,. ; ' wbo died In 1M5, aI ssoo. o three tirothen H o waswa preceded In death by a broUiei SundayfromttoSp.m.■L TWIN • FXIXS - StucientsIts in the Twin Falls schools>ls ' AU Magic Valley EE^ a s t ^ S tar members are Invited ■ , ...... aod three sisters.. Aroeinemorial aervlce wUl be held Sahn amand theU* parents wlU leansam . about dnig abuse nextxt to attend ttie meeting,ig,v4Uch v will be hdd in tbe Jerome Ib e fUDeral wUl be beld at i l a.m. day aIt t 2 p.m. at White Mortuary In Twi week. leyburo-Fltst-Ward-FaUa^rwHh.(heRev FathprFredElwoo Eva Carrie Mintier w e Masonic Temple.- t ■ Moraxn Oispel, wiUivltb BIflbop R idianl oCfldatliaUag. RUPERT — Eva Cararrie Miner. 86. of *------. Sabey otOdatliig. BuriSurlal will be lo tbe . u , -U w ndale, CalU.. amd o formerly o( ‘ _ ...... - OdgeoCltyOemeteryal■yatsp.m. • - t.^rfSJistian W. Marquardt‘ ' Rupert, died Wednesdaylay a( a Lawndale Frtaids may callall at McCuIlocb's GOOD:3DIN0 — ChrlsUan W. Marquardtirdt. ho^lUU. actu s Pete’s eemployee chaarged with Baiiarton’s shooting .. PuDenaHomelnBurie;irleyooSuD d^Irom 83,ofGo< Gooding, died Wednesday at Magl(agle Fuoeral arrangemenients are pending . JAy Hansen n o ccashier, a Fritz Harzig, was: chargedcb Oregon and UUJtah license plates In neci aervlce. Falls. . Mortuary of Rupert - necUon-witti a break In at Linda T hursday u n with cUscharglng a1 firearmfli C actus Pete’s pailarking lot the morning HIggen’s Hjgj apartment at the ' In to0 IBarton’s Gub S3 casino.I, accord-a< of Dec. 1. One of0 the burglaries was MIddlestack Mid complex In Jackpot, on • In g; to EUco County sherifrs DetDetective. twt reported, but>ut tbe regi^ratlon for . D ec,i. J.' L a rrry r j Lipparelll. th e Utah vehiihide was found in H arzlgi Is still being Investigated in S e r ^■vices- On)n Nov. 21, a bullet passedsed over Harzig’s apartntment, Uie detective com connection wiUi Uie shooting of a bdi ' ------TWINPALIfl-nieflheftaiefaHbrPartey— In-Weet-lrt-BDd-Ceme<<^atBuhlrPrteoda a id s--who-dlcd Tuesday.-wUlI tw-txldSaturday—b — 'eral.unoc^led^aciidack:k tables1 said, M«th_oL_Jackpoti.and_a-Uieft-at_:^ - - McBride. 77, of Twinrtn Falls, wtM died ^m ay call»U at (he funeral home unUl tluUie at II a.m. in Pleasant Viiw m calls Ceme- hacebERMAN - The funerai for I OUyer Palmer. 75, of Kageman.^ I (uneral on Saturday. — — J irm r Biieri— - tery. Frieodt may caU < at White iseaAddisoiIson Ave. E ast, Twin Falls. . Mortuary la Twin FalbU> untilI 2 p.m. n * xl Tuesday, WlU be beld today atit2 3 family njffftirtg (bat memorial cootrlbu- It Demaray’s Gooding Chapel..>el.. RUPERT - The funeneral for Glenn 0 . " tlons be made to ibe TwTwin Falls United wUl be in Hagerman Cemetery,ry. Anderson. 72, of R upert,'t, wbo died Tues- f.^ 734--E 6 6 6 6 Metbbdiit Cburcfa or a fa\ nlly suggests m at memorlaLcon-..DO-., .day. MriU.be h d d Saturda;lay at 11 a.m. at OS be made (o Idaho Lungmg ..Uk Rupert Third andd Fourth Ward AssocUtloitloQ o r Uw Hagerman VaUeyley Mormon Chapd. Burial wUlwl be in Rt^iert sUTr TAnu it.cunANci; coMr>,3Mr>ANicn iHpl BUHL - I t e fuoeralal forfi AlUu Oriena SenlorClU:»tizeo3 Center. Ometery. Friends may/ tcall at Hanaen MOUtOFflCtS niOOMINf.ION.W. IILIINOIS 1 ^ ^ Woriey Carte, 68, ofif EBuhl, wtw .died • Mortuary in Rupert thisis aflernooo and ‘lUesday.willbebddalal 2 p.m. today a t' TW IN'FI'FALLS - A graveside-servicelee - - ovenlng,‘and at the cburdrch an hour prior - ^^^^DECEMBER tbe Farmer Cbape] In ButBuhl. Burial will be forM ariaiian O. Phelps, 73, of Twin Fall*.1*. . t> Uie *rv ic e on Saturday.•y- a o o t SPECIALS from ■ i ______°WsB1iiTpr& -Hosppitals- r p r i i/ Juai^s : MAOlAOIGVALLEY 800. and Thomasus Royce,R ttU of Jero m e. Soncerl— REGIONAL]ALMEDICALCENTCR [ M j — lirti ^^2“ o ff ...-i . AAdmitted GOODINOCOUNTYMEMORLUAL 0 ' M lduttl Whippk), JoAnnin SStarr. David Kraus. DeWlttfltt Lahue. ^ Admitted I l | H Deceirmber 16, f ' ANY SERVICE ' Bernice Staniell, EmQy AiAndersoo, Rick Young ood Remaley of Gooding. IBvl Federico, all of Twin F a lls;!Is: Emily PcxiJtoa of Murtaugb; aSw ______■BJM pjii. 8 -lj, B yt» ofTTJerTKyiifWIiSForiucoen; uva'iTvjujooi mineUiey; Mr^ M Rw Oeome Salinas. OiriaUda PaizPn aod KaUe Wlaeman. allil ofi Twin - - ^ ------— 1------Admitted------uditorium | _ FaQs; Mrs. Delmar Wuebbent>enborst, Mrs. Marvin Stombauglugb John Sheri Thompsonnoo. Jayoee Morgan, Jeffreyy Poultoo, Charles . I « Story, Margie Brown. Tboodi>da AUen and Helen B M i M iracle, Bu£eoe Kinsley aod«od Mrs. Dennis Baxter. aU of ButBuhl- Mrs Robinson. Arkle S £«r/y 6 Late /./ ?Gary Vandenhoech aod daudaugbter. aod Rooald Adcock,ck, ^ of Olson. aU of Burleurtey; Vicky Warrick of Ruper•ert; Jackie Kidd of K 'Jerome: Mrv. Jobn Dewsoupuip of FUer; AJvin Meyertiofffo oi f Eden; Dodo; and NlcbolaMs»a« Roblnsoo of Oakley. Appointments Harold Elg of Rupert: Mrs.BlBlaloe HidMmlUi and son of Richfield-RJ< Dtsmiaaed Sponsored by SL B'WTI lolls-,..g ovilxa Ai5jUl^ofgofRqKrt. ______!_ '.X _Po'oijr ------iJ 0 ^,"1..nb. fair, pr JovnJ Co o.ld S»ll,. Dismlased ...... ^ DtiDtsmlsBed ' MnrUyn Phillips,:ips, Uoyd Aker, ChrtsUne Nesaen Ni and Judy '8 324.430171i'EFtraS” ‘ i Tui-^.'ih7uS.i}.~^S " jameaSbope. WayneKalaer.•or. Jack Tolman. M rs. Jobn Toarosteand Remsberg.allofRujRupert; aod Anita Erlckaoo and:tdaooofAlmo. C O Q O i 324-4597 ___ ^__ Friday. DecembOf 9,1983 .19t TJnie9-NqwVEY T lm es-N e^ writenter B yl^A R R Y HHOVEY.' “But,” said Trenkle, "Ricks was TWIN FALLS5 —/■ ‘I’ve been fortu-. ^ •s writer ______^_ j without Alan CampbeU in that first Date to have played pL ior a lot of ^ . gamej and some four-year recruiters - ~' H H H TWIN FALUXS - Four teanis wiUi-■ havel told me te ’s probably Ricks' coaches from Juniorju , high thnmgh . ^ —tbe-potentlallaMo-be-among-Uie-SCU-i — best aU-awund-ptoyer,-He-mlssed a------couege. I've leaniarned somelhlag ^ V ^ top-ranked JJunlorcoUegeteamslntteu < eveiyooe that I’ve[’ve been able to use In couple-three games wiUi a leg Injury itim e this season collide in___< — ^pracUcally every*ry gam eslncfc’'------■ ^ ^ ■ _ natIon soimU o f som e kind a n d they lost tw o g a m es • With that Dewejwey Haley, sojAomore Mg ^ Uie K. andSTT Sted ■ 'BaaScSSair-y^ e be was gone. He had 27apDifl . point guard forr CCollege of Southern ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B tournament: at< tte CSI gymnasium Dixie I In tte Valley of Uw Sun finals Idaho, lets eveiyiuyone know he's not this'weekend.d . and < is leading them in average 8Co^ Currently, only tte host Golden ing 1 so I’m sure they missed him in overlooking aiw/p pi a rt of his basketball ^ > development. Eagles aree ranked, Coacb Fred t h ^ two losses." in addition to CampbeU at 6-7, Ricks .:_Jlaley.aiKihl8Ca es t tAjimTHBtx gjtr. . ggg ^ ■ ^ B Trenkle wlndliding up his first week a s a headcoachbyby being ranked 17th. Ijis expected to start 64 Rdand Smith > rently.aie prq»rparing- for today end ' S ■ M B But Dixie CollegeI of St George, aand 6-8 Byran Fink. Tte guard'^ots ------• SaturdaylsKaodlid T. Steel tournament, H i UtaH, headedJd by form er Burley H igh wiU v te held down by 60 Paul S a { ^ which could preseesent them with their ■ 11 Roberts, brings in a and a 6-1 TrentShlH)en. strongest competil■etitlon o f the season. ■ ■ 5 5 B mentor Nell Bcord. However, that one !“nie night 1 saw Ricks pity _____ - — Nebraska-Westentem-wm-meet-thlrd-— ■ ■ ■ 'Dbcle lo s s caijiinelnTbe'lnaisonhe losen at 7 p.m. R 3 ^ ■ and Nebraskaka Western, a team CSI players P^ teve tremendous range>and I ' andthetltlegomealeatgp.m.' BH we don’t guard out Uiat far. If they’re ‘ ____ Jliat Haley la,la In Trtflhft playing defeatedinthcteCa^aas8ic,is8-2. w '^ B —Tbe-dogflgtight kicks off at 7 p.m. hitUngbi Uiose 2&-footersrWe’ll-bav8 to basketball stemsns from several de- B s b __ ^ mnA» Ui to ^ with Dixie : tal^ on tte start sl extending and then they've got B .wiien be graduated B B aU that depth in-tall guys-to-go-to-;— ; CrornLavoala.Ga.. jB j N^raskans "whnr > csi and Ricks a] !a.. H igh School. ' S inside. We'U find out really qulckhow H e played footbaitbaU, basketball and | S ; WB sqiiareoffintJI Uie 9 p.m . nightcap. T t e in far we can extend our defense without baseb^ and en]o)ijoyed success in all B B I |B flm-oigbt kserslos< wiU play a t T p .m . fs Uiree:------AlUiough Ricks beat Dixie by 19 ^ “I had to makece ta decision,'^ Haley . E . -IS forsp.m. iffldal tournament func- points. p< Coach Roberts isn’t certain ' t l ' Itmdwon for coaches a ^ Dl basketball. But eveiivennowlwonderlfl TlnwNwipho.o/DCODa>joj^fwOrT twnwlUl»ealu meet bfticials^ a t Uie CSI cafeteria a t **Roberta-told-me-Dbde was -down------t H ‘ shouldn’t have goigone with baseball. CSI'S I p o i n t g u a r d D e w e y H ; aley, right, calls this Is y e a r 's t e a m ‘2 0 p o>ints l n better’ than last ycyear s noon today, CSId boosters are invited sgsomething like five' with three IH And.there areitimtimies I think about t ------to a tte n d a no^» 4Kist'get4ogeUier after ~-minutes m left and Ridis thenputthem— H H g o in g to another schoolsell and trying out retui tu rning d « e r to hom e a re ^greater. Haley estimates3 this year’s team is “Ifi f I shoot from outside, maylla y te It’s a toni A t ’s seconond gam e at t t e Canyon away av by hiUingsomeUilng like 16 tree ' H — ^— for-thcfootballteaiteam-as'a'^kHMi;”— "rth 'thliik a tle ^ stay on'the othwhw'slde “20"poInfaT>etlerer”-tKM -IS8t-^s~gOOere. wl h ig h {h through high school couldi wiw atch does it a nd doesn’ln’t try to play beyond abillbillty and I know what Is expiocpectedof he's seen coitele out of that scbool. And 1N eb rask a W estern, which w a s 25-11 H “ I I think startedid thinkingtl about CSI m ei play p and h ^ u lly 1 couldd stews hlmsdf. mle. e. I’m playing game-to-gatgame and (Rjcks Coach'h' Gary) Gardner was la2la s t y e a r a nd ru n n e isip in reglon iX , H New Mexlcc because deo talked about it," themun their time wasn't wasted.I. AAnd I . “I thbik the bigIg difference te tw e e n n otDt 1looking too far ahead.” .. . ;^ted In ttee Idate Falls-paper as Isis la1 rg e ly a fresh m an team . T h e y a r e H H a le y said . “ I had d hibeard of Idaho, but likee to work >vith the kids inIn m y this y e a r a n d iMstyear’ite t ^ is ttet Tl;T te t H aley Is'a'ccompllshin,hing those sa y in g th to wiwas prob^ly the best coacfied coj by Terry Layton wte is id his H I 'didn’t know , mucnuch about it,” lie homem eto w a When I go hom e I go0 to tte last year we lacke tte men to gQ to thinilings is obvious to those w telowatched v .team he’s everer ted. I know ttet we • firfirst year at tte Scottsbluff scbool but H added With a laugh.fa. schocKwl and tell them things th at lat I’ve tte boards. And11 I think we’re more himIm last year and then at theIbeT-Blrd Nebraskska Western by 20 at fa fai m U la r wiUi souUktd Idaho.>after H Perhaps the critical cril point that leamjm ed and bow to use.it. I ’ve tataught i fundamentally souound this year. Coach ClaslassicbiCasper.Wyo. , Casper but we« got 10 of those In t t e sp«spending UiTee seasons at N ortht,^ ' 'H allo w ed t ^ ^ ^ cch h 1D av e C ^ p b e ll to__m y _^.younger j brothers and the^Itey’ve. Trenkle re^.str?:t¥ssed funadmentals ...... “F‘‘People..started.beating.up.up.on De>.J.iij:st-coupIe-ni. minutes^ of-tte.gam e,—-NazareteCoUegelnNampa.:-!—^ Na ______.<^B w qp H a l ^ here waaIVU “ w iien I was In b ^ m working on It because the'th^'re' in pre-season practictlces." weyey at the Classic,” confirrWr^^CSI ,^ d a Jumped1 oon them before Uiey g o t !}..Tte C ougars a r e led by 5-11 w p h o - - - - - high I alwaysayssaid I.was going— beatli Iting me with my own stu ff.—— —r-rHaleyrsaid-tele -h a d -n o 'P ro b le m ' - Coar~ gamime.-Tbey’vB'got-some'rmc more-guard-RusseU Starrrwith-Joe ------■ to get as far away ^y. from home as I Butlut he isn’t limiting his thoughJght to ^ a d ju stin g to t t e popolnt-guardJoleJie’s lllcecfed hlm.last year and.aflafter the .-exceUent-athletietes.i-’— - — ------D-Dayqirlng-tte a other starterout front.------d n ild fo r two years i Ig . 1 Id t- >rgla.-- -- • - - . - ■ - inheritivintLCfir, €8I-hove«ene common- ■^te y ore q|)eUed-byJamefrWbodsf»4-**—» ^ B ■“— n a s \ r a r s ‘® i 5 c r ^ l^m ge{Q^ letters from all-aroiaround “I scored a lot: Inli high school but I .fqrr :hhn; again. Georgia Sta'State has f-t^jponentthusf:; far in Centrar Wyoming guard, gui wte-had-two good scoring -^^B long ways away andod Imature and a n d ll 11 haven’t, dosed any schoolssout. oc I figured I’d teve anothera role in col-~ Icindnda b ^ plugging along,ng. They I'of Riverton. CeiTenti^ nipped Ricks by nigbtslnUieCaqiftrClasslc. nig , ^B to rely on myself i If more. Now I’m • stqipopose tbe major thing will tbe e r u leg e," b e s a id o tU.last season Nyhen h e calledied a fte r w e got te c k fromm .er. B u t wlwhen Central came to Noland No] and 6-7 Buddy Cramer Inside ...... Butasheconteihpl;hplates_thflnext two in.” lM ' h e ^ d. ' ______, ______- ...... the_baU...lD3lde-J jpaJot-of-y-Rexburg— Tueilesday-^ night,— R lcks—and-speU-Uioee-Uu«e-wiUi6-4-Nteky o n t ------years, Haley saidI theth< cfaanctt of tils ~ ^ i rom a basketball standpo]ipolnt, shooting outside Jumpers,’’Ji te said. •See HALEYoa Page>BS BG e x tra c te d 106-7373 vengeance. FotF o s te r...... t. ^ B Yankees acactive in trading Kuh]in in unitil Marrch; Brown AIL prexgr gxtw ided B e x CSIl"^tarTV IcISN ealy tradi ra'thli'feimrsbouiaW sEiwtlnjg.T'' 3ed' 1 s tiwrlter CoachCoa B en AUen said . “ I thinly thfc ^ B M a rc h 1, 1984, and1 DiDr. i^b b y Brown ^ ^ 9 kidi vyM nam ed presidentu t - ^B ' K u h n , ^ was.supin^pceedJlovacat^^ for minor-leaguee outfielder Rusty playey e r s in tiaseball a t 5-foot-88andia ai knight whet] nor af'flr niifflglrior jvumr' leAAonflt la t e r l p t h e s eteasonasconten^or' i ^ SUU, St tte*ngers are 2-1 with only . lils dlflCb 31,1, wwas a a k e (fB s Q y ~ T flB H indfl, fipftnt m ort o t la st a e a on another two monthsitlislnordertogive 'CThB S j ^thttea)Ue^of&:S6utb^ldate. TacorKima o f t t e P acific C oast ULeague. "TilVUU^n. note^ Burley, MI aiids rated Uiird in Uie MMinico ln f i l i n g th eir -— th»5eantommlttee JW Jiuuic- Hdilhs second^raiilc^ kidsdds are playD^ ------^ to find a successor. P J 3.68 ERA last seasoi» n whUe appearing isand42RBI. ® . sabUItv Madison-in a tetUe of Bobcats, «Mch is reaUy surprising because - In iexplaining thattthejobofflnding til BI m H f l in 40 games. Used n: :nown fo r his base-nuyUng al mostly In relief, t e No. 4 Bishop KeUy weve teven’tI iqient a bunch of Ume ^ B a. i^aceroent wasas much tougher. N ealy stole 43 bases a nd scoiMored 89 M eanw hU e,- ^ ■ f l h urled 154 Innings1 aand struck out 100 erome, which sedcs to onm it,” It AUen M id.______^ H ^ __th im nH glnnlly wntlflpjclpated.£udSeIlg,__ is for 'H e p lpy**^ InInJustJS- j travels to Jen Dying shooting slump. J e duUrman of th? earch Committee, h es for Oakland, m ost of thtemasa e r end an annoy Jerom e didn’t ^>end a bunch dt beglnat8p.m . . tim e said he had receiveded unanimous ap- ■ F ^ A ID-year veteran,in, tte right-handed pto^ch ru n n er, and did not g e ttaliitln a Bothgamesbc ime scouting Bisb(^ Kelly, mainly '^ H sy-Madlson' encounter beeslecau se such tacU cs w ere in>- proval from tbe ownern ers to keep Kuhn B u rris began his mn^or a league career fourr at-tets,a although te scorei)red five prom ises to b winning ^ H “Clearly, a transltoi:itory b rid g e needs themselves are very7 busy..Committee MacPl:PhaU resigned to take ove I a strons rebounding theirleir district, so I anUdpate tbey’Q ^ H to be built at all tlmiimes having althougiJgh he admitted that aboutut a -memlierstavotofltlItlntheirscbedules Jc^asiBS director of tte Player Re]a I said. ha a v v e e a good te a m UUs y ear," b e ^ H Bowie Ibere — andI ththat’s the latest dozenhsI had been interviewed, me..And uten one Commimlttee. Robert 0. Flsbd, and it Just takes tlm cribed Madison as a said. lls Job has been offered to no one 'ed under MacPhail, was ru aid. “Size-wise we’ll te bigger date he will be theree anda that comes "This, one, thinks teck on It,, one( wouldn't te served 1-slzed b alldub" wiUi U tan from him, frankly,^ imore than It tio one,'le," said Selig.,“Nobody has ha surprised.” ex e cnitlve u t vice president u lan Uiey are, so.I’m sure Uiey'U -^ H W c e n te r N diU l Ard, 6-3 siqdiomoro t i y t CT>mesfromme— be very helpful ■ withdrawrawn, nobody has been offereiered Other memt)ers3 of the Search Brownwn. y to niove Uie baU tqi and down S tove Voung-an d >€B ' I t e l l ' In a smooth and effectScHvelimnlngin' the Jobsb a n d 1 can't bellevelirlnQ 'giii^ CommittM include 4George Ai^yn» of OnrOieTra3IngTitSrtfuffs3ay tl ert Jensen,-tte team's Knight Kn Coach Neil McCarthy tbe commissioner'ss office," said wliere! anybodyi got that kind1 oof SeatUe, Charies Bronfman of New’ York1i Yankees were tte : “ S leading scorerer a t around 18 points sUd a id nothing to suggest AUen was " ^ H Selig. g a rb age. g e Now I mean that with ever;k'ery M ontreal, D an Gai}aibreath of Pit- acUve team. Tte Yankees acqi ve a g a m e . “ H e's's a good shooter. No, wrong. ro n McCarthy plans to rotate ^ H D esp ite rqM rts to the contrary, fiber ofrifmybody.” • tsburgh, Peter Hard}dy of Toronto, Bob stertsttsto p 'Tim Foil from i»e’8 a n excellent es shooter,” nine] o candidates had Seligg ^ d there were varioulous Lurie of' San FFrancisco, Califorfomla Angels for pitcher lie players, a pattern which lends ^ H Cwt Madison Coadich Jerry Grover said Itselfself to a running game. Addi- ' ^ H Bsforthedelny__^ ^ ____ ctoo-and-Edward',...... >g ------McMullwi-of-Ho«itU "fT fm M T im M fin m P sgn« PB------o fJ u a s c u .------'— tlonalJTUUiy, M OQtfm y M fl oo desire tb ------^ H H o w ever, GiGrover feels Burley slowow down tte tempo, thereby , w ill b e “ q u ite3 ta blfrblgger Uian we aUowlowing Jerome’s 64 Gary Hulsey ^ H a re . .T h at wiUII te a little bit of a to dotdominate matters. . ^H Rcsorrts rep<»ort amazing i ssnow diepths p ro b le m .” TThatwouldtenothlngnew.AUen ha . ; M ad iso n hasn’t hi experienced said,id. “Gary’s been doing a simer ^ H TWIN FALLS - SoSnow reports trom area ski sl ' scheduleofT uesdays8 tlithrough Sunday with tethiday d Soldier MountainIn is reporting 42 Inches al tte . niany problemims in build^ Its »i Jobt> < defensively,” Uie Jerome ^ H resorts sound more likeIke late-season depths thanI tlieth andnightoperations. lodge and 52 inchesies on top with 12 Inches of(newof( record. AU of ItsIt victims have been coachach praised. “Offensively at ^ H third weekend 0 f tbe sea;season. ' ' Owner Woody Anderslerson said t t e opening of niglight snow since last Smxm day. 1116 road w as plowed/e d a n d A-1 sc h o o ls: Idate Id Falls, Skyline MinioInico'U iey p re tty m u A s h u t h im ^ H All resort operatorss ajagree there Is no shortage;e cof skiing w as postponedd uuntil Wednesday night sinJnce lifts rtmning Thursdisday. B uses will run to t t e5 reKaort and BonnevUlele. “We’ve b«yi bet- downwn but I mink vre’ve got to get ^ H snow and the comingng weekend offers excelletlent' the road to tte resort: wswas dosed Tuesday, this weekend fromn 'Twin Falls, Jerome, GoWo6dbig, ter than I expeclected," Grover said, himn ta lltUe more aggressive of- ^ H suing. Most resorts opespened ‘Hianksgivlng d a y wfvith it M agic Moimtain, south sot of Twin. Falls, roopei;>ens . Wendell and FairflelcIdd. ' j,il "I thought we'« ’d t e a lltUe alow fensivjsiv ely a n d g e t m o re m ovem e n t __ ^ H re c o rd snow dq)ths andmd h a v e beeo getting continiinu- today a fte r being snowtowbound since S ah ird ay n li^ti ^ At Sun Valley,-resoesortoffldols said three InOeKfiesdf— comlng'out of;f footbaU. We’re not b e ccause a u you get wfaai'I was afraid ous storm s since that tint i m e ...... - — Highway crews h ^] cd eared ro ad and~weivere—new snow-fell Wedi^ednesday night and 'T hw p la y in g a s we]h>eU as we can, but o f'—'— everybody double-toaml^ ^ H Pomerellersoutb of[ BiBurley, Is reporting 97 incheiies completing tte parktnedng areas late Thursday. HIte 'morning. Total dqjtJVtte are S3 at tte top o f^ we’re stUl ablihie to win and I'm anddpUing pi up on hlm.-Ttet’s partly -^ H o f snow ' a t tb e top of skiskj runs and 73 Inches a t tth t e resort w ill t e open toda:jtisy through t te w e e te n d wiibvith Mountaln and 47 atIt tteI half-way mark. F oleasts ^ reaUy pleasedIwlthttet.” becaucause we're not shooUng weU " ~ ' ^ H lodge followlag a weekk ofo: snow storms. Four Incbeite s a record amount of sno>«oow for this early in tte seaso:son. oreforsomeaddltkiDIonal snow stew ers today. ] Jerome hasn’m’t been pleased so fromim tte perimeter. But de- of new snow was reportsorted Tliursday. The_ro ad hast o •. Manager Jody Andersosrson reports 60 inches a t ttthe All lifts and runss aare open with tte excedtloiilon.oL_ -l^^U L ite.sbBbootlng perccntepe. fenslV'islvelv h e ’S-a m o re ______bee n p low ed'iiiiii wa5~irriirgood'CimditloirTbursda^ iay“ 1odge*and-78~aftteTieT^'or^ie'SkTninsTFore rest~~TowefTlIverTtun.' TaTempera.turesjhursday ^ _ i_whlch..ia_tevei/erlng..near..thc .35 . fo rc■ce e tban.l remembet-frxaa laat— ahemooij. Ni^'t' aQing ^ ' b e ^ W ednesday aia f Service blOcials report!ort^~Ax)ut'I8'Ind)^ of i»w ■ t o ^ 'd e g r e e s on Baldftldy, 25 to 30 on D ollar Mfcmilontain percent mark.'" T te t’s not as good '.y e a r.” - P o m e r£ lle and the resonsort is operating on re ^liar a i fell during one singled:^ r m eariy this week. ' a n d 35 oh t t e valley floor.III

