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REPLAC!MENT LIST or FICTION With Selected List of Reeomaended Series and Suggested 8pec1t1cat1ons tor Book Manufacture

Compiled by The Book Buying Committee ot the American Librar,y Association Carl L. Cannon, chairman

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Chicago American Librar,y Association 1~

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Paae lxpl•nator.r introduction...... 5 Spec1t1cat1ons tor library reprinta...... 9 Beplac.. aat list or tiction ••••••••••••••• Reprints and publishers' aeriea...... 71


• This list of authors and titles ~s offered to American public libraries hoping that it may be of some aid to them 1D rep~acing fiction. Of the making of lists for librarians there is no end, and the only justification for another is that the book world (the world of fiction 1n particular) moves at such an accelerated rate of speed that authors are out of favor, or their books are out of print almost before the ink dries on the latest list. The editors of this particular list have been at consider­ able pains to compare editions and verify prices, but there is no doubt that by the t1me it is first used, some parts or it will have become out of date. Nor is this its only defect. It has been the intention of the Committee to give 1n brief compass the most frequently replaced

• of worth-while titles 1n the best and cheapest editions in print • It is obvious that 1manimi ty could not be obtained, because the same titles are not replaced in all libraries with equal frequency, and no two individuals are so like minded that they will agree on the authors to be excluded. It was necessary to take up a position, however, and this placed the final responsibility for selection on the Committee. Its conception of worth-while authors may not (and unquestionably will not) be that of the various users of the list. But the Committee believes that most of the titles will be replaced with frequency by a good many of America's public libraries. Those titles which they customarily buy, but which they look for in vain on the list, they may continue to purchase without sense of sin, for this list is tenet only, and not dogma. It should be borne 1n mind, moreover, that the best of titles, 1t replaced only once in two or three years, will not necessarily be found here. In short, the purpose or the list is not to select the best fiction, but to aid the order department 1n finding quickly the edition best suited for frequent replacement • • To discover such titles the Committee has drawn upon the experience or a ru1mber of public libraries situated 1n dirferent parts of the country. A tentative list, .to serve as a basis for

5 6 7 selection, was found to exist in the Chicago Public Library. (composed or book manufacturing experts) the spec1!1cations are Mr. Roden kindly agreed to the use or this list as a starting point. believed to be ~racticable as w~ll. The report is the wo~k of It was distributed among a dozen or so libraries, with a request J. w. Rogers and B. v. Berr1 of the School or L1~rary Service, tor add1t1on~ or deductions. Tbe~e enlarged l1ats were conaol1date4 Columbia University, and was read by Dr. Bellmut Lel:munm-llaupt ot br Charles N. Baxter or the Blackstone ¥emorial Library at Branford. th~ Columbia Univ9rsit1 Librar1- Sine& Dr. LAhmann-Haupt 1~ Conn., H. L. cowing of the New Haven Public Library, and orlando known to believe that book~ con bo attr~at1va an4 well made, it C. Davis of the Bridgeport Public Library. The revised lists were 1s the hope ot the Committ~9 that the report, printed in connec­ then sone over b1 Esther Johnston and Jennie Fl&Xner of the New be 1n lar~e edition~, • tion w1tb a list of books which can sold York Public Library, who made a selection of the titles to be in- may lead American publi~hers to follow the ~peo1f1cat1nna 1n the cluded. William Webb of. the Flint Public Library chose most of field or establiSiled f1ct1on. No mont1on or price is mad~ 1n th~ the editions and a final check on prices was made by J. J. McConkey report, but it seems quite possible that fiction priced at about or the American News Company. The public libraries which one dollar could be made without sacrifice of qunlity or attrac­ cooperated were: Pittsburgh, Portland, Ore., Albany, Boston, tiveness. This is undoubtedly true 1f the books are reprintQd Baltimore, Evansville, Ind., Kansas City, Mo., Wichita, Los Angeles, trom plates .and a large odition can be sold; v~n¥ Engli!h Louisville, Sprtngtield, Mass., Detroit, Houston, Flint, Mich., publishers have shown thAt thiS iS pOS!ibl~~ A~d A feW American Brooklyn, New York, Hoyt Public Library or Kingston, Penn., publi~hers have Also damonstrated the raot. Price bas been given Richmond; and the Emory Univeraity Library. At the time this list fUll consideration 1n the List, because ot r~duced budget s and was sent to the printer, therefore, the information was approxi­ the necessity for economy. For that reason, wher& no cheap mately correct. American edition is available, an English edition was ~tlbStitutedJ Absence of some popular authors and titles will be tor importation is possible, free of duty, unner the Amar~can noticed at once. This is explained by the decision to eliminate copyright law. English prices are particularly attractive as an as far as practicable the lower grades of fiction, even though they economy measure at the time this is written because the shilling circulate readily. It was felt that a good deal or this class ot is worth only about 16-1/2 cents. For the benefit of libraries riction is available 1n cheap popular copyright editions and ·there­ who do not care to import, the American edition is also given, ~ did not constitute a buying problem; and further, that most except 1n those cases where the difference is too great. libraries, in these days of reduced book budgets, would prefer to The question of series was also considered by Mr. Rogers let the rental libraries carry the burden. Another decision was and Yr. Berry, who give some sound advice on t he use of worn out to include some authors of second-rate fiction only, 1f some ot the or unsatisfactory plates 1n reprints. A brief description of some titles were available in cheap editions. It was kept steadily in of the cheaper series, to which Eliza Marquess of the New York m1nd that the list was to be used tor replacement purposes only, Public Library contributed, is appended. It would be impossible and as one reviser succinctly stated, "All ot us buy new mediocri­ to include all series, but t he de~c riptive notes should be of use ties, but it is not necessary to replace tbem." It should be. borne to librarians who cannot familiarize t hemselves with the large and 1n mind also that non-fiction is excluded. Such titles as Two increasing number of publishers' series. years before th~ mast were dropped for that reason. Titles of It should be added that some editions to be found on the distinctly juvenile interest were also excluded; and such old list are not approved by the Committee. They are included only favorites as ~rue and 1 were omitted because the present generation beca~se no satisfactory edition can be found in print. An is little interested in them. opportunity exists here for enterprising publishers who may wish Printed in connection with the list is a report on the to discover established titles out of copyright which can be sold ideal physical specirications ot a che~p but good edition. Since 1n large editions at a low price. this report was drawn up in consultation with the Book Clinic It is the belief of the Committee, after a study of the

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• 8 fiction field, that American novels are, 1n general, priced too high. This is particularly true ot good titles which continue in demand. Too many established works or merit are priced at $2.50 or $3.00, and the new price level, in effect since 1931, has not been reflected, as yet, 1n many publishers' back lists. In an SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIBRARY REPRINTS editorial on the depressed state of th~ book trade, in the • Saturday Re~iew ot Litera£ure, November 261 1932, is to be found Th9 object ot taesg auggeat1ona 1s to 1nd1ente 3~1- the following significant sentence: "Nor does there seem to be, at rications regarding the physical wake-up o! volumes or !1ct1on the moment, much hope of lower costs in production, except for suitable for public library u3e. Fiction as it is originally ~tandard1zed reprints of wide possible clrculatlon for each title, 1ssued by a publ1she~ 1! log1eally intended for the book-buying or for the comparatively few bookS which are guaranteed a wide public, who, on the whole, nei~er re~uire permanence in binding sale 1n advance." nor are able to discriminate between good and bad workmanship, This report does not attack the question of omnibus books . In libraries, however, the wearing quality of a binding is a and collections of short stories as Yigorously as the subject matter o! much concern, so much so that numerous binders deal deserves. The omnibus volume promises great economy, but it exclusively with libraries. These firms endeavor to add long lite usually has the fault of thin paper or inner margins too narrow to books that would otherwise be sold as waste paper, although tew tor binding on account of its great bnlk. The English have gone ot the binders make any great pretensions toward adding attrac­ further than American publishers in experimenting with this book tiveness to their work. The DurpQse gt these speq1!1gat1QgQ jA 1Q torm. The W. H. Smith Company of London have issued a catalog or encourage the publisher !2 i~sue the titles Jn gue;~1on 1n ~ • • titles available in omnibus form, and also a catalog of fiction ro~mat that !ill approximate th§ strength ~ "library binding" and selected from the standpoint of cost. For the information contained

will matchQ • the attractiveness ~ ttade editions ~ 'ict~on A! in these catalogs they will be found useful. normallY issued. A work for the future is the compilation of the more popu­ The question ot cost or materials is naturally a matter lar short stories of certain authors, to the end that some pub­ tor attention, yet 1t is believed that quantity production will lisher may issue them in a single volume. enable publishers to issue these books at only a very small added • manufacturing expense, an expense the librarian will be willing to The A. L. A. Book Buying Comm1 ttee bear it the costs ot rebinding can be -eliminated by means of the Carl L. Cannon, chairman longer lite thus given the book. That this deserves close con­ sideration by specialists in the computing of manufacturing costs goes without saying. It seems evident, however, that cooperation llarch 15, 1933 between publisher and librarian should be secured without diffi­ culty, tor their mutual benetit. A few publishers who have listened sympathetically to the pleas or librarians have already, • • in point of tact, brought certain out-ot-priilt titles back . express~y tor the library trade. Such enterpris, deserves the gratitude o! librarians. It is hoped that publishers in general will tind it advantageous to grant the requests or the American Library Association regarding the list of proposed "library reprints" now 1n process or formulation. The recommendations made here represent preliminaries to 10 u more detailed and more accurate spec1!1cat1ons which ma~ essential that !eatnerwo1ght paper bo specificall¥ mentton~d. lo&ically follow. It is expected that whatever specific po1nta Jeatherwe1iht paper is stifft ia unpleQsant to the touca wh~ have been omitted will be governed by the general rules of good the leaves of a book are allowed to fl1P tnrough tna t1r~ers, bookmaking. It is particularly desirable that the phases of book and is difficult to bind securely. It should never, theret~re 1 manUfacture here con~idered be given careful attention by the be uaed !or bulking, It a novel of than ordinnry length manUfacturer, inasmuch cs library experience ahowa book manufac­ comes up for attention it 5hould be a~owe4 to tall natUFally turing methods to be chiefly nt fault in these particulars. Other into a thin format. Ir a snort novol ls being reset and it 3eems than thls• the ordinary rules o£ manu£actur~ ar~ to be followed. ~oa1ra~le to go to unusual lQnstbs to tecure added thickness to the volume, this should be done by deereastng the 41mens1Qn• of 8i1.e and _Pro»ortion the type page, by using a larger size or type, 1ncraa1ing the It is recommanded that sizes be those now generally amount of leading, or, better, by a combination of the three. favored tor fiction. In the case of reprints from plates or The grain ot the paper should always t"un parallel Wl tn standing type the size is naturally governed to a certair. extent, the backbone of the book, whether the paper 1a la14 or wove. But as far as possible, excessively large and small sizes should There are several methOdS by -which tne graln of the paper csn be be avoided. Specifically, the board dimensions should not be a~eerta1ned, Wh1cn Wi~l enable the printer to be 3Bfe in th1a less than about 4"x7" nor more than about 6"x9". These dimensions matter. In laia paper detection of the grain 1a part1oularly may often require modif'ieation, but 1 t is zo~canmended that tlle easy as the chain marks always indicate its d1reut1on. smaller specification be not decreased. Small books are particu­ Laid paper 1s acceptable tor certain types o£ fict1on1 larly objectionable in a library. but 1n general a gooa quality machine-mAde wove rag paper 3houl4 In the question of proportion the same rules of good be used. It takes a tine impres~ion and is easiest on the eyes taste apply to reprinting for library use as to any other kind of o! the re~der. Various weights are appropriate, or course, aocord­ good bookmaking. This should be kept in mind especially when re­ tng to the length of the book, but extremes ~r heaviness ~nd printing from plates of a given size. There should be a definite bUlkiness on the one hand, and of lightness nnd th1nneDQ on the relation between the proportions of the type matter and the other, should be carefully avoided. proportions of +,he entire page. In many of the existing reprints Mechanical wood-pulp paper such as is used for newspapers this point has been neglected. should not be used for books. This paper will soon rot, turn • brown and fall to pieces. This does not mean that wood-pulp paper

~ook Pa"Qers= is not desirable. Paper made from one hundred per cent chemical Kinds of paper to be used will depend upon the length of wood-pulp is today believed to be as lasting as all-rag paper. each particular book, and upon the size and style ot type and the The fibers of chemical wood-pulp are long and of great strength, • size of type page to be used. Durability is the chief item ot and require a minimum of bleaching to secure a white paper. All importance, naturally, and automatically rules out a large bulk the impurities have been removed, and it is not yet possible to ot mechanically made wood-pulp papers.l While it is unlikely that assert definitely that it is inferior to "rag paper." bulking will be considered necessary with these fiction titles, Nothing is gained by the imitation deckle-edges favored • since most of them are or more or less standard length, 1t is by so many publishers today. The same holds true of the rough edges, secured artificially by the use of a machine at some stage of the manufacturing process, by sandpapering by hand, or by leaving the edges untr1mmed so th~t the natural unevenness of the lThe Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. c., is the best sheets at side and bottom and the later necessary cutting of the authority on the lasting qualities of papers. folds produces rough edges. Uncut edges are particularly trouble- 12 1S

some to librarians, tor the7 must all be cut betore the book is be done rrom plates already maae up, lt ls advisable tl~t put 1nto c1raulat1ou. Othen1ae, careless cuttin& b;y a. reader recommendations regarding type face5 be included here for ~uch 1J1ll result 1n msny torn pages. It l:s theretore reco11111endod' that • titles as mar be reset. Tha fir~t nae~!!ity ~ that tne faees edges be trimmed flush all round. u3ed be 3imple1 for readability ia ono ot our ohict oonovrns. A sood printer ~ consider the type tace being used Agaln, the su1tab1l1ty Q! a particular face to a particular trpe ' when ~electing the pcpor. Cort61n facie require hard6r pap•r• • of novel mu~t be k.ept JJl mind. The!le two featureo muot be onn- than others. The printer is ~ged to follow the dictates of good sidered conjointly in each individt~l cafte1 and neither ~QOrit1oo4 wo~kman1h1p 1n this regard. for th~ pr~s~rvation or the other. In tnts mattor tne dlSoretion Coated papers Should be·used only When made necessary bT ot the designer is \larnestly sollcitod~ for the~e · a.re no hArd and bette~ color or hAlf-tone plates. It is to use a good coated fast rules that can be set down. E~Ary book bAS an tnd1V1dU811ty paper ror plates, and a good machine-made wove paper '~r the tAXt, which should 1n 5ame manner be interpreted 1n ito deairn. than to pr~t both illustrations and text upon one grade of paper, In the matter or reada'bU1ty, type jizes arv an important which, by trying to serve two purposes, serves neither best. It CQil8ideration. Twelve-point seems the most comfortable ~aadinC is better still to use an illustrative process that will per~it size, and is alwa1s leaded one o~ two point~. P~r longer novels, the illustrations to be printed upon the same paper as the t~t, smaller 3i~es may be uaed, but never smallot t~n ten-point. eliminating coated papera and all the d1tf1culties the)" preaent.l When ten-poillt is u~ed it is preferably 188d8d two points. &eh Colored papers and those having eccentric surface patterns are book, of course, will pre3ent it~ own problema, but 1n generAl tho not recommended. leading between lines shoUld n~t be so great as to cause a feeling that the lines are falling apart, nor so clo~e that it is a $tPain flpe races and Plates to avoid confusion or adjacent linea 1D the vision or the rsader. The majoritr ot books--particularly 1n the "popular Spacing between words thould be even and unobtru5ive to copyrights" classification--needed for library use must or neces­ the eye. There should be a careful avoidance of white spots on A sity be reprinted trom eXisting plates or not at all. Good, bad page, particularly tollow1ng perioda, where common practice lli!U4ll7 and inditterent typograph)r must be accepted as it was or1g1.nall.y calls tor the insertion ot a space. Careful attention to dAtAUS done. Recommendations are thus limited to the ~se of existing 1n such matters will produce a restful and rapid reading page. tools. Plates should t1rst be cleaned and put 1n good repair. Repr1pt1ng by the Phqyo-Litho-Otfse~Fr9998J A paper, as stated before, suitable to the type should be' selected, Investigation is encouraged of methods of reprinting other and above all the size ot the book page should be adapted to the than tram plates. It is wholly rtthin reason that books might be size ot the type page. Here it should be kept in m1nd that, !or reprinted economically through the use or some variet7 of the reasons that are noted later,2 ample margins are in all cases photo-litho-offset process. The photographic reprint, it well necessary. On~ ot the chief objections to modern reprints is the done, is ditticult to distinguish from the type-printed original. jnadequacy of margins. Thia method ot reprinting 1s cons~erably cheaper' than resettin& • While 1n most cases the reprinting of these editions wnl type, and ita possibilities in connection with books needed b7 • • libraries muat be considered.!

lsee Illustrations, p. 14. 1Th1a pamphlet baa been reproduced b)r planograph, a photo­ &raphic process. The typewritten sheets were photographed arid at 2see Margins, p. 15. the same time reduced.

