The Union and Journal
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m I BE TRUE, AND FAITHFUL, AND VALIANT FOR THE PUBLIC LIBERTIES IETOR. * VOLUME XXL BIDDEFORD, ME.. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 18B5. NUMBER 35. wm ■a- •' nnd inarnlml fur XOJI SWIPKRT TAXIS. He rerv felt with Mr Fessen- so and he Petroleum V. on the Political (Jo home, my friend, Spare L4nes. BERWICK ACADEMY, justly thai, transparent unassuming. Naiby Sarah heirs 173 SO den's und known at the Hit friend told ^ie that he was a Situation. the conflict. Tell jour ecntrai committia to SOTTU ■KR'WICK, MAINE. Cleave*, ot experience ability gacious. The eoldierecml! lira biacnit the "rook 0 F & 115 00 aruej Emery Co., head of the Finance Committee, his man of Ilia neighbor, to collect axpeneo tnunnj, and ! and Genral A Folaom, 376 00 accept- profound policy. The Cincinnati Commercial contain! the of agee." waa a Ferria and and FOUNDED 1791. Hobsoo, 1014 88 ance would go far towards re-establishing a whom I have referred, said he gnat Kernal Muebj Chap Fergu« Joseph ft keen document: ere wiee who make no useless crosses R Jo. 191 19 think Mowing •on nnd Bo and that Tlifj dan, jr., of Ho Mid to hira very thinker—that ho wu accustomed to Dick Turner and regard, Tfc» FALL TERM of thfa «UI eon. J King, heira of, 100 <13 feeling security. S/ixt's Rest, (which ia in the Suto ) for themselves to beer. " old off bat Dm Inrtrac. 143 75 the Lord has not de much on the affairs o( the nation. Soma* uv Noo noble hero (takn jour while I ■kik» on WEDNESDAY, Aug. OOlh, u~kr Richard k Hubert Mc.Manuf, earnestly, Fesscnden, Jeray), July 12, 1805. J 405 03 hie Nature Ubele the to Uonof C Sweetsir, serted ino thus and ho is not to times ha would his friends on the street her bin to and whila thur pronounce name), Ginral Robert E. Lee, hangs upon die*>lute, 172 50 far, going pass 1 Waahington, Twambley & Smith, " her et the A. — a in his will cum and the North (or disgust A. O. STOOK1M. M-, Principal, Am Wentworth, 109 11 now you must accept! They separated, without sign of recognition—lost 1 waa interdooat to Gineral Marion Fitxhoo up stump jer testify eutopic. Mm C. A. W. TOWLK kmmun, 864 41 I tickita. 1 her dun." Horace Woodman, the Senator in great anxiety of mind. Dur- deep musings. Again, as a neighbor ap- Guaher, of I waa aokahua 2 A bone of contention should bo thrown A KAWSOM Turui or Fumuiir. Miaaiaaippy, T. " thot ex lie atalkt the entire Mr Lincoln almost him lie would cast up his eye, a Noble man," I, innjes. when there ie no bmI on FIm anal f<* Clmkr. ing da) urged proached ineet repryaentativ dnnekrat uv the South, awnj longer any an man who willed to and see Mr. and "I've been thinking," awaj, takin, in abstractin it. H. II. 1I0BB9, VcrrUry. nil go Fenenden, smile, remark, 2 xohnngo vewe, 2 hev aoothin oonfideocia, 2 ticallj Mouth Berwick, Aug. IV. 1M&. JwS4 the and thou to of his ner new hat and learin his and pruts upon hiui duty of accepting. prooeed unfold the suhjeot unbuszum, becoe for the 4 the mj umbrellcr, ••Tell mo not in mournful numbera" ie parvt yeree '• Ifjiscellaneons. tlie>*> was a New York old wuita; who coodent fuller thee, and Among delegation of thoughts. diramoknittik party's bin truly aeokanal, now rendered, ••tell me not in obituary eta* tich aa thee, for ever and erer?" ABRAHAM LINCOLN. tankers whom I hud the honor of introducing nnd the aeokahun it lira okkerpied ia not the tieUoe." The Local PCTROLEl'M V. to the President. In the name of the bank- Newspaper, identical aeckahun onto which the orfieeea ia NaIBT, Reminiscences and Anecdotes. Flow*™ fling their wealth upon the vacant their satis- Late Palter of the Church ol tho Noo $)Dttro. ing community, they expressed Somebody, we don't know who. talks well lokatid, and only by a perfeck union with air, ind rich men often fling tbeire upon the From a new or the artist faction at This was Diapenaaahun. chapter Carpen- the nomination. espec- in the following paragrsgh in relation to the our wunat luvd brethren uv the South, kin vacant heir. The Eleventh Hoar. of Mr. in thin ter'* reminiscences Lincoln, to him, and, in tho strongest a and tho we ever onto Nnahunal ially gratifying advantage of local newspaper, duty i^it trooiy ground. Mies Flutter, who teased her father at an " week's wo take the : manner to see Fes- Justice. and worn, ami Independent, following he entreated them Mr. a We ask