‘ i-

: ------i Twin F a ii# H d a l» ~ Priday.. D-P4y:«mborA19S3, ' i t b a l lI g a m ^ I l ^ h TF b ^T ® (s h o o p shboiot scheduled » TWINN PALLS — T ta Elks’ annuainual Hoop Shoot has been scbednlwl " B D a lla[as-W ashinci g t o n i s w h a f. e v e r v b o ddy has beenn w aiting foL / / - ______for-Satuturday,-Jan.-7-beglnnlng-ata-at-9 ajn.-at-ColIe^.fif-SouUiem _____ . s gymnasium. jByXJfUtedPrenlnUIntematlonal r-= Bvery tbougbt has been.;a'With tta . te ages of 8 and 13 are eligible to Redskins. It didn’t makeke any dlf- ;lris and boys between tte i ! p ^ . A g e divisions will t e8 8-9 ^ 9 .10-11 a n d 12-13. A fter 14 weeksI of parity, tbe NFL hj--- (oeoce. If.^w ere.playlnf ■ ■ gj* j j g tn b re In fdnhatkin, please conicontadUieElksat733-53l3. - 'finally gets arouDdjnd to som e p u rity '•''^‘3 tM B pgm ag ' Citnty orSeattle, rd lo o lr^ Sonday In Texas StaiStadium. m uii what’s at stakee and they’ve done a • o*if ' scrimmage and envlsli Football fans bavlave waded through goodjobofgettlnIng ready, really naroon ^ gold unlfcams. V anndal cagersi getc recruit ___ _three months of ofl- - ^ rd^forward, averaged 19 points and SIS s c a ts fo r $200. N FC: Ultitle g a m““ e : iSS a m p o u D d guard-f< h a s y ielded tb e amost p a s ^ yards.-ln'-'^ ounds p e r game as a Juniorirlastyear. lai A lte r w eeks of loclooking abead, Uie ts.m u^fal 0^ tbe seconddhalfwltha hi ^UiSt Cowboys .have a chance ch to see the BKW .....tbeNFL.Tbe.Co'Cowboys',p^ dtfease' ett is tto third Ben»n TeCTech player_to_te glv« m Idate ■. Two freshm ^ starting gua^U lf Redskins In tbelr rearear view nUnor-AB— 1 ^ 9 | Q B B has been improvnw ed in re ^ t weds, ' -£ls0Milse' SuD ^. S u1 FranciscoF rship w ith in t t e pO ^ year. Tv and reserve forward Steve'eAdams, Ai playedattteOregonblgb both c lu b s take 12-2>2 rrecords Into tiie 2 bbB I though piimaril' 3ilit^):^»J>eClDiL.ALCL 3 |B ' and butzing-lineb .CindnnaU, • StS? p.m . M ST clash of>f NFC^ Eo» Utass. iK Si laltlmore at Deiver. Qevileveland at ■ m tremendous press Tlie Cowboys expeort:-N V -w ootoed'Lasorda -----— tbe N F C UUe ganuune — but Dallas -5 a factor,” says SS< eattle gu&rd ReggM' .. p■hUadelphla; h i New EnglanddattteLos iai • iVILLE, Tenn. (Iffl),-- Tol^ m ^ Lt^ r ^ _ wM^o! wants to deteroiloeline th e site a fte r McKenzfe, piutt iof a unit that w m ' Ahfi B a y S L at a t tta ^ . . !! su^eiing road lossesses in th e la st u ire e ■ JOtUlBliS____;! V ieuntl^ By 618 igned w ith tte Dodgers, ttele LLos A n g eles^fll/y JVews rep o rted conference diamplon edits Redskins* resiHefKsr^ce last week’s 3S-1019 loss 'id the Cowboys.' NFew'Yoilt ev Giants:^ G m Bj ------^aahii^ton-hasio* ^ r - — iiIf-A«a8hlngtoo.S.gets hrtitnd, It roulrt Tan t f Mfieiflifl flrng-^mtafTHeeiHKifiigSTiTNasnville, TeniL,'denled“ la st 30 g am es, but twitwo of tta setbacks berthaths. i• . be tough for themon. If tbey stay dn a n .OOn i Saturday. Pittsburg1.13 ii at the ------y later In tta day. bave been to Dallas,:IS, i n c l u d e 31-30 Redsklns’ e d Coach Joe Gibbs} asays even keel. It coululd be a ^ t , great Nf^.YoHcJetsot and AtlantalatM at: lam l. loss at RFK Stadliidlum in tb e 1963 h e ’s{surprised s t by the resilience!o of f^ football game.!’- »pyrlght story, tte Dally/ NewsNe sa id Y ankee owner G eorge ■ ' ~31JHie rSteelei^ bave L asorda n e a r t t e end of t t a 1963 - - tiaaon opeoer. Because- Be of -that defezKizidiogNFLchainploos. , ( T lieC ow boys, wjwbowUlbebuoiyedby. threofelinlsU^iml'lbeAFC. enner made 1^ offer to Lat tilu m p h , tb e Cowboysoys can clinch their ■ “LotLooking back, It’s surprteirteing tbe return of clt:lutdi. wide receiver Dfvl Tbe newqiaper ^ d It learajam ed S telnbrenner w as w illing to fvlslcui? title is gi)i|y«ng outS c S s Ive ysais to rqilace Billy M artin as : Bth NFC East cnrcrown with'a win t>ecauiause tbe guys dxild bave lettdown do Drew Pearson from fr a fOi^ ii^ury. ..'p o d lorda $500,000 a year for five ] >cfcet:'.''-Wltb Stoudt’ [ also have had tte opUon to become T- Sunday . ~Tbe dlvisloiislon cham pion will a n y weekwi alongjte way,’* says GibGl^ , have been antlilUclpglng ■Sundtty's m a n a g e r. L aso rd aw c^ d alsi !CUveiiM^:«tL'fOT^te; burgh coach Chuck Nol^bas d a l a t e r signed a three-ye