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One ot the advantages of the offset process is that it be made with the type pagl\ in m1nl1, becomlng 1n the finiobed na~ made possible the printing of fine half-tone screens on a book a part of or complement to the typQ pag@. Book! enn DOSSQ55 roug11 paper ::;tock; thus a unit., of illustration and typography is no real unity whore tbe pictures do not· fit 1n With the ggn@ral secured which will outweigh 1n many cases the loss 1n clearness typographlc format. Illuotrationa rcprod~QO~ bf relie£ proeeeeen re~~ltin~ £rom the u~a of a ~ eli ef proces~ of half-tone printing. which will permit their being printed upon the aAme wove or l~id It is recommend~d t hat this process be considered as an paper uac~ tor tne bod1 or the bo~k are aeceptable. For tho~e economical method of reprinting books for which the cost ot re­ Which cannot be reproduced with line cuts, re~roduction by an setting in trpe would oo UJ.Iprofi table to the p\lblisher 1 for ottset process that permita the use of ordlnary book papern ror printing illustrated books, and for reprodac1ng 1n tllis country both illu::stration and type is recommended. If illustratiJ.ona are superior f oreign edi \.ions of thG classics. in half-tone and no alteroativ@ 1~ pre~cnted, thoy should be tr@~tad 1n the same manner a::s color plate~. In this case, th~

Illustr~ti ons a4v1oability or lsavine th~m out altogeth~r 5hould hP. c~na1dere4 Illustrations are not essenti<:d to "popular copyrights, n seriously. nor to reprint editions generally and can usually be omitted Experimentation with new forms of lithographic reproduc­ without serious loss. The use of cheap and banal cinema photo­ tion 1s encouraged. graphs to illustr~te good books cannot be too strongly condemned. The omission of illustrations is unquestionably justified if a liargins saving in manufacturing cost can thereby be secured. An equally MArgins should always be deter-mined wltll the lilcAlihood important reason, hQv:cver, is the fact that 1n comparatively few of future rebinding 1n mind. Inasmuch as the iewing method! cases does the illustrator work in complete harmony with author usually employed in rebinding (machine ovarsewing and atapltns) and designer. It is not universelly recognized by publishers that tend to reduce margins more than ordinary long-on sewing, it is illustrations often do not add to the attractiveness of a book, suggested that an unusually Wide inner ~rgin be provide~. Outer nor that the possible increased sales because of them do not margins should be proport1ona tely large to allow t'or trtmm1ng it s'.lf'.Liciently warrant their cost. the book is ever rebound. Whatever method of sewing 1:'1 uoec1 It is true , of course, that illustrations do often bring originally, its effect upon the inner margin should be taken Into a profit to a book. In the i nstar.ce of the books under considera­ consideration by the designer so that the proportion or the other t jJn, hov:ever, it is assumed that the popularity of the titles margins will not be destroyed. It is recommended that the inner w4 ll assure their selection by the reading public without other margin be not less than three-quarters or an inch from the sewing :eccmmendation. With this added reason it is considered especially to the edge of the type page. - unwise to include illustrations 1n these reprints. Believing that a book made in accordance with these Where illustrations are planned for a title, nowever, specifications will be sufficiently staunch to obviate the neces­ some recommendations will be pertinent. If colored illustrations sity of rebinding th~oughout the normal lite of ~he book, we reel are to be included, it is recommended that they be arranged so it is unwise to suggest the possibility of future rebinding any that two can be printed on one sheet of good quality coated paper, more definitely than has been done in the above section. the sheet to be folded and sewn into the book with a regular signature. Otherwise, it should have a sufficiently wide inner Ink margin to allow it to be folded around a signature and sewn into It is recommended that only the best grade of black ink the book. Illustrations must never be tipped in. be used. There can be little economy in using cheap and interior Illustrations should not be an appendage to a book; they ink. A sharp black impression, uniform throughout the book, is shOuld be an integral part of it. In an ideal book they should the only acceptable kind of printing, and 1t must be recognized • 18 17

that worn plate• wUl not sive a• good an illlpt"eaaion as nn cmes. The end ~pers shoUl~ carry no illu1tration3, and ~ .o~t cacea, however, it ~s the tault of the prtnter tn care­ particularly no ma~s or tables esaential to th@ boOk. rn rebtnd­ leas make-ready when one PAlO pr1Dta l18lat and the next dark. ing, the end pa.pers u!ua.nr !U!n~r llt!structlon, and ahould Possibly 1t i~ not generally ro&lizod tbat librar7 therefore be blank. patrons are 1n most cases sens1t1ve to pr1nt1Di raults like thia. En4 papor1 ibo\lld pG ol white stock or of !Om@ !'1eutral !beT might tind ditticu.lty 1n stating ~pec1t1call7 tbat \IDOTOil tint that w11Yharmonize well w~th tb~ outside cloth, tho impress~on 1n a particular book was reason tor their not taking 3ta1ned top, the tone ot the paper, and with the general •t~oA­ it, but ther quieklr reeogn12a when something is disagreeable. phere o! the book. 'Ib.1s wlll pr~sent a problem in deoicn 1n each It 1CI ~ereforo mo~t important that the dietatel ot IOod bookmak­ 1nd1v1dual aase, the solution or which will 4cpcn4 upoD t~t ing be hee<1ed 1n securing a sharp, clean, even impression and an designer's expeti~n~o and ~!ta. Eccentrlc pattern• and dla­ accurate register. tracting desicna on end papers aro 1n mo~t instances unde3irable. QUietness and unobtrusiveness are the keynote here. There is a difference of opinion among librarian& at to The long-on sewing ord1naril7 used 1n book m8Jluf'acture the suitabil1ty or illustrated end papers 1n expensive editiona. is too weak to 3tand up under librar7 use. Stap11ng (in which There 1s none &i regards popuiar priced edit1ona, the needle goes straight through each sheet from the rront or the In &nT case the end paP.ers Should COVQr the binge. It book to the back), and overaewing, to a lesser degree~ peke a is the usual praetiee of the library binder to leave the ~trip book more ditticult to open, and narrows the inner margin somewhat. ot re1nrorcement at the hinge exposed to view, 1ncreaa1nc the levertheless, these types or sewing are very strong, and tor the unsightliness ot this part o£ the book. There 1a no r;ason wv books tJnder consideration maeh1ne oversewing 1s recommended. know ot why the end papers ~hould not eovor tn1s bit o! <:loth, Good oversewing will remain 1n good colldition after most bind1nes !or the gain 1n attractiveness would be very great. Visible have !allen apart. When re1nf'orced by a strong super and good rejnforcement mAT be e%CUSed only WhQD the hing• is made of the glue a high degree ot permanence is secured. same material as that 1n which the book is bound. Also the sewing on tapes is recommended. A ma.eh1ne is •anutactured by Krause that uses tapes without any great increaae Hlnge fie1nt9fRIIent • in cost. A aethod of sewing long-on through a re1ntorcement put The hinge is probably the most vulnerable spot 1n the 1n the center and on the back or a signature reduces to a m1n1Jaum entire book, and should receive the serious attention of the tbe possibUity ot tears 1n the paper at the told. It seeu manufacturer. In library rebindings its weakness is overcome by • probable that the cost involved 1n sewing books in this manner a reinforcing strip ot cloth that is glued to the inside or the would be somewhat greater than that of other methods, although b~rd and glued and sewed to the first signature. The bnlk of actual practice may prove the reverse to be true. the strain exerted upon the hinge 1n handling the book thus ta~s upon this re1ntorcement, rather than upon the super and binding

Ind. P!R§J'S ~loth s• i• u.vual1y thP case. This method or re1ntorcement is · It is recommended that end papera be or a superior recommended tor library reprints providing it can be secured at grade ot wove paper which wUl not crack and break at the hinge. sutt1ciently low cost. Strict compliance with the tecaaaendations The hinge ;s one or the weakest spots 1n the binding or the tor the best quality book cloths and back.l1n1ngs makes the use of usual trade book, and it is essential that it be given all the this reintorcing strip decreasingly essential. support possible.l As mentioned betore, the end papers in all cases Should cover the binge in order to avoid the unsilhtliness of the strip reinforcement. lsee Hinge Reinforcement, p. 17. or l9 18 Backl1n1ngs only those cloth~ which experience h~s shown w~ll res19t nard - = The light cloth commonly used 1n commercial publishing wear should be considered. It is beli~ve~ that tl~ere t~.r• manT for supers is entirely too weak. Three cloths are recomm~nded! attractive book cloth~ which arc commonly ucad b1 puhlish~rs that medium weight canton flannel; a medium wejght muslin; or "legal will meet this requirement satl~!actorily. For ~cneral l1brary 'uper,n a new linen mesh more finely woven than the ordinary use, library buckram is hardly excell~ 1 and lt can be us~d mo~t super, and stronger, since 1t gives more grip to the glue. Tha attractively. It is recommended that the ~ost or uslne libr~r super should extend at least one-half inch (preferably more) on buckram for library reprints be care!Ully 1nv~st1~ated. If it it the inside of the cover and be firmly glued all the way. at all within the range of possibility, library buckram '11ould be­ used. Otherwise, strong, durable cloths which oon~in a minimum Binders' Board of filling are recommended. • It 1s recommended that only the best srade, smooth, hard­ Yethods of waternroofing book ~ lo ths 5o that they ~Y ~e rolled binders' board be used. Tbe boards 5hould be strong wa~bed are not universally popul~r, excRpt1 pnss1bly, 10 tn~ enough to withstand climatic changes and the rough usage to which matter or chllaren•s books. The librarian'a only altornati~~, • they are subjected in public libraries. Sufficiently dry and where he has the power or eho1ce, lS to specify dark ~loth s ~o weathered board shoul~ be used, board that has shown qua1ity 1n that the dirt1 which use will ln&vitably deposit, Will be ~~ the storeroom by not warping. It is strength thnt is important • unnoticeable ns pos:sible. For thia reo.son tbe genvral rl!!commendA­ here, particularly at the corners, where rough usage first begin~ tion 1s made that dark cloths bo favored. DeteriorAtion 1n the to tell on the boards. attractiveness or a book means that that book becomeo more aud The most impo~tant point in the use of boards is their more idle, and an inactive book becomes in ttmo a d1»tinct los~ propel' cutting. They should be cut so that the grain runs with to a liorary. Experiments with rough1 unfinished cloths in th~ the back of the book, except in the case of oblong books, where darker snades e.r~ suggested. A~ro nnd balloon clol,;hs are the grain should be the short dimension. serviceable. Cloths which, 1n the CXJ)e.r1~nce of' the des1~er, have shown a tendency to pick up dirt qui ckly 3hould be &VOided. Glue This is particularly true o! all cloths in light ehadea. Publishers' bindu1gs are greatly at fault where glue is Peroxyl1ne coated oloth~ and cloth~ hnV1nC artit1o1ally concerned. By using a slightly more expensive glue a much longer embossed surface patterns (especially tho~e made 1n imitation of life could be secured. It is recommended that a high grade more expensive materials such as leAther and vellum) are flexible glue be used. If economies must be made, they should objectionable, for such fabrics are all too clearly imi~tion~~ be made with some other constituent of the book. Good glue is and as a rule have only a fragile cloth bae1s. The design is all-important. merely embossed in the sizing which is added later. It is essential that glue be liberally applied to the It is suggested that cover designs be simple, and thAt back of the book, filling whatever space has been left between cover printing be deeply stamped in good quality binder's gold. signatures by the rounding process, and allowing the super to It is essential that author and title appear on the back, and "s~!~« f!PmlY tha lar~ggt ~~ea The mu~t al~o vosstal@. super thAt the lettering run horizontally when the oook is ~tanding on be firmly glued to the boards. the shelf, except in the more unusual cases 1n which the book is too thin to take author and title across the back; in such cases Book Cloths necessity demands that they run along the back. Books of Ordinary book cloths which are unsuited to library use customary library size, however, never lie upon shelves, so that fail chiefly for two reasons: they are too fragile to stand up a title running along the back is considerably more annoying than under hard wear, or they quickly become grimy and present a dis­ useful. Easy readability should be the aim in view in planning reputable appearance upon the shelves. It is essential that

• 20 21 this part or the book. TUl.nerabUity ot the pointed con1vr., From the ata.ndpoint o~ In arranging the lettering and design on the back, wear the roWld corner is prooablT the mo~t satisfactory. The another important polnt Sllould be corus1dered. Moat librcariea re1nforc@d corner commnnl,.- uoed by rebin4ora accu lor all place the "oal~ numbe~n on the back or the book near the bottoa practical purposes to bs stron& enough. and 13 not &reatl,.­ as it stands on the shelt. For this purpose a space not less ob~eotionable as a consideration of desisn. The ord!narr ao~fter, than one inch wide and not less than one inch above the lower while undoubtedlT leaot o£f~ns1T~ as a matter o£ dtliln, is, OD edge or the volume should be le!t tree !rom lettering or 4e•1SD· the other hnnd, tully aa objectiouable from the itaPdpoint o~ • wear. Sooll or latt~, any corner wil 1 sho-w the reoult of muM U861 §taine~ ~9 the ordjnar,.- corner, of courae, deteriorating mout rapidlyr ~ Stained tops, in general, are recommended, particUlarly spite 0~ the better lasting ~ual1t1es or tn~ round corner ~t i3 it the color ~ed is dark enough to make the dust which collects not recomm8nded tor use with the3e reprinta. Uae of the round there relatively unnoticeable. When the color is Judiciously corner repr•s•nts A ~~r1f1~e 1n phys1oal attractiveness not selected to harmonize with ~e color of the book cloth, staining cotf!mensurate with the ga.!n 1n utility. tbe r~intorced coru•r i• adds much to the general attraot1veneaa and l1vel1ne~• ol the recomman4o4 unloee it will run up manu£actur~1 axp•n•• ~u1J­ external appearance of the book. Otberw1se, 1t 1' believed the ord1noT7 co~er 1 With ita hish Sprinkled tops, and sprinkled top, side and bottom serve grade board and aubstantial cloth aa reco.-an4ad, will bv ttrong the same purpoae to a degree, although a book with sp~1nkled enouch tn ord1nar,y casea to &ive aattstactory avrY1oe. edges is felt to be less attractive than one with stained top alone. A mixture ot stained top and sprinkled side and bottom »goka in PrtUI on the same book is by no means as satisfactory, from the stand­ It 11 recommellded that books be &llow~d to remain 1.n point of design, as the stained top alone. Staining is to be prea• tor at least three da7t- Mrteh or tae wsakness o! ordinary preferred to sprinkling. b1nd1Dg can be traced to a ne&l~t or thia atep 1n the au- turing plant. J.lso wa.rpinC 1s frequentlT caused by takfna tbv Labels book from the press before it 18 we11 dried, and by ua1Dg gr•.n The use or paper labels, pasted on the b~ck and front bo&rd. cover of a book and carrying author, title and publisher, is not recommended. There are two disadvantages to the use of labels: they are likely to be torn partly or completely off after a short period of use, and they tend to become dirty and unsightly very • quickly. Any other method of fixing this information on the back or a book is satisfactory as long as it is clearly visible and remains so throughout the normal life of the book.

Corners Much criticism has always been made of the corners or books in publishers' covers, because the weakness of the cloth and of th~ boards it covers results in smashed, frayed and other­ wise unsightly corners after very little use. To remedy this detect in rebound books, corners have been reinforced by an eitra told of cloth, or have been slightly rounded to avoid the •



Adams, Andy. Cattle bt-nnlls Boughton ~e.oo __ Log of o cowboy (n1vcr~14e library) HolJghton l.oo Ainsworth, W. H. Old St. Pauls {L1br&ry form) flame 1.50 _..,.. Tower of London Dulton 1.75 Horrop ~/6 Alarc6n, Pedro A. de. Thr@9•cornered hRt Knnpf' 1.00

Ald1ngton Richard. Colonel's daught~r (C~ntaur library5 Chat to __ Death or a hero (Centaur library) Cha~to __ Road~ to ,lory (Centaur 11hre.ry) Ch:ltto

Aldrich, Bess Streeter. Cutter~ Burt • 7fJ __ Lantern in her hand .lppl~ton 2.00 __ Kother Mason Burt. .75 __ Rim or the prairie Bur~ .75 __ Vlhi te blrd fly in& Appleton 2.00 Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw a.ud ot.ber peo.Ple (Cambrid,e elassies) Houghton ~.00

Alexander, Charles. Bobbi~, a greai collie Dodd 1.50

Allen, James Lane. Choir invisible Macmtllan 2.~0 Kentucky cardinal {KodGrn readers' series) MacmilJ~tn .80 -- (Caravan ~i.bre.ry) Maom.Lllan ~/6 Ames, Joseph B. Chaps and ohukkers Burt • 'lb __ Lone h~tnd !u;rt .7~

Ammers-Ktiller, Jo van. Rebol generation Dutton 2.:i0

Anderson, ll. ~ee Nex;, ll. twderson Anderson, Sherwood. Dark laughtGr (liovels ot distinction) Grosset 1.00 .. __ Poor white Modern library .95 Tar Boni 1.00 __ Winesburg, Ohio Modern library .95 Andrews, Uary Raymond Shipman. Perfect tribute Scribner .75 Andreyev, L. Seven who were hanged Ogilvie 1.00 Angellotti, M. P. Three black bags Century 2.00 Anker-Larsen, Johannes. Philosopher's stone Knopf 2.00 Annunzio, Gabriele d'. Flame of life Page 2.00 Modern library .95

