A) PERSONS, GROUPS, and TITLES Caaron S. Harun Cabdul Caziz

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A) PERSONS, GROUPS, and TITLES Caaron S. Harun Cabdul Caziz INDEX a) PERSONS, GROUPS, AND TITLES cAaron s. Harun Afghani, Jamaluddin 19-22, 29, 31, 48, cAbdul cAziz, CAlla.ma, sirr as-samiP 53 54, 83, 92, 133, 172, 226, 227, 305, cAbdul CAziz, Sultan of Turkey 30 310 cAbdul l;lamid, Sultan of Turkey 20, 30 Agha Khan 28, 51, 83 cAbdul J:laqq, Maulvi (Baba-yi Urdü) 57 Aghnides, 1.: Muslim Theory of Finance cAbdullah, Dr. Syed 69 237 cAbdullah ibn Mubarak 185 Al]mad of Bareilly (Brëlwi), Sayyid cAbdul Karim Girhôri 90 15-17, 152 cAbdul La~ïf Burhanpüri 10 Al]mad Khan, Sir Sayid 21-25, 30, 55, 76, cAbdul Majid Daryabadi 356 80, 153, 186, 202 cAbdul Majid Qureishi 152 Al]mad Shah Durrani Abdali 13, 67 cAbdul Qadir, Shaikh (later Sir) 36, 41 AJ:imad Sirhindi 7, 8, 56, 158, 326, 370 cAbdul Qadir, Begum 248 AJ:imadiya (vd.a. Qadianis) 26, 27, 76, cAbdul Qadir Gilani, Mul]yiuddin 4, 186, 201, 378 347, 348, 370, 371 AJ:irar 32 Qadiriya 4, 9, 347, 370-372 Ahriman 217, 270, 363 cA,bdul Qadir al-Maghribi 269 Ahura Mazdah 207 cAbdul Qadir b. Waliullah, Shah 12 Aids to the Study of German Theo/ogy CAbdul Quddüs Gangëihi 272 328 cAbdur Ral]miin I of Spain 52 Akbar, Moghul Emperor 6-10, 46, 334 cAbdur Ral]man III of Spain 29 Akbar AJJahabadi 24, 338, 364 cAbdul Wahhab, MuJ:iammad 21 Akbar l~ydari, Sir 195 Wahhabiya 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 48, CAkif, Mel]met 27, 45, 243 75, 176, 239, 385 fafapat 27 cAbidin Pasha 354 cAJam Jan, Mufti 23 Abraham (Khalilullah) 10, 66, 79, 91, cAJa0 uddin Khilji 5 135, 195, 196, 198, 256-260, 263-265, Alexander the Great 10, 383 273, 27 5, 305 Alexander, Prof.: Space, Time, and Deity Abü cAli Qalandar 371 292 Abü CAli as-Sindhï 367 cAli b. Abi 'fiilib (l;laydar, Murtazii, Abü Bakr a~-~iddiq 167, 232 Karriir) 56, 66, 140, 166, 167, 195, Abu Dharr 89, 369 350 Abü0 l-Fazl, Shaikh 7 cAJi Hamadhani 35, 305, 337 Abü l;lanifa 238 Ali India Kashmir Committee 35 Wa~iya of A.H. 274 Ali India Muslim Conference 52 Abii Jahl 162 Amanullah of Afghanistan 44, 141, 168 Abü Mul]ammad Mu~liJ:i 223 Ameer Ali, Syed 24, 151, 168, 245 The Qur'anic Ir/ orld, W eekly 223 The Spirit of Islam 24, 151 tafsir al-Qur'an /il-atfal 223 Amir Khusrau 3, 176, 33 7 Abü Sacid ibn AbPl-Khair 211 Andrae, Tor 149, 288, 294 Adam 110, 111, 117, 157, 189, 196, 203, Dte Person Muhammads 149 206, 208, 210, 212-215, 217, 219, 226, Die letzten Dinge 288 229, 252-2 56, 264, 273, 279, 305, 308, Angelus Silesius 297 