A l l -Hawaiian I ba>aseballdeal [VILLE, Tenn. (UPI - Ttebe 1New York Mets traded pltcber UPIeexperttpicks^^% kins^over G^ o i v b o► j y s ^ 31az to t t a Los A n ^ e s Dod|Dodgers Thursday nlgbt (or minor i league pllpltcber Sid Fernandez Inn thUie first major league sWap in .‘b V joecarnicell:l u Showing Bills' off•ffense bas been hav- Englnglabd. S ain ts'N o . 1 rankedKddet^ < lilato'yl*idvolving naUve Hawallans.IS. r*^(/P/eafBctrt/veiportse Los Angeles Railalders 31, S t Louis 17 sommethlngout i of Lions. n ^ . at quarteiback for tli ev elan d 27. Houston 14 - Brov^r o v ^ — A F C W est c h aunpkm n Raiders look- K s ndez. a 21-v<»n^old native one ------Uia? could be 1 vidn to ke^ playoff b c ^I aliveal Ih b to c a rry vvliiiM inB edBB' lntxr tBB— CBffi m ara-nr- wiu,a2.8!82 E R A in 24 sta rts with San need to'eam a playoff>ffbetth.-Jetshave I - S l should bounce back after beingbel playoffs. CaidsstlittUl aUve foridayotfs- k eep« p th em In g a m e ag a in st SanSai D ieg o ------LeaBue.'TT h e'& -fo o t-lr220i)ound left-left-hander has had some trouble f^ed In six previous>us games against it iIv Deaver..0Uer8_are M13 3 a n d _ d e sp ite 6-7-1 re c oird n but this should do offerfense and QB BUI Kenneyfcnn^ cs _coAuilgigiiisjvelght since being signsigned by Uie Dodgers Uu:ee y e a rs ~ ~ ~ gnov^liere. - - ,------;------tiiizUzeWv«fiilfCliargerdefeDse i was tta Player of tte Yearr In tteTf «cas League; ...... ^ a 10-A FC East Innesota 10 — Bears Se;S e a ttle 23: New York GIo^ ndez..w bo ^ru c k o u t 21 playerjy ers in a g a m e wlUi VeroJSeach In ____ fpitibably^ go 'nver24rBaltimore-l7--:-^Rool r wfld card pl^yoU ^SeiBla b a w S jila y ln g w dl~ a ^ i UieFloridiIda S tate League, fanned y2091 » In IP-** 30, -somethlethlng Coach Joe are tieUed for NFC West leadI and'a tbelr history and1 looking to bounce p li^E ^ff hopes alive; Tampa BajBay 132-12 fajslng. n forget. R edskins com ingmg off bnpresslve offensi . -SM bbs vron’t let them fc msive back from 7-0 disasaster In snow at New andvid w aiting for s e a s o n i n g'>■ - A te a m1 :sp o k e sm a n said B radshawlaw sim : ply w a s resUng his a r m In preparatloio n fo r play in g his first ganua m e in n e a rly a year, again st t t a New York.kJetsSatiinlay. %s result of>f car wreck, Bradshd'idw was on tte Injuredd, reserver list recovering-from off-seasonn elbow surgery unUl lastast weekend. Coach Chuck NoU n aiuiouncedBd Monday Bradshaw would>uld start In place of Cliff symytf _ S te ejlers l rpo> k i e p a r a I X M J L C h ^j s ^ j d o w r*- i * — ...... Saturday li r In an effort td spark tte teanrearn,* which h a s lost th ree stra ig h t - - PITTSBURGH (UPIIP I)^ Pittsburgh -H annainarvUle's spinal-cord.prograi7am ,-l sbdulder,.whicb Isll} limiting mobility in . -d ns it t -i0..dayB^of. evaluation,, wkesman'sald Bradshaw-plv-planned to Uut>w llghU y-ln a ------• enslve^ead^Gabe-^-sald^-pf.permanent paralysis wasi ddd^ hlsrightarm. - — ------P h a s lam I,' included doctor&and I —— **Steeler 'to pMb d ff*»* SnSS" - - ^voHcout todayatSKea Stadiaadlum. ^ -- - tipntly.- paralWiWL. Jftrnrinip e lOr • T h e PdiabU ltatlotlon team will con- pbys:^Ic^, Of^iqiatfau]^ yocvocaUonai pregamew from tbe* down, ithe director of d ^ ev li " o r • ceritraie -' on - ffie"eTiBou05r""ffi$iiry. BritilsisanS idists;''' iJi-iirrj:;'. -ttie suburtan Hemlarmarville ' Re- Riverara by a rehabilitation teaiteam : because Rivera’si eventuali mobility ^ IS s prograim included ., le ^ g Magii«rMoore,-3*,7».-4; Walter Darte; Pboenl*;—------' ^ii^Swisi5S w om aa n d e n i e ss Epple^:2 n i d ^ it i i W T O W / .— . se^a txo«SB ^ Oovtn, Saa Aninlo, «JIO. ' ^ ------rVAt-D‘ISBRErFranr a n o eH U P I)------Swllzerlandind’s -----r. ■ •- , eandSarajevOrYugoslavia., I?;;— — ------T r i o --added-lo-ten c . M arla Walliser.igDorlniring a badly inflamed left knemee, : ri ^ ^Tttie marginal]lally-sbortened course, Eppli jn n is c v 'e n t—------n ORK (UPI) - Jose Hlgueraleras Of Spain, Andres Gomez of : J -Thursday won tbe thirdilrd Wprid S U C up downhilllU • of i l L . ‘< dticed aiiotber powerful, po performance to plaS NEWYO: hfer career to narrowlywly deny West German Irerrene second in i:2L i3,. Ut t a eq u lv ^en t o f tw o skl-led-lcngths Eciwdoransnd Jose-Luls Clerc of ArgenIgentina Joined tte field Ibursday ^ for the Jan.n. 10-15 M asters Tennis Chanhamplonshlps at Madison Square , ppple of unprecedentedted back-tc^4>ack victories. “Uke everyone else,'se. we'd like to get rolling atIt the h$hindW*IUaer. . ______Garden. ------"1 r ^ y w ent for it, it imt ^ ■i; a i ^ » H m ga e -ony; ,mlsteh es, - tt a -a6-y a ■ u ," uie-vivaclous JW-year-or-old begimiiBg ol th e season penings remain to be luied ti tirse',»~^i—U.S. ta a m o fflc M a giant ^alom lsts t tt h a n a . ------our-December-^-ooursi the noofioo00 e v e n t. Previously tmnUiife Walllser, the wor/ top-ranked women ' ' ' do^vphlUer,''said..a nrid's icn’s .explained, 7°^ Ivan Lendldl. M ats . Wllander, Jlmmj ; ilownhlU^, le s than sal Paijt'" presstvep^orz^ance. I satisfied With her eighth placilace Cindy Nelson. HollyjUy Beth Flanders and Pi ioah and Jimmy Arias. In Wednesday's firstt rrace here, skied a flawlg^less Fletcher all w en t offifjogt^taitjnlsfortune I stnxuck— LjlAAyway^^aoys^ i o e u o r ______------B ecoD flT aw tffw iinimThunute' f 20199 secondsi themaU. ' roe.” ' E i ^ a d ded. e d Last year, tbe veteran■an West • Tnewnni “ It w as im portant for m y confidence,” sh e saium|imp, was pushed sideways}and s Gennani failed'.to.to m ake t t a firs t five in any A fter tw ice cutting pen her left knee In pre-seasoELSon hadtoqult,FlandersapI approached a gate too fastta a n d ... dOwnhlU; BDd sb e .v dbvlou9ly.pleased withwiti h er training. Walllser Mht all-last week in bed anand missed It. while Pletdetcher caught a ski edge jiju st form a t th e beglnnlin in g of tte a ll-ln ^ w rtan t Olympic0I> ^ raced with the knee ban>andaged, but said she realizeized before the finish line,le. i Spreiadeagled, sh e tumihled bl season, only by w atching a po:post-race video that she hahad through the finish, butlut FI letch er’s m istak e c o stt Ih e r Second p la c e .waa m eniMigh to.put E p p le Inifro fn n tin O ' favoredberheaIthierle{■legduringthenin. valuable time and pushiished h e r down to a tie fo r 2222nd tta women’s WorldId Cup overall standings wi Tbe Americans, forr wlwhom Val D 'lse re h a s ra rcrely l placc. points. Three SwissiS 1fd k n v -W a lllse r with 33.l.A A riane ' i been a lu c k y venue, hachad Debbie A rm stroqg in 17th17t Walllser se t th e fastesstest intermediate time dowiwna EhratwboTbuwl^day added to her second placilaceth e place, a lm o st 1.5 second:mds off Walllser’s fast pace,J, as,a piste which w a s d rieier r ard'consequently slight^tly previous day by finlIniahlng fifth, with 3! pointsmts, and S': their best performer. slower than Wednesday'lay’s race. double w o rid c b a nsip v km E rik a H ess, w hoseI cocompe- ■ • A m erica’s two Sun Va:VaUey skiers, Christln Coope)per Under clear blue skskies an4 brilliant sunshliline; tent lltb plac* In'li niuraday's downhtUII com - > and M aria MarJclch, placcdpit 33rd and.39th, resi:^pec- Walllser edged Wednednesday's winner Epple and a . plemented b tf vfcrtctoiy“In~la«l~week’8-se3 -season^ ------^ Uvely. added a third victory' lo her successes last seasonm a t opening slalo m in YtJYtigoslavla.wilb30. ^ M eetirn g s----- •OootlDued &omnPageBS F Vostond]Kl pitch er Dan Scarpetta. Angeles Dodgers saluUd t t a trad e of Isb aUilldng d tiecause ta does nottw wi arifto Kaufman sent ftjfirst baseman Brewers are counting on Sun-un- Dusty Baker to tbeI OaklandC A’s has : bettsetsed aft a designated hi tier. Steve Balbonl and pitcher pi Roger a six*tlme Gold Glove A w ard been put on hold beeecause of.tbe eA 's d r c ^ have one of ththe e b e st 4 _____ Erickson to tbe KansasSOS City Royals winner,, aas tbelr everyday catcher andmd fielder's reluctance toJolnll»iAiiltttv>;ieft.:iBito iia d e b ’ fii'-.basdMai in RlRickey for pitcher Mike AmArmstrong and r him to Improve the pitching.ng. can League club, ■ a in M i iwwl ptnn use Rnlfgrk e r a s a , minor league catdter Du If th o club Is successful in The two clubs agiIgreed late Wed- deslgnijnated hitter and p^-tlmme e out- .; / s ^ ^ g: tfree , agent catcher Ted Sim-Im- n esd ay night o n tiie tntrade of Baker for ' finder. Of th a t group, Balboi Ibonl, 28, bears mSra. he will be used .mostly asi a two minor leagueI prospects, but BakeJeer's agent, Jerry Kapstein,ein,said ' k ____ close wat • Souna-Whlrlpoo • NO INITIATION FEE Yankees and was o u t ofifoptlons. o| • lofgoit •KOfCiM:l»« e q u lp m o n i _ - - “We are going to givegivi 'B ye B ye’ alev----- feelilileiln tho e /M ogic Valloy • C prtca. said Royals' managerr DDick Howser. schools thithe way he's been playing.” b a k e r/." ” l® a ™ed d bow to cook pretty wd ^,' l,” ; t a " . ------r ------r , “He’ll play every d a yk- wand if he h as - - B ut -wwith it all his backgnHUK) In /^. young^rolHers. e lu d edd. .


. _____ ■ i l Friday, OecemberO, 19E Tlme»-Mew9. Twin Palls, l ^ h o B-5 • N evw rle a[ d e i ^le n r e rrgeT iii 3 e v/ e n t s a t rovd i exT bvannawagnei CaldweU'si Lee WooVoodbuiy and Wyoming.. .1tU rd with reigning'chan:amp Brude Ford aod followed fell d o s e ly by- Sask£katchewan’s Md seaflon-p lead er Sherry Elms of ‘Texas In Um - . r - ' ^^altotbeTimaTiea-News - ...... , — p a r t n ^ Ja k e MUton,,bowever,dockeda6.1to bo C( ^d ian Robert Burwasrash. Nevada’s Danny Colerrtan, Col who earned TT'pbliolnls. That moved champlrnplonshlp'iitandingsi'Eddlem^'hasbedf ~ Ue for second-UUrd wlUiriUi George Aros, Tucson, Brady I won the round witwlUi his 79i)0int rid e. CColeman ol to within two polnlInts or overtaking consist!sistent U iroughout Uie NFR, p lacing in all ' OKLAHOMA e r r HTY—New leaders emerged;ed andJoeMakerjToteau,au, Okla. Woodbury’s and The ^ win moved Brady to0 firstfl In average, fo u r avaverage e leader Brad GJcrminundson, v.ho has six go-rgo-rounds to le a d the average w ilh 98.79, in tbe team roplnIping, buUriding ^ d tarnelTiel __ Milton’s Rtr«ti>gy nt -Points jU)«a{lfitK«md:j:aicanked.men.Ford.and pos;x>stcd 450 points. Ju st aheahead of Elm s' M.26 total.84 run. rtd n g fcillbwing{ IhUie abrth.'round of Natlonolnal m oney” served U>em w L a r r y P eab o d y , wlUi 443Ipolntsea^. pt „ AU-arll-around champion Chris Lybbert. n^weU*as^heypia^ for 1 BuUrider Cody Snyder, Re Cliff, Alberta, Argyle - : / ^ri^iElodeocomixnpeUtion Thursday. the fourth consecuUve Ford continues to lead1 wiworld standings. ’ ^ yle, Tex., was first In calf roping with a ive nlghl and mqyed to Avwed the crow d by maki'*.^g ia great recovery 10.2 iiii ^ fourU] bl Ihe average. time, foUowed by current worid leader ' u was a com^ ^' c k night tor veteran tean: Dutwis bronc rider. Butlutch SmaU appeared rid currenUy top hheaded for Thursday’s pa;pay window but lost a Jie tb e sixth round. With tbe winrin, Snyder passed je a dis s Uthe event average with 71.5 after six -• - ... partner Jake BaiiM im ea, d ocked a 5.8 run lo wiri#in th e a v erag e wlUj 51.31.3 on In the world .stinoip s fracUons of a secorcond before the buzzer aveaverage leader Lonnie Wyatt,tt, th e only m an to rounds'Ids'. -■ iiS txmid ^ ryregain h is lead in the woririg d — Stanrili^ .^ ly-^ 2 0 0 ..; 'n¥w< tn ptn/v» tfapftri»ppr,lVrln.-thls th week with a winning 4.8. Jimmie -r:— -^-EJoyle-GeUern«Tnan-and-Walt-Woodwarrl ard' Idahoquallflertoplace’ice Th u rs d a y . Y o u n g ro d e • JJo h n so n , S tu rg is, S.D., showedshi tbe crowd his wlUvith Coloradoan Marlene Ed