• 25

• 26 27

Arblay, Frances B. d'. Evelina. (Everyman's Baltae, Hono~~ de. Cbr1st 1n r1anaers llbral'~Y re1nf.) Dutton fl.OO (Ever,yman's librer,y reinf.) . Dent -___,..-=; w1 th lnt rod. by Austin Dobson and _ _ Colonel Chabert oxtor4 ~ ~i~llus. bf Hugh Thomson lla.cmillan 6/ __ Co-untry dootor {2verymanfs library reinf'. ) net 3/ __ country parson (Evwryman' i l1ln:a'7' rv1nr.) nant 3 Arnim, K. A. B., countess. se§ Russell, Var.y __ Cou!ltn Pons (Everyman' s 11 brary rg1Il!.) tl8nt I Annette (Beauchamp) Russell, countess __ Cur~ de villace O;dol"d ~/6 __ Eug,nie Grandf!t Bactlatte 8/ 6 Aabury, Herbert. D~vil of Pe1·L1ng Burt .75 0%t"Ol'd lJ/ __ ---...,...,... (Beacon librar,y or fict ion cla:s:Jic;,) Little tc.oo Ashton, Helen~ pseud. Dr. Serocold (Novels ot __ 1llua1ons -(Everyman's libracy reinf.) Dent B/ distinction) Grosset 1.00 ~t~Iti:rg Goriot ~iveryman'a library r~1nt. und~r Dent "6/ Ashton, Winifred. set Dane, Clemence Home library) 8\\rt 1.~& Beacon librar,r. of fietion el~!!1es) Little 2.00 Atherton, Gertrude. Conqueror. rev. ed.• Stokes 2.50 Quvst ot the absolute (Rverym•n's library Splendid idle torties Stokes 2.50 re1nr .) Dent 1/ Tales Gr.,-son S/ Atk1nson, E. s. Greytriara Bobb.r Burt .75 ____ Ursula Kirouet (Everyman's library re1nt.) Dvnt ~I JobnnT !ppleseed Harper 1.50 __ Wild ass' :s :Jk1 n (E~eryman' ~ library re1nf.) ~eDt !/ (Beacon librar,y of fiction el&!!ie! !ueassin and Nicolette; trans. b.Y Andrew Lang (tor unc1er title lltgis: ukin) Littllt stoey) Steebert 2.00 Note: oxrord press publlaat1ons above are all Jcbool __ trans. by Wm. Bourdillon (!or text) Longmans 2.00 editions. Austen, Jane. .!""'&; illua. by C. E. Brock Dent 6/ BB.ngs, John Jrendr1ck. Houseboat on the Styx Hdrper 2.00 (Rittenhouse classics) Kacrae 2.00 • __ Kana!ield park; illus. by C. E. Brock Dent 6/ Barbusse, Henri. Under fire (Everyman'• library} Dutton (Rittenhouse classics) llaerae 2.00 Hotv: Dent publishes at 6/ a ~olume eonta1n1ng __ Borthanger abbey; illus. by c. E. Brock Dent 6/ Under fir§ and Light. Persuasion; 1llus. by C. E. Brock Dent 6/ -- Pride and prejudice (Covent library) Davies 5/ Barclay, Florence L. The rosary Grosset .75 __ ---- 1llus. by C. E. Brock Dent 6/ (Universal library) Grosset 1.00 Barnes, Ma~garet A. Westward passage Grosset .75 (Rittenhouse classics) llaorae 2.00 Houghton 2.50 __ Sense and sensibility; illus. by c. E. Brock Dent 6/ __ Years o'l grace Houghton 2.50 Barr, Amelia E. Bow of orange ribbon Dodd 2.00 __ Maid of maiden lane Dodd. 2.00 Bacheller, Irving A. Candle in the wilderness Grosset .75 __ Eben Bolden Grosset .75 Barretto, Larry. Walls ot glass Burt .75 __ Light in the clearing Grosset .75 __ llan for the ages Grosset .75 Barrie, J. K. Little minister Grosset .75 (Uniform edition) Scribner 2.50 Bacon, Josephine Daskau. Smith College stories Scribner 1.75 __ Peter and Wend.7 (Uniform edition) Scribner 2.50 Sentillental Touny (Uniform edition) Scribner 2.50 Bai~ey, Temple. Burning beauty Grosset .75 __ and Grizzel (Unitorm edition) Scribner 2.50 __ Contrary Kary Grosset .75 • __ Gay cockade Grosset .75 Barrington, E., pseud. Chaste Diana Lane 3/ 6 __ Glory ot youth Grosset .75 __ D1 vine lady (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Empress ot hearts Barrap 2/ 6 __ Tin soldier Grosset • .75 __ Exquisite Perdita Hodder 2/ Baker, Ray Stannard. see Grayson, David, pseud. __ Glorious Apollo Harrap 2/6 Laughing quean Barrap 3/ 6 Balzac, Honor~ de. At the sign ot the eat and -- ThUnderer {Hovels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 racket. {Everyman's library reihf.) Dent 3/ Dutton .i() Bazin, Ren~. Davidfe Birot; tr. by M. D. Prost Scribner 1.75 Catherine de »edici {Ever.rman•s library reint.) Dent 3/ C'sar Birotteau Oxford 3/ Chouans (Everyman's library retnr.) Dent 3/ 28 29

Beaeh, Rex. Barrier Burt ! .75 Benson, Robert H. By wtat authority? (Popular __ Flowlng gold Burt • 75 library) Kenedy 1.?5 Iron trail Burt . 75 __ Loneliness (Popult~.r library) Kenedy 1.25 -- Neter-do-well Burt • 75 __ R&i1nbow'' en

Beaconsfield (Disraeli). Coningsby LonemAft~ 2.00 Beyle, Marte Henri. see Stendhal, d~, n!~Ud.

Beck, L. Adams. see Barrington, E., pseud. Bindloss, Harold. Frontl~r5man Durt .7:. __ Ghost of Hemlock Canyon Burt .75 Bedford-Jones, H. J. O'B. King's passport Burt .75 __ Lone hand :Burt .7~ Rodomont Burt .75 __ MYstery ree! BU'.f't .7!> -- St. Jtlchael' s gold Burt .75 __ P1ne Creek ranch Burt .75 __ Prairi~ Pfltrol :eurt .7 Beer, Thomas. Falr rewards (Borzoi pocket books) Knopf 1.00 Sandoval Knopf 2.00 Birmingham, George A., pseud. Great grandmoth~r BQl/P5J 2.00 a.vmn tune mystery Bobl>~ 2.00 Beerbohm, Max. Happy hypocrite Lane 3/6 -- MaJor's cancUestieks Meth~n n/G 16mo. Dodd 1.00 __ search party Methuen 2/6 __ -=-zul-:-e-::1k-:--a-Do bson Modern library .95 __ smuggler r g ~ave BObbA 2.00 Dodd 2.50 __ Spanish gold Jl&thuen 2/0 Beers, Lorna Doone. A humble Lear Dutton 2.50 BJ;r.usou, BJ~~nstJerne. Happy boy Mnamillnn 1.75 _,-- Sunny !1111; trans. from Synn6v~ Solbakk~n Beith, John Hay. Poor gentleman :Burt .75 = (Green and blue library) Right stuff Blaekwood 3/6 -- Safety match Blackwood 2/6 Black, William. Judith Shakespeare Harper 2.00 __ Princess or Thule (Library editiM) Hnt'per :!.00 Belasco, David. Girl of the golden west Burt .75 Blackmore, Ricl~rd D. Lorna Doone (Juven1lca ot Bellamy, Edwa~d. Looking backward (Riverside distinction) Gt'o~~et 1.00 library-) Houghton 1.00 (Home library) Burt L?.!> ______illus. ~d. Chambers 6/ Belloc, Hilaire. Emerald of Catherine the Great Harper 2.50 Luxembourg edition) Crowell e.oo __ Man who made gold o/6 Rittenhouse classics) Macrae 2.00 __ Kissing masterpiece Arrowsmith 3/6 International edition) Dodd 2.00 Benefield, Barry. Chicken wagon family Century- 2.00 Blackwood, Algernon. Garden ot survival Dutton 1.50 Macmillan 3/6 Bennett, Arnold. Buried alive Methuen 3/6 John Silence Grayson 3/6 Doubleday 2.50 Dutton 2.50 __ Cla.yhanger 11ethuen 3/6 __ Prisoner in fairyland (Caravan library) Macmillan 3/6 Doubleday 2.50 __ Hilda Lessways Methuen 4/6 Blasco Ib,nez, Vicente. Blood and sand (Essex __ Imperial palace Doubleday 2.50 library) Benn 3/6 __ Kr. Prohack Methuen 5/6 __ Cabin Knopf 1.00 _____ Old wives 1 tale (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Enemies of women Burt .75 -,..,.- Th~se twain Methuen 3/6 __ Four horsemen of the Apocalypse Burt .75 Note: Arnold Bennett omnibus book published by Cassell Dutton 2.00 @ 8/6 contains: Riceyman steps; Elsle and the child; Accident; __ Shadow of the ca. thedral Unwin 7/6 Lord Raingo. Bloch, Jean R. -- & co. Simon 3.00 Benson, Edward F. David Blaize Doubleday 2.00 Hodder 7/6 Boccaccio. Decameron (Black and gold library) Liveright 2.00 __ David Blaize of King's Hodder 7/6 Blue ribbon books 1.00 __ Kapp and Lucia Doubleday 2.50 Hodder 7/6 __ The Osbornes llurray 7/6

• 30 31

Bojer, Johan. Everlasting struggle Century $2.50 Bront!, Emil,-. Wuthering Height~ (Univer~al Great (Novels of distinetion) Grosset 1.00 libracy) Grosset Jl.OO -- Last or the V11dPg:J century 2.00 (Int ernational classics) Dodd 2.00 New temple (Novels o! distinction) Gro55et 1.00 ______1llus. "oy Pulac ~ttOil 2.00 ---- Power of a lie Centut7 2.00 Centurr 2.00 __ Prisoner who sang Bro~ 1 Al1co. Ko~dow-graag llOU@htOZl :a.oo tre~cherous s~ound Century 2.00 Old crow nem111e 2.00 - - __ Tiverton tales Hout;hton 2.50 Bone, David. W. Brassbounder (New readers library) DuckWorth 3/6 Dutton 2.50 B~own, C~org~ Douglas. Rouse with tht gre9n shutters ~/0 Bordeaux, Benr,r. Fear of living Dutton 2.50 Drown, Katharine BollBnd, Father (Novelo of Borrow, George H. Lavengro; ed. b,y Knapp distinction} 1.,00 (Definitive edition) II.Urray 7/6 -- Romany rye (Definitive edition) Murray 7/6 Brush, l:&tbarine. Xoung znDD ot KGllbattan .75 Bottome, Phyllis. Dark tower Century 2.00 Br,rant, Marguerite. Chri~toph~r HibhAult Duffield H.OO Bower, B. M., pseud. Chip, of the Firing U Grosset .75 Buchan, John. Gre@nmantle (see nota below) Flying U ranch Grosset I .75 __ Bunting tower Hodder 3/8 --Flying o•s last stand Grosset .75 __ Jolw Kclfab Bo!lC.~s­ ~/0 Jean 'of the Lazy A Burt .75 Midwinter Bodder S/6 Long shadow Grosset .75 -- llr. Standfast (see note below) -- Ranch at the Wolverine Burt .75 Path of the king Hodde~ 3/6 ::: Prester John (Peerless series) Nel!ilon '5/ Bower, Bertha. Pool's goal Grosset .75 Rlmagate•u club Boddor S/6 ---- Three hostages (see note below Boyd, James. Drums (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Note: , an omnj bus (Scribner series of i1lus. classies) Scribner 2.50 publ1 er, a , 1 Grvenmentle; Long bunt Ser1hner 2.50 Standtast; Three hostages; Thirty-nine stops. -- }(arching on (Novels or d1stinetion) Grosset 1.00 Scribner 2.50 Buok, Pearl. Ea~t wind: west wind Dq 2.50 __ Good earth llvtb.u~ T/6 Boyd, Thomas. Points or honor Scribler 2 .. 00 Day e.eo __ Shadow ot the long knives Scribner 2.SO __ Through the wheat Scribner 2.00 B\mner, B. c. Short sixes Scribner 2.00 3.00 __ ---- 1llus. by Thomason Scribner Bnnyan, John. P1lgr1m•s progress {¥odern student' a library) scribner 1.00 Bromfield, Louis. (Novels ot (Honor book$) N_,lson 1.25 distinction) Grosset 1.00 Stokes 2.50 (Century classics) Century 1.7~ Good woman __ ---- illus. by H. J. Ford Jlacmillan ly75 -- Green bay tree (Novels ot distinction) Grosset 1.00 Grosset 1.00 (Purl tan edition) Revell 2.00 Possession (Novels ot diat~ction) ---- illus. by Rhead Century 3.00 ----. Strange case or JUss Annie Spragg Grosset .75 -- 1llus. by Gertrude Hammond Black 5/ ____ Twenty-tour hours Grosset .75 Cassell 7/6 Burke, Thomas. Limehouse nights Cassell 2/6 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane EJre Murray 3/6 __ Kore Limehouse nights Burt .'15 (Home library) Burt 1.25 {International classics) Dodd 2.00 Burnett, Frances B. Little Caesar Burt .75 J(aemillan 6/ ____ The shuttle Heinemann 3/6 Shirley M.urray 3/6 __ T. Tembarom Burt .75 -- (Home library) Burt 1.25 Burney, Fanny. see Arblay, Frances B. d' __ '!.':-:"::"':~":"' illus. by Dulac Dutton 2.00 __ VUlette Murray S/6 Dutton 2.00 Burt, M. s. Delectable mountain Ser1bner 2.00 __ ---- 1llus. by Dulac __ Interpreter's house Scribner 2.50 Butler, Ellis Parker. Pigs is pigs Doubleday 1.00 32 •

Butler, Samuel. Erewhon (Life and letters series) Cape 4/6 Cervantes. Don Quixote; new tran3. by Robinoon Erewhon revisited D\ltton f2.50 Smith, with notesJ app8ndice3 and life of Grosset 1.00 Cervantes Routl~dge 6/6 Way of all flesh (Universal library) ______; tran!\ .. by c . Jarvls, wlth 1llu!'. Routledt;e 6/ l,,25 (PrincP.ton series) Burt sn.?s Dyrno, Dotm. Blind Raftery and his wife Hilaria Century Uacm:ll Jan 1.?5 __ Brother Saul {Novels ot distinction) Grosset 1.00 (Green and blue library) ____ Changeling, and other stories Century B. 50 Chambers, Robert Cardis~ l)urt ,75 Destiny bay Low o/6 w. .75 __ Field of honor (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Drums of Aulone Bw-t Grosset 1.00 -- L1. ttle red foot Hurt ."'G __ Hangman's house (llovels of distinction) Burt . 1~ ____ Messer Marco Polo Century 1.25 Pa.:tn.t~d m1nx ____ O'Malley of Shanganagh Low 3/6 Century 1.25 Chamson, Andr~. ; tr. Py 1an Wyck Brook~ Ael"ibner 2.00 W1nd blowetb (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Chapman, lta:ristan.. H~tPf>Y mountoin Al1nn E/6 • __ Homeplace Allan P./0 Littlg ~LOO Cabell, James ~ranch. Cream of the Jest llodern library .~5 Chase, »ary E. Uplands Figures of earth (Novels of distinction) Gros:set 1.00 -- Jurgen (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Chekhov, Anton. Macmillan publi~hes a numbs~ ot collections of hi~ ~ho~t ~to~1o~ ____ Rivet in grandfather's neck McBride 2.50 1n diff~rent Yolumeo,priced at tl.75 Q~Qh, Chatto publi~hA~ a vol1.1me of his SeJ.e~t tAlQJ at 7/6; MoO ern fteaclers IOO.i tlon, Vt'lo­ Cable, George W. Cavalier Scribnor 2.5'0 Dr. Sevier scribner 2.50 m11lan selection, cost5 B~c. -- Grandissimes Seribner 2.50 Scribner 2.50 Che5terton, Gilbert K. Father Brown stories ____ John , Southerner ca~~ell 1/6 __ Old Creole days Scribner 2.00 (Omnibus volume) -.....,...- Kau who knew too muCh Burt .?5 arown titles ~/6 Cahan, Abraham. Rise of DaVid Levinsky Harper 2.50 Note: Cassell also publishes 1ndiv1dU~l ~nthcr .~5 Caine, Hall. Bondsman (Home library) Burt 1.25 Christi~, AgAtb~. Murder o! Roger Ackroyd Groa~et __ Deemster (Home library) Burt 1.25 ____ Uurder on the links, and Mfster1ous a!fa1r at Styles (Omnibus volume) Lane 7/0 • Groaaet .1~ Canfield, Dorothy F. Bent twig Grosset .75 ____ ~sterioU! Mr. QUinn __ Brimming cup Harcourt 2.00 Harcourt 2.00 Churchill, Win~ton. Conlston Ko.cm.Llllln 5/ Deepening stream Crosset .75 ----Her son's wife (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Crisis Grosset .75 Crossing (Hovels or d1~t1not1on) Grot'\~ At l.OO u~cm.f llan ~.oo Hillsboro people Holt 2.00 1.00 2.00 Inside ot the cup {Novel~ of di~ttnotion) Gros~~t Rough be't\n Harcourt Kaem1llun 2.~0 Squirrel cage Holt 2.00 MAemlil.M 2.50 Grosset .75 • ____ Mr. Crewe 's career ____ Under~tood Betsy Richard Carvel Gross8t •?S Grosset .75 Cannon, Cornelia J. Red rust Clarki Barrett H. Great short stories of the Boni 1.00 Case, Robert Ormond. Yukon drive Burt .75 wor d Clemens, Samuel L. see Twain, Mark, pseud. Cather, Willa. Alexander's bridge Houghton 1.50 ____ De~th comes for the Archbishop Heinemann 3/6 Macmillan 2.00 Heinemann 3/6 Cleugh, Sophia. Jeanne »argot __ Lost le.dy __ Matilda, governess of the English Macmillan 2.00 __ My Antonia Heinemann 3/6 Heinemann 3/6 __ 0 Pioneers Collins, Wilkie. Moonstone (Rome library) Burt 1.25 Boughton 2.50 Chat to 5/ Knopf 1.00 (New Piccadilly library) __ Woman in white (Home library) Burt 1.25 Professor's house Knopf 2 .50 Knopf 2.50 Shadows on the rock Comfort, Will L. Routledge rides alone Lippincott 2 .00 __ Song of the lark Murray 7/6 __ Youth and the bright lledusa Knopf 2.50 Curwood, 3ames OliTer. Danger trail (il"OSS~t ~ .76 Conning ton, J. J. Jlurder in the maze Benn 3/6 orosaet .'75 Bote; Ca~e with 9 solutions and Two tieka~ puzzle are __ Wol:t hunter• included in an omn1bus edition published by Gollancz at 8/6; two other tales included. • Rurt .7!; Connolly, James B. Crested seas Seribner $2.00 Daingerfield, 1oxball. House aero~~ the way __ Gloucesterman Scribner 2.50 Dane, Clemeuce. Bab,yons edition) Hetnecmann __ Head winds Scribner 2.00 (1-volume He tn.ematn, __ Open water Scribner 2.00 Broome stsgeB -- Firat tbi bl9.da u:a.em111an Connor, Ralph, pavud. Slack rock Grosset .7~ Grosset .75 Va~dtt, Alphon5e. Letters lro~ m1 mill __ Jdan from Glengarry • Little 2.00 Sk;y pilot Grosset .75 (Beacon 11'brar;r) Monday tales (B8ACon library) Little 2.00 Little 13.00 Conrad, Joseph -- Te.rte.r1.n ot Tars,oon (Beaeon library) Doublertay publ1~be~ all of his titles in Ameriea, $2; Dent, a KoDr1de a,oo sood edition ift England, 10/6 per volume; Bann,and Methuen, the DaVis, Elm~r. I' 11 ahgw f'QU the toi!M more popUlar titles, B/e; Gray:~on, Dix titles, including two l.SO volumes of short stories, 2/6; Kodern library, a !ew popular DaTi!, ·R1onard B. Bar s1n18ter ser1nner -~ Prom Gallagher to The deserterJ ~est t1tle:., S:)c. Scribner e.~ storie~ o! S, D~vis a, Saribn&~ e.oo cooper, Elizabeth. UT lady of the Chinese eourtyard DaVies 6/ -- Soldi~rs o! fortune __ Van :Bi bber Elarp~r e.oo Cooper, James Fen~ore ThP titles most frequently replaced are: ~Qersf!fer, Last of the Dart~, W1111am s. Beaut:r o! the purple KaemillMD ~.50 Kohiean;, Pathfinder, and Sgy. Seven or his most popular novels __ Belshazzar eem111nn. 2.00 are published in the Home Library, Burt, tl.25. Last or tge ____ Friar ot Wittenberc llacmillan 2~~0 Mohican~ is available 1n Juveniles of Distinction, Grosset, $1; Pr1end of Caesar 11"-ciJI!ll.an 2.50 Astor"tibrary, Dodd, tl; Fairmont Classics, Macrae, $1.50; illus. -- Victor ot Salamj! nem111s.n 2.00 by N. c. Wyeth, Scribner, $2.50. Scribner also publishes __ Wbirlwiud Jlacm1llt.n a.r,o Deersl~et, illus. by wteth, ~2.50, and 1he spz in a tl edition. __ Wh1 te ctueen lla~m1lltm 2~00 Yacrae publishes most or Cooper's titles at 11.50 and Putnam at $2. Day, Holman. Jo~ of Are of the north wcoda BUrt Corell!, . Thelma (Home library) Burt 1.25 __ King Spruce Burt Loving are the darinS Burt Couperus, L. ~. A. Old people and the things that pass Dodd 2.50 Burt Small souls Dodd 2.50 __ Rider of the king log Note: The book of th9 small s.ouls, Dodd, f3, includes: The Deep1ng, Warwick. Doomsdf-1' Gros!let .75 small souls, The later life, Twilight of the souls, Dr. Adrian. Grosset .7! --Old Pyb~ Craddock, Charles E., pseud. Prophet of the Great Roper's row Grosset .75 Smoky Uountains Houghton 2.50 ---- Sorrell and son Grosset .75 Craik, Mrs. Dinah Karia. see Mulock, Dinah Detoe, Daniel. Koll P1anders (Universal library) Grosset 1.00 Robinson Crusoe Garden city 1.00 Crane, Stephen. Red badge of courage (Modern ---- Windermere series) Rand 1.00 literature series) Appleton 1.00 Hoae library) Burt 1.25 __ llen, women and boats Modern library 1.00 Washington square classics) Kacrae 1.50 Riverside bookshelf) Houghton 2.00 Crawford, F. Marion. In the pal&ee of the king ){acmillan 1.75 111u~. bT J. A. Syminston Dent 7/6 llr. Isaacs Macmillan 1.75 -- Se.nt' Ilario Macmillan l ...,5 Delafield, E. M., pseud. Diary of a provincial Macmillan 1.75 lady Harper 2.50 Saracinesca Harper 2.00 __ White s~ter Macmillan 1.75 Jill Turn back the leaves Grosset .75 Cronin, Archibald J. Batter's castle Little 2.50 De La Kare, Walter. Memoirs of a midget Knopf 1.00 Crosby, Percy. Skippy Grosset .75 • Deland, Margaret. Awakening of Helena Richie Harper 2.50 Cullum, Ridgwell. Triumph of John Kars Burt .75 Iron woman Burt .75 -- Old Chester tales Harper 2.50 36 37

