WATS Report June 30, 196J(. ptn - July 1, 1961j. am M* King HOLLY SPRINGS, MISS. 1:00 am Prom R. Weil, Jackson, latest rpt. A white man, frequently seen hanging around SNCC activity in Holly Springs, accosted Larry Rubin June 30 as he and seven others, including Peter Cummings, were passing a gas station near the office. The man, who was standing in the gas station, started out with an empty coke bottle toward the group. He jumped between Rubin and the others and "cursed, shoved and grabbed him by the throat." He is quoted by Rubin as saying he was going to get a 12 gauge shotgun, and, "I'm gonna shoot up your office tonight." Walter Evans, a student at Rust College, called the police. Two cars of police and the mayor came to the rest­ aurant Rubin and the group had left when intercepted, and searched everyone in the restaurant. Rubin called the FBI in Holly Springs, told them he can identify the white man. When police were asked for protection, they said they couldn't give any. Incident occurred about 8:00 pm; police protection was asked at about 8:30 pm. No one in that group was hurt. It was reported the same white man roughed up an el­ derly Negro who later passed by the same gas station. Earlier report about whites circling office with guns is untrue. # JACKSON Press conference. Prom R. Weil Moses was apparently misquoted in at least one network broadcast fol­ lowing an afternoon press conference. The network is supposed to have said we were calling off the Southwest project. What Moses actually siaid (policy) was: that we would try to send in some staff; and that a decision about volunteers would be made later. There is no basis for a report that we were cancelling that project. # Jackson: taken by Brenda Travis A car load of whites were circling the Jackson office with guns. Bob Weil was tal king with a private detective on last report.

T chula: 8:30pm Two highway patrolman drove to the front of the house of David HoaCward They shined their 1 ights in the horse and asked for Joe Bingham (xn fact, Steve Bingham) a summer volunteer. 'Ikkkkkkkk They said they w anted to give him protection* Binghiam,they say, had set up so$e kind of office unknown to SNCC Thpeoplee patrolma, but nhe tolwads Mrnot. Raphein thel Hayeoffices .tha t the patrolman was supposed to meet Bingham at a Sanctified Church at 8:30. The license plates of the patrolmen were MHPlil and MHP52. One of their names was Bob Liston. When patrolmen asked Mr. Hayes about Bingham he told them that he did n*bt# live there*

Cleveland, Miss. Two cars have been riding around the Cleveland SNCC office ever since the volunteers arrived from Oxford/ last week. One of the cars is a white '59 Pord, license number 6^695. The second car is a two tone green and white Plymouth with a white top, no license plate. WATS REPORT: Wednesday, July 1> 196k unofficial report

Chicago: Bernard Lafayette o Last night a rally was held on the corner of U7th and S, Park. Police had Mkkfekb Negro informers circulating through the crowd to let them know who leaders were* They then arrested leaders* Larry Landry, Stanley Branch, Marion Barry, Jerry McWater (chairman of action for Chic* SNCC) and eight others were arrested* After the arrests people gathered in greater numbers and marched to the jail where those arrested were being held. They sat in the streets and more were arrested, bringing the number to 100* All were released on $25 bond. Trial will be this morning, ftkfekfekCharge s on all are disorderly conduct.

Mass rally is planned for Thursday fekfekkk^k late afternoon. Mrs* Hamer will be speaking, •SWMBS-

Jackson: Bob Byers 5J10 pm Clarksdale : last night Mr. Samuel Houston, a Freedom Democratic Party candidate for congress, was arrested last night for drunken driving, carrying a concealed weapon (a pistol) and improper license. He is in jail now* Bail has been set at $170, trial is set for tomorrow at °am»

Tchula: 3pm Bob Berger (summer volunteer) Highway patrolmen B.C. Glenn, Greenwood Highway Patrol was looking for Steve Bingham again today. He said "We're going to give him protection whether he wants it or not because of calls^rom Washington," The highway patrolmen were not in uniform;;,-...The. belief is that if they find Steve they'll stick to him*

Chicago: The trial of the 100 arrested today pas continued until August 11*

Trial of Marion Barry: trial was held at the Federal court, Northern District of Illinois, Chief Justice Campbell presiding. Marionfe lawyers were Charles Markel and Frank Anglin. The lawyers filed a denial of charges and included history of S^CC and Marion's role in SNCC. All that pertained to SNCC was stricken from the records* When the judge asked how Marion pled Anglin said guilty* Marion was surprised and upset and kkkfelklfcb during a ten minute recess., discussed the plea with Anglin and warkel who was also upset. Anglin inferred that ifi Marion would plead guilty that the judge would let the case go. The judge also inferred this when they got back into court. Marion pled not guilty, however an d asked for a jury trial which had earlier been waved. The judge suggested that he kkkkfeM would be available if Marion wanted to discuss his plea, Marion feels that if he has trouble with the lawyers on his plea that foewil l try to get different ones* His trial will be in October. -JHHBHWHS-

New York and Jackson: Today's New York Journal American carried a front page story about a new party being started by Malcolm X, the Organization of African American Unity* Amongst the alleged aupjriBrters of this group are John Lewis, Gloria Richardson, Larry Landry, and Jesse Gray* John was questioned about the article which was written by Martin Arundel, a syndicated columnist, and John said that he had heard nothing about the whole thing before we mentioned it to him. He is going to make a state­ ment kkkfciskfclchk, repudiating the column and stating his position* NOT FOR RELEASE Reported by M &ing to John Doar 6:01 pm 7A/6I4.

Reported two rumorss 1. Prom Ed King. Negro woman at Tougaloo was told by her sister-in-law from Vicksburg who was told by her husband who was told by a white man in Vicksburg who belongs to a labor union there, that at the last meeting ©f the union, (last Thurs or Prl), some of the union members who are also Klan members, were talking about Phila. Some of them said the three had been killed and their bodies had been chained together. The bodies were then dropped in the new Ross Barnett reservoir on the Pearl River, probably on the closed section of the Matches Trae® south of the highway 16 cutoff to Canton In Madison Co.

2. Prom a white contact in Phlla, A Negro woman, the contact in Phila. that the Meridian people were using as their contact to get the Mt Zion church turned into a community center, had a bottle thrown through her window on the night the three dispappeared, 6/21, at 6:00 pm, with a note reading, "you are next, nigger," Gt£MUJ- G^Sic- QOLUJ&. ~Vo %am (taker, by Ron Carrer from Margaret Rose in Jackson) At 1:55am Vicksburg time there was a lead bang outside the Vicksburg Freedom H»use* There had been a great deal of telephone harrassment during the day. In response t© a call to the local police department after the noise was heard five police appeared at the House and offered protection to the workers*. •JHBBHt

Albany, Georgia: Lon Harris Last evening after the passage and signing of the civil rights bill the following restaurants were tested and desegregated: Albany: Howard Johnsons, Holiday Inn, Krystals, Toddle House, New Albany Hotel, 'Gordon Hotel, two Davis Brothers restaurants, James Rivers Motel, and Gargano's, Thomasville: Plaza Grill, Rose Theatre, one drive in, two other restaurants. Americus: Kartin Theatre. Slater King, leader of the Albany Movement said,"I am very happy to see that the restaurant owners and managers of the newljr opened facilities in Albany were being guided by reason and common sense, rathen than emotion." Reverend Wells commented, "The demonstration of the managers and owners of public facilities where we sought service responded so well it gives us new hope that we can do things in a (in Albany) quiet and peaceful atmosphere."

Att. C.B. King, Candidate for Congress from the second district said, "It is gratifying to believe, based upon what is now in evidence, that we are becoming a nation of laws, rather thajj men." WATS REPORT: July % 196k unofficial report taken by Karen Haberman

Jackson : 3:U$/from Hunter Morey (he received info, from Scott Smith, Canton) Skkk Smith called in to Jackson firstat 2:00am and then again at 2:20am.. He rep orted that a city police car was cirling the office playing loud music over a loud speaker* They also had the siren going, ^he noise was aimed at the C0F0 office in Canton* Talked to Smith aga n at 2:ii0am and said that they now had only the blue light flashing. Smith recognized both officers in the car as people he had seen before on the night shift* He only knew one by name and that was officer Allen*kktfeh Jackson reported that it had called the local (Jackson) FBI and gotterc no answer* They then called agent Helgeson who said that he would check into the report* All attempts to reach local law enforcement people in Canton were fruitless,. The highway patrol was also called and they could not reach any of the local law enforcement people on their radios. When we talked to Smith at 2:k$ the harassment had stopped.

During the day certain cars paeskk by the Canibon office and most of the cars had some type of tall kkkeaerial. The cars developed kfekk a pattern each day and the Canton office has the license numbers of most of the cars. The list is in Jackson* The cars belong to known White dlliasMM. Citizens Council members in the area. The feeling is that since ears with aerials have been sighted in other parts of the state the WCC may have a whole network of radio^ contacts and^ can call throughout the state.

§il$&kl#kfokk*t^ Smith also reported that he had seen tap wires on the phone junction boxes outside of town. He feels that this is why they will not let any other Negroes have phones (i.e* it will make problems when they have to change taps). He says that when they get harassment calls they come so close together that a person wouldn not ftkkk have time to dial so he thinks they have some way to make the phone ring. He also said that another worker lost 3 dimes in the phone and when he mentioned it over the phone later that he was going to report it to the FBI that his dimes returned. Smith also said that he passed the local Gun Club and saw the same WCC people testing their walkie talkies. When they saw him they tried to hide them. •/WHHS" Meridian: 3:)r5am (Atlanta time) Bob Gore of CORE reported that after a mass meeting there a white girl threw a bottle at a Negro girl kkH which cut her leg. The Negro girl kkk is $Laia Waterhouse of Meridian. The trial of the white girl is tomorrow.. Hunter $$orey sent a lawyer to the trial to protect David Kotz, C0F0 wtsrker, who was a witness. The lawyer is from the LCDC* / Jackson received the report at 12:10 their time).

Jdakkenn: ^Ll: 5>0am lolly Springs: Larry Rubin 22, of 5300 W.. EOxford, Philadelphia, Pa.., yesterday filed a complaint with the Justice of She Peace Sam Coopwood, kfekikkk for assault and battery against Robert Walker, 30, a Marshall County kJfckfak plumber. Walker has been freed on JlOOO bond* The case will go to the grand jury in August* In Rubin's complaint .labin alleges tat Walker rabbed him on the shoulders near the throat shook, cursed, yslled at threatenede to shoot both him and his office with a 12 guage shot gun a id also threatened twice to throw a bottle at the group with which Rubin was talking. The incident happened at 8pm on Tues. June 30 at a Texaco station adjoining the SNCC office at 100 Rust Ave., Holly Springs. It was witnessed by severaj. summer volunteers and RRust College students. Rubin is scheduled to talk with FBI men today* He was walking from a restaurant to the office when the incident occurred* He has been working in voter registration activities.

They want us to call the Philadelphia papers and make sure they have the story.

Justice of the Peace in Holly Springs is also the Mayor. John Herbers will be in Holly Springs to talk with people/ For WATS report To Dinky from Jim, July 2, IX$$ pm. Hew York

Janes Forman, Executive Secretary SNCC. witnesses signing of civil rights bill* Format! left Jackson this morning to attend a meeting of the Council of United Civil Rights Leadership in New York* As the meeting was about to begin at 3 pa* the Council received an invitation to attend the signing of the bill* They flew to Washington D.C* at ktk$ pm to attend the ceremony. Present to witness the event were: Randolph, M.L.King, Witney Young, Roy Wilkins, Dorothy Height, Burke Marshall, Katzehbaeh, Bobby Kennedy, Lee White, Louis Martin (Presidential aide) and Jim*

After ihe ceremony the group met with the President and there was a general discussion of the biH* They then went back to new york and the Council meeting will resume tomorow (Friday) morning at 9 sua- As Jira has a TV shot* on Sunday, he will probably remain In I»Y» for the weekend* WATS Report unofficial *-«port Wens, , Mmm 5* 196%


John Doar was called in D.C. and said he'd investigate. New Orleans F.B.I, was called and said (Agent Walker) that it would be reported. Jackson office C0F0 requested an arrest uned Title One of the new Civil Pights Bill, Kinderman's phone 601 - 863-ol31* police: 8634j.211,Sheriff: un3-1331 Harrison County

F From Jimi Received by Dinky -Wejf-Y-ork: W&f&BAg&oa; Forwah left Jackson this morning to attend a meeting of the Council of United Civil Rights Leadership in New York. As the meeting was about to begin at 3pm, the Council received an invitation %« to attend the signing of the bill* They flew to Washington D*C. at h''k^ pm to attend the ceremony; Present to witness the eventw- were: Randolph, M.L* King, Whitney Young, Roy Wilkinf,, Dorothy Height, Burke-t Marshall, Katzenbach, Bobby Kennedy, Lee White, Louis Martin and Forman,

After the ceremony the group met with the President and there was a genr eral discussion of the bill.

They then went back to New York and the Council meeting will resume tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9pm. As Jim has a tv show on Sunday, he will probally remi&n in N.Y. for the weekend.

Ehfield: J.V. Henry : Robert Shield of Scotland Neck resigned as chairman of the county board of lectors. He is ano official in the cor. county Wallace for President committee. Wallace got 75*000 s gnaturea, will be listed on the ballot*

r> WATS- Report Friday, July 3, 1961). M. King JAGESPN Mississippi Advisory Committee to U.S.Civil Rights Commission makes five requests. Jackson SNCC office learned today the Mississippi Advisory Committee had made five requests to the U.S.CRC. (NOT FOR RELEASE: Request was made in a letter of July 1, copy sent to .) 1. Dispatch of federal marshals immediately into areas where violence has occurred; additional personnel in IT.S.Attorney' s office. 2. Widest possible dissemination of information about the state's deni­ al of civil rights to professional people of Mississippi. The com­ mittee said that many Mississippians did not realize in what a "clo­ sed society" they lived, and were unaware of the deprivation of rights — therefore urged the USCRC to edit and publish brochures, etc. and send to all professional people in state. 3. Recommended w itholding of federal funds where there was acknowledged discrimination. ij.. Urgently requested a public hearing to be conducted by the CRC in the state. 5. Requested that officials of the USCRC be present at the offices of circuit clerks (vote registrars in Mississippi) to observe and wit- ne s s TT NOT FOR RELEASE YET: GREENWOOD Congressmen Witness SNCC worker's Tenth Try at Registering. Representatives Ryan, Hawkins and Burton visited the circuit clerk's office in Greenwood today. Mary Lane, SNCC, returned to the office today to find out results of her 9th attempt to register. She was informed she failed, and took test for tenth time. The Congressmen talked with four local lawyers who were called in by Registrar Martha Lamb for about 20 minutes. Ryan asked to see records of Mary Lane's 9th try, and asked her to let him know results of 10th attempt. All the Congressmen agreed there was discrimination in the procedures. S JACKSON NAACP BOARD TO MAKE TOUR Announced here Wed., July x •chat members of the NAACP national board would tour Mississippi cities Sunday - Jackson, Meridian, Pascagoula, Moss Point and Clarksdaie. #

TCHULA - Earlier report on arrest of volunteer false.JL "T, « iZ-vif 9-j. T?W_ ft % v^>c^ MERIDIAN - Walton Hackman, 26, from. Lansdale, Penn. (Eastern Mennonite College) was driving with Ronnie de Sousa, 2li, from Switzerland, grad student at Princeton in philosophy, Larry Martin, 11, local Negro and Ben Chaney, 11, brother of James Chaney. Pulled up at intersection, stopped for red light, when it turned green they started to go. A car facing them across the road started up despite red light, rammed into them and caused Hackman to ram into a third car. Ben's arm was broken as a result, Hackman and de Sousa scratched. At first witnesses said it was the other car's fault. But after they found out they were v r workers, they changed and said it was Hackman's fault. Hackman was arrested for running a red light and reckless driving. Trial Monday, July 6. Bonded out at $112 each, (?), by other volunteers Now trying to get a lawyer from Jackson. Hackman was driving a VW. # WATS REPORT: FRIDAY, JULY 3, 196U unofficial report

Albany: Don Harris Tomorrow there will be an outdoors rally for C.B. King outside of Albany in the county. Sunday they plan on testing a swimming pool in Tifton. They expect some trouble* •3HBBHBS-

Enfield, N.C„: Mr. Johnson Last night a number of hooded Klansmen drove up and down the highway in Enfield, driving to the fair grounds. There have been estimates as to the numbers of men varying from 3 or it carloads to 30 men. No crosses were burned or damage reported. One man who lives at the edge of Enfield reported that the Klansmen drove by his house blowing their car horns. The activity took place at about 10:30pm, •JHHBBBfr

Greenwood: Dotty Zellner One minor incident took place last night in Greenwood. A number of cars without license plates drove by the church where they were having a mass meeting. When summer worker Eli Zaretsky spoke with a policemen about the cars, the officer spoke to the driver of tee of them and he left* The people in the cars did not cause any trouble*

The Greenwood Freedom School began to operate today. Construction has begun on the bommunity center, A wooden frame with canvas covering will be used to house the center. Voter registration efforts have begun—they are beginning to organize block work and are preparing for a Freedom Day on July 16* •5HHKS-

Pittsburg* Pa,: A demonstration is being held by the Pitt* Friends of SNCC is having a demon­ stration at the Federal building in Pittsburgh. The demonstrators will demand Federal protection in Mississippi, Jt_ *4->i_> I. JSO*. ^\ n /v /\ A /»

Jackson: Dob Byers Dem* Congressmen Augustus Hawkins, 21st District, California,/Negro; William Fitts Ryan, 20th district, New York, Dem,; and Philip Burton, Dem., California! arrived in Jackson, Miss, this morning,» They are in Mississippi to see the Miss* Summer Project in action and though they had wished their trip could be made as quietly^ as possible, their arrival was announced by Gov, Johnson this morninga The group is now on its way to Greenwood, accompanied by Frances Mitchell. The rest of their plans are indefinite^ . • but a press conference has been tentatively set for Sunday at 1pm. -X-X-5H5-

Selma: John Love: k:30pm At about 3:15 pm Selma time Eric Farnum, 19," a white student from Raleigh, North Carolina, was arrested on the charges of disturbing the peace, Farnum had fckKi; been talking with Mary Varela and left her and was picked up while walking down the street* When Julian Bond aalled the jail he was told that ffarnum was being held under $£00 bond and that a white woman had allegedly sworn out a warrant against him for making a pass at her, John Love had still been arable to contact a lawyer at £:i|0pm, but he is going to try and raise* the bond in the community* Sheriff Clark told Julias. that he did not know when Farnum would have his arraignment a» trial, that only the judge knew*

Today the Selma staff leafleted in the county for Freedom Day July 6* WATS REPORT: SATURDAY,JULY k, 196k unofficial report

Selma Alabama: John Love: 7:30pm Local Negro students and adults have come into the Freedom House with reports that in the downtown area local whites, posse, police and sheriff Clark are attacking Negroes, beating them with sticks and clubs, Ehk there was one report that Sheriff Clark hit a Negro woman in the back with a billy club and then hit the man she was walking with* Violence has been directed at the students in the downtown area. Alvery Williams was trying to get some students out of the way of the attackers and Sheriff Clark threw his billy club at him* Bfcfe There was further report of Clark drawing his pistol at Alvery, but not shooting. Some students were mistaken for staff members—one boy was grabbed and called John Love, khfi$ another kk&fikBkkkS grabbed and called Alvery Williams. People are trying to get out of the downtown area and into the ^egro community but are having difficulties* John has advised everyone he has spoken to to keep out of the downtown area and off the streets as much as possible- when necessary he has told people to go out in pairs*

7:&0 called John Doar and reported the situation in Selma* He said that he would call the FBI immediately and then call John Love for more details. 7:5>Opm Alvery Williams was picked up by local police in the Negro neighborhood* He was just walking down the street, most likely back to the freedom house*

During the afternoon when John reported the arrest of the four literacy project members police cars were cruising around the office every five minutes or so.

> Monday will be Freedom Day in Seima: they have been leafleting throughout the county for TUl They will also attempt to set up a mass meeting for tomorrow night—it will be announced in churches tomorrow morning. We will try to get some people into Selma from Mississippi and presshav© been alerted about the situation and the planned freedom day*

Most of the beatings took place where the theatres admitted Negroes. .about 60 were admitted before the manager stopped selling tickets to them, kk She group of Negroes outside the Jfckfckfckk Wilby Theatre were the people who were beaten while they waited to gain entrance to the theatre* -;HHBH:- WATS Report „„.-,, July k, I96J1 late PM OFFICE REFORT FROM J. BONK, TA.K%N FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: JULY 4, 1964 ATLANTA, GA. Four SNCC workers, Matthew Jones, Ch&-i„s Neblett, w"il son Brown, all Negro, and Karen H aberman, white, went to a wii„ Ct>r.« e^~**a by the American Patriots at Atlanta's Lakewood Park. Feature d speakers were local, small-titae racists and Alabama's George Wallace and Mississippi's Ross Barnett. The four entered a large stadium area, took seats (the three Negroes were the only Negroes there) and were me t with a barrage of heavy, steel, f olding chairs, some weilded, others thrown. Miss Haberman was escor ted from the scene by a friendly whi te man, the three Negroes were sever ely beaten, and treated at a local h ospital. Four white men were arr ested and charged with disorderly co nduct. Newsmen who witnessed the beating said the charge should have been "assault" at a minimum and " assault with intent to murder" in a normal situation.

"T.-T yri?R;i C CITY 11:1+5 pm later report from Elizabeth Sutherland MKing The ten persons arrested were released in their own custody. The hear­ ing was set for August 3rd. They were booked and arraignedj charged with loitering and disorderly conduct. The handbills they had been handing out called for a boycott of the Greenwood, Mississippi Band which was playing at the Mississippi Pavillion. They were handing out the handbills on the platform of the subway stop. Elizabeth said the arraignment made the connection to Mississippi perfectly clear. # LAUREL, MISS, (from different sources, uncorroborated) The fxrst report was that there was an "Impending riot." A large group of Negro youths were reported to be walking toward a larger group of whites. This was apparently touched off by two things: First, the attack of two Negro youths were badly injured and hospitalized as a re­ sult of beatings and brick-throwing. The two, Terry Gillum, 16, kl5 - East 3rd Street, Laurel, and his brother Willie Roy, 17, same address, were accosted as they passed a Burger Chef restaurant on the edge of white neighborhood. The attack apparently came because the white thugs thought the Gillums were going to try to integrate the restaurant. Secondly, It is reported that the large group of Negro youths formed in reaction to police response to Lester McKinnie's phone call. The po­ lice apparently disclaimed the matter and hung up on McKInnie. FBI in Jackson and New Orleans notified. Doar suggested the highway patrol be called. That bad already been done. Phones In Laurel: L|.26-65^0 and k26-80l8. Address: 21k North Cook Street. Gwen Robinson was an eye­ witness to the neating. #

Statement of James Forman on events In SELMA today: "For more than three years members of the Student Nonviolent Coordina­ ting Committee have been saying that police brutality is the number one problem in the deep South. We have stated publicly that we feel the greatest hindrance and most massive resistance to the civil rights law will come from southern law enforcement officers. Today in Selma, Alabama we witnessed such action." WATS LINE REPORT: July 4, 1964 4:00 am Grogan/King .. (A) HATTIESBURG; 575 Sign Up For Freedom Schools (reported by Bill Light) SNCC office in Hattiesburg reports that by Thursday, July 2, 575 prospective students had registered for the five freedom schools about to open in the area. The students range in age from 8 to 82 years. The first to register wasan old man of 82 who has taught himself to read and write. He now wants to learn how to pass the voter registra­ tion test. The Freedom Schools will be staffed by at leats 33volunteer teach­ ers. Local teachers are also being recruited to help out. Several voter registration workers and office workerd in Hattiesburg project have offered to help in night time teaching to alleviate the shortage of teaching staff for this unexpectedly large number of students. During the past two weeks, voter registration workers in Hatties­ burg passed out Freedom School r applications as they canvassed the Negro coinminity. On one day alone last weeek 175 of these forms were mailed into the SNCC office. As the students registered at one of the 6 registration centers set up in the local churches, they checked off their choice of courses. The youngest group, aged 8 to 12, have no choice. They will all follow one curriculum which includes the following sub­ jects: language arts, reading writing spelling (2) Negro history (3) General mathematics. Those 13 and over could choose three courses from among the following: (1) language arts including not only basic skills but creative writing and pblic speeking as well (2) related Ameri­ can history, a course which will correlat4 general Am. history with Mississippi history and Negro history. (3) Social Studies a course which will include studies of the Mississippi and U.S. Constitution as well as some local and national geography. (4) Science survey course (5) general mathematics. The courses for the older age groups will be repated during a two-hour night session. However, the approach to the subject matter may be somewhat modified. As the night sessions are geared for adults. About 1/3 of the registratns are over 35. The night session will also contain courses in advanced science and math and in typing. More than 25 typewriters have been secured but many more are needed to cope with the flood of people who wish to learn to type. Morning classes run from 8 to 11 am, evening classes from 7:30 to 9 30 pm. For those who wish to participate, there will also be programs scheduled for the hot afternoons. Informal discussion groups on social topics, selected by the young people themselves, entertainment, movies, etc, are tentatively planned for this time. Although the Freedom School registration books have had to be closed because of the unexpectedly large number of applicants, many people continue to phone in requests to be admitted. The staff is con­ sidering opening registration for the second session scheduled to begin in foru to five weeks.

RULEVILLE: JULY 3 FOUR U.S. CONGRESSMEN PAID AN UNANNOUNCED VISIT TO A MASS MEETING SPONSORED BY THE SNCC SUMMER PROJECT AND THE RULEVILLE CITIZENSHIP CLUB. The Congressmen, Rep. William Fitts Ryan of NY's 20th District(D), Rep. Den Edwards, Californias 9th District (D. San Jose), Rep Gus Hawkins, Calif 21st District (D. Los Angeles) and Rep. Philip Burton, Calif 5th District (D. San Francisco) joined in the singing of freedom songs, and gave speeches of encouragement to the audience of 125. The meeting was held at 8 pm at Williams Chapel Baptist Church} only a week and a half earlier a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the churst and tonight the Congressmen walked up the still charred steps. John Lewis, Chairman of SNCC, introduced three of the lie- lators; Len Edwards, a SNCC summer volunteer , working in the Rulw- ville project and a 2nd year law student at the U. of Chicago, intod- duced his father, Congressman Edwards. Mrs. Irene Johnson, Presi­ dent of the Ruleville Citizens Club, the local CR organisation, chaired the meeting and welcomed the "people we thought x^ould never be here." Ryan, reform Democrat from New York State told the Summer volun­ teers that they were in Mississippi on a " mission of conscience." He told the local Negroes "today we have been traveling in a state particularly to see the people in Miss, who are oppressed. There is no reason why Miss. should not join the rest of the nation in livin up to the ideals of this country." g WATS REPORT: SATURDAY, JULY U* 196k unofficial report

Selma: John Love Yesterday John contacted Att* Chestnut to try to get Eric Farnum out of jail. When the two went to the jail the jailor tried to hit John, but missed* He did curse him however* Chestnut was unable to get Farnum out of jail*. Later in the'evening Att* Bruce Boyh&on drew up a writ of habeas corpus but the two judges he called refused to speak with him * John reached Att. Hall today concerning Farnum and expects to hear from him later today* When Farnum was first arrested he was not allowed to see anyone, but later Chestnut was able to see him and he was all right at the tim e* H e had been placed in the cell with Negroes, so staff people are less worried about his safety* They had been concerned about possible brutality while in jail. Last night when some staff members were in town a white man who was slightly drunk came up to them and said that he'thought black people should have equal rights* A group of whites overheard Etim and dragged him into a nearby restaurant, ' beat him and threw him out on the street* He wasthen arrested. Before he was beaten he warned, one dtaff member that we should cancel Monday's scheduled mass meeting because there would be trouble there* Monday is Freedom Day* •JBBBBS-

Jackson: Bob Byers HMly Springs: Last night 200 people attended a mass meeting in Holly springs, the largest number yet to attend* •3BBBBBS-

NEW YORK From Giss arezvsky MK 9 people arrestod at a subway station outside of entrance leading to World's Fair at about 2-3:30 including Julio Prottyman. Also: Carol Rogoff, Luvaughn Brown. They had gono there to distirbute leaflets and were expecting to be arrested since some high school kids who went there yesterday to leaflet were immediately stopped by a Transit Authority policeman. Forcibly ejected from subway station, went back and were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and tresspassing. Fair sup­ posedly has a designated area whore loafloting can take place; high school kids had been asked to distribute. Only appropiaite place was TA boardwalk which has policy against distribution. Court ruling in 50's that so long as material is non-commercial, can distribute. They aro the police station being booked, will go to night court later tonight, Lawyer Jerry Kresner, state assemblyman. •SBBBBBS-

Selma: John Love : U?50pm Kkk All of the people on the tutorial k-kkkkk project except Mary Varela were arrested this afternoon within the last half hour* They have also been arresting Negro youngsters kkkSshfekkfekkkkfckkkkkb attempting to integrate the Wilber Theatre in Selma (John is not positive if that is the correct name of the theatre). S. number of kids decided to go to the show and attempt to sit downstairs- there was no organization involved. John has no indofrmation about the literacy project people other than that they are in the county jail. He will call down to the county jail now* The boys in the literacy project are Silas Norman and James Wiley* The girls are Karen House and Carol LawS0n* All are Negro* They are being held under $500 cash bond on the charges are tresspassing (we believe they might have been in the theatre). KkkkkkhKkkk John called the county jail and recieved the above information concerning Karen and assumes it applies to all four. The car bel§n|nin^ to one of the four was parked about two blocks from the theatre and John saw the police towing it away* He believes they didn't want anyone to know the four had been arrested* Selma: Mary Varela: 6:30pm Corrections on above report: l,we believe that only k were arrested- the four from the literacy project- people as far as we know. 2*location: they were arrested at or near the Thirsty Boy drive-in restaurant. 3.Charges: Mary Varela: Tresspassing and carrying a concealed weapon: $1000 bond Mary is 21, Washington, D.C., graduate of Howard. Jim Wiley, born Selmaj lives Gary, Indiana, 21, Harvard U.j tresspassing and resisting arrest: $1000 Carol Lawson, 19, Bronx, Howard U,j tresspassing: $500* Silas Norman: 23, Augusta, Georgiaj grad.student in medical micro­ biology at U* of Wisconsin: tresspassing: $500,

Attorney Hall has been contacted about the cases. Most likely the four will remain in jail until Monday* Mary will attempt to raise bond money* I also contacted Att. Solomon Saey in Montgomery who has names of Mary and John Love: he can be used in case of emergencies when Att. Hall can not be reached* Will try to get Att. Chestnut of Selma to see the four tomorrow. WATS Report -.... July tj., 1961). 3:00 am M. King AMERICUS, GEORGIA - SNCC WORKER BEATEN AFTER INTEGRATING RESTAURANT From John Perdew^at, 23Gq S • KO^S&K. t '£&A,\wr'fj=bi - -nOwturf OfciV. Integrated group ate at Hasty House (Meadowbrook Lane, Americus) tonite Included Perdew, Robt. Mants, Willie Ricks, Graham Wiggins, two others. When they left the restaurant, a mob of about 20 to 25 to 30 white men who had been slowly gathering as they were inside the restaurant, star­ ted to attack the car the SNCC workers climbed into. Everyone got in­ to the car except Perdew. The driver apparently panicked when the whites started reaching in the windows hitting them, and when one man broke a rear window with a crowbar. The car drove off leaving Perdew faced w ith mob. "As I came out of the door (last) I was met by a sizeable guy who slugged me and knocked me to the ground. He started kicking me in the head. Another joined him kicking me in the head." - Perdew. He started walking away and heard a policeman yell Stop. The policem­ an barely kept the crowd at bay, and called Sargeant Bowens. When the second police car arrived, Perdew asked for protection, and for a ride to safety. The cop said,"Well, we can't give you a ride in a police car." Both cars then drove off. Perdew had asked k policeman to accompany him to pick up the pieces of his eyeglasses which had been knocked off at the first blow. Cop re­ fused. Started walking into town when a black compact car pulled up and two whites got out and started beating him again. Same pattern - knocked in head and to the ground, kicked in head and back, etc. After that car left, the white 63 plymouth or Chrysler (license 31-1^50) which played an important role in gathering the thugs together in the first place and circled as he was being beaten, pulled up and two whites got out and started beating him all over again. They tripped him to the ground, kicked in head, otc. The black compact accosted him again across from the bus station. And again the police appeared - first one car and then the sgt. was called. The cops listened to the whites cursing Perdew and "oasually quieted" them down. The sargeant spoke with the whites and then with Perdew, implying to Perdew that Perdew had assaulted the others, and asking if Perdew had any witnesses. This time they allowed Perdew to get in the police car, drove him to station. There they made him wait 10-15 min­ uted before allowing him to make aphone call. When Perdew was allowed to use the washroom, Officer T.H.Smith told him,"Clean up the washroom, we don't want any of your damn blood on tho washbowl." A white crowd gathered at the station, came In, and several paraded back to see tho damage donw to Perdew. He recognized some of them as having been on the scone when ho was being beaten. Perdew told tho assistant chief of police he wanted to file charges. Cop said ho couldn't got tho names of assailants until the police re­ port was filed in the morning. Ricks came and got him from the station. Perdew called FBI agent Marion Cheek in Albany, who said he had to check with his chief due to new legislation and that Perdew would hear from him. PERDEW WANTS HIS CONGRESSMAN BYRON ROGERS NOTIFIED. # TIFTON, GEORGIA From Judy Richardson, Greenwood, Similar scene. John Putnam, local Negro went to drive in restaurant. Counter man motioned him from side window to the front. When he fin­ ished receiving order a white man in a group of motorcyclists beat him. SNCCers George Bess and John Washington came to heBcp him. The policeman told them Putnam couldn't take out a warrant unless he knew tb the man's name - and the cop wasn't about to give it. In another part of Tifton a group of (report said 1,000 - suggest it might have been several hundred) whites gathered when a Negro placed an order at an eating establishment. NOTE: Don Harris (in Albany) says It is apparent this will be repeat­ ed over and over again. Nogroos will be served but mobs of whites will gather to boat people or intimidate them. Wants us first to do some followup with Hasty House and then to think about strategy in such cases. Thoro is no staff in southwest Georgia with a camera. They would like a photographer, think it may help, for example, in court. Adds Earlior report from Judy in Greenwood mentioned a GBI agent named Southwell who is reported to havo tripped Perdew or someone else in movement in Americus at police station. Not checked out, # WATS Report July 5, 1961; early am M King CORRECTION ON LAUREL, MISS, From Bob Beyers...Betty Garman At about 7:30 a group of well-dressed Negro teenagers decided to test for public accomodations by attemtping to get service at the Burger Chef - a drive-in in a borderline area, Cook Ave. and Theresa Street. They were met outside by a group of whites who asked, "Where are you going?" The youths answered, "Inside to get a hamburger." The whites said, "You better not go in," and barred them from entering. The whites then asked, "Do you want to fight?" The youths left. They came back a second time at about 8pm. Twelve whites met them at the entrance and a similar exchange occurred. They w ere again barred from entering. The drive-in has one side marked colored, the other unmarked. The Negro youths headed for the unmarked side. They were on foot. There was apparently no management involvement. After being blocked again, the Negroes left. A group of about 20 other Negroes had formed in the area and threatened to start throwing bottles if the others were not let in. The original group of seven came back at about 8:30 and were surrounded by about 25-30 whites when they again tried to enter. The whites said, "Go home Yankees." And a general melee ensued in which Willie Roy Gillum was cut across the chest with a razor blade and his brother Terry was cut on the face. By that time there were about Ij.0-50 whites and around 20 Negroes. The police appeared, closed off the section to traffic and kept the two groups apart. After the situation was under control, a couple of high­ way patrol cars were seen. Two calls had been made to the police when it was obvious there would be this confrontation by the white thugs. One by a local egro woman who didn't want to leave her name! the police refused to take the information. The other by Lester McKinnie. When he refused to give his name and address, the police hung up. Part of the group of 20 Ne­ groes who assembled did so, according to McKinnie in response to this tre atment by the police. The Gillum brothers were taken to Southeastern Benevolent Hospital it is believed since it is the only Negro hospital in town. McKinnie also reported that phone service at a local residence was cut off after he called the Jackson office for the second time on that phone. (Incidentally, McKinnie worked In Laurel back in 1961 when things were getting underway in McComb. That was before or between Nashville. There was direct action on a lunch counter at that time, if I recall what McKinnie told me earlier this year in Oxford, Ohio. —MK) CARTHAGE, MISS. Re: Freedom School From Beyers (info from Samstein, The freedom school opened July 2 with 50 students, 20 more expected, On Tuesday, June 30, the (xrjhite) county school superintendent suddenly called for a summer session only for Negroes. It would have been the first in the memory of local residents. Under Mississippi law, holding summer sessions pre-empts you from having to hold fall sessions in the public schools. From Tuesday until Thursday local citizens had scrubbed down an aban­ doned school building (the school was closed by the county in 1956) and built a library. High enthusiasm in the community was evident. On Thursday, when the school - located in Harmony, Miss. - opened, the sheriff and county supt. told residents they could not use the facility. A "NO TRESPASS" sign was posted and classes moved to a Negro church and private homes. Prior to tho start of public education In Miss., the Negro citizens of Harmony provided the land and property for schools. In the 30's the Rosenwald Foundation gave money for the school. When th' school was incorporated as a public school, Negroes continued on the board of trustees. When the state incprporated the school In 1953 under the county school board, Negro trustees were ousted. In '56 the county closed the school. The county now claims citizens cannot use itj Negroes say it is theirs to do with as they please. Harrassraent bagan Thursday. A cross was burned on the main road of the Negro community Thursday. 5-6 pounds of large roofing tacks were poured on roads of the Negro community Friday night. Police have been shining light in the homes of Negroes. Morale is reported to be very high how­ ever. The summer session is supposed to begin on the 15th. Warnings have been made that those who do not attend would be set back in school. # JACKSON Press conference for the Congressman (Ryan, Hawkins, Burton) Sunday, 12:30 noon at the Jackson airport. They hold an impromptu press con­ ference in Meridian today. # Report July 5* 196J+ before and after midnight Mary King SELMA., ALABAMA presumed JuFavid Prince and Jerry DeMufch, injured by/possemen here tonight. Following amass meeting here tonight at the AME Zion Church on Green Street, the two reporters were attacked and beaten by white men presu­ med to bo part of Sheriff Jim Clark's posse. As they left the church where law enforcement personnel had been present part of the time, they s aw about 60 helms ted possemen. Some had brown uniforms, others plains- clothes, but all had helmets. He took some pictures thon tear gas came. -Prince called to Jerry to get between the builings, when he turned Jer­ ry wasn't there. A spotlight was shone in his eyes and then a shot rang out intended for him and lodged in the house nehind him. His cam­ era was thrown against the house. Later it was smashed. He was assault­ ed and rolled up in a ball. He was hit and kicked in the back and legs. He and Jerry left Selma driving to a sx> hospital in Montgomery. They stopped at a How ard Johnson's on the way, where someone called the po­ lice. They w ere greeted by a Montgomery policeman with two police dogs in the back. -They went to St. Margaret's hospital on the outskirts of Montgomery. By midnight it seemed. Jerry had a gash across the forhead as if from a billy stick, and a slash across his neck which was bleeding badly. His glasses were broken. Prince had some kind of back injury. -Prince described the possemen: some had tear gas masks. Those with masks also had automatic weapons. All however had helmets. -When they arrived in Selma this afternoon they first called the FBI and reported their presence. The FBI man told him he wasn't sure what pro­ tection they could expect from the Sheriff but suggested they call hims They introduced themselves in the office of Sheriff Clark shortly after noon. They are on a Black Star assignment. Both have Atlanta police press credentials, DeMuth is also with Esquire, Prince with Macmillan publishing. In the sheriff's ogfice there were about "20-30 hniformed men." Prince said the second next mad to Clark, who was directing the office appeared embarrassed that the men were talking about beatings. At first it appeared the Sheriff's posse had singled out the reporters. However, three local Negroes were hospitalized as a result of beatings after the mass meeting. Two men, one woman. One was admitted to Bur- ell Hospital in Selma, the other two to Good Samaritan Hosp. in Selma. Nature of injuries and names not known. -John Lewis and Mitchell arived safety. After midnight Lewis and Love were the only ones left In the office,* They reported local people told them the streets had been cleared. Mrs. Boynton reported earlier that she had seen several local Negroes carried b&oody to the hospital. Lewis also said Lingo x^as in town, -DeMuth and Prince had eaten at a restuarant earlier whBre the cook had pulled a large man to the side. They whispered together and pointed to the two reporters. Later Prince recognized the big man as his assailant. When he had Prince on the ground he told him the waitress said Prince had a weapon. The big man took, his wallet. -Prince also reported that two times Sheriff Clark tried to intervene — once when the camera was being smashed?. -He said before he was knocked down he saw the possemen swinging at some women with children. One man with a tear gas mask asked Prince if the Negroes started it. He claimed to be a state inspector, »The SHeriff's men asked to see the press cards again when they left the church. Clark and some of his men watched through the windows during part of the mass meeting. After they got in their car, some law enforce­ ment men told them to get moving and keep going, -At one point P., was knocked in the stomach with a rifle. # WATS REPORT": Sunday, July 5, 196k unoffical report Selma: John Love 10:30am There was more violence through the night in Selma* More students went into the downtown area last night and were beaten* People in the Negro commercial sections were also attacked. One man coming out of a Negro restaurant on broad street was beaten by 6-12 policemen who converged on him an d beat him back into the restaurant* At about 11pm a rally of whites was held at the A& P downtown, and during the evening a cross was burnt on highway kl about 1 mile from the heart of town*. There will be a mass meeting tonight at the Green Street Hall at 7pm*

Selma: John Love: 6:l5pm Benny Tucker was arrested in the downtown area of Selma at about 5pm Selma time* He was dnving a SNCC car kk and was stoppg d and arrested on the corner of Franklin and Alabama* 3&k£ Hfcfe He and John Love had gone downtron to gick up leaflets for the mass meeting and voter registration* The police took the car when they arrested Tucker* The car had a Calif, lisenee on the front, a Georgia on the back and the registration in the glove compartment. or At about 5:15pm Joseph Chapman, a local Selma resident, 27, was arrested. The charges are unknown in both cases,

John reports that a great many whites are milling around downtown, particularly near the Wilby Theatre* Very few Negroes are downtown*

John Doar was called about the arrests and about Freedom Day at 6:25pm,

ALBANY , GEORGIA, taken from Peter Delissovoy, at 6:30 pm. Donald Harris, Randy Battle, Roy Sheilds, and Dale Smith and nine others were arrested for loitering after they tried to enter all- white Tift Park Pool (formerly a public pool) in Albany. Two white SNCCs had gone to the pool first, entered, and reported back by telephone that white men, armed with ball peen hammers, sticks clubs and that life guards had baseball bats. An integrated group of 25 went (including the arestees) and tried to get in. The ticket seller - after a lot of discussion - admitted the pool was private for white people, and that Negroes were not admitted. The group split, half retired, and 13 were arrested for loitering and are being held on $102 bail. C. B. King will defend. Mew Albany number is: HE5-9811.