— T - i O o. f M i W i l d cats a place as^F iler w ins t o u m e y in i Hanisen ht]5liday ttourney r • . d e c l o - PJacilacing 10 ol Its U spdkellcd th e difference m tb e 9-71-7 \victo- TMm teent - t., FilerF 171; X Olenm Perry* By p v LARRY HbVEY seconds-oft . tlie_.UiIrd..period..andd w as Uie abU ltv of Mike Sorrells to _____ j.-; wresUer8,FUersaccuccessfuUy defended ryi. USVt;9. Declo 1» ;4 .K. Kimberly 10«: 3. W«ttkUaa; M u r ta u ^ wvas a never able to recover. come up vrtUi key bud»ts .at criU?^ levSOW. ^Times-News writer - il;_ .|ig4ttle_lnJheJ)ecli ilt-’B -ex clU n g -an d -en co u ra^; ® * p f t « s a ------...... M u rtau g h1 : uona] Tournam ent.3t. these»e kids,” said FUer CoachA iStove w~Pr«wlU(D)p.L.Lc0ere(U(Q} HANSEN } — Tlie Kimberlyriy BuUdogs finned 11 wa/as Kimberiy’s sUcky de-i- four points of Ute second quarter, to < Glenns Fetrry.alk3lio^rtingayoung Parr,irr. *‘Il builds up tbeir confidcfidence; iM-sutaBh«m{0)i»p.lUrt«(W) • a an, nd VaUey-VUdngs ^ meiF')V.DeV.ll(F) T ■ere alw ays in ou r fa c e an d termlssloh and he coUected a U ir^ jy can believe in U»emselves.” 'll«-Wonn»b*ker{K{K>p.JtoU*y(F) championship Chi in the annujLnual Snake "T h e re wer host ItecJo/was.m.next, flowed by OH>f th e iour blue-ribbon finishernersfor u8_sc»now(W)p.p.W«U(K) R Rli iv er Holiday BaskeUMUl tournament,to t we Just paniclicked,” Mumm said. “Inn polntpJayasthelhlrdperkxSmdedto . m m berly. . WendeUdeU Gooding and PUer,er, all but Moore beat oppoiip o n e n ts u*_K.Schroe«Jerlace Glenns Ferry.F* u8-crooe(GF)p.Ji>.JoittMoa(D) . Kimberiy, 1 dominating defensively de ' them out of U ielr gam e a llUle b u t me ------He sandwiched fourpolnta.arDUD4#_:____ Mooniore.ended i^j)bm lng Declq|sI'fiKellv 1 145»J.S«bro(ldar(P(P) p. Bunker (OF) and^ on the boards, hammere<>red sm aller e a rly defenseseBtop^uscold.” - free Uirow by Shane Slastny to open ^ -h t’was the thlrdd-year y tbewudcats— d h S iRd-^me~was-basic-un-_. iesel. whlie'. Pilot wresU^r 1Kelly i#7-Bln>J«(Glp.PePetow ».( D) aiSSnd“young6r'Murtaugh-«0-«M O -w hlle------T he-secom 1-- the-fourtb quarter„glvlng_VaUeyJt8______won the seven^ei•team tournament, iucuqig s w on th e IBS-pound categorgory by -i8s-iu8si(ap)p-f'.Fautknef(O) Va!VaUey dn^>ped Hansenn 51-47 In controlled m n ovem ent. BoUi te a ms biggest le a d a t 43-31. Z ” FUer was led by sealjealorFarron Moore pinniiining Goodlniz’s Jeff Faulkner.er. UNL-MoorB{Dp.I».Drteaei(D) Thursday night’s openers.). H M urtaugh tried to m ailalntain a tempo 10 to 15 • ______d-iailBKBLY8B .. . Wl)SIAVQH38__ J. ------brothers-Kevln-and------QjidHansenTrtU-nieet-forco rond-Uielr cap^U iU es a n d, Ptqw tg fN ip flp tUjte ti( t« p r ip /Lnes Schroeder• andai Tom Huetf in Inn the consolaUon* bracket,t. IUuw «a-SuUKri«ad(P)p?M 5 5 d !o )------an< w ^ spent in turnovers, I leirclub l0S-!Utinoo(K)p.»D.Kovmky(P) honors hoi at 7 p.m. todayy with.’ U>e the nlghl Wj h (W 3 8 S««y ...... 1 Adamson of Glennsms Feny, the Pilot Dennimis - 'Peterson . and— -I twins -- Tom or Tim — at thithe point of - -won- the gamme-easler-Uian the score® a>trth.v-.l 00-l-2-Ptoer;.;0 00 1 0 ughmUler aided hi Uie toumai•nflment U8-Jp«*r*)n(F)p.lp.NelMB(K) ...... twi led with two quick± ttakedowns. Huett Lqugl ?T„ lo-McCr.««W)p.s3.SmlUi(D) ItsIts defense on t<^ of UieUm key to Indicated. Ttirhe Vikings were- on-top—(P—SheUy-mvO-aj 0 a ShWy...... 0 O-I I' O tountered wilh a cmcouple reYTsa&and chamom plons' behalf wlUi w ins} IrIn the i55-Doren(0)p.Bmftuby(Wi confound eo, Uie Red DevUs'. WIU] W UMse 48-38 wiUl 3;3:14 left before Hansen’sS Wright' ....4 0« 1 8 Tlptoo ....1 00 a 1 anear-faU, addlngag a *'key" takedo'vn . 138-s(- and 167-pound divisions, re:respec- iff7=uwg6miiier(ri:Pip.lta»h(Wi n h lt seven straight pointsfi jHalcomb .. t 04 2 2 e ly - >p;o«rrani(D) ' long lon arm s getting In the wayay of nearly - - Stove Elm an ? ib u u r s-t8 u 88 -nuis u ,f p — in (he th ird periodiod Uiat eventually lively ■ l8S~Sehnw«ler«K)p deficit to Uiree wiUi 24 , UNL-DoonelOp.Bi.RMkKKl everything,ev( Murtaugh hadlad trouble to cut Uie d „ icurtat«i...... tt M 80 .» gelgetUng Into Its offense, particrticularly in seconds renunainlng. But Valley’s Dan" Klnbetly...... 38 38 «7 # a ch arity to p re d u d e the tfiejfirsLh^f. ^ ^ D ouglas h it a e [TTireeiwlntp**!— lOahwlylFirrem Meanwhile; Coachi ------Rich— p^IBDIljr-olo7-TIte'Three=point-play— r : J e r o mn i ^ f m ^ l i r a cchieves vfctctory over S f rhompsbh’s defense wasas Just as coming into> effectc wlUi 14 seconds to° VAIJjn^m______HAWSgN«7 ' JEROME-U'SWsbeaia'16nrwair=— Inlo" happier said“ Madsen, reiurns rt seven state sU PPratt n MalUiews and Steveeve Nelson. WlUiElmar " Schutte ... 1 00 4 2 Ington, whUe John becaicause of snow. .The lack of prao r a c tic e llk - R . Egbert (J) d.d.‘nwntoo(M)74 oulpulled M urtau^ to wiUiln el^elg t polnis rebounding pipotenU al was trim m ed 50W DugU*....a 6-7 2 10 r was Gary . Burilngl IcpworthM fli I its scoring drooped a b o uit t : Sor»U...... 6 1-4 3 13 . . Hansen represented«dUw^}artans. I timene w a s really h ard on the ^Iivq y a w hrt ^ ~ H « « roke into a 35-14 halfU m eI advantoge.ad Hansen's 47 p< Ifference In VaUey’s fav o, r * 5 5 S : coach, then H ansenen iwas penalized for Iheiriir next match is today att SnakeS i55-cooper(M)pri>rDeUner(J) Th)rhal moved to 4M6 in Uie opening T he big dlff rthov'M l«7-PKten(jmBcBeltran.Q»*ma:3a C tr, mds showing, only had to—. buried Tw in F allsJ 41-1041 in G em S tate 2:322 pinp by Gomer Beglan of RcRobbie.... ii2_T«ylor(BJp.OlJ01«oo:S9 61-!51-50...... — -- w ith 27-secorM >—.QoedtegStaf V^..—...... ; . r » 4 -0-«rrJI------; ■ntering-Uie— h a n g - o n - to -1-wln-Uie-Maglc-VaUey—J Conference actionI TuesdayTu nl^t. Chave3vez~at 105 pounds.'' ------n8=KIn8 (B}-p:QjeL«Uflr:4I------EDowrnby^nlne points ent< Gooding - • ______._,ia=Alunlock(DJ. , • : wresUed a lot of a t Sk;Sl^^TIw ^Bi^'take'om>nTCim- 138—D.M0ri{BJd.1>:txBorHi»3 ------^ and AlSi whlch scored'd'and went on to wm the— ------‘-‘i.k n o w -I.k e e p -^ n n c n iln r l « - Heockwon (B))d.lUltermuM d lealeaders Devan Hubert ai freshm en. And wiUi b erly'ly a n d Jero m e In a 1 ( ^ Irian's IUrTUUaXBeckl«yXTbUlfM»-t»81.FdUl(U. ' ' ------a fte r - W f y k ,s a id Bi >M-W«mlck(Bld.LLLeedom(Trn«4 StoStoddtud, who bad 22 ahdId 181 points contest. loraUialaUputusat nextfct Frid a y , w ilh m atch Ume staiSiarung i«7-Pl«oer ^ definite disadvanta '— I we lost-they're-usl POCATELLO - The: 1Highland' ...... ! teachlnsand setting! iam s made 17 free throwsws to Twin i ^ r T - i . 1 E a g l e w oD m e n r o m pp at C lacki^ a m a s £r a ils ’ e i ^ t , Upplng.Uie scale:alesintheir ;, - it,, ;• 41-:11-34 Gem State Conferenceice triumph ge. "From then on it wast JJu u s t a . , V, Ore. - Trish binge. P A in n c 4 i oveiv e r Uie Bruins Th u rsd ay nlgl ( j o l d e n eze," Eagle Coach Uoyd Hard miUi and MlcheUe breezi pl«yer (g (t« (tp pujw , (gn-anp The rj Bruins’ disadvantage^toUietoul li Flier 36. Cl.j/enns Ferry 3 l Carey's JutUor varsity boys team ' 1. 0 O iy d m ... 3 M I 4 . * cored 20 points or said, Sehoen.... OM 3 0 n lu m n w as due to tw o factorMrs, Coach GLENNS . defeated Twin FaUs Christian OREGON CITY, Sl was considerably tallersr Ithan ni«>e».... i « o a a -3 a-7 5 8 coll FERRY -. Taking ‘ illege of Southern CSl ?aulStoVersaid. : A cadem y In a p relim inary. T be,score Wldner, Caryn Smit !iflc, a n NAIA team out o f FoForest crtui...... O M 3 9 3 .Philip..... 3<« 4 « Pai . . ad v a n ta g e of)f Glenns Ferry’s woes ■ Hlllealand each scor0 a 100-41 rout of Pacifli B K erfoot... 0 (M S 0 “"W e h ad to foul a t Uie enaid d to catch the cha was unavailable. yJn-^_oj>S!!5gGlOTe.ve, O re., and Uie E agles usedi d t h l s i n * ; barity stripe, Uie FUer ' ' m ore to lead CoUei iprbut-a'iot-of-our-fouls-\s-woro-tho-„Ujja,3^ad aded-Uie-Pllots-in-a-Ca— ^ (amas Toumamenl aavaniantage l^ ls full«l. WISieriierT ea Bo*i«y.... sm mo10 Jooe»...... 0 0-3 5 0 I?'* ----r.«'m^nwi>wfy '■...... :il g n ttH ------Idaho’s women to a ■esult of poor defense on our j irence game Thursday cm ( s...... Mj22 » . Uie Wiway with 25 points, with SrSmiUl Terilov.. 0 1-4 2 1 1 Klein...... 9 3< S U resi ”y°" Co”*'" 21 MJJares... 0 M a 0 earolalned."’We m conslstenUytiygave^ nle»‘.3Ml. CuiM CDOit]'- FUnktMMT 18. BrMkMbury ?. : „__Paclflc_Uniyer5ity_J{iPfl mw»t Trea.sure_tallyin/ing 21 and HUlesland 20. WidW idner __ I.wiyift«ll.B«pneU8.TeUl»l«U4»U43. - .•; * ____ round of the dackan ,j_Ke«ltllvr:-0-M -3-». thhe e baseline is what it amount \ ed 17 rebounds, wiUi Sm ith p “SSjS'th. — Glenns F orryr2^ t overall-and 0-3-in— ^ C m r ~ Young 4.0-CnnrMy 4. Voweo 6. Lo» n. J7 victor over added W ldner.;" 10 M l 3 aS XThe plvoUil Juncture occurr ; Thursday night. up 15 carom s. The E ag les ba< urreamine ie«jme w astdose to ils first confer- |Par1ce8,^uti4.BayB.l^taliM0-U2l48. - I Tho Ragloq1 p.m. In today’s ing up naaTD vmirvgt.. 4 2-2 a 10 h ird qu arter. WIUi Tw in FaUi ghl-team event. rebounlundsoveraU. ‘ZWalt 3» S -U M tooM ToUll is 33 41 h b u t missed 17 of 24 free i VaUey. a 91-37 >y four, Highland stormeded back to throws. The I Dietrich 62, Gooding St. 1(^^' dually fab-ly close Jenninnifer Bosley and BelindaIn 1F is - PacUcUolTcnttjr ...... » a - 41 by Pilots never trailed by 1 Multnomah, at 6 p ;i SorfbgnbUbo...... 47 S3 -100 taake k a six-point edge. CSl w ent on a'14»2 c h e re‘each a added 10 points for CSl. JI asleep’.’ ™or®^®hsevi!ven points. DIETRICH - Sherrie AsUe hlt;^. . temifinalsoftheelght "Mentally, we lust fell fittie Jartillmek 1^ aU '' The score was a^u >tovei^8id,-recalfliig-that-i 62-10 v icto ry over G o o d i^ S ta te ^ at the outset untU CSl nom entum . "W e tu rn e d th e I /K in g poured In 14. Z in Uie press, we committed Thursdayni^t The wildcatmis captured Uie Junior The Blue DevUs put seven otli& oIf ?s stu p id fouls, we g o t lost on varallygame. ------:------act w ' a s noUilng Uiey did ; Itwwasjustour a: fo«...... 7 IS , 39 38 8 .353 SJ ^iwn imdolng." The decisionion dropped o t a s n r ^ ...... • U U 31 qquarterlead. ‘ and 0-3 in ' Fikr-Knigs*#,) 8, Jmrollmek U. Ctrsy 7. Uynun iass,w.sii !« S a s : he Bruins to 4*2 overaU ar S.»erT«tll.ToUUlItlOIB41»36. GOoodb«stirt« ...... a« stt in fe re n c e . -Bk»ek7.Jcih»Dd[6.SI«mi»o«i3. jjDMrtcfa...... SSS Karie Willey was Twin FtFalls' lone KiS?i4!aS2di.:t.ToUl«ll7-34tl31.'nire»fnlnt gGoodlngStAte - Bakke 4. Rodoeker4. IhvM ll ' L 08 )righl spot^ offensively, tataUying a , sMti-Kiasi TTW*li904l0.P0uUa. - ;NBA standings Dietrich - P erm 12. BlngMm 8, Jcomo t, K “ ' “ . S x . "ni m” gOfl'am e-hl^'19 points. Stoddtfd 8. AMle 22. Kteler 4. Knowka 4. ToUla 39 islili H fpl ilor varsity Shoshone j39, Wendell 27 s i l l i s g ® iMcn1.L01A.f7ti*!. Twin^Falls lost the Junior *rellrhinary. re 55-15.------W E N D E L L -.^ -U s a Logosz ix>mbed— iii; I p P hursday night to pace Uie , wlin/naiW * » i I* 1: 15 aaiaj\ND4i • twin falli ■ ...... WUWflU a t a s d ia n s .p a s t Uie WcaideU | s 1] I I Uyvr -i* ft-«f Ip -.. 10-15 2 T ro ja n s, 39-27,J7, in a Canyon Confer- iSlSJ ' Te.T'e.Tylf... 3 M 1 « H « » cd ... S l E S S S u MATlIwlowti.. ai-a 3 S Kn»ad»_^.„ 2-410.Co . :_____ ? ! J assiH!!- f f l f S U tla U 17-38 1141 rct*i» U li."!!;!!.,. i l l i " „ _ J, gresslve oHeifense — good, q uick i MJOMOIW IUnJ«;tllr ...... 4 le said. "Our press Just -1 nght»f»4 ...... :;iJ S 2 passes." Voile B roncos top wsi"" ■ 3sr" d ld n ’tw o rk . -Dt'iencoKnOtir. ptured the Junior varsity i EURimoia . as S! ss w,Wood Ri0er35. Richfie.field 2 9 W endell c ap t J I TTI I Pinttiu'o'> W y o m i n g •»pm C ollege sco>res n ' .USiSUiQ Butiw) RICHFIELD - Alisa WrighIgM scoK d points, Indudlng six consecsecuUve In ...... 8 18 33 38 IP". . T h « « n ;;S -2 :;r“ i l l .77“ B O IS E ,'ld ah o (U PI) — Guided, fty ,V»«.UO n d in g s ' ALFOOT^XUCONFEREtKC thle e 'third quarter, as the Woo/ood R iv e r' w «bM ...... 8 10 17 17 • Btenoa 2. UjffW I*. Sttd*u 5. guard , Vince Hlncben’s 25 points, ^Qlveriries -d efeated _U»e._ RRichfield - T . . O'MueyS.Illobsrdirte.Toai*ui>asi839. iBoise State defeated Wyoming 6652 : “ ~ ” Bs 3 S Sf g ^ 35-29 Th u rsd ^ . night.- ^ . WBMtoD-SlrickJi:Uaad3.TrouaMii4.Luie««ter2, , II was anybody’s gam e Inn theU third pope «, BraOKrt s.S. RuUer 7. ToUlf 10 9-14 21 37. Thursday nighl.. W l l i Boise State, on to u ^ defense, broke :s nsi.K 7 lurter when Wright hit heher Uiree “nutifrpetntpwi-s—StrkftUnd. , i J! a g s siEf ^ B E J L ,1, to a 12-0 lead. Wyoming scored its first x alg h t baskets. “ T h a t brx)ke bi it MM. S IS ' su-a points witb 12:50 left in the half ^ , '^NBA boxscores ! ! ! S S s a r - jcn,” RIchfIdd Coach Jim ' . g s i r • m Thomas Carey 4S, CC a m a s Ov. 4 3 trailed ] 35-19 a t Uie half. ‘ ° T Mayiloni i ' t ^ ! :S! ili !!j .MS tei. M ■ saidlid. Denise Parke. HcaUier JU JJ ■-(-* lUkUit It Pegeen Thomas led RIchfle«leldwlth O'Crowlcy'incnd Dontu Young each Behind Tony Martin, the Cowbi^ V jllll Sal’-— WM ino TO 1 0I ™points. , . scored basketiets in overtime as the made i a nm at Boise Stato eariy Ini u e r,;vf»5a H i ■■ Wood River captured-Uiethe Junior. Caiey Pantherers ouUastcd the Camas seconds half. He hit a fleld goal wiUi- 8:301efttocloseUMBroDCOsMeadJlfl5. ;. ; “^ T T fb. r. fA IH S i! v arsirsity preliminary. 3&-S6. County Mushere rs, 48-13. t ■ ! | S : sisis; H U M , ^ ^ _ CamasCounttnt/s Mindy Funkhouser jjw ln ts: ______i_, aodR lw ...... 7 cm ons scored 16 a n d 12 t, ! IIK NHL ^ >4.>UM ...... •• : u 2 i and Margi Ler • ' M arlin led Wyoming, 2-1, wlUi 12 ^ j JU*«r - Wrintit 17. Pld«eooa 4. Buker 9, points, rc^jectictively, but Uie P a n th e rs'' ______GUwSlL'ScbmrtDUU-IKS: 3e extra scsslonryi el ding—- - pointsF nnrl Rodney-Gowens gdded.ll'.Z-~^ Tinn5a5.r:ria>kovcr In Uie Hinchen added 8 rebounds for Boise BL-MUM _ Jebam 2, Pttfcer 6. iust one point. I S T - S C , ! i . ! :is S! S! - r i S lS Idebrud t.‘ItMtnu ID. Totals 141-717: ed Carey wlUil4 points. ®S tate, 5-1.