atten- Ginernl Guaher in a troo of the Tho and the Ohiof hid, agad. of giviug it liboral support. gentleman Kegroos inopportuno rnwnent lor a "waterfall," re- One atanda knocking at a gate ; IIH SKNSITIVKN13S. senden and nssure him of their A. ur- support." tion to the following thoughts, rani Southern akool. He puta C. S. •• of the Cincinnati Gasotte, who ceived two datna instead. do In tha caaaa particularly Ak«Uo." Though light (Mom I Jo not recall an instance of his referring and hia MR. LINCOLN AND ISl'RETAKY STANTON. of those who bccauso the ter hia name, onto the hotel register, on his Ute Knocking though to lata. grumble* accompanied Chief Justicc Chase The editor of a paper in Indiana wante to to any act of his administration with any- nnd tho head uv hia kano Il haa (truck dmn j ift not in siss or matter to buzzum ringa, an aecnunt Entering the President's room about eleven per e<|iial reading pina, .Southern tour, gives interesting know if Western whiskey was ever seen com- In tha omna «f haaren, thing like complacency or self-satisfaction. ia awl raudo uv the bonea uv miserable Yan- one f found him seat- tho o( Boston or New York. Make of an interview between the Chief Justice the and o'clock evening, alone, pipers in' rye. Yrt ha atiU doth knock wait. I watched him the run aca bi through closely during political a or n kee who fell at Bull —he ed at the office tuhle, with n tho place where you resido Boston aojitrs. and a delegation of colored men, in whioh excitement to the Baltimore Con long large pile be for who- There cannot be smile the Hhito no anatrrr previous hia own hand, and it muet ao, a'pleaaant upon eoaieth of military comiuiaaiona before him, which New York in sise or business, and then yoor the talk turned principally upon the suffrage see if I could discover of to boaat of the hopoleee. The blow which crush* rruoi tha hcamdy MU, vention, signs as as the evor knode a Southerner vainglori- lipe t<j he w«n one one. down local press will become valuable us follows: Btrmad aaftk xmlrr ain to Hi^ning hy Sitting question, ea the life *ill shatter the atnile. 1 nmhition, und 1 free my thnt, We uiet and •• perforin " of those Give to the home uuiily? embraat, weepin pro* »oere to At hU earacat «UL beaido him. ho remarked, I do not, na vou proM places. 'Suppose you permitted rote,' from the welfare of the there A fl>uh Id Alabima the uncon- fear but apart country, a liberal encouragement, and it can lie fooatly. paper aaya Il-I» anil i|ufckcn aeo, to read over these documenta. press said the Chief Justiee, 'what guaranty would no evidence to show to mind that he pretend " wut a W MW the (had'Mn thicken \ wan my inuoh ; but it a •*AUrt!" Bobbed the Gineral, quered aoul of the South iaatill ereet. I see that Stanton haa signed them, ao I con improved givo only niggardly the Government have that yoq would know Sup- Milt he wan lie la knocking, knocking ever thought of himself. And yet and that and it will be nitcmaro hee obskiircd our reapectiv viahuna [>oee you aak it to ait down, then. elude they are nil right." l'uiming here, he support, grudgingly, how to rote, or that your influence would sensitive to the of his friends. lor the 4 I was nltua a (J rim Um gate very opinions hard work tho mnobine. But p>»rst yerea! Unyun •'Show rots the man who catsoucumlwra at uoupennl read u portion of one, beginning with the pretty running not be c»st on the sido of bud moral* and bad ftanda with har and luck ( A Governor of a W«tm State, true and man, Allan!! Tho old I " —— to tho extract referred to. Hero it is: allua, alius, tUg name of the individual, is here- night," saysMr. Quilp, "and I'll show jou umecu politics?' Yet arithiu the Porter at a certain con- •• as the heat, Is more oommon than to hear luvd with moro nor uffelcahun —2 one who tulcee loyal juncture with the nink Nothing parental Mr. a littlo black great pamx lor lile trouble." llrarkeiM to the kl*ck. by appointed adjutant general, " 'Oh, Judge,' ejaculated himself for some reasons me was more oor ceived aggrieved hy talk of what lor it lito! • Dutng and undoing, of Ao. E. M. Stanton, Secretary people they pay newspapers fellow, wo know who our friends are,' ft is mid a human haa occasion to send in captain, body twerty-flglit faint and yrt purpling, tho President. (Living &o>. as so much in char ••Why, then, my ajicka," aohbed T, of War." "There," paid he, appending advertising.