LAUREL, FROM DOTTIE ZELLNER IN GREENWOOD. Lester McKinnie was arrested in Laurel at 2:00 pm. McKinnie was arrested there in 1962 at the bus station. He was released while his lawyer appealed the case to municipal and county courts, and was rearrested today on the old charge, and told he would have to spend four to six months in jail and pay a fine. Apparently the deadline for appeal has passed - his lawyer was Jess Brown - and Jackson lawyers are working on the case. This is NOT FOR RELEASE. Report July 5-6, 1961). early am Mary King AMERICUS, GEORGIA From Robert Mants Several Negroes (maybe about 8 to 12) were in the Martin Theater. At 9:00pm the manager reported there was a bomb threat and emptied the theater. A mob outside of about 200-300 whites had gathered. About 100 Negroes assembeled, in the same vicinity. Mants called the Ameri­ cus police and FBI agent Cheek in Albany. Mants, Willie Ricks and Sammy Mahone saw people running and heard shots. The police had fired shots into the sir, but in the direction of the legroes. Firemen had a truck out with hoses loose. The hoses were not used. Ricks and Mahone turned the Negroes in toward an impromptu mass meeting. During the mass meeting the mob was still throwing bricks and sticks at passing Negroes and cars striven by Negroes. Two police at the desk didn't even look up, Mants said, when a man reported his back window had been broken. Apparently the police department sent out a dispatch ordering businesses to close and the streets to clear - at least Negro businesses received such notice, Mants: "The situation could well have developed into a riot. If the SNCC workers hadn't come on the scene, there's no telling what might have happened. And there's no way of knowing what's likely to happen next." # LAUREL, MISS. From Garman Two white summer volunteers were picked up and questioned by police, one SNCC worker, and one local Negro Negro detained in connection. At about 7pm Thomas Watts, 35, Berkeley, California and Marcia Ann Moore, 21, Fort Dodge, Iowa were picked up. SNCC worker Gwen Robinson, 19, Negro, Memphis, Tennessee, went to the jail to bring Moore's identification and was held for a short time. Charles Spinks, li|_, Negro, Laurel, was detained for about an hour in connection xtfith the two volunteers» Watts was released. Moore was charged with vagrancy, will be arraigned tomorrow at 3*00. # ALBANY, GA. Trial for "the 13 will be at either 9 s00am or 1:30pm. #' WATS REPORT: JULY 6, 196U vma*£&#ua -report David Prince, St. Montgomory Hospital Jerry DeMuth is doing all right but may have P fractured elbow. They are staying at the hospital until P bone specialist comes in, which should be around 8 M , Selma time.

Prince statedthat the police said they traced Jerry's liscence number and that they discovered that their address xras the SNCC office. Prince also said that he overheard a policeman say that they knew all about the photo project and that *they"knew xJsHfcqpsx what we were doing". MBOTJKEX* Prince'also stated that he saw the polices complete files on SNCC and on the photo project.

Selma: John Love 10am a ten o'clock curfew awas announced last night after the rally. Police and posse went up on people's porches and clubbed them with night sticks if they would not go into the house* They also beat on the doors with their sticks to make people lock them* Chairs were thrown through the windows and screen door of a house next "Ho the hall where the mass meeting kkkfe was held, KkkkkfckEkk Under the curfew people must also turn their lights off at 10pm* After the kkkkkh people left the rally tear gas^ was sprayed inside the church building* Apparently it was believed that people were still there. Cans KkMa of tear gas were found this morning which hkM were marked Federal Laboratory from some city in Pennsylvania* They were marked #112, expiration date August 1967/

Selma: l(p:U0am At the courthouse possemen are posted at the front. When Negrpes walk up they are told they can not come in. If they question the men they are told that if they want to register they kkfe must go around to the back where they are given numbers and sent into the aL]^r to wait. There are possemen posted at the entrance to the alley»kk&kkklt They will not allow anyone to enter the alley who is not there to register* They would not permit James Austin, a resident of Sslma and formerly en SNCC staff, to join the line to attempt to register. It has been estimated that there are about 150 people waiting to register*

Negro trustees from the jail have hbfckkj&feh been given civilian clothes and are out on the streets around the courthouse. There are state troopers in town. Lat night Al Lingo personally closed the South Wind cab stand at 3L0pm in accordance with the curfew* Private clubs such as Elks were also closed, «• '••

Attorney Chestnut has not been allowed to see anyone in jail. We do not know how many local citizens may have been arrested since Friday though we do know that seven SNCC people are in jail, Peter Hall has arrived in town and will try to handle the legal matters, •JBBS*

Washington: ll:l5am John Doar Reported the Selma situation to Doar* He said that the JD has a suit concerning discriminatory practices in voter registration pending with Judge Thomas, Thomas previously refused to set a date for a hearing but the date has now been set for the fall. The misconduct of Selma police is being investigated by JD and they have a suit against all law enforcement authorities in the county which is pending in appeals court. •SBBHKHBHS- WATS REPORT: Monday July 6, 196k unofficial report Boston: Pam Emerson Boston office called John Doar at 12::30pm who told her that it was t^e llt|c call he had received from SNCC people in a couple of hours. He told her that the JD was doing everything they could Detroit: Martha Kocel At 1pm Martha called John Doar person to person. The secretary answered and when she had determined that Martha was calling from SNCC she told her that Mr* Doar was no longer receiving long distance calls, but that he wanted her to know that he was doing everything possible in Selma and that he was keeping in contact with SNCC people there. The Detroit Friends are also calling the UAW and asking them to call sheriff Clarkj UAW will send out an office memofco that effect, so he should receive as many as 50 calls from Detroit/ Ekfe Martha Kocel called Sheriff Clark and talked with his secretary. When she kfekft asked why Negroes were beingfck made to gofehkk to the back of the courthouse the secretary answered that everyone had to*

Selma: 2:30 Mary Varela to Sandra Stovall _^==^^s^» .John Lewis, Francis Mitchell, John Love and James Austin have been arrested. "Between U0 and 50 people were standing on the steps of the federal building. Three young boys with posters went over to the courthouse and were allowed to stand there about 5 minutes. Meanwhile the people at the federal building began to sing and then began moving down the steps* A group of possemen with cattle prodders moved up to meet them and arrested the whole group* •SBBBfr Selma: During an earlier call from Mitchell reported that John and others had headed down to Broad Street and that the office had received a report that white youths were going down theie with bags of rocks„ Report on Selma from Greenwood: Re above arrests: The group was standing on the federal building steps, Lewis, Mitchell, Love and Austin amongst them« Three youngsters went over to the courthous. with signs* The sign was taken from one girl. One boy was arrested. When that happened, the group on the steps began to kkkjta sing. The had been signing for about two minutes when febkkkg sheriff Qlark sh outed through a kkkk horn that everyone would be arrested for disturbing the court which had been in session for 10 min.s A group of posse charged at the federal building arrested the whole group, Mary Varela received a report that when the group was taken around the corner they were beaten with night sticks and cattle prodders were used on them. All newsmen were chased down the street away from the federal building, •JBBBBBBt

Hkkkkkkjfckk Washington, D.C, ftfcKfc: John Doar: 2;l4.5pm Called John Doar and left a report concerning kkkh the arrests in Selma with his secretary. Emphasized that arrests took place on steps of federal building*

Atlanta AP and UPI were called: they already had the story from their men down in Selma* July 6, 196H-»11:30 pm Jessie B. Stellwarth* in early twenties, victim of shooting* Woman shot in Moss Point as she left voter registration mass meeting at Knights of Pythias Hall. Twelve shots were fired from carload of whites. Believe the car was green Comet. She was the only person hit by shots and is now at Singing River Hospital in Pascagoula with wounds in either back or side. Arived at hospital at 9:50 pm, Mississippi time. Police were in meeting until five minutes before the meeting dispersed. Jessie B. Selllwarth was asked by the nurse at the hospital if she had been shot by her father. The nurse then remarked "this happens all the time." John Dohr was called from Greenwood at 9:30 pm, Mississippi time. WATS Report - July $, 196k - Taken by John Perdew 10: rf) pm

Amerjcms, Georgia (Sumter county) NEGRO AND WHITE MOBS FORMING Robert Mants About 1$0 whites are grouped downtown in front of the Martin Theatre, scene of a riot last night* Negroes have been grouping to appose them and dispersing periodically* Mants has helped to disperse them* Police and firamen ase present in the area. Earlier in the day Negroes ate at George's Restaurant and the B&B Restaurant in downtown Americus. There were no incidents.

Atlanta, Ga* July 6, 1Q6U 8:15 Vm John Perdew REPORT TO FBI » I informed agent Charles Haynes of Atlanta FBI that Willie Ricks in Americus had called at 8tC0 pm, had said that Negroes were organizing to meet a white mob tonight* that there was a white mob downtown* size unspecified. I insisted that the very presence of a mob at the site of a public accommodation which Negroes had been using constituted interference with the implementation of the Civil Act of 1°6U. I said I understood that anybody interfering with the implementation of the Act was liable to prosecution* £ claimed that I thought FBI agents should go immediately to the scene and if necessary use their power of arrest to keep the situation under control* Haynes replied that he was not determin ing policy, that it was determined from Washington, and that the policy was not to go ilmto the field and interfere with the actions of local law enforcement officers to keep law and order. I answered that I wasn't sure that law and order would be kept, that my coneern was preventive measures, not post fact* reports* Reminded Haynes that Sunday night the police and firemen had attempted only to disperse the Negro mob and not the whites*

Atlanta, Ga* - July 6, 196k - l©:00pm John Perdew

REPORT TO FBI - Called Albany FBI agent Joseph H. O'Rourke and infermed lion of what Mants had said concerning mobs forming in Americus at the time, O'Rourke said he couldn't act except en orders from Atlanta FBI agent Charles Haynes* When I said I had already talked to him, 0, asked me febaJb he had said. I told him* I emphasized that my concern was prevention of an incident, not reports after the fact. He said he had been informed that the State Patrol had been held in reserve last night In case police couldn't handle the indident, •

WATS REPORT - Julgr 6, 196U 11:10 pm Taken by John Perdew

Americus Ga, (Sumter County). Robert Mants. WHITES SHOOTING IN NEGRO SECTION Carload of Whites went through Seaboard side of Americus shooting in Negro residential area. So far no one reported hit* The downtown area appears to be clear of groups now. All people in SNCC house have just taken refuge in Barnum Funeral Home when they heard noise of what sounded like an approach! crowd. Learned the crowd was going down Forsyth St, about a block away, parallel to the street which the SNCC house is on* WATS REPORT JULY 6, 196h Taken by John Perdew Americus, Ga* (Sumter County) Robert Mants* REPORT OF SHOOTING CONFIRMED, MAYOR ISSUES STATEMENT BLAMING OUTSIDE AGITATORS FOR FRICTION. Reported that seven carload.'. of whites were seen going through Seaboard side, Negro section of town. Whites came to Hope Merritt's Grocery Store, No one reported hit in shooting, Mants and Ricks back at SNCC house, expect trouble tonight, if whites continue going through Negro section* Ricks claims mobs still downtown, R* and M* have decided not to move from the SNCC house on Jefferson street. Mayor Griffin Walker issued a statement in the Americus Times-Recorder today calling for an end to violence and mobs. He urged that children be kept home, blamed the friction in the last few daysyon outside agitators* State Patrol seen cruising the area* ,, T_. M King SELMA, ALA. From Matt Herron'(Mr. J C Grendel) 1:10 am Mass meeting - Abernathy spoke, at Shioloh Baptist Ch. 350 people there. At least 1 5>0 policemen outside, about 30 around front and up road, then busload plus 8-10 carloads totalling 150 up side. Ready for action but there w as no action. Very quiet there tonight "yown dead." No action since afternoon arrests he knows of. Matt thinks he can hold out for axtfhile so long as noone blows his cool. Concerned that other per­ son who went to jail has any jail and whether he can get it out. He'll try to get to jail tomorrow and get film and info. Nee ds local con­ tacts because everyone is out of sight. Tell Danny Lyon his next assignment Is to take the next four days cruising the Delta doing anything that strikes his fancgt. One require­ ment: that he stay in clode touch with an office. # 12:30 MOSS POINT, MISS, from Charles Glenn Lamar Turnlpseed arrested. He was one of a group of local Negroes who pursued the car of whites doing the shooting. Unconfirmed report that E.J.Wiggins was also arrested. Guyot called at 1:20 to say that L.T. was being held without chrges at a jail - no. SO 2-I4.383. He asked for long distance calls to be put through the jail, worried about his pro­ tection since a 16-year-old youth, Fletcher Ledille, was kicked by police at a service station in M.P. and the police looked prone to violence. Glenn also reported the second shooting occurred on Magnolia Street in M.P.; same group of whites. # 1:00 am MOSS POINT From AP in New Orleans 1, - the earlier report of a car being overturned was rebuffed by police AP said the chief of police told him the police car was not overturn, but involved in a routine incident - routine wreck. 2. - the same car of whites shot at a passing car of newsmen on their way to the KP hall. - reported to NO AP from Mobile. #' Glenn also said the report by Guyot of police telling Guyot that martial law had been declared referred to the curfew. Guyot said po­ lice at the hospital had given him one minute on the phone and told him "martial law has been declared." # Jessie B. Stalworth - correct age: 19, according to Glenn. ft Sheriff's office reported at 1:25 am that "Fred Tmrnipseed's charge would probably be oublic drunk." He confirmed there had been "some shooting at the colored's meeting." # Report July 6-7, 1961; ' M King. (the new green comet) MOSS POINT From Moses In Jac kson It3k am / M King Quote: "The first car that chased after the whites/was driven by E.J. Wiggins. He chased them to a filling station - Texaco - on highway 63. Wiggins got out of his car to go toward the guys and they leveled a shotgun at him, and it was a shot gun. He ran back to his car 'Wiggins) and when he got back the police had a wrecker there, and they held him. Meantime, while they were holding him, the second car drove up, driven by Leroy Williams. Lamar Turnipseed x^as in the car with him. Another guy named E.J. was also there. The police were searching all the Ne­ groes, they didn't search the whites. "Turnipseed had a ,22 pistol on the front seat of his car. The police asked who the owner of the car was. When Leroy said he owned it, they started to arrest him for carrying a concealed weapon. Turnipseed said it was his gun and they arrested him for carrying a concealed weapon. Then they arrested E.J. for carrying a concealed weapon. (Wiggins had already been taken off in a highway patrol car.) Then they told the rest to go hom and they went home. "Before they left the police kicked a young fellow named Fletcher Buddy Stallworth - no relation (Gutot says his name is Fletcher Ledille to Jessie," Moses said most of his info came from Leroy Wms. No. GR 5-7935. Called jailat 2jl0. Confirmed charge of carrying a concealed weapon for Turnipseel7~?l00 cash bond, said an Ernest Hudson was held under same charge and same bond. Wiggins is charged with attempted assault and using profane language - $500 cash bond/ # ^ ITTA BENA, MISS. From Greenwood 2:30 am James Brown, SCLC, Itta Bena, had two speeding violations dating back to June 20. Lawyers Crockett and Warren had the case removed to the U.S. District Court for Northern Miss., and Brown was instructed by his attys not to go to the state trial. Sppeding violations in Choctaw and Web­ ster counties. He was arrested tonight in Itta Bena by city police using a state h/w patrol warrant for not appearing in state court. Taken to Greenwood sheriff's office, told Hreenwood office he could not be spoken with. Sheriff's office said he was being detained until the Euphora police (Webster co.) came for him; that he was being taken to that county for prosecution. At 10:30 he had left Greenwood but there was no answer at Euphora. At 11:14-5 Jackson called the Euphora sheriff who denied knowing anything about the case. The sheriff's office in Euphora then registered a busy signal for an hour; when Greenwood SNCC had the operator interrupt the line as an emergency call, the operator said it was out of order. # EX WATS Report from Mike Sayer in Greenwood Taken by Karen Haberman July 7 3:20 AM r-» Helenaj Arkansas Thomas Allen, SNCC worker from Pine Bluff, Negro, 1$, working ih West Helena Ellis Ford, Negro from Helena Joe ^ight, Negro SUGG worker from Cincinnati, Ohio All three were testing facilities under public accomodations section of Civil Rights bill and had tested the public library and Habib's Cafeteria. Had been served in both places. Went to a pool and were standing outside of the p ool waiting for It to apsk open when were arrested by a group of policemenincluding Chief Stay Ross. Joe Wright was not arrested because whe saw chief Ross, the three split and Wright escaped. Police checked ID's And then took 2 guys to jail. Fords father called, and Ford released with no sharges, Allen beaten and still in jai. Two others were taken to Jjail after their ID's were checked. Allen was hit in the face when he was in jail.

PIN I; BLUFF, ABKAKSAS Several places were tested tonight; Ray's Truck stop, Wonderland Tnuck stop and '"hitehouse °afe and the Hobnob;• At Wonderland, Larry Segal of NYC, white, had been served alone. When Negroes went in were told needed membership card to be served, '-The entire group went back inand got served, Larry was grabbed by a white behind the couneter , who was working there, and Larry was pushed several times and told th^at they wereA't going to serve Bill Hansen (he apparently thought that Segal was Bill, Whitehouse ^afeiwere served but as lef£ a man brandished a shotgun but did not shoot it. Ray's: George O'Leary;a white teacher., at Yale U,, who is an exchange teacher to A&M College,went into Ray's with group of Negroes. They were not served and white man picked up O'Leary and threw hinji out the door, O'Leary foiled into the parking lot. Also at Ray's: Larry oegal got a ten cent coke and when Negroes went in were charged 20 cents for the same coke, white cuxstomer hit Larry in the mouth and he was carried out by his Meggo companions.

Report from Bill Hansen in Pine Bluff. Arkansas 4 AM, July 7 Both Allen and Ford were beaten in jail. Phone: Pine Bluff: 501-535-4436 Helena: 501-JU-5-23S2 Wats report on ITTA. BENA, MISS froffl Mx Greenwood, Mike Sayer taken by Haberma^i I''30 m m Rtidd

/—. G reenwood called Willie McGee who was a passenger in the car when E±x8a±ixKaxx James Brown was arrested. At the moment they parted company McGee had the impressior. that James was about to be turned over to the Highway patrol. Brown willingly went withthe officers. Police Brown before they asked his mame* Policeman asked Bwown whose car it was. Brown answered that it j?as ArneH Pondera, Brown then asked McG ee to take the car home. Mc Gee asked the officer the grounds far arrest and question was not answered, except that Brawn said "This is about the Highway Patrol", fix. Brown told McGee to call SNCC.G reggs, a policeman asked Bro wn whose car it was. feE GreenwooS called FBI in Memphis and t ey said t iat they got a directive at 2AM to start am&c investigation. They said unoffically that it had been started, but that their men had not called in. Ed Rudd,(SNCC G reenwood) said that he asked if this meant that they hadn't found anything and they replied yes.

AP in New Orleans said that he had called /Starksville sM. Highway patrol and that the Highway patrol tried to get the County police car and the sheriff and couldnt get either one*

James Brown at is 21 or 22 and a native Miss* He is. married and has k kids. Is resident of Itta Bena and Miss. bcrn. Spent some time eut of Miss, may have been in NY. Was working with SCLC with a citizen educational program in Webster co. Last time in STarksville was on June 2§ at time of arrest. Since then he has be en working wJXk indirectly with SNCC project.

People in the car with him: iWillie Brown, Lorrie Torkington, fefcfca Colton G inn, "~" John Paul, James Reed, Willie Lee Ray and his brother Nelson L. Ray.


James Brown is still missing. Was arrested when driving from Greenwood U Itta Bena with some summer workers, the ear was stopped and City fette* policeman G reegs claimed that they had a warrant from the Highway Patrol for James Brown* Taken from the card and he was aarpywfej supposedly taken to the Greenwood police by the gj&lfcsg sheriff. Lrater Greenwood SNCC called Greenwood police and were told ±n that he Brown was there but he couldnt be spoken to, were told to call back for they had to wait ±±x for the Webster County sherriff to come pick up Brown. Greenwood SNCC called larer and were told that Brown had already left. Webster co. sheriff was called and he said that he didnt know who James Brwwn.was, but only had vague remembrance of his name. This was at llrlr? PM. Itta Bena police said they wouldnt talk to anyone except the FBI, also said that was taken to Greenwood.

Traffic charges originated in or around Webster co. Case was removed to federal court last week so the warrant was illegal. FBI talked to by Greenwood and they said they couldnt locate him, Tonite 3 people were harassed in Itta Bena by white in a Truck,


Greenwood: taken by BQnd from Sayei* and Z^llner There haisns been 2 more SHOOTINGS in MOSS POINT- No more .infnrmat.ion- there is no more definite information, but there is a speculation that the two were shot at the service station.

Dotty Zellner has called New York, Boston, Chicago, ^*os Angeles, and Saii Francesco Friends and asked them to call Sanders and Patterson and ask them to get local law enforcement officers to protest the rights of Negroes in Americus. Chicagp: Bobbi Yancey: Two disc jockeys have lokked themselves into a trailer and will stay there until they have raised $20,000 for C0F0, Another DJ is on top of the Woolworth building in the rain and will not come down until the goal is acheived. Khfekkhkkk-kkkkklsfi Greenwood has called them on the WATS line.

The radio in Greenwood has reported that ML King is coming to Mississippi,

Selma: Tom Brown: 8pra 9 were arrested today/ at about 2pm, Arrested at the courthouse: Gloria Bosiickj. 16,, Selma Geraldine Mitchell, 16, Selma James Talbart, 17 Arrested at the city police station: J.T, Smitherman, 17 two others whose names we do not have Arrested while walking down the street- across Broad Street: we do not have their names but know they were all males.

Re legal situation: Peter Hall says he can not move any further until he gets instructions from the Inc.. Fund office in New York/// They will be holding a press conference at Mrs. Boynton's office kk in about one hour, » SELMA, ALA. JD lawyer evasive JD lawyer (there are two there as of last night) evasive on: if violations could be ascertained is it rot possible to convene spocial 3 judge federal panel under neitf c r bill for immediate injunction against Clark, aren't city, county and state police required by law not to make arrests on federal property unless they seo the violation take place? refers to yesterday's arrests. # ALBANY, GA. From do Lissovoy - $2,000 cash bond expected to be need­ ed for trials Thursday, after that they go on tho work gang. # REPORT FROM MARSHALL JONES Who just returned froffSelma^Alabama Taken by SANDY STCVALL July 7, 1964 We arrived in Selma, Alabama, June 6, with directions from Betty Fykes, who is a resident of Selma, We were driving a Black Ford with New York license plates, Upon our arrival in the eity, the local citizens advised us not to drive the car because the local law enforcement officers were checking all out of etate license plates. Because the SNCC*s office was not within walking distance, we were forced to drive there, after which the car was parked. We, (Raphael Bentham, Emory Harris, Marshall Jones, James Peacock, and Betty Fykes), were spectators to the arrest of John Lewis, John Love, James Austin and Frances Mitchell and the 40 to SO local residents. When the demostrators haB been pushed behind the court­ house, the policemen began to use excessive brutality. Girls were prodded under their dresses with cattle prods and attempts to run camera men down were made to keep pictures from being taken. In town, the Negro youngsters were buying knives which were an ex­ pression of the outrage and fear that they felt. All the leaders had been jailed. Upon return to the car and SNCC office, policemen were milling around the car. we suspected they had been getting the license number. Peacock and the rest then went back toward the Negro neighborhood, but since I was the driver of the car, I went to see what was going on. As he approached the policemen then began in­ specting the are. Then Betty Fykes, her mother and Marshall got in the car and drove back to her house. The car was then parked for an indefinitely period of time. When they arrived, they were in­ formed by Betty's aunt that white citizens had come by and asked questions pertaining to their presence in the city. But she had re­ plied that nobody was there. After that incident we figured they knew the reason for our being there.

MASS MEETING Tom Brown and his wife and James Peacock went to check out the meeting and report back. They describe the situation as being very hot. Policemen in buses had helmets, cattle prods and guns. The church was surrounea and there were policemen back in the woods be­ hind the church. They had been told that Abernathy had come and given a 15 minutes speech and left. Reporters and everyone capable of getting information out were turned around. They believed it was a trap since no outsiders or FBI men were present. We suspected that during the night that tankering with the car would occur, so the next moring, Marshall opened the hood of the car, along with Peacock wjjlch discovered that a wire had been dis­ connected to prevent starting. A coil wire was need and was got- en from a neighbor of Betty Fykes', who is a mechanic. Peacock adjusted the wire and fixed it. The next 15 minutes we were on our way back to Atlanta. Amerious i Sammy Mahone J'Uly 7* XOfJf 3?;%5 P»» tTo-Ken Vy .Toh» Ftrrtiew Situation isfetill tense* Groups of Negroes have met on the theme of seTF-defense after the shooting last night aid the continued refusal of pc police to'provide protection* Police blame the friction a& Negroes, outsiders, say that we are going too fast* Small groups of whites are war wandering around downtown* Sheriff Chappell has harrassed Negroes today downtown, telling them to move oh, disperse* At the King & Queen drive-in restaurant this morning, a Negro trying to get service was chased by a group of whites* Got a ride from two white women (didn*t know where to)* Mahone doesn't know whet&er Negroes are testing public accommodations today. Some Negroes have said they were afraid to do so because of shootings, mobs in the last three days. A telephone operator in Americus toH SNCC worker Willie Ricks she wouldn't let him mx. make any more long distance daLls* Another operator asked SNCC worker Robert Hants Sunday night why he wasn't downtown where al 1 the excitemen ment was* People at the SNCC office there believe more violence will occi occur tonight*

Atlanta: John Perdew July 7, 196If 2:30PM REPORT TO JUSTICE DEPT. Talked with agent John Doar, who said that Robert Mants had already reported to himr last night* I gave him information from above dispatch. He said JD was collecting evidence of Intimidation of Negroes by whites over last few days, would see if JD could take action to insure that local law enforcement agents would do their duty of protecting peoplte •

Atlanta: Zev Aelony July 7, 1964 7:30 p.m. Call from Marv Rich, New York; had contacted Gov. Sanders. Said would do what's necessary in Americus. Wouldn't be specific, but sounded like he'd do something. Call from Rev. Holmes (Georgia Council on Human Rights). Was called by a Lt. Colonel in Geo. State Patrol. Said they are not allowed to intervene in local situations unless asked, but that they are aware of the Americus situation and that "if a fire starts we'll be prepared to put it out." Said he had empowered the Captain of the Americus post to have a man in Americus at all times to watch the situation. This was done this morning. #

Jacks on &H±±XXM&KX Clarion Ledger July 6, 1961}. piece on FBI search for missing men, byline: Mary Ann Pardue. Quotes a "spokesman" for the FBI as saying: "We have f?5> field offices throughout the country manned by 6,000 special agents, and can get one of our men to any point in the United States within an hour." HAH I # WATS REPORT JJULY kk 7, 196k unofficial report

xi: Mike Sayer to Karen Haberman 10:30am (approx*) 3ENA> JAMES BROWN NOT MISSING***; " . HE IS IN JAIL IN WALTHALL , bond, $$0 cash: is OK Jamas Brown was originally arrested on June 20, 196k £p- speeding tickets in Webster and Choctaw Counties* He was to come to trial on fchfeJun e 26 and 27, but his lawyer got the cases removed to federal court (U.S. District Court for Northern Mississippi)* Last night he was arrested by Greenwood police while traveling from Greenwood to Itta Bena* They said that they had a highway patrol warrant for him for not appearing in state court*(this report was from Willie McGee who was driving with him)

fieport from James Brown in Walthall Jail to Mike ^ayer : this morning about 9:lr3am ^ James said he was arrested in Itta Bena at 9:30pm last night be Charles Griggs. He was then taken to the sheijifffe office in EBftk Greenwood at about 10pm* He was taken by the Greenwood sheriff in a highway patrol car at about 10:30 and met with sheriff Bowen of Webster countjnon the highway. Brown was then taken to Walthall jail, arriving at about 11:30pm. Brown did was not informed where he was being taken when he was taken from the Greenwood jail* fckkkkEB NOTE* a staff member from the Jackson office called fckfe Sheriff Bowen at about ll:U5pm and he claimed that he had newer heard of James Brown*

When they arrested Brown he tried to explain to the various police that his case had been removed. They answered that he had forfeited his bond and therefore was undet arrest/ for missing his trial on June 26&/or 27. Brown told them again that the lawyer had gotten the trial removed to the federal district court.

Re above report of highway meeting between Greenwood and Webster sheriffs, Sayer feels that it kkkkkk indicated that they did not know khkkfe which jail they would put Brown in* i*fter the meeting between the sheriffs James Brown was transferred from the Greenwood to the Webbter pplice car*

Brown feels that one of the reasons he may have oeen arrested is because $hen he was driving from Greenwood to Itta Bena two cars followed him from ureenwood. One was yellow x$7 Chevy with three white men, the other a '58 Oldsmobile Station Wagon #MD 2292, Itta Bene with two white men* The cars kept passing him, slowing up, yelling names and finally Brown pulled overc Brown says that the two carloads then went to the police station and complained thst Brown was "messing around" on the road*

Ed Hudd called kkfekkKHtkkkkEfe sheriff Bowen's wife from the Greenwood office this morning. Mrs. Bowen admitted that she had deliberately left both the horn e and jail phones off the hodk all night- She also said that she wouldn't talk to anybody because her husband had talked to the FBI* When Greenwood talked with the FBI they said that they knew that Bfiown was in the Walthall jail all night* Greenwood office had called the FBI a number of times asking them for information concerning concerning Brown and they would not give him any. wih»" orA Selma: Jom Brown: 2:l*5pm lose in jail from the weekend through yesterday: Sheriff Clark initially de­ manded cash bond* He later changed his demand to ^appearance bond, § peace bond. (NOTE: The use of peace bonds in Selma has been ruled out in state circuit court- it is being appealed by Selma authorities in state supreme court). kkfckkKkkk kHtk It is reported that Clark has changed his demands again- Att. Hall will go to court and check* Today about % 12 people went to the courthouse to register We are not certain of the exact number because no one is allowed by the alley except those wanting to register* Of the 7$ or more who went to register yesterday only five were allowed to takejrt the test. Today 3 local students will go to picket at the court­ house, three will go to the federal building. There are about 8$ students who waflt to get involved in activities in some way. They will probably he used to picket* Tomorrow members of the adult coiimrunity want to test the public accomodations in Selma* Tom Brown will have a meeting with them this evening*

Tom reports that yesterday eaUle prodders were used on those arrested by Al Lingo's men* Kskskkakfckhkkk He received reports that prodders were used on girls under their dresses. He has also been told that there is one girl in jail with a kidney infection and they will not release her*

There will b© a mass meeting in Selma tomorrow night, most likely at Tabernacle church at Broad and Mintor*

There have been press people in Selma - some went to Montgomery today but were due back in Selma at about 3:30pm.

Tom estimates that there were about U00 posse, at mass meeting last night. REPORT FROM MARSHALL JONES Who just returned fropSelmaV Alabama Taken by SANDY STC7ALL July 7, 1964 We arrived in Selma, Alabama, June 6, with directions from Betty Fykes, who is a resident of Selma. We were driving a Black Ford with New York license plates. Upon our arrival in the eity, the local citizens advised us not to drive the car because the local law enforcement officers were checking all out of state license plates. Because the SNCC's office was not within walking distance, we were forced to drive there, after which the car was parked. We, (Raphael Bentham, Emory Harris, Marshall Jones, James Peacock, and Betty Fykes), were spectators to the arrest of John Lewis, John Love, James Austin and Frances Mitchell and the 40 to 50 local residents. When the demostrators had been pushed behind the court­ house, the policemen began to use excessive brutality. Girls were prodded under their dresses with cattle prods and attempts to run camera men down were made to keep pictures from being taken. In town, the Negro youngsters were buying knives which were an ex­ pression of the outrage and fear that they felt. All the leaders had been jailed. Upon return to the car and SNCC office, policemen were milling around the car. we suspected they had been getting the license number. Peacock and the rest then went back toward the Negro neighborhood, but since I was the driver of the car, I went to see what was going on. As he approached the policemen then began in­ specting the are. Then Betty Fykes, her mother and Marshall got in the car and drove back to her house. The car was then parked for an indefinitely period of time. When they arrived, they 'were in­ formed by Betty's aunt that white fsitiztans had come by and asked questions pertaining to their presence in the city. But she had re­ plied that nobody was there. After that incident we figured they knew the reason for our being there.

MASS MEETING Tom Brown and his wife and James Peacock went to check out the meeting and report back. They describe the situation as being very hot. Policemen in buses had helmets, cattle prods and guns. The church was surrounea and there were policemen back in the woods be­ hind the church. They had been told that Abernathy had come and given a 15 minutes speech and left. Reporters and everyone capable of getting information out were turned around. They believed it was a trap since no outsiders or FBI men were present. We suspected that during the night that tankering with the car would occur, so the next moring, Marshall opened the hood of the car, along with Peacock wjjich discovered that a wire had been dis­ connected to prevent starting. A coil wire was need and was got- en from a neighbor of Betty Fykes', who is a mechanic. Peacock adjusted the wiro and fixed it. The next 15 minutes we were on our way back to Atlanta. July 7, 196k Seport on Law.%'«x »uo +v,-r»i«sit .TncVoora From Greenwood Taken By Brenda Travis Time ytio Miss. time From: Judy Richardson Gwen Robinson notified Jackson that some of the towns people of Laurel had just come to tell her that they hadjust seen Lester Mckenny in the* work house, he asked them to contact the office , and tell them that all of the guards, and prisoners had been moved from the work house, and he is there alone . Greenwood has contacted New Orleans FBI.there was no answer at the sheriffs office. At the county jail a Mrs Bradford said the county jail only feeds Lester meals, and their responsibility ends there; Judy called city jail which Mrs Bradford referred her to, and the police officer there said that they had no information about Lester, and could give her no number at the work house where Lester colud be reached Lester did not get fed Sunday, or Monday, Would like Atlanta to get intouch with city j.ail i$-$4$4& U28-U321 county jail U266720; Sheriffs Ofxice-i|2632U8, FBI h288l5U Selma, Alabama Time 11.20 import By Brenda Travis Frcms Tom Brown Selma is quiet tonigth, expects trouble tomorrow will call early in the morning.

Oan. %J^^ c^^J^- ^ ^




Greenwood: taken by B0nd from ^ayei- and Zollner There haxr® been 2: more SHOOTINGS In MOSS POINT- No mo-re .information- there is no more definite information, but there is a speculation that the two were shot at the service station. Dotty Zellner has called New York, Boston, chicago, Los Angeles, and Safi Francisco Friends and asked them to call Sanders and Patterson and ask them to get local law enforcement officers to protest the rights of Negroes in Americus, Chicagp: Bobbi lancey: Two disc jockeys have lokked themselves into a trailer and will stay there until they have raised $20,000 for C0F0. Another DJ is on top of the Woolworth building in the rain and will not come down until the goal is acheived. IkfekkkkkkkkkkfiMt Greenwood has called them on the WATS line..

The radio in Greenwood has reported that ML King is coming to Mississippi.

Selma: Tom Brown: 8pm 9 were arrested today/ at about 2pm. Arrested at the courthouse: Gloria Bostickj, 16* Selma Geraldine Mitchell, 16, Selma James Talbart, 17 Arrested at the city police station: J.T, Smitherman, 17 two others whose names we do not have Arrested while walking down the street- across Broad Street: we do not have their names but know they were all males.