De La Pasture, Edm~e E. K. see Delafield, E. u., pseud. Doyle, Arth\lr Conttn. Return of' Sherlock llolm P~ __ Hound tho flre storles De La Roche, Uazo. Finch's fortune Macmillan 7/6 __ Gign or the tour Little $2.50 __ Study 1n scarlet ____ Jalna (Novels of dist~ction) Grosset 1.00 __ Study in scarlet, and Slt;n or llte four Gros:5et .75 __ Tales ol' Sherlock Holme~ ____ White oaks of Jalna (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 --·· Tllls last bo" Grosset .75 ______Vnlley of fear Vllll te company Deledda, Grazia. Mother Cape 6/ 6 The bo~t c0.1t1on for libracy use of ll1e ithovA t.itle~, wh.ieh tire Doyle ' s most popUlar, ls Murray's Uniform edition• 8/. White Delmar, Vina. Bad girl Grosset .75 comp~py is available 1n Juveniles or Dlst1nct1on7 Oro~~ ~ t 7 tlj Astor Librar,r, Oodd1 ~1; Bome Librory, Burt, ~l.~~j lllu~. hy Daugherty, harper ~2.50. Other titles in Bur t•s Momc LlUrary De Morgan, William. Alice-for-short Grosset .75 1 _____ Joseph vance Gl"osset .75 are: ~i1.cah Clarke, Sign of the tmp:, ptuox i.n ~,et\l'let. )2ang£lr, __ Somehow goocl Heinemann 7/6 ang Qtne:r sto.rleS, Adveu_t_\..!1: ~~ _0'_Dherlock Holme:) , nnrl M~rooir8 of Sherl,9,ck., Holme" are publishori by Burt, 75e. Sir til ..· to~l i.~ in Dickens, Charles Doub l eday ' ~ Windmill Book~, $1. ~horlQck Holmo£ com lQt@ lo~ All titles are replaced frequently because of popularity of author. stori~sJ 1-volum~ editi~n t 1~ publtshoQ UY Murray, 1 6; ~nd ~ Wide range of suitable editions is available. The Chapman and C01Dplote S}1erloc)c llo l.ruE.-~ hy Ooubleda,v~ 2 VOl ~ ., f:6 .75. Hall illustrated six shilling edition is excellent tor libr~r,y use. Twa or the most used titles, Nkcholas Nickleb[ and Plckwtck papers Dr~iser, TheodorQ. American tr a~edy. 11v~r1 gM: &1. 00 are available 1n Harper's Lar~e type edition at t2.50. Mac~llan_, Con!!tdble 7/8 publishes an edition (English) at 4/ 6 each. Dav14 Copperfield, ____ ChAins; lesser novels nnd storios Llv•.rlght 2.50 Oliver Twist and Barna~y Rudge, illus. in color, can be had in Conettable 7/G Dodd's International Classics, $2.00 each. David Copperfield is Financier L1vor1~b~ 2.00 in Grosset's Universal Library, tl; Scribner has a $2.50 edition. con3tAhle '7/1 There are numerous cheap school editions ot such titles as Tale _ _ Free, and other storie~ LlTeri~ht E.OO of two cities. Some titles are included in the Modern Readers' ConJt&ble 7/6 series {Macmillan). __ Genius Liverlght 1.00 Con3ttthlt!! 7/6 Dillon, Mary. Rose of old St. Louis century 2.00 ____ Jennie Gerhardt Livarigbt 1.00 con~ table 7/$ Disraeli, Benjamin. see Beaconsfield (Disraeli) ____ Sister Carr1e Liverlght 2 .00 Cone table 7/1 Dos Passos, John. Three soldiers Peter Smtth 1.25 .Y.od.~rn library .9~ ___ Titan Llver!ght ?..50 Dostoevsky, F. M. Constable '1/1 Dostoevsky is published in America by Macmillan, t2.50, and in ,-- Twelve men Livericht 2.00 England by Heinemann, 7/6. Some titles are available in other Con,st.ble 7/6 editions, as follows: Everyman's Library, Dutton, 90c, contains: Moderu library .9~ Poor tolks.and_The gamble~, Qrjm~gnd pupishme~t, fiouse 2C 1hg dead, and • PooJ' neople is available Dumas, Alexandre in Modern i , ; in Universal A good library edition of Dum~s' most popul~r titles is publ1~ned Library, Grosset, $1. by Routl edge, 4/6 per volume, in a set containing 25 tltles. Those in extra volumes in this edition are: Three musketeers, Tw~nty Douglas, Norman. South wind llodern library .95 years after, Count of lionte Cristo, Mnn wi th the iron mask, (New Adelphi library) Seeker 3/6 Memoirs of a pgysician. This edition has large type, 8vo. illus. Boni 1.00 Dent also has an edition at 4/6. Little publ~sbes a good edition Dodd 2.50 $2. A number of the novels are to be found in the Home Li brary, Burt, tl.25; Astor Library, Dodd, ~1. Cro••;ell and Macrae have Doyle, Arthur Conan. Adventures of illustrated editions, ~2 to t3.50. Count of Uonte Cristo is in __ Case book of Sherlock Holmes Astor Liurary, Dodd, fl; ~ammoth series, Burt, tl; Golden Books, ---Exploits of Brigadier Gerard McKay, tl.50; and in a good 1-vol. edition, illus., published by ____ Hound of the Baskervilles Black, 5/. Still cheaper editions are availabl e for most titles __ Lost world from "ethuen, 2/; Nelson, 2/.; Collins, 2/6. Three musketeers is __ Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes in Universal Library, Grosset, ~1; and published by Burt at 75c. --- Micah Clarke __ Refugees (For prices see note on next page) •

39 oro.yeon '1/6 Erskine, John. Gallahad Grayson. ?/~ Dumas, Alexandre, fils~ Lady with the Private llfe ot Belen of Troy Modern library I .95 Cam elias Burt t .75 Erskine, Laurie Y. Laughing rider l.T!5 ____ Rentre• of the Royal Mo~tod A"PDleton DnVaurier, George. Peter Ibbetson Appleton ~.00 (Tra•ellers library) Cape 3/6 __ Renfrew rides north Harper 2.50 Illus. (new ed.) BUrt .'15 __ ~'.1:-ri~l:-:by--(Rver;yman' s library reint'.) Dent 5/6 Ertz susan. A!ternoon Harper 2-50 1 Burt .7& Galaxy Btn•t .?~ -- lladame Cla.1re l)urt .75 Dunean, Norman. Doctor Luke ot the Labrador Revell 2.00 __ Nine __ Now &ast, now west )urt .75 Applgtoll ~ .. !10 Dunsany, E. J. v. Book ot wonder Luce 1.75 Story ot Ju)je_n Putnam 7/6 • __ Charwoman' s shadow Jlaom'lllan 2.00 Ervine, St. John G. Changing w1n4s ' ' lllen & (1 ~I Duun, Olav. People of Juvika 3v. ltnopf' __ Jlr!. Martin • s JI18D lla.cnd. ll~ e.oo Dyer, Walter !. Gulliver the Great, and other dog !ul't .7!l stories Century 2.00 Evarts, Bal G. Moec~ain telegr~pb __ Shaggr legion wrt .'75 ____ Spanish acres Bll!'t • 70 Ebera, Georg M. Egyptian princess (Home library) Burl 1.~5 __ Uarda (Home 11 brary) Burt 1.25 Fairbank Mrs. Janet A. Lion's den 01'osM@ l .75 1 Edgeworth, Karia. Castle Raekrent, illus. by ,arJeon, Eleanor. Martin Pippin 1n thv applR orchard Stokes 2.~0 c. Hammond Macmillan 1.40 B'l,lrt - ? 5 Edmonds, W. D. Big barn Little 2.00 FarJeon, J. J. Bouse ot disappearance 7/6 Bouse opposite Collins ~16 __ Rome haul Low D1ttl 2.00 Eggleston, Edward. Circuit rider Scribner 2.00 .75 Farnol, Jeffery. Amateur gentleman BUrt .75 __ Hoosier schoolmaster Grosset Burt. .7t) __ Beltane the Smith .?5 Lothrop 2.00 __ Black Bartlemy 's tre~sure Burt Eggleston, G. c. EvelYn Errd Burt .75 __ Broad h1ghw~ Burt .75 Eiker, Mathilde. Mrs. Mason's daughters Macmillan 2.50 Guyfford ot Weare __ High adventuTe Burt • 75 Jade of destiny Low 7/6 Eliot, George, ~seud. Adam Bede Blackwood 5/ Little 2.50 ~Home 11bral'1) Burt 1.25 __ Daniel Deronda Blackwood 5/ __ Loring mystecy Bul"t .75 (Home 11brary) Burt 1. 2-5 __ Martin Conisby' s vengeance Burt .75 __ Felix Holt Blaekwood 7/ 6 __ Over the hill! Burt .75 (Home 11 brary Burt 1. 25 __ Middlemareh Blackwood .5/ Faullmer • W. Sanctuary Jlodern library .95 (Home library) Burt 1.25 __ 11111 on the Floss Blackwood 5/ Fauset, Jessie R. Plum bun Stokes 2.50 (Home library) Burt 1. 25 Mathews 7/6 __ Romola lv. ed. BlackWood 7/ 6 Grosset .75 (Home library) Burt 1.25 Ferber, Edna. American beauty __ Buttered side down Stokes 2.50 Scenes from clerical life lv. ed. BlackWood 7/ 6 Grosset .75 __ Silas Marner Blackwood 4/6 Cimarron -- 0 'Bara Stokes 2.50 (Home library) Burt 1.25 llethuen 2/6 Note: The Luxembourg edition, Crowell, $2, and the International Stokes 2.50 Classics, Dodd, $2, are illustrated. The new popular edition b.1 Emma McChesney & Co. Fanny herself Stokes 2.50 • BlackWood, 7/6, has frontispiece. Heinemann 3/ 6 Girls Heinemann 7/ 6 Elizabeth and her German garden. see Russell, Mary A.B.R.,countess -- llother knows best __ Personal! ty plus Stokes 2.50 Stokes 2.50 Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Conscript Uacmillan __ Roast beef medium __ Show boat Grosset .75 __ Waterloo tlacmillan .• 75 -- Grosse~ •

• 40 • 41

Feuchtwanger 1 Lion. Power (liovels of distinction) Grosset $1.00 France, Alla tole 1.00 __ Success (Novels of di.stinction) • Grosset The authorized publisher of France i~ Lane 1n EDglan~, gn4 ~dd ____ Ugly duchess Seeker '!/6 in America. Lane publishes a good Qdition1 7/6; a fair Cheap edition, 2/61 and somo ex~eDeive 111u~tr•t•d Tolume~ of spec1a~ Peval, Poul. Salute to Cyrano Longmans Q.OO titl~Q. DOd4! Uniform LlbrirY. $3; Dat1n1t1ve edition, thin 2v. (Longmans' romAnces) Longmans 3/6 ea. 12mo., $2; 3ome of the beat short otorie~ in Goldgn t~as, t3. Years between. 4v. v. 1, ~sterious cavalier; Grosset publishes in Univer~&l Library, il: Inais, Ib¥ ~e~n v. 2, ~artyr to thg queen; v. 3. Secret o! the Pegtug\l~ &:00 '\_by red lib. llodun Li b'l'll!'Y publishes: t ~ueen I,ongmans Bastlle; v. 4 1 Heir of Buckingham 2.00 ea • eegsuaye and Pengu1j l'lagd. Pqn;uin 1Bl~pd al~o QTAilabla in • Dlue Ribbon books, l. Fielding, Archibald. Charteris mrster7 • Burt · .75 Clifford affair Burt .75 Freda~ie, H~rold. In the valley Boribner ts.~o Net around Joan Ing1lb,r • Burt .75 • • Freeman, Harold W. · Joseph and his brethren Cho.tto 7/R Fieldingl Henq. Historr or Tom Jones (Lltumnoth • sg~1e9J · Burt 1.oo e.oo __ ---- 2v. (Standard library) • Routledge 3/6 ea. • ______prer. by Sidney Lee Methuen 3/S ea. l"re8IIlan, R. A. Certain Dr.- Thorndike Bu~t .75 (P~tnceton series) Burt 1.75 __ llr. Potternack' s over31ght &urt .7~ 2v. Uacmilla:n z.oo ea. SbadQW or thQ wol£ Burt .70 Joseph Andrews (Everyman's library) Dutton • go • BltH~kwell 15/ French1 Joseph L., ed. Ghosts, grim and gentle Dodd E.OQ --=- Gr~at detectlTO a~or1oa av. v. 1, VQltaire to Fisher, Krs. D. F. C. see Canfield, Dorothy F. Poe; v. 2, Dieken! to G&bor1Au: v. 3, Costella to stevenson . ))ial 1.7~ Fitch, George. At good old Siwash Little 2.50 -~ Great detective stories o! the world (The above in one volume) Dial . 2.50 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Great Gatsby Scribner 2.00 Great ghost stories Dodd 2.00 This side or Paradise Scribner 2.00 Great pirate stories; t1rst series aown.ra 2.00 • ; second serie! Coward 8.00 Flaubert, G. Golden tales or Flaubert Dodd 2.50 ~o-r-ea_t__ !_ea stories; t1rst seria~ Cowv.r(l 2.00 __ Madame Bovary (Universal library) Grosset 1.00 -----_____; seoond series COWA.'!'t1 2.00 Knopf 4.00 Salammbo Dent 3/6 Franssen, G. Jor.n Uhl Po Cer Sud th 1.25 Fletcher, J. S. Dead men's money Grosset .75 FUrman, Lucy. Mothering on PerilQUS Maem1llm Golden spurs Burt .75 ___ Quare wo!nen Little -- Lost Mr. Linthwai te Grosset . • 75 •

• Forbes, Esther. Mirror for witches • Houghton 2.50 0 genteel ladyl Roughton 2.50 Gaboriau, Emile. File No. ll3 Burt .75 ____ Honor of the name Scribner 2.00 Ford, Ford Kadox. A man could stand up Duckworth 7/6 Monsieur. Lecoq Scribner 2.00 ____ No more parades • Duckworth ---- Mfstery ot Orcival Scribner . 2.00 ____ Some do not 7/6 • Dtic~'lorth ?./ ·s ____ Widow Lerouge • Scribner 2.00 Ford, Paul Leicester. Honorable Peter Stirling Gale, Zona. Birth Macmillan 1.75 (~ovels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Bridal pond Knopf 2.50 Janice Jiered1 th Grosset • 75 __ Faint perfume Appleton 2.00 ____ Friendship villa~e Macmillan 2.00 Forster, E. K. Howard's end Knopf 2~50 Uiss Lulu Bett {Yodern literature series) Appleton 1.00 _____ Room with a view (Pocket ed ition) Knopf 1.00 Galswortby, John Fournier1 Alain. The wanderer Houghton 2.50 The cheapest edition and one fairly satisfactory for library use is published b.Y Heinemann at an average price of 2/6 per volume. • Fox, John, Jr. Christmas eve on Lonesome, and Scribner is the autr.or1zed American publisher: regular edition, other stories Scribner 2.00 ~2.50; Grove edition, $1: The following titles are at present · __ Ee~rt of the hills Burt .75 published in Noyels of Distinction, Grosset, $1: In chancety, ____ Littl& shepherd of Kingdom Come Scribner 2.50 Swan sopg, §i~v¢r spoon, To l~t, White monker. __ Trail of the lonesome pine Grosset • 75

