The International Long Term Ecological Research Network 2000 Perspectives from Participating Networks

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The International Long Term Ecological Research Network 2000 Perspectives from Participating Networks The International Long Term Ecological Research Network 2000 Perspectives from Participating Networks James R. Gosz Chair, ILTER Network Christine French International Coordinator • Patricia Sprott Editor • Marshall White Graphic Design U.S. LTER Network Office University of New Mexico Department of Biology Albuquerque New Mexico U.S.A LTER ~ Copyright 2000 The U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network Office All Rights Reserved Printed at Academy Printers, Albuquerque New Mexico 1 Contents Map-Current Status of the ILTER Network 3 Introduction 4 Overview of the East Asia Regional Network 6 Chapters from LTER Networks Australia 8 China 14 }Corea 26 Mongolia 28 Taiwan 31 Overview of the Central Europe Regional Network 32 Chapters from LTER Networks in Europe Czech Republic 34 Hungary 38 Poland 41 Slovakia 48 Ukraine 50 Switzerland 56 United }Cingdom 60 Chapters from the Latin American Regional Network Brazil 72 Costa Rica 76 Venezuela 79 lli~~ ~ Overview of the North American Regional Network 84 Chapters from LTER Networks in North America Canada 85 Mexico 86 United States 89 Chapters from LTER Networks in the Middle East and Africa Israel 104 Namibia 107 Current Status of the International LT R Network Members of the ILTER Network Australia Brazil [jJj] Canada China China-Taipei LJJ Costa Rica Countries in the process of developing national [jJj] Colombia LTER Networks, awaiting formal recognition Czech Republic from thier governments Hungary Countries expressing interest in developing a Israel Argentina national LTER Network sites I2'l Mongolia France II Austria 11\1 Italy Namibia Ireland 11\1 Bolivia 11\1 Kenya Poland Japan Chile Norway Slovakia III Mexico II Croatia II Portugal IN! South Korea III Morocco Ecuador II Spain Switzerland Paraguay India II Sweden Ukraine Romania III Indonesia Zambia United Kingdom III South Africa ['ill United States Tanzania Uruguay Venezuela 3 Toward a Global Understanding An Introduction to the International Long Term Ecological Research Network James R. Gosz Chair. IL TER Network ing for the creation of an ILTER directory Principal Investigator, Sevl1ieta LTER. U.S. University of New Mexico 3. Developing LTER Programs Worldwide +Encourage the pairing of mature and developing sites, which share ong-term data are now recognized as crucial to our understanding similar ecological settings, and encourage cooperation between pairs of of environmental change and management. Histoncally, these stud established sites within or between countries Lies have been difficult to maintain because of the dominance of +Produce an inventory of sources of financial support for ILTER ac­ short term funding programs, a misconception that long-term studies are tivities and infrastructure at participating sites merely monitoring, and emphasis on short-term experimentation or hy­ 4, Scaling, Sampling and Standardization: Some Design Issues pothesis testing of specific interactions or processes under the assump­ LTER sites should address the follO\ving questions: tion of equilibrium conditions. The complexity of the environment and +\1(lill phenomena that occur over long time scales be adequately sampled the dynamic nature of environmental conditions require additional re­ over appropriate splltial scales? search efforts that are not only long term, but address questions of scale +\\1hat is the spatial and temporal range over which site data can be dependency, complex assemblages of species and their interactions, and legitimately extrapolated, and what methods(s) will be used? the role of humans in the environment. Long Term Ecological Research +How much effort will be required for synthesis and intersite compari­ (LTER) sites offer this important complement to the more traditional son, and has flexibility for subsequent adjustment of observations been types of ecological research, These sites also provide opportunities, con­ incorporated into the design? tacts and infrastructure for multi· and in terdisciplinary research as well as +Have the selected measurements been adequately tested, and have the research across multiple sites (between networks), which is fundamental required precision and frequency of observations been specified? to understanding the environment. Such collaborations are essential for +Does the range of variables selected adequately reflect the full range of the development of sustainable management of our natural resources. driving, state and response variables for the system under investigation? The need for collaborations among the numerous scientists and high­ quality programs that are involved in understanding the vatious areas of 5. Education, Public Relations and Relationships with Decision makers our globe is an even stronger argument for the development of a world­ +ILTER sites should be used as sources of information for formal wide network of LTER sites and programs. As a result of an international higher education and interdisciplinary curricula development meeting in 1993 to focus exclusively on networking of long-tenn ecologi­ +ILTER sites should be used as sources of information for elementary cal research, an International LTER (lLTER) Network was formed with a and secondary school curricula development ruission to facilitate intemational cooperation among scientists engaged in + ILTER sites and networks should provide clear and accurate long-term ecological research. 