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RICHMOND DAILY WHIG. RICHMOND, VA„ OCTOBER I(i, 1843. Tin: ( 0> ST IT I TIOX—ST ATI: ItK.ll'IN. VOLUME TO. NUMBER »l RICHMOND DAILY WHIG. ROBERT R. DUVAL, Edited AM:\t>DI H LONDONS, WILLINGHAM .ETXA FIRE by nONDl.KV. Ap*lhccary and nrunlm, limit <kinarr, DREWRY, INSURANCE COMPANY CITY COTXCIL. llkhiuund, Va. Wliolesule Dealer* in «»»• mad doctors. Thk. nr -I'o IIIIITmilD, «’rty subscriber*. pm year; I« that Mia. FOREIGN PRY Virginia. At a 1787. Bordvll, Ike meee of Al- aad for ■ shorter period. or when arul mail. CiEO. 4* DOMESTIC GOODS, rwwtirc^f?1**7 called Meeting. 12th inst.— dermanliipyR bjr *10_payable. ,n W. I was in Thursday, Bovde.l. wax shot at in the street FERRY, Company Micor|><iratcil the year I rCM-nt bv a man who all rtm. la advnnee. Main Street. a a. wae wbuusim; axd nt.TAir, run l»IH, with (“•n-tuaJ charter and a Myers, J. A. J. arrt.ted on the Her * otAi.tR in Capitalof AKMI.OOO. Punour; Lancaster, apot. clothe, .re mi on Hi*, but A—For fifteen an.1 inaurtw hum — James the line* (or less) on* 73 m i" ANU nr damage rim on Hobson, M. W. K. suffered no serious Insertion. crib; i'APN, by dwelling lm«. ^ Wickham, Butler, Henry injury, and. indeed, it waa never two insertion* *1 121 ; three insertion* Krrpa coneianily on hand ■ cuuplrlv ■■oiunnil of Jones £ manufacturing e*ahLvhmo,lU. hornwhuhl and L.udlain,JMnua K. W. that the 01 So; and every snccend ever* article FEAKg WINSTON, furoiUire. m-rchan Griffin, Henry Clarke, Haxall, N. proved pi.Ml, wer- loaded with am dur in deatru. flat nay be railed for in MIW'KKH AMI general, .111 lint meed favorable term* thin* In* insertion. 33 rents. lia line. foailimioi 'II IU IMMN, AlilU, Joseph .Mayo, and J. W. 1‘rgrain. Pr,*’"*r ,um,'d b“* «->>"■• Main arret. I door above Mmi. Any Iwt which the «n.„.r Vanlew. Mouth a fo. e Hard 9 doors Cuiujany may murtmn on neiiies taken at rite of named I’TI Transient advertiser* must |«a> in advance. below the Bell U... t,e Report the Committee of on the defence »et Tavern, agency. mu »,th 1 Accounts, 'J‘-. up w„ v|>uw«d promptm..!* ami hberahty. a in °.n 'V*1 m.anity, Th* number of insertiona of Richmond, Va. .lainl-arlain account ol and disbursements Proof^ ,K of which Dr. AUvertisenwnta must he noted on me AnUi.atiOtw for irwuranc or Oh renewal receipu for Sitnnione, phyateian to St. Luke', • !r.o. R. of police. may he *,x canto MH or will be inserted Prttc, .nailr toon. «<l«w r,he,. win. la. month*, ending lll»t last, referred to wa* forward ,mong other witnesses. they until onlsred Is he stoppe.1 GAY NOR & I«w„ fully appointed Agent for tte August them, The doctor amlrhar^ WOOD CO., of received and •d On* door al*ovr thr MmiwuiiiK J', ■-**> IticiwiKitid and approved that had examin- Bh°W ,h*' "'•te °* »•' accordingly fry" Orilers to stop must also he in ItrII Tavrrn. Main rtrrrt. vicinity. They report they ,'° unhappy mao', writing ed the accounts arid ‘j in mmd'. Annual Ilavr rnnrtanlJy on hand a lar»r Edm*d T. WumoK. H. BALDWIN. Afi-nt. found it correct, and the balance in his produced court a paper which Elliot Advertisers an charged *30 for 30 lines, and In that HmorUiiriiiof ||riir%, Y|rdi. had w-nt to him. f ndtr Um hands, was £ 15,0G5,‘iG. for the purpoa. of for Wye ____ Bsckmi lloifl being presented to the proportion advertisements of greater length, nod *30 lur 13 dow •'alnlv, OIU, Wln- Royal Society. h.,t f.luan, Ar. which offer at Tne Bond ol .Mnncurc & as which the doctor too hne*; they reduced price* SAMUEL R Fua PHILA DELPHI K Dunlop, Co., Auctioneers, thought v.aion.ry for that learned bo. eacept Auctioneers and dealers, who are DOVR was Isuiery charged received and and their License dy. He called the attention of the Slot), APOTHECARY' a NII DKdGGIHT, Tin* #clir approved, renewed. court particularly to a (paper included.) JUDAH rogtilur packet I.A(,'RAN<;K, A communication MYERS A: Hifi, of Hi* Hlv*k nnd was received from -Samuel “'bat the CO., Boy Mortar. Mamoon Houh*. Mam rtirr*» '"»*«*. ha tin* part of her cargo will have Sublett, .tin no. a WIIOI.KHAI.R li UKTAII. DKAI.KKH IN 1 i1*1?.' engaged. Chairman ol the body of firelLWh,eu ae hath !