REDC Region Capital Region Municipality Name City of Schenectady Downtown Name Downtown Schenectady County Name Schenectady Applicant Contact Schenectady Metroplex Ray Gillen, Chairman Email
[email protected] Secondary Contact Jayme Lahut, Executive Director Contact Email
[email protected] Schenectady is ready for the DRI. Our community works together to get results. In 2004, Schenectady was fading after the loss of 40,000 industrial jobs. Our downtown was arguably the most distressed in New York State. The fiscal situation was perilous. Today, fifteen years later, we have learned how to work together to produce impressive results. Our unified approach to economic development has resulted in new investments and new jobs that have turned around the city’s fortunes. From worst to first we like to say. We went from a negative financial outlook to solid bond ratings and four straight tax cuts. From an empty downtown to an urban center that is filled with jobs and life again. From a dead zone where a 60-acre abandoned factory site sat dormant for 50 years to a vibrant waterfront destination that is now the most visited place in the Capital Region. The vision for DRI Schenectady is to tie together our rebounding downtown with our new waterfront creating a dynamic 24/7 destination for businesses and visitors. We look forward to working with the Capital Regional Development Council to make this vision a reality. DRI planning and implementation resources are very much needed to complete the redevelopment of downtown Schenectady. A DRI investment will put our community on a firm, solid path toward a diversified economy with a strong 24/7 downtown.