Re legal situation: Peter Hall says he can not move any further until he gets instructions from the Inc.. Fund office in New York/// They will.be holding a press conference at Mrs. Boynton's office MS in about one hour* " SELMA, ALA. JD lawyer evasive JD lawyer (there are two there as of last night) evasive on: if violations could be ascertained is it not possible to convene special 3 judge federal panel under new c r bill for immediate injunction against Clark, aren't city, county and state police required by law not to make arrests on federal property unless they see the violation take place? refers to yesterday's arrests. # ALBANY, GA. From do Lissovoy -. $2,000 cash bond expected to be need­ ed for trials Thursday, after that thoy go on tho work gang. # WATS Report; July a, 9:30 pm Hattiesburg, July 7,_ V:3Q pm (from Greenwood; Rudd/Gr^gan) clhsG was Rev. Robert Beach, Nations ^cuincii 0f Chur- » arrested in Hattiesburg this afternoon at'4:ou j^, ana is now being held on a 4$2500 MXKX cash bond in Forrest County Jail, on a charge of false pretense. Charge based on a check deposited by Beach and not honored by the First "National Bank in Hattiesburg. He had allegedly overdrawn his account by $70. This amount has been covered by checks which have not yet cleared the bank. Beach is on permanent assignment in Hattiesburg from the Nat'l Council of Churches. He formerly had a parish in Hebron, Illinois. No- one as yet has been able to see him. The MCC will provide bail. However, Jackson has not been able to contact them yet.

LAUREL, MISS: Prom Forman/Greenwood and Atlanta AP M King MCKinnie Located. McKinnie is reported by Forman as having said he was worried because he was kept in the city jail last night and he feels that the county jail is the safest place. He told them today he did not want to work on the workgang and they let him stay inside. Habeus Corpus petition filed today in federal district court by Melvin Zair. The case will be heard next Wed., July 15. The sheriff Is reported to have told McKinnie's lawyer, Hal Witt, that he was aware of his obligation to take proper care of him. The sheriff told the AP man in Jones Co. that he is being held in the county jail but is a city prisoner. "City prisoners are usually remanded to the county," the sheriff said.

Ruby Doris Smith; A group in Miami, Florida wants SNCC to help them. Booker T. McKenzie wants to be called back. (305) OX i-9626 or NE Lj.-iilj.65. #

c a IAUTEEDA.L3 COUNTY- -• ^'W.te

•vs. July 8 Wats Report from Jackson Bill Light k:kO AM taken by Karon Haberman

MCC0MB Miss., time ' 3:20 Jackson recieved a call tha a house in McCorab had been bombed, 702 Wall St. The entire front end of the was smashed in. Curtis Hayes was cut up by a smashed window. He had cuts all over his arms, face and body but he is not badly hurt. Police and fire dept. showed up 20 minutes later. Two quart oilcans were found facin the left front of the house. Before the blast, no one heard xxsbjc anything. The people in the house wer e: George Greene, Mendy Sampstene, Denis Sw eeney, Curtis Hayes, D. nacord, Sherry Everitt, Pat Walker, Freddy Greene, Clint Hopson, Jesse Harris. Sweeny had a couple of cuts but it is not serious. He had been sleeping in the same room as did C. Hayes.

After the blast about 100 Negroes jpcfaxkx gathered and were standing outside. Curtis tried to get a doctor but couldnt however he is all right, he says he was sort of knocked unconscious and didnt hear anything before that. George G reene said t at he heard three explosions second after KK&KKKX second. Said were like gunshots only was louder. Hayes is 21. a native of McComb. SNCC worker and Negro.

John Doar called 5:30 AM

Geo Green® 20 Gwood Miss SNCC Freddye Greene 19 sister of above SNCC

Julius Samstein white 25 NYC SNCC Dennis Sweeney white 21 Portland Ore. nmtjgnl. £^ussion from

Curtis Hayes 22 McComb SNCC Don McCord white 26 Stafford Kansas NCC Sherry Everitt 19 Negro Pittsburg Shaw College

Pat Walker NYC CORE Clinton Hopsen 26 Asbury Pk NJ law stu Howard

Jesse Harris 22 Jackson SNCC iW- AP - CMJU*M4

2:25 pm SELMA ALA. ~™ l&ufiM*. ftp-j ^ $$A&iA*. 16 arrested today / picking up off the street towed Tom Brown's car away; ransacked it - took his briefcase and are pick^fol s'tepTpffed big: Ernie McMillan 19 Dallas SNCC staff ^ ¥ Samuel Newal 13 Selma Willie Talbert 20 Selma continued picketing as palhned if they can get the kids down to area co solicitor Blanchard McLeod has been making the arrests 2:35 called John Doar Forman calling pred Crey to get Lewis and Mitchell out WATS REPORTS WEDNESDAY JULY 8, 196k unofficial report

Selma: Tom Brown: °:30am (Atlanta time) A press conference was held last night with ABC, UPI, AP, NBG, and New York Times. A meeting was held with adults steering committee*" ' " — T-- JJ^ decision was made to hold testing of public accomodations until Sunday rafter the voter registration drive is over this week)*

Today there will be picketing at the courthouse, the jail and the federal puiToTing. People will be sexlt out in teams of 5 or 6 each hour staring at 11:30am, They expect about 30 arrests today.

Tonight there will be a mass meeting (place not known yet)* On Monday Sheriff Clark told Mr» Gildersleve/ qf the Dallas Gounty Voters League that he would break up all mass meetings from now on- that none would be allowed from now on. Therefore there may be trouble tonight*

Tomorrow there will be an all day mass meeting for students, Workshops will be *helxF~on all tit3.es of the Civil %ghts billj there will be workshops on the higtory of songs of the movement. Students will be sent down to pdeket from the meeting.

BACKGROUND: Karen House was charged with trespassing and carrying a concealed weapon when arrested Saturday, The concealed weapon was a chain madallion- •fchich she had in her pocketbook. The medallion was broken. Karen's bond is ¥1000.

The Justice Department and the FBI have both been notified about plans to picket today. •3HHHHS-

McComb: 21 years old do^CtfSsi©^ ^^ S^du ^ "flU* b^

•SBBBH:- Re McComb;. Danny Lyong Congressman Edwards of California stayed at 702 Wall Street on Monday night, the night before the bombing* Edwards and Danny went to see the kkkk&EEkk mayor of McComb yesterday afternoon asking for police patrol of the house because no police had been by at all. Edwards left McCcmb at about 3pm yesterday, only 12 hours bgfore the bombing* Edwards will be contacted about the bombing by his son, Len* -:BKBHHS-

Selma: T0m Browns 12:15 noon white Last night a/man. came to the Freedom Houseat about jam* He tried to break in and kicked the doer, broke of the mail box and tore the signs off the door and said something about the fact that he was 'going to get the Freedom Fighters, His daughter had been hit by a brick at the Wilbey theatre on Sunday. She was in the hospital* Tom expects that he'll probab3.y come back again until he catches one of the SNCC workers at the house* The incident was reported to sheriff C3ark and will be to the FBI. sidewalks The kiikbkks are all blocked off by the courthouse. 0n3.y people going to register can bya They will still try to get picketers down there however, within the next 15 minutes* WATS REPORT* WEDNESDAY JULY8„;?6\ UNOFFICIAL REPORT SELMA: TOM HHBff BROWN: 2:U5pm lo" people have Just been arrested.* Three vev& ari^stod while picketing cm the steps DT the federal, building* They were* Ernest MacMillAn, 19, Dalla$s,SNCO staff Samuel Newal, 13, Selma Willie Talbert, 20, Selma Appi-oximately 13- others were picked up off the street. We don't know the charges on any of the 16. It has been reported that Blanchard MaCleod, County Solicitor is doing the arresting. They plan to continue picketing if they can get the picketers to the courthouse and federal building without getting a rrested. Tom Brown's car has been towed away and ransacked and feiafekbfkfckkk his brief case is being carried around by(we think) one of the police (MUST CHECK THIS) The brief case contained SNCC materials,

Washington: John Doar: 2:35pm caLled Doarls office and left the details of Selma's arrest with his secretary because he was on another line.

McComb (from Dotty Zellner in Greenwood) Dennis Sweeney, Portland, Orggon received a slight concussion from last night's blast. Dr. Rbt. Coles ia in McComb now and says that hiskk condition is OK.

COLUMBUS, MISS, From Greenwood MKing Throe summer volunteers arrested here at 2:00 pm. They were canvassing f. for voter registration and when they came out of the lady's house, they were nicked up — apparently by city police. The lawyers went to see the them at the city jail (where they are being held) and couldn't get in to sec them, Joel Bernard, 18, whiter New York City junior at Cornell Steven Fraser, 18, white, Great Nock, N Y soph at U of Wisconsin Warren Galloway, 21, Negro, Detorit, stu at Virginia Union # ASFLAND, MISS. SNCC staff Cleve Sellers arrested for reckless driving at 2:30 pm. bond $250, At Ashland city jail (phono:. 2521) student at Howard U. 20 years old. They have the bond money" and are trying to get him out. FBI and JD called on this and Columbus.3);^,* T ^ wWH. MfcVoO**^ ) LvuGOMtfrj-

Selma: Tom Brown: 5Pm "^^ Rev. F.D. Reese, President of the Dallas County Voters League was arrested at 3:35pm today while taking pictures of demonstrators downtown* There have not been any other arrests since then* Since they have no transportation (both SNCC cars have been impounded by police) they have not been able to get students to the courthouse or federal building to picket. The mass meeting for tonight is not yet definite because the minister whose chorch was to be used is not certain if he wants the meeting held.

Ruleville: taken from Judy Richardson, Greenwoods 5:k0pm At 9:U5>am this morning James Dann, 23, of Bte Venice,Calif., was thrown out of Sunflower County circuit clerks offices, He had accompanied Mrs. Maybell Campbell there to help her register to vote. When they entered four white men including the deputy registrar were therer. The deputy told them""get out of my office." toother white man grabbed him by the back of the neck and forcefully threw him out. Deputy told Mrs* Campbwll, "you have no right to be coming down hease-with this w&te trash. You can register alonge3 but you can't come here with these scalawaygs. He's not a resident of Sunflower county and he has no right to be in the courthouse." All said in loud iand threatening tones while waving a finger at Mrs. Cam pbell. She applied to register anyway*. Dan complained to the sheriff's office. Sheriff W»I» Holowell agreed he had the right to be in the courthouse. The sheriff complained to Dan about John Harris harassing police yesterday (Harris Is a SNCC worker). He said, "we're not going to let it happen again today," "en persons kkkk attempted to register from Ruleville, Indianola and Drew yesterday nd today. We have two reports of Indiano3.a police telling local Negroes to have othing to do with white agitatorsa There is a thrid report of an employer threat- ming to fire two Negroes if they had anything to do with vr people.

Jackson: NAACP board members sere sworn at and spat upon by local citizens on the steps of le capital building in front of TV cameras today* WAT'S Report July 8, 19&h M King COLUMBUS, MISS. - details on arrests From Sayer / Gwood Bernard, Joel ) charge: trespass Galloway, Warren) bond: $500 Fraser, Steven - Charge: trespass and public profanity $1,000 b. The three summer workers had gone into a white gas station to get a coke in the midst of doing voter registration canvassing. They had their cokes (apparently inside the station) with no difficulty and then proceeded to canvass. About 15 minutes later a police car drove up, questioned Fraser and drove around the block. The police then arrested Fraser, put him in the car and drove around the block again. Then the city police arrested Bernard at which time a white man came over to the police car and said, "There's the other nigger," pointing to Galloway who was seeking refuge in a woman's house. Galloway came out (apparently not wanting to involve the local w oman) and was also arrested. # Sayer says William Fitts Ryan should get daily reports of some kind. # WASHINGTON, D.C. From Tillow ROUNDUP ON STATE RESOLUTIONS RE FDP Massachusetts state convention, June 19 passed resolution California state executive committee, June 27 (prior to that the Calif. Democratic Council passed resolution in February) New York state executive committee, June 15 Minnesota state convention, June 28 Wisconsin state convention, June 19-20 M":higan state convention, Sune 12-13 (with help of Ann Arbor, Lansing and Detroit Friends groups) Oregon state convention, June 27 Colorado - two resolutions adopted by the two largest counties in the state which will be carried to state convention July 18 District of Columbia district executive committee, July 6 Note: Theresolutions vary from requesting seating of FDP delegates (Michigan) to requesting credentials committees to accept only those delegates whose state parties are pledged to the national, etc. Press conference went off well, Tillow said. Miss Baker was held up due to weather interference with her flight. Mrs. Hamer and Sherrod were there. There will be another press conference in DC for the FDP July 22, with congressional people from various states, # Selma: Tom Brown: 8:10pm They had to cancel their mass meeting because all the ministers he's contacted say they!ve been getting threats and they don't want their churches used.. All the juveniles arrested today have been put in solatary (nine juveniles-most are ill and l5j one 13 year old)—7 nen kkkfeklS together arrested the 13 year old).. They have changed bond requirements again tho Tom doesn't know what they are,

3.6 possemen came to Tom's mother-in-laws house 537 D George Washington Carver Project) and searched the house, ostensibly for Terry Shaw, local Negro who works with the movement..

Re report of brief case being taken fcjjkk from car: Dep* Sheriff Crockett was the man who was carrying it.. They are still trying to have the mass meeting for students tomorrow/ they might have to use the Catholic church but are trying to get another church.. Picketing wilJi continue and work for freedom Day en Friday will, also continue. Every night this week a group of white citizens from Dallas County hafe met/ out on highway 80,. There are no specific reports as to what they have met about, but it is believed that the meetings are dire tly connected with demonstrations, etc,

A fresh crew of state troopers (ten cars) were moved into Selma today.. There are other law officers with uniforms that are unkown in the area. On TV it was announced that 5 prisoners from one camp and 3 from another escaped today. Ekk The report connected the escapes with the movement of so many ftaw officers to Selma and the lack of them elsewhere.

LAUREL, MISS. 7pm Miss. Time from Greenwood M King McKinnie missing Gwen Robinson tried at city, county and workhouse in Laurel tonight to find McKinnie. Jail officials claim he is the jurisdiction of the other and say they do not know whereabouts. He was knox^n to have been in the workhouse yesterday when local people reported he was there alone (and accessible to townspeople) He was arrested Sunday in connection with 62 sit-in charge on grounds that he had lost the appeal at the county level, FBI agent in Laurel's name is Robert E. Lee. # by WATS report 12:30 AM July ° taken fxsaa Karen Habermai from MacNamara Lauderdale County, Miss Norris MacNamara reported that he saw on T.V, in Hattiesburg that a grave *x had been discovered on the side of a river bank. The TV show said that it was thought to be the grave of the three workers. JEfagpotTKxtoc The police are going to open the grave

Jackson, Miss,. Tnere are now 1,500 students enrolled in 25 freedom schools in Mississipp Six more schools are planned,, bringing the total enrollment to 2000 students

Meridian: MkkklkkMkbhkfakkk Lat nights report concerning the newly dug grave .did "; not L.> contain the bodies of the three missing workers. •SHHBB:- fikkfeSelma: Tom Brown: 3:l5pm At approximately 2pm, Selma time three picketers were arrested on the steps of the federal building. JB and FBI men were present during the arrests. Those arrested were: Patricia Smith, 13, Veronica Smith, 11 (they are sisters), and Dee Jones, 18, ma3.e. All are Negro, all are from Selma* Willie James Reynolds, 13, was beaten in jail yesterday* Alvery Williams, SNCC staff, was also "beaten and received stiches in his head* Att.»s Hall and Chestnut were at the jail yesterday aM a*..%ffir askeoTTo see Williams. They were to3d that Williams was unknown there. Our reports are that Alvery kkfikkkkkbkkkb had been taken out of the jail to a white doctor at about that tine , treated, and returned to the jail late in the evening. Att. Hall saw Alvery today and said that he is all right. Some juveniles have been released from jail, those still being held are in solitary confinement. Bond has been lowered to #300 from #500, but officials refuse to talk with the bondsman Mr. Coons about making bond. Att. Hall is at the jail nox* trying to get some of those arrested released on bond, ffkfek As a result of a meeting of those in jail, Francis Mitchell, John Lewis, and some others will probably be bonded out first.

Tom is going to try to get more picketers down to the mourthouse and federal building during the afternoon. A mass meeting is planned for this evening at Tabernacle church. T0m expects trouble, starting around 8pm and will be in contact with the office.

Washington plasties Department, Mr. Norman: 3:25pm Informed Mr. Norman of the si. tuation in Selma. He said that the JD has 2 lawyers and a number of JD and FBI men in Selma and that he would call them immediately concerning the recent developments.

C.B. King via Albany, Georgia:/ Howard Moore to Dinky Romilly 3:25pm 9 were convicted of loitering in state court today. The were sentenced to $102 or 30 days in jail. The other four arrested on Sunday were juveniles and were not tried with the nine* The convinctions are being appealed? bond will be // $200-300* We will bond them out on , 10^ colateral which has already been raised, Princeton Friends of SNCC raised S?985 in 12 hours for this purpose. •>C_«-~>f-J4^'.. WATS REPORT: THURSDAY, JULY 9, 196k unoffical report

Gulfport::from Dotty Zellner in Greenwood: $'.k$ % summer volunteers were arrested in frony of the Harrison county courthouse in Gulfport at 3:30pm this afternoon.. % are:: Steve Miller, 18, San Francisco, white Barry Goldstein, 21, white, New York David Cleverdon, 22J Chicago, white

8 volunteers took ten people to the county courthouse to r egister. Apparently there wasa rumor that a march was planned and a number of whites had gathered at the courthouse. The sheriff of Harrison county stopped the workers and the people going to register and kkkbS told them that all nonresidents of Harrison county would have to go across the street. Four of the volunteers went across the street* 3- :* stayed for a minute, and one of those asked why thpy would have to go across the street. The _*3w.- were then arrested. We don't know what the chares are and we are checking on which jail they are in, the city or the county. They are letting in people two at a time to register. Two have taken the test and have gone home. Eight are still at the courthouse. No volunteers are down there (the four Mio were not arrested returned home). Supposedly 15 policemen are guarding the 10 who have come to register. Greenwood will call JD, FBI(New Orleans),Mkkk AP in New Orleans, congressmen and foreign press

Selma: Tom Brown (mbrning report) B.q registration procedures this week: On Monday 60 numbers were given out to Negroes who went to the courthouse to register* 12 people are being taken each day of those 60 and fekfekfegkkfe none but those 12 are allowed to wait in line at the courthouse,. Therefore, all places in line are taken for the week. Tomorrow however, they are going to have people go down (another Freedom Day) despite the fact that they won't have numbers* Telephone canvassing was done last night and they have committments from a good many people.

Selma: Gwyn Brown: 3>:13>pm Oliver Eaton, 18 and Sharon Piatt, lU, have been sent to kkfekkkkkfck picket, They will report when arrests take place

^elma:6:30 John Lewis las been bonded out of jail. We have been unable to bond Francis Mitchell out. The two who went down to picket could not even get out of their car because there were so many posse stationed at the courthouse*

Phone number at Tabernacle: mass meeting tonight: 87U-61U3 WATS report July 9, 196I«. 6:lj5 M King ALBAHY, GA. Four persons still in jail, not bonded out: includes Don Harris, Roy Shields, two local youths. ^inky: what about the Princeton bond? Pete de Liasovoy beaten this morning shortly before the trial by Albany city policeman, Pete Says he's known this policeman for over a year and "overytime I've been in jail our relationship has worsened." Beaten for no apparent reason* Pete is going to file suit for deprivation of rights and sue for $10,000 damages. Was knocked down, some observers said he w as hit with the policeman's helmet. The cop then started to book Pete, but reversed his mind and let him go. He may also sue for false imprisonment. Beating not very serious, Pete says. #

&&»* Albany, Oeorgia Report Taken By Brenda Travis From Richardm Momeyer (9:pm Atlanta time) Rev. Wells and five

SBMA, AIA, 10:30 pm (T.Brown/Grogan) Close to 300 posse members around the church. Brought in by busloads. Jim Clark has made sta iement that they are going to break up mass meeting. They are 20 ft. away from church. (Car from Kississ: L-3872.) Brown is expecting the mass meeting to be broken up any moment, 300 people are in the mass meeting, lit 15 W, ^orter talked with Tom Brown in Selma. The situation is still the same. Il:h5 was John Dohricalled and the situation in Selma was described. He talked to Karen H. The gist of the conversation: Dohr said he "would see what he could do,"

11:50 There is difficulty in trying to reach Tom Brown at the Tabernacle Church. Green­ wood is also trying to call Selma with no result. Both Greenwood and Atlanta offices have been able to get the phone to ring but there is no answer. Too, some calls have been intercepted by the operator who said there seems to be some diffi­ culty at that end of the line,

12:00 A call was placed to Mrs. Amelia Boynton at her home in Se3ma by W. Porter. She reported that the mass meeting was over and that all the people were able to leave the church unharmed. The posse stood around and watched the crowd dis­ perse and no incidents were reported. All the above information was relayed to Sorter by Mrs. Boynton and is as yet unconfirmed by Tom Brown

12:10 Tom Brown Everything went off smoothly. Only circling. Arrested Willie C. Robinson, no charges. Called county and city jail no Willie C, there,

GREENWOOD Phil Moore was xsxxsckx. beaten tod?y by Prewitt, works for Interstate Insurance So. accosted him ofn the street ai d hit couple times in tie head and told him to get get out of town and t hen ks±x then said he would hit him with a club. Walked away and came up in acar ad tiried to hit him some t his time, cupp3e times in stdsmsvh and ond several misses. Finally avoided him and hiopped in to friendly car. Back to the office. Grennwood, July 10 12130 went down to police station and filed a complaint man identified at thr ->lice station and is signed out on Ms own recognizance, is to be appear in the .ourt tommorrow and charged with assault and battery. T3I called and said cant arrest him until report to JD and then FBI get lord: to iacxjbdsxx do something. Spoke to Ford. Moore willmeet FBI at 1) AM. Jill arrest him if enough pressure is applied, ?ires were slashed while waas talking to the police.

Albany, Georgig Time 9j pm Report -taken by Brenda Travia From; Richard Momeyer Rev. Wells and five girls went to Eadium Springs to test civil rights bill, the place was closed, went to the Victory Club, when arrived took seats and waitress was very nervous and went to get themanager. he came and said they didnt have sandwiches and that they would have to order something else. After placing theii order, they HX were werved and they ate. They then went outside and got into the car and rode to the 6 point and stopped to let Vicki get a newspaper acrros' the street.. County police pulled up behind them and blew their horfa. Group stopped , one police came to the car and asked Rev. Wells for his liecense . police looked at them and asked if this address on the drivers license was his present address. Wells andswered yssx no police then asked him to get out of the car. When Rev. Wells did this p&lice also asked all of the girls to get out of the car. They all got out and the police got in and began to search. They looked -, undet the back seat and pulled out a quart jar, took of f the top and smelled it. Police said it was moonshine and arrested Rev. Well. SBJBJ police took Wells in the car with them and left the girls standing on the corner. They called CB King and then a guy in a fillir. station to take them to Kings office. They called county jail and H asked them what were the charges on Rev. Wells. Were told that the x charges were carrying KX intoxicating liquor, moonshine. Also charged with carrying a concealed weapon, knife the moonshine eas put into the car when the group was in the BS gxsnapxw restaurant eating. Albany, Geirgia time: 1.20 by Ron Carver from: R„ homeyer The owner of the Victory Club went to the cou n ty jail with his lawyer U u'.u. G ardner, president of the local bar ass., and postedthe ls250 bondreleasing Rev. wells*The club o«ner,the president of .he local restaurant ass., saio tnat he found out that tha liquor had been planted by one of his patrons and he wanted nothing to do with it,. WATS REPORT: FRIDAY, JUL! 1U, ij»

SEE HATTIESBURG, MISS.: TERRT SHAW and DOTTY ZELLNER, Greenwood At 11:30am this morning 3 people were beaten while walking to a church which was the eenter of canvassing activities » The three were: Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Cleveland, Ohio; working with NCC David Owen, 19> Pasadena, Oberlin college Lawrence Spears, Palo Alio, California, Stanford The three were walking along the railroad tracks in the Jerusalem quarter of Hattiesburg with two local Negro girls. A cream GMC pickup truck with no lieence drove up. Two white men, one about 60 years old, the ether about 35 kkkkkk> yelled that they would get them, and got out, carrying metal bars and began to beat the three white workers. Rabbi Lelyveld was in front and recieved the brunt of the beating. Owen was hit once on the head, and Spears was hit on the arm with an iron pipe, and was kicked and shoved down the embankment. All were admitted to Methodist Hospital and the report is that the rabbi has been admitted for 2k hour observation and is in good condition. He has contusions and lacerations above the right eyebrow, below the ear, khk on the left forearm and chest and abdomen. Spears has been released with contusions on the left amm and other small contusions and abrasions. Owenswas expected to be during the afternoon. Rabbi Lelyveld is in room 106* The man who beat Spears had a Jinch diamond or steel rod. The Rabbi and Owens were beaten with a large metal auto part, probably part of a brake.

The Greenwood office has called Mkkkkhkkkk She FBI and AP in New Orleans, JD, the local papers af the students, and OWBB'S representative, H. Allen Smith. We will be getting pictures of those beaten.

Selma, Alabama: Tom Brown The injunction mentioned in an earlier report covers: SNCC;,inc.} CORE, C0F0, NAACF, Southern Movement for human Rights, Southern Regisional Council, Alabama Council on Human Rights, GROW (get rid of Wallace) Dallas County Voters League, Dallas ^ounty Improvement Asssociation, James Forman, John Lewis, John Love, Ralph Abernathy, Benny Lee Tucker, Alvery Williams, James Farmer, James Austin, khk Willie C. and Charles Robertson, Amelia P. and Bruce Boynton, ^aren House, J.L. Chestnut and 27 other local people, and the Ku Klux Klan, National States Rights Party, Richard Turner Party, Dallas County Unit of the National States Rights Party.

All are enjoined from: Any assemply of three persons or more in a public place l*From engaging in meetingsor other activities where a violation of law is kkfekk- suggested, advocated or encouraged or angaged in. Mettings whereby the public ways, streets, sidewalks, highways of the city of Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, are blocked _or the unimpaired use thereof denied to the use of traffic and citiesi . 2»From encouraging or engaging in other meetings designed for purposes of impeding or obstructing hk the administration of justice or the orderly function of the government. 3.From encouraging or engaging In any activities designed to or which do impede binder or obstruct officers of the law officialsof Dallas CCunty, Alabama, or officials of the city of Selma, Alabmama from performing and discharging their duties of their respective offices* U*From assembling anywhere on a puclbie street three or more persons from committing any acts things or deeds against any law enforcement officers of the city of Selma, Alabama, or any law enforcement officers of Dallas County, Ala.

Injunction signed by : Marguarite H, Houston, Register, Circuit court.

When the injunction was delivered to Tom Broxra and Terry S^aw who were in Mrs, Boynton's office this afternoon, the police told Terry that he was under arrest and took him to jail.

5:30report: Willie C. Robertson, who was arrested yesterday for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and protesting while kh court was in session , was beaten in jail last night, Terry Shaw was put in solitary confinement-

A white boy just went bahind Mrs. Boynton's office with a snake, but left when people went out.

Washington: Justice Department Mr. Norman !?:1S> aafaaaad called concerning the injunction, but Norman had a copy —he wanted to make certain that we have a copy and knew kkkkkkkkkkkfekkkkkkkk&k the exact provisions* He questioned what we thought sheriff Clark would do if we sent two people to kkkkkh enter a restaurant or picket. Said he was in contact with his staff in Selma concerning the injunction . WATS REPORT : JULY kjc 10, 196k unof-fic**! report

Alabama Bessemer/ from Ed Rudd, Grnenwo<>dJ 'l%®*2£

Two unidentified Negro boys went into a restaurant in Bessemer , Ala../ An unde­ termined number of local white men and boys beat the boys with baseball bats. One of the Negro boys was beaten around the head and chest and has been admitted to one of two Bessemer hospitals in serious condition according to Mr. Gennge Scott, local resident of Bessemer. These boys were barred from entering the restaurait by its owner. They were beaten while walking away from the restaurant. The other boy has been released from a doctors care. The beating took place either Wednesday or Thursday.

Mr. Scott £ays that the local young people want to test the kktlc cr bill but don't know just how. They need help, workshops, etc. and he wants Forman's help. The parents are evidently not trying to discourage the kids from demonstrating.

Forman told S£ott to call the local FBI and Dr. Pitts in Birmingham (Miles College), Also told him to call Peter Hall in Birmingham, and Oliver at the Inter-citizens council (Birmingham) (HA 8- 96U6 : George Scott

Washington: Ar« i:orman: Justice Department : 11:55am

Kkk ^elrna: Tom Brown 11:15am , .•:•••'•• '••••: . > Reynoaa A Miss Porter ' just came into the office and told Tom that Judge kkjr said he was sending her d: ••-.'...••..' Geraldine Mitchell to Mount Meigs juvenile school for one year for picketing. He evidently said that he would do it with all the juveniles- there are about 18 or 19 juveniles in jail (16 years and under)/ MissPorter went to court because Mrs. Mitchell was too ill to go. There are about 25 people down to register (only 12 are supposed to be there because only 12 have numbers).. Negroes are kkkkkkk, out on the streets as though they are 'waitin g for something to happen'. Tom has called the jail repeatedly for Willie C.Robertson, who was arrested yesterday aftern on whiile at a grocery store,; but bbth the city and county jails claim they don't have him.

Washington: : Justice Department, Mr.. Norman: 10L:3Oam Informed JD of the above and kkktekkk&S he said that he was about to call Selma JD about it. JfL,. ^'-J-O'-2>

Birmingham: Att. Peter Hall Re sentsncing of juveniles, Repoolds is sentincing as delinquents all those who had earljfcer been con victed while participating in demonstrations and been put on probation. Repjrolds is revoking their probation and sentencing them to a year. All the juveniles whose parents sign a retainer will be represented by Att. Hall- He is filing a" writ of habeas corpus for those. He is unable to act for those juveniles who don't sign the retainer. -;HBKHBBH;-* Selma: an injunction has been issued in Selma to prevent SNCC or others from demonstrating. Ostensibly to 'keep the streets safe for Selma citizens'— received this information from the wire services- Have no more information yest, Kkk Neither Tom Brown, nor anyone else from SNCC had been served with injuction at 1pm/ Public meetings of more than 6 and testing of cr bill also prohibited in injunction. WATS LINE KEPUKT TAKEN BY RUBY D. at ?:05p.m. from Thomas Brown $&ful S[J CjUpnJ^ "I SELMA: None of the kids are being released today—not even Mitchell. Jim Clark has now made the bonds deuble and triple, that is, adding charges. They are contributing ta the Del., tf Minors, pretesting while sourt is in session, carrying concealed weapons (Karen had chain from necklance which she had broken and put in pocketbook), distrubing the Peace.

Terry Shaw was arrested this evening! therefore, everyone is in jail except Tom Brown. Peter Hall has asked that the injunction ihat not be broken just yet. They had planned mass public accomodations protest.

John should not come back intothe state until he receives word from the lawyer in that Miey have aether charge awaiting him f»r an additional $300.

White man (unidentified) has been coming by the Freedom House and th-eatening to kill everyone in there. Landlady has other tenants who are threatenin • to move- They may look for another house.

Willie C, Robertson, arrested yesterday evening, was beaten in jail last night.

J. Bond reports at 12:U5 ©perator says Hattiesburg number - JU2-9993 - is out •f order. Repeated calls get busy signal. Greenwood and Jacksen notified at same time. From Greenwood; apparently Hattiesburg has been making repeated calls to FBI and local law asking in arrests were made in beating cases, and lines were disconnected to stop these calls from going «ut. : ~~ CLARKSDALE taken from Bob Byers, by Ron Carveir at 5:l5 Yesterday afternoon Att. Jack Pratt of N.C.C. (also vice • ••'." :- ••:.i president of the Lawyers Constitutio nal .Defence Comm- ) was arrested in Clarksdale. unconfirmed reports say that he was charged with making an illegal and improper righthand turn . He is now out on bond and is planning on defendin g himself.

JA'CKSOT! TO lUibcr^aa from -ar^aret fJ Browning Miss. 3xx 4:30 Pleasant Plan Missionary Baptist burned to the ground. Accoring to local resident who was looking on . was fire truck there but put no water on the churdh while it was burning. the Church near home of lirs, Laura Magee, a member of the churctj. To her the white community had wanted to buy hte church. but Negroes did not want tot sell, Tho white comm. had bi.cn lectin" every night. Typical "Icgroe church, made out of cinder bloc's. Church covered by insurance and no injuries. notified the F"I local in Hreern'ood and Te^phls

n r c e n w o o d Burned between 2 and 3 A'" "riss. time. Lady about mile den the road said there had been "'oose meeting that ni"''t and had been gotfcng on at 2Am, She thought she heard a procession of cars coming toward the church* > vr or cr "Orh there but church Is right in middle of white community. 'fr. Jessie Johnson ashed the churc1 to sell cuz he has pronortv around the church. ''ns refused and Inter the dheriff cane and told that they could swamp the church for a count;' school, minister refused ans sheriff told him that the churc1- would have to he moved. 'oor.c ].od"c do"B the street.'"ire true' 1000 feet fr-pm the church and did nothing. *'hca "d ".tide and "'red 'nn-nr went to investigate this morning nt-7A*' left at (••x" the church still burning to the ,vround. "ire. true': had left but had been there. "To local offinals around at the tiem no rolicc. Called John 9 a or. 9:30 '

Greemwood: 8:55am Stu House re Browning -church- some new info. Full report on church burning: /*- A Negro Baptists church fchrnedt o the ground in a predominatly white community named r Browning , Miss,, at approximately 3:30am, July 11.. The name of the church was the Pleasant Plan Missionary Baptist Church* There is no record of ci il rights meeting in this church. An unidentified Negro boy arrived on the scene while the church waw ostill burning. He said that the fire truck was parked approximately 1000$ feet away. He said that the truck was not attempting to contorol the fire. When the church uas investigated by two SNCC workers at 7am the rafters were still burning • - ' r*. • • ... •».." ' Fire had obviously not been dampened. A Moose Lodge meeting was reported to be goin § at full tilt as late as 2am by a local kkfate Negro woman Mrs. Laura McGee. She reports that after 2am she heard a procession of cars pass her home in the direction of the church, ^he says that she feels that they were stopping in the general vi inity of the church, Jesse Johnson , a local white was reported to have asked the congregation to sell him the building and grounds* He had recently bought the surrounding property. The congregation refuesed to sell. Mrs. McGee also reports that she was told by the local sheriff that he would trade the church for a local county school, ^hen she remarked that it waivimpossible to trade a private church for a public sdfaool building he remarked that the church would have to be moved. The Rev. of the church is Kkk Rev, J./R,. Rouse. The SNCC office just called Sheriff Smith of Leflore County at 8:10am. He stated that he investigated the fire site at approx. 7ara . He said that he had turned the case over to the state fire marshal! Lewis Hopkins, Loula, Miss. Ed Rudd, Lick Frey and Fred Mangrum are going out &d> the church again and expect to geturn in abojit 1 hour/ Hopkins will determine whether the fire was caused by arson. Sheriff Smith' said the marshal! was to arriv in Greenwood at noon to beigin his investigation.

i, Enfield: J.V, Henry The Klan has been active in the Halifzx area again. Last week a cross was burned acrossiifrcm the home of Willa Johnson, kkkfekkkkk SkkkkkS Her teaching contract had not been renewed this summer because of her participation in voter registration, and she recently filed a suit in federal court for her reinstatement. the Negro community in Also last week the Klan had a motorcade through/Williamstown, Martin County, about 3^> miles from Enfield, ffhte As the Klan drove through the community shooting it was met by return shots from Negroes. This has happened before, however, so J.V. expects that they will return.

Another group of students and ministers is going into Elma City on Monday ilso begin kbk painting the Negro church again. The Klan had Offered to paint the church in orger to dissuade the new group from doming in? fekk kk&§r The church group will stay in Rocky Mountain rather that Elm City.

In Enfield they are emphasizing their citizenship program. There are 12 schools with and average of 10-12 students in a class. SCLC teachers are conducting the classes. ******

Selma: T0m Brown; 5pm The fallowing people^ are to be bonded out today: Joh Love, Eriar Farnum, Frances Mitchell, Ernie Mac Millan, Karen House. Peter Hall feels that the others will kk probably be out my Moday. Greenwood- July 11,1964 WATS line Report, Uno-f f ical

Greenwood had a picnic with the community 3nd had some more of the freedom registration forms filled out.

Floyd McGlanghan- was walking dox^n the street and a car full o£ white TO pulled up close and tried to hit him. He dodged and they went on. Unconfirmed that there was a rifle in the car. 5 PM Maeola Anderson was walking downtown with 1 voluteer and 1 local person She was shoved and punched in the chest. Police aalled and nothing was done. Unconfirmed: Small Negro boy kidnapped by car full of white men. Police looking for him now.

Greenwood-Shaxj project 11: 00 PM From Stu House To Porter Negro was ofifered 40 dollars to show whites where the office (C0F0) was, and then he was offered $400 to blovr up the office. The whites to' him that they had the dynami te with them. Local Negro said that the police were part of the grou p of whites(unconfirmed). Cars of whites have been passing the office since 3 PM this afiternoon. Shaw project called the loca 1 police and told them. They were told that they had protection on the "other street". The street that the cars have been on is unlit, Officals of Bolivar county are stopping all cars. Their car had a r ifle showing through the window. A car xtfith three herbmeted po licemen, which was at first standing on another street, has now m oved up in front of the ofifice. At 10:30 the only car that the people in the office saw was what they assumed wa a police car.

There are 19 people inthe office including Lynn Edwards(father is congressman.) Two girls are houds in private homes which can be seen ftoum the office.

Shaw called Cong. Edwards , and he is going to call John Doar again. Greenwood called FBI at 9:40 Miss. time. Greenwood called John Doar at 11:40.

Canton,Miss. report from James Collier taken by Sheila Hatcher 9:20 Pm a small fire bomb was thrown on the lawn of the freedom house from a blue Volkswagon lisc. tag no. :458178, No county. The bomb ignited briefly and then was extinguished.

Laurel, Mis s_. 11:30 Report f rom Bob Beyers by Sheila Hatcher jiskx This afternoon at 3^:45 a NAACP gouth Group attempted to integrate Kresses a 5 and 10 cent store They advised 16cal authorities of their plans in ad vance. After the six Negroes sat doxjn a group of ten whites converged o n the counter, and pulled Cardin and Hughes, both 18, off tht chair a T hey hit Elmore M&8 xxx McGirill,12, in the back X7itha a baseball ba t and cut Jerry Ar rington,14, with a knife. All of the Negroes x^er e local. The enti re incident was in the presence of the police. Po lice said one whit e man had been arrested on assault and battery lat e this aftermaen. Later, Jerry Jenkins, a local Negro was beaten by f ive whites in Kres ses. Police KEXXX were present but no action was taken. A complain t is going to be filed. Jennifer Roberts, 14, was cut in the face, neck and arms by a xjhite man. This incident map jaot hav e been ^-eported to the pii police. -- STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 RAYMOND STREET, N.W. ATLANTA 14, GEORGIA CHURCHES BURNED OR BOMBED IN MISSISSIPPI From Start of Summer Project to July 11,1964

HATTIESBURG; The recreation hall of the Rosary Catholic Mission, 902 Dabbs Street (formerly the church itself) was burned about June 15. The interior was destroyed. Clergyman: The Rev. John C. Kerston.

