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Download Versions, and for Further Analysis of the Zero Project, Visit 2016 Focus: Education and Information & Communication Technologies International study on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Innovative Practices, Innovative Policies, and Social Indicators from more than 150 countries Content ACRONYMS ............................................................. 4 FOREWORD Martin Essl, Founder, Essl Foundation ................................... 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................... 6 MAPS: INNOVATIVE PRACTICES AND POLICIES Authors: World ......................................................................... 14 Michael Fembek Europe ........................................................ 16 Ingrid Heindorf Wilfried Kainz SUCCESS STORIES. 18 Amelie Saupe SECTION 1: SOCIAL INDICATORS ........................ 20 Zero Project Director: World map: Social Indicators ............................................ 30 Michael Fembek SECTION 2: INNOVATIVE PRACTICES 2016 This publication was developed with contributions from Ingrid Heindorf and Overview. 32 Pierre Al-Hammoud (Policy research); Amelie Saupe (Indicators research); Factsheets of all Innovative Practices, listed by country A–Z ....... 37 Manuela Krivda, Pascal Laun, and Clara Pitzinger (Practice research); Doris Life Stories ............................................. 44, 62, 84, 106, 135 Neuwirth (coordination); Christoph Almasy (design); and John Tessitore (editing). SECTION 3: INNOVATIVE POLICIES 2016 ISBN 978-3-9504208-0-7 Overview. 134 Factsheets of all Innovative Policies, listed by country A–Z ........ 136 © Essl Foundation, January 2016. All rights reserved. Life Stories ................................................................ 162 First published 2016. Printed in Austria. ANNEX Published in the Zero Project Report series: Acknowledgements ...................................................... 165 Zero Project Report 2015: Independent Living and Political Participation Table: Main results of Social Indicators by question ................ 166 Zero Project Report 2015 Austria: Selbstbestimmtes Leben und Politische Teilhabe Table: All results of Social Indicators by regions ..................... 167 Zero Project Report 2014: Accessibility Table: All answers by country. .168 Zero Project Report 2013: Employment Table: Overview of Innovative Practices ............................... 172 Table: Overview of Innovative Policies. 174 Disclaimers Zero Project Research Network 2015–2016 .......................... 175 The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Essl Foundation or the Zero Project. The designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatso- ever on the part of the Essl Foundation concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. For more information on the report, to download versions, and for further analysis of the Zero Project, visit For information or copies, contact: [email protected] Essl Foundation, Aufeldgasse 17-23, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria 2 3 “For a World without Barriers” FOREWORD BY MARTIN ESSL Founder, Essl Foundation The Zero Project is working for a world with NGOs, foundations, academics, business zero barriers. Worldwide, the Project Identifies leaders, and many others – both with and and shares models that improve the daily lives without disabilities. and legal rights of all persons with disabilities, as well as develops and researches Social Further, this year the Zero Project will be work- Indicators that measure the implementation of ing even more closely with some of our leading the United Nations Convention on the Rights partners. Together with the United Nations of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). Department of Economic and Social Affairs/ Division for Social Policy and Development, we This is a special year for the Zero Project, as will be contributing to the Habitat III Confer- it represents the completion of our first four- ence on Urban Development in Quito, Ecuador, year research cycle. In 2012–2013 we decided in October by collecting best practices on to focus our annual research on a single accessible and inclusive urban development. overarching topic identified in the UN CPRD. And jointly with the European Association of To this end, we started with Employment Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, and followed with Accessibility (2013–2014), we will be publishing in April a report on best Independent Living and Political Participation practices in early childhood interventions. (2014–2015), and, now, we conclude with Education (which we have augmented with All this being said, I must emphasize that the a focus on information, communication, and Zero Project is not just about research. It is technology). about change – that is our core mission. For us, it is the difference that the ZeroProject actually Since 2013 we have researched more than makes for individuals that is our highest goal, List of Acronyms ITU ..........International Telecommunication Union 300 Innovative Practices and Innovative and in which we take our greatest pride. And, LCD .........Liquid Crystal Display Policies, and each year we have researched happily, we can already tell you quite a lot about $ ............US Dollars Ltd. ..........Limited (registered company) € ............Euro MP ..........Member of Parliament 30 Social Indicators in more than 150 coun- these. We have collected some of the anecdo- £ ............British Pound N/A ..........Not available or not answered tries. The number of people in our network of tal evidence to share with you both here, in this ADA .........Americans with Disabilities Act NFC .........Near-Field-Communication experts, both with and without disabilities, who Report, and on the Zero Project Website. ALS .........Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis NGO .........Non-Governmental Organization contribute their knowledge and expertise now ASEAN ......Association of Southeast Asian Nations OECD .......Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development CBR .........Community-based rehabilitation OHCHR ......Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights exceeds 3,000. With an ever-growing percent- Not only the Zero Project, but also the Essl CEO .........Chief Executive Officer p. ............Page age of network members having disabilities, Foundation itself is fully committed to actual CRPD ........see UN CRPD PWD .........Person with Disability this is, surely, a case of ”Nothing about us and sustainable change. We have continuously CV ...........Curriculum Vitae, resumé ® ............Registered Trademark DAISY .......Digital Accessible Information SYstem SDG .........Sustainable Development Goals without us!” supported social entrepreneurs since 2008, DPI ..........Disabled Peoples`International TM ..........Trademark, Brandname protected both financially and non-financially, and, since DPO .........Disabled People Organization TVET ........Technical vocational and educational training To all of you, I should like to convey, as al- 2012, have had a clear focus on start-up EAA .........European Accessibility Act TU ...........Technical University, Technische Universitaet ways, my heartfelt thanks, and especially to organizations that support the employment EASPD ......European Association of Service Providers UD ...........Universal Design EFC .........European Foundation Centre UK ...........United Kingdom our operational partners at the World Future of persons with disabilities in the open labour ENAT .......European Network of Accessible Tourism UN ...........United Nations Council, the European Foundation Centre, and market. ENIL .........European Network for Independent Living UN CRPD ....United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with the more than 100 other partner organizations EU ...........European Union . .Disabilities that support us. Our thanks, once again, to all who have helped e.V. ..........eingetragener Verein (registered Association) UN DESA ....United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs f., ff. ..........following page, following pages UNDP ........United Nations Development Programme make the Zero Project a success. G3ICT .......Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs UNESCO ....United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization This year’s Zero Project Conference, which GAATES .....Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments UNICEF ......United Nations Children’s Fund for the third year running was held at UN ICT ..........Information and communication technologies UNRWA ......United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees iPad .........Tablet Computer, Trademark of Apple Computers . .in the Near East Headquarters in Vienna, brought together IT ............Information & Technology US, USA .....United States of America some 500 participants from around the IDA ..........International Disability Alliance VET .........Vocational and educational training world, including representatives of Innovative IE ............Inclusive Education W3C .........World Wide Web Consortium Practices and Policies, decision-makers and IFES .........International Foundation for Election Systems WFC .........World Future Council INEE .........Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies WCAG 2.0 ...Accessibilty Standard for Web applications opinion leaders, international organizations, Martin Essl,
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