• • 42 43

Garland, Hamlin. Long trail (Border edition) Harper $1.50 Gordon, Charles W. ate Connor, Ralph, pseUd. Main traveled roads Barper l.!SO -- They of the high trails (Border edi tian) Harper 1.50 GorkY, J(ax1m, pseud. B.Ystan~er Appletw f8.00 Trail-makers of the middle border (Novels __ Mother Appl•tOD ~.00 ---o--r d1~t1nct1on) Grosset 1.00 Gourmon t, Rfm, de. B1Jht 1n th~ LU%embourc Luce e.oo Garnett, DaTid. Go she mustl {Centaur library) Chat to 7>/6 __ Lady into fox (Centaur library) Chat to 3/6 Grahams, tenneth. Dream d&T3 Dodd 1.50 Knopf 1.50 __ ...... ,..... __ illus. b~ P~rvish • Dodd P..50 __ Golden age Dod4 2900 Garattn, Crosbie. Owl's house Burt .75 __ ---~· illua. by Parriah Dodd t.~ __ west Wind Burt .75 Gras 1 F6lix. Red• ~ t.h~ K1d1 (llodam Gatkell, Mrs. 1. C. 6. Cranrord llurrq 3/6 literature series) Appleton 1.00 {Riverside holiday series) Houghton 1.00 Tho terror {Dollar library) A.ppl@tot\ 1.00 (!lome l1brarr) Burt 1.2& -- The White terror (Dollar llt)rary) Appleton LOO __ ---- i llus. by Hugh Thomson llac1111lan 2.00 Oraraon1 DoT~~, paeY4. A4ventur9V 1n contentment Gautier, fh6oph1le. Captain Fracasse Appleton 2.50 {Hov~s or dist1net1on) Gro•••t 1.00 -- !dventureA in friendship (HOTels O! d1St1DOt10n) Groeaet 1.00 -::~ Adv9lltures in lmderstandi.nJ (Hovels ot Gibbs, A. Hamilton. Soundings .Burt .75 dist1nct1on) oroooet l.QQ __ Friendly road (Novel• ot d15t1nction) Gro~~~t 1.00 Gibbs, Philip. Secret witness Appleton 2.00 Green, Anna I. Leavenworth ca8e PutDu t.~ Gide, Andr6. Counterfeiters Modern library .95 __ Strait is the gate (Pocket edition) ltftopf 1.00 Green, Anne. Selbya Burt .76

Gissing, George R. New Grub street Modern library .95 Green, Julian. Avarice house Benn 3/6 __ Private papers of Henry Ryecrort Modern library .95 __ Closed garden Harper ~r~O Constable 3/6 Gregorr, Jackson. Bells or San Juan oro~s~t .75 Glasgow, Ellen. Barren gro\Dld Murray 3/6 Emerald traile __ Battle ground 2.50 Gro11Vt .15 Doubleday -- Judith ot the Blue Lake ranch Groaset .7!; Deliverance Doubleday 2.50 __ llan to man --Romantic comedians Burt .75 Gro1uet ~75 __ They stoo,ed to folly Doubleday 2.50 Grenfell, Wilfred 'r. Labrador dqs Houghton 2.25 __ Virginia Doubleday 2.50 __ Northern neighbors Iough ton 2.25 __ Talea of the Labrador Glaspell, Susan. Ambrose Bolt and tamil7 Stokes 2.50 Houghton 2.2& __ Brook Evans Burt .75 Grey, zane. Call or the canyon .75 Grosset .75 __ Fugitive's return Burt­ __ Desert gold Grosset .75 __ Glory- of the conquered Stokes 2.50 __ Fighting caravans Grosset .75 __ Riders ot the purple sage 5.00 Grosset .75 Goethe,J.W.von. Wilhelm Keister's apprenticeship 2v Scribner __ Thundering herd Grosset .75 __ o. P. traU Grosset Gogol, N1kolas v. Dead souls. 2V. lnopt 4.00 .75 Overcoat, and other stories Knopf 2.00 -- Taras Bulba (Everyman's library-) Dutton .90 Golding, Louis. Day or atonement Knopf 2.50 Haggard, B. Rider. Longmans 2.50 __ llagnolia street Farrar 2.00 __ Ancient Allan Longmans 2.50 __ Cleopatra L9ngmans 2.50 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield Black 3/6 __ Xing Solomon's m1 nes Longrnans 2.50 (Home library) Burt 1.25 __ She Longmans 2.50 __ ---- illus. by Hugh Thomson Macmillan ~.00 Dutton t.oo Bale, Edward E. Man without a country; 1llus. Little 1.~ (Flag edition) Little .60 Goncbarov, I. A. Oblomov Jfacmillan 3.00 llaleYy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantin (Home library) Burt 1. Bolt .eo

• 44 45

Bams'Wl, Knut. Coward t2.50 Heidenstaa, Verner von. Tree ot the Folkungs ltDopt I~ .00 and Knopf' 2.50 (Lofoten edition) Knopf' 2.50 HemUlgway, Ern~~t. l"a..r~well to &!'Ill~ Gro~HU~t .. ?f. -- Knopf l.OO Oro:~oet 1.00 Hunger. (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ lien Without women (Travellt!rl! library) Ca~ "6/6 -- Vagabonds (Novels or distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Sun also rises (Novel$ ot di:Jtinotion} Cro1aet 1.00 __ Knopf 1.00 Knopf 1.00 Bf110n, Louis. Marla Chapdelaine (lloYelJ ot __ Wanderers distinction) CI"QIUVt 1.00 »acw1llaa 2.&0 Hannay, James owen. seQ Birmingham, Geor1e A., pseud. Hendryx, James B. North Burt .?!J Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd __ Snowdrift !W't .TO (Uniform edition) 11acm.111an 6/ __ Texan BUrt Harper 2.25 ."'~ Jude the obscure (Uniform edition) v.acm1llan 6/ Henry, 0. 1 pseud. Best of 0. Renq; one hundred n~rper 2.25 chosen Boddijr 7/t ____ Mayor of Casterbridge (Uniform edition) Macmillan 6/ __ Cabbages and kings Burt .71 Harper 2.25 !"our 111111on BUrt .75 Return of the native (Uniform edition) l!acmillan 6/ -- Gentle C1'a.rter B\U't .75 -- (Universal library) Grosset 1.00 __ Heart of the West Hodder '!,/8 Harper 2.25 ·--Options !odder 3/~ Tess of the D•Orbervilles (Uniform editlon) Macmillan 6/ __ Roads of destiny H044er CS/6 -- Harper 2.25 Rolling etone8 Hodder 3/6 Burt .75 -- Sixes and sevens Hodder '3/8 __ tinder the Greenwood tree (Uniform edition) Macmillan 6/ __ Strictly busines1 lo4del" 1/1 Harper 2 .25 Trtmmed lop BUt"t .'16 ____ Voiee of th& eit7 Rodde~ 3/8 Hargreaves, Sheba. Heroine of the prairies Burt .75 __ Whirligigs lo

Hope# AnthoDT, i!:ud· Pr19oner o~ Zenda Arrowsaith 3/8 Jackson, Hel~n H. R&JDona Little ta.m __ Rupert ot tzau Arrowamith S/6 • Jacoba, w. w. Deep wator1 Sqzoim9:- R,OO Bopkin1, W1U1aa J. She blows md lp&n& at -- LadY o! the ba.rga Dodd 2.~ thatl (R1Ters1de bookshelf) BouC}lton tB.OO __ Lie;ht frei'h~ Doclcl 2.!0 __ llany cargoes atotro:s B.50 Bough, P.aerson. Covered wagon Grosset .75 MothU•rt 2/6 __ 5'·40 or tight Grosset .75 __ Ship's company SQrlbnel' 2.t)Q __ lforth ot 36 Grosset .76 __ snug harbor sarllmer 2.00 J. Amer.-A~an.fo~d. e.OO Rowe, E. W. Story ot a eountey town Peter Baith 1.26 Jacobson, P. Niels Lrhne ' Houghton 2.00 James, Henry. Ambassadors Harper ~~50 Bowell.JI# William D. llodern Instance __ The Americen __ Rise ot 611&13 Lapham Boushton 2.50 Ho\\gbtou ~.~0 -- DAi~y llill~r Harner e.eo Golden bowL ev. Rerlhner S.EiO ea. Hudson, J&T w. Abbf Pierre (Appleton•a dollar __ Portrait of a lady. 2v. Houghton 2.50 e.. library) __ Roderick Hudson Roush ton 2.50 __ Abb' Pierre' 1 people __ Tum of the screw Stoker ~/0 1.00 Hudson, w. H. Green mansions (Universal library) Grosset James, Will. Cow countcy Scribner 1.75 __ Purple land Dutton 2.50 __ Sand Duckworth 3/6 Bul"t ~75 __ Smolq, tho cowhor~&; illus. by the authoi" Soribnar 1.00 __ Tales ot the pampas lnopf' 1.00 . ______; 111us. 1ll color 11Y tna autnor Scr1lmvr ~.~ serttmer 2.00 Hughes# R. A. W. High Wind in Jamaica Chatto 3/6 ~,..._ Innocent voyage (Phoenix librarr) Harper 2 .50 Jameson, Storm. Lovely ship Xnop.r , 1.00 Mote: The above two books are identical but issued l.mder P1t1tul Wi.fe ED opt 2.50 d1tterent titles. Oon!ltA.blA 3/8 __ Richer dust Hugo, Victor. By order of the king (Home library) Burt 1.25 Xnopt 2.50 1.00 Heinemann 11/6 __ Hunchback of Notre Dame (Universal library) Grosset Three kingdoms Knopf 2.50 __ Les m1serables {Mammoth series) Burt 1.00 __ Voyage home !Wop! l.OO ; tr. by Isabel Hapgood Crowell 3.50 F. Heinemann ~/6 N~1n~e-t-y---three (Home library) Burt 1.25 Burt 1.25 -- Toilers of the sea (Home library) Janvier, ThomAS A. AZtec treasure bouse 2.00 Bull, Helen R. Asking price Grosset .75 ____ In the Sargasso seA 2.00 __ Islanders llacm.illan 2.50 Jerome, Jerome K. Three men ln a boat {Ho~e library) Burt 1.25 Burst, Fannie. Five and ten Burt .75 Lummox Burt .75 Jessup, Alexander, ed. Best American humoro~

• short stories Modern library .95 Hutchinson# A. S. ll. Happy warrior Little 2.50 __ Representative American short stories Allyn 4.00 __ Once aboard the .lugger Little 2.50 Representative modern short stories llacmillan 5.00 (Text) Kacmillan 2.80 Huxley# Aldous L. Antic hay (Phoenix library) Chatto 3/6 __ Brie! candles (Centaur library) Chatto 3/6 Jewett# Sarah 0. Best stories; sel. by Willa __ Crome yellow Chat to 3/6 Cather. 2'1'. • Houghton 4.00 __ llortal coils Chat to 3/6 ~~. Country of the pointed tirs {Riverside __. Point counter point Grosset 1.00 library) Roughton 1.00 Houghton 2.50 Bursmans, Joris K. Against the grain (Bonibooks __ Deephaven Boughton 1.75 in cloth) Boni 1.00 Johnson, Owen. Skippy Bedelle Little 2.00 __ Stover at Yale Little 2.00 __ Tennessee shad Little 2.00 ,Ibanez, Blasco Vicente. ;eg Blasco Ibtftez, Vicente __ Varmint Little 2.00

Irving, Washington. Tales; sel. and ed. by Carl Van . Johnson, Samuel. Rass~las Oxford 1.00 Doren. (Oxford standard authors} Oxford 1.25 49 49

Johnston, Sir Harry H. The Gay-Dombeys La Farge, Oliver, Laugh1D& boy

Johns ton, Kaey. Lewis Rand Houghton 2.50 Lagerlot, Selaa. Emperor of Portugall1a ~oubled.,- 2.00 __ Prisoners of hope Houghton 2.50 __ G1rl !rom the marsh croft tauJ9ie 10/ 8 To have and to hold Grosset .75 Jeruealea Doulllod.ay 2' tl() -- LilieoroM 1 s home . Dutton :..~ Jordan, Helen R. se~ Ashton, Helen, pseud. __ tUng of the Lowenakllld=s Ooublb1ay Story of G85ta Ber11n1 noubledtlf Joyce, James. Portrait of the artist as a young man Cape 7/6 Lone, Elinor K. Naucy St..ir Appleton Lardner, R1n& w. Love nest, and otbar stor181 Scribner Kar- Smith, Sheila. End of the house of Alard Cassell 3/6 __ 1\ound-up Saril:.ner Cassell 7/6 __ Green apple harvest Cassell 3/6 Lawrence, D. B. Sona and lover& DuckWorth 0/ Dutton 2.50 Joanna Godden Cassell 3/6 Leacock, Stephen. Hons&rtsa no~@!! Lane 5/ Shepherds in sackcloth Grosset .75 Sussex gorse Cassell 3/6 Lee, MAry. It's a great nr Houehton 3.00 - Kelly, Eleanor K. sae Kercein, Eleanor Le G•llienne, Richard. P1ecea ot eigbt

Kelly, Myra. Little aliens Scribner 2.00 Lehmann, RosWDond. Dusty an~wer Gruaa"t .75 Little citizens Peter Smith 1.75 Le saee, !lAin R. Adventures of Gil Bla3 Kennedy, Margaret. Constant nymph • Burt .75 (Home library) Burt 1.m~ Fool ot the f'ami}T Heinemann ~/6 ~outl ..dge B/B Red sky at morning Burt .75 Dent 'r>/

Xtngsley, Cbarles. Hereward the wake Macmillan LBO Lever, Charles J. Charles QJMAllay, the Ir1~h __ Hypa. tia (Home 11 brary) Burt 1.25 dragoon (Pr~ceton seriea) BUrt 1.7~ JfaOmills.n 1.80 __ Harry LorreqUf!' CQlUn• 3/6 __ Westward hol llacmillan 1.80 LeWis, 81ncl41r. Arrowsmith Gross~t .'1'6 Kipling, Rudyard. (School ed) Doubleday 1.00 Cape 5/ __ Day's work llaem1llan 7/6 Baroo\U"t 2 .. 50 Doubleday 2.50 __ Diversity of creatures --Babbitt Gr~~eet .15 __ . Kaemillan 7/6 Cape 5/ Life t s handicap llacmillan 7/6 __ Doda"orth Croseet ~75 -- Light that failed Burt 1.25 __ El.Jier Gantry (Novels ot distinction) Grosset 1.00 11an1 inventions Macmillan 7/6 Cape 5/ -- Phantom rickshaw (Home library) Burt 1.25 __ Jfain street Grosset .75 Plain tales from the bills Burt 1.25 Cape 5/ -- Selected stories from Kipling Doubleday 1.25 __ Soldier stories Burt 1.25 Lewisohn, Ludwig. Island within , (Popular edition) Harper 1.00 __ Doubleday 2.50 __ Last days ot Shylock Harper 1.00 __ Stalky and Co. llacmillan 10/6 __ Roman sm1111er • Harper 2.50 --=~ ; Phantom rickshaw; Stephen Escott Harper 2.50 Wee Willie Winkie Doubleday 2.50 Lincoln, Joseph C. Aristocratic Kiss Brewster Burt .75 Knibbs, Henry B. Ridin' kid from Powder river Grosset .75 __ Blair's attic Burt .75 __ Sungazers Grosset .75 __ Blowing clear Burt .75 __ Galusha the magnificent Burt .75 Komroff, Manuel. Coronet (Novels of dis­ __ Kent Knowles Burt .75 tinction) Grosset 1.00 __ 1lr. Pratt Burt .75 __ Partners ot the tide Burt .75 Kyne, Peter B. Captain Scraggs Grosset .75 __ Postmaster Burt .75 __ Webster, man's man Grosset .75 __ Portygee Burt .75 __ Silas Bradford • s boy Burt .75 50 ~1