PHILADELPHIA: The Mount Zion Methodist Church, on a dirt road x*ay out in the county, was burned completely to the ground on June 16. The pas­ tor used to be the Rev. G.L.Russell, Box 201, Philadelphia. It is un* clear whether he may have left. In his absence contact may be made with Mr. Frank Kirkland or Mr. Curtis Cole, members of the Board.

BRANDON (Rankin County): The Sweet Rest Church of Christ Holiness was damaged by a molotov cocktail on June 21. Damage was not extensive. The church is located on Old Whitfield Road.

RULEVILLE; The Williams Chapel x^as firebombed June 25. Damage was con­ fined to the front of the building. Pastor: the Rev. Joe Storey, 802 Beamon Avenue, Cleveland, Miss.

CLINTON (Hinds County): The Holy Ghost Church, outside Clinton city limits, xjas set on fire x/ith kerosene June 26. Half of the floor and the ceiling were charred. In this case the church x^as probably burned from the mistaken belief that a xjhite minister, Rev. Yonkers, xjho con­ ducted vacation Bible school classes there June 25, had something to do x?ith the Mississippi Summer Project. The pastor of the church is the Rev. James Washington.

JACKSON; The McCraven Hill Missionary Baptist Church was the object of attempted arson July 6. Damage x^as not extensive.

BROWNING (Leflore County): The Pleasant Plan Missionary Baptist Church was burned to the ground July 11. The church burned for at least three hours in the early morning, however no action x-zas taken by local offi­ cials. A fire truck x^as reported to have been on the scene 1,000 feet from the church but was not utilized.

MOSS POINT; The Knights of Pythias Hall was firebombed June 23. Damage was slight. The hall has been used repeatedly for voter registration meetings, and was shot into July 6, injuring a 17-year-old girl.

The racial overtone of all of the above burnings or firebombings is clear. The connection to civil rights activity is more obvious in some than in others. Hollandale MATS REPORTS; SUN. JULY I^3i$>6lb-unofficial •jaclcson from '-ill lobinson by Ron Carver 6:15 atlanta tirro Earl H arris may be missing. Yesterday afternoon George Lowell SNCC worker from Gr een ville went to Hollandalle.Earl TJarris told him that there was a bounty on his (Carl's) head*Someone had offered a local Negro &I4.O to kill Earl* Ear 1 had a gobetween who was going to talk to the local police* Earl was to call Greenvil le by 6:30 P.M. He d Idn't. At 2:30 this A.M. Stokely Charraichael and Charlie Cobb went to Hollandale. They heard from a local citizen that Earl is in hiding. They are still in Hollandale and expect t© hear from Earl this morning. They thought it best not to call local police or P.B.I, before morning*.

S? H OLLANDALE Greenwood yd Rudd to Ron Carver 10:30 atlanta aime George Rowell called Greenwood and reported that Earl is alrie-ht. DOUGHERTY COUNTY, GEORGIA: (relayed through Albany) Don Harris to Ron Carver 10 A.M. -^ete Delissivoy and John Perdew were arrestsd HUMIM at three thirty this morning. They were at theCabin in the ^Pines Club, a Negro club, f£4 in an integrated 4W> -rou n.The oolice picked the two whites out of the group and told them'tho manager wanted to talk with them. The manager then said to the pair that the police had something to tell them. The oolice then arrested tnem on charges of public drunkeness, disorderly conduct, and trespass. The county bail has been set at $600 per person.

Selma: Tom Br wn and John Love; £ES 12;05noon At about 10:l5am, Selma lime, John Love and Eric Farnum were walking from the Freedom House. Several police cars drove by and one pulled over as they were talking with Mrs* Boynton's two neiees and daughter-iix-Iau who had stopped in a car to offer them a ride. The police ordered John and Eric Into the car and went through the voter registration papers they were carrying. One of the officers started talking to Eric^ about how he 'ought to stompiiis guts out', and why the hell couldn't he kkkk stay up there where he belongs, and he is worse than a nagger'. Eds John, Eric and the three girls were taken down to the police station where Dep. sheriff Crockett talked with them0 Crockett is is the deputy who had come to the Freedom House about a week ago with forms for John and Eric to fill out saying "I just want to know who you are if they drag youfc bodies out of the river," Crockett said that feh he wanted to be fair with them and therefore would let them go this Mire „ He spoke about the injunction and said that he personally would not be stricfc/ about it and would allow leeway for 'social activities*, but he would arrest them for anything else, Crockett kept the group about \ hour and Hhen let them go.

ABC is interviewing some Selma residents who have been involved with the movement. The interviews will be incorporated into a nation-wide program they are doing in conjunction with the Efek Republican National Convention,khSkkkk the problems of Alabama, and why the^ Negroes In the south should be able to vote. J/_)' »i_>i->C Enfield; J.V. Henry 1pm There was a 'race riot' in Henderson, North Carolina, 3$ miles from Enfield when a group of Negeoes tried to get served at the lunch counter of a truck stop. About 300 were involved in the fighting that broke out8 Negroes were attacked by whites with bottles and tire irons, BfckkKk Two Negroes were hospitalized, one in serious condition 13 Negroes and 1; whites were arrested.

Gov* Sanders has said the workers in Elm City wild, have protection from the state. Sunday July 12, 196ft M King NOT FOR RELEASE - unofficial report GREENWOOD, MISS. Prom Garman 11:30 pm BOMBING EXPECTED Local person overheard a conversation that the Greenwood office would be bombed or burned out and that the local fire department should not put th the fire out. There has been a suspicious looking car around, Carroll Cc tags license no, 8-2098 blue 196l chevy. Two other car seen last night N60I2 dark blue buick or olds 63 or 6J1 sitting down Broad Street on 7/10 at 11pm with 6 white men| other NB 2lj.86, light brown or beige rambler, 10:!j.0pm July 10, drove by office. Stu House struck by occupant, of car. The local person heard fireman told that offTce would be burned. Gwood office talked with individual and they think threat is reliable. They have asked the Jackson office to call every half hour after midnight to check, and Atlanat to call occasionally. They called John Doar and the Membhis FBI; Foar is supposed to be contacting local FBI who is sup­ posed to check out story with local person. Local police also called. Stokeley, Coufrbland, Stu House and Ed Rudd,

JACKSON, MISS. From 3ob Beyers 11:30 pm Radio reports about 8pm relayed by CBS and Meridian, NYTimes, etc, that a body was found near Tallulah, La, by a fisherman named James Bowls or Bolls: half (lower) of body dressed in blue jeans and tennis shoes, leather belt, buckle w ith letter M and gold watch (Bulova), chain with 2 keys, patot of a pack of cigarettes^, piece of paper with handwritten referaacewith Alcorn A&M. Meridian was hit with radios before Jackson got report and initial reaction was that it checked out with Schwerner, There was an NBC report that said civil rights workers said he had a gold watch which was a hearsay report in Meridian, Bob Gore got it back to NBC that we were checking it out. Greenwood was trying to protect Rita (ffrom press phone calls. FBI said nothing except that they were in­ vestigating. On top of that came the bomb threat in Gwood, 8:10 J, got another call from Meridian on sneakers he might have been wearing. Meridian also said he was planning to take some freedom registration forms to Alcorn Saxxsips and had been making arrangements before disap­ pearance. They also had a rumor yesterday that if bodies were found they would be mutiliated, and scattered in different states. Gwood's initial reaction to J. office was to protect Rita and check out descrip­ tion of dress through others. Meridian reports were piling up and said he had received a gold watch and that the Alcorn message checked out. New York (Kunstler) produced information that the watch was silver, that he didn't have belt buckle initialled M, and that his tennis shoes were still in his apartment. Bob Moses discounted report of tennis shoes at first and Jesse Morris said he usually wore overalls, Jackson is not saying anything to press now except "no comment," Jackson is assuming Gwood will do FBI, etc. contact, AP Atlanta 7vm Prom Dinky - Body taken to local funeral home until feds arrive. James - there is a short statement from Betty on probability of office bombing on tape, -MK WATS LINE REPORT, July 12th pm and July 13th am IT. Grogan Jackson 12:50 Bob Sysrs to h.Porter The body of the fellow found has been moved to Jackson to the university hosp JACKSON 2:30 Mississippi time. (Emmy Schroder/Nan Grogan)

GREENWOOD 4:40 (stu House/Nan Grogan) Mrs. Augusta Parker called the local Greenwood office today and said that Mrs, Lily Green had heard at the fire department, which is next door to her house, that the SNCC office was to be bombed on July 12. It was later discovered that Mrs. Anna Willis overheard this information rather than MRS. Green. Dick Frey and Stu House checked out the report with Mrs. Willis who lives on Carrollton Avenue. Mrs. Willis said that on the afeernoon of July 12 a car and a pickup truck bearing confederate flags, stopped by the fire station next door and shouted that if the F.D. received any calls from the SNCC office the F.D. should not hurry or should not answer the call until the office had been burned down. Mrs. Willis x

j£C>&or.( wob eyeraj 13L:)r5am NATCHEZ AND SDAMS COUMIY: UPI report a Jerusalem Baptist and a Bethel Methodist church, both near Kingston buimed to the ground last night, A molotov cocktail was thrown at the home of Willie Washington, a Negro contractor in Natchez last night, but did not explode.

Jackson: UPI kkkkkkte conducted an interview yesterday concerning the Freedom Schools. Staughnton Lynd announced that a Freedom School will be held in McComb, There is a possibility that one will be held in Neshoba Gounty as well, but that is less definite, -SBBHHHS- WATS REPORT: MONDAY, JULY 13, 196k unofficial report -"-

Greenwood : Stu House Re body found this morning: the body has$ been identified as that of a man missing from Alcorn College since May 20. Another body was EbkhH^kfikfekfaikfek reportedly found however. This a?eport was later heard on the radio stating the second body was found five miles from khfekfe the first..

Selma: Tom Browi : 5:i*0pm The cases in Selma were removed to federal court this morning. There has been no definite ward as to when the people will be bonded out, or what is happening with legal proceedings/ against the injunction. -;BB;-X

Selma; Tom Brown: & Shuck Jones, Inc. Fund : 6:U0pm This . afternoon*..bond.was reduced to tJ©Ĭ per person- This will cover only- one charge, and if a person has two charges £r more (most have) they will be out on their oim. recognizance on the additional charges. If they are kkkfek finaneia31y unable to make bond tonight ar by tomorrow afternoon, those who were 'swept into the demonstrations and arrested illegally' in the sight of Judge Thomas, will kk be released on their own recognizance tomorrow evening. Those others who are unable to make the ijB3B $300 bond will have their bond set at ^100 each. The lawyers got statements of financial condition from most of the people in jail this afternoon, and on the basis of those statements they feel that probably none will be bonded out tonight, but will come out tomorrow under the lower bonds. There are S$ people still in jail

A motion was also made to have enjoin the Selma officials from interfering with the conduct of voter registration, educational, or other pea&ef ul;-.civ?.l*»rights- activities. This injunction has been removed to federal court an d hearing will be sometime late in the week or next week.

Judge Thomas has remanded one of the cases, but Jones is not certain which- he thinks the criminal case of the demonstrators and others arrested. If they are remanded he will file for a stay so the cases won't come to trial in state court immediately.

A motion for a hearing on the injunction filed in citcuit court against, SNCC, et. al, has also been filed, asking that the injuction be dissolved*

Forms concerning financial status of demonstrators have been left with the Selma staff—it is important that these forms be filled out by demonstrators so that when they kkkkkk are arrested the lawyers can file for them as paupers to have their ponds reduced immediately. THIS HOLDS FOR OTHER PROJECTS AS WELL AS SELMA.

Jackson: Bob Byers: 7:U5pm The first body found has been identified as Charles E. Moore an Alcorn student who participated in the Alcorn demonstrations• The second body is believed to be a friend of hisHenry Dee. The two were last seen together. Dee had worked for a lumber company and is reported to never have picked up his check from several weeks ago. NOT FOR RELEAASE UN OFFICIAL WATS Report Monday night July 13, 1961). M King HATTIESBURG, MISS. From Hunter Morey Jam es Jones, local Hattiesburg youth, about 16 years old, arrested mid-April on a rape charge is free. The grand jury (state) refused to returned an indictment. He had been accused of rape by a Molly , but it seems he had actually reneged on a financial arrangement. SNCC workers talked to her and she agreed to drop the charged, but -""oing so would have left her open to perjury charge. So he has been in jail since April. Rape is a capitol offense in Mississippi therefore not bailable. The Inc Fund agreed to take the case in Mays Carsie Hall was assigned. Some people say this is the first sexual case the Inc Fund has taken. He was held in the county jail in Forrest Co, # HATTIESBURG From Hunter Morey Re: Milton Hancock Hancock's case was removed to federal court today in Jackson (U,S,Dis­ trict Court, Southern, Jackson Division) - Lawyer: Baker of National Lawyers Guild, Ben Smith also helping. They are planning to fight his perjury case through on grounds that: he can't get justice in a state court due to the jury system) he didn't have counsel, or didn't have proper counsel in two forgery convictions which he served,..leading to perjury charge. # Re? Churches Burned in Natchez Area - George Greene went into Natchez from McComb today to check it out. He is supposed to have reported to Courtland Cox in Greenwood - who was not available tonight. Neither Jackson nor Greenwood offices know more than that New Jersalem Baptist and "Bethnal" Baptist were burned, that nei­ ther pastor is supposed to have been explicitly involved in civil rights in the area, and that a group of local whites has gotten together to rebuild the churches. More information should be pulled together tomor­ row. #

AMERICUS, GA. From Ricks and Mants Americus wants "We'll Nefeer Tttrn Back," No date given. They confirmed two reports carried in daily press: -that 15 white youths were arrested July 8 for disturbing .the'peace after firecrackers, etc, were thrown in Negro community (they said they did not know of any Negroes being apprehended that night on false charges); -that the city will be running classes at night for Negroes, # JULY Ik* 196k Enfield: J.V. Henry two boys., kkkkkEkkkSkkkfek from Rocky Mt,, one 19 and one 21, tried to burn the church in Elm City thai is being painted last night. The two were apprehended by SBI (state bureau of investigation) men while splashing gasoline on the church. The group that was planning on kkfe painting the church evidently made a deal with Gov. Sanders that in return for state protection they would not live in the Negro community in Elm City- they are living in motels. This morning when the painting started there were kO state troopers present, A great many whites showed up too. JV has pictures from the scene this morning.

Natchez:- George Greene (from Jackson) George went to the site of the burned churches and got pictures which are on the way to Atlanta but couldn't get any information. He will return on Thursday to speak with the ministers.. He did get affidavits from people who saw the man who threw the molotov cocktail at Washington'» home. The man •! threw' it ' "* from a car. V WATS REPORT July 1U unofficial report


SEVEN PEOPLE WERE ARRESTED IN DREW, MISSISSIPPI. ONE FOR DISTRIBUTING LITERATURE, MIKE YARROW, 2li, Philadelphia, an Antioch graduate. OTHERS WERE CHARGED WITH BLOCKING THE SID^ATALK, WHILE IN FRONT OF THE HOLLY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH ON UNION STREET IN DREW. THEY ARE: Landy McNair, CORE, 20, of'Jackson; John Harris, SMCC staff, 20, of B'Hamj Charles Soattergood, Gretchen Schwartz, and James Dann, They are being held in basement of jail. We are to call UP, AP, Philly papers," ABC, CBS, NBC. McNair Harris and Miller are Negro the rest are white. Bond is $lr,0 for all except Dann and Harris and it is $200 for thorn. They ere all in Drew City Jail. Millar is 2 0 from Prichard Alababr.. The rest all have files. The first arrest took place at 4:00 Miss, tine John Harris, S^CC staff was arrested two hours latter. .

The seventh is Fred Miller, 20, Prichard, Alabama, Negro Gretchen Scwarta, was released on $100.00 bail because she was about t« be re­ moved to the Indianola jail. Drew has a one-cell jail, and she was the only femalec They were passing out song sheets at a mass meeting being held there. They will appear in court in Drew at 9 tomorrow morning, A continuance is expected until 10 so the attorneys may investigate the case and talk to the clients. Len Edwards, son of Gong Edwards, from Palo Alto, California, was at the jail Drew is 6 miles from Ruleville, No staff people live there. When Gretchen was released, police said; "Look at her. see, she hasn't been beaten,"

Jail number is 7k$ - 8355, JUSSSSSS, 7L5-2200. Thirteen staff workers and volunteers are still there. We should call Jackson, July 15, 1964 Report taken by William Porter McComb, Miss. Time: 8:30 Atlanta time ..— 32 people attended Freedom Schools in McComb., ages ranged from 8 to 19 years. The schools aree conducted by Ralph Featherspoon. and SNCC staff at 702 Wall Street. Evening classes will be set up on Monday for adults. They will have Math..English, Science, French, and Civics. Greenwood, Miss. Report called in by stu House. 6:25 first arrest Taken by Brenda Travis Atlanta time 9:20 Miss, time Drew Miss. 23 arrests including 3 kids at 6:25 Miss..both male and femi are in jaij. togethre, children refuse to be released from jail. (unconfirmed) arrests were made at a mass meeting held out side of Holly Grove Baptist Church., which was the scene of yesterdays arresrs unconfirmed charges are blocking side walk and or Street. Curtis FLOY! police chief of Drew made arrests. Charles MacLaurin gave report. mMacLauren called from a water department building which is next door to the jail. There was a policeman r&ght next to him. MacLauren expeessec concern for the safety of the people in the jail because the jail is located by the side of the main foad and also near a railroad tkack. He described it as a "dungedm t$rpe thiag". He was arrested with: Gretchen Schwartz,20, Sunny Vale, Calif, Mike Yarrow, 23, Philly, George Winter, lone, Calif, Jeff Sachar, NYC, James Dann, Calif, Chris Hexter, Saint Louis, Missouri, xxxxxxixxXxxxxx, and Ellen Siegel, Boston, all volunteers,white. Also arrested Charles Maclauren, SNCC staff, Negro and the following ^local people from Ruleville: John Clark, Paul Jackson, Ora Doss, f etty Surney, Linda Beberly. There are no lawyers in Rulevill of Drew, some tommorrow morning will go from Greenwood to Drew. Report from John Harris, re: Drew, Miss., from Greenwood.

James Gresheun one of the deacons working with the churche was contacted by the police and told to order the people off the churche property. The Negroes then went to jsx a private vacant lot across the street and at this point the police rounded up the old woman who awned the lot. She came out and told the llegrees and volunteers to "get off my property?. there was no warrant involved, MacLauren then soid that the rally would either be in the lot or in the street so they moved into the street. Then arrested for blocking the street. Harris said that they were now in a barbed wire compound.

Report from Len Edwards re;Drew Miss. At the time of the arrest, there was a IJCC meeting in the cafe next to the city hall. There were cars and trucks all over, Teh mayor of In- dianola was there. There were j?uns in at least 4 trucks, Harris also reported that there xras considerable white activity in the area tonite at the time of the arrest. 4 city police and 7-8 auxilary. police were on duty at the time of the arrest. Police department seemed aware of the possibility of white activity but the area is still a potentially explosive situation.

„,ATE REPORT: people moved from city jail to Indianola couty jail. July 16, early am MATS report: page 1, unofficial report Nan Grogan DREW Garman/Grogan The Negroes are supposed to have been taken to the Morehouse county farm. Whites are supposed to he in Sunflower County Jail, This does not seem to be what has been done Jackson 12;45 to Greenwood (Garman/Grogan) Eric Morton, white summer volunteer, Steve Smith, white summer volunteer Robert Ellis and Melvin McDavia, both 15 and local Jackson kids The four were driving in a rented truck from Jackson to Grenwd carry­ ing Freedom registration froras and pamphlets. As they were leaving Jackson, were stoppe d by Jackson city police. They continued on Highway 61, just past last bridge before Canton where they were stopped by Highway Patrol. Ultimately 4 highway patrol cars arrived. The two Negroes were ordered out of the truck by the H.P.. and ordered to walk back to Jackson. They made it clear that they lived in Jack­ son. McDavia saw Steve Smith lain flat on the seat of a HP car. He was put down flat by the HP and then he d saw a HP hovering over Smith. The next time McDavia saw Smith, he had mussed-u! hair (Smith usually has his hair plastered down) McDavia couldn't see Steve's face. McDavia's impression is that a beating may havetaken place. The 2 Negroes started walking back toward Jackson after they had observed the arrests and hitched a ride to Jackson. Sherwin Caplin in Jackson office called Madison County jail in Canton and spoke with Mrs. Thompson, the jailer's wife who said that the two "- were in jail there. The charges are": Morton: interfering with a officer and resisting arrest; Smith: resisting arrest and refusing to show a driver's license. She said no bond had been set. They will be taken before a justice of the peace tomorrow. She knows nothing about the truck. Truck is missing. The J.P., Leroy Hawkins, was called and he said that they would appear before him around 9 or 10 am. The H.P. was called and claims to know nothing about the arrest. The FBI in Jackson was informed as was the Memphis FBI, The jail phone no. 859-2345.

DREW: Ed Rudd/Nan Grogan 2X% 2:45 am, July Harris called the Sunflower C. jail at 9: 45 and an unidentified jailer stated that two white girls were being detained. Male whites At 11 pm Rudd called Sunflower C. jail and jailer said two FBI agents just left and any information would have to come from the agents. Rudd called Kirby Fudge at Memphis FBI sev. times between 11 and 12. Fudge said agents, had been at the jail nad that the agents would call the Greenwood SNCC office as soon as they reported in to the Memphis FBI. Agents have not yet called. Rudd called and found that there was no written report of what the two men had reported but they had been told to call P.udd, and hadn't Off-hand account of what went on: agents were at the jail inter­ viewing the occupants under Washington directive. They had inter­ viewed two when they called in and x^ere going to interview the other as soon as possible. Aid gave no. of agent from Greenwood: Murphy, staying in Drew.. Rudd called Murphy and he said: "I am sure that the x^hites are at the County Jail" M. was not the agent who had done the interviewing there. July 16, early am WATS report: page 1, unofficial report Nan Grogan DREW Garman/Grogan

The *Tegroes are supposed to have been taken to the Morehouse county farm. Whites are suppoTed to he in Sunflower County Jail. This does not seem to be what has been done r^Jackso n 12:45 to Greenwood (Garman/Grogan) Eric Morton, white summer volunteer, Steve Smith, white summer volunteer Robert Ellis and Melvin McDavia, both 15 and local Jackson kids The four were driving in a rented truck from Jackson to Grenwd carry­ ing Freedom registration froms and pamphlets. As they were leaving Jackson, were stoppe d by Jackson city police. They continued on Highway 61, just past last bridge before Canton where they were stopped by Highway Patrol. Ultimately 4 highway patrol cars arrived. The two Negroes were ordered out of the truck by the H.P, and ordered to walk back to Jackson. They made it clear that they lived in Jack­ son. McDavia saw Steve Smith lain flat on the seat of a HP car. He was put down flat by the HP and then he d saw a HP hovering over Smith. The next time McDavia saw Smith, he had mussed-u! hair (Smith usually has his hair plastered down) McDavia couldn't see Steve's face. McDavia's impression is that a beating may havetaken place. The 2 Negroes started walking back toward Jackson after they had observed the arrests and hitched a ride to Jackson. Sherwin Caplin in Jackson office called Madison County jail in Canton and spoke with Mrs. Thompson, the jailer's wife who said that the two were in jail there. The charges are": Morton: interfering with a r officer and resisting arrest; Smith: resisting arrest and refusing to show a driver's license. She said no bond had been set. They will be taken before a justice of the peace tomorrow. She knows nothing about the truck. Truck is missing. The J.P., Leroy Hawkins, was called and he said that they would appear before him around 9 or 10 am. The H.P. was called and claims to know nothing about the arrest. The FBI in Jackson was informed as was the Memphis FBI. The jail phone no. 859-2345.

DREW: Ed Rudd/Nan Grogan 2X$ 2:45 am, July

Harris called the Sunflower C. jail at 9: 45 and an unidentified jailer stated that two white girls we re. being detained. Male whites At 11 pm Rudd called Sunflower C. jai 1 and jailer said two FBI agents just left and any information would h ave to come from the agents. Rudd called Kirby Fudge at Memphis FB I sev. times between 11 and 12. Fudge said agents had been at the jai 1 nad that the agents would call the Greenwood SNCC office as soo n as they reported in to the Memphis FBI. Agents have not yet cal led. Rudd called and found that there was no written report of what the two men had reported but they had bee n told to call Rudd, and hadn't Off-hand account of what went on: ag ents were at the jail inter- viewing the occupants under Washingto n directive. They had inter- viewed two when they called in and we re going to interview the other as soon as possible. Aid gave no. of agent from Greenwood: Murphy, staying in Drew.. Rudd called Murphy and he said: "I am sure that the whites are at the County Jail" M . was not the agent who had done the interviewing there. report: July 16, early afla^e unofficial report; Nan Grogan It was personal option as to whether the minors stayed or left. stayed and 6 left. Mupphy has no word as to how many are in the county jail. Murphy said that all would be delivered back to Drew in the morning. As it now stands, Greenwood has talked with noone who has seen first-hand what is going on at the County jail. The only two agents who are purported to have been at the county jail are unidenti­ fied and have not contacted Rudd as Kirby Fudge of Memphis office had instructed them to do.

JACKSON A call to Jackson revealed the addresses of the white summer volun­ teers arrested in Canton: Steve Smith, age 19, 3095 12th Avenue, Marion, Iowa, student at State University of Iowa. Eric Morton, 45 West 132nd Street, New York, New YOrk WATS REPCRT: THURSDAY, JULY 16, 196)4 unofficial report

GREENWOOD: PAGE 2. 2pm Atlanta time: a call has gone out to other field projects to send people to Greenwood; People are reported3.y kkfe coming from Tchula, Holly Springs. Clarksdale and Greenville,

Forraan has released the following statement oo the AP and other press: Today/ in full view of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at least 70 Negroes and whites,local Greenwood citizens and summer volunteers, were arrested at the Leflore Cou&Siy Courthouse because they were picketing for the right to register to vote.

Those arrests are flagrant violations of the I960 and 196k. civil rights acts, and of the first ammendment, all of which protect voter registration activities.

We ask the government of the United States to fulfill its responsibilities to the Negro citizens of Mississippi by intervening immediately to release all those arrested today, as it did in 1963 when the federal government intervention released 8 Bkklfekkk&Mttyd^^ from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee from jail in Greenwood.

We are no longer satisfied with veraal support. Wow we want a visible demonstration by the government of the United States that peaceful voter registration activities will be protected and assured to those who want to exercise them, I 3:10pm Between 35 and L5 more people were arrested at l:U0pm Miss, kfiddc time. Among r* those arrested while picketing were: Peter Oris, New York City Bambi Brown., Des Moines, Iowa Erin Simms, Richmond, Virginia Bob Masters^ Huntington Station, New York Carol Kornfield, HMsklkfck Wayside, New York KkkkkkSkikk Ruth Howard, Howard University Ekk Adam Kline Iris Greenlaerg, New York City, SNCC staff Frank Smith, Newnan,Georgia, SNCC staff Ed Rudd, 20, Long Island., New York

Also arrested in the earlier group of ih 31 were: Gwyn Gillon, 20, Anniston, Alabama. SNCC staff Eli Zaretsky, 2k, Brooklyn, SNCC staff

At about 5j-50pm Betty Carman and Bob Weil saw a bus load of whites and Negroes being taken to the county farms They were kkkhk seen an Carrolton Ave,.

They also saw faKkfeMkk a group of white girls being taken into the county jail, and saw a paddy wagon kklfck taken around to the back of the courthouse and a number of police and sheriffs rush in. WATS REPORT: THURSDAY; JULY 16* 196U unofficial repor t

DREW; from Greenwood, Judy Richardson Bond on the 22 arrested yesterday totals $3980* Those arrested on first offense have bond set at $110 (there are 18)* JskGretchen Schwartz,. James Dann and Mike Yarrow are on $500 bond, and Charles MacLaurin is also on $500 bond, but the charge of inciting to riot might be added for MacLaurin which would probably raise his bond. Greenwood is workin g on raising the bond. Clarification; the arrests yesterday in Drew were the second arrests in two days. Some of those arrested had just been released on Tuesday's arrests,.

Greenwood: Betty Garman 11:55am At 10:30am Greenwood time 35 people were arrested while picketing at the Greenwood courthouse. Among those arrested were: Ray Rohrbough,Pinellas/ Park, Florida Margaret Aley, 19, Milpetos, California Paul Klein, 22, Palisades Park, N.J, L&naaLWetja©re,',lF, Hanover, Mass, Sally Belfrage, 27, New York City Michard Miller, 20, Tonowanda, New ^ork About 70 - 80 people are lined up at the courthouse waiting to register, and more are coming all the time. They're only kkkbkte taking one person at a time to take the test. Police are not interfering with people on line, but are just arresting picketers as soon as they begin walking. We believe the arrests are being made in connection wiith the anti-picket law,. Those arrested were being put in a black police bus and taken to the jail four blocks away/ from the courthouse.

At 10:U5am 5 more arrested. One, Monroe Sharp;, Negro from Chicago Friends of SNCC, went limp and was dragged half way to the bus. There are about 30 police standing around the courthouse*

At about 11:U5 31 more fekkkkkkkk were arrested. When Monroe Sharp went limp in the earlier group three police were standing over him and looked very mad, but didn't beat him. In the above group of five, one woman who was pregnant either hent down to pick up her pocketbook or went limp.. When she did, kkfe the police grapped her and she started screaming. The cops then got rough w£th her, and her sister, who was waiting in line to tegister ran over to the police and began shouting at them to leave her sister alone. She bagan to struggle with one of the police and he held his billy club as though to hit her, thouhh he didn't, fk He did drag her around however. During those arrests kkk a group of people with picket signs standing at the end of the registration line began to sing. The police went over to them and told them that &£ they had two minutes to put down their signs. They then began to arrest them.khkkkkkkkk Cortland Cox, 22, New York City, Howard U,, program dir, for SNCC and Stokely Charmichael, 23, NYC, Howard U./ Dir. of second congr, district were both arrested at this time because they were directing the picketing. Chuck Neblett, 23, Carbondale, Illinois, a Freedom Singer, was also arrested and taken to the courthouse and we believe, placed in a squad car. Willie Earl and Mrs, Anna May King of Greenwood were taken off the school bus and were put in squad car #k at about ll:U5ani« There are about k FBI men at the courthouse including Bill Murphy, a new agent.

Re two women arrested in the ^fiaa&d^gcojjp, kkkkfe when the police tried to put them on the bus they blocked the door and the police started swinging billy clubs at them, hitting them in sensitive places of their bodies. When on the bus Cortland and Stibkley called out that prods were being used, but this has not been confirmed, for tobkh no one could see the prods. ,„ «. ^ti . iiiuioDiif JULY 16, 196U unofficial report

Selma: John Love Charles Johnson, Hf 17, of Selma, was kicked by Sheriff Clark this afternoon. During the time that he was? waiting to be bonded out of jail Johnson took a drink of water from the drinking fountain, Clark kicked him in the rear and then in the testicles saying, "what are you drinking out of our fountain". Mfek, Although there was only one water fountain, Negroes are expected to drink out of pap er cups 4 Johnson was taken to the doctor who said that ihere has been no serious damage though there has been slight swelling, Johanon has been to the FBI and they have pictures of him..

EEI Justice Department was called and Mr, Norman was told of the incident,

Selma;. Willie C. Robertson: 5pm ihist after Alvery Williams was released from jail this afternoon, he was picked up by state highway patrolmen and taken to the Montgomery County jail, I called the jail at 5:10pm and was told that he is being held for failure to stop at a stop sign, $32-50 and violation of bond$30.:50..I was told that he had been tried on both of these charges, though I am not certain of when.

Charles Jones: Inc Fund: the reason they picked up Alvery is that he had mentioned that he had a trial in Montgomery and they must have checked and got a hold order on him.

Greenwood: Danny .-Lyon 5:U0 This afternoon at about 3:30pm Silas McGee, Greenwood, about 201 years old, was beaten. He was walking to the SNCC office when a car with three whites stopped and forced him into the car at gunpoint. In the car they beat him with a 2xk, He has been treated at the hospital and is now at the office.- He is very badly bruised and bloody but his condition seams to be OK..

Enfield: J-0, Henry The judge in Henderson, N.C has indicted a white man for starting the riot on Sunday at the truck stop! J^V. thinks this is the first time such action has been taken. „ ._v„^. munoDAf JULY 16, 196k unofficial report

Selma: John Love Charles Johnson, ig 17, of Selma, was kicked by Sheriff Clark this afternoon. During the time that he was- waiting to be bonded out of jail Johnson took a drink ft of water from the drinking fountain, Clark kicked him in the rear and then in the testicles saying, "what are you drinking out of our fountain", Hfefe Although there was only one water fountain, Negroes are expected to drink out of paper cups4 Johnson was taken to the doctor who said that there has been no serious damage though there has been slight swelling, Johnson has been to the FBI and they have pictures of him, I

RBE Justice Department was called and Mr, Norman was told of the incident* 8 #*# Selma: Willie C„ Robertson: 5pm S rtust after Alvery Williams was released from jail this afternoon, he was picked up by state highway patrolmen and taken to the Montgomery County jail, I called the jail at 5*10pm and was told that he is being held for failure to stop at a stop sign, $32-50 and violation "of bond$30^0*I was told that he had been tried Ekk on both of these charges, though I am not eertain of when. 6 Charles Jones: Inc Fund: the reason they picked up Alvery is that he had mentioned that he had a trial in Montgomery and they must have checked and got a hold order on him. -JKBHBi- w Greenwood: iDahny-Lyon 5*1*0 i This afternona at about 3:30pm Silas McGee, Greenwood, about 201 years old, was beaten. He was walking to the SNCC office when a car with three whites stopped and forced him into the car at gunpoint. In the car they beat him with o a 2xU, He has been treated at the hospital and is now at the office- He is very badly bruised and bloody but his condition seems to be 0K„ B •iBBBf-

Enfield: Jjfr, Henry The judge in Henderson, N,C» has indicted a white man for starting the riot on Sunday at the truck stopl J»V, thinks this is the first time such action has as been taken, l-l •JBBBBf- ft

MX WAIS REPORT, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 196U late pm unofficial report N, Grogan

GREENWOOD, Ju3y 16, 11:15 pm "A mass meeting with an attendance of 500 is now in progress. Forman is speaking to the group.

SEpA, AIABAMA, July 16 John Love/ Brenda Travis Eric Farnum was beaten by two white guys at approx. 7:30 pm as he walked down Broad Street, He is unable to identify the attackers. He was not seriously in­ jured but was badly shaken up,


Jesse Harrison was in Meridian at 8:30. He left, saying he was going back to Ala. bama - presumably to Tuscaloosa - and would be back in Meridian by 8:30 Friday morning ,

July 17, 1964

Greenwood! Jan es ?Fornan Thirty five people stood at the courthouse with signs today. fgbjkl; They did not picket and there were no arrests.

Bond on the 111 persons arrested yesterday is $200 per person. The lawyers are attempting to have the bond lowered.


All Grenwood cases have been removed to the Federal, Bond is set for $100 for insiders and $200 for outsiders. %ey are accepting propert bond. All are at the county jail. CANTON: Harry iVia3m, a summer volunteer went to trial today for a traffic violation violation in Holly Springs. He went with Larry Wright ho is alson a summer volunteer from ^olly Springs. Malm paid $10 fine plus the costat 11:00 A.M. in Madison °ounty, 33 ft and was driving in Holmes °ounty when the two were picked up by a highway patrolman and was taken, to a gas station whereupon the highway patrolman called the justice of the peace, TJO were concicted of speeding and had to pay a ;i>27 fine, which was what they had left from the first fine. In the gas station another patrol­ man named Oneil, drove into station and said that he had a char e ggainst Wright in ^adison ^ounty. He told them to follow him back to Madison uo nty where Wright he was convicted by a justic of peace named Saunders o#i«?-a? for wreckless driving and attemp ting to run patrolman Oneil off the road. The bond is set at f>100 and the trial is &§®Ai$Bj- 10:00 A.M. Saturday. Wright is enjailed and ^a 3m is spending the night in Canton. Wright's mother is sending money and he will probably be out tonight. DREW: Attorney Benjamin . Smith filed a motion in the Federal Court of the Northern district to remove the cases in Greenwood and Drew to ^ede5al Court. Ihe Petion was granted by Judge Clayton in addition to granting the notion the #ond is now jj>200 for outsidderss sndlOO for insiders. The Lrew caseswere removed as is, meaning that money is in the hand of the federal officers. Next week the Attorney will ask Clayton for similar reductions. xhis may mesn receiving some 6f> the money bakk. Attorney Smith will arrive in Greenwood to serve papers on the °ounty orosecutor in Greenwood. The prisoners will be unddr the custody of federal officials, tomorrow they will be' transferred to Greenville where there is a federal jail and will be released when Bond is posted. THE COURSE OF SNCC IS TO °0ST 3K0^ERTI BOND. The northern district includes all counties north of Washington , Carroll, •"-"eflore, Humphrey, "inston, Lowndes. The Peoole should bring their titles along with any mortgages and assessment papers to the U.S. C->mmisioner, Wollockett in Clarkskaife Tney are to indicate to him for whom they wish to rake bond for. WATS_LINE REPORT LTNNOFTOIAL REPORT


McComb, July 17 - The Zion Hill Baptist Church was burned to the ground last night* One report says k'-k5 &m, another 1:00. The church is located slightly west of ^cComb on Route kk* There are no houses immediately in the area. None of the local people reports having heard an explosion, but observers reported a chemical smell of explosives pervaded the site of the church. There is no re­ cord of the church ever having been used in connection with civil rights activity, Mendy: police have v*r yet to determine if it was burned or bombed and have no indication of who did it. Philadelphia, July 17 - Daniel Perlman, 23, 40 West 8lith Street, NYC, Columbia"Law students, and David Welsh, 28, Detroit, free­ lance reporter now with JET, paid a visit to a local white attorney in Philadelphia at l:li0 pm. They left at l:f>0 and were attacked a few minutes later on the corner of a main street about a block from the courthouse by a couple of middle-aged white men, Perlman was struck on the head by a chain, and bled profusely. Three or four men chased him as he ran toward the courthouse, one waving a chain. He reached Sheriff Rainey's office, and requested help, Rainey dispatched Deputy Cecil Price who returned to the scene with Perlman, Welsh was the first to be struck, repeatedly in the face and head and kicked in the ribs several times, as he started to fall under the blows. He too tried to run toward the courthouse, but was intercepted by another man who struck him. He returned to the scene, only to be kicked around again. He then made it to where his car was parked, and picked up Perlman who was talking to a smiling Deputy Price, Price asked them if they could identify any of their assailants. They weren't sure whether to trust him, so they said they wouldn't try and left town, Perlman came to Jackson C0P0 with a shirt completely covered with blood, and dried blood on his face. His main wound was the right side about three inches above his eyeline. He is ok now. Note to photography: Bill Light in COPO/Jackson needs 35 mm film. He needs tri - x and plus - x. He has sent in 10 rolls, but only has received back three sontaot sheets.

