■ iT > ; PATRICK REGAN. ■■■■ Patrick one of the This Picture is now playing at Regan, very early settlers of Holt county, diet! Sunday, January 1st, at the home of a nephew, Patrick Regan, twelve miles northeast of O'Neill. Mr. Regan has Riviera Theatre,Omaha been in poor health for several years but had been able to be around the before his death. Starting Friday. place until the night He became ill Saturday evening and passed away the following morning at 6:30 o’clock. Patrick Regan was born in County to Thrill Mayo, Ireland, August 16, 1862. He You! came to Holt county forty-six years Coming a about ago and took homestead twelve miles northeast oP O’Neill , EVELYN BRENT. NORA BEERY AND WIL- where he made his home for a period LIAM POWELL. of years. In 1800 he went to Mon- Bristling action. Flaming Love. Roaring fun. Filmed on the tana where he resided for ten years; in 1000 he returned to Holt county same scale as ‘‘.'’ sweeping where he continued to make his home until his death, with the exception of two years spent in Ireland, to which place he went in 1916. “Beau Sabreur” The deceased leaves a nephew, Pat Regan, with whom he has resided for The answer to “Beau Geste” several years; no other relatives are known to reside in this country. Mr. Here's the answer to the film that was awarded the Photoplay Following the death of Regan the remains were brought to the Big- Magazine medal as the best picture of 1927. lin undertaking parley where they remained until Monday morning at nine o’clock when funeral services were held from St. Patrick’s church, Theatre conducted by Father M. J. Brady. Royal Burial was made in Calvary cemetery. The pall bearers were II. J. Rear don, Tom Enright. Howard Bauman, Jan. 8-9 ben Grady, H. J. Hammond, H. E. Sunday-Monday, Coyne. WOLFE-JEFFERY.

Win. B. Wolfe and Mrs. Lennie Jef- fery surprised their friends by quietly going to Sioux City where they were united in'marriage at eleven o’clock on December 27th, last. The cere- mony was performed by a Justice of the Peace. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe were attended Atwater Kent by Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Chandler, of Sioux City. Following the ceremony the newly married couple spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Chan- dler. Mr. Chandler and Mrs. Wolfe are twins. Six tube single dail The newly weds arrived in O’Neili last Thursday evening and will be at home on the Henry Page farm three and miles north of O’Neill, where Mr. Radio complete Wolfe has resided for the past year. Mrs. Wolfe has been employed at tiy Coffee Shop for some time. installed for $95.00. The Frontier joins their many O’Neill friends in extending congratu- lations. else to We are Nothing buy. H ALL-FREY. now selling the Atwater Kent Warren Hall of this city and Miss Alice Frey, of Hastings, Nebraska, were united in marriage in Omaha

over as — Radio known the world last Tuesday. The ceremony was Built on a 107-inch wheelbase 4 click-of-the-heel acceleration—the a Catholic whose performed by priest — inches longer than before the Big- ability to maintain 50, 55 and 60 radio at name we were unable to learn. the most dependable The bride is a prominent young ger and Better Chevrolet is impres- miles an hour without the slightest of Nebraska, where lady Hastings, sively large, low and racy. Its new sense of forcing or fatigue—the she has been employed in a bank. us about a are new of L on the market. See Warren is the son of Mrs. Georgia Fisher Bodies finished in safety four-wheel brakes—the Itasley, of this city, and has resided Duco colors and offer rich new up- steering ease that can only result here for the past sLx years. He is em- new radio at once. holsteries and handsome appoint- from a ball bearing worm and gear ployed by a film company as checker for the famous pictures, Ben Hur and ments. Its improved valve-in-head steering mechanism—and comfort L Parade. He is a hustling Satisfaction The. Big engine has numerous impressive over all roads at all speeds due to guaranteed. young man with a large circle of features such as shock absorber friends in this community where he alloy “invarstrut" semi-elliptic springs has grown to manhood. pistons,* hydro-laminated camshaft —84% of the wheelbase. extends The Frontier congratu- I mushroom valve gears, type tappets, lations. AC oil filter and AC air cleaner. Come in — see the car—and learn K AZDA-TU8HLA. The chassis also has been rede- how Chevrolet has again electrified As a result, the new Chevro- America by creating a bigger and Bowen’s (Atkinson Graphic.) signed. Variety Miss Mary Kazda, daughter of Mr. let smoothness better motor car and offering it at provides delightful and Mrs. Frank Kazda of this eitj|, throughout the entire speed range— prices so low as to be actually 3 and Mr? Sylvester Tushla, were mar- and ried at the Catholic parsonage in At- a wide margin of power for hills— amaring! kinson