Effect of Water Chemistry on the Planktonic Communities and Relationships Among Food Web Components Across a Freshwater Ecotone
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Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 65 (4), 1491-1504, 2013 DOI:10.2298/ABS1304491M EFFECT OF WATER CHEMISTRY ON THE PLANKTONIC COMMUNITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS AMONG FOOD WEB COMPONENTS ACROSS A FRESHWATER ECOTONE T. MIECZAN*, MAŁGORZATA ADAMCZUK and DOROTA NAWROT Department of Hydrobiology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 20-262 Lublin, Poland Abstract - Most ecological research on the food web has been focused more on the pelagic zone than on the transitional zone – ecotones between lentic and lotic habitats. The specific goals of this study were to determine whether the contact zone of waters differs in hydrochemical and biological terms from the waters of the canal and the open water zone, and to evaluate the influence of particular macro-habitats on the interactions between components of the planktonic food web. The distribution of samples in ordination space led us to conclude that the studied habitats are distributed along the ris- ing gradient of total organic carbon and nutrients. Assemblages of all investigated groups showed a strong compositional gradient correlated with conductivity and total phosphorus, while a second strong gradient in species composition was ex- plained by nitrate nitrogen and/or phosphate concentrations. The analysis of trophic relationships in the system bacteria- ciliates-crustaceans reveals a clear differentiation and strength of mutual relations between the analyzed zones. The highest number of significant correlations was determined in the contact zone. It can also be a place of very efficient matter and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems. Key words: Reservoir, ecotone, food web, bacteria, ciliates, crustacean Introduction and filter of incoming organic matter, nutrients and mineral suspension. The studies of the effect of The boundaries between water bodies (lakes, ecotones on zooplankton communities have been ponds, reservoirs) and adjacent terrestrial patch- concentrated on rotifers (Ejsmont-Karabin, 2003), es play an import role in coupling terrestrial with bacteria and periphyton communities (Fleituch aquatic ecosystems. Ecotones are transition zones et al., 2001). However, very little is known about between relatively homogenous areas or patches. large-scale of bacteria, protozoan and crustacean They are zones in which environmental gradients density and their function in the ecotones of fresh- are steepened, where rates of change in ecological water systems. Protozoa communities are integrally patterns and processes are increased relatively to linked to aquatic habitats and their abundance and the surrounding. The canal-reservoir system may community structure are related to both chemical thus be perceived a spatial system of two kinds and physical conditions in lake and river, making of ecosystems or patches. Ecotonal zones of these them useful bioindicators (Xu et al., 2005). These patches would be formed by the zones of mixing the microorganisms are important consumers of pico- reservoir water with river/canal water (Hillbricht- and nano-sized producers; they are nutrient regen- Ilkowska and Węgleńska, 2003). The zone of river erators and an important food source for metazo- inflow to a reservoir functions as a barrier system ans (Pierce and Turner, 1992; Biyu, 2001). Even less 1491 1492 T. MIECZAN ET AL. knowledge exists concerning the regulating mecha- MaterialS AND Methods nisms between microorganisms with respect to spe- cies composition and abundance of crustaceans in Study area freshwater contact zones. The classical grazer food chain and the planktonic food web are linked by Lake Dratów is a storage, eutrophic reservoir (sur- several direct and indirect interactions. Metazoan face area 167.9 ha, max depth 2.9 m) situated in the grazing is important for the recycling of nutrients area of Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland (eastern Poland) and production of dissolved organic substrates for (Fig. 1). Over 80% of the lake catchment is used for bacteria, but it is also a controlling factor for the agriculture purposes (mostly arable lands and mead- protozoan community structure. Zooplankton ows). In 1961, this lake was placed into the Wieprz- predation, mainly by copepods, on ciliates is well Krzna Canal (W-KC). Additionally, in the zone of documented in pelagic zones (Jack and Gilbert, W-KC, 13 lakes were transformed into storage res- 1997). However, our knowledge of the distribution ervoirs (Dawidek et al., 2004). As a result of feeding and regulating factors of microorganisms in tran- with canal waters, the rate of water exchange in the sitional zones is still fragmentary. The first step in lakes increased and its quality and trophic conditions understanding the structural and functional