PROM SHEILA MICHAELS IN HATTIESBURG* BOND 3,000 They have '.. „ /people registered in the Freedoin Registration books. There are onl^T 7,k50 eligible Negroes in the entire cinnty, the se­ cond smalles oopulation in the state. They are 2,00 Freedom Regis­ tration forms ahead of anyone else, Ther are 600 kids in the Freedom. Schools (started with six, now have ten) and they come every day. One community center is set-up, will open formally on Saturday, and already has too many kids registered for the nursery school (5 to 7). They are in school all day, and extra classes --(piano) are being set up. An art teacher is coming down, visiting lecturers. They are also making a movie there. They want two (2) MISSISSIPPI (lynching) posters. AND, some SNCC buttons. WATS—REPORT July 18, Saturday UNOFFICIAL Stu House/Han Grogan Local volunteer worker arrested on unknown charges, Willie McGe"e7 SNCCproject director in Itta Bena, called to report the arrest of Clinton Loggins, 16, a local volunteer working in voter registration, who had been arrested about 9 pm bj/ Deputy Edward Ueber in Itta Bena. The charges are not known. He is believed to be in the Leflore County jail. The Itta Bena police, the Leflore C. sheriff (at home) , the Grenwood police, and the county jailer know nothing about bin. The jailer admits that Weber had brought in a prisoner, but all he knows is that "I jest locked him up." Local authorities know that he, Loggins, is the cousin of McGee. The FBI in Memphis and the Justice Dent, have been notified. John Doar was called. FBI Memphis was called around 10:oo pm. JD and John Doar were called about 10:15 pm.

Background information: McGee saw Clinton and his mother downtown "on~*the day of the arrest. Clinton said that a white boy had attempted to run over him with a blue motor scooter bearing a Confed. flag. McGee reports that the boy is seen at .. least once a day nearby the x^orkers. The mother mentioned at that time that Weber had been by her house three times that day looking for Clinton. lie said he wanted to "straighten out some of this mess." He didn't say what mess he was talking about.

S.f30: Loggins mother, Mrs. 5M^$#4 Dorthea Loggins, came by to re- port'her son's arrest to McGee. She had spoken to the deputy who refused to answer x?hen she asked why $& didn't he arrest the white boy instead of her boy. He also refused to state the charges to the mother.

Replies when officials were called by S. House: -County Jail": 4*5 3"-'5l'41 ("sheriff'* s bffice*J~~ no answer. —Sheriff George Smith, Leflore County (home): 453-2667; He said: "I don't know nothing about it," -County Jailer: 453-4234? "Don't know nothin' about it...." "I just locked him up" -Edward Weber (home); 254-3331? no answer, then told he was not in. -Itta Bena Police: 254-3401; "Ain't seen Ed; think he went to Green­ wood." -Greenwood Police: 453-3311; "Try the County Jail or Sheriff" -McGee's no.: 254-7637 (home of a neighbor) WATS LINE DIGEST July 19, 196^

Vicksburgt About 175 have gone down to courthouse since start of summer* all took test,

Columbus t Two voter reg, workers detained in jail in Aberdeen for k hours after being picked up as suspicious strangers and refusing to be driven out of town and left on a highway by police, 2) 17 people supposed to go to courthouse jwsterday didn't show-scared* A Negro maid lost job when informed white employers she had sighed Freedom Registration,

Holly Springs: Batesville wing over Holly Springs in first baseball game,

Greenwood! As of yesterday there were to be visiting privileges at jailj now none*—?8 year old man at County Farm Is without his medicing. Allowed in at jail later, but not at farm. Cantont Two white summer volunteers, Federal Projects workers, beaten after being turned aw ay from white church. Attackers between !?0 and 6£j dress indicated they were not on way to church,

Oxford: 01f Miss, student who has had Rust College contacts had seat covers slashed while car parked outside faculty home; threatening note left, Harras- ment before, but can't get administration to act.

Clarksdale: Group of k workers tried to integrate k churches—refused at all,

Bftloxi: Voter reg, worker chased, threatened by two men in pick-up truck.

Canton; checking out burning of Christian Union Church. 2) Minister from National Council beaten by local men in Carthage,

Meridian: "Every Member Vote" campaign begun today in Negro churches—minister makes announcements,

Batesvillei Town marshazll threatened workers at mass meeting in Crowder. (13 to 15 miles away). Said "lucky I have no gun in here,.,wish I didn't have my badge on,,,,M

Bilxoi: White Project worker arrested for trespass in restaurant (white ) where he had worked for one day until owner discover he was cr worker. Owner turned him into police when he went back to restaurant*

July 20

Batesville: Mass meeting tonight—very well advertised*

Greenville: 9 shots fired at car workers went to mass meeting in. Two workers threatened that white mob would form at place where they were staying,

Biloxi: Local Negro leadership wary of COFO,

Laurel: Voter reg, workers being followed by green volks.

Hattiesburg: White volunteer beaten downtown as left bank with two other Freedem school teacher. Assailant hit from behingl—no words exchanged. WATS DIGEST—JULY 20 cont. Ruleville: Two workers thrown out of cafe. Door locked, people inside. Told to come around and get key, (whites given keys). Asked to leave after ordered when SNCC button noticed. Owner doesn't care he's violdating cr act.

Hattiesburg(cont.): Volunteer who was attacked from behind and beaten charged with assault along with his assailant. Trial held tonight, carried over until Thursday afternoon.

Greenwood; Both barrels of shotgun fired at worker's oar—hit tires. 2) Trial is being held despite referral petitions filed Friday, Workers, remaining mute on basis of violation of legal rights, are being convicted of violation of picket law—30 days, 100 dollar fine—. Was thought that they were all now under Federal custody and jurisdiction. If this was case, trial illegal,

Greenville: 59 people took test today

Ruleville: 30 people took test today.

Clarksdale: Three members (girls) of newly organized Clarksdale Youth Action Group arrested for trespass, ofctside local Cafe in Negro section. Held on $51 bond,

McComb: SNCC Field Secretary hit on side of head by whit man as both their cars were stopped for red light at intersection of two state and a federal highway.

Columbus: Volunteer beaten by Negro boy with a hose—boy reportedly mentally ! *% retarded, ill—appears that boy put up to it by local white gas station owner. When in cafe reporting incident by phone, chief of police and four officers came in and gave usual "get out of town" speech; beating not mentioned.

•m WATS LINE DIGEST July 19, 1961*

Vicksburg: About 175 have gone down to courthouse since start of summer; all took test.

Columbus: Two voter reg. workers detained in jail in Aberdeen for k hours after being picked up as suspicious strangers and refusing to be driven out of town and left on a highway by police. 2) 17 people supposed to go to courthouse yesterday didn't show—scared. A Negro maid lost job when informed white employers she had sighed Freedom Registration.

Holly Springs: Batesville wing over Holly Springs in first baseball game.

Greenwood: As of yesterday there were to be visiting privileges at jail; now none—78 year old man at County Farm is without his medicing. Allowed in at jail later, but not at farm. Canton; Two white summer volunteers, Federal Projects workers, beaten after being turned aw ay from white church. Attackers between 50 and 65; dress indicated they were not on way to church.

Oxford: 01' Miss, student "who has had Rust College contacts had seat covers slashed while car parked outside faculty home; threatening note left. Harras- ment before, but can't get administration to act.

Clarksdale: Group oi'% workers tried to integrate k churches—refused at all,

B&loxi: Voter reg. worker chased, threatened by two men in pick-up truck.

Canton: checking out burning of Christian Union Church. 2) Minister from National Council beaten by local men in Carthage.

Meridian: "Every Member Vote" campaign begun today in Negro churches—minister makes announcements.

Batesville: Town marshazll threatened workers at mass meeting in Crowder. (13 to 15 miles away). Said "lucky I have no gun in here...wish I didn't have my badge on..,."

Bilxoi: White Project worker arrested for trespass In restaurant (white ) where he had worked for one day until owner discover he was cr worker. Owner turned him into police when he went back to restaurant.

July 20

Batesville: Mass meeting tonight—very well advertised,

Greenville: 9 shots fired at car workers went to mass meeting in. Two workers threatened that white mob would form at place where they were staying.

Biloxi: Local Negro leadership wary of COFO.

Laurel; Voter reg. workers being followed by green volks.

Hattiesburg; White volunteer beaten downtown as left bank with two other Freedom school teacher. Assailant hit from behind—no words exchanged. WATS LINE DIGEST July 19, 196U

Vicksburg; About 175 have gone down to courthouse since start of summer; all took test,

Columbus: Two voter reg, workers detained in jail in Aberdeen for k hours after being picked up as suspicious strangers and refusing to be driven out of town and left on a highway by police. 2) 17 people supposed to go to courthouse jresterday didn't show—scared, A Negro maid lost job when informed white employers she had sighed Freedom Registration,

Holly Springs; Batesville wing over Holly Springs in first baseball game.

Greenwood: As of yesterday there were to be visiting privileges at jail; now none—78 year old man at County Farm is without his medicing. Allowed in at jail later, but not at farm. Canton: Two white summer volunteers, Federal Projects workers, beaten after being turned aw ay from white church. Attackers between 50 and 65; dress Indicated they were not on way to church.

Oxford; 01' Miss, student who has had Rust College contacts had seat covers slashed while car parked outside faculty home; threatening note left, Harras- ment before, but can't get administration to act,

Clarksdale: Group of k workers tried to integrate k churches—refused at all,

Biiloxi: Voter reg, worker chased, threatened by two men in pick-up truck.

Canton: checking out burning of Christian Union Church. 2) Minister from National Council beaten by local men in Carthage.

Meridian: "Every Member Vote" campaign begun today in Negro churches—minister makes announcements.

Batesville; Town marshazll threatened workers at mass meeting in Crowder. (13 to 15 miles away). Said "lucky I have no gun in here,..wish I didn't have my badge on...,"

Bilxoi: White Project worker arrested for trespass in restaurant (white ) where he had worked for one day until owner discover he was cr worker. Owner turned him into police when he went back to restaurant,

July 20

Batesville: Mass meeting tonight—very well advertised,

Greenville; 9 shots fired at car workers went to mass meeting In, Two -workers threatened that white mob would form at place where they were staying.

Biloxi: Local Negro leadership wary of COFO,

Laurel: Voter reg, workers being followed by green volks,

Hattiesburg; White volunteer beaten downtown as left bank with two other Freedom school teacher. Assailant hit from behind—no words exchanged. WATS_!EPOMLT July 19, Sunday, early am TOOFFIC.IAL P.EP.ORT

ITTA BENA: 4:14 (S. House/!!. Grogan)

The mother of Clinton Loggins,who was arrested on Friday, July 17, went down to the county jail and was not admitted to see her son, No one has been able to see Clinton since he was placed under arrest and there is no official confirmation that he is in the county jail.

Stu House has tried to phone the Sheriff and the Deputy Sheriff, Meber, who performed the arrest, but has been told that neither is at home when he calls,

GREEIU700D (Stu House/Man Grogan) 4:30, July 19

A 1954 red and white Buick, sporting a Confederate flag, has circled the Greenwod office two times between 2:30 and 3:30 am (Mississippi time).

3IL0XI. MISS. from Jackson (E. Schrader/M,Grogan) 4:45 am, July 19 A Negro man was arrested Sat. night xjhen trying to eat in a white restaurant. There is no further information at the present moment.

Canton, Miss,- Dotty Zelner to Arlene Wilgoren 2:30FM. (Atlanta time). At 3AM Jackson time, the Christian Union Baptist Church in Canton, Miss., was burned to the ground, (minister: Rev. R, L. Luckett). The church is located 20 minutes from Tugaloo between Ridgeland and Madison east of Highway 5l. A mass meeting had been held at a church three miles from the above church on Thursday evening, but no meetings have been held at the burnt church. The Sheriff of Madison county drove up to the church and when he saw fof4lf4 a C0F0 worker taking pictures, he said that he thought the NAACP had burnt the church, otherwise how wou3d the worker know about it so quickly. The sheriff then asked the worker if he was going over to the other church. When he asked what other one, the sheriff replied that he would find out soon enough. The people in the house \ mile from the church, the only house in the area, saifl that they had been awakened at 3 AM by an automobile and when they turned their lights on, the car left. They could give no information about the car.

Greenwood, Miss. Jesse Harrison to Brenda Travis l0:pm Atlanta time. Jesse H rrison reported from Greenwood that ten to fifteen cars have been circling the Greenwood office all day, and are still circling. Harrison said that the cops stooped two of the cars' and told the drivers to get out of that area; but they 9hsvent left as of yet. The Greenwood staff are putting more people on watch tonight,because they expect trouble.

JAJESVILLE July 20, 12:15 am (E. Schrader/N.Grogan) Georr Cowan was walking down the mam Negro street with Deacon Robert­ son, age 73, and a local citizen named Crowder. They were going to the Oak Grove Church about 7:05 pm, scene of the mass meeting. About half way there a red Chevrolet with 4 whites pulled alongside. They shouted "Nigger, what cha doing with that white man?" The two men got to the church. The car pulled up behind them again. Someone said,"Boy, you'd better take your hands out of your pockets if you know what's god for you." Marshall Ricco came and felt Colan's poc­ ket. He said "Lucky you don't have a gun with you." (Apparently the marshall had been in the car and Cowan had not recognized him as a "laxj enforcement official". page 2 MATS__?,EPOF.T _ Uuly 19-20 INOFFICIAL REPORT BATESVILLE ""cONT'd, Cowan apologized and said "I didn't know you were an officer. The con says "get out of here," shoved him and said "I wish I weren't a law enforcement officer. I would beat you up." Ricco got in the car and drove away. Then the Deacon, being intimidated, decided he didn't want to have the mass meeting. People had not started to come yet so he wanted to call the meeting off because of the incident. Other local people pressured him to have the meeting. They had the meeting and Sheriff Hubbard of Panola C, and a few deputies arrived as the cdVo people had called them for protection at the meeting be­ cause there was a group of white people standing nearby. The Sheriff stayed til the meeting was over and said he would "give the guy a talk­ ing to who made the threat, 3IIQ-XI: Steve Bloom via S .House/K.Haberman , July 20 Palmer Bruce Maxwell, Jr., of Corsicana, Texas, student at Univ. of Texas, was arrested at Barney's Restaurant on July 19. He is working with the white community project. Me had held job at Barney's ore day and was fired when it was discovered that he was working with civil rights. Barney had told him not to come bach. He went bach and Bar­ ney arrested him for trespassing.

Sherwin Canlan of Jackson called Bilo-xi Citv Jail at 11:53 and talked to the captain on duty, Meckowltz, who said there was $100 cash bail. Trial is set for 6 am July 20.

12:15 Soren Sorenson called from the Riviera Theatre in Biloxi and had received a call from Bruce Tfaxwell sa^inr he had been arrested for trestassing. Soren called Jackson and pave the above info. V.d Hamlet was at jail at 12:15. Bruce Maxwell was bonded out by Steve Bloom at 3 : 4 5. WATS REPORT: MONDAY, JULY 20, 196U unofficial report

Greenwood: Betty Garman . .. ? ,: Paul Klein, one of those arrested last week, was, fe^fefitrie d in Greenwood city court at about 3:l5pm Miss,, tire. He stood mute on the grounds that he didnH; ; have private legal council. He was convicted and senjsriced to 30 days and . &1Q0. The trials of the 98 arrested kkkkkk (13 juveniles were released Thursday evening)), were begun early in the afternoon but halted by a call from the federal authorities in Oxford, Miss, They were resumed again, however and Klein was convicted* Gn Saturday when attorney Hardey. LotMBockwith's-attorney, and-* ohe of. the city attorneys>on$? the"picketing case)• was.served with orders'for removal of the , prisoners he refused to accept the orders on the grounds that the petition contained an error, Hfe The petition was titled the State of Miss, v. Stokely Charmichael et,al, Lott claimed it should have been the. City of Miss, v. Stokely Charmichael et.al. The lawyers working with us do not feel that.was an error but the petition has been changed to The state of Mississippi and/or the city of Greenwood v, Stokely Charmichael et.al.. There was an error in the petition however. It reads 'removal from feounty court to federal court*, and should read "removal from the city court to the federal court," The lawyers went to Oxford this morning to have the petition corrected with Judge Clayton, They had tried to reach him by phone on Saturday which sho Id have been sufficient, but no one who had information con earning his whereabouts would give them information. FEDERAL. JUDGES ARE SUP OSED TO BE ABLE TO BE REACHED 2k HBURS A DAY. 5:15pm trials are continuing in city court. Cases are being taken individually.

Ashland, Miss. 2:05 from Betty Garman to Sandy Stovall peter Cummins, NewYork, was arrested in Ashland at 10:l5am for not having a traffic inspection sticker on his csr. His bond is |250 and Ms trial Is at 2pm. He is now in the Ashland city jail. There were two local Negroes in the car at the time. -K-X-SHS-

Hernando, Miss, from Judy Richardson Dave Kendall, Sheridan, Indiana, was arrested at 12:25pm in Hernando and his car was impounded. Kendall was drivin g with summer volunteers John Davies, white, Kenya, and Frank Cierciorka, San Jose, California, and two Negroes who were not staff members, but work with the Holly Springs project* Kendall is in the DeSoto bounty jail, A crowd of whites was gathering around the jail and fckk the t white workers were outside the jail. The two Negroes were not by the jail, but were kkk waiting elsewhere, Kendall was arrested by Bkkkk Deputy Sheriff Manning, •SHBKfr fflMyWOflp.-.mi 20, 10:25 pm, J.Richardson & Stu House/F .Grogan Jesse Harrison,SNCC staff, was arrested at 10:15 at Ave. '"H" In McLauin Lewis Scott, a local girl,reported the arrest to Billy Goldstein, local friend of SNCC. She said that the car was parked and the nolice drove up behind him, and took the cat. Judy called the jail and" got more information. She was told by a man who refused to ?,ive his name that Jesse's charges were running a ston sign, and not having a driver's license. The bond would be $35 and trial is July 21 at 4:00 pm. The man hung up to avoid giving his name.

Jessie was bonded out by Dottle Zellner. He said that he went into the grocery store owned by the policeman, purchased groceries and inten­ tionally left them there. (They were unable to clarify the meaning of this action over the tlelphone.) He left and was shortly followed by a police car. Mhen he discovered he was bein? followed, he nulled over, MATS__RE_?ORT JULY 20, Monday & July 21, Tuesday UNOFFICIAL ..REPORT

GREENWOOD. CONT'd (Hpuse/Grogan) stopped and got out.of this car. The entire incident was taking place after the Greenwood mass meeting held tonight. The police came up and sa.id they had been informed that it was a stolen car he was driv­ ing. He told, them the registration was in the glove compartment and the pllice gave him one nimute to find it. Mhen he produced that they asked for his driver's license and he replied that that was also in the glove compartment. They said that his one minute was up and then charged him. with driving without a license, and took him to the j ail. Mhen Oottie bonded him out he ashed where the car was and was told it was xtfhere he left it. He went back where the car had been parked and discovered that it had been taken away.

Note: The.police officer who owns the grocery store Is allegedly the same man who dragged a pregnant young Negro women during the arrests made in Greenwood on Freedom Day. WATS DIGEST—JULY 20 cont.

Ruleville: Two workers thrown out of cafe. Door locked, people inside. Told to come around and get key. (whites given keys). Asked to leave after ordered when SNCC button noticed. Owner doesn't care he's violdating cr act.

Hattiesburg(cont.): Volunteer who was attacked from behind and beaten charged with assault along with his assailant. Trial held tonight, carried over until Thursday afternoon.

Greenwood: Both barrels of shotgun fired at worker's tarar—hit tires. 2) Trial is being held despite referral petitions filed Friday. Workers, remaining mute on basis of violation of legal rights, are being convicted of violation of picket law—30 days, 100 dollar fine—. Was thought that they were all now under Federal custody and jurisdiction. If this was case, trial illegal.

Greenville: 59 people took test today

Ruleville: 30 people took test today.

Clarksdale: Three members (girls) of newly organized Clarksdale Yuuth Action Group arrested for trespass, ofctside local Cafe in Negro section. Held on $51 bond.

McComb: SNCC Field Secretary hit on side of head by whit man as both their cars were stopped for red light at intersection of two state and a federal highway.

Columbus; Volunteer beaten by Negro boy with a hose—boy reportedly mentally retarded, ill—appears that boy put up to it by local white gas station owner. When in cafe reporting incident by phone, chief of police and four officers came in and gave usual "get out of town" speechj beating not mentioned. WATS DIGEST—JULY 20 cont.

Ruleville: Two workers thrown out of cafe. Door locked, people inside. Told to come around and get key. (whites given keys). Asked to leave after ordered when SNCC button noticed. Owner doesn't care he's violdating cr act.

Hattiesburg(cont,): Volunteer who was attacked from behind and beaten charged with assault along with his assailant. Trial held tonight, carried over until Thursday afternoon.

Greenwood: Both barrels of shotgun fired at worker's war—hit tires, 2) Trial is being held despite referral petitions filed Friday, Workers, remaining mute on basis of violation of legal rights, are being convicted of violation of picket law—30 days, 100 dollar fine—. Was thought that they were all now under Federal custody and jurisdiction. If this was case, trial illegal.

Greenville: $9 people took test today

Ruleville: 30 people took test today.

Clarksdale: Three members (girls) of newly organized Clarksdale Yuuth Action Group arrested for trespass, outside local Cafe in Negro section. Held on $51 bond.

McComb: SNCC Field Secretary hit on side of head by whit man as both their cars were stopped for red light at intersection of two state and a federal highway,

Columbus: Volunteer beaten by Negro boy with a hose—boy reportedly mentally retarded, ill—appears that boy put up to it by local white gas station owner. When in cafe reporting incident by phone, chief of police and four officers came in and gave usual "get out of town" speechj beating not mentioned. ^nA% WATS REPORT; TUESDAY, JULY 21, l

Jackson: Mary King Scedule fegkfor Martin Author King on Freedom Democratic Party tour: July 21; Arrive Greenwood: 3:30pm 3:50: press conference U:30: staff conferences 5:00: voter registration canviassing 7:00: precinct meetings July 22 Arrive Jackson 9am ll:.00am: press conference at Pratt Memorial Church for FDP, 1057 W. Pascagoula 3:00pm: canvassing 8:00pm;; mass meeting Masonic Temple July 23 9am: Freedom Democratic rarty staff and precinct meeting l2noonjTougaloo- lunch 2:pm;Forman , Moses, Dennis, Byard, King, Farmer, End Ed Xing meeting Upm: Press conference concerning the 2pm meeting.

Arrive Vicksburg: 6:l5pm 8pm: Mass meeting July 2i| 8:l5am Taping for TV program with 100 mile radius, WJTV Jackson 1:50pm leave for Meridian

arrive Meridian: 2:2lupm meeting with staff and local leaders 5:00pm press conference at Meridian office 2$0%2 5th Street 6:00pm precinct meetings 9:30pm Two mass meetings kk

July 25 leave Meridian at 8:30am

C larksdale: ->HB;-;;- Les Johnson, 20-tGlendora, California, arrested for running a traffic light which he says he did not run. Evidently they are arresting now if one is in the intersection while the light turns yellow, Johnson paid his $18 fine and was released.

Greenwood: Judy Richardson A young kk Negro boy from Greenwood has been missing since Sunday. He went to Sunday school and hasiiot been seen since, Natchez:, address: 611 S. Wall Street Extension McComb: " ~~ " ——— - They now have a church kk for the Freedom School, Unitl now the school has been conducted outside in front of the Wall st, house. Ameridus: John Perdew They are having a barbeque at Koinanea on Sunday at 2pm to kick off a maids union*.:. Should have about 100-.people. All the maids in Americus contacted. Jack will try to get Seamsters man. C.B.. King, Rev, Wells, etc. will be there. THE! WANT PRESS. WATS REPORT: TUESDAY, JULY 21,, 196k unofficial report

Hattiesburg; Terri Shaw Peter Werner/ 2k, student at Iniversity of Michigan, was beaten at 2pm in downtown Hattiesburg yesterday. He is a Freedom School teacher and is white, Peter was standing in front of a drag store on Main Street with Susan Patterson, x 26, white of Buffalo, Mkk and New ork City... William Jones, Negro, New York City, had gone into the store. A white man, Huston Hartfield, k8, of Hattiesbutg, came up to Peter and hit him from behind, pummled him, and kicked him. Both Peter and Hartfield were arrested and charged with assault and battery. The judge heard Hartfield's case yesterday but will not give a decision until Thursday. Peter got a continuance until Thursday. Both arg out on $25 bond. At the trial Hartfield claimed that Peter had jostled him at the Post Office steps about | hour earlier, Peter denies this. Hartfield appeared drunk at the trial. -;BBBBBS-

Holly Springs: from Mary King in Jackson David Kendall, Sheridan^Texas, was arrested today at 1pm. Charges are not yet known/ charge; not having inspection sticker, bond is $200.. waiting for Memphis lawyer. -SBBBB* Clarksdale: from ^ary King Three 16 year old Clarksdale girls, ^ary Brooks. Mary Dixon, and Irma Jean Miller were arrested for tresspassing yesterday. They were arrested in a Mk&kkkkfekk restaurant in the Negro neighborhood. Bond is $.$&. $5l for each and their trial is Thursday. They are not being turned over to juvenile authorities.

Lanral: Saturday evening a nightclub was burned on Saturday night named the Orange Bowl or Cotton Bowl, Local newspapers blame the fLee on faulty lighting feut we do not believe that &s the case. A dynamite bomb was thrown Into the Elks Hall at the same approximate time. The bomb was thrown out again before it could explode. Local people are unwilling to talk much about either incident, (laural cont'd below) Natchezj Chuck McDew and George Greene arrived in Natchez at 12 :15pm today. Within A5 m nutes they were picked up by police and charged with failure to stop at a stop sign. They paid the $10 and were released, according to Chuck" , the police chief were waiting for them when they got into town and new of their every move. He says that the±e are three cops following their car around town. They have gotten an office and have electricity and water but don't have a phone yet. Dorrie Ladner is with them now. -5BBBBBS-

Laural: Saturday night A death threat was received by Dr. T,J. Barnes, a 70^ year old Negro doctor in Laural. At about 9:30pm a rock with a note was thrown through the back window of the medical office on 1+26 Front Street. The note was addressed to Barnes who has sfi. downstairs office. It is believed that the threat was intended for B.E* Murph, a kS year old dentist who is president of the local NAACP* The note read: the same ^hing will happen to you that happened to the boys in Philadelp.&a if you don't stop participating. The mate was signed KKK. WATS REPORT; JULY 21, 196k . unofficial T*V^

McComb: Lee Garrett Yesterday afternoon fekkkkfekMend y Samstein was beaten by kfckk a white man sometime between k and L:30pm. He was driving alone in the south part of McComb going toward one of the Negro neighborhoods when he stepped at a Texaco station and kfek a '60 white Ford pulled up with two white men in it. When Mendy looked at them he kk realized they wo,ld probably mean trouble for him, so he left, A couple of hundred yards down the road he stopped at a red light. The other car pulled up and one of them men 'calmly got out of his car and calmly walked over' and kkkkkkfi swung about four times at him. He beat Mendy on the side of the head, but his blows were weak because of his awkward position despite the fact that the man was strong. He didn't say a word while hitting Mendy, but between his second and thrid blows he attempted to tear the radio mikeophone from the cars (this was one of the cars equipped with citizens band radios)* After he was finished he walked back to his car and got in. All this happened while the light was still red, and when it had changed Mendy made a turn, followed by the Ford, The latter turned off Into a shopping center however, and didn't follow him further. The man who hit Mendy was about hO years old and wearing work clothes. The other was an elderly man wearing a stffiaw hat. It is believed ihat the two work with the oil company or in the oil fields »

The radios have been useful in a couple of incidents already. In one case a car driven by a white minister was being followed by three cars of whites. A call was received from a white aontact and on e from the car radio, and another car was sent out to make sure there was no trouble. The second car was able to get the license of one of the cars following the minister. -IHBBi-

Greenwood: kRkjskkk 1:30pm

At 9:l5am Betty Garman and the lawyers, Larry Warren and Frank MkB Pestano went to the county courthouse- U.S. Commissioner William 8,. Luckett was there. After a short conversation with Hardy Lott,the city attorney, Lott, Luckett and a U.S. Marshall from clarksdale went into a deputy clerk's office where they confirred for over lg hours. Gray Evans, city prosecutor also came in, George Johnson, a law student looked into the office where they were sitting, Luckett was on the phone talking rapidly, Lott sittin at his elbow, Marshall standing behind them.

At about 11am Luckett came out of the office and said that they'd go and Start getting people out. They went up to county courtroom where Betty signed over ^J^OOO'bail money4$8000 raised by SNCC, $1+000 from Crockett). People from county jail were aut and back at office by about 12:20pm. Lawyers then went to county farm where they went through same process with those 68 or so.

Re trials yesterday: at l:U5pm Frank Pestano called.Gray Evans from Judge Clayton's office in Greenwood and told him that the removal petitions had been filed and were in order. Judge Clayton's clerk then got on the phone and verified Pestano's statements for Evans, Trials were then stopped for about \ hour. Evan's comment to the phone call was 'that's all I need'- i.e. we won't go ahead. The trials were then resumed J hour later. When lawyers got to greenwood at about 7pm they called Evans and asked why the trials were resumed. He said that when he got back into the courtroom that the others felt that a phone call wasn't sufficient and that the papers had to be served on the people in person. Kkfe Our lawyers felt that this was not true.

Before the removal petition was tried on Friday a stay order was filed, prohibiting any further action being taken on the cases.. The stay and the removal were signed. Even though Lott claimed there was an error in the removal petition, the stay was still in effect. TOMORROW will be another Freedom Day, but arrests are not anticipated. WATS REPORT: TUESDAY, JULY 21, 196U unofficial report

Belzonit Judy Richardson 6:U5pm (taken at 3i30pm by her) Willie Shaw called from Belzoni (9125) to say that there were 25 trucks Skkkkn with two whites in each roaming the NGgro community. Eaeh truck had a rifle in the back„ After the call, Shaw intended to go down the street to a local worker in case something should happen. Shaw has only been in Belzoni about four days. At 3:35 Memphis FBI was called. They promised to send an agent in.. Also at this time kkkkkkk Greenwood spoke with Sheriff Pervis who said when asked about protection for the Negro community that he tended to the county. Judy asked himspecifically about the Negro residents and he gave the same reply. He said, "I'll protect the residentsof Humphrey and everyone in it-" When asked if he would protect Willie Shaw: he said, "as long as he obeys the laws of Mississippi he will recieve protection. As far as I know he has been obeying the laws." fik Greenwood then called Jackson FBI agent Cohen and related the above. At 5pm Willie Shaw called from Belzohi 81+0 to say that there were now only two or three trucks, roaming the neighborhood, however the sheriff is now riding around in his aar with two local whites whom they feel to be trouble makers and the chief of police is fiding with three local whites. When Willeie first came into Belzoni, Chidf: of Police Nichols asked him why he was in town and who had sent for him, Willie Answered that h,lh2 Negroes had sent for fakk him. The sheriff said that he knew: that Akhfek he and his wife (thinking that AMnell Kraft is his wife) and that they whould both leave. They have been taking pictures of the house where Willie lives, but the woman who owns it is not frightened. Willie has no hope that the law enforcement agency in Belzoni will make the slightest effort to protect him. At 5:l5pm Willie had no knowledge of FBI agent , so Judy cal3e d Agent Johnson in Memphis who had no knowledge of case. Judy gave beief synopses,. She asked what happened to the agent who was supposed to have been dispatched two hours ago. He answered that they couldn't keep track of all of their agents all of the time. She asked if they would dispatch any and he said they'd do what they c ould,

Natchez: Two lawyers have been missing in Natchez sine© 8:30am«. They are from LCDC..

The FBI has been checking on them for five hours. The two lawyers are Prof, Robert 0'Connell,kk& Milwaukee, 35, and L. Thomas Brian, New York City, firm of Sherman and Sterling. They went to Natchez this morning and were supposed to call when they got there. They were supposed to check with FBI agent Prospere in Natchez (UU2-0186 0 but he said he didn't hear from them. He went ou\ of town, but Prospere's wife thinks he wasn't in town long enough to see them, Jack^ Pratt is trying to trace them . He is at 355-387U

Holly Springs : Judy Richardson 7:15 Wayne Yancey was arrested at about hpm an several traffic violations. He was on the highway outside Holly Springs. His bond is $250 and he is in the Marshall County jail. Yancey is Negro from Paris, Tennessee.

Greenwood: Young boy mentioned as missing in earlier has been found. WATS REPORT. JULY 22, Wednesday UNOFFICIAL REPORT JJEJLENA, AR LANS AS (James Jones/Arlene) BT^W^NCC people testing the CR Bill tried to be served in two places in Helena on Tuesday, July 21 at 3:00 pm. In one restaurant they were served without Incident. In a drugstore the lights were turned off when the group entered. The group left and were followed in their car by a police car for several blocks. There was some discussion with the police regarding whether they had stopped at a stop sign but no arrests were made.

MARVEL. ARKANSAS (James Jones/Arlene) Jr. Corbin and Prince C-- , both Negro residents who are familiar to the SNCC workers, went to a service station on July 18 to buy gas. They went in to eat and ordered a lb. of bologna. The man started cutting the bologna, cut more than a lb., and the two told him it was too much. He began to curse them. He then hit Jr. with a billy stick and fractured his left arm. He hit Prince in the head and knocked him down, Prince"s left wrist was fractured and he required 18 stitche. in his head. As the two were leaving, 6 more white men came in and 'began threatening them. Prince and Jr. left without further inter­ ference and were not followed. When the police investigated at the /eating place, the man x

NATCHEZj_ MISSISSIPPI. via Jackson (Rudd/Grogan) July 22, 5:00 am The two lawyers, Robert O'Connel and L. Thomas Brian, that were un­ accounted for since 8:30 am July 21, have been FOUND. They had simply failed to contact anyone or to check in when they arrived in Natchez. WATS REPORT: WEDNESDAY, MUX 23» 196h unofficial report

McComb; Lee Garrett The Mt, Vernon Church was bombed last night. The church is near Percy Quinn Park which is in Pike County on the Amite border. The bombing occurred between 10:30 and 11:30pm. The church has not been used for voter registration activity becauseit was considered too far out into the county and too close to Amite. So far, none of the churches bombed have been directly involved with voter

McComb: l:i;5pm Don McCord, Dennis Sweeney, and two lawyers from Jackson went to the site of the burned" churchj." It Had been burn ed to the ground. They were unable to find anyone who was a witness to the burning, but since all four were white there is a possibility the people were afraid to give any information.

The church, the Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist (correction of above) is located four blockes from the Mt. ^ion church which was burned last week.

The Freedom School is being held in St. Paul's Methodist Church in McComb now.

John Love Every Williams was released from Montgomery County jail yesterday.. A bonding company was- used to pay his fine. When Alvery was in|jk jail in Selma he hdd been beaten. He was allowed to see a doctor once, but not allowed a second visit. When he went to jail in Montgomery they shaved his head, baring his head wound, but said the^ wound was not bad enough to warrant medical attention, Alvery feels that they knew he was involved in civil rights and therefore wouldn't let him seethe doctor.

Natchez: George Greene 2pm Shis morning Michael Harvey, 20, Natchez, was picked up by police while walking with George Greene and Chcuk McDew. When the police station was called they said that they had only picked him up to talk with him and that he had been released, Harvey had been telling Greene and McDew about a man who was s&ot last evening when he was picked up. We have been unable, therefore to get any additional information yet,, fifekkgk George reports that when he first entered Natchez In October 1963 there were about 10 policemen in Natchez. Now he says that there abe about $ 75, H e also reports having seen 7 or 8 FBI men this morning in Natchez, and he believes there may be as many as 20 or 30 in the city, Ted Harrington of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department is meeting with Chief of Police J.T. jfepbington and the Mayor of Natchez, George and Chuck will be meeting with the mayor this afternoon to 'introduce themselves' and tell kktefa him of their voter registration plans. They are having some difficulties with their landlady—she was with them when they were kkk stopped by the police yesterday and she is afraid to rent them the house. She wants them out, but thep will try to stay. The only other possible place available is in the county and they feel that it would be too dangerous.

Laurel: Mary King We have been evicted from the office (or Freedom House, not sure) in Laural for the second tine . It is believed that white pressure on the real^ estate man &ed to the eviction,. \ WATS REPORT: WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 196U unofficial report

Greenwood: John Lewis Last nights rallies at the Elks Hall and Turner chapel were very successful. Crowds of people came out. The Klan had a plane which flew low over the community and dropped leaflets over kkk Turn er Chapel.

Greenwood: Dotty Zellner This afternoon four girls who participated in demonstrations an d were arrested last week were arrested In their homes. Three, Dorothy Weathers, Arance Brooks, and Bernice Cole, were arrested on charges of assault and battery against police officers, A fourth, Betty Barnes, was arrested on charges of public profanity, -;BBBBB:- July 23, 196U Leland, Miss, (from Greenwood) A group went into Leleand yesterday for the first time. Willie Rollans^. Leslie Turner~and three Mississippi Student union girls~were ammngst then. They were handing out leaflets (for a precinct meeting?) when Rollins was picked up by police and taken to the station. He was held on charges of forging a check, but was released after they questioned him concerning COFO, The group was staying at kkk Cage's Cafe, They were told by the manager that if they didn't leave he would lose the cafe. When kkkkkfekkkfi Rollons and Turner were leaving yesterday a white man pulled up and told them they had 2I4. hours to get out of town. This morning when the Greenwood office called Ekkg Cage's they were told that the group had left.

Jackson: from Mary King Yesterday Robert David Osman, 19, Brooklyn, white, was beaten while walking with Marion Savio 21, Berkeley in Jackson. Osman was beaten by two men with billy clubs who had driven up in a car with 1963 plates, Hkkkkkkttkkkgkkkkkkkk Osman was en route from Holmes County to McComb, He is still in Jackson and is OK •JBBBC-

Lexington:from M. King Robert Garololo, IE 19, East Haven, Connecticut was beaten while waiting in front of the courthouse in Lexington on Tuesday, July 21, A car with two whites pulled up and one got out and started to beat G arofolo. He fell into a crouching position and the guy stopped. A report yesterday stated stated that George Carnathan had been arrested by the sheriff's deputy as the assailant on a warrant taken out by the sheriff.

Forrest County: from M.King Charles Glenn was arrested on tuesday, July 21 on an indictment for perjury Ekk by the Forrest County Grand Jury. Glenn was originally in the Pascagoula jail, but he was moved and we do not know where he is now. Att. Ben Smith is handlin g the case.

Natchez: from M.King George Greene and Chuck McDew met with the Mayor of Natchez yesterday. The mayor mentioned that most of the nationally publicized shipment of arms to vigilante groups had gone into Ahe county area and not in Natchez itself. He also claimed bt> be in favot of voter registration, -"BBBBS-X-

Jackson: was arrested for speeding last night (in 70mph zone). Paid fine of $29. WATS REPORT UNOFFICIAL REPORT JACKSON: THURSDAY Pit, JULY 23 (II. Moprey,IT.Grogan) Roger Barnhill, summer volunteer, was arrested in "loss Point, He was charged by the judge with reckless driving and had to pay $42,50. Roger B. was in an integrated car and not driving recklessly. It was, instead, a white vjotsan who had been doing the reckless driving. The Secretary of State of Mississippi has denied certification to the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Thus, # the FDP now has no legal status in the state.

was planted by Eastland and Stennis. The relevance of this is the fact that we were going to file suit to seat the FDP delegates. The plan was dropped, however, at the sug­ gestion of Rauh of Washington, D.C, who is acting as an advisor to the FDP, Rauh is the Chairman of the D.C, Democratic Party.