Wednesday morning, Decem- ber the 28th at nine o’clock, Rev. feature of advanced design demanded in the finest cars now jj Father Westman performing the cere- offered in the New Chevrolet! Read this parlial list. H mony. (Every The couple were attended by Mr, Improved valve-in-head Safely gasoline tank at rear. Improved Delco-Rt-my Dis* and Mrs. F. M. Keating. They left motor. Larger balloon tires 30" x trihutor ignition. Music Store 1 immediately after the ceremony for New stronger frame 4' 4.50*. Combination tail and stop wheelbase New streamline bodies by a wedding trip by auto to Omaha and longer; 107'- light. Fisher. other points in eastern Nebraska, Thermostat control cooling Large 17' steering wheel, . . : . . Nebraska will make their home system. Alcmitepressurelubricatlon. and O’Neill after which they spark throttle levers $ New- Duco colors. on the groom’s farm four miles north- New alloy “invar strut” located at top. * Theft-proof steering and ■ pistons. “ east of Atkinson. lock. Fisher VV”one-piece wind- New instrument indi- ignition | panel, AC oil filter. shield on closed models. I lighted. NOTICE. rectly AC air cleaner. A ntomatic windshield ! Barrett and James Timlin Jake Erb and Mrs. L. A. wip- Frank daughter, is that the an- New two-port exhaust. rrs Notice hereby given Single-plate dry disc-clutch. on closed models. 3 a of coons down Ott were called to nual of the stockholders of New ball worm and spotted couple by Beemer, today, by meeting bearing New crankcase breathing Semi-floating rear axle. of Barretts today but the coon saw the serious illness of a daughter and The O’Neill National Bank O’Neill, gear steering. system. Nebraska, will be held in the bank- Semi-elliptic shock absorber Heavy one-piece full-crown and them first. sister, Mrs. Wm. Oswold. ing room of said bank in O’Neill, Ne- i springs; 84% *>f wheel- fenders. braska, between the hours of 9 a. m. base. Vacuum tank fuel supply. 4-Wheel Brakes REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF and 4 p. m. on Uanuary 10, 1928. ... 1 The purpose of this meeting i.<"for THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK the election of a Board of Directors I “Prices Reduced!” 'VVi for the ensuing year and the trans- of O’Neill, Charter No. 895 in the State of Nebraska at the close of business action of such other business as may come before the meeting. The regularly The Sport $ December 31, 1927. S. J. WEEKES, *495 003 Cabriolet . . 32-1 President. Roadster • • « » m am The RESOURCES The Imperial $ 7 *495 COACH Landau Loans and discounts_ $314,810.81 MHMfflBniHI Louring • • • • Overdrafts- 342.71 THE ROYAL THEATRE’ The LiKht Bonds, securities, judgments and claims (exclusive of Odd r*7^ Home of Good Pictures Coupe .... Delivery .til U cash reserve) _ 9,197.46 Jan. 5th- The Banking house, furniture and fixtures_ 5,000.00 -Thursday, Four-Door $ Mason and Graves in $585 Ralph .. Shirley Other real estate _ 23,692.02 12.495 Bankers' Conservation Fund_ 1,017.41 RICH MEN’S SONS” stir Due from National and State banks_ 85,407.03 His father’s threats couldn't from a All price* f. o. b. Flint, Michigan Checks and items of exchange_ 2,760.98 him—but one glance tiny maid’s he was deliciously Check Chevrolet Cash in bank _ 8,715.12 eyes—and Delivered Prices to be even an office U. S. bonds in cash reserve__ 17,650.00 114,533.13 happy boy. They include the Inwekt handling and financing charge* available -Friday-Saturday. Jan. fi-7 TOTAL $468,593.54 Milton Sills in “FRAMED” LIABILITIES Women meant nothing to him! He % had loved once and lost! Jan *-!» Capital stock _ __ (85,000.00 -Sunday-Monday. Surplus fund.. 5,000.00 “BEAU SABREUR" Undivided profits (Net) 95.5,1 With (,’ury Cooper, Evelyn Brants. Individual deposits subject to check $129,7.19.58 and Nora Beery A to Beau Geste. Demand certificates of deposit __ ___ 10,600.04 sequal Time certificates of deposit 287,238.57 -Tuesday, Jan. 10th--— R. L. O’Neill Certilie I checks 17.00 Phillis Hover in Arbuthnot, “The of Aunt Due to National and Stnte hanks _ 10,691.05 4.18,281.24 Rejuvinatmn Mary" Depositor's guaranty fund 216.77 A jolly old Lady was she when she pot rid of the undertaker and tomb- TOTAL $468,593.54 stone maker, and la-pan to live! 1 .- Wedne-dav, Jan. lithe —— State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss: "JAKE THE PLUMBER" I. Jas. P. O’Donnell, Cashier, of the above named bank do solemnly swear See thi* howling burlesque of a the above statement Is a true and correct of the .that copy report made to i xheiking plumber jimmying his way the Department of Trade and Commerce. ! nt« the heart,* of the fair! JAS P O'DONNELL. Cashier. —— Thursday, Jan. 12th E-ther Raison, Raymond Hatton & "v ATTEST: S. S. Welpton, I* J. O'Do H rv Elinor Munson in “FASHIONS FOR WOMEN" Snbseribfd and >n ti»f»re me * 1928. '-••lary, If you want an evening of real en- \ t MOftS, Notary Public, My C«ans>ii»n esp N.»v ly, ly’S