'information on LTER research to the general public and decision makers TIUrty-nine scientists and administrators representing 16 countries par­ ticipated and developed the initial recommendations for the network. The ILTER Network Committee has continued and broadened its These are repeated here to document the legacy of this acti-vit)' as well as to activities through annual meetings. Follo\ving the initial conference in the evaluate progress for the ILTERNetwork. United States in 1993, meetings have been held in the UK. (1994), Hun­ gary (1995), Panama/Costa Rica (1996), Taiwan (1997), Italy (1998), South 1. Communication & Information Access for LTER Researchers \\1orld- Africa (1999) and the United States (2000). Plans are being made for meet­ wide ings in the United Kingdom (2001) and Canada (2002). The committee +Determine the general connectivity status of I.:IER sites and saen­ has established the following mission statements, based primarily on the tists by country or region 1993 conference: +After completing a connectivity assessment, organize a clearinghouse 1. Promote and enhance the understanding of long-term ecological system to facilitate technology and skills transfer between sites phenomena across national and regional boundaries; +Create an information server on the global Internet to provide world­ 2. Promote comparative analysis and synthesis across sites; wide access to information and data relevant to international long-term 3, Facilitate interaction among participating scientists across disciplines ecological research and sites; +Establish an international LTER (II.:fER) server access mechanism 4. Promote comparability of observations and experiments, integra­ (or mechanisms) for researchers in regions presendy \vithout access to the tion of research and monitoring, and encourage data exchange; international Intemet 5. Enhance training and education in comparative long-term ecological research and its relevant technologies; 2, Developing a Global Directory of LTER Research Sites 6. Contribute to the scien tific basis for ecosystem management; +Develop minimum site capabilities or standards for inclusion in an 7. Facilitate international collaboration among comprehensive, site-based, ILTER directory long-term, ecological research programs; and +Identify existing and potential LTER sites worldwide 8, Facilitate development of such programs in regions where they cur- +Create both electronic and hard copy versions of an ILTER directory rently do not exist. to be updated regularly The ILTERNetwork Committee identified a number of target regions +Form a directory working group to help define tasks and secure fund- 4 to focus on during the first decade. Substantial progress has been made as demonstrated in the current map of countries that have LTERNetworks, +Climate change; and those near to receiving formal recognition and establishment of their +Impact of pollutants and toxic chemicals. Networks and countries that have expressed an interest and are pursuing A variety of GTOS demonstration projects will be undertaken to dem­ the development of a LTER Network (fig. 2). This list is very dynamic and onstrate the value of linking the current terrestrial observation networks. is continually updated. It is presented here to demonstrate the remarkable The first is a project on global net primary productivity (NPP), which is a progress made from the initial 3 countries in 1993 to the status of the key variable in climate change modeling. Global NPP values are obtained Network by August 2000. from the new MODIS sensor on the TERRI\. satellite. GTOS and ILTER Each country must assess its own needs and resources if it wishes to sites contribute to validation of the imagery through site measurements involve itself in an ILTER program. Each will have a unique set of oppor­ of rainfall, temperature, soil water holding capacity and nitrogen content, tunities and limitations that are best evaluated by the scientists and policy land cover, and leaf area index. A second related project is the Terrestrial makers of that country. The typical procedure for a country is for the Carbon
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