Hunter wants Walter Tillow advised of these developments. Foreman al­ ready knows. (The above message was left for Tillow at D.C. SNCC Office)

INDIANOLA JULY 23 D. Gronomeir via Bill Light/Karen Haberman During the voter registration rally in Indianla a Negr o policeman, Nathaniel Jack, 54, drew a pistol on Rabbi Levine, 32, of Rochester, H.Y., of Temple Emmanuel. The policeman entered the b uilding despite promise by Police Chief Brice Alexander that no police would try to come in. When Jack entered, Charles WcLaurin, SNCC di rector of Rule- ville project, who was the rally speaker asked the peo pie if they wanted police in the rally. When they said no, McLaur in asked Jack to leav.e Jace drew pistol, pointed at Rabbi Levine and shouted "I'll kill some J., I'll kill somel" Jack then calmed down and replaced his gun in holster and left. Some 15 minutes later he ret urned with 12-15 sheriff and police deputies dressed in riot garb. Two police were stafc tioned inside the building against the wishes of the c rowd The rally was attended by over 200 people and was the second held re- cently by the Sunflower SNCC project working out of Ru leville. WATS REPORT; THURSDAY ENS'.JULY 23, *2& unofficial'report

:.^H% -^Wfcv . Alna^vj. Don Hams « . ... >\ //i/,-, In\ ?Sout 1,300 people wore registered ir Albany and surrounding counties l*«t week, ^ (!:$--< (^ Registration"1 efforts'are cloaeSj connected with work on C.B. King's campaign. People were registered in the following places:. Iij5: Cordele (Criep -'ounty) , 325t'.'Tifton (Tift CouhtyJ 300*:Thomasville (Thomas Gounty) iii?-50: Albany U0+: Bainbridge (Decatur, county) • ••, ' ;.'V- • •' '• "•' • '"''• ' .. Srecntvood: Judy -achcrdson U:55p^ '-•••'••'' '" s".r.:. . - V. Willie Blue, Stu House and Willie Peacock wertt to the Memphis airport this morn. Willie Blue was arrested AS he and Stu House drove back-through Grenada* He was charged with speeding though he was going 30mph at the tine • Stu House ca!3ed from a phone Booth near the police station at about" -2pm.. Jikkkfek Three workers iron: Greenwood went to Grenada to bond Willie out, Wil3.1e was allowed to make a call from the jail and he reported that his bond was $29;»- At 3:it0pm the police station told the Greenwood office that Blue had been bonded out a few minutes before. -:HBBBH;*

Canoon; from Judy Richardson Joe Lee Watts, &Mtkkl^kkkkkkM^kkfckk 21, Negro CORE worker from Canton, and Doug Batjifr 18, Boaman, Montana, white, were out canvassing in Santon, A white man described as #0 years old, 6ft. tall, wearing glasses,, got a cane from his truck ('62 light blue Ford pickeup) and struck Watts with it five times. It has been reported to the sheriff and the FBI, Watts says he can identify the man.

Durant: from Richardson Steve Bingham was Canvassing with several people over a wide area kkkk today. Two white men approached him and asked him what it would take to get him out of Warn. He replied that he was not quite ready to leave. They talked about 10 minutes. Then one of the guys started to hit him «> After several punches the men left. Steve then went to talk with the mayor of Dnraut. He said he woucd try to do something about it« Steve then jailed sheriff SmI4h of Holmes county. Sheriff wasn't there but his wife said she would send Smith to Durant to talk with Bingham around lo(clcck., According to Hbllis Watkins who talked with Steve after the incident, some of the local Negroes saw the leatlng and jjjfknew the white guys who work in Durant-, Bingham was not badly hurt, -BHBBBBBBBBS- Hattiesburg: Ekkfekkkkkkk County .Prosecutor Dukes: 5:25pm Charles Glenn is in the Forrest County jail. His arraignment was supposed to have been today but was pub off until tomorrow at the request of his attorneys. He is charged with perjury: falsifying a voter registration application which is in the form of an affIdavifi., Bend will be set at$ arraignment.

Meridian: from: Judy Richardson The hearing on the motion to enjoin The Citizens Council, KKK, Sheriff Rainey, and Dputy Sheriff Prince of Phildaelphia from acts of violence was Jsk continued until next Thursday in Hattiesburg. The tuit was initiated by Rita Sbhwerner, Mrs, Fannie Lou Earner, Ed King, Dorrie Ladner, and COFO. The defendants asked for a dismissal of the case on the grounds that: l)the Citizen's Ccurarql, Incorp. was refered to incorrectly as the White Citizens C0uncilj 2) failure to stajse cause of action (i.e. Ski why the suit was filed); 3)lack of jurisdiction over the ease* ***** WATS REPORT:THURSDAY, JULY 23, 196U unofficial report

Greenwood: from Mary King The federal government today arrested Willie Amend Belk, U7* Jimmy Allen Belk, 19, ' his son; and Sam Allan Shaffer, Jr., kO; all of Greenwood, They were arrested under Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 196U for ktekkkkjg interfering with the rights of Silas McGee, of Greenwood, who was attempting to enter a movie theatre. They beat McGee after he attempted to enter the theatre. We believe the same group beat him again on July 16, forcing him into a car and beating him with a plank, Ekkk The second heating took place on Freedom Day when 111 were arrested in Greenwood* These were the first arrests under the new civil rights kkkkk act. jti'JO'.

Natchez; Chuck McDew ^n. Yesterday Chuck McDew and George Greene met with Mayor Nors«jf of Natchez. They discussed kk the program of voter registration and freedom schools in Natchez. Norssey claimed to support both, emphasizing that he did not want demonstrations in Natchez because they are getting new industry there* He said that he recognized the difficulty of the voter registration test for Negroes and whites and thought sitizenship schools would be a good thing. He attempted to portray himself as a liberal in the community and mentioned that his two shopp ing centers are being boycotted by the Americans for the Preservation fif the White Race because he has; given food and air conditioners to Negroes in Natchez, When discussing the police in Natchez he admitted that it was intimidation and harrassment when police followed Sreene and McDew around Natehez and he said he would talk to the chief of police about fckfekktk it, Norssey admitted that they couldn't really be protected, especially in the county but said he'd do all he could in the city of Natchez, He noted a Chicago Daily News article about him where he was portrayed as a liberal and was quoted as saying that if there were trouble it wouldn't be from 'the colored people of Natchez, but from the hothead whites in the county'. He admitted that large numbers of people in the county have guns, Norssey also mentioned that Hkk; the Negro vote may have put him into office in his recent election. He won by only 200 in the run off»(l96l Voting: Civil Rights Commission report states that there are 9,3hO voting age non-whites in Adama County, an d that 11,2$ (1,050 people) are registered, Msk The nonwhite population of Adams county is k6J2%), Most likely the greatest percentage of Adams County nonwhite votes are Natchez people, and therefore the Negro vote may have held fee. the balance of power there. Generally Mayor Norssey wanted to portray himself as a 'fair' man and as a 'liberal,' He mentioned that though there had been •••trouble with the city council in the past that he felt that he would be able to get through wome 'good legislation1. NATS Report ; , Friday, JULY 24 UNOFFICIAL REPORT

GREENWOOD: July 24, 2:20 am (Garman/Grogan) •dressTe "Harrison, Fied^Tadgrum, and Ruth Howard called the offic3 at 11:30 pm to report that they were being followed by three cars. They had been followed by at least cue of the cars since they left Green­ wood en route to Swisstown where they were taking people home after the FDP County meeting tonight. The cars were:the car of the State Game Warden, a green stationwagon; a bluish Ford with a Deputy Sheriff in it; and a red Cldsmobile. They called from the house of the people they took home and were deciding whether or not to spend the night. The Memphis FBI was called from Grenwood at 11:45 pm. They said they would check into it. At 11:50 Betty G. called Sheriff Smith of Leflore C. and described the situation to him. He answered "Hone of my deputies are down there. They are all out looking for the blue Ford that tore up the TV station up here tonight. There's one state game warden in Worehead and another someone else." Betty asked if he would please check into the situation and he answered that he didn't have any cars of that descrption "No ma'am, we have no cars like that,,: B. informed him that we had called Wemphis FBI and were about to call the Justice Dept. (The Justice Dept, was not called)

Jessie, Ruth, and Fred arrived in Greenwood at 1:00 am. They report­ ed that the deputy stopped them on the road, looked at the car li­ cense, asked them where they were going, to which Jessie answered that they were just trying to get back to the office. The deputy said something about the fact that they were looking for the people who tore up the TV station. Rest of the report is vague pending Jessie's report when he comes back to the office in the morning. However, all did reach the office safely and it appears that the deputy may have helped the trio out.

GREENWOOD 4:30 am (J .Harrison/!! .Grogan) Regarding the above incident; Jesse reported that the deputy stopped the trio and the above exchange of conversation took place and,in addi­ tion, the deputy told them that they would probably be stopped several times before they reached Greenwood as the authorities were conducting a search to determine who had torn up the TV station earlier in the evening. After driving a short distance, Jesse's car was stopped again by the same deputy. The deputy said that they wouldn't be stopped again as he had called ahead and informed other deputies that they were legit. After that, though Jesse passed more than one deputy car, he was not stopped and arrived in Greenwood at 1:00 pm. It is Jesse's opinion that the deputy's kept their distance due to Garman's phone call to the sheriff stating that the FBI had been called and that the Justice Dept. was going to be contacted about the cars following Jesse's car. WATS REPORT JULY Ik- 106k unofficial report

McComb: Lee Garrett- Re beating •. and..arrest, of Mr. Brock; Police came into Brock's club last night a little before Midnight. They arrested Brock kkkk for serving alcchclic beverages after midnight (there is a law which requires ihat all beer bottles be broken before midnight and Brock had not broken all of them), Brock got into a dispute with the police about whether he could leave someone to close his club. They therefore added a charge of resisting arrest. Brock headed to the back of the club and reached out for a pipe on the wall to hold onto. The cops tried

McComb-Natchez: Car with George Greene, Chuck McDew, ^orrie Ladner, and Chuck Neblett was thought missing from McComb to Natchez this afternoon: the following is the chronology of calls made during the time they were thought missing: 12:15pm: group left McComb headed for Natchez 1:30 should have arrived .in Natchez 2:2£Jackson called Mr. Metcalf's home where they stay in Natchez^ Jbhey hadn't reported in. Checked Meadville jailj they weren't there. 3:07: Mr, Metcalf called Jackson: thejfcr car , a beige '614 Pontiac Catalina rented at Hertz in Jackson, Rankin County plates with citizens band radio and antenna) wasn't at the houseor the Natchez jail, 3:B£: Atlanta called McComb and Curtis Hayes said that they kbkkS planned on going kkkk by site of burned church and then to a home in Amite County„ Curtis said he'd take car out and follow route they should have travelled. 3:hO: Jadkson called Meadville jail again. Still not there. 3:$0: Jackson checked Liberty jail: not there, 3:h0: a complete report* given by Jackson to FBI man J.E, Cohen. Lj.:0£: Natchez FBI man Prospere only available through highway patrol . 14:50: Betty called JD in DC and spoke with Schwelb*. He said he knew of the case had been informed by local police*

5>:oo: call to Greenwood from four—thay were in Louisiana and 0K» 5:0£: Atlanta called Mr« Metcalf to inform him that they were OK and he said that G eorge usually takes the route through Vicksburg, Tand Tallulah avoiding Miss-,, roads when travelling from Jackson, Possibly they were routing in a similar way from McComb.


^jav^gyillellssequena. County): from Dotty Zelln er ChailieGobb was lold by some Negroes who work in Mayersville that their employer, A.E. Scott had threatened to burn the Moon Lake Baptist Church if there were any more civil rights meetings there. The church is across from his plantation. It has been used for meeting sin the past and a meeting is planned there Sunday^ evening at 7:30 for Freedom Democratic Party precinct and county meetings. Scott has als threatened to murder any Negroes working for him who try to register to vote. -;BBBB:- Belzoni:from Dotty Zellner 6pm "BoroTny Higgins, Robert Bass, Joe Stigler, Willie Shawand Elis Jackson went into Belzoni today. They called Greenwood at Upm from a candy store on Church St, to say that they were being followed by k local police cars and 2 highway patrol cars. The cars were parked 2 blocks away from the store. Greenwood adirised their, to remain where they were and not go on to meet Stokely as previously kkk planner At L:l5pm kk^c the group called Greenwood saying 2 pick-up trucks had joined the police cars. When Greenwood called the FBI they were told that the FBI had told the Belzoni police about the five coming in in order to 'protect' them. Greenwood suggested that that was more harrassment than protection. WATS REPORT: FRIDAY, JULY 2l>, 196k unofficial report

Ruleville: from wary King All but two :basse-igere gob off a bus in Ruleville when a Negro woman was roughly treated by athe bus driver, The woman had sat down bes5.de a white man.

Drew: from Mary King: Rabbi Allan Levine and Jeff Thatcher,, summer volunteeu, were forcibly ejected from the office of the Drew Cityy Attorney where they had gone to attend a meeting called by the mayor kfkl for parents of children that had been detained and then released on July l5o The two were threatened ¥k. with arrest by city police. There were 6-8 parents at the meeting. The children (jjf 23 of them) had been arrested when police got the owners of property where a rally was being held to ask them to leave. When they stepped off the property to the street they were arrested. JCii^pOi.

Holly Springs,: from Judy Richardson Elwood Berry (Woody) of Dayton,Ohio, and student at Syracuse U», was arrested in Holly Springs today. Ho was charged with profanity in the presence of more than two people, or disturbing, the public peace* Woody was driving~3cme_pecple to the courthouse to register when police told him to "move on god damn it"* He repeated what the police said on his citizen's band radio and three policemen jumped out and arrested him. Attorneys Alan Levine and Burt Perkel are filing for removal of the case to Federal Court, but they are trying to get Woody out earlier than under the removal, because he is key in Union and Lafayette county precinct meetings which will be held Monday, Greenwood is trying to raise the S,£00 bond for him now.

McComb; continuation of incomplete report (the cops tried.,.)re Brock

The cops tried to pull him amy from the wall, pistol whipping him once on tho hand,, cutting him with the trigger guard. They hit him over the head with a beer tray and used the weipihed leather strap cf kkk a billy club (his hand Is swollen). Police said something about Brock 'getting uppity' now that he had white customers,, (the xjhole scene was witnessed by 3 or k white and "? or 6 Negro £/ SNCC workers,, ; Brock's lawyers are trying to get his case removed to Federal court.

Freedom Democratic Party. Mary King There are Ik precinct meetings tonight in Jackson, Others are being he3.d in Meridian. Four meetings will, be held in Hattiesburg tomorrow,- WATS REPHRTt FRIDAY, JULY 2ft 2k, 196h unofficial report

Americus: John Perdew • • ?: 30om John Perdew was beaten today when he went to take his literacy test at the Sumter County Courthouse in Americus- When he went down he was questioned by all three registrars. Generally each registrar takes an applicant- They questione him about his work.; who he svas trying to register, why he Wasn't attempting to to register whites,, They questioned nim about his residence requirements and he said that Sheriff 3happell sould testify that; he had been, in Sumter 'C. for more than a year because he had arrested him last August,.. Sheriff Chappell was called in and affirmed what John said. The officials discussed trouble makers and whether John was one. After John took the test, which he passed, he walked out the door of the office toward the courthouse door and saw a man standing in the hallway, John tried to avoid the man, and walk around him, but the man slugged him hard in the right eye with a gloved hand (he may have been wearing brass knuckles under.his work gloves). John stumbled put the door, twisting his ankle, to avoid being hit again* Sammy Mahone and Sammy Rushin, SNCC workers, were waiting in the car for John, They reported that while waj ting, they saw the assailant go up to a white Olds- mobile with out of county license : 3J49AU7 (possibly Webster ^ouaty). The driver of the car was fairly well dressed;. He gave the man a pair of work gloves and women's sun glasses, which he was wearing when he hit Perdew. He then hung Skkk^kMfek^kkkfekSkSkkkkkkkbhkkkkkk around the courthouse- outside, then inside, ostensibly reading bulletins, waiting for Perdew to come outa Mahone and Rushin went back into the courthouse after Perdew came out, .to lock for his glasses, but they could not find them6 They then went to the police station asking that a warrant be sworn out against the assailant. They were told that "the courthouse belongs to Chappel". When they questioned the statement they were told that it is in his jurisdiction. They then went to the Sheriff's office where Police Chief^ Ghambliss, Captin Mason. Sheriff ffredB . Chappell, a deputy sheriff and a fifth man were talking. They were toid$ that to swear out a warrant they mus4-. go to the Justice ..-£ the Peace* They did and were iold that although they had the auto license numb-ur of the above car that they couldn't swear out a x-sarrant without th~ man's .uams.. John uhen went to the hospital kfek where he was treated for his cut... He has a §" gash en bis eyelid Thej initially tried bo ktSIkkkk Charge him $2 for the treatment., but John .'Asked to be billed and he doesn't think they'll bill him.

Background: John feels thai the sheriff and polj.ee were .ur*61ved In the beating because l)they knew when he would be coming-—when he first went to register Sheriff Chappell came in and. lectured him for the attempt, and said, "now go and tell the Justice Department -about that." After the first attempt to register orp is sent a notice to come back in a month, so they knew exactly when John would be coming, and he was the only one there at the time. Z) -This Is part of a pattern of harrassment. On Febumary llj. Chappell kkk-kkkk threw two girls bodily out of the rest room and threatened to arrest them* The two were in the courthouse to register., On the same day. former GBI man Sou-thvr-all oeat Sammy Mahone at the courthouse when he had come down to register,. When SNCC people take people down to register the county clerk tells them to get out of the courthouse beaau.se they are not or, official business. Mahone and Rushin were waiting in the car because they knew they'd just be thrown out of the courthouse.

The above incident happened at around 2:hO~2:ij.5>pm, John has not been able to reach the FBT to report the incident, kkkk At 8:30pm Atlanta had not teen able to reach JD. John has been told by a contact in the shite community that he is a marked man and can expec* more trouble if he continues working in Ameriousa

Yesterday 2h Negroes war-o register**d in Algerians, WATS REPORT: SATURDAY, JULY 2$, 196k unofficial report

Biloxi: Ed Hamlet The white ; community project is'progressing well* There are now about 18 people in Biloxi. One worker was went to Vicksburg to andwer questions of the many local whites who would come into the office there. Another, is in Meridian, and 8 or 9 are in Jackson. In Biloxi they are making contacts with kkk union leadership and with moderates in the business community and ministers:, Wyen ever possible they go to peoples homes to discuss COFO programs. Most of the whites seem to believe that workers are down primarily to demonstrate, so the COFO program is explained. The project people have had very little harrassment, though the manager and owner of the Rkkkkk Riviera Hotel where they are staying, have been pressured by the Klan, the sheriff, and the Birchers. They have come by the hotel and spoken with both, The Hotel is theoretically integrated (if a Negro tried to register he could, but none have) but the only Negroes that have been there are people who have visited project people. The manager and owner have not asked project people to leave, but they are planning on kkkkkk; raising rent. The group had planned on moving out for other reasons, however.

The project people have maintained some contact with the COFO project in the Negro community, but they find that if they spend too much time there the iocal whites they work with are sceptical as to whehter^ they are really working in the white community. They therefore try to keep their contact minimal. When they first moved into Silxoi the Klan knew of there presence and affiliations within three days, so they decided to work completely openly, and an artidle about the project appeared in the Biloxi papers* (a similar article was carried in the Jackson paper as well),

Mailing address for Ed Hamlet and Sam Shiran is: B*0*B, 362, Biloxi, Miss, 'rt'"/Owi"7"A"

Clarksdale: from Greenwood A neer bottle was thrown through the front window of the Freedom House in Clarksdale last night. Police and Fbi are checking the bottle for fingerprints, -;BBBBB:- Greenwood: Last night, Ekkk i'om Harris, 32, Greenwood, was returning from the hospital and was noticed by a group of white boys and chased five blocks. He wasnot injured in any way, however, -X-:BBBC- Ruleville: from Greenwood At 11pm last night a rock was thrown the the kkk window of a car belonging to Mr. Joe Townsend. Townsend is the brother of Mrs, Fannie Lou Hamer and has been housing BKMkkkkkkkk summer workers.

Dawson, Georgia: from Joyce Barrett kk^fckkkkklkkkkk Herman Kitchen, Dawson, was arrested yesterday after he had been with a group which tested the Town and Tourist in Dawson. The restaurant was closed down when Rev, Welles, Kitchen and about 3 or k others went there. The police refused to give any information about Kitchen's whereabouts at first, but then admitted to having him and said they had picked him up because he owed a fine on a charge from last year, KM*KMWM$J&oMMJM$JMd§.tf

Helena, Arkansas : Joe Wright and Larry Siegal There has been testing of public accomodations in Helena since Monday, Monday: Habits and Henry's Restaurant: served at both, no incidents, Tuesday: Habit's: served, Henry's: manager closed down the fountain for the whole day. Wednesday:Henry's opened, but wasn't tested. BridaytMidway Bowling Lane, In-Between Grill, Ben^ and Rose Restaurant. : not served, Willie Griggs, Helena, was arrested for loud muffler and defective brakes. His bond was set at #70, but he got out today on $>U5>. Yesterday Chief of Police Ross of Helena threatened SNCC worker Robert Blockum and told him to get out of Helena or he might lose his life. He said that his body might be found in kkk-kkkkk the Mississippi with the other three missing workers. Saturday:Nick's Were not served, Henry's : served without incident. Police came into Henry's while they were there but did not do anything. Midway Bowling Alley: were told they could bowl but the manager said they would need to but a $5 membership car, have 2 recommendations from leading- citizens, and bring their own bowling shoes, Larry Siegal, a white worker tested ihe lanes later and was able to bowl, paying 1$$ for shoes and kSi- / string. All the places which did not comply with the CR bill will be included in a suit Greenwood: ~'ii°^2pM^-Wc 7:20pm (cont'd below Greenwood) There are 20 vmSr^eglstration workers on Johnson StreetJ" with hooWis~Ior Freedom Registration. Johnson St. is one of the main streets in the Negro community. Most of the Negroes from the rural counties come in here to shop on Saturdays. It is separated from the white community by a railroad track. Eli Zaretsky, N.Y. ,, was approached by three men who came up to him, snatched the clipboard from him, and threw it on the ground. He spoke to Chief Larry and Ass. Commissioner Murphree and another policeman about it, but they refused to do any— ing saying that they couldn't do anything unless he knew the name of his assailant who was standing there the whole time. About ten minutes later, Adam Klein, who was also on Johnson St. (corner of Main) was jumped from behind by a white man and hit twice on the head. He also complained to the police. Bill Kkg Bodes was threateened by local whites in the presnence of the police at the. same time. Thy refused to make an arrest or to give Bill the! pefwon's name so he could swear out a complaint with the judge. The police refuse to obtain names for workers, and without the names they say complaints can't be sworn out. §3"#3w9g>3 j MSUm m IIJ4 j §tmm§94j 5?33 j iiroMJ J Whites are gathering on the street, and several whites are just standing around watching. They called the Greenwood FBI, Memphis FBI and JD,

Two problems: lack of police protection and every tine we call the FBI they say only that they are not supposed to protect us. Dottie then demanded an FBI man down immediately to investigate.

They got about 150 registration forms signed this afternoon which is very good.

Helena: cont'd to be fifek filed by the government. An FBI man from Forrest City named Smart was at the office to speak with those who did the testing and he will return on Monday. Suits should be drawn within a week, after information is sent to D.C,

Helena police are pressuring the Hut, a club where SNCC workers meet with local people and where they have held a voter registration meeting. The owners have been told not to allow SNCC people in, and they have asked the workers not to come back to the Hut. WATS REPORT, SUNDAY, JULY 26 UNOFFICIAL REPORT Tchula, Kiss, Ed Rudd/ K. Uaberman

1955 light blue Pontiac was discovered on fire outside the house of Dave Howard, a Tchula local resident, Mr, Howard houses two summer volunteers, Robin Greer and Don Hmaer. It took-twenty minutes to put out the fire. 2/3's of the car was burned out. The inside was com­ pletely gutted out except for the front end. Hollis Watkins, SNCC staff, found a gallon jug inside the car that he said had not b«en there before. Robin Greer found a newspaper next to the car, July 19th, New York Times. We believe that thecar is registered in Stokleys name but think that the registration papers were burned, Liecence #- H4236, Stokley had taken a car to that project but the clutch had burned out and therefore he had left the car in front of Mr, Howards house. (Hinds uounty, Miss, registration)

Atlanta is to call the press. Greenwood notified the FBI.

NOTE: The car was burned in Mileston , Mississippi , rather than Tchula. The workers are working out of the Tchula office.

Mileston: background A community center is being built in Mileston by local people and summer workers under the direction of Abe Asheroff, a construction carpenter from Los Angeles* Ahheroff is $0 years old and became interested in the project of building the community center when he heard Miles Horton speak in Los Angeles, Mkkkkkkhkkk Mileston isin Homes County, and a mass meeting for the citizens of Holmes was recently held to approve plans Ek an d elect a slate of officers for the community center. One of the major local leaders in the area who is working on the kkkkk center is Hartman Turnbow of Lexington,

On July 22 a dozen farmers and some Freedom Sonool people:' - worked with Asheroff to blear the ground and lay out the outlines for the community center. The foun­ dation was to be dug on July 23* •SBHBt

Natchezc Dorrie Ladner: 31:55am At about 10:30am Miss, time they received a fekkk bomb threat, A man called and asked if Mr, Metcalf (the owner of the house) was in. He was told that Metcalf was not in. The man then asked who owned the place and said that j|Jj.§' the house would^ be blown up in ten minutes, Atlanta called Greenwood at noon and a& ed them to call the New Orleans FBI, Dorrie will call the local FBI, NOTE: when Atlanta spoke with Natchez, the threatened ten minutes had already passed, •SBBBBBBBB*-

ie Bluff; Jim Jones .JrJTSnWand four other workers were arrested in Pine Bluff last night. They were canvassing and selling poll tax in the West End kkkkkkkk and were in their car near a club where local Negroes go when I deputy, sheriff '' . drove up and kkkhkkkkk shined his spotlight on them, asked Jonesfor his license and told him he was under arrest. He would not state the charges, but asked them what they were doing. They said they were selling poll taxes, so he arrested all five. He took them to the station and gave them lectures. The three younger one he kkk lectured about getting into trouble, and not knowing who they were with or what they were doing. When the three asked why they had been stopped and what they were charged wi th Sheriff Jarnette told them that he stopped who he wanted to stop and charged what he wanted to charge. He Ihen let the three high school students go. He held Jones on a charge of reckless driving, bond $35, and Claude King, 30, Ekkkkkk a teacher from Tucker (about 6 milesfrom Pine Bluff) he charged with carrying a concealed weapon* Tucker had a pistol with him which was broken and which he was going to have oiled. He had ariginally joined the other four to get a ride to a gun shop to have the pistol oildd. He had changed his mind however, and stayed with them to sell DOII taxes. (THE GUN DOES NOT SHOOT). King's bond was set at W * Both} were bonded out this morning and will be tried tomorrow at 2pm,

Jim Jones had been in Pine Bluff for a staff meeting to discuss ^^P* Phila*der Smith* Wright came into Pine Bluff during the demonstrations at Ray's truck stop earlier in the year and has been working with SNCC since then. Registration closes in Arkansas on October 1» WATS REPORT , July 26, SUITDAY UNOFFICIAL REPORT 1TMG BATESVILLE 1:25 am (M. Sayer/H.Grogan) Kathy Amatniak called. The house of MR. Robert K. "files, Rt 2.Box 20, tele no 563-3058, has just been tear-gassed. In the house were Kathy Amatniak, Claude "leaver, and Truman Morrison (Tin), At 1:28, Hunter called Jackson FBI /gent, Lee, At 1:30 he attempted to call Bates­ ville police and the operator told them they didn't answer phone at night. At 1:35, Jackson called Sheriff of Panola County 563-7354, they got his wife, "Irs. Hubbard, who said the sheriff had already gone out on this incident. At 1:36, H.M, called bach to Batesville house. Claude answered. At that time the sheriff was there with a deputy named $ Brewie (Joseph). The sheriff hss picked up an army type gas grenade which apparently had been thrown at the peak of the house and apparently rolled into the back yard and the wind blew the gas into the house, Claude says that everything is under control there. He was forced to leave the house because the gas was so dense. Before he left the house, he said he heard a car pulling away just before the gas drifted into the house.

HcCOMB (1:50 an) via Greenwood (Sayer/Grogan) McCotab called the Jackson office at 1:5? an. Charles Byrant's house was bombed about L;30 an or shortly thereafter. It is in Whitestown which is part of McComb, McConb dispatched a radio car to the scene and the report by radio is that police and FBI are swarning all over the place and they couldn't get to the area because it is blocked off by cops. It looks as though noone is seriously hurt. Those in investigating car were Featherstone9 Hayes, and Rev, Boy-, More information is being collected. {Atlanta is to begin calling press. Greenwood will call Hew Orleans AP) The above information is incorredt.

BATESVILLE (Weaver/Grogan) 4:00 an, July 26 Claude Weaver was called for a tape and further bits of information were garnered: The car from which the tear gas grenade was thrown is a dark blue lata model Ford. The Panola C. sheriff arrived on the scene 20-30 minutes after Claude called him. He examined the grenade which was narked Federal Specialties Company, Harrisburg, Penn. He remained on the scene about 45 minutes. The occupants of the house in­ cluded two children, ages 5,6. lioone was seriously injured though the tear gas irritated eyes and exposed skin areas,

McCOMB (Garnan/Grogan) Sunday, July 26,4:45 am Regarding the bombing: The Hew Orleans FBI was called at 2:30 am. They had already been informed and were working on it.

The house of Charles Bryant, scene of voter registration meetings, was twice bonbed around 1:30 an, July 26. A 1951 Black Chevrolet passed by one tine and then returned and threw a snail dynamite bomb which did no damage. Mrs, Bryant defended her house by returning the attack with a shotgun blast. The Chevrolet returned a third tine and threw a lar­ ger dynamite bomb which did damage the house. Leaflets announcing a freedom registration picnic had been passed out during the previous day, Saturday, indicating the lawn of Mr. Bryant's house as the loca­ tion of the picnic. The picnic will still be held. (continued) WATS REPORT, SUNDAY, JULY 26, page 2 UNOFFICIAL REPORT McCOMB - continued Bryant is the brother of C.C. Bryant whose property was bombed on June 21. The house has also been used for youth meetings. The leaflets indi­ cated that the picnic was a voter registration picnic. McConb has a list of suspicious cars and is checking It for the black Chevrolet. This is the fifth bonbing in McComb since the night of June 21 when three houses were bombed. There have also been 2 church burning, in which the churches were burned to the ground, since June 21.


BATESVILLE REGARD ING THE TEARGASSIHG- Weaver/Fornan via Garnan/Grogan The sheriff and hi s deputy were outside the house while Weaver was talking to Fornan. The workers who had been in the house were out- side waiting in ca rs and trucks for the gas to clear. When asked how they felt, the workers replied that they were mostly angry at themselves for run ning outside as they r ealised that it could have been a trap. Depu ty Brewer first picked up the tear gas bomb but, as it was hot, he lef t it there. Tearing o ff some cardboard from a soap detergent box to u se as a shield, he aga in picked up the tear gas bomb. It was lyin g directly in back of the house under Tim Morrison's car. The burned s pot where it fell is n ot being disturbed. The gas blew into the hous e through the back win dows and door. The sheriff told Tim that they could get no fingerpr ints from the bomb as it had police fingerprint s on it and other fing erprints would be burned off, The sheriff said h e had called the local FBI and Mr. Cotton (apparent- ly the FBI agent i n McComb).

Those in the house at the tine of the bonbing were: Trunan (Tim) Morrison, Claude Weaver, Kathy Amatniak, Robert J. Miles (secretary of Panola County Voter's League), Mrs. Miles, and their three sons: RobertJ. Miles, Jr., Kevin Miles, Bernon Miles; also, Tilnan McKeller from Hattiesburg. Betty Garnan called the Memphis FBI at 1:50 an. She talked to Joseph Brewie, agent, who said they had received the report from the Jackson FBI. This is significant because Hunter Morey had called Jackson FBI at 1:28 an, Jackson FBI alx/ays says when called that they have no authority but this time they took the initiative and called Memphis within 22 minutes to report the incident.

tiiHHHHt WATS REPORT: JULY 26, 196k Helena, Arkansas: Larry Seigal 20 cars and two motorcycles driven by whites ktk drove by the freedom house repeatedly last night. They were not able to gkkk get any license numbers, but one of the cars was a '62 red lodge station wagon. The FBI in Little Rock was called and they said they could not do anything* but they did call the Helena police and told them of the situation. Today the chief of police of West Helena came to the house. He said that parents of some of the students we'vtqe worked with and American Legion people have complained about SNCC workers an d their influence on the local students (the H ut is run by the American Legion- Negro). The chief threatened to charge SNCC workers with contributing kk to the delinquency of minors. Tomorrow the FBI will come by the house to discuss the testing that has been done, and kkkk kkkkk Joe Wright, Larry Seigel, etc. will talk with them about the incident last ngght. When the chief of police came by today he asked them (what did you call the FBI for?1'—he seemed to be very disturbed that they had been called, and wanted to avoid any publicized incident. MORE FROM GREENWQOD FROM DOTTY ZELLNER AT 2:08 ATLANTA TIME At 12:58, Greenwood time, Judy called to say that Sheriff Smith of Leflore County was to escort them from the hospital. They arrived back at the SNCC office at 1:10 (approx.) Greenwood time.

July 27, 196k

Selma: John Love Sheriff Clark has closed the Elks Club today claiming that John Love and some others had met with a northern minister in an 'unauthorized meeting' - (one which would break the injunction. In fact, Selma leaders did meet with kkk.with the minister on Saturday, but not at the Elks Club. The minister is also working developing white contacts in Selma and seems to be having some success..

Testing wf public accomodations in Selma by pairs of airforce men from Craig Airforce Base was to have begun today, but it was not, as far as we know.

Pine Bluff; Jim Jones Jim's trial on the reckless driving charge was held today. Hkkk The arresting officer D.W. Jarnette claimed that Jim had been driving 70mph and had skidded condiderably when he had stopped for a light so that Jarnette had to s&ep on the gas to avoid being hit by Jim's car, le also added other fal&e details about Jone's alleged reckless driving. In fact, when Jim was stopped by Jarnette he had just turned onto a very badly paved road and was practically at a standstill^ because there was a dip in the road. Jim's fine was %$1 plus court costs. Claude King was convicted on the concealed weapon charge. Jarnette claimed that he had been in the club they were near earlier, had gotten into a fight and had gone for his gun to kill the man he fought with. He claimed (and had the police ready to back up) that the city police were looking for him. King was fined %$0 plus costs. Neither was able to give his story, but only had the opportunity to plead not guilty. Throughout the prosecutor reminded the Judge that Jones was a civil rights worker. The convictions will be appealed.

Helena:: Jones Last night cars of whites again circled and parked in front of the Freedom House, There was no violence however* There has been considerable intimidation of any local people who come in contact with S^CC workers and fear is great. The attempts of officials to turn the Negro community against the workers is partially successful Interested students kkk have difficulty with there parents. There will be a mass meeting in Helena on July 31 at methodist church of Rev. Lyles. Should help matters FROM BETTY GARMAN IN GREENWOOD/J. BOND *7/%r~) Silas and Jake McGhee went to Leflore Theatre tonight. They were in­ side and called back to SNCC office and said mob was gathering outside. The police were there, they said, and refused to protect them. They wanted a car to come gat them, because they couldn't get a cab. SNCC office tried to get cab, all refused/ SNCC sent ti?o cars, one belong­ ing to Dr. Cornwall, a local man, and one belonging to Penny Patchls parents, rented, with Florida plates. Cornwall and Willie James Earl Ttfere in one car; Judy Richardson and a local youth were in the other. They arrived at theatre, and police escorted Silas and Jake fr from the lobby. As they were about to get into the car, police jumped back and thw Whites began surging forward. Silas and Jake got into Cornwall's car and locked the doors. Whites started jumping on the car and a white youth through a cfeke bottle through a rear right window, at which point the car was able to drive away, taking the youths to the Leflore County Hospital for treatment of glass cuts. Cornwall and Willie James Earl left them at the emergency room and returned to the office because they were not allotted to make a phone call. They asked SNCC to call FBI because they were being followed. (SNCC was in touch with FBI in Greenwood and Memphis, the JD and several congressmen) Another car went to hospital - the Florida car - which was shot at at the intersection of Route # 82 and Main Street. No damage done. At the hospital, Judy Richardson, June Johnson, Willie James Earl, Will Henry Rogers and Ed Henderson, called SNCC and reported the shooting and as well informed SNCC that police Commissioner Biff Hammond had informed them he could offer no protection whatever. Meanwhile, whites were gathering outside the hospital. In the meantime, the McGhe mother ans their older brother, in Army uniform, arrived at the hosp­ ital. At this point (12:32 Atlanta time) all are still at the hos­ pital. The older brother in determined to leave anyway they can. Judy and others will stay there and risk arrest, if needed, until they believe they can leave with protection. (McGhee's home was shot into a few nights ago. Silas was involved in first arrest under the '64 rights act. FBI is in front of the office, sweeping the glass from the floor of Cornwall's car. As far as they know, there are no agents there.) There are 3 car-loads of x^hites outside hospital. Two pulled away, and people think they pulled down the street to wait.We have just received word that Schwaum, FBI agent, is at the hsopital.

Now (12:40 Atlanta) hospital doors are locked, SNCCs are inside, Ther are 3 FBIs are hospital, Murphy, Featherly, and probably Schwaum, and highway patrols are back and forth in front.


GREENWOOD 3:30 am (Garman/Haberman) TWO FIRETRUCKS OUTSIDE GREENWOOD OFFICE - Two firetrucks are outside the office with their lights blazing. No one in the office had placed a call asking for the trucks. While the firetrucks were there a man called and said, "Ain't no fire outthe*«f is thar?" Stearns

Itta Bena: from Ed Rudd: 9:U5am Lawt night the Freedom Center (voter registration center)was wrecked a about $ midnight, kkhkk Eddie Hendricks, who live near the center at lf>3 Love Street and his neighbor |f Mary Hendricks both saw three people around the house during the time they heard noise there* This morning when the damage was inspected they found the posts supporting the porch had been broken and the roof they support was sagging. The front door was torn off and windows were smashed. Posters for Martin Luther King and Mrs, Hamer had been ripped off the outside of the house and were lying on the porch. One book from the library kkkkEfck that is being developed was found on the porch, and glass was on the floor inside from the broken windows, Otherwise there was no damage in the house, Willie McGee who works in Itta Bena, but lives in Greenwood, was not informed of the damage until the morning. KkkkkkkkkHklkkkkkkkkkkkk Neither of the witnesses have telephones, and they didn't want to go out during the night. This morning McGee called the Leputy Sheriff and Town Marshall H ,E«. Weger, Jr. Within 1$ minutes or so Weber was at the kkk office examing the damage. He spoke with the witnesses and generally seemed fairly helpful, Hfckkkkkfikkkkkkkkkkhgkkkkk As far as we know nothing was missing from the office. The Itta Bena office has been receiving threats that the office would be destroyed for the last couple of weeks. Often the threats came in almost every 1$ minutes. No threats were received yesterday «. Willie McGee recieved one call saying "lou don't realize what you're doing" and "If you don't stay away from the courthouse some niggers will be hurt"', John Paul, volunteer from Ossining, N.I. received a call, for Willie McGee and the^ caller demanded to know why they had taken so long answering the phone. .-Wendy Klein, summer volunteer in Greenwood received a call, telling her that we fshould not be surprised to find all the SNCC workers in Itta Bena dead. This call came in about two weeks ago, Ed Rudd is calling the FBI about last night's damage.

