■ B H f f a p p t ^ g | s | | 1 1 c s n opens " ~ n r itosqife!S o r r e l s rhey - Bi3 I I rte 'tu p r is ^ —— - 2 5 ^ ■r, J M rath vear, No. 343 T w inF1 F^lls, Idaho ^ Friday, December9,1983 Reagaan still optinimistic ; I So>vietss break | U W €saporn talks II By REBECCA;A IRVIN United PressilntenaUonal h NATO frees records [ GENEVA, SwitzerlandS — The Sovl- from\ arrns talks — A8 it-Klown-aU-nuclear ■ am is— = ^ talks Nvlth thehe United States Thurs- day, breakln{Ing off bargaining on U.S.^ missiles in Europe that has ^ ........ long-r^e weapons-15-Wf days. after already“ started, tbe changes in the ^ walklrigoutofj global ' Strategic ■8ltuati0D“m ake~it~; ■ ■ p g )f parallel negotiations on necessary" for the Soviet side to review [ medlum-rangege missiles. I* _______ Tbe.SovJet.d.-delegaUon-discontinued- all problems which are under_dls- the Strategic: Armst Reduction Talks cu^lopafiheSTARThe^tiatibns. on intercontlniInental nuclear missiles „ “Therefore, no date for the re- > claiming the "global“ strategic sltua- sumptionS of the talks has been set.” >^iion;;£baDgfid.id.wiUkUwaniyal^nfiWxn.T.^ . U.S.mlssUeslnIn Western Europe. ^ could not agree with Soviet assertions Moscow broroke off the separate, thattl “ develc^ments outside the scope parallel Intermmeidlate Nuclear Forces ofq1 these nogotlatloos require tbe Sovi- __ talks Nov. 23I aftera the West Germ an pfTpi tntnn tft wlthhftlrt affr>#nwit n n tt ^ B 9 parliament' a'pjJpprovea~ae^oyment of resumptionn date” — referring to the ■ ^ S the new missile NATO deployment of 572 cnitoe ^ ; As thev didd ^ the INF talks, the p , ^ Soviets refuseded to set a date to resume wayw in Western Eum ^. | H | START. U.S. officials said they were “not I ^ H Chief U.S.. negotlatlor Edward too»o surprised” by tbe Soviet an­ Rovmey saidI thet United States re- nouncementqc and stressed the Soviets ; gretted the Sov:ovlet decision and h6ped merelym said they were “ re- ^ -------- Moscow-would-Id-soon-agree to resume—examlfflng’T gjj h afp eatkiri at hTART.--------- r thetalks. But in ' Washington, President ■ fl “TheUnltedSiStates is fully prepared R1R» ^ g a n Insisted that the Soviet Union ''•"to'continue'the'ile-regularpattem of the—-didnot dii break^offtbelalksrbut instead---------- STARTnegotlatlatlons,” he said. ““simply.was,not.prepared s to set a “ These negotlotlatlons are In the in- tlitim e for resumptionof talks.” --------terest-of-both^i^our-natlons-and-of4 ha------— Reaganr«xpresslQg-optimism-that-^i^: entire, wo rl^”’ IRowny said, reading a theth negotiations <m START would be statement in fn[ront of the U.S. delega- resumre ed at aome point, made the H H tion building. rerem arks on the'South Lawn as be was “ 7>wt N<wt'^u/BOO OEptS>^‘ The 3S-minuUIlte final session ending leavinglei for a t r ^ to lodlanapolia to i ' i H igh COU< u r t START’s cumrrent round was the adaddress an edunlksionim.-- - , "JTT ''shortest since} italks began June 30, At th» nn'mo that L| '-Ml.'.- i ,Ib e Idaho StvStqweme Court la bolding ooooe of its . Sbepard, cailef.lef Justk» Charles Dobaldiidaon,.,. Tbe Juttlfes Will cooclude» thl U ^ ........' i ^ . he WDtdd support a meetinft between____I'.*; '' ^ 'P eriodic fffBilfnkns lo Twlo F ans.‘niursdnday, the \ , R o b ^ 'B d c e siaiklStiBbn.Blstllne ai b<beard ' vl^lt (Sbly. Forr o6v««ge'<tf< the c m bheart u in a stataiijtiieht is s u ^ after the’ SeSemtary.of State Gedt^ Shultz wltb I j _______ ' . ftve .juatlco.!» Robert Huntley, left,Bf^ AUaa ai^Mals clues8 d(dealiog with divorce, h kills : n u n ^ .t x a ii totoP ageB i:. meeting, the SovietsS said that “io SovietSo -Foreign ' Minister...Andrei I ; ------ ---- {"View-of-the-daleployment-of-the-new—-<3romyko-ln“Stoddxdm-ln-January.— Gi —fr .....1,150 idqdns dj^fect&ed ; R e e i g a r T wantts strilet scchools_ ~ P C A <consol didatioi United Prras Intntematioiui]~ ConventloiItlon Center by Education SecretaiyS Terrel Bell, ■ who challcallenged schools to Increaseie studenti literary, stem I INDIANAPOLISS — President Reagan toltold educators hlgh-s<*oohool dropout rates, bolster* curriculumsc and raise I , 7 Thursday he has directeddi the Justice 13epartiirtm ent to help teachers’s*8’salaries. slatedd for Mlonday7 fiijd ways ;to retutum “old-fashioned dlsciplipline” to the . -Nowthr this is a big order for the mnation’s schools ,” Bell I By BOB FREUND a haifrpf-p erc^ t because of the Basteistem nation’s schools, . ^ • said. “ We will have to solve marany problems such as ■ Ttmes-News wHter Idaho3 iassociation's strong financanclal “ W hatever it takakes,. we must make certaLa ln America’s discipline,ne, lack of parental coihmitm:ment,-adequate funding ■ positionlon, he said. Sources outsideJe t schools are templestes of learning, not drug deidens,” Reag^ and a changedch and reorderd IIlifestyle for teenage ■ tsion of a three-day adr TWIN F A L L S -“nielhe Eastem Idaho SoutherJem Idaho PCA'say the Intenterest closing sessi idministratloh- America."a." ^ 1 2 sponsored conferen<ince on education, Production Credit As:Association will rate is 1likely to fall to be between lec la ssro o m - . Bell hel(tield the National Forum onm Elxcellence in Educa- I Ity Magic Valley percentm tand 13 perccnt. Reagan sald^fummdamental reforms" in the < a foUowup to^a series of reportsre last spring and ‘M annex the eight-county noney—are needed to rescu« u e America's - -------area aod take over doMk)6e to 1,150 loans— -I ^ eibDrrower8’.slock-.also..wiU.hc .b \ hold __ not more federal me f ihat found sdiools in troublible A n d th a l.td g g e i^ T a n l mme value it had beforee' Lthe schools andlceep th<hem uptoiJon«lh“the-Sovie iwlng crusade to improve theilem. ■ from the in^vent SoSouthern Idaho the sar [e proposed a six-point prprogram that ProducUon Credit AssocsociatlonofTwln. llquldatiation, says Larry Butterfiel-field and Germans. Ke jttne^ '• Included “ good old-d-fashloned discipline,” a cicrackdown on A studyiy Iby Bell's National Commitnission on Excellence in I F alls on Monday. - the presresident of the Federal Intenr Educationion last spring estimated thattl about 23 million. .1 Credit Bank of Spokane, whl<whlch drugs and alcohol atand a “good teaching. ” Stockholders of thet PcPocateUo-based dlate Cj reception from Americansans adults and 13 percentnt of 17-year-olds are ^ nber voted this oversee«es the PCA system In1 Uthe - Reagan receivedd a polite but lukewarm rec farm*cooperaUvie lende rs'and state politicians, mn anya of whom functional!lallyiillterate:----------- ------ - week to take over the'flnI financially solid Northwiiw ^ t. Southern Idaho borrowejwera 2;300 educators siock-r-v^M tanJn^^ftI federal committment to edu<lucation; -------- - H e said,Jd, “Students ?ar"v^* fniiy attainai other-oeces«try._J porlionB‘ox ih6~TVfagieglc^alley-eoo:— TireTcqiequiredto-buy $8rworth-of-6to< rMld-^'lnsome—proficlenclincles lftheydonotreadand«IwrlteT^*;^^ -------- ^------------1 ich $1CK> borrowed. Each ^ oareia re He received his blbiggest^pplauM when ne « peratlve,-alter th^SoiSouthern Idaho for each I abuse. I can't . Bell’s reconunendednx four Vperfonrrm^ce goals:” ■ iJ5.,________ ___________ schools, teachers susuffer verbal end physical al board of directors agreereed to liquidate worth JS y —thismuststop.*’ " -------— — •-RalslnisingooUege entrance scores» <t» where tliey-wereJn------_____-RONALDREAGAN.-,. _______ _ ition because of But; tborrowers with badly delldelln- s a ^ t too forcefully; th e troubled assoclatloi seeded to the podium a t theIC Indianapolis] Seeks 'fundaiiiental reform^' huge losses. quent. oro “lost" loans will nott gget H eag w was prect • See SCHOOLS oo PagoJUPi . ®‘ Eastem Idaho Presidejident Eldon HUI either* |guarantee, Butterfield says.say ......................... .. said'niursday that mem!embers from the Tho fofederal bank will keep tl assoclaUoQ's 18 countiesLies in Idaho and Southcnem Idaho PCA office open un Wyoming approved thebe jacquisition in the badad loans either are firmed up a series of six meetingings that ended the polrolnt where the Eastem Idol,S Delolyedeni d doei•sn^tckoud shlmttle tripl I U te Wednesday. He did not release PCA wilwill take them or until theyy aiare any vote totals. IlquldaUated. I B y MARK B ARAB/BAK _ ^W etre. going to_piciJlck up all the. “Thatlat will take at least two years _ United Press latentmatloaal ^ Next flight promises credii-w rthy accouniiinis“ to t we Bulternirfield Mys." He " e x p e ^ ‘f^al sp ace^n ^ "W V 3 ~ -----^ c r of tho loans to be rescued ar PTTLE^O)M PtrrE R™ • EDWARDS AIRR FORCE BASE. possibly can, and that’s’s aabout all I can number Je Columbia ^ id ed — — -- dtell you at this Juncture.”e,” Hlll8ald.______moyedUd to tho E u tem Idaho PCA. C a lif.-T h e shutUe LURE ___ - ..........-tc a smooth landingDg niursday in th e— -asso<ssoclate rJASA .administrator In ._ ...... Borrowers with good>d 1loons ^ g et Officlficl^s now are'placing the'niirnum- ■ harge of the shutUe program,. ^ Interest rates of < setting desert sunin after an eight- charj ■ . an immediate drop in lnt< •See PCA on Page Al - hour delay, bringlnSng back sbc men, calle<ailed tho landing “perfect" Spacelab ond a pricricele& payload of HeHe said the cause of the shuttle’s results from 10 daysys in orbit. compomputer problems remained .a Utility seeks-pI yaymeht Space pilots JoJohn Young and .mystlystery, but predicted the trouble Brew sterShaw, wa'i-aved off from two woul<ould bo Isolated and fixed in time ; ; earlier lanc^gg opportunltl^ to) kekeep the next shuttle launch oo because of a baff^inHngcon»iJterpro- s'cfie<!ineduleforJan.30.
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