.“ISS4Jf/v\'2w .

« ' J • J • j ^ . T w I r i Falla, Idaho FfW Ffl ay^^emberOjl^^^ ' ■ jahr’sxxraercm t lQCk,^liv m p a th y PSRIS”— ?upir.-^-“ Athies:es. i o n ly h ri»nfhfng' n>wt fhlnfr ^ all psychologySists and ^ r t s w riters j way. thihis sortiif problem could on T hu rsd ay/■ reacted -with surprise, have hapa p p en ed .to h lm ,’' ...... Others and about yoursdf," Ii>th said, te m p eredI withV sym pathy, to Yannlcki .■ L ’EquI[Ulpe c o lu m n ist Andre Halpbiilnhen "Go ahead aod live as you wisb ... ded-ty-namtng. s^_butw itbouLdisapfioInU ng ybuc.pufalic. —({4oah's-ne«ewB-coflferenee-earlter- this“ ’■-covefTaf-SeBorRlvi w eek a t whvhlch the F re n c h tennia s ta r n his opinion, had “crackeccked» by letting uncertainty a% In about a dm itted.. he had contemplated h e strain of beavy coznpetltioUtion. SOtng a f te r tb e world title w U ch-I ffi^^C hri^la. SSu d e d te u iis p l a y m BjomiBora' Boi belleveyoucanget" Lahana, writing In Uw star But cycling cbampkn Bernard ______suicide. ivho recently announced he utlna Navratilova, trackt sti diUIy L’Equipe, said I Eddv Hinault was less charitable In his ------N oah, wllto move to th e U nited States ieamon and cyclist Edd p . Noah had probably bariiared Us troubles MprrvT^ ^ ouUook. . 9 Intended tobe was unhappy with the c. I to lh e pre ss chan g{eUsrelaUonship e h “H e evid en tly ri v e r fo rm Wedne I fo r nalsbyciefeatlngCngtai^'sJoDurie.- -

i i • Miz^lr N a u s e

f i n i s h i f a s t HE m I J n t e a j I m Ml iRTS irnjeL v.ent_ M J — -*CARGd,'TIarNSfOFREASY —I------T ie d for Beconcond-at-frunder-par-66----- DGAT/Oi z — ^ I ■ were tbe ftvosonsomes of Fred-Coi^iles , : ^ J ______a n d ____ Jan S V k k U U H I Elchelbergcr anand Ro^e Jones and ' \CH OPPING I “ . Gary Koch andI Jl J i ^ a a r k . ______iRISTMj SEAT f ~'AIooeano(fier83T sQoke bade ot'67 was :___: I _ • the team of Mark Ma McCumber and ^iVETHROUGHDBDECEMBER 11, 19B98 3 f , ; \ COVERS . ; AllMRItzman. ipkfcESEFFECTI tio look & foel ot velour ever-made asuccessful—— •■ONOmONALLY______•wlththewearabllily'of------. U ARAN T^D )N-- —«• d e fe n se of Its tiltitle and last year’s S ^ g i l ______UNCO! ------2 TO I lOO>Mi Polyester. . w in n e rs — JoAns\nne Camer and J(4in ^gSSi - & : $ BtBench, split bench & FLOOR JA C: Ik I m . high/low bucket M a b a f f ^ —(^>enilened Thursday with an —: ______e v e n p a c 3 2 .------■ Solid built hydraulic lackk IIIlifts S . ' N v styles. In blue. your car safely. Swivelcaste “ -?yibrown,&'wlne;' ...... ■ ■ Twenty-twoofU isters ■ )f tte 48 teaiiu tettered for mobility. C om pletejwitfi wi iF', #8020. p a r . doiachable handle. #87400(0061 U ; ^:;fec. 8040.'8050. T b e tourney isIs playedp with a unique 8060 fo rm a t in which-1±- both members of a team bit drives8 ono all holes. Oo tbe R E G 5 9 .9 9 p ar 3 boles, theyey select the best ball and alternate aboBbota until holing out. BUCKET COVERS REG 4 ^ O n ^ 4 a o d S5 hbides, they Ut each 3 8 . 8 8 SOLD IN PAIRS 1 9 .9 9 * .8 8 other's ball for‘ ththe second shot, thw select tbe best ballm U and alternate shots' } UDtUtbeboIeiacoicompleted. __ — ------MiirandName-se'startsdlhelrTOund ~ — v~ ------OD tb e bock nin eB aiand made Ibe turo at M Lcanted five Uidles___ __ u b b e r Q u e e n ...cn tbeir secood1 nineu with Mize Just ------— -m issing aeroothrflnalbole.------6>footert *'It w aa the ^oly y one be missed all day/’Nause said..d. .. — . —: ------^Ib e day started]ed poorly for Mize, as f f be booked Us firfirst tee shot out of bounds. Uiat uttunsetUed tbe team — I - -Mmewbat aod-tbethey parted the first •• • ■ Mb .1 . three boles and bogM gey^ the fourth, . - .B ut tben Mize’ss’s p u tte r got hoL He H I ” .' — • • " s a n k a 6-foot blnUirdie putt on the firat t e bole after the boge:igey to p u ll Ibe m atch ' e v e n , tb e n sank bit'bitdie putts 00 his 7th andStbbcries. I FR O N I ;j Nause and MizeEeblrdied b tbe first two ■ FLOOR TTERY CHARGE ! holes after theI. .ti turn, put together H ‘. I Twin front car; S.99 PAIR ■ \ BAT m MATS o-Masior lOomporo ^REQ 39.99 S , ______baefctorback birdied le8_onihelr 14th and ------..■>Jj.at)iAcb.W tro. \ Cnaigo-l j 15th h o les aod addecMed a n o th e r on their ■ I proioctotioinQcorpot Moor mats I S-‘ /’rocnnrgorrorefCS:— ■ . .1 IroniwhooTdn ; 17th. ■ I impon cats. Ht \ dnvo. domosiic & ■ ■ V SEv; Y hours, ffl a ^ i ». »6SS4FC ” =------^ ~ L \ - - C a n a dl f ^ l e a d s \ I INDI» U C T I V E ^ \ 1 ELL METER ^ U . S . i nn c u p V DWE | ] ^ Compact

irgg— ■■■ — - r tl f lW K - ..... »oll. For 2 & 4 cyclo ot^lnos. ^ c o m p ia ! i t i o n ^ I I » 28" • Four=KtEW=MtftROR== pi' . . conl dwol \ ,, ' - V 07602 It pant) Ti.-nr tot sm.ill cars & R CHOICE * '\ _____ R E G 2 4 .9 9 JAKARTA. IndoMkuiesia (UPl) — __ I 'I Inrgo nnOtniiks-»l5:-J nEGi0.99 YOURl r z S » '‘ . ^ ------Dave Barr shott-a-G4inder^)ar-€6 t ------jpnnoltn.ttoftor ^ _ niursday to leadd CCanada to a two- - ...... —J - | HEG%.99iinio>inc(]i,iiocatsA " s tro k e lead overr tlthe United States S i9 9 € a f te r th e flist round —~^12i md o f th e World (3olf Cup and Interoatiomlooal T rophy event, I I KEY FO lU T Y , Barr, wwith tbele 1: b e st round of the H I Sturdy consiruci■OBS ^ C M H IL iii; . • day, bad halves of>f 334 a n d 32 o ver the ■ I snfo koy Koopm; iruciion lor ( )] C ll , 7,000-yard, par^7272 Pondok Indah ■ I Assortoa colors H I ombloms lo cho(rpmg ' ' hono-up hook for'^X A i I Qoimtiyaub.eourserse in b o t and humid - ■ I (rom. ors& ■ A3tn\ homo, goroBO, or chooso J Q f / Q , - a c l \ uMin^hclo. 20* curty-Q cord. ______w e a th e r- ^<8 tfarAflmmat#! Jnhn An. «ca-»9-^?r^k \ worksite. , ~~ .“ "clei^'8hot72Ta5-37)37) to ^ v e Canada a ■ ~n^EG^-29EA( * RE012.9S -- totalofl38; EACH Tbe U.S. team off)fRexCja]dweII and '®V RV.ou'0'?’atoW Jerry Cook was atIt I 140 w ith Caldwell jl55< 8 .9 7 ^ sh o o tin g a 69 and Cool>w k7i. " EA ------^ ^ A o a ^ Italy, with Sylvan/aoo L ocatelll (67) a n d M assim o M anellMill (75). w as third a t 142. Spain, represtlesented by Manuel 1 Pinero -and Jose-M;f-Marla- Canizares,------______lllsEALED.Bi - [wiNDSHIH IE L D t ( S P A R K ■ H E A D L A M I K T H E R MM O S T A T S I N E WfFU F l ELffl^ I i who won the champlinplonship last year BEAMI hEET i-y W IPERSS P L U G S R\ S ■ Original , CAROL P U MIPS P S 1 In Acapulco, Mexloxlco. was another MPS Cu«l:,ySlomtJ(y \ Complolo wipe . uquipmoni f stroke back io four!urth place. Pinero A .itjiilronio om A .-itmi wo< ' n I N0N,HESIS1 ■ Available lo , ■■ ...... - foiTiovrts wviilu; II. / { REG 1.09’■STOR 4 siati I n t t i I j REG3.99w i f tA domosiic YOUR CHOIiOlCE U I RESISTOR 5 144. I V I »5000CU7' SALE PRIClRICEO 10.49 to 26.24 . -I £ B a rr, 31, fromI I Richmond near i> W’ 3 Of J, Vancouver, ployingng in his fourth B E d w % World Cup. had fourxu- birdies and an l o \ 2 5 9 / i ^ ^ ] « eagle without a bogey.^y. His eagle came . -i-j : ;on tbe 150-yard.pai^r-5 14th hole w here ; ■ he reached the green•n \with his one-iron Be. • : secondshotandholed;ed a 22-foot p^tt. U O ne o f h is birdiess — on th e 4th hole ^ 3 2 H ! »_____ ._^_wflSii.doubIe.of sorsorts.'His drive hit * ..a bird in tbe oir some:ne 50 yards Id front I of the tee and tore a wingi off 11. The I F A L L Ss ^HECI I b ir d drKf>pod to tb e gnground b u t B arr's TWIN b a ll c a rrie d 2S0 yardds s offc tbe fairway. dison Ave. E.E 1C®] autoro PARTS ' I ' He ^t'U s secoodod b ird ie .o n .th a t ...... 1 1 4 0 A d d ^ - DAILYLY 8:30-9:00 I ' ------holeTThe one that: ac o ^ ^ , with a __ - — N 9 :0 0 -6 :0 0 - i ‘ - 25-fo6ti9hlllputtN^thjIth a double b r ^ . E __ZM - - - - i

