Mammal Survey Pol'ana (Slovakia) 2005 5
MAMMAL SURVEY POL 'ANA (S LOVAKIA ) 2005 RESULTS OF TEN DAYS ’ FIELD WORK RAPPORT 2009.23 Juli 2009 Uitgave van de Veldwerkgroep van de Zoogdiervereniging MAMMAL SURVEY POL 'ANA (S LOVAKIA ) 2005 RESULTS OF TEN DAYS ’ FIELD WORK Editors Jan Buys Jeroen Willemsen Translations Karin de Bie Authors Jan Boshamer Jan Buys Annemarie van Diepenbeek Rob Koelman Jeroen van der Kooij Rudy van der Kuil Kees Mostert Janny Resoort Froukje Rienks Kamiel Spoelstra Anke van der Wal Jeroen Willemsen Illustration on front cover Froukje Rienks Photographs Jan Boshamer Jan Buys Jeroen van der Kooij Rudy van der Kuil Janny Resoort Kamiel Spoelstra Joost Verbeek Anke van der Wal Uitgave van de Veldwerkgroep van de Zoogdiervereniging Rapport 2009.23 Arnhem, juli 2009 ISBN: 978-90-79924-12-7 All publications of the Veldwerkgroep can be downloaded free of charge from our website: The English page of the website contains all publications in English: SUMMARY by: Jan Buys and Jeroen Willemsen From July 27th until August 4th 2005, the Veldwerkgroep (VWG) of the Dutch Mammal Society (Zoogdiervereniging) paid a visit to the Pol’ana Biosphere reserve in Slovakia. A workshop in the summer is a traditional part of the VWG’s yearly program, aimed at surveying mammal species which are rare or absent in the Netherlands, and to extend and exchange knowledge of survey methods and species. Secondly, these workshops abroad aim to enlarge the knowledge of presence and abundance of mammals, and to a lesser extent of other fauna groups, in the area visited.