Celebrating Israel @ 71: Our Community Unites
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Jewish Federation of El Paso Non-Profit Org. 7110 N. Mesa U.S. Postage El Paso, Texas 79912 PAID El Paso, Texas RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Permit No. 1256 Pages 6-7 Pages Our Community Unites Community Our Celebrating Israel @ 71: 71: @ Israel Celebrating June 2019 June Sivan/Tammuz 5779 Sivan/Tammuz 2 | June 2019 The Jewish Voice Music, noshes and fun at Federation’s 82nd Annual Meeting Our Jewish community packed the sec- ens of images from events sponsored by Paso. The second is a demographic study The crowd enjoyed delicious food, ond floor of the city’s Whole Foods store the Federation and Jewish organizations of the area’s Jewish population that can wine, and beer from Whole Foods along on May 20 to celebrate one of the busi- supported by it. Photos of many mem- help shape the community’s and Federa- with live music presented by Frank Etcet- est years ever for the Jewish Federation bers of our Jewish community flashed tion’s work and goals in the future. era. The evening was a memorable one, across the large screen ac- Congratulations to Dr. Lauren Eisen- with a diverse multi-generational gath- companied by lively music. berg and Adam Rosenfield, recipients ering of both new faces and old friends Handouts at each table listed of the 2019 Bernard and Florence from across Las Cruces, El Paso and our the many recipients of funds Schoichet Young Leadership Award. entire community. Kudos to event co- and budgeted programming Ophra Leyser-Whalen, the 2018 award chairs, Stephanie Calvo and Loree Fur- expenses with percentages recipient, spoke of the couple’s ongoing man! and amounts set to total commitment to the community, their Cindy Graff Cohen around $471,376 this year. outstanding work in the shul and local Editor, The Jewish Voice Both the video and the funds organizations, and their involvement distribution list are on the with the Federation’s Maimonides Soci- Federation’s website at www. ety for medical professionals. The award of Greater El Paso. The meeting intro- jewishpaso.org and were sent out in the includes a grant toward a trip to the Jew- duced the 2019-20 Board of Directors Federation’s weekly email. ish Federations of North America Gen- and reviewed the past year’s activities. Janet’s remarks to the crowd expanded eral Assembly in Washington, D.C., in Janet Wechter, Board President, and on her “mantra” for the year: “Better To- November. Scott Stevens, Vice President - Nominat- gether.” She spoke about building bridg- Lauren, daughter of Cliff and Martha ing, thanked outgoing board members es and finding a way forward, regardless Eisenberg and granddaughter of Jack for their service: William Bass, Loree of affiliation and perspectives. She intro- and Doris (of beloved memory) Eisen- Furman, Julian Gonzalez-Herrell, David duced two important initiatives for the berg, grew up in El Paso’s Jewish com- Kern (JCRC Chair), Steve Lanski, John coming year. The first is an ambitious munity. The couple’s three children Moye, Debbie Pazos, and Mitch Pus- and highly important program aimed at – Davna, Oliver, and Andrew – repre- chett. helping our partners work collaboratively sent the family’s fourth generation of Executive Director Robert French pre- with a shared sense of purpose to tackle involvement in Jewish education and sented an inspiring video featuring doz- challenges facing Jewish life in Greater El service. 2019-20 Board Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso Janet Wechter, President Leslie Beckoff, Vice-President - Campaign Scott Stevens, Vice-President - Governance Hal Ettinger, Treasurer Ophra Leyser-Whalen, Secretary Neal Rosendorf, Chair - Jewish Community Relations Council Eitan Lavi, Immediate Past President Stephanie Calvo Wendy Lanski Cesar Carrasco Shane Wagman Shari Ehrlich Romero Martha Eisenberg Melissa Silverstein Robin Furman Daniel Sonnen Ben Kaufman Bill Stein Debra Kanof Peter Svarzbein Monika Kimball A publication of the Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso The Jewish Voice of El Paso, published ten times a year, is dedicated to informing, educating, and uniting the Jewish community by providing news items of local, national, Israeli and international concern. The Jewish Voice will consider for publication any materials submitted that support the mission of the Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso and have relevance and appeal to the El Paso Jewish community. Articles are subject to editing at the editor’s discretion and are subject to space limitations. Letters cannot be longer than 150 words and articles must be kept to a maximum of 300 words. Please email to [email protected] Opinions are those of individual writers and not necessarily those of the Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso. The Jewish Voice is not responsible for