....i. ------'W I

•U tbe ^ J> > iB ajber.r.o f SeviQ Ie . ie.b u ffs- ______L_ ItsaldL - . n e B r u n e r * • • • ^ r e c b r ^ n g t i o q r a p h y ___ lu fo r an o th er ______about p H ' oii

Isfeei a few .««g»Pv A ^ ... Bwas ys-— -ecrtnresr^^~ M a 5 | M B C i ;a l ==^=BB=Ff}d#yf^ enterertainment ^ I Artistt createj SS : - : indivld • dualisti< ^ — —wl70Qd-pVesl Coast Airlines, which — — g r a d e r — ------______ev o lvivedinto e the present-dayRepub:jub lic______— • ~AS»i?lV Iheteacheichertodraw Airlineines. He and his wife both spook anything be ^ te dd,hedrewaman , li wistfulfully of this tim e of their lives ai sittin g Id an outhouse.ise. Unfortunately, it Isn^r t hard to see why they're glad r i — p i " : U w a s 8o re a Il8U c,“sti“she slapped me is alllapaiiofthepast. a r l ^ t across the face,’ce,” be says with Upu;> until 1970, Stone was not only ______^______pr o ggessingfroman e ______. "itojoringlnartitlIt Brigham Young after-Mr-work^mbiber-wlth-the StocJtone refers to as thebotiwttomofGreyhawkRun.'’ He “a true m aster,” isiwhatbeccnslders wt spentnit nine months either In bed orr aa . / .... his tru e beginning. wheelGilchair with the doctors havingn g toI ' “He wa^old school,lol. Wilh him, you re b reeak a l his bones several times le a r n t the basis for>r ccaiVlng and beforere they I would heal properly. ~ paint mixing beforee ydyou ever touched Hisus wife mentions that she bdleveeves TitittN«.nptci>o/9fYESAVeSON H {s are meant to happen. When in a brush.” The admiralirationfor things] n in T l h e N o r t h F o r k G e n e!ral-Store r * Is an examiple pl of the Idaho themtes e that dominate Garyi r y S t o n e 's a r t H Hoptfgartea glows inStone’sfaceasin £ thehos;tospital, a friend began to bringtog irtist old bam boards tbat Slone ‘ he talks about his men(lentor. th e a rtl )oe his unique methodI of0 woodas-rclief ch e a p e n it.” Butlut before long, his ^About the time Stttie was refining S them,” Stone says, shaklhghls re c e n U y ce l^ r a te dltbelr25th tbl painti th ;bls bas-relief. pictujture etched into the surfacej:ce o fth e h o rizo n s ha d wlcwidened for beyond th e ' his hi£ wood-carving tedmlques, Glenn , . ■ IV , - h e a d allalmost with dl8bdl«(. weddlngannlversaiy.' Experimenting, hhedeveloped a ' ' ~ w ^6d. . ThehVusihglilscbnsldcraerable basic wockltonei>es. And. in a short JJanss a was starting tbe Sun Valley Art 1 W I ' BevStim. a livelylysorttbsayUie s< Itwajvas in 1974 w hen Stone deviseded proccss similar toll: the way tombstones ^ e^ n l t ^ t h paints, Stpne.added speak I . < ^ e3d d h e r " a n a t l o ^ resource,” a the United Statest since; her first “Wheihen I make a song or a1 sen-se g e tl— c o n certs.n early .30 yyears.ago,-pIayr_tence,-I- ,-I-feel-close to the womenrw wl h o ------K E T C H U M-=r-Darth'Vadei-in-a-^-r« ^ -resident-^Helene— Potte.— Luke------r j H '—J ^ l e v e r■heard.” he . ing In clubs, coffee>e houses, public have artarticulated women’s.conditloJtlon. tutu? Can it be?? . ‘ Sk;Skywalker, Princess Leia and, ot |; S . . - R osaisalie Sorrels, the woman, get-gel auditoriums, and universities.-She ui Singing,-ig,- I c e leb rate all thoseB uun- The Ballet &School Foundation in course, cot Dartb Vader are tbe-central 7 tin g these^ accolades; returns3 tto perform ed In T w in FFalls earlier this named,d, unsung women who haveha' Ketcbum preseuents “Tbe Trap at Bl- characters. d» |> 1 Falls Wednesday lo tell he ' m r W m m ^ h e r y e a r. gone bebefore me, ead) generatli’ation dion,” a student»t dance performance \Vader caputres L ^ aod puts her .1 ■ ta le si andoj sing. She will be perform>rm- S o rrels tau g h t a t tlthe Unlversi^ of pavingg 1m y road so that 1 canislng sli billed as'“a neww ‘S tar W ars’ sa g a ” on unell. Skyw alker com es ’I r*V.>Ti/R- \ Ing atat theI Rraaissance Academylyof 0 Utah and producedsd folk'festfi^ onysonfi>ng.” ...... ' Saturday, at th e Wood R iv er.H lg h to the rescue, but is- then dtptured \\ H V.L.r;*r^ \ the Art^ a t S p . m . there, and has servededon the board of „.V ^ - , School Auditoriaium in Hailey. hinhimself by Vader. ! ■ lAU \ S orrels. n t whose appearances havilave directors of the Newport Folk r e c e n t appearance In Bolt The performm ance features 115 i ier back to the place of hi Tbe Little People release !• {■ ^ / b een1 to standing-roomKinly au- au Festival and on thee advisory board " » as young as 5 years Skywalker, stq who then coofm ts Vader ' ^ Jm diencesces, Is a performer with . aian of the New York Cityy Folk Festival. ood; she was raised In Bob i-a-log c ab in on G rim es Crec iniin a desperate struggle to cooquer tbe s!^SiL—(i® i __ In te rnmtlonal-foUowlng.-to-additloi a itlon ------.Her—repertoire-1■ includes-tradi:— ^ ;* ”;®^ ™ ------Direction andid choreography ’ is b y - “ D ark S id e :------— ------to her e r regular tours -through th«the tionai folk songs, heiier own composi- near Ida:daho City and returns .to*the 11; HUarle Neely,':, school dlrMtor aixl . c periodically to visit h( Curtaintlmeis7:Xp.m.aiKlUckets .. j; W J r i U n iteded States a n d h e r dozen.plu!plus Uons, and the songs|^otco„lem p> "®*‘ member of the3 Idaho1 Dance Ensem- are r. • a r e $2 fo r ad u lts, $1 for children uzfcler ' • E ft\ recordlrdings, this summer she comom* rary American wrltei • ble. 12 y e a rs old, a n d aro available a t '' 5^3 pleted-d -a highly successful_tour_oir_of ------.Though-she- proCofesses-to-flnd— TlckeUe ls, - 95 per person, are ar • Janet Edmsnan and Kathleen Chapter chi One-Bookstore, Encore aix] MAIM ipe, playing to enthusiastic au-au music “a sollta^ thing,”tl she has availableble at Warner Music, The Th MacLean, schooool faculty members, the BaUet Sdiool is Ketchum, and at iH :es and rev iew ers In Italy and one also . In h e r w ritin g a^ well as in h er M usic C

~ ^ l a m riel^Inroan artt 1 ~ ~ ~ O pera J l ------titickets^till !■ 6howi/ing at I V l , gallery . By KATE LOPEZ ‘uJ ■ TimeS'Nev/s c o r rspoadent e ^ ' Q ' l i aavailable jl TWIN FALLS -- BlaineI BUlman TWIN FALLS - Tickets will be |H decided a few yearstars ago to m ove ' aavailable v I at the door for the I^H tr a d itio n a l pe n andllnkwUdllfeartin in] - - -^NOTNorthwest-^- Opera-—Assodatlon’s-= ^^^-~ ^H a different direction. weekend production of “Hansel and Tnn»«mrt of th e Starjtark,- heavy .con------^ 'SiGretei” set for 8 p.m. Saturday and j; trast normally a&sociBoclated with pen 2:3d2:30 p.m. Sunday at the College of i' . and ink, .be concentnDtrated on easing • SouiSouthern Idaho’s Fine Arts the tones and shadowsows to provide the AudAuditorium. ^ range of gray colorjlors that pencil . . provides. DirectedD: by . Paul Kllss of ' , After years-of prapractice, his de- C •- WiM Hfiagerman, ag the opera was willten by dicatlon and patienceK e are beginning f . , jHi d ' • - ...... the-h e la te E n g elb ert Hum perdinck a n d ------to pay off. Isa based b on the well-known Grimms B U lroan receivedI thithe Best of Show fair:airy tale although details bave been award at tbe Nationsonid Wildlife A rt ■ ■ L -S0ft4n fte n e d . Show In K an sas CityyinMardiforhis in ■ ThoT l local production''featurS“l3 ~ drawing entitled VV‘.'Where E a ^ e s Ilf ginfi{ingerbread children and nine ang^ . - Dare,*’ an extremelylely delailed de- dan non-game species. . ■ FPiiiior u ll as Hanzel Sbeila Okelbeny a hunting license. Proceeds ..V • ‘ .i B iU m a n 's woric is currently on tain a i - : ' IS Gretei, with Camille Cox as the dlrolay at the Canyonsonside G aQ^ In received'cd from tb e s a le of tho stam p vitch, Helene Fairbanks as molber . sed for waterfowl conserva- Twin P alls and he isB alalso included in are usei md Harold Sbetler as father. a y s BiUmon. a q)eelal exhibit at the NaUonal. tlon. say ^ J I I r .i K X . f ^ P -li Musical director Is Bruce . Musetim of Americailean Art ia the "It'ss ai conservation program as ^ 3 x 5 ' - \W V" \ f i 'K wwlVhitebead with Karen Sweet as te. ' ' well asas a hunti^ program.” be I Smithsonian Institute.. AiB mMTO chorhoral director aod Beverly Hackney - - But Billman says'befhe received bis says, 'M8BrU£i chorhoreographer. Accompainifits -an - - roost satisfying awardird Ionly recenUy. Eachh year; a different species of ' f i R y P’hyllis h y l VanNest aod Roberta when be was chosenen as ooe of 20 w aterfofowl v is on th e sta m p .. Siilcote. ______fin a lis ts In tb e F ederal}ral Dude Stam p “ I t’ss thetl top b an an a for a wildlife if iv jO Tickets, which are SS, are availabie . r. competition. ■ a r tis t,”” says Bilim s.' "There are t all Idaho First Nattooal Bank- __ Al]—-waterfowl—hu-hunters- must-- Jrorn rsoo Iji to 2.000 entries n ^ fftcesr~TherMusic-Oeoter, ■ Waroer--— purdmse a federaljral Migratory, tlonwrde,'denrF'lhe most presuf^ous ..<>•/■ • g - l "rlk .K -:, ■ MuSluslc, Sullivan's Mualc, Judy's W aterfo w l S tam p eact:lach year to ob-' ■ ^SJeeBIUJAANanPaflaCS ee . . O n e o f B l a i n e! Blllman's1 wildlife draraw lngs now on dlsplal>lav at The Canyonsld

M JVrtnOjildato^^ddj ■ T S J a ^ a f T s w t r o ^ e a uuses sBlock, 8►ympathy 5 PA RIS (UPl) — Athletes, w a y ,:thhls.8ort.«f.problem.could l [r myself,‘^IJumporhoi■not.7 u n d e r Umh e strain of heavy competilUon. tioi soing after the worid title which-I admitted hhe had contemplated d Sports/ payrhnlftgtegl^,(3u1st^ Helnclucuded tennis playm BJom BoreBor beUeveyoucMget” suicide. __ Labana,. writing In theae lFrench sports . and MarBirtina-Navratilova,' track starst£ But cycling champkn Bernard -3 . Noah, ulwIw recently announced he" e d a lly L'Equipe, saidI thetti 23-yearHJld' Bob Be3eam on aod cyclist EkldRddv Hinault was less charitable lo his intended to n-m ove to th e U nited S tates ^ N o ah h ad probably b aared re his troubles Mercvx.{. ^ ouUook. ■ becuase bei was unhappy with thee to the press to c h t^shlsrelaUonship hi . “He evidently does not have his feel media attentntlon he was receiving InR withthogeresxmsiblefoB for making him ■Paul Loth, Technical Db-ectc on the ground and only after a few France, toldId reporters Tuesday hee fam ous. French Tennis Federatloi‘uon. years of professlooal activity,” be' was frequentlatly despondent. “Whatispartlculariyriy Intere^g In.. id N o ^ this yeaiPs Frenc Dg.4o-Mew.-¥ork^b^u8»-»T- hls-case -is^ t-hls strt ‘hampIon,-tft:rtlgmlK his rV I^ ^ ^ IZ r^ u st fed1 upu] to tbe teeth and m y lifee..-. .. tlonal-to-the*extrem ely B and n iak e. full .u se. o f^ ^hi - p re ssu re w as on h im for sic o r seveo ^ —Jnstmakesmimgslck;**-Noah s a l d .- I* v e - —------ygara m imy appeal' Umd; bot-atihls- walked arounund Paris at night, cryingg re la tiv e rareness of diuunplons u u of bis “Go on,or man, for^t' them, thwhose level a champion doesn’t exist unto like a n Idiot,;, stoods on th e A lm a bridgeB stature In France,” she said. “In a who wcwould prevent you fronfrom himself.” Jbr(dan to fiFaceNavuratilovaa in Ausljtfalian final MELBOURJRNE, Australia (UPD -- rain intemq)tion to eanlam a semlfhial 5-3. Butt .Jordan started to movee hin Garrison, wbo surrendered tbe secood ■ Ninth-seededxl Kathy Jordan survivedd berth by defeating Aust.ustrallan Wally behind GGarrison’s tentative secoo^ reneat^'Jly wrong-fooUnii her oppo fllll'l HIIIIH'Hi*^th a 'M. fi-l victory? seeded Czechoslbvaklanlan I v w Lendl i ^ t to foiforce a tie-breaker, which six ^^^^■_Thuraday.ovebrer.2Ina.Gatrison.______-1 _ i :'round out tbe men’s semliimlfhial field. won 7*3! ^ ------No,-l-«ccdi ^p y rp m n iiff 1—-^ordanrKingof-Pn;^_ ^rri- crow d o f 8,000 a t KOoywig S t ^ u m . IntoherthUrd:d straight Australian final1 rienced difficulty w7crl^ The only time sh T to dropped a ...... ^ match this year was agah»t Kathy by defeatingg PI am S hriver, 6-4,6-3, in1 first set Garrison, of: Houston,Hi trou- and slxtt:th ganies with her sllcec the semifinalsUs of the$I m lUloo ev e n t bled Jordan witb herr passingp shots approachh shots off Garrison’s weali Horvath In the French O p ^ Y A N N I C KK 1N O A H John McEni > a n d led 5-2 and an>eare for naZs by d^eatiog Engtaadfs Jo Durie.