Lincoln, latalie S. Red seal Appleton t8.00 MoCartey, J'ustin I. HOU'lOIINm __ Three strings Appleton 2.00 B&r~r • • Little, Prances, pseud. Lady or the decoration century 1.25 MacaulaT, Mr3. Pennie Caldwell. see Little, F~ances, pt•ud. Locke, William J. vagabond Burt .75 llacaulay, Rose. Cre11'8 'tnin Collioa 11/1 __ Fortunate youth Lane 3/8 __ Dangerous ages Collins lJ/6 Glor,y of Clementina Lane 'S/6 __ Potter1sa C6ll1.M 3/8 -- Morals ot Jlarcus Ordeyna LAne '6/6 __ 8tq1ng with relation~ L1T•r1ght ~.!'10 __ lloun tebank Lane 3/6 __ Told bT an idiot Collins ~/e __ Septimus • Lane 3/6 MoCltnchey, Florence &. Joe Pete oouelas 7/8 London, Jack. Adventure W.ll:s & Boon 3/6 llaemillan 1.75 McCutcheon, Georg• B. Graustark Gr011't .70 __ Before Adam, and The game Laurie 3/6 Mac1D1llan 1.75 Macdonald, Philip. ~$$p BUl"' Burning daylight llD. cm.ilJ. an 1.75 -- Call or the wild Grosset .75 McParland, Rarmond. sea panther ~urt __ Iron heel llaemillm 1.75 __. Jerey of the islands Grosset .75 IIActarlantt, Pater C. Jl•n'~ corm.tq __ Martin Eden Heinemann !/6 Macail.l&D 1.'15 McP'ee, William. Casuals of the sea DOUblAdAJ' -- 111ehael, brother or Jerry Grosset .?5 Comand noubledq __ llutiDT of the Elsinore llacmillan 1.75 -- The harbourmas ter DoublriB.Y Sea-wolt Grosset .75 __ Pilgrims ot adv-ersity Burt -- Smoke Bellew Centllr7 2.00 __ Son of the wol.t (Bi:verside libraey} Hougpton 1.00 lla.cGowan, lli.ee. Girl of the plains country Stokva 1.'75 __ Valley of the moon Grosset .75 • __ Wh1 te tang Grosset .75 KacBarg, W. B.,and Balaer, Edw1n. Ind1M drwa Grosaat .75 • Jlaob&ll, Arthur. Hill o! dreama Loti, Pierre, pseud. Iceland fisherman Seekft~ 'IJ/6 McClurg 1.50 Jtnopf 2.50 (Home library) Burt 1.25 __ Terror Duckworth 3/6 Laurie 8/ __ Japan Stokes 2.50 llaekenzie, Ca.pton. lprU l'oql• Caaaell '1 /5 Laurie 6/ __ T&ie of the Pyrenees (see Dote below) Doubl~ 1.00 Stokes 2.50 __ Carn.iYal (Dollar llbf'a.I'J') Appletoa 1.00 Laurie 6/ -- :ra1.17 gold . Ca-"Sel.l 7/8 Lovelace, Krs. Maud. Early candlelight Grosset .75 ·-- Poor re1ativea Seeker .,/ __ Pettic.oat court __ Sinister stNet Seeker '1/S Day 2.00 2v. .lpp1eton 2. 50 ... Lover, Samuel. Randy Aney (Beacon library of __ S)'lrta Scarlett . Seeker 7/1 '-!!!'"- Youth'" encounter (Vol.I ot St.atater Street) Appleton fiction classics) Little 2.00 e.w lotez &prtl t 00ls in Doubledq tl eel. but not aubJect to di•coUDt. Lowndes I Mrs. Belloc. End or their honeymoon Methuen 3/6 __ Lodger Methuen 2/ claile, Berman c. (Sapper, pseud.) Bulldog Drummond Hodder S/6 Lynch, Bohun, ed. Best ghost stories Burt .75 __ Bulldog Drummond's third round Hodder S/8

Lynde,·Francis. Fight on the Standing stone Burt .75 en, J. Walker, ed. JPamous detectiYe stories Crowell 1.25 tynn, Margaret. Land o£ promise Little 2.00 __ Famous ghost Btories Crowell 1.25 __ Step-daughter ot the prairie llaemillan 2.00 __ Famous JDTStery stories Crowell 1.25 __ Famous psychic stories Crowell 1.25 Lytton, E. G. E. L. B-L. Harold Routledge 2/ __ Last days or Pompeii Barrap 2/6 jor, Charles. Dorothy Vernon ot Haddon Hall Jlacmillan 2.00 (Illustrated classics) Scribner 2.50 __ When lm1ghthood was in tlower Grosset .7~ __ Last ot the barons (Everyman• s library rei nt.) Dent 3/6 llaeaillan !/8 __ Rienzi . Routledge 2/ (Ever.yman's library rein!.) Dent 3/6 l7, Sir Thomas. King Arthur and his bi&hta; illus. b7 Rackh•• J(acw1l)an ------

52 53

Mann, Thomas. Buddenbrooks. lv. ed. Seeker 7/6 laugham, w. Somerset. Ashenden He in 2/ lv. ed. Itnopf t3.00 _ _ Oakea and ale f)oubleday 13.00 __ De a tb 1n venice Se(!ker 3/B __ Casuar1 na trl!e HA!nMAM aJs __ Kagic mountain. 1 v. ed. Seeker 7/6 llr5. o raddoek Ilainamann '?J/IJ lv. ed. Knopf 3.~0 -- Jloon and ~lxpenae (Novel:~ of di:stinction) Orosset 1.00 Modern library ,95 _ _ Of human bondage (Hovel~ of d19t1nction) · Croaeot 1.00 Trembling D! a lea! DOUblCdllY 2.00 Kanners, John H. Peg o' my heart Bodder 2/ Maupaosant, G~ de. Go~den taleo Dodd e.so Mansfield, Katherine. Bliss, and other stories __ .IIAdemoiselle Fifi lnopr 2.00 (Constable's misc~llanr) Constable 3/6 __ Odd numbEJr (Odd number~ sEJrie~) Barpg:o 2.00 __ Dove' !I nest lllopf 1.00 __ 011 ve orahara. Kno,r e.on Garden party Modern libra.rr .95 Pierre and Jean . Knopf e.oo L1ttle g1rl Knopf 2.50 __ Second odd number (Odd number~ ;:,erie,) Daruer f.OO

Kanzon1, Alessandro. Jfa.cmlllan 2.~0 MelVille, Herman·. Moby D1oJt Ul"OSSet .7r. • Bon1. 1! _00 Karquis, Don. Cruise of the Jasper B Appleton 7/6 (Bonibook~) Bon! LOO __ ~--- il.lus. by Rot kw&ll Ksnt R~tndom Bou§~ ~-~0 Jlarcyat, Frederick. 1\asterman Ready Dent ~I __ Omoo Durt .70 Home library) Burt 1.25 Page 2.00 Illustrated standard novels} Kacmillan 4/6 illus. by Schaattor Dodd o.5o Fairmount classics) Mae rae 1.50 __ TYpee (Modern readers) Jl!.emillA.n _80 __ llr. Midshipman Easy (Home library) Burt 1.25 (Astor librar,r) Dodd 1.00 {Illustrated standard novels) Macmillan 4/6 _____ 1llus. bY Schae!'t'er Dodd ~.!lO (Juveniles of distinction) Grosset 1.00 illus. by Zogbaum PUtnam 2.50 Mercein, Eleanor. Basquerie (Novels of distinction) GrosstJt 1.00 __ Peter Sim le Dent 5/ __ Book of B\lttv (Novels of distinctiou} GrossQt l.OO Illustrated standard novels) Macmillan 4/6 ____ Naeio his a~ra1rs aa.rper E .. fiO Illustrated cabinet edition) Page 2.25 1 Meredith, Georia. Adventures of Harry R1 cbmonc1 Constable '6/6 Karsh, George. Whelps of the wolf Burt ,75 __ Beauchamp's career Congte.ble 3/8 __ Diana of' the cros~Hutys Constabl9 7/6 Karshall, Archibald. Eldest son Dodd 2.50 ·- - Egoi.st S~:r11;lne;r l.GO Squire's daughter Dodd 2.50 (Home library) Burt la25 __ Ordel'l.l o.r Richard .l.'everel (Mode-rn re ader:~r Marshall, Edison. Child o£ the wild Burt .75 series) Kacm!llan ;eo __ Isle of retribution Burt .'15 __ Rhoda FlemiDg Con:)tnble o/s ____ Seward's folly Burt .75 __ Short stor.ies .. Consta.bl@ 3/8 __ Sleeper of the moonlit ranges Burt .75 Merejkowski, Dimitri S. Death ot the gods Putnam 2.50 Kartin, Mrs. George 11. Emmy Lou Grosset .75 Peter and Alexis pUtnam 2.50 -- Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci Jlodern H.brs.ry .95 Martin, Krs. Helen R. Tillie, a Kennonite maid Centucy 2.00 (Popular edition} Putnam 3.50

Kasetield, John. Capt. Margaret Heinemann 3/6 Kerim~e, Prosper. Golden tales Dodd 2.50 (Travellers library) Cape 3/6 Macmillan 2.25 Kerrick, Leonard. Chair on the boulevard Hodder 7/6 Jim Davis Stokes 1.25 Dutton 2.50 Grosset 1.00 ·-- Conrad 1n quest ot his youth Dutton 2.50 __ Lost endeavor Macmillan 2.00 Little dog laughed Dutton 2.60 __ llulti tude and soli tude Macmillan 2.00 -- Man who understood women • Dutton 2.50 __ Sard Barker Macmillan 2.50 One man's view Dutton 2.50 __ While Paris laughed Dutton 2.50 Mason, A. E. w. At the Villa Rose Hodder 3/6 __ road Grayson 2/6 Kerwin~ Samuel and Webster, H. K. Jlacmillan Four feathers Grayson 2/6 Calumet 'K" 1.50 -- House of th& arrow Hodder 3/6 Bote: Do not get Hodder "pocket" edition. Killer, Mrs. Alice D. Come out of the kitchen! Century 2.00 __ Manslaughter Grosset .75 • 11111n, Mrs. Sara G. God's stepchildren Constable ------


Miln, Mrs. Louise J. In a Sbant,mg garden Burt t .. '75 ~, Talbot. Kine o~ th.A ~her ,rifles B\lrt ' _'1 5 __ llr. and Jlr~. Sec Burt .7S __ Rung ho 5urt • 7!\

llil.De, A. A. Red house mystery- Burt .75 M1 nro, B. B. {Saki, pseud) Short storles or Sakl l.iUV 1/ e Mitchell, S. Weir. Adventures or Fran~ois (Prize librar;y) llaCII.illan 3/6 Century 2.00 lason, Leonard H. Chevrons __ Hugh WYnne Century 2.00 .7~

Montague, c. E. Right off the map ChAt to 7/8 Iathan, Robert. FlQQler ln barley ao8rlao ~.00 __ Jonah .llc:Bride e.oo Montgomery, L. K. Anne ot Avonlea Rarrap 3/e Orchid llathew3 6/ Page 2.00 -- Woodcutter'~ house Jlathews 8/ __ Anne ot Green Gables Harrap 3/6 Page 2.00 Jeumann, Alfred. the devil ltDOl)t ;5.00 __ The hero &lop£ 2.50 Moore, F. Pranktort. Jessamy bride Duttield 2.50 Re%6, M. Aridergen. Dttte. lv. ed. f•t er 1'\ml th 3.50 Moore, George. Esther Waters Heinemann 7/6 __ Pelle the conqueror. "lv. ec1. Peter Smith 3.50 (Black and gold librar.r) Liveright 2.00 __ In God's 1and Peter Srdtb l.e5 ETelfll Innea !enn !/6 -- (Dollar library) Appleton 1.'00 licholson, Meredith. Roosie~ ch~onlel • IIouehton __ ll6lol.se and Ab61ard {Bl.aek and gold library) Liv-erieht E •.do House or a thousand o~ndle~ Black __ Sister Theresa Benn &/6 -- More, Sir Thomas. Utopia J:Nrt 1.25 lorr1s, Charles. ~~~~u .BUrt .7& __ ---- tr. by Ralph Robinson Dutton 2.50 Bread Burt .75 .75 --Pig iron • Burt Morley, Christopher. I know a secret Doubleday 2.00 __ Salt Burt .715 __ Haunted bookshop (Novels ot distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Parnassus on wheels Modern library .95 Borris, 'Prank. Octopu. Doubleday 2.50 Grosset 1.00 --Pit DoUbled A)" e.~o Doubleday 1.75 Thunder on the lett (Novels or distinction) Grosset 1.00 Borris, Krs. X~tbl~eu T. Barberr,r bWth Burt .16 -- Where the blue begins (Novels of dis tinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Certain people of importanoe BU~t .7~ __ Harriet and the piper Burt .7~ Morrow, Mrs. Honorf Enchanted canyon __ Little ships BUrt ."16 w. Burt .75 Grosset .76 ~- Forever tree Burt .75 llother Still Jim -- S1at~rs Grosset .75 Burt .75 .7rs -- We must march Burt .75 ~~ Story of J\111a Page G!"os5et __ With malice toward none Burt .75 Mulford, Clarence E. Bar-20 Burt .75 __ Bar-20 days Burt .75 O'Brien, Edward J., ed. Best short stories or 1933 Boughton 2.60 -- Coming or Cassidf Burt .75 __ Corson of the J. c. Bart .75 Oemler, Krs. Marie C. His wife 1n law Heinemann' S/8 __ Cot tonwoOd Gulch Burt .75 __ JohDD7 Reb Century 2.50 __ Hopalong Cassidy Burt .75 Purple heights Century 2.00 __ Hopalong Cassidy returns -- Slippy McGee Grosset .7& Burt .75 Heinemann 3/6 __ Hopalong Cassidy's prot~gf' Burt .75 __ Two sha11 be born __ Orphan Burt Century 2.00 .75 __ Woman named Smith Heinemann 'h/8 ·century 2.00 )(u.J.ock, Dinah. John Ha~ifax, gentleun (Boae library) Burt 1.25 __ ---- (Oxford ste.ndard) Oxford 1.50 O'Higgins, Haney J. Adventures ot detective Barney Centurr 2.00 (Luxembourg edition} Crowell 2.00 Julie Cane Harpe-r 2.eo -- Smoke-eaters Centuey 2.00 Kunchausen, Baron. Adventures ot Baron • Jlunchausen • Illus. editions co. 1.00 Oliver, John R. Victim and victor MaCDLillan 2.50 ------

56 57 , Edgar Allan. Best known novel!t or Ollivant, Alfred. Bob~ son of Battla Burt c .75 I. A. Po9 (Star dollar book~) Garden c1ty 1.00 Blue rlbt>on 11.00 __ Best tales Modern l1brarr .95 __ Gold bug, and other tales and it01'1~U1J Oppenheim, E. Phillips. Box with oroken seals Burt .75 __ Double traitor Burt .'15 111ua. br c, Banche~ JlA"tnill an 1.75 Glenlitten murder Burt • 7'6 Selected te.les CC

Page, Thomas N. Gordon Keith Scribner 2.50 Porter, Jane. Scottish ob1ers; 111u~. by N. c. __ In ole Virginia Scribner 1.76 Wyeth. SQrilmor __ Old gentleman of the black stock scribner 2.00 (Luxembourg edition) CrOWfH.l Red Rock Scribner 2.50 -- Th8.dd8U5 o~ Warsaw (Home library) Burt Paine, Ralph D. Call of the offshore wind Roughton 2.00 Porter, William Sydney. gQe Henry, O.,p!eud. __ Four bells Boughton 2.00 Pr1e~tley, J. B. Angel pavement HArpe-r 3.00 Parker, Gilbert. Power and the glory .Burt .'15 __ Good companions Harp•r 3.00 __ Right or way Harrap 3/G Heinemann r>/ Seats of the mighty Harrap 3/6 __ Old dark house Harper 2.00 Appleton 2.50 Grosset .'15

Parrish, Anne. All kneeling Harper 2.50 Proust, Kareel. Remembrance of thing~ past ____ Perennial bachelor (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 1. 81fBDD' s way Chat to 7/IJ Tomorrow morning Harper 2.00 2. Within a bUdding erove Chatto 7/6 3.& 4. Ouermantes ~ £v. ChAtto 7/6 t!llll • Parrish, Randall. Ky lady of the North Burt • 75 5. Cities of' the plain. 2v. Chatto 10/ ea. 6. The eapt1ve Chatto 15/ Pater, Walter. Marius, the Epicurean 7. S•eet cheat gone Chatto 10/6 {Travellers library) Gape 3/ 6 7.(1.e.8) The past reeaptured Chatto 21/ (Caravan library) Macmillan 1.40 Note: These titles are available 1n America from A. end c. Boni, (Home library) Burt 1.25 $2.~0 to $3. Modern Library publ1she5 SW!BA'! waz and W1~b1p 1 bU4diB~zrove, 95e. P~rez Gald6s, Benito. Dona Perfecta; tr. b.Y Translation Kary J. Serrano pub. co. 2.00 Prouty, 11rs. Olive H. White tawn Grosset .75 Pertwee, Roland. Gentlemen march Houghton 2.00 P,yeshkov, A. K. see Gorky, Maxim, pseud. __ Interference Houghton 2.00 __ Rivers to cross · Burt .75 __ Treasure traU Burt .75 Quick, .Herbert. Hawkeye Burt .75 Peterkin, Jul~a. Black April (Novels of __ Vandemark's f'ollr Burt .75 distinction) Grosset 1.00 Green Thursday Knopf 1.00 Quiller-Cough, Sir Arthur T. Splendid spur Dent 3/6 (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Grosset .75 Phillips, David G. Susan Lenox, her fall and rise lv. ed. Appleton 2.50 Phillpotts, Eden. Grey roam Jlacmille.n 2.00 __ Voice from the dark Macmillan 2.00 __ Widecombe fair Macmillan 10/ 6 SB • 59

Raine, William MacL. Big-town round-up Grosset .75 Rinehart, Mr5. »tu~y Roberts. Romance OOok. Colorado Grosset .1~ Contains: Ama~ing interlude, "K," and Street ' .75 --Fighting edge Grosset of sovon stars Farrar tz.oo --~ Gunsight pass Grosset .75 __ Tish .75 )urt .7~ __ Mavericks Grosset Tish p1a;ys the game G-roooet .75 __ Wyoming Grosset .75 -- Window at the White Cat au~t .75 ' Rea~ Lorna. Six Mrs. Greenes Grosset 1.00 Roberts, Cecil. Pamela•s sprtng snng BUl't .75 Chat to 5/6 Reade, Charlea. Cloister and the hearth floberts, c. G. D. Forg~ 111 th~ fv.I·~~~ Dent ______illus. by EvelYn PaUl Dodd 2.00 __ Heart of the ana19ll t wood Oxford 3/6 Dent (Ox£ord standard) --.Tim Mflcmillan (Home library) Burt 1.25 Scribner 2.&0 Hard eash Roberts 1 Elizabet h M. Great meadow ---- It is never too late to mend Burt 1.25 __ My heart snd my flesh __ Time of ma.n Hemarque, Erich ld. All quiet on the western front Putnam '3/6 Grosset .75 Rohlfs, Anna K. see Greent Anna K4 __ Road back Putnam 7/6 • Little 2.~0 Rolland, Romain. Colas Breugnon Holt Note: English edition of All qUiet is uncensored. --~ Jean-Christophe. ~v. v. 1, Jean-Christopbe: Dawn, etc.; v. 2, Jean-Chr1stoDhe tn Paris; v. 3, Reymont, Vfladyslaw St. Peasants. 4v. v. 1, Autumn; Knopf 1.25 ea~ Jean-Christophe: Journey's end 2.50 e