sig- improved. The hydrotechnological facilities are effi- nificance of these microorganisms is the analysis of cient, carefully maintained and failure-free. The wa- density and biological diversity between different ter in the reservoir is exchanged several times in a zones. Because the canal/reservoir zone is recog- hydrological year, irrespective of the natural feeding nized as an ecotone (the contact zone between two system (Dawidek et al., 2004). Dratów reservoir is different ecosystems), it was assumed that it should characterized by permanent and long-lasting blooms show significant differences of physical and chemi- of cyanophyte. Emergent vegetation is dominated by cal water parameters from adjacent habitats, and be common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex distinguished by high species richness and abun- Steud.), bulrush (Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) Palla) dance of bacteria, ciliates and crustaceans, includ- and broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia L.). Submerged ing the occurrence of species typical of the zone. vegetation is limited to very small, single stands of According to di Castri et al. (1988), ecotones are rigid hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum L.) and transitional zones between relatively homogenous sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.). areas or patches and characterized by high struc- tural and spatial diversity. They are zones in which Sampling and identification environmental gradients are steepened, where rates of change in ecological patterns and processes are Microbial communities (bacteria and ciliates) and increased relatively to the surrounding. The specific crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) were exam- goals of the study were: i) to analyze the taxonomic ined in a transect including 1 – Wieprz-Krzna Canal composition and abundance of microbial and crus- (WKC), 2 – contact zone: canal/reservoir (WKC/R), tacean communities, ii) to describe environmental 3 – littoral zone (L), 4 - pelagic zone (P) (Fig. 1). The variables responsible for the distribution of bacte- samples were taken from April to October 2012. Col- ria, ciliates and crustaceans in an adjacent canal, lected data were presented in three seasons, spring ecotone and reservoir (littoral-pelagic zone); iii) to (April), summer (July) and autumn (September). determine whether the contact zone waters differ in During each sampling occasion, three samples were hydrochemical and biological terms from the wa- collected from each site. At each of the sites, samples ters of the canal and the open water zone; and iv) to were collected with a 5-liter Bernatowicz sampler. evaluate the influence of particular macro-habitats (canal, canal/reservoir, littoral, pelagic zone) on the The bacterial abundance and biomass were de- interactions among components of the planktonic termined by means of DAPI (4´6-diamidino-2- food web. phenylindole)-staining and epifluorescence micro- biodiVersitY IN ecotone zone IN lakes 1493 scopy, according to the method of Porter and Fleig appropriate geometric formulas (Finlay, 1982). An (1980). 10 ml of water was preserved with formalde- obvious shrinkage of stained ciliates was observed hyde to a final concentration of 2% and kept in the in the silver preparation. The calculated cell volumes dark at 4oC. Four slides were made from each sample were multiplied with a correcting factor of 0.4 (Jer- in which subsamples of 2 ml were filtered on 0.2 µm ome et al., 1993). Crustacean biomass was estimated pore-size polycarbonate filters that were stained with via the relations between body length and body mass Irgalan Black. The bacteria were counted in 250 ran- of a given specimen (Dumont et al., 1975; Bottrell et domly chosen fields of view. al., 1976; Culver et al., 1985) by applying established mathematic formulas. The abundance of ciliates and their community composition were determined using Utermöhl’s Abiotic variables method. 5 l samples were filtered through a plank- ton net of 10 µm mesh size. Protozoa samples (whole Once a month, the water samples (volume of 500 sample = 500 ml) was sedimented for 24 h in a cyl- ml) for chemical analyses were taken. Temperature, inder, stoppered with parafilm, then the upper was conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) were gently removed. In order to determine the density, determined in situ with a multiparametric probe, three samples were preserved with Logol’s solution total organic carbon (TOC) was determined using and stored in the dark at a temperature of 4°C. Ob- the spectrophotometer PASTEL UV and the remain- servation of live samples was used for the taxonomic ing factors (TP – total phosphorus, P-PO4, N-NH4, and trophic identification. Ciliates are highly perish- N-NO3, chlorophyll a) were analyzed in the labora- able, and their type of motility is a species-specific tory (Golterman, 1969). feature; for this reason, species determination