JHLX-JSJHi\ j\ n /s! yC" Washington, D.C.rFreedom Democratic Party: Walter ^illow The state Convention for FDP Will be on August 6, At that tim e the plat/form aad loyalty resolution will be passed,and the remaining delegates will be elected, Mkkk Miss Baker is trying to get a keynote "speaker for the convention. The brief to be presented to the credentials committee for the unseating of the Miss. Dem. party and the seating of FDP is nearly complete And writing will soon be begun. ^%\^^ Mii^o^heard from Rev. Jim Breedon in Boston that 6 Massachusetts delegates have come Out puMMLy fpr. the seating of the FDP at the convention. The Mass. state resolution isfor'unseating the Miss, Don, Party but they did not go further and support seating us, ;: Mrs. Hamer spoke at a mass meetingin; Atlantic £1$/ last night, She will be in Weschester on Thursday and Philadelphia on'Fridayl-; ":•%:..,.. Kkk Mfe Delegates for the FDP will be staying at the Jamaica Motel, llLO Adriadic Ave, in Atlantic Cityj. Charles Sher?od| Reggie Robinson, and Leslie MacLemore are working ; in Atlantic City, - - ;*,.

McComb: Lee Garrett ' * :, 1r' '',,-. Two precinct meetings Wercheld last night! Precinct 3U 10 adults md 30 students came, and at Precinct 21 3k adults and 2$ students came, DelegateM were elected for the July 31 County convention! There Sl.ould be 1 or 2 more precinct conventions before then, /// About 7$ students are coming to the Freedom School and they expect to open another with about 30 students Monday if they get the teachers. Stearns WATS REPORT; TUESDAY, JULY 28, 196% unofficial report

Helena: Barry Siegal Groups of#f whites have; been coming to the house of Cornelius Perkins, where SNCC staff fckkkkkkpeopl e are living for the past three nights. On Satuitiay might about 80 whites circled, parked, and kkkkkkbearae by again and again, for about 3z hours. On ^und^r night Mr, Perkins, who has been fired from his job with the Water Co, for housing SNCC workers, was out of town. The staff people decided not &o stay at his home that evening because of the trouble Sat, night since they do not have a phone and cannot reach help if trouble develops. Neighbors reported that an ambulance, a fire truck , police cars, and cars of other whites came up to the house and five men with shot guns and gunny sacks eneered the house. Monday night they got a phoned threat at the house kkkkk where they can recieve^/ calls saying "we missed you last night but we'll get you tonight," Whle they were holding a voter registration meeting of about JO people in front of the house last night one policeman came by asking them what: they were doing. He left, and after the meeting a$ number of police cars circled the house for about an hour. Local Negroes who have^ been guarding the house" during the last couple of nights reported that last night when the police stopped cird.ling they went down the road and parked with about 20 cars of whites,, Local people are getting fed up with this sort of harrassment and they are planning on continuing to guard the house. EkkAkkhkkgkkk Last night the home of a girl who has been participating in testing was shot into five-times. At present she is unwilling to give her name. Also, KKK stickers saying "a Klansman was here" have been left on two homes of Negroes.

The FBI has been by in connection with the testing of public accomodations and have taken statments concerning the mobs of whites.. They were also told that Mayor Porter and Chief of Police Jerry Ehcoles have been by the house to tell S^CG workers that they should h;et out of town. They also made accusations about communist activities.

Justice Deparment man John Martin was informed of the Helena situation by Atlanta,

Selma: John Love The Elks Hall, which was reported closed yesterday., merely had its liquor license revoked, fkkkkkkkkk^kkkkkk Ekak This was done because of a meeting which was held there last week with Craig Airforee Base people concerning the testing of public accomodations. Ekk kkkkkkk^ ^ikkkkHkkfekkikgkkkkkkklfckkkkkkfegkkk Some places in Selma have been tested (not sure if by Craig people) and service IkkkkSbhk^kk has been refused. The places tested were Carter's DrUg Store (affiliated with ^algreen's) and The Glass House restaurant. last week John Love kkk Mled a complaint/about phone and mail tampering with the FBI arid. Justice Department people in Seima, He feels that mail fckkkhkfekkkkMkk. service seems somewhat better already, though Selma still has considerable difficulties with telephone service.

t WATS REPORT: WEDNESDAY, JULY jfZ9, 196k unofficial repoi*t Holly Springsj Carl Young Peter Cummings, volunteer from New fork City had an automobile accident and was arrested yesterday afternoon. At about >:30pm he was driving dear the Efeiton and Marshall County lines when he went around a curve, slid on gravel, and his car flipped over, knocking down k or 5 kkkfekk small trees on federal property, Cummings was not hurt at all., and Charlie Scales, Negro, Holly Springs, received only cuts and bruises.(Scales was driving with him)/

Police arrested ©ummings on three charges: reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, and obstructing justice. All but the^ reckless driving charge were dropped,. Cummings spent the night in jail and was bonded out this morning at 10am for $500, His trial is set for Saturday at 10am, -::-;BHBBKJ- Helena: Larry Siegel

Yesterday afternoon at about 3:30pm while Larry was canvassing alone three white men drove up to him and yelled "you're_gonna-get^it tonight, we're gonna run you out of townj you're from New York," Seigel kkk turned and walked away, and the three drove on. They were in a light blue 8orvair wi th a white plate with red numberals $k2$ (possibly a Mississippi plate). Larry geported the incident to the FBI/ man Monday night a police/ told Prince Shannon, Negro, Helena, that whites don't allow Negroes in their neighborhoods, and he didn't see why Negroes should allow whites in theirs (meaning Seigel). He said that they could run the SNCC people out of town and the police wouldn't do anything about it, ^^ and said that if the SNCC's tried., to phone for help that he would see that their calls didn't get through.

Today was the trial of Guy Carter, the man who assaulted Prince Shannon and June Corbin on July 18 when they tried to get food at his service station, She courtroom was packed with Negroes and when the defense attorney said he wouldn't "perform for a circus," , the

Yesterday SNCC peop3e were putting leaflets concerning the trial in mailboxes of Negro families and today the postmaster in W, Helena called them and kphkk sadd that it is against the law to deliver circulas, Joe Wright is to speak with him tomorrow, and$ they will check regulations for distribution of leaflets. -SWrtMMi-

Madison: James Peakock's condition is still critical though he has improved. He may be moved to the Veteran's Hospital, WATS REPORT, WEDHfiSDAY, JULY 29 U!TO?FICIAL REPORT HMG GREENWOOD; 3:30 am (House/Grogan) At 11:30 Hosie McCall KHXXKHXXME came to the Greenwood office and gave the following report of an incident to Judy Richardson: McCall is a iocal Vegro. Twenty-five Negro guys, including McCall, were deterred by five carloads of whites, local police, and the Highway Pttrol, from the Cur Market where they were attempting to enter. They were followed, chased and shot at (warning shots were fired over their heads). They were dispersed, (They were all on foot). At one point, there was an exchange of bottles between the two groups and one shot fired over their heads at that time. At another point they were told to halt and two shots were fired, one in the air, one closer to the ground, McCall managed to evade his pursuers, get to the SNCC office and make a full report of the incident. There are no reported injuries, no reported arrests. All the Negroes involved were local people and none were SNCC affiliated.

The original plan which brought about the Incident was an attempt to sit-in at Charmaigne Restaurant which never took place.

GREEHWOOD 4:00 am (S.House/Grogan) in Memphis, Tennessee Dick Fry was arrested in Overton Park*at 11:45 pm, July 28, on a loitering charge. When asked by House over the phone if he was guilty, he answered "I'd rather not say now," as if it would not be wise to ^ answer over the phone. Fry paused and then said "probably affirmative," Bail is $51. The trial is scheduled for 9:00 am July 29. He asked that a lawyer be contacted and reports that he has bean treated O.K. He was arrested by the city police, Tele, no. JA 5-9796, House called Jackson, indirectly contacted Hunter Morey at 1:20 an. House contacted LCDC lawyers in Memphis at 2:00 am,(Miss. time). House talked to Attorney Erinson who agreed to represent hin tomorrow. Erinson was in­ structed that if there was a fine to pay it and he would be reimbursed.

Fry, local SNCC project director for Greenwood, was on leave of absence In Memphis when the incident took place THE ABOVE REPORT OH FRYE"S ARREST IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. IT IS HOT TO BE RELEASED OR DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE THIS OFFICE. INCIDENT SUMMARY PAGE EIGHT

JULY lk: Canton; Man V-reatcno.'. with job loss if youngster continues in freed a school, Youngster stays. Drew: xxxxx Police chief, loc 1 citisens protest Albuquerque Jounnal article based on volunteer's letter home. Volunteer says letter wa3 e.'. i t ed ffftttiesburgi State Soverei nty Commisssion visits office Vicksburg. Milkman's assistant loses job bee use he attends the freedom school YicVgburg: SNCC team, con fir ma burtning a.f Bolvina Church 7/7 Drew; Police pic1" up J nes D an for distributing liter ture w t.hout permit, (Later) Seven eoplc arrested for distributing liter .-.re wit'vmt a permit and bloc'ing the sidewalk, 100-ij200 bo. HolJLy Springs: Oxford •Jolice Chief told civil ri bts worker he should no'; coma back to town. Threatened to it Negro over ' c d, esoci lly if he did not spe '- to ot' ers with ">roper res ect, (ho nv.ior c' nges«) Lcure 1; Gas bomb thrown t local Negro's ''one Batesville: Movie w' ich h d u-stairs ff>r Negroes , now offers ad 'iosion only to whites.

Canto"i: Three ' 'i'o rion pursue five OEMs in err en route ' ome, JULY 15: Biloxi; Two xxxx arrested in traffic harrass ent case CI r'sdale: Another traffic arrest, I:'-roper turn* McConb: Freedom school enrolls 35 here. Drew: 23 arrested for willfully and unl wf'lly using t'e sidewalks and f'o streets during voter registration rally. Citisons Council met at y u • Gulf .--rt: CI il ri'-^ta 'worker, arrested for .putting posters en a '''.Hoi on; -.ole. City ordinance. Bond .h50.00

JULY IS: u.nton: Volunteer- re o.t fey were beaten by oiice last ni;:ht • following arrest with truck carrying freedom registration supplies, boo1 -.3, riiscellany. Bond set at .'150 each Greenwood: Freedom Day 111 arrests, including 13 juveniles Crou i.-iclu" es~~93 adults,"Vf whom nine were SNCC staff and 13 voluntt Vic1 sbnrg; White • n :o es to door of ho o where volunteer stc. ing. Has pis ol s'-owing in holster. A ?cs to see owner of house. At .-.no'.' er hone housing workerst cor circles block 10-15 minutes. Greenwood; Silas HcGhee, local resident, picked \\~> by three whites, forced to enter cab of their pickup true'- at unpoint, then be ton with pine and plank. Incident occurs just after he leaves FBI o" ice. he ret-mo t'ere, c. out , take him to hospital. He hr.s been active in attempts to inte rate t'-eatre. Greenville: Freedom Day: 101 people took test, SSxXx 100 more cr. e too 1 te. No arrests. Hau^tic_sbiirg: Two voter canvassers stopped by police. Hattiesburg; Police question those w'o colu.ii about inadequate protection for those going to freedom school; may charge fchem. wifi threatening mayor. Ruleville: Total arrested in Drew yesterday 25, not 23. This includes 10 wo en at county jail and 15 men at county farm near Indianola. Su rintendent of fr.r».' tells lawyer he c.n't cuarnntse safet ; of those at the f rra. FBI .'vised Laurel: Volunteer canvassing accosted by two white boys, who accuse him of hot being from Mississir i, kno;1- materials fr ' h ad, and run. Cleveland: Freedom Day: 25 to 30 picket without incident, Abft 20 of 25 fron Shaw grout) Shaw register. More than 50 from other communities cane, o w' o 3° re istered. P ocess slow but polite. Ten re lar an 4? auxiliary police allow only t'-ose re .istering o:. ic oting on court house ;rounds. PREPARED BY: COMMUNICATIONS STAFF (more to cone later) MISSISSIPPI SUMMER PROJECT, 1017 LYNCH STREET, JAJKSON, MISS. 601-3.52-9605 or 3.52-9738 AREA CODE 601 INCIDI3IT ggJfBBI —PACE NINE JOLT 17: McComb; Mount Zion Hill Baptist Church in Pike County bombed or burned to ground. Pastor of this church had let Project use his McComb Church, St. Mary*s. Philadelphia: Columbia law student and a writer beSAen with chain by two middle-aged white men in early afternoon. Greenwood: 1$ staff and volunteers on hunger strike until let out of jail after being brought in during massive freedom-day arrests. Yazoo: Three Negro men, late teens or early twenties, arrested for looking at a white girl. Greenwood: Greenwood and Drew cases have been removed to Federal' court and &bnds reduced to ^200 out of steto, .i&OO for residents. Greens haw: White summer volunteer harassed by three wl&te men while putting up voter registration poster. July 18: Lauderdale: Two summer volunteers arrested for wilful trespass while discussing voter registration on front porch of two Negro womenj no complaint made by women. Hattiesburg: Kilmer Estus Keyes, white, of Collins, Miss, turned ,— self in to police in connection with beating of Rabbi and two workers last week. Charged wiMi assault; out on $2f?00 property bond. Batesville: 8 people detained one-and-a-half -hours by sheriff who was "trying to see if there is a state ordinance against the passing out of leaflets." Statute not foundj released into crowd of whites standing around. Local volunteer hit hard, in jaw lby white man. Starkville: Police Chief followed two volunteers to various stops in Negro cafes, deliviered lengthy "anti-agitator" speeched directed at local Negroes talking to volunteers. Lengthy verbal abuse by police chief, directed to the voter-registration workers. July 19: Columbus: Two voter registration workers detained in jail in Aberdeen for k hours after being picked up as suspicious strangers and refusing to be driven out of town and left on highway by police. .'*) 11 ff^ffts f* Greenwood: Massarrest victims are both at city jial and county farmj no visiting privileges at Farm—among those there is a 78 year old man who is in need of medicing which no one has been permitted to bring to him. Oxford: An Ol1 Miss student who has contacts at Rust College (Negro) jT" had his seat covers slashed while car parked outside faculty home; threatening note left. He has had much harassment before, but cannot get administration to act. BJSoari.: 1) Voter registration worker chased, threatened by two men in pick-up truckj 2) White Community Project worker arrested for trespass in white restaurant where he had worked for one day until INCIDENT SUMMARY— P4GE 10

(Biloxi, cont.) owner discovered he was a civil rights worker. Owner turned him into police when he went back to restaurant.

Batesville: Town marshall threatened volunteers at mass meeting in Crowder (13-15 miles away). Said "lucky I have no gun in here.., wish I didn't have my badge on...."

July 20: Greenville: 9 shots fired at car workers went to mass meeting in. 2) Two workers threatened that white mob would form at place where they were staying.

Hattiesburg: White volunteer beaten downtown as left bank with two other Freedom school teachers. Assailant hit from behind— no words exchanged. Volunteer and attacker charged with assault.

Ruleville: Two workers ordered out of cafe. Doors locked, people inside; told to come around and get key—whites given keys—asked to leave when SNCC button noticed. Owner doesn't care he is violating civil rights act.

Greenwood: l)Both barrels of shotgun fired at worker's car as he drove—hit tires. 2)Trial of mass arrest victims held despite referral petitions filed. Defendents remained urate on basis of vteiolauxon of legal rights, are being convicted of violation of picket law—30 djiyv,s 100 dollar fine. Was thought that they were now all under Federal, custody and jurisdiction,

darks-dales Three members (girls) of newly organised Clarksdale Youth AoExon Group arrested for trespass outside local Cafe in Negro section.

McCombt SNCC Field Secretary hSvfe on si do of head by white man as benui shopped tfoetr cars for red light at intersection of two state and a federal highway.

NOTE: The purpose of this running summary of incidents is merely to indicate the pattern thai greets Freedom School and Community Center workers and voter registration volunteers in Mississippi. Details on any individual incident should be checked with C0P0 to assure accutacy.

Prepared by Communio si-ions Staff, Mississippi Summer Froject, 1017 Lynch St., Jackson, Miss. 6ui-3p2-9605 or 352-9788.

(More to come later) r >? INCIDENT =511 "7RY-- PAGE 11

July 21: Lexington: Robert Garolfolo, 19, white of East Haven Connecticut assaulted by white man who hit him in face and body with fists as Garofolo waited outside courthouse to take part in voter registration campaign.

Laurel: Rights workers believe the second ouster of summer project workers from a rented office here this summer is due to "intimida­ tion" of local Negro realtors by white persons opposed to the Project.

Clarksdale: Les Johnson, 20, white volunteer from Glendora California arrested for running red light; paid fine.

Holly Springs: $200 bond levied on summer volunteer David Kendall, 20, Indiana, for failure to have an inspection sticker; arrested.

McCombj, A total of 75 students are enrolled in the Freedom School in this "hard core" area.

Greenwood: Windows of three Negro cafes broken. Windows of car belonging to summer volunteer also broken.

Natchez: Within k5 minutes after 3 SNCC workers arrived in this second Southwest Project area to set up a Summer Project office, Chuck McDew, former SNCC Chairman arrested for failure to stop at stop sign, stated police chief told him Natchez police knew of their movements "every minute of the day." Continual following by police.

Doodleville; Three Negro youths in company of white summer volunteer picked up and held for "investigation,, at Club U00 by police. The volunteer, John Bundy, 22, Seattle-, Washington, later arrested for "improper tags." Negro youths released on bond; amount not known,

Clarksdale: Two precinct meetings of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party attracted 160 persons here.



JULY Ik: Canton: Man threatened with job loss if youngster continues in freed m school. Youngster stays. Drew: xxxxx Police chief, loc 1 citizens protest Albuquerque Jounnal article based on volunteer's letter home. Volunteer says letter was edited Hattiesburg: State Soverei nty Commisssion visits office Vicksburg. Milkmen's assist nt loses job because he attends the freedom school a^-.a isJlh\£S: SNCC tor. y cmfuos burxni ig '>• Bolvina C'-urch 7/7 Drew: "o"ce pic1- up J nos D an for distributing liter ture w fchout permit. (Later) Seven eoplc arrested for distributing liter .re wit'vmt a permit r.nd blocking the sidewalk. 100-3200 ho. Holly Sayings: Oxford police Chief told civil ri bts worker he should no'; coma back, to town. Threatened to it Negro over he. d, escci lly ii he did not spe "• to of ers with "U"o"ior res ect. (No nv.ior c' ngos.) Laurel: Gas bomb thrown at local Negro's hone Batesville: Movie w' ich h d u'stairs for he;roes , now offers ad 'iosion only to whites.

Canton: Three 'i'e rion pursue five CEWs in cor en route ' orne, JULY 15: B_iloxi: Two xxxx arrested in traffic harrass ent case CI r1 sdale: Another traffic arrest. I:-'".roper turn. licCo- b: Freedom school enrolls 35 here. Drew: 23 arretted for willfully and unl v/f-'lly using t'e sidewalks and f'o streets duriog voter registration rally. Citizens Council met at y a,. Gulf ,

JULY 1': h_ nton: volunteers re o.t t'ey were beaten by oiice last night- following arrest with truck carrying freedom registration supplies, boo1 :s, oiscellany. Bond set at .'150 each Greenwood: Freedom Day 111 arrests, including 13 juveniles _ Crou i.oclu"Ts"93 adults," Vf whom nine were SNCC staff and 13 volunt* Vic1 sburg; White • o. :o es to door of ho a where volunteer sta ing. Horn pis ol 3'owing in holster*. A ?cs to sec owner of house. At .-.no'.' er home housing workers, car circles block 10-15 minutes. Greenwood; Silas i-IcGhee, local resident, picked u~> by three whites, forced to enter cab of their pickup true'- at gunpoint, then be ton with pipe and plank. Incident occurs just after he leaves FBI oiice. he rot rno t'ere, a out , take him to hos-ital. He has been active in attempts to inte rate t'-eatre, Greenville: Freedom Day: 101 people took test, S&xxx 100 more cr. e too 1 te. No arrests. Hattiesburg: Two voter canvassers stopned by police. Hattiesburg: Police question those w'o c -ol in about inadequate protection for those going to freedom school; nay charge fchem. with threatening mayor, Ruleville: Total arrested in Drew yesterday 25, not 23. This includes 10 wo en at county jail am". 15 men at county farm near Indianola, Su rintendent of fa-' tells lawyer he c.n't guarantee safet .' of those at the f rra. FBI vised Laurel: Volunteer canvassing accosted by two white boys, who accuse him of hot being froa Mississir i, .i-.no1' materials fr ' h nd, and run. Cleveland: Freedom Day: 25 to 30 picket without incident. Ab t 20 of 25 from Shaw group Shaw register. More than yO from other communities came, o w' o 3° re istered. P oceso slow but polite. Ten re lar an k3 auxiliary police allov; only t'-ose re istering or ic oting on courthouse -rounds.

PREPARED BY: COMMUNICATIONS STAFF (more to cone later) MISSISSIPPI SUMMER PROJECT, 1017 LYNCH STREET, JACKSON, MISS. 601-3.52-9605 or 352-9788 AREA CODE 601 RUNNING SUMMARY—PAGE lh ' \ ^^\ INCIDENT SUMMARY—JULY 2k Holly Springs: A voter registration worker was arrested for "disturbing the public peace" at a Holly Springs Freedom Day today, and is being' held on $500 bond, Elwood Berry, a 20 year old Dayton Ohio student at New Y^k's Colgate Univers; sity, was charged with "using profanity in front of more than two people" after he repeated over a two-way radio to his office the words of a policeman to him. The police officer's statements were made as Berry led potential Negro registrants to the Courthouse steps. Berry is currently in the Marshall County jail. Police insisted that the hO-^O potential registrants a) walk to the court­ house steps 1 by 1 eight feet apart, and b) that they have"a police escort from the steps to the registrar's office. According to a SNCC spokesman, the officers verbally intimidated the Negro citizens as they accompanied them to the office. Approximately 55 helmeted Highway patrolmen and 35 helmeted local police were stationed at the courthouse for the Feeedom Day, Their presence in such numbers prompted cancellation of planned integrated picketing of the courthouse, McComb:!) Amite County's Rose Hill Church, on Route 2k, 5 miles away from the last two churches burned in this area, reported burned last night, 2) Owner of a local Negro club, the Macombo Club, was arrested and beaten last night. The club is within 3 blocks of the McComb Freedom House, and is frequented by Project workers. The officer reportedly remarked to the N gro owner, "Now that you've got white folks in here, you're getting uppity." Ruleville: All but two passengers got off a bus near here today when"a Negro woman was' ordered off the bus and handled roughly by the driver when she sat down next to a white man. Ruleville: Rabbi Allen Levine of Temple Emanuel, Rochester, New York, and Summer Project volunteer Jeff Thatcher, a Reed College (Portland, Ore,) student from New York were "forcibly ejected" from the office of the Drew City attorney where they had gone to attend a meeting of the parents ofl the children arrested (detained) and then released July 1$, The two were threatened by Drew City" police with arrest. The parents' meeting was called by the mayor for a reason not yet made clear. The children were picked up by police after a July 15 rally was ordered off its site by the owner of the property, reportedly in response to police urging. Twenty-three people were arrested as they were forced into the street,

Jackson, Meridian? Freedom Democratic Party precinct meetings held tonigh|# Running Summary—Page 13 „ rhx /(UC-+ £ i KS S 1NCIDMT SUMMARY—JULY 23 ' ) ' ^^~t Tchula: 3NCC staff member followed out of Jackson,- arrested by police on speeding charge—out on bond; trial continued, from this afternoon to next week. Canton: White volunteer Doug Baty, 18, of Bozeman, Maniana, and Negro CORE staff member Joe Lee Watts were harassed by a grctp of white men while canvassing for voter registration today, andWcttswas struck five times with a wooden cane by one of the whites. The workers were on the porch of some potential Negro registrants when the whies drove up. Watts} who reported he suffered several bad bruised, filed a complaint with local police. Moss Point: Roger Barnhill, a 23 year old St. Louis, Missouri white summer volunteer was arrested today for improper turning. Police followed him as he returned from voter registration canvassing and after approximately three miles placed hjm under arrest. He has been released on $U0 bond. Purant: (from Tchula SNCC office)—White summer volunteer and Yale student Steve Bingham, 22, of Colchester, Connecticut, was assailed today while canvassing for voter registration. Two white men approached him and asked what it would take to get him out of town; Bingham replied he was not quite ready to leave. After approximately 10 minutes of talk, one man began to punch him, and left after several minutes of blows. Bingham has the license of the car, and local Negroes have indicated that they know the man who did the attacking, that he workd in Durant. Grenada: (out of Greenwood SNCC office) SNCC staff member Willie Blue arrested for speeding. Moss Point:At a mass meeting last night $33 was collected for a woman who lost her job for housing COFO volunteers; the job was lost two weeks ago. Several people are pledged to give 500 a week indefinately to help pay the hospital expenses here of Miss Jessie Hay Stallworth who received back and side wounds when shots were fired into a July 6 voter registration mass meeting by a carload of whites. Miss Stallworth is 17. Shaw: A local white woman stated to a Shaw Negro woman that she was going to watch what mail was coming in, and those Negroes that get mail from the "freedom riders" (presumably the Mississippi Summer Project volunteers) would "get hell after they leave." Mail is picked up at a post office box.

Jackson: Summer Project spokesmen consider police court aquittal of three local Jackson youths on public drunk charges a "victory in Mississippi." Henry Denson, 18; Robert Denson, 17 (no relation); and James L. Wormakc, 19 were arrested July 21 in the club lj.00 while in the company of a white summer volunteer who was picked up for "improper tags" later that afternoon. The youths were defended by Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (LCDC) attorney A. W. Richenaker. Carthage: Residents of all-Negro Harmony community near here will begin tomorrow July 2k, to construct a wooden frame building for use as a permanent Community Center to be staffed by Mississippi Project volunteers. Summer Project spokesmen state "most of the community will work on the building." A three-man board of trustees has obtained land and financing for the center, purchased lumber and hired a carpenter to direct the work of local residents. Original plans called for use of an abandoned school building. Local school and law enflorcement officials maintained the school was county property and could not be used. Negroes claim the property, which was set aside for a school site by Negro landowners, can be used by them for the recreational and educational project. Leaving the conflict unsettled, Negro citizens have taken upon themselves the construction of the new center. Meridian: The hearing for the omnibus suit filed against the Ku Klux Klan, Sheriff " Rainey, Dep. Sheriff Price, the White Citizens Council and others in an attempt to enjoin acts of violence on the part of the defendents and the classes of officials and citizens they represent has been continued to Thursday July 30. Summer Project spokesmen not that the hearing is the first of its kind in Mississippi, and may prove to be a major step in the history of civil rights activities in the state. (more to come) RUNNING SUMMARY—PAGE 1$ INCIDENT SUMMARY JULY 25, 196U Greenwood: A group of 10 to 15 Greenwood project workers handing out Freedom Registration forms on a congested Negro business street prompted at least three incidents, SNCC.worker Eli Zeretsky was approached by 3 whites who took"his clip board from him and tore up the Freedom Registration forms. Police stood by and refused to act unless Zeretsky knew the assailant's name and filed a complaint against him with a judge. White summer volunteer Adam Kline was jumpfd from behind and hit on the head; police refused aid. Volunteer William Hodes, white, was threatened by local whites in the presence of police who refused to make an arrest and refused to give the name of the citizen involved so that a complaint could be filed, 2) A shot was fired at the home of Silas McGee, the young man whose beating in a local movie theatre prompted the first arrests under the civil rights act. Cantont The first Freedom Democratic Party County Convention adopted a resolution of loyalty to the principles of the National Democratic Party and instructed' delegates to support those who would work for the election of Lyndon Johnsonj as well as calling for a strong and enforceable civil rights plank in the national platform. Approximately" 300 people attended the open-air convention, of whom 102 were voting delegates elected at the precinct level. The convention, totally under the direction of Mississippi citizens of that county, was chaired by Mrs, Annie Devine, member of the temporary state executive committee of the Freedom Democratic Party and secretary of the Madison County movement, Hattiesburg: Home of two Freedom Democratic Party local leaders bombed last night at some time between 1 a,m, and U a,m. Porch and door of home of Mr, and Mrs, Boyd burned; broken whisky bottle found indicated "molotov cocktail" type of device, ^ Mr, Boyd is temporary chairman of the FDP precinct meetings being held here today, and Mrs, Boyd is the secretary, Ruleville: Rock smashed portion of windshield of local Negro housing civil rights workers; car was parked in his yard. Drew? Affadavit received today from parent of one of Negro children arrested after a July 15 rally. Drew mayor and Drew city attorney" called a meeting of'the parents at which they were told unless the children signed a statement disavowing association with "the communists coming into town," defense would not be'provided for them. According to affadavit, city attorney Townsend called Congressman Don Edwards (D--Cal) a communist and said Edwards has been "Castro's secretary," A summer volunteer and a rabbi were forcibly ejected from the room when they tried to attend the meeting yesterday, Clarksdale: bottle thrown through office window last night. >1 ^p INCIDENT SUMMARY—PAGE 3,3 J July 22: Jackson: A Mississippi Summer Project volunteer was beaten at' a major intersection in downtown Jackson this afternoon, Robert David Osman, a 19 year old Brooklyn New York student at the New School for Social Research was with another civil rights volunteer and a local Negro youth when a car with two white men pulled up in front of them. The men chased the volunteers, encircled Osman, and beat him wtih wooden billy clubs. The second volunteer, Mario Salvio, 21, a University of California at Berkeley student from Glendora, California called the police. The Jackson police officer, Bill Watson, who answered the police call and returned the beaten volunteers to the Jackson COFO office, Indicated that a complaint had been filled out and that a pick-up call had been issued for any cars matching the description given by the volunteers of the one in which their assailants rode. The volunteers described the whites as being in their late 20's and dressed in "well-worn sports clothes." Osman had just left Holmes County and was en route to McComb for voter registration work. Osman was quite bruised, cut, and scraped about the back arms, and legs. McComb: Sheriff R.R. Warren of Pike County said that the Mount tfernon Missionary Baptist church, organized more than 80 yea rs ago, was found burned last night about 10:30 p.m. according to UPI. Summer Project volunteers in McComb, who inspected the church site this morning, stated that the building was levelled, its tin roof now laying gnarled from the heat. The church was located about 6 miles east of Magnolia, Mississippi near the south entrance of Percy Quinn State Park, k miles from the Mt. Zion church, burned a few days ago.. •: When the McComb Project workers arrived at the site, the BBI , sheriff, and police were there. They uncovered no clues; the fire was officially listed as "of undetermined origin." The pastor, Rev. Harry McKinght of Liberty, is in no way affiliated with the nor is his church to the best knowledge of civil rights workers. There are currently 80 McComb students attending a Freedom School held only k blocks from the site of the previously burned Mt. Zion Church. Tchuiba: It has been reported that the driver of the car from wEich the man who attacked volunteer Rober Gorofolo yesterday came has been arrested, Tchula SNCC office spokesman said that the arrest came at approximately 12:30 last night. Jackson office unable to obtain further information from sheriff, Natchez: Alocal Negro was taken into police custody today while walking along the street with SNCC Field Secretaries Chuck McDew and George Green. Greene had a scheduled meeting with the Natchez mayor this afternoon; details available later. Greenville; A local Negro, 18, was arrested for forgery today while passing out voter registration leaflets with several other local Negro citizens. He was later relaesed, after being questioned about civil rights activity, for lack of evidence on the forgery charge. Natchez: Acoording to SNCC Field Secrar§rtary George Geene, after a meeting with the Natchez mayor, the city, official maintains most of the nationally publiciaed shipment of arms to white terrorist groups in this area has been done in Adams County, as opposed to the eity. Police continued to follow the SNCC workers "every minute."

(more to come) RUNNING SUMMARY—PAGE 16


McComb: Two bombs were thrown at the home of a local civil rights leader at 1:30 a.m. today. As the first bomb was thrown, Mrs. Charles Bryant fired at the car with a shotgun; the car had passed by the house once before. When Mr. Bryant saw the car's lights approaching a third time he ran outside but was knocked to the ground by the second explosion before he had time to fire a second shot at the car with his wife's shotgun. The car fired into the window Mrs. Bryant's shot had come from, travelled 12-15 feet across the living room, and embedded into a wall. According to SNCC Executive Secretary James Forman, Bryant has worked in the movement for "many years." His brother is the head of the NAACP in McComb* About 50 people attended a voter registration meeting in Bryant's pasture today. » * ** m Batesville: A Batesville home in which five civil rights workers are living was tear gas bombed at 1 a.m. Sheriff and deputy arrived approximately 30 minutes after the incident, found the grenade still hot, handled it a good deal so that FBI arriving later found it covered with police fingerprints. The army-type tear gas greiaade exploded behind the house of Mr. Robert J. Miles, and the gas blew in the windows forceing the occupants to vacate.

Mileston: Car burned outside the home of Mr. D-,vid Howard who houses summer volunteers Robin Greer and Don Hamer; car 2/3 burned, interior gutted; SNCC car. 2) Volunteer John Allen was approached in a store here by two whites who asked where he lived; when he pointed to the Community Center they went to their car, took a pistol each from the trunk, put them in their belts, came back to Allen and told him they would "find out what was going on" when they "came back."

Canton: It was learned that the Church Council of Canton (white Presbyterian Churches) voted in June to keep all summer civil rights workers from attending services. Rev. Harbison of the First Presbyterian took exception and admitted volunteers until today. Today white summer volunteers Peter Praetz and Richard Schwartz were turned away by three white men who told them they had "caused too much dissention in the church." At the First Methodist Church, white volunteers Bill Monnie, Dorothy Harris, Mike Piore and Bill Carney were refused attendance for the third week in a row. As they left the church today, a group assembled around their car, shoved them into the car forcibly, and slammed the door with such force the window cracked. Their car was followed to destination by pick-up, truck carrying a Mr. Steve Rimmer who last week had been close to the scene of the beating of volunteers. * '* ft Greenwood: Silas McGee, the young man whosl blating innGreenwood•s LeFlore theatre led to the first arrests under the civil rights act, and his brother Jake were mobbed by 150-200 whites as they went to leave the theatre after attending tonight. As they walked to the car when Greenwood staff members came to pick them up at the theatre, after receiving a phone call from the brothers, Jake was hit repeatedly by the whites, and both received cuts and abrasions of face and shoulders and glass in eyes when a coke bottle was thrown through the car window. Both were treated at LeFlore County Hospital, but were then trapped at the hospital along with the SNCC staff members until 1 a.m. as cars of armed whites blocked all roads leading out of the hosiftal. FBI, local police, hiway patrol, and sheriff refused protection out of the hospital, until 1 a.m.—after more than 3 hours of waiting inside the locked doors of the hospital—the sheriff followed the SNCC staff and the McGee car to their destinations• RUNNING SUMMARY—PAGE 18 yu /«^L INCIDENT .SUMMARY—JULY 28, 196h 0 Itta Bena: Voter registration house broken into during night. The front porch supports were broken off and strewn around the proch leaving a badly sagging proch roof. The door was half torn off; all windows were broken in. There were r pesters on the front porch advertising Martin Luther King and Fannie Lou Hamer, urging citiaens to vote for her in the Democratic primary. These were ripped off. Volunteers at the house have received several threatening phone calls about the house and voter registration activities carried on there. The house is located at 153 Love Street. Holly Springs: Police cars surrounding a Holly Springs school where a Freedom Democratic farty precinct meeting««as being held were themselves surrounded by approximately 200 Negro FDP participants singing Freedom songs. The participants gathered around the cars as they left the school late last night. Police recorded the license of every car at the school, and stopped about seventy drivers to check licenses; five were arrested on various traffic charges. According to a Holly Springs SNCC office spokesman, the superintendant of schools there had said he would burn or tear down the school if a meeting were held there. Vicksburg: Precinct meetings—FDP Clarksdale: FDP County meeting

INCIDENT SUMMARY—JULY 29, 1961* Hollandale: A Negro SNCC staff member was chased from a traditionally white barber shop by a razor-wielding employee today. Earl Harris, 21, of Rockville Centre, New York entered the shop on Washington Street, on the left side of Highway 6l out of Greenville. As he entered an old man stood up and struck him on the neck. As this happened, the barber approached Harris with a razor and said, "If you don't get out of here, I'll Kill you." Harris left. Ruleville: A 35-year old plantation worker was today fired from his job for being a Freedom registrant and attending two Friday night voter registration rallies. Mr. Willie Smith was told today by the renter of the Marshall plantation in Ruleville, "get off the place and don't come back. You're messed up in the voter registration and I don't want to have anything to do with you," The Marshall plantation is located between Ruleville and Drew, (Note: This type of incident occurs often; it is seldom reported to us in detail.) Greenville: FDP precinct meetings Gulfport; County Meeting—FDP RUNNING SUMMARY—PAGE 19


Meridian: The Mount Moriah Baptist Church, on route 2 just outside Meridian, was burned last night. The Negro church, located in a completely white neighbor­ hood, was totally destroyed. When Summer Project workers went to investigate the site this afternoon, they found a policeman and a photographer there. At that time the remains were still quite hot, the glass windotjs completely melted. Although many homes are located quite close to the site, the fire department was not notified until too late to halt the fire. The Meridian CORE office had an uncomfirmed report that the white community had been trying to get the property for a building.

Gulfport: A local Negro volunteer, Dan Moody, was forced at gunpoint into a car here last night, blindfolded, and taken into a room at a location he guessed to be Biloxi. Five men were in the room and questioned him at length about COFO and its activities. They offered to pay him well for information about people and organizations who contact and are contacted by COFO. He was not injured or molested beyond the one man with a gun repeatedly poking him. He was asked to meet the men again at 7:00 this morning, but they did not appear at the agreed- upon location. Moody did not recognize any of the men from the glimpses he had of them; he does not believe they are from Gulfport. The FBI is investigating.

Drew; Twenty year old Negro SNCC volunteer Fred Miller of Prichard, Alabama, and Ruleville Negro volunteer Betty Williams were arrested early this evening in Drew for distributin leaflets on public property without a permit. The two were allegedly distributing leaflets to trucks on the street. Bond was set at $500 for Miller and $100 for Williams, The two were distributing from house to house announcements of a Freedom ^> Democratic Party precinct meeting to be held here tomorrow night; on the reverse side was an explanation of the Freedom Democratic Party. The two were arrested after a man in a car had stopped and spoken titith them.

Meridian: County meeting •

Laurel: Precinct and County meetings /NOT P'OR RELEASE 7 illllllW. I .Ill I.IIIMWIII I.I. I..I —II. !—•, mm * WATS LINE D I G E 5_T ^ ^^

July 21, 196h:

CLARKSDALE Summer volunteer arrested under new interpretation of red-light law which gives an arrest penalty if light turns yellow while car is in the intersection.