• • 61 - 60

Sabatini, Rafael. Banner ot the bull Gro~set •• 75 leltzert Oharle~ ~. Bo3s ot the Lazy Y Gross at ' .'1~ __ Captain BloOd Grosset .75 __ Valley of the st4lrG Gro~:u~t .75 __ Carolinian Grosset .7~ __ Scaraaoucbe Grosset .7rJ Seltzer, Thomas. ed. Best Ru~~1an sho~t ~tories Modern ltb_ . 0~ __ Sea-hawk Grosset .75 __ Strolling saint Grosset .75 aeyaour, ~. Three wlY8A Grosset .7& · Note: s r ve u and tle, Boughton, 2.50, includes: Scaramouche1 Captain Sheehan, P. A • Luke Delmei& Lona•~ms 2.50 Blood, end two shorter tales. Shelley, llr~. Mary W. G. Fr~tnken~ teln Groat aut .'to Sackville-West, Victoria. All passion spent Doubleday 2.50 __ The Edwardians (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 61dgw1ck, Ethel. Accolade Sid.grlo£ 7/8 __ Duke Jones S14swi~k '1/6 Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia __ Lady of leiaure 8ll12W1Cll 7/f5 (InternAtional librar,r) KcKay 1.00 ,__._ Pt'OIIiS~ 81dC11'iok 7/6 __ Suc~ssion 7/tJ Salten, F~lix. Bambi Gro~~et Sienkiewicz, Henr.yk. De1u~e. £v. L1ttle 6.00 Sand, George. Consuela Burt 1.25 Pe.n Michael LittHt ~.00 Quo vadis? Brosset ~7' Sapper, see McNeile, Berman c. Little z.oo Routlvd.ge ~/6 Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of a fox-hunting man coward 2.50 __ With t'i~e and sword L1ttle 3.00 __ Memoirs of an infantry officer Coward 2.50 • Sinclair, Bertha M. see Bower, B. K. pseud. Sayers, Dorothf L., ed. Omnibus of crime {Star 1 dollar books) Garden city 1.00 S1nel&1.r~ Bertrand W. Inverted pyraa1tl .76

• Scarborough, Dorothy. Pamous modern ghost stories Putnam 2.50 Sinclair, May. Anne Sa\'arn an~ th@ Fieldlngs Jlacaillew a.so __ Humorous ghost stories PUtnam 2.50 CUre of souls KaeDtillan e.5o __ In the land of cotton Macmillan 1.50 __ Divine tire Holt. ~~00 Mary OliVier llaCJiillan 2.~0 Schnitzler, Arthur. Daybreak Simon 1.50 --Mr. W~ddingtan of Wyck {Novela ot __ Dr. Graesler Simon 1.50 distinction) Grostet 1.00 Frlulein Else Simon 1.50 __ Tree of heaven Macmillan 13 .. 50 -- Little novels Simon 2.50 Rhapsody Simon l.~o Sinclair, Upton B. Boston. 2T. (Nove~ or ---- Viennese novelettes Simon :5.50 distinction) Gro~set 1.00 ••• JWlgle Vllllgua~d .75 Schreiner, Olive. Story of an African farm Little 2.00 __ Xing Coal Hutchinson '6/6 (Home library) Burt 1.25 011 Sinclair 1.50 -- Roman holidq Grosset .75 Scott, Sir Walter Note: ~11 books or may be obtained from A good edition is the Dryburgh, containing the Waverley novels, author Los Angeles, West Branch, Calif. published by Black, 5/. Macmillan also publishes a good edition, 7 "2. 25. A number of the po,Pular t1 tles are in Burt's BoJDe Library. Sinclair-Cowan, Mrs. Bertha (Muz~) see Bower, B. M. pseud. Good illustrated editions of the best titles are published by Dodd (12), Page, Crowell,and McKay. Modern Readers series, Mac­ Smith, F. Hopkinson. Colonel Carter ot millan, 80c, contains Ivanhoe and Quentin Durward. A cheap edi­ Cartersville Boughton 2.50 tion used by the English libraries is that published by Dent, 2/, __ Kennedy square Scribner 2.50 which is pretty good tor the money. Smollet, Tobias G. Humphrey Clinker; illus. bf Sedgwick, Anne D. Adrienne Toner Houghton 2.50 Phiz Routledge 8/ __ Dark Bester (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1.00 _,_ Peregrine Pickle. 2v. (Everyman's Grosset • 75 library--library binding) Dent 3/ 6 e~ • __ Little French girl (Novele of distinction) Grosset 1.00 Dutton 1.00 _____ Old countess Houghton 2.50 ---....~ Roderick Random (Everyman 1 s library--library __ Philippa Grosset .7~ binding) Dent 3/ 6 Roughton 2.50 Duttoo. 1.00 __ Tante Boughton 2.50

• 62 63

Snaitt, John C. Araminta Appleton $2.00 12.50, but not all titlco are roprDaento~. wrQy~on P~~ a sati•• Murray 7/6 taotor.r edition, the Lothian, 3/8. Ttj!Aure.1alan~ 1s ava11A~le Sailor (Dollar library) Appleton 1.00 1n Washlngton Square Ol~ssics Macrae1 .50; Modern Rescera, Undefeated Appleton s.oo Macm1ll~, &Oe; Juveniles of Distinetion, GrO!!At~ 11. ~1ananoeG appears 1n tllls last ser1e:J and 1n Washington 6qut\re Cla.aoioo. Snedeker, Caroline D. Perilous seat (Windmill Grosset publishes Dr· Jekyl, 75c. Soribner publishe3 some t1tl~8 books) Doubleday 1.00 in a fl seriea for young people. __ Spartan Doubleday 2.00 Stewart, Alfred W. see Connington, J. ~., psau~. Spearman, Frank H. Held for orders Scribner 2.00 the __ Laramie holds range Burt . ?~ Sto~kt~, Frank R. Adventures or GaptalD Horn 8cribnor tu.oo Whispering Smith Gro:sset .75 ____ Ca5ting ~way of Kra. Lock~ And Urg. Aleshine Cenhtey P..OO __ Lady or the tiger, and other etor1es S~tttbner 2.00 Spencer, Claire. Gallows' orchard Spencer 7/S Rudder Orange scrttmer 1.15

6tacpoole, H. De Vere. Golden ballast Burt .75 Stoker, Bram. Draeula .7~

Steele , Wilbur D. Man who saw through heaven Harper 2.50 Stone, G~ae& Z. Bitter tea of Ganer~l Yen {Novels of di3tinction) Grosset 1.00 Stendhal, de, pseud. Charterhouse of Parma. 2v. Chat to 3/6 e Gros~9t .75 lv. ed. Chat to :5/6 Appleton 2.50 Stowe, Mrs. Harrlet E. a. Uncle Tom'~ cabin Red and black. 8T. Chat to 'P/6 ea. (Htv~r91de 11hrary) Houghton 1.00 lv. ed. Routledge 3/6 illus. by Dau~herty Cowal'd LOO (Rome library) lNrt 1.~5 Stephens, James. Charwoman's daughter MacUlillan 2.00 {Luxembourg edition) crow en 2.00 of gold (new ed. illus.) Macmillan 2.50

• Macmillan 2.00 Stratton-Porter~ Gene. 3ee Porter, Oen~ Stratton __ Deirdre Macmillan 2.50 __ Demi-gods Macmillan 2.50 Street, JUlian 1. Ueed at change Dodd 1.00 Etched 1n moonlight Kaomilltm 2.50 ____ Here are ladies llacmillan 2.00 Stribling, Thomas s. Dlrthright Century !!.00 Bright metal Nl3b~t 7/6 Stern, G. B. China shop Knopf 1.00 Teet tallow Ni~Jb~t ')/8 __ Debonair Knopf 2.50 . __ Deputy was king Knopf 2.50 Strong, L. A. G. Jealous ghost Oollanez ~/6 __ Matriarch Knopf 2.50 ___ Modesta (Popular edition) Knopf 1.00 Sublette, C. M. Bright face of danger L1ttle 2.00 __ Mosaic Knopf 2.50 __ Sca.rl~t eoekerel Ltttle r..oo Thunderstorm Knopf 2.50 Suckow, Ruth. Bonney family .l<.nop.f 1.00 Sterne, Laurence. Life and opinions of Tristram Cora ltnopt 1.00 Shandy (Black and gold library) Liveright 2.00 -- Country p~ople Knopf 1.00 --~ Sentimental journey through France and ____ Iowa interiors Knopf 1.00 Italy {Black and gold library) Liveright 2.00 __ Kramer girls Knopf 2.SO __ Odyssey of a nice girl Knopf 1.00 Stevens, James. Paul Bunyan (Star dollar bks.) Garden city 1.00 Sudermann, Hermann. Dame Care Modern library .95 Stevenson, Burton E. Marathon mystery Dodd 2.00 Peter Smith 1.25 ____ Storm center Burt .75 Excursion to Tilsit Liveright 2.50 Stevenson, Robert Louis Sue, Eugene. of Paris(Princeton series) Burt 1.75 Probably the best all around edition for library use is the (llammoth series) Burt 1.00 Skerryvore published by a combination of firms but listed under __ Wandering Jew (Princeton series) Burt 1.75 • Heinemann; 30 titles are included, 3/6 per vol., size large (Mammoth series) Burt 1.00 crown avo. Heinemann also publishes a Tusitala edition, 2/6. Scribner's best edition for libraries is the Biographical, Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels (Universal $1.50; the South Seas edition, 90c, is not good tor libraries. library) Grosset 1.00 Scribner also publishes the best illustrated edition (Wyeth), illus. by c. E. Brock Jlaemillan 2.00 ed. by Padraic Colum; illus. b,y Willy Pogany U.acmillan 2 .50 64

Swimlerton, Frank A. Nocturne Seeker 3/6 Doubleday $2.00 tolstoy. L. N. Resurrection oroeaet • • '16 Crowell t.OO t>o44 1,00 __ War and peao• He1.nemann 7/8 Tarbell~ Ida K. He knew Lincoln Macmillan l.f.~ llot1~1'!1 11brft.IT 1.00 Crowell fle50 Tarkington, Booth. Grosset .75 Dodd z.oo ---- Gentleman t~om Indiana Grosset .75 __ Jlagnificent Amber:sona Oroaaot .76 !omlin•on, I. II. ill ot.tr )'AA tA!'dA)'I HBI'J'Bl' 2.l)D __ Konsieur Beaucai~e G~osset .'75 __ Galliolls reach Harper 2.50 Penrod Groaaet .75 -- Pent-od and Sam G~seet .75 Tracr1 LoUie, MfDtor1oua 4ieappea~aAoe ~:rosset .75 __ Plutocrat (see below) __ Wings of the morninc Cil'OftiiWt .70 __ Seventeen Grosset .75 __ TurmoU Grosset .75 Train. Arthur C. rut, tutl Kr. Tutt sor11mer 2.00 Bote: Bus~ess and pleasure (new title tor __ TUtt and Xr. tutt 8 c ribn~ e.oo Plutocrat) Grosset .75 Trollope, Antho~. Barcbester towers. ~ .... lbdd B.OO ~A.. Tchekhov. 'ee Chekhov An ton __ Doctor Thorne {Bohn library-) ?Jell 2/ 1 !laok.well 12/6 Burt •75 ------2'1. ••• Terhune, llbert P. Amateur iJm -=---:---:-- e... • Dodd 2.00 va. ____ Luck of the laird Burt • 75 -- Last cllronicle of Bar!let. &"t • Dodd 0.00 aa • __ Runaway bag Burt • 75 !v. , B~ll B6/ __ Treasure Burt .75 ~--=---W8.I"den Pratt 1Dut.!ree lib. 1.50 __ Treve Grosset .75 -- Dodd 2.00 ThaCkeray, William Kakepeace Turaenev, Ivan S. Murray publishes three good editions - Centenary Biographical, The be:st library ed~t1on ift that or Heinemann, which 1ncludoa 11 Biographical, and Library - all, however, at 10/6. Macmillan titles, 3/6 ea.; Yirgin ~oil is in 2 Yol5. not ~old sep&rate!T. publishes a good edition, reprints ot first editions with the Macmillan has a good edition, 12. Scribner also hau eomv ol the original i!lustrations, edited b,y Lewis Melville, 4/6; and an titles, $2. !Ather~ and !,ODS is 1n Un1 T~rsal L!br1u7, Grosset 1 ,1. .llllerican edition, tl to $2. U'Pri lpmopd is in Universal L!braey, Smokt is in Mode~ Libr~ry. 95c; t~aveller'$ L!br~ry, Cape, ~/6 • Grosset, tl. Some popular titles are in Burt's Boms Library. Vanity Fair is published by Burt, 75c; 1n Novels Beautiful, Rarrap. Twain, llark 1/6; and in International Classics, witb 16 colored illustration8, Cheapest edition is that published b.r Ch~ttQ! 3/6. Harper ~ub• Dodd, $2. The V1r&1nians is also 1n International Classics. lishes some titles in the UDitorm Trade edit OD, 12.25 to $2.50; and HU~!leberrx Ftnp, Cgpnejtig~ ~~~c and Prtnge and toe Thane, Elewyth. Cloth ot gold Burt .75 pauper in Modern Classics, l.jfiqQi!gt~ 'Qrq~~ and AdT8nttir•• 2t Tom Sa!Yer are published by Grosset, 7~c. Winston has au Thayer, Lee. Dead men's shoes Burt .75 illustrated edition of Tom BaJYet, 11.85. Harp~r•s Ho11day edi­ tion contains good illustrated editions or same popular titles. Thompson, Maurice. Alice o£ old Vincennes Grosset .75 Thompson, Sylvia. Roun