‘"t,OTbeen Kirhiuntnl. Va. •ii-patrli | «»r or to Watering Committee, in of a hitherto Houta, Kitova, Irrifht pa^-age, apply pursuance supposed. but that ,t. TravcMiui K•■-♦•I-tjfi«»;i ot the on u * ‘,nd Trunka, farpet lla,,, JAMBS nsilBB A M>v Coniniittrr, Tthinst., (ullow^ : "niT*r'*1 aurora, ttnv Business atford fTm i*""* which Directory. Tito Hntermg Committee understood that a be. ample ligh. to the inhabitant* of Keep C.maanlly o„ hand a van smith having that body. !.•»'** „ri,en.,M n~,,i,„e„| of lew; Foot <>R BOM ON— Ii* I and be I ho that the Reserv beneath, yet atatich a r"‘," ,h* liui>ortrr% unci E>«iiIith In triyotl Hctir (jen’l prevails, oir is not generally kept full ol dmt.nce aloll ae not ,p‘>,',vrtl and North, ri. Mauufac tori'lffii ft nil Domrttlr HAt^ \K. to.nnoy Henry Brown uui.ter, a water, mid tnat this them. No he MAURY cV having con.iderable from cause the higher partaot the City objection.- proceed, to .ay PURCELL, of Iw-r cargo engaged, will have that Den I ere In liirurrent Hunk dwpatch—For Ireigbt of the ha lane do not receive their and w luminary', Rirhongr, Notes, KT«,»untry Merchant* at a HARDWARE, CUTLERY, *" supply, hen that inhabited, and (applied very .mail advance on Mu SADDLERY, 13 a particularly sup. vegitation may nutertuver* •w?» j\mpsfihhf.k i.v to be more ob.atn there a, weU a, w„h us. and Coin, price*. ply i«rri)Uircd ample in caaes ol time, deem it There may he GUNS, 4-r., / OW hill- wa" rTnd Two doors Im'Iow corner Main and I till streets. JlOAU Mvi». f Mam KRLMLX— To Sail ab u t TBC necessary to state lor the iiiiurinalton of dry land, ar.d dale-, ram and fair Street, between 1 It hand 1 .*»!*, Richmond. 1st the Council and wen then and. a. the Va. Virginia Norunjuj -o Tnoaa* W. Kvvkvi. I ho A. 1 the cnuens, thnt the idea referred to is Mfl". the season must I* j“'c«unonil, ktm foji|ior<>(l and coppcr-fastcned wholly Unfounded. eternal; cnacquenllv. it may r The " b" P. «hip PA IJN K, now on only periods when the Reservoir is not are when 7 b> «l,e DUNLOP, MONCURE & CO, H. AMI Clpt. Wacbton. her way from full, 50!,c,MVe‘1 blissful habitation DON, °** *° u,,r o»T Tthe Auetlonrer* H. n»«* will hr loaded for the water in tin* River is Whole Here then we nnd ConitulMlon I\i. II l’ Bremen unmedmtejy, very muddy and that in the Re.,n- find ae a tlrrrhnnts, Fashionable the addneed DSONi, Hatter, having greater part of her cargo engaged. For servoir and it is proot of the madnem of Mr. Street leading to Mayo's Bridge. K freight or iue clear; then deemed advisable to continue Elliot the very doctrine which II NTIST, Ei(lun|> llofrl. Richmond. Va. '»Je.apply to Ll'IlliAM. PHRSTON fc. CO. the from the aa H.mchcl with much • on .Vain supply Reservoir long as practicable,ao aa promulgated applause fight lau* Offier Street, Square abate the Hank* Idbernl canli advance, made on to yeara DAVENPORT .hipuienu conaigner* of to give tune lor thu water m the to —rwtifa llttieie. ALLEN, Perrtmn.all on the above River become clear he. Quarterly operation, the Teeth, for their and RODINSON L \ratrl. by oe 13 f Aurllonren rand ('oititnlwaloti beauty nreerrva- POITIAUX, I... CO fore into tlrrchants, U°n. and man. the be.t kind of Comininlon ninl pumping up the Reservoir. The Committee will Incorruptible Teeth, moidy „r I'arwardln, tlrri forner of I) aisl hill on lining also 1 nat 15th streets. ■•!.. ihe m...l appro, cd to BOR I LAND—The worn! add, they arc informed the plan.. Kefer the Itrv’d Hr p|n- Opposite »oiitli bank of Unsm. sohr AB- by Superintendent, AN AWKWARD .friend U tin a It nwr. Kev'd Hr. BA Till I.A. now that in caseol P ire MISTAKE.—One of the moat */ dcscriyt.ess */ fVoyrefy. sad stale sdrsn rf# Knipir. Iluhbnrd. (Sardner At t V. llo„. II U fapt. Killy, ready to receive cargo, will the Reservoir can be full brated c«lc. |laj.!„lf. i. i: have always kept associates of the of M Hr. K. IS. ill.patch—For freight or gang adept, with which Ander (dauifwnmfi. Hr.t'hamberlayne. Oahell, and tieone Wauon. M li panrage. apply on hoard at Ie-.ter.' by pumping up the water during the existence of the K»n Util II-Jttui wharf, or 10 11 fire, (committed to take hi, trial at JAMBSTtSHEB A but on no occasion lias this Liverpool for receiving EDWIN been necessary. stolen notea) ha. been InEOES £ The Committee connecled, „ known by the designs, BROTHER, OLD Broker and FARRAR, FIRST PACKET FOR NEW ask leave to call the attention of the lion nf Auciloiirrni DOMINION CLOTHI.NO Wtlp foiumlaion YORK.