1 = F-'^^IV Bze^^ f e o s e = p I finishI fi a s t HE Im R A i L .|-,.^iiilcanim .event==. m m f V E N I & m I------, -L A R G O , r iK k (I (U P I) - L a n y M ize a n d M arth a N ausause b l l s t ^ the b a c k n in e to lire a 7-uni foraooe^hotleadead In the tM. round of A olifofiuo,..— ______fhoyssnnriftMtYArf loOCAtlOl \ mFOFREASV S? - — - J . . . T ie d fo r secoiKond. a t 6-underi;»ar 66 omes of . Fred Couplos------t- A ^ t a n d J a n Stq>hensoD, St Dave 1- - Wliyf^^ltwij-gwr awland Rosie Jones and I CK DPPim S E A T ------GaiyKodjamlJajQ d y a a r ic r ------j • Alone ahotbtfstr stro k e back ot 87 w a s - ...... I R R i C E S E P F E C T t\i v b t h W iU g h I ^WCBMBER.1J,Jr9a9 8 3 \ f : \ C O V E R S ------I- tbe team of Maitfark McCumber and h e lo o k & fbel of-velbur- — ...... !------~AllMKitanan:— S S a i . C/ATCOAONDITIONAUY 'V I w ilh t h o w ea ra b ility of -.N o team has eve}ver made a successful a w a y ouaJARANTEBO 2 TO I 100% Polyester. . defense of Its UtUUe and last y e a r’s gi. : 'H j ®Bench, split bench & w in n ers — JoAknne no Camer and John . . FLOOR JA CJ I K ’ I : ! m high/low bucket H M a h affey __c^)eneened Ihursday with ari styles. In bliio. " H Solid built hydraulic jack:k liftsIII W ^ brow n,& wine. B evenparT Z . your car safely. Swivel casteisters ■ f th e 48 team s bettered. fo r m obility. C o m p le tejw wi ilh • J #8020, ■ Twenty-twoofth 8040.8050. ■ detachable handle. #8740010061 ^ p a r. 8 0 6 0 ■ T b e toum ey IsB playedp] with a unique format In whlch-bh-both members of a R E G 5 9 .9 9 i team hit drivesI onoi all boles. Oo the par 3 boles, theysy select the best ball i BUCKET COVERS . . and alternate BhojibOtS until hnling o ut. SOLD IN PAIRS 1 9 .9 9 ■ “ I ; On 4 and 5i biboles, tbey hit each 3 8 . 8 8 4 . 8 8 f | ^ ; otber'slwUfortbttbe secood shot, then ' ■ sele c t the alternate shots___ _ 3 untirtfie bole Is con -..... MlxeJindNauseise their round ___ • ...... 00 tb e back nine> >B and made the ty n at ten carded ilve birdies ~ EfbbcrQtisgn*^ o n tb e ir secondI nlnine with Mize Just mlsidngaO-footero V ■ • “It was the onlyDly one t e m iffl^ 'all ; ' ^ f f L . o > * ^ v e « * d a y ,’* N a u s e ^d. d :------TbeTlay started]B dpooriy fo rM iie ra s— ------{ be booked his finfirst tee shot out of unsettled the team •i ' bounds. Tliat un: s s f e s s s - ’ -V - I somewhat and tbeytbe parred the first I .. th re e boles and bogiMgey«l tbe fourth. But tben Mize’s)’s ]putter got hot. He y U - s a n k a 6-foot blidi a l 8 | : \ IJ ______C a n a d c IDUCTIVE ^ i a l e a d s V riN i \ DWipaci 8*iO Insirumont ^ _ ------U . S . - i na G u p ------J ComptJfos diroci rooOIng loatufo■HPU tcaJ86.*^)oi------.. ' ■ ■. —1 :- FULL-V-VIEW-MIRROR—- MffW ff- ~ ~ y — „ - ....^uaUHldwolt. For 2 A 4 cyclo ongtrtos. . c o m p e l B > 28" -Fou>piII piinoi "iivor Jof smiill cafs & J t i t i o n ■ , ' mini trucks.ks.» < 151-1. REG 1B.99 ^ yOURW CHOICE \ \ <'7502 REG 24.99 I I • 35" • Pivopn□ pnnoli'i.ffor lor ______JAKARTA In^Ddonesla (U Pl) - ______■ _I__inrap.onfljoi']jn(<>rinc(]iaic.ca[S.&_ifl.ii^p. D a v e B a rr t ia 6-undei^par 66 ■ I trucks. « )0 i! Thursday to leadd ( C anada to a two- ■ I REG 19.09 m M m \ 6 - 9 9 ^ stroke lead overr tithe United States . a f te r th e first roundm d of the World Golf Cupandlnlemationi I I KEYFO'OBS TILITY ^ G A R O L Barr, wwlth tbew bestI round of the I I Slurdyconstructruclionfor GHT d a y . b a d h alves ofQf 34a and 32 over the ■ I solo kny koopin H , I Assonod colors idy hnng-up hook 7,000-yard, par-72■72 Pondok Indah ■ I omblomsiochochoor.o In homo, garoga. or _____ Country au b courserseJahotandiiumld ______uilo..20'.curly-Q cofd..-?ft^\ig weather as hia leaileam m ate John Ah- R E 0 12.85 derson shot.72(3^37J-37) to give Canada a I I REG 1.29 EACHEA total of 138. T h e U.S. teani of IR ex Caldwell and Jerry Cook was otat 1 140 with CaldweU • [155*w EA 8.97 shooting a ^ and CooC ^k 7 1 . Italy, with Sylvarvano LocateUi (67) and Massimo M an^n ^ l (75); was third ------ata42.-Spain, rqiresresented by Manuel I r^ALEbI BBi E A M I h EET I w i N DS H t I E L D I S P A R K Pinero aod Jose-Me-Maria Canlzares. f I RMOSTATS NEWW i F U E L ^ ___ ■ HEADLAMI M P S I Tuol ;.y5lom0..." 0 : ■ WIPERSn s / ; j P L U GR S K chaJS^I f i I t h e r wbo won the champlmpionshlp last year • Annlilfoozo 2 S OfiQinnl;'on, CAROL ■' P U M I p s lot ll Comploto wl( iKlB oquipmol Avoitiiblo In Acapulco, Mexic•xico. was another '■ ____ : ruitiovns wiitor tm o ? ' i l n n o n ^r e s i ! ______strokc_back_ln_louri»irUi_pl«ceJHaem ______■. _ . trom (uol sysloiiiorTi. , | | | \ ______/f: f k .REGI..09,..ESISTOR t/ISJ’mosli'5lal3 / / / i f \ T O r^ost shot 70 and Canlzaresires 73. r m d : [ r 8 9 ^ cnrs & tig W ales, with la ni-Woosnam W' (70) and iHEETlli REG3.<3.99 W J i f ' 'IC i~ ■ trucks. I SisoooM? I dom SticI'Om D avid V a u ^ o n (74);74). w as next with j YouncwZHOIC£ 1 / i f RESISTOR ■ ■■ SALE PRICED PR 10.4B to 26.24 • _ 144. f f REG 1.29OR trucks. B a rr, 31. fromn 'R' ichm ond near P 3 a ■ • REG 69* Vancouver, playinging In his fourth I 13^77 * 9 l J l99^>k C . 1 1 . 18 8 iy?.y 1 2 55%ii- * I : W orld Ciq>, had foufour birdies and on eagle without a bogejIgey. His eagle came I :on the 150-yard,par^ir-5 14th twle w here :' •; - '{ie reached the greensen with his one-iron o . -' second shot aod hoJec)leda^^foOtputt. ' O ne of h is blrdlcscs -— on the 4th hole — w as a double of[ sorts.so His drive hit a b ird in the oh* somem e ^ yards in front TWIN J F A t t . 5 S — r n i f U BCKER of tbe tee and toree a w ing off It. The b ird dropped to the e gground but B arr's :i 1 4 0 A d Gd i s o n A v e . . E . . ■ . IC®] autUTOPARTS • b a ll c a rrie d 250 yardsrds off the fairway. . ■ ______' T s r < AILY 8:30-9:00 He got his seconcond birdie on .that jjJNj.^gO-SjOq^— ■ - ■ ------; ------B o le rtb e -o n e th aIt t-< eounted.- wlth"a“ - — ■- 25-foot putt witlvith a double brook. 1 ■I \ ^ Ji I I . ' . ■ ' ■: ■ 1 . u . W m(J giofSew U e-^ H | H ^ J _ e r o nm e B r u n e r i d e ^ h u f f s - ■ ; said.------riMr

Artistt createBS' s indivic i dualistiic ■■ city. • • * .:______:______IIT:

B y TERRY RICH HAHARTLEY least,ist, is an in satiab le Idaho hlslorstory . S TUnes-NewBcorrespc!^Km dent buffu[f ulio writes a weekly columnnn forf n thoE1 East j County Chronicle. Her *■ : KIMBEHLY-Noi'fostrangerto enthuhuslasm hasn't failed to grip h( ~ — adverBlty, artist Gar>ary Stone of • - husbaiband, either.------. . .. Klmbierly la proof thaithat climbing from Staiitarlng tip a t the ceiling with tbepUo(deq>alrto8Uisuccessist^Just plercircing blue eyes. Stone says, “1“ 1 I tbe ^ Is t of fairy taleslies. guess^ we've read Just about every I ' Stone, who now baslas wood-cut______^ kik that’st ever been written abou

offices (rom Hawaii11 t(to New York and thebatiackground for alm ost all his)>s H E » ' fro m Canada to Mexlne workorked | | H - — artistic talent wbennbewas'afbrst b( forW(West Coast Airlines, which g r a d e r .. evolvelived into th e presen t-d ay Repu:epublic '•■^‘“ ‘A ateW jy tlw teachchertoxtraw*«»'^-?Alriii» e linesrHe and hi»wiffrboth^)ea anything te wasted,d, bh e dre w a m an w lstfutfuUy of this tim e of their livesresand i i M ~ slttlpg In an outhouse.tse.-Unfortunately, it isn’tin’t ha rd to se e w h y they’re ^a a seriousi problem drinker, buibut he" ~ d id n ’t really leam ml*much at college coniesfes^'UiafhUajiwasAiaM ^5sr fl] ------.even though be got straightstr A’s. He standaidstlll- ____ say s It was several yeiyear s after school WhtI^ile working in the SunValley ~ “ ond-asholatTfipblibu^esslnProvo, oreaaaM ^tatIon”mHSter7StCi»lraiira d a — W — U ta h , w hen h eg o tblls isj real training.------terribi•Ible skiing ac c id e n t on Baldy ir I Biitgolzigtd'wo^'lnc in Boise for Harry whitih(9i he says he “ s lid from the top ^opffgarten, who Stonitone re fe rs to as th e bobol ttom of Greyhaw k Run. ” r*"He . •*'a tru e m a ste r/’ Is wtiwhat he considers spentnt inine months either in bed oor ra i / . hia tru e beginning. wheelc«lchair with the doctors bavins/Ingto ■ “ Hewas old school.'ol. W ith him , you reb reareak his bones several times learned tbe basis forir acarving and before>re they would h e a l properly, p ain t mixing before) youyo ever touched Hls>is wife m entions th a t shei bellevIleves Tnm phM/SKVE SAVESON [ration for thingsgs ore meant to happen. Whenlenin 1 i a brush." Tbe admlrat The North Fork Geneileral Store Is an examrm p l e o f t h e I d a h o t h e mm e s t h a t d o m i n a t e Gi a r ; y S t o n e ’s a r t - Hopffgarteaglows.lnSIn Sto n e’s face as theho!hospital, a friend began to briniring artist old bam txiards that Ston h e talks about bis menllentor. the art tone his unique methodKlofwood

. iT^if~aiI—

...... TW]WIN PALLSReviewersi hahave — Shfiiias commancnded a following In theliverate struggle to conquer the |i' in tenm u atlonal follow ing. In additlcliUon Her repertoire1 Includes tradi- andm . Direction antUld choreography is by Di -Idaho.City-andJetunia.to- — to -hler-regular-tours-through-tl e r i-the - llorial folk songs, T«herown compost-— ------HUarle-Neelyry, ichool-dlrector~and ------1 periodicaUy to visit I C(uiaInilmels7:30p.m.aQdirckets [|“ I ■ Sr A \\S Unitedted States a n d h e r dozen-plit-plus tions, and the songngs of contempor 1 ^ member of thele Idaho Dance Ensem- are ar $2 for adults, $1 for dilldrenuncSer • ! Iters. motherier. i;rdings, this su m m e r she com- cor rary American writ* ble. _1212 yeara ^ anc^ar^aval^e a t ____''_i ed 'a hij?uy"successful"t0ur'iuT'of ------Though" she~prorofess€s~to“ «nd“ “Ticke:ket^^— 55“ p e r“ person—~ a I r e ------J a n e t — E dwtman— and— Kathleen—Chapter One Bookstore, Encore and' ^ 1 W s \ l \ ope, playing to enthusiasticc aiau- music “a solitaryf thing,”i she has avaUabable at Warner Music,, 1The MacLean, schchool faculty members, the u> BaUet School in Ketchum, and at ' < ices and revlewers in I^ y^ ar a i ^ also , In h e r w ritinggasweUasjnher i Musicc (Center, Ann's HaUmarkk anda also assisted inin the1 choreography. ■ (uGemlnlAitslnl^^.^^'-^^^^ _____ ; • ROSALIE SOIORRELS elswhe’here bn the 6jntihenti...... ______music, .afflrmad hciior nfflnltloB with— the-Ace a d e m y . .------:------An originAlI ballot,1 'nnfi-Tfiin at ' i ______I B id lo n ” w as; written' by Ketchum Nn < eely a t the BaUet Scbool, 72&«)03. . I