the kashrut of any product or eating establishment advertised herein. Robert French Executive Director: Cindy Graff Cohen Sue Bendalin Editor: Campaign Director: Said Buhaya Janet Kent Wechter Advertising Representative: President: Beatriz Garcia 915-842-9554 Layout and Design: Office: PDX Printing 7110 North Mesa, El Paso, TX 79912 Printing: No July or August issue. Due Date for the September issue of the Voice: August 12 BETTER TOGETHER The Jewish Voice June 2019 | 3 Better Together: A look forward June is a good time to reflect on the them and listening to their ideas and con- El Paso Jewish Community”, which Rob- 2018-19 year and look ahead, as Janet cerns – and he is still meeting with them. ert French, outlined in his report, “Engage, Wechter completes her first year as Board Communications have improved. The Connect & Support.” Since then we have President and new Executive Director, Jewish Voice is better positioned to share been awarded an Impact Grant from the Robert French, approaches his first-year news about the Federation and our com- Jewish Community Foundation which will milestone. Your Jewish Federation has be- munity. The website continues to improve fund this important work with a diverse gun to be more visible and make a greater and our weekly email is opened by more group of leaders and representatives to difference in our Jewish community – and people. help bring about true collaboration and that’s just the beginning, as we learned in a The Jewish Community Relations positive change in the Greater El Paso recent conversation with Janet. Council (JCRC) has been very involved community. Members from our commu- this year. PJ Library is doing a better job nity will be invited as well to share ideas Cindy Graff Cohen: What changes with engaging young children and their and create innovative solutions to our com- have you seen over the last year at the Jew- parents with educational programs that are munity’s needs. ish Federation? also really fun. Borderland’s Café Europa By coming together and listening with an Janet Wechter: More involvement. for our senior community members has open heart, we can build bridges amongst you deeply care about the Jewish commu- More outreach. The Federation is doing a expanded its programming. Our commu- our institutions that can having significant nity, no matter how you identify yourself better job at working with the community nity is abuzz with our successes of Good effects on our community. It takes more Jewishly. to get buy-in for the programs and engag- Deeds Day, our moving and inspiring Ha- than just a willingness to make this happen ing more people, regardless of age. We tikvah program and our Celebrate Israel – there are techniques and a trained profes- CGC: What else is next for the Federa- have an engaged and committed Director @ 71. (People have even taken the time to sional can help to facilitate this growth. An tion? and an active Board. call, email and write to us, our Chairs and objective facilitator can guide us through JW: We have an exciting and ambitious Our staff is more organized, with more volunteers to thank us!) Robert’s fundrais- honest conversations about what we’re do- research project launching this summer direction. Having a Jewish community ing expertise helped last year and we’re on ing, what we need to be doing, and how we at UTEP in the Sociology Department – professional like Robert French work with track to increase donations in 2019 as our can bring Jewish life to those in need and it’s a comprehensive survey of our Jewish us and with volunteers is a game changer. community gains a better understanding those who may not be involved. community that you will be hearing more He spent his first six months meeting with of our role and our purpose. about in August. The data collected will not only give us population, but also help community members, getting to know We improved our Granting Process and CGC: What has surprised you about are continuing to do so for the benefit of this past year? us understand the needs, attitudes and perceptions of our Jewish community. It our grantees and community members. JW: It surprised me that I could actually will be available to our partner organiza- These We Honor With do this! I read and studied BoardSource CGC: What new initiative is in the best practices, good governance, and tions, and we hope will provide answers to Tributes works for the Federation? looked for techniques to engage our Board fundamental questions about how to serve needs which will ensure the health and vi- Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso JW: We’re creating a new forum with and volunteers. This and my energy and the goal of bringing our partner Jew- determination to make a difference fueled tality of our community’s future. We need to be proactive in developing To: Leslie Beckoff in Honor of Your ish organizations together for the benefit me.