310, 313, 329, 336, 347, 348, 360, 384 Angutta Nikaya 269 NUMEN, Suppl. VI 27 416 INDEX Anjuman-i ~imâyat-i Islam 36 al-Baic;lâwi, cAbdullâh 208 Anjuman-i Kashmir-i musulman 35 Bajnüri, cAbdur Ra~mân 43 Anjuman-i khuddâm ud-din 243 ai-Baladhuri, ~mad b. Ya~yâ Ankarali Ismâcil Rüsüi)i 354• al-balâgh 223 Anquetil Duperron 9 Baljon, J. M. S. 23, 232 CAntara 56, 195 Modern Muslim Koran Interpretation Arberry, Arthur John 49 232 Arda Viraf Name 207, 303 Barani, Ilyâs 169 Aristoteles 319, 328, 336 Baudelaire, Charles 220 Arnold, Sir Thomas 36, 316, 317 Bausani, Alessandro 209, 290, 335, 336, The Preaching of Islam 317 338 Arya Samaj 33 Satana nell' opera . 209 Ashcarite School 98, 100, 291, 292, 335, C/assica/ Muslim Philosophy. 335 336 Bayazid Bisçâmi 85, 89, 302, 350, 367, Asin Palaéios, Miguel 52 369 Aslam Jayrajpüri 346 Beatrice 2 50 Atatürk vd. Mustafa Kemal Bëdil, Mirzâ 316, 337, 338 cAtiya Begum 37, 39, 40, 247, 330, 333 Bektashis 143, 278 cAgâr, Fariduddin 4, 90, 92, 108, 139, Benz, Ernst 92 187, 203, 204, 211, 286, 299, 300, 312, Berdjajew, Nikolai 325 343, 344, 351, 353, 371, 372 Bergson, Henri 51, 102, 105, 125, 132, Ilâhiname 172 290, 292, 298, 321, 323, 333, 351 man{iq uf-!air 203, 299 Bernanos, Georges 220 mu[ibatnâme 299 Bhartrihari 270, 305, 309, 334 Attila 64 Bible 189 Augustin, St. 272 Bihzâd, Kamâluddin 71 Aurangzëb cAiamgir 9-11, 67, 90, 340, Bilâl 174, 177 355, 370 al-Bïrüni, Abü0 r-Rai~an 2 Aurobindo Ghose, Sri 28, 29 Blake, William 215, 300 Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 94, 282, 336 Blavatzky, Helena 28 Averroist 38 3 Boehme, Jacob (the mystic shoemaker) Avesta 220 216, 219, 270 Avicenna (Abü CAli Ibn Sinâ) 81, 135, Biiethlingk, W. 334 137, 203, 302, 336, 359, 372 Bohora-Shica 4 Ayaz 67, 175 Bonaparte vd. Napoleon Aybak, Slave-King 67 Bousquet, G.-H. 161 Azad, Maulana Abü0 I-Kalâm 24, 30, 31, Brahmo-Samâj 18 41, 223 British Census of India 1911 40 Azar (Abraham's father) 79, 256-258, British East India Company 11, 14, 18 260 Brockhaus, Hermann 339 Azrail 202 Browning, Robert 329 cAzzam, CAbdur Ra~mân 119 Buber, Martin 328 cAzzam, cAbdul Wahhâb 46, 119 Büchner, Ludwig 328 Buddha 29, 148, 265, 266, 269, 270, 334 Baal 218 Buddhism, Buddhist 92, 269, 270, Baba Farid Ganj Shakar 3, 83, 373 366, 267, 375 Bâbi-Bahâi Movement 249 Bullhë Shah 77, 143, 158, 280, 34•5 Babur, Moghul Emperor 6 al-Bü~iri, Sharafuddin: burda 153 Badâôni, CAbdul Qadir 7 Byron, Lord 329 Bahâ0 addin Zakariya Multâni 4, 78 Ba~r al-culüm 354 Carducci, Giosuè 220 .
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