Three local girls, members of the newly organized Clarksdale Youth Action group who were arrested for trespass at a restuarant July 20, are being tried as adults. They are all age 16.

TUPELO Bomb threat received.

LEXINGTON Summer volunteer punched by a white man several times here while waiting in front of the courthouse for local people who were coming to register.

LAUREL Negro night club burned or bombed; nothing left standing.

Death threat attached to rock thrown through window of NAACP head; signed: KKK.

Laurel project loses its second office. Negro owner apparently intimidated*

MOSS POINT First newsletter published and distributed to community. 35 people

canvassing, mostly local.

Staff worker Charles Glenn arrested for perjury.

McCOMB 75 students in the Freedom School — just blocks from the burned churches.

HOLLY SPRINGS Arrest for no inspection sticker; $200 bond. GREENWOOD — Summer volunteer's car parked near Freedom House had all windows broken or pushed in during the night; seems to have been done with a pipe or such. by NATCHEZ —- Chuck McDew (former SNCC Chairman) picked up/police within h5 minutes after he, George Greene and Dorie Ladner arrived in town on a failure to stop at stop sign charge. The police chief told Greene: "Oh you're back in business, huh George?" and told them they tfere" a little behind sche­ dule" getting into town. The police chief said he would have men with the workers "every minute of the day." 'We knew when you got in and knew when you were coming," he said. — There is an office in Natchez now.

JACKSON A volunteer driving a pick-up truck full of project workers was arrested.

RJILEVILLE light people went to register.

SHAW — A tape recorder was left running in the jail.

MERIDIAN A car carrying Preston Ponder and a local girl had an accident; Georgiana Dace, 18, received a bad cut on left cheek and small cuts under eye. Ponder was later arrested for reckless driving.

Summer volunteer arrested for- »o Inspection sticker; official who gave him his plates told *-•*-. •**&>%£&£ h» <±id not need sticker immediately. WATS LINE DIGEST cont* -2-

ABERDEEN A home where eummer volunteers can easily'be seen from a nearby white community received a second threat. Man's voice raid "those civil rights workers.,.better not be there tonight."

HOLLY SPRINGS Summer volunteer arrested for six charges (imrpoper turn, running stop sign, etc.) $250 bond.

CLARKSDALE — Five white men with a gun on the back seat of their car sitting in front of the office. One of them was a meter reader at the office some days before.

GREENWOOD — Ninety-eight persons arrested here July 16 were released from jail on bond ($100 for instate people; $200 out-of-state.)

July 22, 196h: (Wednesday)

JACKSON A summer volunteer walking with another white worker and a"local Negro youth was accosted by two white men and beaten with billy sticks...in downtown Jackson.

McCOMB The Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church was found burned to the ground. Time of burning was estimated at about 10 pm the night before. When pro­ ject workers arrived at the church, about 6 miles East of Magnolia, they found the FBI, sheriff and police. One report indicated the lawmen seemed to be enjoying themselves as there were frequent intervals of laughter coming from that direction.)

TCHULA — The structure of a community center has been started here, financed by $10,000 raised in Los Angeles by a designer and contractor who will help direct construction.

A report was received that the assailant of a summer volunteer (July 21) was arrested by local law enforcement today. No further information; not verified.

NATCHEZ A local Negro youth was held for "questioning" after he was seen walking with Chuck McDew and George Greene. At the time he was picked up he had been telling them of a man who was shot the night before - Greene reported there had been "a couple of shootings." Greene and McDew had a meeting with the Natchez Mayor. for LELAND — ^n 18-year-old local youth was arrested/forgery while passing out (from voter registration leaflets with several other local Negro citizens. Greenville) He was released after questioning about his civil rights activity.

CLARKSDALE —- ...reported two "highly successful" precinct meetings.

GREENWOOD — A KKK plane flew over the mass meeting and dropped leaflets.

MOSS POINT Nine people went to courthouse to register. ^ Charles Glenn transferred to county jail in Hattiesburg.

NEW BETHEL — (from Canton) Police picked up a l5-year-old Negro youth who had been involved in a scuffle with a white man. WATS LINE, DIGEST, cont. -3-

July 23, 196U: (Thursday)

HOLLY SPRINGS Reported that an old man brandishing a pistol told a project worker to stay off his plantation near Hudsonville.

JACKSON SNCC staffer Hollis Watkins arrested for speeding; trial continued.

"Victory in Mississippi" —> police court acquittal of three local youths on public drunk charges. They were arrested July^21 while in the company of a white summer volunteer at the Club 1±00. The volunteer was also picked up — on improper tags charge.

CANTON CORE staff member Joe Lee Watts, from Canton, was "beaten by a white man who got out of a pick-up truck with no tags and struck him five times with a wooden cane. Watts had been canvassing with a white volunteer — who was not hurt. :

MOSS POINT Volunteer worker arrested for improper turning. $lj.O bond.

DURANT — (Holmes County) White summer volunteer beaten while canvassing. Two whites approached Steve Bingham, asked him what it would take to get him to leave town, Bingham replied, '18m not quite ready to leave,"

GRENADA —Willie Blue, SNCC, arrested for speeding.

MOSS POINT At a mass meeting last night $33 was collected for a woman who lost her job for housing summer project volunteers, two weeks ago. Several people are pledged to give 50$ a week indefinitely to help pay hospi­ tal expenses of Jessie May Stallworth who received back and side wounds when whites fired shots into a v r mass meeting here July 6. Miss Stallworth, 17, is still in the hospital.

SHAW -— A local white woman told a Negro lady here she would watch mail coming in, and those Negroes who get mail from the "freedom riders" would "get hell after they (summer volunteers) leave." Mail is picked up at the post office.

MERIDIAN The hearing for the omnibus suit filed against the KKK, 3heriff Rainey, Deputy Sheriff Price, the W C C and others in an attempt to enjoin acts on the part of both the defendents and the classes of officials they re­ present has been continued to Thursday, July 30,

CARTHAGE — Residents of the Harmony community here reported they would start con­ struction of a permanent community center the following day, A three- man board of trustees (local) has obtained land, lumber, and hired a carpenter to direct the work of local residents. Original plans called for use of an abandoned school building. Local white school and law enforcement officials claim the school is county property and cannot be used. Negroes maintain the property, which was set aside for a school site by Negro landowners, can be used as they wish. Leaving the conflict unsettled, Negro citizens decided to take upon themselves the construc­ tion of a new building,

WEST POINT Police did riotente r a "successful" mass meeting here, attended by 200 persons. About kO to 50 students in Freedom School,

HATTIESBURG A clergyman was not admitted to see Charles Glenn. WATS LINE DIGEST, cont. -k-

3HAW — A local woman housing two volunteers was warned her house might be burned if she continued to house them.

RULEVILLE - Volunteers overheard Ruleville police sitting outside a mass meeting here ask over a walkie-talkie: 'What's going on in there; did we get one in?" The police had indeed gotten one in — a Negro policeman from Indianola who later pulled, a gun on a rabbi. When SNCC worker Charles McLaurin asked the rally if they wanted police inside and the audience responded No, the policeman drew his pistol, shouting: "111 kill some­ one,"

July 2k, 196h: (Friday)

CLARKSDALE - Reported that the meter reader has daily threatened to kill SNCC worker Lafayette Surney,

HOLLY SPRINGS - Volunteer arrested for disturbing the peace and using profanity in the presence of more than two people. He had been repeating the words of police over a two-way radio set to the office ("move on, move on, goddaitrit, move on,") $500 bond. Police also insisted U0-50 potential registrants walk one by one eight feet apart and accompanied each one to the registrar's office from the courthouse steps — intimidating Negro citizens as they went. Workers say the presence of about 55 helmeted highway patrolmen and about 3$ helmeted local police at- the courthouse led them to cancel planned integrated picketing on this Freedom Day...,The Justice Department filed suit against the Marshall County vote registrar,

BATESVILLE - A cross was reported burned two nights earlier at Crowder, Two volunteers went to see remains. No details,

CLARKSDALE - A summer volunteer, white, and local Negro girl were chased by a 55 Ford, The driver climed out of the car and told the volunteer he would kill her because she was dirty; followed them to Aaron Henry's house and told them he would kill them if they gave license number to police. The driver tried to run them over, as he had tried to do with other workers last week.

RULEVILLE - Two white summer workers, one a rabbi, were? "forcibly removed" from a meeting of the city attorney. The meeting, called by the mayor for an unspecified reason, brought together parents of juveniles detained before being released here July 15 when 23 persons were arrested after being forced to move from the site of a rally. When the two workers went to a gas station in Drew to make a phone call, the attendant asked if the call had anything to do; with civil rights and pulled a psitol on them, telling them to leave,

VALLEY VIEW - The electric company man came for immediate payment on the bill, and claimed it was standard procedure for power to be cut off if payment was not immediate. His assignment sheet told him to collect from the "four white men and four Negro women in the house,"

MOSS POINT - 10 people to courthouse; 3 passed, 1,790 Freedom Registration forms filled out as of today,

HATTIESBURG - Small bomb (?) in amonia bottle. WATS LINE DIGEST, cont. -5- RULEVILLE - A Freedom School" student was almost run down by a white man in a green 63 chevy. Reports said the effort was obviously aimed at hitting him.

"All but two" passengers riding a bus here walked off in protest to the rough treatment and ejection of a Negro woman who sat down next to a white man.

McCOMB - Rose Hill Church in Amite County, about five miles from other two "burned churches on route #2k, was reported burned last night. No details.

Owner of McComb Club - often frequented by project workers - beaten arid" arrested for "selling liquor after midnight." Later charge added: resisting arrest. Beaten with beer tray, pistol-whipped, hit with billy stick and leather strap. Bonded himself out with $105. Legal status uncertain.

ABERDEEN - Will get office phone early next week.


WATS LINE DIGEST from Atlanta SNCC office:

AMERICUS, GA. - There will be a barbeque Sunday, July 25 to kick off organization of a maid's union which SNCC workers have been trying to get going. About 100 people are expected; all the maids in Americus have been approached. The SNCC project here was instrumental in getting a Manhatten Shirt Co. factory desegregated in employment in March.

SNCC worker John Perdew (white, held under death penalty here last fall under now-outlawed Georgia insurrection "law) was beaten by a white man inside the courthouse after he passed the voter registration test July 2iw Cut on eyelid. Georgia vote requirement: 6 mos. res.

HELENA, ARK. - (in the Arkansas Delta near Clarksdale) SNCC project plans to file suits against non-compliexs with new civil rights law. They have been testing public accomodations for last week.

SOUTHWEST GEORGIA SNCC PROJECT as a whole (22 counties) 1,300 persons have been registered to vote in the week of July 13-17. Campaign of Attorney C.B.King (Negro) for democratic congressional nomination has been focus.

Cordele - 475 (Crisp County) Tifton - 325 (Tift County) Thomasville - 300+ (Thomas County) Albany - h5-50 (Dougherty County) Bainbridge - U0+ (Decatur County) Americus - 2k (Sumter County)

SELMA, ALA. - Voter registration continuing here and surrounding counties. Three SNCC suits are pending: a) Removal into federal court of over 50 arrest cases from vote drive in early July; b) Motion is being heard to enjoin Dallas County officials (and leaders of 300- 500 man posse) from interfering with vote activity; c) Motion to quash injunction taken out against SNCC and project workers. ATS LINE DIGEST / NOT FOR RELEASE / July 2g, l?6k: >M /( HOLLY SPRINGS - One confirmed shooting, two unconfirmed ^shootings re­ ported - local drunk Negro shot at while fleeing from police. Local Negro beaten in jail, witnessed by Elwood Berry, in jail from Freedom Day arrest July 2k. GREENWOOD - Silas McGee, the young man whose beating in Greenwood's Leflore Theater led to the first arrests under the new civil rights law, and his brother Jake Were mobbed by 150-200 whites as they left the theater. As they walked to car where Greenwood staff members wait­ ed to pick them up after receiving a call from1 the brothers, Jake was hit repeatedly by the whites, received cuts and abrasions of face and shoulders and glass in the eyes when a coke bottle was thrown through the car window. Both treated at Leflore County but then trapped at hospital along with the SNCC people until lam as cars of armed whites — blocked all roads leading out of hospital. FBI, local police, highway patrol and sheriff refused to give them protection for three hours as they waited inside hospital. A group of 10-15 project workers handing out Freedom Regis­ tration on congested Negro business street prompted at least 3 incidents. Three whites approached Eli Zeretsky, took clipboard and tore up FR forms. Police sto6d by and refused to act unless Z. knew assailant's nameand filed complaint with a judge. A volunteer was jumped from be­ hind and hit on head; police refused aid. Another volunteer was threat­ ened by local whites while police again stood by. A shot was fired at the home of Silas McGee. CANTON - 300 attended open air county convention of the Freedom Demo­ cratic Party, 102 of whom were voting delegates elected at the precinct level. HATTIESBURG - Reported that home of two FDP local leaders bombed last night between 1 and k am. Porch and door of home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd burned; broken whiskey bottle found indicating type of "molotov cock­ tail". RULEVILLE - Rock smashed portion of windshield of local Negro housing civil rights workers. Car was parked in his yard. DREW - Affidavit received today from parent of one of the Negro childr­ en arrested after a July 15 rally. Drew mayor and city attorney called a meeting of the parents at which they were told unless the children signed a statement disavowing association with "the communists coming into town," defense would not be provided for them. According to the affidavit, city attorney Townsend called Congressman Don Edwards (D- Calif.) a communist and said Edwards had been "Castro's secretary." CLARKSDALE - Bottle thrown through office window July 2k. ... Three white men were arrested today when they returned to the scene and a local Negro who witnessed the event reported them to police who were at that time investigating. No charge known. They paid $11. RULEVILLE - Police broke up conversation between Rabbi Arthur Levine and two local whites for the second time here. Levine was sitting in the couple's car talking with them. LEXINGTON - It was reported from Canton that a local volunteer, James Dennis, was arrested July 2k while fishing. He was charged with expired license, etc.; paid $15 fine. While in jail he Is reported to have seen a local white man severely beaten by the police. He also reported a Negro, involved in an auto accident, was lying on a mattress wet with blood, both arms and both legs broken with open wounds, denied hospital treatment or visitors. HATTIESBURG - Reported that the husband of Mrs. Victoria Jackson Gray was arrested for drunken disorderliness July 2k. COLUMBUS - Precinct meeting of FDP in north Columbus. July 26, 1964; -2- McCOMB - Two bombs thrown at Charles Bryant's home. As first bomb thrown from passing car, Mrs. Bryant fired at car with shotgun; car had passed by once before. When car's light approached third time, Mr. B. grabbed his wife's gun, ran outside bjb was knocked to ground by force of second bomb explostion before he had time to fire. The car fired into the Bryant living room, shots travelled 12-15 feet across room, embedded in wall. Bryant has been active in movement many years; bro­ ther is NAACP head there. About 50 people attended voter registration rally at Bryant's pasture that afternoon. BAjTESVILLE, - A home* in which five civil ..eights workers were living was tear gas bombed at lam. Sheriff and deputy arrived 30 minutes later, fTfcmd afmy^type* gre*had

•85 MERIDIAN - The tax bureau here apparently plans to levy taxes on* the Baptist Seminary - currently in use as a Freedom School site - for unrelated church activity, NATCHEZ - "It was a good day, full of accomplishments with many contacts in the community," SNCC workers reported. There are no chairs yet, snakes in the back yard, police watching closely, "but it's not so bad as before." WEST POINT - Reported that a Negro cook at a drive-in was fired from her .job. Her employer stated reason was that he had seen some men coming from the kitchen last month with a sack. Miss Catherine Hannah however, says it because she attended a Freedom School and told her fellow workers about it. Also reported that a 15-year-old local Negro youth was de­ tained at police headquarters for "throwing an empty can at a patrol car." Emma Bell reported there were witnesses who would claim in court the charge was a "complete fabrication." GULFPORT - No incidents occurred when project workers took 60 local youths*to a beach in Pass Christian July 26 although mayor stated they would be arrested if they went. A local Negro man came to the office and reported nis 8-year- old nephew had been cut over the eye by some white kids July 25. Two white teenagers had apparently thrown bricks at him from a car. HOLLY SPRINGS - Precinct and county meetings had 300 in attendance. When the convention, ended, police stopped every Negro leaving building, took down all license numbers, stopped about 70 cars in addition for license checks,, arrested five on various traffic charges. About 200 people surrounded the police cars and sang Freedom Songs. The meeting was "great," according to Icanhoe Donaldson, and was held in a school building which the superintendant threatened to burn down if the meetin was held there. -more- -4- DESOTA COUNTY - Summer volunteer arrested at Olive Branch, charged with speeding 70 miles an hour in a 65mph zone. CANTON - Five National Council of Churches ministers arrived at the bus station here, due to be picked up by a local person. Before that car was able to move out, they had been blocked off by cars of whites in front and back. A large mob gathered, the ministers were threatened with beatings. Eventually four cars of whites blocked off the ministers' car, a truck with project workers arrived from the office, tension rose, large numbers of Negroes and whites gathered. Sheriff finally came. July 28, 1964; KPTA- BSNA - Voter registration office broken into during night. The front porch supports were broken off and strewn around the porch leaving a badly sagging porch roof. The door was half torn off, all windows were broken in. Posters on front porch advertising Martin Luther King and urging people to vote for Fannie Lou Hamer were torn off. Volunteers at the office-house have received several threatening phone calls about the house and v r activities there. House is at 153 Love Street. HOLLY SPRINGS - Local volunteer worker Charles Scales involved in an auto accident near Benton County line^ driving with volunteer Peter Cummings to Freedom School. Car slid on gravel at curb, four or five small trees on federal property knocked over. White man who witnessed called police who arrested Cummings (white) for reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident; later charge of obstructing justice added. Scales is Negro. Neither recieved major injuries. A summer volunteer was arrested here same day for pass­ ing on a yellow line. He was tried without a lawyer at Bob Green's used car lot (Green is a justice of the peace) and paid $21. TCHULA - Attempted bombing at 4am this morning - home of Jessie Delaney on plantation of Mr. Taisch - by two white men. One of the two bombs thrown missed the house, the other hit a window, was smothered by a plastic curtain and rolled under the bed of one of Delaney's three chil­ dren. The bombs were made of bottles and were said to contain gas and either. Mr. Delaney has not been involved in the movement at all. However, this was the second time his home has been bombed. A similar incident occurred last year; nothing was done by local authorities. FBI Investigated this bombing, as well as a deputy sheriff called to the scene by the plantation owner. RULEVILLE - The Ruleville Manufacturing Co. which has not employed Negroes up to how. Last night they began a system to train Negro girls to run sewing machines. About 40-50 signed up after it was announced in the high school. The factory manager was intimidated and threatened so that all Negro girls were released from training. White girls are still being trained. GULFPORT - Ten precinct meetings held. NATCHEZ - The sign in front of a Negro hotel was shot off last night. SNCC's Chuck McDew believes it was connected to the fact that they had tried to rent office and housing space from the hotel owner who has not otherwise been singled out as a target of whites. MOUND BAYOU & SHAW - Precinct and county meetings held. MERIDIAN - People who have gone to the courthouse to register have been told they won't find out results until late November, "after the elec­ tion." VICKSBURG - 700 attended precinct meetings here. CLARKSDALE - 300 attended county meeting. Forman spoke. ABERDEEN - One person attempted to register to vote at courthouse. July 29, 1964: HOLLANDALE - Earl Harris, SNCC, was chased from a traditionally white barber shop by a razor-wielding employee. As he entered an old man stood up and struck him on the neck. As this happened, the barber ap­ proached Harris with a razor and said, "If you don't get out of here, I'll kill you." Harris left. -5- RULEVILLE - A 35-year-old plantation worker was fired from his job for registering.with'Freedom Registration and attending two Friday night vote rallies. Mr. Millie Smith was told by the renter of the Marshall plantation near Ruleville, "Get off the place and don't come back. You're messed up in the voter registration and I don't want to have anything to do with you."

MEMPHIS - A vagrancy charge lodged against SNCC worker Dick Frey was dropped. HOLLANDALE - Precinct meeting. HATTIESBURG - Reported that a local woman, Mrs. Vera Mae Lawson, came to a mass meeting and reported her cousin, Dave Waxton, had been mis­ using .fe^ about a #eek. * He was last se#tn...July lS^when he told his _ im, cousin he had been beaten by some white boys. He was bleeding* in his""" chest and said he had been kicked. Two more traffic tickets were meted out: one to a summer volunteer, another to a local woman active in the movement. CLARKSDALE - The FBI reported to the office that a warrant had been is­ sued for the arrest of the meter reader who was threatening to kill SNCC worker Lafayette Surney every night. The NAACP sponsored testing of two restaurants; service refused at both.

VICKSBURG - Project workers reported a possible shot, and seeing a shiny instrument in a passing car. LAUREL - Two brothers, active in the movement here, were stopped by a white man in a car and asked if they had motioned him to stop. They said no. When they looked up he had a gun pointing at them. They ran in opposite directions; he drove off. Both Gillum borthers are student? at the Freedom School, have done v r work.

HOLLY SPRINGS - John Doar stopped in unexpectedly overnight. July 30, 1964: MERIDIAN - The Mount Moriah Baptist Church, route 2 outside Meridian, was burned last night. The Negro church, located in an dll'-whlte neighborhood, was totally destroyed. Project workers found a p>olice- man-and^hotographer there today when cthey went |o investigate. Re­ mains were still hot, glass windows completely melted. Although many homes are located close to the site, the fire dep^.r-Greent was itvbt noti­ fied until too late to halt the fire. The tf'crid.t'vn cf^Ipe :••;.-:/: tod an unconfirmed report that the white community ha/i i:«eo.n try iny to get the property for a building. GULFPORT - A local Negro volunteer, Dan Moody, wfts lorred at gunpoint into a car here last night, blindfolded and take:-] to a location he guessed to be in Biloxi. Five men vrhre in the room and questioned him at length about COFO and its activities, Thoy offered to pay him for information about people and organization':', He was not injured or mo­ lested other than one man who repeated fy -ooked him with a gun. He was asked to meet the men again at 7am the n'ett wrifi.cg, but they aid not appear at the agreed location. He does hot believe the men are from Gulfport.

DREW - 20-year-old Negro SNCC volunteer, y. or ;fff>r- of Prltchard, Ala. and Ruleville Negro volunteer Betty n. if v-.arv: were ar-rested early this morning for distribution of leaflets on public property without a per­ mit. Bond was set st y50Q for Miller onf p.00 for Williams. They had been distributing, hor.se to bouse, announcements of an FDP precinct meeting to be held the next night. BILOXI - Two precinct- meetings. Several men from a military base were prohibited from participating because If M;o Hatch Act which forbids military or federal personnel to•participate in political activities. ABERDEEN -125 people aiio.

BATESVILLE - Names of 85 newly registered voters were placed in the local newspaper. The "good moral character" requirement of Mississippi vote laws no longer applies because of the Panola County court order. 27 names were placed in the Sardis paper. The effect of opening these people up to white intimidation is the same, although the provision no longer remains by law. 'SHAW - Three white summer workers were turned away from a local high school cafeteria after they had been invited to attend a special func­ tion there by local high school students. The principal told the volun­ teer summer workers they would have to go downtown to get the superin- tendant's (white) permission to enter the building. Two other v-olv'ri- teers were told to leave by the principal who said he was "only fo'L- lowing orders." Local students immediately began planning a boycott of the cafeteria in protest, and the Mississippi Student Union president auggested lateir it be expanded to the entire school and that petitions be drawn up for better library, more text books, equipment, etc. A dance-talent show at the same school the following Tuesday was scheduled to be boycotted if white summer volunteers were not allowed to attend.

MERIDIAN - Summer volunteer arrested on traffic charge of reckless driving and speeding. He was doing 30mph. RULEVILLE - The two volunteers arrested on the distribution of leaflets charge here yesterday asked for a continuance at trial and were denied the application by the mayor; fine set at $100. Case will be appealed to federal court. BILOXI - Dickie Flowers, SNCC staff, and two volunteers arrested in Ocean Springs. No details known. BRANDON - The Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church burned to'the ground at about midnight last night. When the church deacon arrived at the church - old highway 80, approximately 3 miles from Brandon - the town marshall and 3-4 highway patrol cars were at the scene. When Deacon' Jones asked where the fire department was, the marshall said they had been there, decided the place was too far gone, and had left. Jones however stated that flames were visible from the base of the hill on which the church is located when he arrived. An unidentified fire de­ partment spokesman told the office the fire trucks stayed at the scene 15-20 minutes before leaving. A butane gas tank was buried next to the church but did not ignite. 13th church burning since June 21, summer project start. •more- -7- CARTHAGE-- A Des Moines, Iowa minister and a.summer volunteer were " ~ beaten in a doctor's office here yesterday it was reported. Rev. Ed Heininger, 45, and John Polacheck, from Milwaukee (Harvard University) went to a clinic in Madden - near Carthage - yesterday seeking treat­ ment for Polacheck. Polacheck had left the clinic the day before when he had gone for treatment and had been asked to wait in the Negro wait­ ing room. P., white, was asked by the receptionist if he were living with "those Negroes in Harmony." Polacheck returned the next day with Heininger who had made an appointment in his own name with Dr. Thaggard. Upon arrival the doctor began berating the minister telling him he needed "forgiveness for what you are doing." While they spoke with the doctor, H. states, "I was suddenly hit from behind. At the same time they were hitting me with their fists, the doctor was pushing me from the front into the people who were striking me." P. who was also knocked to the floor, hit, and kicked, estimates between 5-10 men did the beating. Heininger was knocked unconcious, suffered eye injuries and cuts on the face and scalp. Polacheck: cuts and bruises on head and body. Polacheck dragged Heininger into their car, when his car keys were taken from him from one of several people who aurrounded the car. The two were handcuffed together when a deputy sheriff arrived and placed in a non-officially marked pick-up truck. At some point between Madden and Harmony they were transfered to one of the non-officially marked cars following them. According to Polacheck, the car was driven by a clinic administrator who had a club and handed it to the deputy when the prisoners got into the car. They were placed in a cell marked "white women" at the police station; other occupant being a Negro man. The two were charged with disturbing the peace, bail set at $100 each, with the case coming to trial August 27. A doctor was called to the jail, they were taken by a deputy to the Leake County Memorial hos­ pital where they paid $30 for X-rays. They were returned to jail and released on cash bond. GREENWOOD - Three persons were arrested when SNCC radio mobile units left here for Memphis to get more cars. Within two blocks from the office Monroe Sharp reported that drivers of both cars were being arres­ ted and were ordered to follow police to the station. James Forman took the radio and ordered the units to return to the office. Both cars came back minus their drivers and Sharp who had been manning the radio. The drivers, Silas McGee and John Paul, were charged with driving with improper vehicle licenses although both cars had temporary 7 day Tennessee tags. Sharp was charged with resisting arrest. It was reported that radio jamming equipment was in operation in downtown Greenwood during this time. BATESVILLE - Three shots were fired past the home of Mr. Robert Miles where two white summer volunteers were living. The house was not hit; no one injured. The summer workers, Kathy Amatniak and Claire O'Connor were sitting in the lighted kitchen when the shots were fired; saw blue streak at the same time she heard what sounded like a tire blowout. Both dropped to the floor after turning out lights. Mr, Miles was awa­ kened to hear two more shots and see a flash from the road. A black and white 57 chevy passed by the house for a third time that night when the sheriff arrived. .Similar car was seen July 26 when the same home was teargassed. Two weeks earlier a local white told a neighbor of the Miles home that Miles would be killed unless he got rid of the whites living at his house. The next night Mrs. Miles received a call telling her they'd "better not go to sleep if you know what's good for you."

A L A B A _M A ARKANSAS GEORGIA From Atlanta SNCC WATS line digest: PINE BLUFF, ARK. - James Jones, SNCC staff, and four other workers, three of whom were local high school students, were arrested while can­ vassing and selling poll tax. When the sheriff who stopped their car questioned the group and learned what they were doing, he placed the entire group under arrest. After a lecture, he released the students but continued to hold two older Workers. — July 26 MONTGOMERY, ALA. - SNCC worker Robert Zellner filed suit July 23 in fed- eral court seeking 'j>200,000 in damages against Ala. Governor George Wallace. Also named is Ala. Public Safety Director Al Lingo. Zellner charges them with false arrest and malicious prosecution dating back to a Jan. 1963 arrest for vagrancy when he was visiting his alma mater, Huntingdon College here, and a false pretenses charge against Zellner shortly after. DAWSQN, GA - Testing of public accomodations in Terrell County has net­ ted at least one arrest here July 25, WATS REPORT: FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1%'i unofficial report Stearns

Greenwood: They now have a radio network Kith Greenwood. Talahatchie and Ruleville. Indianola should be added, today? Greenville and Issaquena tomorrow.

McComb: Lee Garrett Last night M»kfek|jte two carloads of whites followed a SNGO car bake from a precinct- meeting in Summits The car radiod hack tog the McComb office and they sent out another car to meet theme When the eecoid padio car was seen by the whites they turned off and stopped following them, This is the Second time this has happened, so they feel the radios are very successful* •5BWBHHS- Greenwood: Judy Richardson This morning a light green and white 'S>8 Ford NP5'2536 was seen parked at highway 82 and Avenue N, its occupants* whltesywere seen around Negro homesa The incident was reported 60 Officer Locke (GD„ police) and at the same time a Buick with whites in it pulled up to the Greenwood office, but drove away)* Greenwood police car #3 and an unmarked car came by to investigate.

Washington, D.C, : John Martin,, JtD. 8:ir5am This morning John Martin called the Atlanta office to inquire about Helena* We had called him on Wednesday and not reached him; he called this morning to check on the situation therea Reports on Helena from Wednesday were given to him.

Drews from Mitchell in Greenwood Bond reduced for the people in jail in. Brow, Lawyers in Jackson are trying to have the cases removed to federal court© WATS REPORT, FRIDAY, JULY 31 UNOFFICIAL REPORT NMG GREENWOOD 2:15 am (Rudd/Grogan) report from Jackson A church located three miles from Brandon on old Highway #80 out of Jackson, called The Pleasant Grove Baptist Missionary Church, was reported at 12:25 am to be burning. A Mrs. Palmer reported it, (Her grandfather built the church and was the first pastor,) She has recently given speeches relating to the summer project HH^xxistEXXXBXis- xx&*x®x in the church. The pastor is Rev, K&ffids Robison of Yazoo, Miss. It was a wooden frame church. It is as"-yet unknown if there had been any recent threats to the church. Jackson office is still investigating.

ft ft ft ft ft ft

GREENWOOD/DREW (Judy Richardson/Brenda Travis) At 5:20 pm on July 30 Fred Miller, a Negro volunteer from Prichard, Alabama and Eddie Williams of Ruleville were arrested for distributing leaflets on public property without a permit. About 10 minutes before the arrest, both men had talked to a Negro man in a car about the leaf­ lets but had not given him any leaflets. They then went into a house and left the leaflets there. As they came out of the house, they were picked up by local police. Two other men, Henry Hardy, and Mr, Otis Foster, were near Fred and Eddie. They too had leaflets, but were not picked up. Neither Foster nor Hardy had talked to anyone in a car. The leaflets advertised the precinct meeting in Drew this Friday at 7 pm. The other side of the leaflet explained SVP. They had been leafleting for 30 minutes before being picked up. At 7:00 pm George Winter called from Ruleville to say that bond for Fred was $500, Bond for Eddie is $100. Fred has been arrested on a similar charge before. Two lawyers are there and the FBI has been contacted.

GREENWOOD: 6:15 am; (Rudd/Grogan) REGARDING CHURCH BURNING to Kuaa called Ben Jones, a deacon of the Pleasant Grove Baptist ?lissionary Church. Jones lives a mile from the church. He arrived at the church around midnight and found the church burned to the foundation. Officials at the scene were the Brandon town marshal and 3 or 4 Highway Patrol cars. Jones spoke with the marshal and asked why the fire Dept. had not come to the fire. The marshal said that the fire .dept. had come and decided the church v;as so far gone and wasn't worth saving (i.e. there was nothing they could do about it) and so they left. Jones saw the church from a distance and there were still small flames and embers burning. He did not go closer because there is a butane tank buried behind the church which he feared might explode. Jones said NO speeches have been made in the church pertaining to the summer project or civil rights and there have been no threats, Jackson called MR. Lee at Jackson FBI office at 1:10 am. Jones re­ ceived a call from a Mr. Lee at the FBI around 4:00 am. Lee said he would come out to interrogate Jones and to investigate the site of the burning. THIS IS THE THIRTEENTH CHURCH BU. TNG IN-MISSISSIPPI SINCE JUNE 21. NOTE: Due to the conflicts between the descriptions and details given by-Mrs. Palmer and Ben Jones, and considering the fact that Jones was A on the scene, Mrs. Palmer's report is discounted. WATS REPORT, FRIDAY, JULY 31, PAGE 2 UNOFFICIAL REPORT NMG

GREENWOOD: 7:15 am (Rudd/Grogan) CHURCH BOMBING, CONTINUED Jackson called Brandon Fire Dept at 6 am and spoke with a man who de­ clined to identify himself. He stated that his truck left the station at around 11:30 pm July 30, and drove the 3 to 5 miles to the church. He remained at the site about 15 or 20 minutes and left after deter­ mining that nothing could be saved. He claims that he was unaware of the butane gas tank in the gouund and that the police had not mentioned that fact.

Jackson called the Jackson FBI at 5:35 am to relate the report that Greenwood had gotten from Be'n Jones. The desk agent thanked them for the information and informed them that an agent was at the scene and would interview Jones, ftftftftftftft 0. Stearns New York: John Lewis On Wednesday a meeting was held at the NAACP offices with Wilkins, Lewis, Cortland Cox, Rustin, Young, Farmer, Jack Greenberg, King, and Randolf. A statement was issued calling for a)a moratorium on demonstrations until after the November election and b)condemMng the violence in Harlem, etc., and the participation of extremist groups and communists in the violence© The first statement was signed by King, Wilkins, Young, and Randolphs Farmer and Lewis did not sign* The second statement was signed by all but Lewis* Some papers reported this inacaurately, but corrections have been made* John has made statements to several New York papers and to the AP* The following is what he said: In relation - to the condemnation of violence and participation by extremist groups: HIIt. is not the policy of the Student N nviolfent Coordinating Committee to publicly discuss situations in individual Negro communities in which we are not working." In relation to the moratorium on demonstrations: "We are conducting a massive ik>ter registration campaign in Southwest Georgia, Central Alabama, East Arkansas, and throughout the. state of Mississippi* In the South and throughout this country in communities like Harlem, Negroes must be allowed to protest, for they are very frustrated,, desperate, and restless, Theye is aneed for some form of creative expression. In Mississippi we are supporting the seating of the Freedom Demo cratic Party, a party that represents all of the people, and the ousting of the regffiar Democratic Party. We are prepared to use every nonviolent means which is necessary to support the seating of the Freedom Democratic Party,"

Concerning suggested splits within the Negro leadership: We have tried to reach a consensus in the past and a consensus on this issue, but it is very difficult when different organizations are operating from different levels." •5HHHBHS- Greenwood: Richardson snd Mitchell new At 11:30am three workers ware arrested in Greenwood,, Two/cars with temporary Tennessee tags were stopped by police about two blocks from the office on their way to Memphis, The drivers, Silas KcGee, Greenwood, and John Paul, 21, Ossining, New York were arrested for violation of the Mississippi Code 93$2-2k ((relating to cars with temporary licenses). Bond for the two is $5"0 each. Monroe Sharp, who was operating the citizen's band radio in McGeefs car,fetl reporting the arrests to the office, was arrested for resisting arrest* bond, $100, (Snarp is from Chic.) Greenwood called the Memphis FBI since Tenn, licenses are involved and because they believe that someone may be jamming our radios. The people in the cars weren't able to hear the office calling them, but the office could '' hear them* The jamrainj might be coming from the fire station. If we can prove it we'll contact the FCCo George Alberts, 29, Jackson Heights, N,Y„, was arrested while walking down the street in Greenwoode He was charged with parading without a permit and contributing to the delinquency of a minor^ Bond 4>5"00, We think Alberts was alone. mmm ^rjiRi— *m 20 ft\ /^"~3 INCIDENT •WMH/RY—JULY 31, 196U

ftr&pflp?),: The Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church, located on old Highway""80, approximately 3 miles from Brandon, burnad to the ground last night. The fire department came to the scene and left before the fire was put out, stating they had ;'been called too late." A butane tank was buried next to the church. The wooden__frame building burnt to the ground. FBI began investigating the burning as soon as notified. Carthage: The Reverend. Udward K. Heininger, a National Council of Churches volunteer from De Moines, Iowa, and John Polacheck, a sumcer volunteer from Milwaukee and a Harvard student, were brutally beaten in the office of a Dr. Thaggard, Sr. in Madden (small town near Carthage) today. Polacheck had gone to the clinic yesterday (July 30) for medical treatment, but left when he was told to go to the Negro waiting room (he is white). He came back today with the minister, and both were met in the waiting room by the doctor who began berating Heininger for his civil rights work. Jhile they were talking, Heininger was hit from behind. Polacheck estimates that between 5 and 10 men beat them for approximately 5 minutes. Heinin­ ger reported that the doctor pushed him from the front into the punches of his assailants. Heininger was knocked unconscious, suffered severe injury to the left eye with possible internal injury to the eye, severe lacerations of the scalp and face, contusions on the back of the neck, a bad cut on the left ear, and a swelling of the mouth and lips with possible injury to the gums. Polacheck got to their car parked outside the clinic, and pulled in the minister who was on his back outside the car. One of several whites standing around the car grabbed the car keys. A deputy sheriff arrived, handcuffed Heininger and Polacheck and jailed them for disturbing the peace: the doctor had reported they had used profanity. They were released on cash bond of $100 'each, after being brought to the station in a non-officially marked pick-up truck and. car. Trial is scheduled for August ?7. * Meridian: A 22-year old white ••'•mcr yoluir'je^r, Richard Swanson, was arrested for reckless driving ar.d speeding. A Seattle resident and University of ashington student, Swanson was not informed of the charges until after being held at the police station under arrest. At the station he was question as to whether he was '"sure" what his race is, and was hit on the hand when reached for the ticket to see what charges were being placed against him. Greenwood: Twenty-one year old Silas McGhee, Greenwood resident, and summer volunteer John L. Paul, 21, of Ossing, New York, were arrested for driving with an improper vehicle license although both cars had temporary 7 -day Tennessee license tags. Negro SFCC worker Monroe Sharp reported the arrests to the Greenwood SNCC office over the car radio and was then himself arrested for resisting arrest. The two drivers were held for Z50 bail and Sharp for 1100. Batesville: Three shots were fired late at night past the home oftt Batesville Negro cibizen Robert Miles, who houses five summer project Volunteers. On July 26 the Miles home was tear_gas bombed at la.ra. A local white has reportedly threatened to kill Miles if he does not oust the voter registration workers. Shaw: Three white summer volunteers were made to leav e the McUvens High School Cafeteria, where they had been invited to a fund-raising supper at the Negro high school. They were warmly received by the students and the supervising teacher, but were told by Principal Harl Altheimer they must first secure permission of the superinten­ dent in order to enter the school. One volunteer commented that the incidents are "excellent demonstrations of the fact that not only Negroes but whites also are not free in Mississippi. Ruleville: Precinct meetings