^ Blain man artt ^ O pera :tfcket^till^“ sfiow/ing atri^lleryr ■ ■ ...... ’ 'l By KATE LOPEZ 71mes>iVi9.HS c o / r^pondent e ^ W aavailable i TWIN FALLS - EBlaine Billman 'W TW IN FALLS — Tickets wUl be decided a few yearsars ago to move V ______aavaUabie v at the ckxir for th e ____ = — traditional penaBd'inll'ink'W ildilfe''^'in^i^H a t " ------'Northwest’ 'OpOT —^A^latlori’s - ; ; a different direction. weekend production of “Hansel and ' ' Instead of the staria r k , h e a v y con* GGretel" r set for-8 p.m. Saturday and j;'' ’ trast normally associlociated with pen 2:32:30 p.m. Sunday at the College of '• and lnk,.he concentn itrated on easing J i L ^ BpyK'-, v w SOISouthern Idaho’s Fine Arts tbe tones and shadows>W8 to pro v id e the l AuAucUtorium. range of gray colorilors that pencil l l ; I | | | provides.. EDirected by Paul Kliss of . After years of prapractice, his de- t Hagerman,Ha the opera was written by dlcatlon and patiencetee a r e t)6ginning r V the late Engelbert Humperdlnck-and-- - to p a y o ff. Is based I on tbe weU-known Grimms B lU m an received th(the Best of Show fallfairy tale although detaUs have been award at the N am t^ al WUcUife Ar t p I 4 . softened.sofi W ~ ~ ------^------^ TiRnocarTmjdoctioineiiitirra~i3 d ra w in g eoUUed “Where"V, Eagles gingerbread children and nine angel, . D are," - an-extremelyely- detailed-de- p t z i ...... gin dardancers and has outstanding sets, plction of a bald eagei le. “ W heie . H H V soys say Harald Gerber, association pres­ E a g le s D are” is alsoto b ein g featu red d i BLAINE BILLMAN Ideiident. {• on a poster for theye protectloiT of p Patience pays off Lead roles are played by Shawna non-game qiecies.' ■ FulPuller as Hamel and Sheila Okelberry Blllman’s work is currently on tabi a a hunting license. ProceedBeds ' ^ 1 - as Gretel, with CamUle Cox as tte display attheCanyonsiin sid e G allery in rccelveanks as mother used for waterfowl conserva T w in F a lls and be isI aLalso included in ore use rva- .N w / ' ' and HaroldShetleras father. says Billman. a special exhibit at the National tion,saj ' i i k Musical ..director . is Bruce 's a conservation programI aai s f e j ' Musetun' of Americaican Art in the "It's J WWhitehead h with Karen Sweet as Smithsonian Institute.te. w ell as a hunting program,” h< A ’S m KS ch o ral director a nd B everly H ackney ' ' -But BlUman says ho received his says, choreographer.cho Accompanists are rd only recently, Each± year a different species oi m ost satisfying award < S 0( [/>■; -S 4 1 f f \ y -i f/ ,'f, - PhyUisP h j .VanNest aod Roberta i^owlis on the stahip. wben be was chosen» a s o ne of '20 w atcrfo' W ' f t Chilcote. C hi - r ' fin a lis ts In tbe Federalxal Duck Stamp “It’st's the top b a n a n a fo r a wildlifemie [ ,. i. . T ickets, which a re $5, are avaU able 1 ^ j P y ' con^>etitlon. a rtls t,” says BlUman. “There arta re - at aU Idaho First Natlooal Bank I buntoisr;=mn8r""-fromrrl;-J;5£»r;tOr;2.-000r:«Qtrie8tma' r -.-z rrr:= A li=:w atertow l— b u —oTfIc«t7Tho a a ..MiislcrCoSlitf.-rWanier:— purchase a federalral Mlgratoo' Uonwldeide. It’s the most presUglou:lous Pi ------M — 7 vr..TX7- J Music,Mu! SuUivan’s- Music, Judy's Waterfowl Stamp eachach y ^ , to 6b- , See BILLMAN ODPageCS One of BlaineIC B l l i m a n ’s w i l d l i f e ddraw t ings now on dlsplsplay at The C anyonslci d e G a l l e r y BooBooks, Pennywlse-HaUmark^ Chris-, ______J tlaptlan Book store and CSI. . a ~ 7 ~ ! \ . *' r ■' «^TIme»«0wa;rwln-filnFiiin.ldUlo F rida/, DoceicefnborB,’l983 '"p C a lIc i i d a LCL_Maarshall ------ttyoubave an Hemlem/br Tbe TtinaeAllffire ao<6/taitainment ____ —___^___~-X6/¥iiday- cafeodar, mail Ittt Itto: Tbe TUaea^ews, BoxX i548, Twin ' ele\^sico n ’ s r e a iriiest^pp m a j i e e t s ^ ■ Falls, 833(0^»48.,orbriaglttoourotacel33'Ih or TW INFALLS « .IS — A Brown Bog Concert' We must receive }your notice by Wedoeaday noon at the Rei lUUANNE HASTINGS He Is not faterested in'dlred- print it In that weeiyeek'8 ‘'Friday Special." The R enaissance Academ y of tl> = ^ A v e . EE . . ,In Twin Falls. ’«i Press IntematJonal ------^ - ig. tbe caleadar i^frefree, but events n m t be opi “Can you imagine ri«»»>Hng with public, TWIN FALLSLLS - Dr. WUlIam Wartonn and his wife, ^ EW YORK — Plfty'yeanis Inb the acrtors? to r I'd rather sneak around and 9 /T o d a y Linda, from the University of Idaho, wildU g iv e a ceUo ness, two Em m ys, more thathan 500 saty y totc tb e.d irecto r, ‘Wby d o n 't you teU , ^ ' redtal at 8 p.n:p.m. at the R ^issance Aci irjsion credits to h la n a m e— «4ien ' ni or her to do this? Or what about .cademyofUie ilnlnAlwg BUHL — TheI “Gamblers" will play att 9 p.m. at at 505 SecS e c ^ A v ^ E . in FaU . MorsbaU starts remlnli i s Id e a ? * ...... _ — ^------Sbepbord^frLoungo. —.SS iU-tdevishm-tbe-time-goes^ h 9 -b y -fa r------'“iTccognlzcrdlrectDrlBl'zxinrTbey jwaUable_.at_Ann!8jailmj lulckiy...... IV.-•O h th a t's .terrific how . you .d o . — r- — - JEROftffi^TTw'.hejeni^ArtGuUd’yChristn Jand and at the academy. orahM iianiieetrdoing'idevaevlslbh— at. Oh my GoH.'That’s magnlfloSf” aacTiileofpIcnH^ bebeid from ll a.m.lo to 5 p.m. at "sin ceoeltbegan." ewayyoudotbatl tbe Maln'Street Mall,m at Majn and Lincoln1 SStreets In tWIN FALLSLS—The Velvet Dance Band□dwUl play for s ‘first appearance was inIn . June “Mike Nichols has a thing that be Jerom e. a public dance» tal 9 p.m. at the Mover KlKlub lounge ta fa “Our Town,” staistarring ys at the end of a scene or an ad , tte - TwinFalls. mond Massey on NBC-Tbente late T 0IC vv i s ; i e n .. es his imlUUon of W.C. Fidds.r- W I N iPALLS -— “Suzanne• and Syvia” willill perform F r e dI CCoe was th e td e v is io n dUrector, ire I______...... ^ soundunds nothing like him. He says, ' contemporary gultatltar "nrf piano musl rtien1 you y were ready, and when^you Sl^tbenbehasas been on Broadway portairtant things," MarsbaU saldL.“He's ' TWINFALLS-T- Ite Vel vet Dance Band ill play at 8 flnlshecti^,' If Uiere was time to* qwue.qi In '*11,6 Iceman ComeUi,”C “Jason," a veryrexy good director." ______p.m. at tbe Elk*sauaubloTwlnFalls. ______B O I S E - " C'C a orporate A rt.” wUl be dlsplplayed Dec. 16 they'd'd itell some news' or playy somes “WalUng For Goance Club. juHa Davis Drl>M v e In Boise. The 54 select!)tions are from. terviewew fa, M anhattan’s Greenisenwlch “ iTie C aine MuUnyny,” “Twdve Angry stage. wUl 1 ^ 4 a publicc danced at.6:3Q A ^ .a t.tbW e .T^-Q.Q-PatNCollectlons-fron ro m -A U iertso n V -tac* ;- .Bo ^2g^|ere be still baa an.a{Lapart-., jj|en” and “SqjermT n o n ll.” • • ■■ 'j'.T^'jCyn;^n-in-control — or 1 am not.in __ HaU, a t 235 ThirdI A\Ave. E. fa mttrSiis. Miiflntf*-^^^^C oip.. First SecuritySe Bank of Id ^ ;r f d a i s ^ r s ? In 1962 and 1«1963, MarshaU won controntrol,” be8aid. by noyd W hite's BaiHnnri National Bank;nk; Morrison-Knudsen Co. In c .; Op- Audle^ence sizes wene not huge,se, but Emmys for hisI starring role as “Yo'Y ou c a n d o your own editing.w hen penbeim er Com]ompanles. Inc.; and Ore-Idaia Foods, Inc. noone.ve.worried. Lawrence Preston>n fa Um CBS series you’reu're on stage. It's iq> to you. Wben TW IN F A L L S - ‘‘St“Stone CouDtiy" will play at»t8p.m.at a The galleiy IsIs open0 from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m.p. Tuesday "We«'e didn’t have Nielsen’s inn (hoseU “ T h e D efenders ’’” :He also played fa youse11 se e a m ovie o r td e v isio n fUm you (be AUey Lounge InIn TTwinFalls. through .Friday;ay and from nooo to 5 p.m.I. o n S aturday d a y s." th e NBC series “ThelieBddOnes.” sayf to y o u rse lf, 'W hy th e beU d o they ------1C ------1------^ S u n d a y . ------ou used to h av e to g o to aI bart>a to Now? cut: to that p e i^ now? Because -10/SatunU^— — ...... - . w atch-T1-TV. A coU eague once told:‘Idme, ‘-Wo more series,'5,’^ be said . “ I enjoy Uiat^sit?s a very important-line. -I, was BUHL ~ IDe “Gi“Gamblen" wiu play at 9 ip.m. at BUHL-“Idaldaho C hristm as" wUI be on1 ddisplay at Uw ‘Th6 AA got me out of bars andsdnow i whatl'mdoingnow,w, so many things. I tryinging to m ake a pofat there.* fihw phnrri*BT ^ im g ft wen!/ent (o Vld«o Disc Modlehino *5 por day l[> •Invited to attend. ______begin at6 ;3 0 ,8:30};30,9:30 and n p.m.______th e a teirandconce^. r £ iat-Uie______N f i L M o m blorship a . Chnrga , TW^ FALLS-T Gretei*,'' JACKPOT --•"G ■ nrlln Gathering” willII perform at ' audienceice was changing.'' Marsi -D oc- M—TTie------s a id — i l B F I F K P H ^^-PAUt-K Al BttbeCcdleflBofSouUDutbeni Idabo. Tickets are avavailable “ LinkB*’ will p^orm per Dec. 12 Uirough D ec. 18. Tbe ‘?Whatla t Utey would o b je c t to? \ ItD ftCfw ufi at all Idaho First NiNatkMial Bank offices, Thebe Music dinner show bcglwgins at 8 p.m., and the coMCktaU show shouldn'tfa't show anything above/e U>e< . APPLIANCE A»AKD TV SERVICE I ' .Center. W arner Musicisle, Sullivan's Music, Judy’s''s Books, begins at n p.mn . k n e e aneq>eare, Ibsen. P auU oier. a r e avaU able a t aU1 IdIdabo First Natkml Bankc offices,0 J a n . 9. The gaUer>lery is located a t Fourth a ndILeadvUIeln I “Whenen did you see FauUcner lastBston Tbe Music Center,, WarnerW Music, SuUlvan’ss IMusic, Ketchum. televisionIon." MarshaU sig h ^ . _ _ Ju^« Books, PeoMjm y v ^ H aIlin ^ _ Christiana n Book Marshtishall was ro cen tly se e n on'te:t'tele. 'Stbreandat'C^.' TWIN FALLS-5 — ' ‘Photographs os Objects'ts " a n d oUjer vision fa In his portrayal of the! latela experimental Imamages by Wesley Wada, asssslstant pro- Ambassa een'the C K prt ------D e c /M r ThS gaUcaUefy^S'l& ai^n^ To-n^ ''TUB 12>1 2 /M o n d ay SouUiem Idaho> library 111 in the Taylor AdmIministratlve Winter of c Our D isco n ten t" With' wl TWINFALLS — “boicW itiy Blue" will play at 8Jp.m.at p. Building. D onaldI SSutherland, Teri Garr oi T u esd aylyW > dd. n p S P f n ___ _ th e Alley lounge In Twins w a i t e ...... ------T W IN F A E L>‘^ S - T h e ‘'M ean Streak” dan©ice band will “What’jat’s heiirtening about Uiisiis~ir^ _ ■ 13/3 /T u e s d a y Dlay a t 9 p.m . thrcJuough D ec. 18 a t DIamondfljfldd Jack’s- .here wee a re gettfag t>ack to A m eriarican ' Lounge at Canyonivn Springs Inn. “ Foofl" wiUUl p la y Dec. w rite rs1 . and doing r e a l stuf> BUHL-Apubll^d ^ > ^be held at 8 p.m;1; ta t the 19 through D ec. 31. M arshall!111 said of U>e Stein b eck movk - -W est E n d S e n io r Cltlz«izens Center at 1010 Main inIn :Buhl. - - H e saidaid he was disappointed wiui wl: Music will be by Haak’sk'sBand. TWIN FALLS-» — An exhibition of artworiirk from the the courlurse television took asts It . College of Southeithem Idaho’s permanent: collection, matured,id. over 400 to ever devdoped tb e w ay w e t m S6 ■ J E R O M E - T b e Vel’Velvet Dance Band wiU playly for a “Sdectlons,'* wUIlU ib e on display at th e H errele t t M useum “ ltn e v ( ffFlb .1 public dance at 8:90 p;m>;m. at tbe Smoke Shop In Jerosro'me. A rt GaUery Uuougough Dec. 15. Museum hoursrs from 9:30 hoped andind thought it would, ippose a lot of p eo p le wUl t ' a.m. to 8 p.m. Tu ------*------14/W' w e d t ^ a i ^ ------— his voicee tot Indicate first disapprovetival call BOISE — R osaosalle Sorrels will peform1 at 2 p.m. andthena;n approval. for ______TWIN:FALLS_tt Rosftosalle.Sorrels will performro a t 8 - ...Sunday. Dec. 18,, a t 720 W^Washington fa Bolsilse. General The ^Mfanesota-bom Marshashall p .m . a t tb e R enaissancenee Academy of tbe Arts. Tidlockets, adm ission Is $4.5M-50. Admission for Idahoiio Folklore s ta rte d his acUng c a r e e r on the stag S per person, are avalivallable at Warner's Music,ic, The ■ Society membersrs aand senior citizens is $3.50.'• in Chicagoigo. H A s ------M u sic Center; A n n 's HallftaUmark and the academy. “ T he firfirst week you’d be soldlo oi u t ----- 7------~TWfN-Piti±9— •»hUad dphlB------m H T tftambtfWlHl wwA yuu‘U ImvB liulfu i f a ' . TW IN FALLS — BUlylUy Gambler's “3 of a Kind"d“ will will give a bassoonw n re c :30 p.m .'D ec. 22lat a tbe First house." hehesaid. ______p lay i)tap .m .^U h eA UJlevIotingelnTwlnFaila. e3 . United Methodistst Churchi fa Twin FaUs. T Tl h e fo rm er Tn' icm, fomberly residentent wUl be assisted by M r. and Mrs. apiece to0 sharesl a ride to N ew York. Richard ChUcdle:e ofc Twin FaUs. An offerlr; i ^ wlU t e H e got 1 i i i i e l l.THIS »t a room at the 44th Stree^ - C O i 15/T/ T liu r s d a y tak en and wlU bew cdivided betwwn the churerchandUte Hotelandsid struck out. performers. .J*.*.* _____ ^ ------BUHL— Hie-Velvfstrat-Dance- Band-Wili -play* ft I ^ ^WEEK! 'public dance at 8 p.m.Q. ats the RanMna stqiper d:Iub u In - TW IN PALLS> -— The Magic Valley Ch(lio ra le wUI T h o u g Kl t f o F f d d a y ^ - B uhl. present the annualual Christmas Concert 3 p.mm . Sunday, D ec. 18, In th e Fine^Ine Arts Auditorium at thee iCoUege of A thougtijght for the day: Presidentlent *0 g ^ TW IN FA LLS - BUlyily Gambleifs “3 of a Kind"r w U l S outhern IdaBo. TTickets, ic $2 pe r pereon, a re avavaUable at George WashfagtonWa advised. “Labor playat8p.m . at the AlleyJey lounge fa Twin Palls. th e CSI Bookstoree aian d wUl be sold at th e door.r. toke^allvUlve in your breast that UttletUe g I s p a rk of ccdestlal d fire—consdence." m ^AM^OMWU^ H |jH M Tf l M l s ^ W S f C L A S S IIFIEDADVER- F F U S I N G I PHHONE733-09331 I FR ID Ar l NIGHT

'tsssm ssssB nsssiSAKa?SKSK3?iiKiiiS3i2» :afoodalaiBARTON HIP B r a N F o o lu rlnSD g on oi ologant ossortmorit1 ofo doliclous.soofoods . o n d o Baroio n o f b o o f w ith ^11 Iholo trimmings: AAoshod \ S A i polQtoos. VG^ o g o to b lo , so lo d b o r a nid d di ossort. ^ „ DIRT BIKlIKES S T m i E I O M L ^ f e w C AML I TOLL FREE —7 y 3 4 - 1 3 9 3 I ^ -SuiMrmMiUrttirwMbotrvLina HlCttJ a ^ ^ . R a 3 u ^ .TheFiFriendliest Spot .iriBupwMQuM H S S • llIn N evada • ■IflpsMalMMno —j y .— S'mongoose ^ M * | B d i^ o iid d a c k ^ ^ Vs t i R e s e r v vies. A nd 1 I ^ j o ^ ^ o i ^ h i j H A F r iN M E R S i I KEY&BIKIKE SHOP j I i i M m r t a i n B ite s 3M 4lh Avmiu* WMt.-tt. TMln Fell* 733.0016 H to^*d2Slod(tS