66 - 0'7 Vance, Louis J. Lone wolf Burt t .75 Walpole, Hugh. Cathedral (Novels of disttnotlon) C:ro&a9t tl.OO Van Dine, s. S. Benson murder case Burt .75 __ t>ark torest (Novels ot dist1~ot1on) liZ'OISet l.QO __ Bishop murder case Grosset .75 -- DUchess of ffrBI8 (Novels or alstlllCtlon) Gt'O!I!Iet 1.00 "Canarr" murder ~ase Grosset .75 __ Fortitude (Novel~ of dietinetion) Oro~~u~t 1-00 Greene murder case Grosset .75 __ Four f'anta.stic tales lla C m lillf.ll "1/8 Scarab Cassell 3/G -- Gretm mirror (NoTel:s or d1:st1nct1on) Gro$~tst 1.00 World's great detective stories Blue ribbon 1.00 __ Hans Frost (Novels ot distinction) Groa:;ct 1.00 __ Jerelrq (Novel:J ot 41atiQotioA) Gro33et 1.00 Van Dyke, Henry-. Blue flower Scribner 2.50 __ Jeremy a.t oral~ (Novel! or d1st1net1on) U'l'ou•t 1.00 Scribner 1.00 __ Rogue Herrle.ll (Novels of' distinction) Grosset ltOO ·-- Wlnt~r5moou {Novels o! dl:stlncL!o.u) Grosset 1.00 Van Veehten, Carl. Nigger heaven (Novels of __ Young enoho.nted (Novolc ot distaotioD) Grosaot 1.00 distinction) Grosset 1.00 Rob~rt F.l~m~~@ __ Peter Whiffle Modern library .95 WaPO, Mrs. HumphrY. • llur.r!&y 7/G __ ---- 2v. ed. Mul'ray lZ/ Ver.ne, Jules. Around the world in 80 days Low 2/6 (Scribner series for young people) scribner 1.00 Wnrnor, SylviP. T. Lolly Willowea Viklnr; £.00 __ Kr. r __ From the earth to the moon (Home library) Burt 1.25 Fortune s maggot Viklug ~.oo Low 2/6 Hector Servadac Low 2/6 Wassermann, Jakob. Caspar Hauser (Novels ot Scribner 2.50 distinction) Gro~"ct LOU Journey to the canter of the aarth Oxford 3/.6 Gold (Novels or d1st~ct1on) Oro33et 1.00 (Scribner series ~or young people) Scribner 1.00 __ Wedlock (Novel~ oi' distinction) Groslilet 1.00 __ llichael Strogoff Low 2/6 __ World's end Allen & o 7/6 __ ---- illus. by N. C. Wyeth Scribner 2 .50 __ World' s 1llus1on Allen & U lO/ ______illus. Scribner 2.00 Ra.rcourt ~.~0 __ Mysterious island (Home libracy) Burt 1.25 Waterloo, Stanley. Sto~y of Ab Doubledzs.y 1.75 ~-. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea (Home Burt 1.25 library) N~than 14acm1ll8.D. 2.50 LOW 2/6 Watts, Krs. Mary S. Burke Scribner 1.00 (Kodern readeru) Ka<:millao .. eo __ Rise of J"enni~ cusning llll.Cm.111M 2.50 Note: The IU1e~.verne.Omnibu~ published by Lippincott, tB, includes: Twenty thousand leagues under the sea; Blockade Webb, Krs. Kary G. Gono to earth; illus. by runners; From the aarth to the moon; Around the world in 80 days. Norman Iie.f'f.le Cape. 7/6 (Florin books) Cape 2/ Viaud, L. M. J. §9§ Loti, Pierre, pseud. __ House in Dormer forest Cap~ 5/ __ Precious bane Cap a 2/ Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Best of all possible worlds Vanguard 3.00 1llus. by Rowland Hilder Cape 7/6 __ Candide Moder!l library .95 (Universal library) Grosset 1.00 Webster, Henry K. Corb:tn necklace Burt .75 Simpkin 3/6 __ Innocents Burt .75 __ ---- illus. by Odle Dutton 3.75 __ Ph1lopena Burt .75 _____ illus. by Rockwell Kent Random house 5.00 - __ Candide, and other romances Routledge 7/6 Webster, Jean. Daddy-Long-Legs Grosset .75 __ Zadig Simpkin 3/6 __ Dear enemy Grosset .75 (Bobn libracy) Harcourt .85 __ Zadig, and other romances Routledge 7/6 Wells, Carolyn. Omnibus Fleming Stone. Contains: Curved blade, Mystery of the sycamore, Spook7 Voynicb} Mrs. Ethel L. Gadfly Grosset .75 hollow, Vicky Van Lippincott 2.50 Wells, H. G. There is no generally satisfactor.y library edition for all of Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur Grosset .75 Wells• titles. The Macmillan 6/ edition is ~ood and contains (large type edition) Harper 2.50 many of the novels. Benn's Essex Library, 3/6, should be larger __ Fair god Boughton 3.00 and inner margins wider !or rebinding; otherwise it is an attrac­ tive edition. Collins publishes a pocket edition, 2/6, and Walpole, Horace. Castle or Otranto Chat to 5/ another at 2/. Harper, Scribner1 Macmillan, Duffield and Holt publish some titles in America, t2 to $2.50; manufacture is good but price is high. Ann V§rQpica is published by Peter Smith,tl.25 ... 68 DUtton ,1:!.50 Werfel, Franz Class reunion Simon $2.00 W11l1a•aon1 BentT. Bee.utitul T••rs v. -- DMUl8110ft da-ys Dutton 2.50 __ Death of a poor man Benn 6/ 2.M __ Pure 1D heart Simon 3.00 __ Patb1rf11 Dutton WU leie, Honore. Itt Korrow, BGDor6 w. Waat~ott, Edward N. David Barum Oros.set .1~ WUaoD, Barry L. Bunker Bean Lan~ Weyman, Stanley J. Gentleman of France Lon pans 7/6 2/6 Longmang 2.00 __ RUgglc8 of Red Gap LM14l S/8 • ~=-- Historical rolllAnees. Contains: Gentle•an ot France, Under the red robe, Count Hannibal Longmans 2.50 Wils~, llargarwt • A~le ael.aUghl1DS Grosset .7!5 __ House or tbe wolf Longmans ~.00 W1Dalow !hrra Pioture ~rames Knopf 2.50 __ Under the red robe Murray 2.50 1 s. • Wharton, Edith. Age of innocence (Novels ot Wister, Owan. L~df Balti•orv (Kodam reader 3) Kaom1llan __ Lin llcLellD BUr-t distinction) Grosset 1.00 __ Virg1n1m __ Children Appleton 3/6 a:ros~•t __ Ethan Frome Grayson 2/6 Wodebouse 1 P. G. Big mon•y (Modern students library) Scribner 1.00 Burt .7& • -- Hudson River bracketed (Novels of distinction) Grosset 1..00 __ Bill, the co11queror Burt .76 Appleton 5/ __ Carry on, Jeevesl BUrt .'7~ __ Old New York. 4v. {False dawn, Old maid, __ Pish preterred Burt .15 Spark, New Year's day) Appleton 1. 25 ea. GoJ.t W1 thout tears B\U't .'ffj __ ~--....r"'!'""_,.. 4v. (LODdon edition) Appleton 3/6 ea. Jee••• BUrt .?fJ __ Twilight sleep Appleton 3/6 __ Leave it to Psmitb BUrt .?5 __ VaUey ot decision Scribner 2.75 __ Little warrior Burt .15 __ lleet 1lr. IIUlliner Burt .7& White, Edward L. And1v1us Bedul.io Dutton 2.50 Jlostl7 S&lJ.T Burt .75 __ El Supremo Dutton 2.50 -- Sam 1n the suburbs Burt .15 __ Unwilling vestal Dutton 2.50 __ Saeth1ng new Burt .715 __ Verr good, Jeeves BUrt -75 White, Stewart E. Arizona nights DoubledQ7 2.00 __ Gold Doubleday 2.00 Woolf, Mrs. Virginia s. Jacob's room Harcourt 1.35 __ Gray dawn Doubleday 2.00 __ Krs. Dalloway Harcourt 1.35 __ Rules ot the game Doubleday 2.00 __ Orlando R•r~oYrt !.00 __ Silent places Doubleday 2.00 __ To the lighthouse Haroourt 1.35 __ Westerners Doubleday 2.00 Wren, Perc1Tal C. Grosset .7~ __ White, William A. Certain rich •an (•odern • oross•t .7~ readers' series} MaCJD1llan .eo __ Beau Sabreur Grosset .715 __ Soldiers ot m.istortune Grosset .7~ Whi techureh, Victor L. Canon in residence Unwin 3/6 __ Crime at Diana's pool Duffield 2.00 Wflie, Krs. Elinor B. JeonJter Lorn Knopr 2.50 ,__ Orphan angel Knopt 2.!50 Wiggin, Jtate Douglas. Jlother Carey's chickens Grosset .75 __ Venetian glass nephew Xnopr 2.50 - __ Rebecca o! S1meybrook tara Grosset .75 (Riverside bookshelf) Boughton 2.00 Black 2/6 Young, Emily- B. Kiss Mole Cape 5/ Wilde, Oscar. Picture of Dorian Gray Coward 2.00 Harcourt 2.50 • Modern library .95 -- William (Bovels of distinction} Grosset 1.00

Wilder, Thornton. Bridge o! San Luis Rer Ioung, Francis B. Cold harbour Burt .75 (Hovels ot distinction) Grosset 1.00 Collins 3/6 __ Cabala __ Dark tower Collins 3/6 llodern 11brary .95 __ 117 brother Jonathan Heinemann 5/ Lon pans 3/6 __ Sea horses ioaan ot Andros Bon1 2.50 Burt .75 -- __ Woodsmoke Collins 3/6 Williams, Ben A. All the brothers were valiant Dutton 2;00 __ SpleDdor Dutton 2.50 Young, Stark. Beaven trees Scribner 2.00 wuu.. s, Jesse L. They still tall 1n love Burt .75

- 70

Zangw111, Israel. Children ot the Ghetto Bloch f-2.00 llacllllllan 2.00 of the Ghetto Bloch 2.50 -- Ghetto eomed1es M.aemillan 2.50 ____ Ghetto tragedies llacmillan 2. 50 • Chat to 3/8 REPRINTS AUD PUBLIBHRRS ' S~nS Zola, Emile. Downfall 3/6 __ Work Chat to 3/6 Zweig, Arnold. Case of Sergeant Griseha seeker This list of 1'eprints and p'Ubliehora' aerie~ repre::ti!!Il~I:S Gro:s5et 1.00 thA best of nearly a hundred whi~ h have peen conaidered. It • may b~ of interest Qnd help to roent~on the oh1ef ruUlts ~~1eh caused the excl"Uslon of those series which do not appea~. Ihese faults may be characterized by the rollowtne ~~npr~lltl~~: thoie that are objectionable (1) because ot s1zo~ (E) b~e~use o£ the infer~or qual1ty or their manufacture, (3) because of d1~aer-@~bl• typo(;raph.J". Seriel5 issued in an excesstv~ly !mAll fo1•m.at ~vo been excluded because they are easily lost upon library shelv99, because they may ba readily concoaled upon the person of the

• acquisitive bol'!"(>Yrer , b'Ut particularly becnus~ they art1 us\Qll y provided with such limited margins tbnt rebinding becom~s impoi­ sible, SO that th~ life of the small bOok i~ Con5lderably 5bO~ter than ·the period of use the l1brar1~n naa tne right tv ~xpect. Pocket editions are uudesirabl e for these r~ason5. It may Pe suggested tnat the stze or the Modern rcnde~~· serl@~ (7t"x4!") be used as the dividing line between series that ~an and cannot be recommended. Certain series were excluded becau~e of the low grade or the materials used 1n their manufacture. Paper, ink and binding materials are concerned here. On the whole, only a small group offends for these reasons. The paper and ink used in the making ot books 1n this country justify little c1·iticlsm but bihding is almost universally bad, and there is consequently no alternative but to rebind early in an attractive and permanent form. In the matter of typography we have a much more difficult problem to face. If, in reading, we begin to realize that the type of the book in hand is tiring to the eye, we are likely to assume that the type is too large, or, more frequently, too small. This is indeed often the case, yet such fa~ts as inadequate leading between the lines or the illegibility of the particular type face employed, are the true contributing causes of eye­ atrain. Fortunately, contemporary typographic practice is almost

• 73

always above criticism on this point. What is oftan not ~eal1Zed, desisned lor ch11dr9n in order to hA ~U~~ ~A 1~ ord@r1n2 COmDlete authentic texts. however, is that many of these series, othe~wise satisfactory and enough, have been reprinted from plates made thirty to fifty years ago. Types used 1n England and America 1n the last half • Appleton dollar library of the nineteenth century were generally those we are accu3tomed Pocket size. Narrow margins • . to aall "small type" although the fault often lay in the printing Appleton modern literature oerieo rather than in the type size. In America these types were used Good, hut looks 11ke a teitbook. as late as 1910 and after, though less frequently than before. Astor library Dodd LOO Broadly speaking, therefore, it may be assumed that books printed P•ir. Some titles are abridged. from plates made before 1900 or 1905 are not easily readable. • • Beacon hill bookshelr L!Gtle 1.00 Careful attention to copyright dates will, in many cases, give Excellent. the clew to a book's desirability, though this rule should not Beacon library ot fiction classic~ L1ttl~ be taken too literally. Only a thorough knowledge of individual Ercellent. ~.00 examples will suffice. Black and gold library Liveri!iliht P..OO It should be mentioned that the series listed below do not Excellent. always fully meet the requirements laid down. Many individual titles of several of the series included have been reprinted from Blue Jade library Knop£ 1.00 These books are well made, excellent tor library use, old plates like those discussed above. In general, however, the but the number of titles is &mall. (Formerly priced plates have been kept 1n good condition, and skilful workmanship at $3.)

has been applied throughout the printing processes. Criticism Blue ribbon books Combination ot publlsher~ • 1.00 directed at these books because of their type is modified by the Good. MA~gins !omet1mes narrow, varytne with ~1tle. manner 1n which the reprinting was done. Bohn' s library !ell 6/ The popular copyright fiction titles as issued by A. L. Excellent edition of classics. Usually n1or~ than one volume to a title. (Priced at 6/ rl th a tew eJtceptions) Burt & Company, and Grosset and Dunlap are not strongly recom­ mended as long as they are issued in their present format. Bohn's popular library Ra reourt . 85 Good. (Published 1n London by Bell at 2/) Libraries have to use them, however. The plates that have been used are in· practically all cases satisfactory. On the other Books for younger readers Grosset 1.00 Good. hand, quality of the paper, binding and workmanship that goes into the making o!' these books is inferior. They are not Borzoi pocket books Knopf 1.00 designed to stand up under constant wear, and they rapidly de­ Excellent except for size, as ipdicated by title. teriorate in libraries. Borzoi popular dollar books Knopf 1.00 At least two series should be mentioned because of their A new series. Contains a good class of authors. Some popular non-fiction included. The physical format of the excellent editing: Everyman's library (Dutton), and the Modern books is pleasing; paper opaque; margins wide enough for library. Generally speaking, both of these series are unsatis­ rebinding; Qinding adequate. factory, however, because of their small size and because of Burt's home library Burt 1.25 many obvious typographic faults. But there are instances, Fair. Wher~ other edit1Q~3. Qf the tit~es included in th~ series a~e ava~lable th1~ series is not recommeqded. Very old particularly in the case ot non-fiction, where certain titles and worn plates have been used in producing this series, and s~e workmanship and materials used are generally bad. The binding issued in these series are to be preferred above the titles • • is unattractive but relatively strong. In view of the large round in typographically superior editions. • • number of standard library fiction titles included in the The... book selector will also need to watch series series it is considered wise to list it here. Burt's mammoth series Burt 1.00 • Fair • 74 75

• CambridgG classics Houghton !2.00 Illustrated pocket classics Good . Good exoept tor size. Interoat1onal classics noaa Centaur library Chat to 3/6 z.oo Excellent. Excellent. Illustrations not d1st1n~u1~hed, but make book &ttract1ve,p~rt1cularly to non - book1~h ro~~ o ro. Century classics Century 1.75 International library Good. McK•¥ 1.00 Fair. Translations. A ~aries d!i.iS1Knod tor oh1ldren but frequently uaetul in adult oolloctton~. Large typo wo11 Children's classics Macmillan 1.00 1 Good. {Formerly priced at tl.75.) leaded, printed on cood quality paper. Chief obJection 13 the colored illustraticn pa~ted on the front covMr. This Ber1es should be watched carefully to m~ke sure texts have Cornell series• Burt .75 Fair. not been wri tten-down ror ctlllat'en • Junior st~r uo ll~r Garden c i t;.y 1.00 Cranford series Macmillan 6/ Reproductions or illustrations b~r tumous o.rticto poor • .Excellent. {Macmillan, H. Y., have 15 titles 1n this series, $2 ea. and a few at t2.40) Juveniles of di~tinction 1.00 Good. Ebony library Dodd Too expensive (average price t6.50). Good, though Llbrary or earlY novellsts Dutton large. Some titles seem rather padded. Fair. Type rather a~ l l.

Essex library Benn 3/6 Luxembourg ed1t1on Crowell 2.00 Pocket. Very narrow margins. Good. Everyman's library Dutton .90 Kacaulay gold lnbal books Kacaulay 1.00 Fair. (cloth, reinforce~ Dutton 90c; Dent 3/) This popular copyright series, comparatively now, is good for the prioe, although as yet the tttles are mo~tly d~tectiv@ Fairmount classics Macrae 1.50 stories and the type of flction libraries do not stock. The Gooo. paper i s gooo and type does not ~how th~oueh. u~rgins arH Golden books for children McKay 1.50 Wide enough to rebind. Si~e, octavo. Binding as good us Fair. others in this price range. Green and blue library Macmillan 1.75 Modern classics Good. see Harpor•s modern classics

Harper's Juvenile classics Harper 2.50 Kodern libra~ Modern lihrar.y .9S Good. MaJority or titles in this series oannot bo rebound because ot narrow margins. Harper's modern classics Harper 1.00 Good, but the series is not sold to public llodern library giants .llodern 11tlrary 1.00 libraries. Available for schools and school Although few titles have as yet appeared tn the series, the libraries. purpose is laudable from at least one point of view of the librarian. This series presents in one volume titles which Home 11brary have ordinarily appeared in from two to tour. In order to se~ Burt's home library crowd the material into a convenient sized one-volume format the designer of the series has specified thin paper as his Honor bopks Thocas Nelson 1.25 chief means of securing added space. Normal ~pe sizes are Essentially juvenile but includes some tit :~ s rPad by adults, used, and the type page reads easily, e ~ cept for the slight such as Last of t~e Mqbicag~. Size good; ~aper adequate; contusion occasioned by the showing through of the type on type large; ill~strations, colored plates not reproduced the other side of the leaf. particularly well, and black and white line drawin5s at head and tail of chapters. About 21 titles available. ilot Modern literature as &ood as it should be for the price. sge Appleton modern literature series Illustrated classics 2 .50 Modern literature series Excellent. see Appleton modern literature series Modern literature series Ginn .92 • 76 77

Modern readers' series Macmillan $ .80 Riverside college classics Boughton ~ .65 Excellent type, paper, binding, but margins in many cases do Good exeapt for ~1ze, wh1eh 1s nearly poc&at. to 1.00 not allow of rebinding. Substantially made. Contains ~any fiction classics. The chief objection is to the small site: Rivorsida library Hour;hton the books measure 7l" x 4f"· Not highly attraetive, but Excellent. readable. Issued in two bindings: cloth and half-leather. In some titles the inner margin is too narrow to permit rebinding. Riverside li~erature ~erie! liou.gbtOil Individual volumes should be examined and each Judged on its Good, though sugg~~tLve of textbook~. Poach a sint:le number ot own merits. about 100 pases. "BrlsLol board" except when otherw1ae spoc1f1ed. {Various pric@l!!l und8r f·l) Modern student's librar,y Scribner 1.00 Pocket size, otherwise good. s~r1hner series or lllustrated ola~s1cs a@e Illustrated claasica Mew Essex library see Essex library Scribner's sarles for young p~ople scrumer l.OO Cood. New pocket classics Macmillan .60 Pocket size. Too much like textbook, even to numbering of Sta~ dollar books Garden c l ty 1.00 lines. Excell8nt for the most part. Ocoasioually ho.ve too narrow margins f or bindins. Novels beautiful Sarrap 7/6 Same aa International classics, Dodd, but different binding. Student'o library or contgmporarf rictlon 1.00 J:;xcellent. Novels of distinction Grosset 1.00 Excellent. Printed from the plates of original editions on Tr~veller's librarr Capo 3/6 good quality paper. The binding is frequently unattractive Good, tholltih rather small size (~mAll cr. Bvo.) but often stronger than that of the $2 or (·2. 50 original edition. Untver!&l library Oro ~ 3et 1.00 Excellent. A serie5 printed rrom new plstes, with~ut 1ll~tra ­ Oxford standard authors Oxford 1.50 t1on or excessive ornamentation. Ooorl paper ts u~od; binding Oood. (special binding at extra price) is of no~l strength, althoubh not Qspecially AttrAetive_ ~~ type page, thou~h relativelY blacK, is comfortable to t he eye. Pocket classics ·Macmillan .48 Well worth rebinding after t h e initiel pertod or uso is over. Size makes these almost impossible for librar,y. Titles available in other editions . washington square classics Good. Princeton series Burt 1.75 Fair. Windermere series Rand MeHaily 1.00 A Juvenile series containing some booko road by adults, such ag Queen's treasure series Bell Ivanhoe. Oood size; paper and ty~e good; excellent colored Excellent. illustrations. Can be rebound. Now c ont~lins only 18 titlll8, all of them classics. Additional adult titles: Three musketeers, Rittenhouse classics Macrae 2.00 TwentY tqousand l~ague~_qnde r the sea, ~obigsQn Crusoe, Tre~!ure Good. Fiction classics done in a convenient sized format, l.sla.nd. usually in one volume. In many cases the most attractive edi­ Doubleday 1.00 tion available of the titles included. The chief objections are Windmill books pale, unattractive paper, and often a too close setting of type, Good. making uncomfortable reading. Binding is of average strength. World classics Orlord .80 m~e this a bad choice for libraries. Riverside Aldine series Houghton 1.50 Size and marl!ins Good. Riverside bookshelf Houghton 2.00 Excellent. Illustrated. A ser1P.s designed for children, but contains many titles suitable for the adult collection. Cle~rly printed in large type. Each book contains colored illustrations, • including one pasted to the front cover; this constitutes the chief objection to the series. It is well to make sure that the adult titles in this series are not written-down for children. • • • • •

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